Stress Management Do Something Nice

Kaitlin Knoff November 17, 2014 Stress Management Wendy Hills Stress Reliever: Do Something Nice When we do generous things for other people we feel good about ourselves after and it even can put us in a brighter mood knowing that we made someone else’s day. When we perform something nice for another it can relate to stress because even though we may be stressed with our own problems or ourselves, carrying out a kind act towards another can almost relieve a little bit of that stress amongst ourselves knowing that we did a kind act. It can also be a good stress, for an example throwing a surprise party for someone and having the stress of needing to get everything in a certain amount of time but when we see how much the person who we threw the surprise party appreciated it, it pays off to being a good stress. After I do my good deed of the day or help someone else, my mood is always lifted. I always feel a sense of accomplishment and a small burst of energy of joy. Today my nice act for others was cleaning my entire apartment before any of my three roommates woke up. After the long week and especially the weekend, our apartment can get pretty messy. Between the four of us we usually split the cleaning between the kitchen, bathroom, and living room. Sunday I woke up before everyone and just started cleaning everything for no reason. I did all of the dishes, I mopped the floors, cleaned the entire bathroom (including the nasty, not fun toilet), and vacuumed. I was extremely happy that I did this because my roommates appreciated it very much and the look on their face waking up to an already clean house was rewarding enough. Another kind act that I did was pay for one of my roommate’s breakfast over the weekend. One of my friend’s and I went to the Chase Street Market over the weekend to get one of their delicious breakfast sandwiches. Prior to going, I asked everyone in the house including our neighbors if they wanted me to pick them up anything and one of my roommates wanted to come but she



Transcript of Stress Management Do Something Nice

Kaitlin KnoffNovember 17, 2014Stress ManagementWendy Hills

Stress Reliever: Do Something Nice

When we do generous things for other people we feel good about ourselves after and it even can put us in a brighter mood knowing that we made someone elses day. When we perform something nice for another it can relate to stress because even though we may be stressed with our own problems or ourselves, carrying out a kind act towards another can almost relieve a little bit of that stress amongst ourselves knowing that we did a kind act. It can also be a good stress, for an example throwing a surprise party for someone and having the stress of needing to get everything in a certain amount of time but when we see how much the person who we threw the surprise party appreciated it, it pays off to being a good stress. After I do my good deed of the day or help someone else, my mood is always lifted. I always feel a sense of accomplishment and a small burst of energy of joy. Today my nice act for others was cleaning my entire apartment before any of my three roommates woke up. After the long week and especially the weekend, our apartment can get pretty messy. Between the four of us we usually split the cleaning between the kitchen, bathroom, and living room. Sunday I woke up before everyone and just started cleaning everything for no reason. I did all of the dishes, I mopped the floors, cleaned the entire bathroom (including the nasty, not fun toilet), and vacuumed. I was extremely happy that I did this because my roommates appreciated it very much and the look on their face waking up to an already clean house was rewarding enough. Another kind act that I did was pay for one of my roommates breakfast over the weekend. One of my friends and I went to the Chase Street Market over the weekend to get one of their delicious breakfast sandwiches. Prior to going, I asked everyone in the house including our neighbors if they wanted me to pick them up anything and one of my roommates wanted to come but she could not because she did not have any money. I told her that I would pay for her without having to worry about paying me back. She was very appreciative of that and happy. I felt good too, almost a warm feeling inside knowing that I helped her out. She even said that next time, she will pay for me.Performing kind acts for other is very rewarding and it can even pay off. I believe in karma and if you do something nice for someone else, good karma will come your way and it will pay off. Doing kind acts for others simply puts you in a better mood as it feels good to give to others. Doing kind acts for others can almost even bring a sense of peace within yourself knowing that you have helped someone else out and you made their day. A simple hello or holding the door for someone can be considered as a nice act and brighten someones day. We all should do at least one nice act for someone else every day.