Street art methods


Transcript of Street art methods

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By Gabriela Sokol

Page 2: Street art methods

There are many ways of creating street art. Different artists use different methods. Two types of making street art can be distinguished: permanent and non-permanent. The permanent ways usually damage the properties they are being made on and the environment. The non-permanent methods have no impact on the surrounding and disappear after a period of time. The methods vary depending on the artist’s background. In poorer areas artists may not be able to create sticker or poster art as it requires, not always cheap, printing. That could lead to them using traditional graffiti and stencil. In bigger cities where there is less space and possibility to create graffiti without getting caught posters and stickers may be more popular.

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Tiles Art

Tile art is a way of putting different coloured tiles together so they make “pixel” images. This method has been invented and is used by an artist nicknamed Space Invader. The artist creates the images at home and sticks them together so he can then quickly stick them in the urban area without being caught. This method allows him to create original pieces that don’t permanently cause damage to the properties as he uses glue to stick them on, and the artwork can be easily removed. The artwork made using this method makes the area look more colourful and interesting.

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Sticker Art

Sticker Art is a method of representing street art using stickers. The stickers can be placed anywhere in public to display the artwork. They may present any kind of images, illustrations, slogans or other forms of text. Using sticker art became ore popular as technology improved and printing stickers at home became an option also the cost of the printing has changed, the ink and paper are cheaper. Those changes encouraged more street artists to create their own designs and put them onto stickers.

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Stencil art is a type of street art that uses stencil, previously cut out templates that allow the artist to quickly spray over it to create an image. Stencil are widely available, can be made by anyone using any type of material from plain paper, cardboard, plastic sheets, metals to wood and a sharp tool. Using stencil allows you to recreate your work once you have the stencil done. One of the most famous street artists, Banksy is mainly using stencil to create his artwork. It is important to him to stay anonymous and stencil is the best way to quickly create a permanent piece of artwork. He uses his stencil to recreate his famous artwork.

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Poster Art

Poster Art is a type of street art that is presented in a form of a poster. The posters can exhibit illustrations, slogans, messages. This method is a non-permanent method however placing posters in some places is illegal. Poster art is widely available and once the design is created the poster can be reproduced many times what means a larger audience gets to see it. Improvements in technology keep on making posters in large formats being easier and cheaper to print at home what inspires and encourages more people do this type of street art. One of the most famous artist using poster art is Shepard Fairey. His poster “Obey” that has been copied and hanged around the city got a lot of attention because of the strong image, original style and many copies of the poster that made it noticeable. Posters are a easy way to get your message across in public.

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Flower Bombs

Flower bombs are balls containing seeds of wildflowers that can be thrown into not the best looking, damaged areas to make them better looking, more interesting and environmentally friendly. To grow the seeds are rolled up with organic compost so they can survive even in rough areas, they only need some rain and sun to grow and start to sprout. The balls are made of non toxic color powders to make them more interesting. This method of street art is totally harmless and is made to improve the area and make it more enjoyable for people passing through.

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Lego street art is a way of street art where artists fins broken, damaged buildings or other constructions and fill the holes with Lego. It makes the damaged, old structures look colorful and interesting again. This for of street art makes the area look nicer and attracts people. It is also non permanent as the Legos can be easily removed if the owner of the property doesn’t like it.

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Chewing gum

Paintings on chewing gum have been invented by Ben Wilson who started it in London. He covered over 10,000 of chewing gum on the pavements, turning ugly, dirty looking litter into interesting, colorful artwork. His work is tiny and very detailed, it is done with paint and is permanent however he doesn’t damage anyone’s property as it is done directly on the chewing gum.

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LED lights

Jenny Holzer in her projects used lights. She would set up a projector or LED lights to display the text she has created. This method was temporary and got a lot of attention because of the unusual method. These days using e.g. LED lights to create street art is a lot easier that it used be because the resources are cheaper and widely available, that encourages artists to use different methods to create their pieces.