Stress - Your title here...

Your Title Here... STRESS Stress was always one of the massive problems of humanity especially after the 20th century where people started paying so much attention to everyday work. Also the loss of ethics and values in todays society is one of the reasons that people became so insecure and they are really afraid of relationships and critics. The question is How much stress do people have nowadays. It’s going to be an anti-stress/pressure campaign. Photography always help people understand the point of an image especially when it’s expressive and the medium is the person himself and can actually bond with the model of the picture. So, they feel familiar and either consciously or not, they understand and get familiar with the photograph. The audience is every person in this world that works, studies or generally lives in our today society. The project is important to me simply because I am human and I feel the same way. It’s my responsibility as a designer to try and make people happier and more conscious. Graphic Design is an important medium for audience in the 21st century. Everything depends on how something is shown to public so you can influence them in a good way.


Stress - Your title here... folio sheets

Transcript of Stress - Your title here...

Your Title Here...

STRESSStress was always one of the massive problems of humanity especially after the 20th century where people started paying so much attention to everyday work. Also the loss of ethics and values in todays society is one of the reasons that people became so insecure and they are really afraid of relationships and critics.

The question is How much stress do people have nowadays. It’s going to be an anti-stress/pressure campaign. Photography always help people understand the point of an image especially when it’s expressive and the medium is the person himself and can actually bond with the model of the picture. So, they feel familiar and either consciously or not, they understand and get familiar with the photograph. The audience is every person in this world that works, studies or generally lives in our today society.

The project is important to me simply because I am human and I feel the same way. It’s my responsibility as a designer to try and make people happier and more conscious. Graphic Design is an important medium for audience in the 21st century. Everything depends on how something is shown to public so you can influence them in a good way.

?Stress Survey: “What causes you stress in your everyday life”

I’ve done an interesting Survey through facebook in approximately seventy (70) people asking them what they stress about every day. This survey was people between 17-25 years old. Twenty eight (28) answered my question and I got some interesting answers as common ones as well like the below results:Some interesting answers were:

“The thing that stress me the most is the unknown, the fact of not knowing what will happen tomorrow”

“I stress myself very much when I play Jack Black at the casino”

“I stress when I wake up in the morning and I have no cigarettes. It stress me even more when there’s no coffee, too”

“I’m afraid of failure, not disappoint people around me and my family”

“What scares me the most is our generation, VERY MUCH, because our parents failed in the past years in most fields so now I feel the need to do something about it”

“The trip preparation stress me out. Also always being on time for my appointments, even for coffee”

42% stress for Fututre

39% stress for University

14% stress for Relationships

07% stress for Health

Artists on Stress

1.Mental Health Foundation: Manage your stress

Mindfulness…What’s playing on your mind?Manage your stress with

2.Zachary Zavislak

3.Dmitriy Polyakov

4.Yoan Capote, Stress (Monumental), 2010, Concrete and Cast bronze

The idea of this work comes from personal experience of the artist to push the teeth the effect of stress, but we can also consider this sculpture as a monument to the collective experience of stress in contemporary urban life.

After researching all the kind of arts, I’ve noticed that the most powerful in visualization is photography. So these are some strong examples of pure photography captured just for stress!

Experimental Photography First PartThe images here are one of my photography experiment to represent and try to picture stress in different human positions, facial expressions and reactions.My models are good friends of mine that although they agreed to do it their reaction after the selotape wasn’t so pleasant. The feeling of trying to get out of something that pushes you and holds you so tide is desperate and stressing which was what I wanted to show.

I also write some words or symbols on the selotape, symbolics of stress effects. The one is freedom which is one of the most important that stress can take from you because you feel so traped emotionally. The other one is obvious and writes stress. The third image has a question mark which represents the after situation. What happens next when you stress? You get sick and feel miserable without any sensible image of the real world.

Second Part Experimental Photography

The second experiment that I did was with glass. Several people press against the glass. They used several body parts like hands, breast, head, face, fingers, foot, tummy and other. Through this process I want to represent the pressure that is caused by stress which is like you are in a glass box, you can see everything but you can’t do anything and at the end you panic, stress.

The process was very creative and real and people actually felt that kind of pressure I wanted them to show, they even cut their fingers which made it more realistic. Every single person could play that role because everyone has its own everyday stress.

Third Part Experimental Photography

The third experiment for my stress project was similar to the selotape one. I used selotape to pressure the body in several positions to show the stress that’s caused from the presure. The different part was that I took the photographs in public space.

I did that to show the different kinds of stress in the world, for all the ages and genders. Every age has its own stress. Some people worry about their outside looks and they always have the doubt that they are not beautiful or attractive.

Some people stress for the university and the studies. Other people maybe older ones worry about their job, work and proffesional success, One other major stress is the family, if you have kids and wife or husband you have to protect them and help them in every step.

Fourth Part Experimental Photography

The fourth experiment was about the effects of stress on people. I took various photos on people swating, having insomnia that causes red eyes and I tried to picture this dream we all had, that we fall into the blank hole. Scientists say that this is because we have stress. Stress can harm people very much, even in their health, seriously. Many cancer patients are in this situation and its because of a big percentage of stress.

According to latest health reports, Stress is said to be one of the largest killers of man today. Stress is now becoming more accepted as being crucially related to our total health – physical, mental and emotional. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, the majority of all physician visits are prompted by stress-related symptoms that are known to cause or worsen medical conditions.