Stream Processing at Scale with Spring XD and Kafka

Unless otherwise indicated, these slides are © 2013-2015 Pivotal Software, Inc. and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license: SPRINGONE2GX WASHINGTON, DC Stream Processing at Scale with Spring XD and Kafka By Marius Bogoevici @mariusbogoevici (and more)

Transcript of Stream Processing at Scale with Spring XD and Kafka

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Stream Processing at Scale with Spring XD and Kafka

By Marius Bogoevici @mariusbogoevici

(and more)

Page 2: Stream Processing at Scale with Spring XD and Kafka

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About me

• Staff Engineer at Pivotal

• Works on Spring XD, Spring Cloud Stream, Spring Cloud Data Flow, Spring Integration, Spring Integration

• Formerly: InfinityQuick, Red Hat (JBoss), SpringSource


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Stream Processing in the Big Data


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The domain of stream processing

• Now have the ability to cheaply store and analyze huge quantities of data

• Traditionally the realm of batch processing but also demand for real-time

• aka ‘Stream Processing’

• Some characteristics of Stream Processing

• High volume

• Low latency

• Often data is grouped and ordered


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Streaming and real-time analysis examples

• “Internet of Things”

• Fraud Detection

• Measuring Quality of Service

• Predictive Maintenance

• Log aggregation


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Our Toolkit

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Apache Kafka message

• Initially developed at LinkedIn, open-sourced in 2011

• High-throughput distributed messaging system

• Publish-subscribe messaging rethought as a message log

• Decoupled data pipelines between producers and consumers


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Apache Kafka: Topics and logs

• Each topic, divided in many partitions read/written independently

• Producers can target partitions and topics directly

• Distributed, replicated

• Linear reads, writes


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Producers and consumers

• Producers, consumers completely decoupled from each other

• Partitions are distributed and replicated

• Reads/writes from the partition leader


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Why Kafka for Stream Processing

• High throughput, low latency due to linear reads/writes

• High performance on commodity hardware

• Replayability (consuming from existing offsets)

• Can be used as a master dataset

• Consumer groups are completely independent of each other

• Guaranteed ordered delivery within a partition

• Competing consumer scenarios are difficult to implement

• Generally, not an issue with stream processing


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Spring Integration Kafka

• Started in 2011

• Goal: adapting to the abstractions Spring Messaging and Spring Integration

• Easy access to the unique features of Kafka;

• Namespace, Java DSL support

• To migrate to 0.8.3 once available

• Defaults focused towards performance (disable ID generation, timestamp)


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Spring Integration Kafka: Channel Adapters


Kafka Inbound Channel Adapter Kafka Outbound Channel AdapterSpring Messaging Message Channel

Spring Messaging Message

Spring Messaging Message

DI Configuration DI Configuration

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Spring Integration Kafka Producer Configuration

• Default producer configuration

• Distinct per-topic producer configurations

• Destination target or partition controlled via SPEL expressions or headers


<int-­‐kafka:producer-­‐context  id="kafkaProducerContext">                  <int-­‐kafka:producer-­‐configurations>                          <int-­‐kafka:producer-­‐configuration  broker-­‐list="localhost:9092"                                                key-­‐class-­‐type="java.lang.String"                                                value-­‐class-­‐type="java.lang.String"                                                topic="test1"                                                value-­‐serializer="kafkaSerializer"                                                key-­‐serializer="kafkaSerializer"                                                compression-­‐type="none"/>                          <int-­‐kafka:producer-­‐configuration  broker-­‐list="localhost:9092"                                                  topic="regextopic.*"                                                  compression-­‐type="gzip"/>                  </int-­‐kafka:producer-­‐configurations>          </int-­‐kafka:producer-­‐context>

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Spring Integration Kafka Consumer• Own client based on Simple Consumer API

• Listen to specific partitions!

• Offset control - when to be written and where (no Zookeeper);

• Programmer-controlled acknowledgment;

• SI defaults focused towards performance

• No ID, timestamp generation (can be turned on, optionally)

• Concurrent message processing (preserving per-partition ordering) via Reactor

• Basic operations via KafkaTemplate

• Kafka specific headers


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Spring Integration Kafka Consumer Example


<int-­‐kafka:zookeeper-­‐connect  id="zkConnect"  zk-­‐connect=“localhost:2181"/>  

<bean  id="kafkaConfiguration"  class="org.springframework.integration.kafka.core.ZookeeperConfiguration">     <constructor-­‐arg  ref="zkConnect"/>  </bean>  

<int-­‐kafka:message-­‐driven-­‐channel-­‐adapter         id="adapter"         channel="output"         connection-­‐factory="connectionFactory"         key-­‐decoder="decoder"         payload-­‐decoder="decoder"         max-­‐fetch="100"         topics="${kafka.test.topic}"/>  

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Spring Integration Kafka Message Listener

• Auto-acknowledging

• With manual acknowledgment


public  interface  MessageListener  {     void  onMessage(KafkaMessage  message);  }  

public  interface  AcknowledgingMessageListener  {     void  onMessage(KafkaMessage  message,  Acknowledgment  acknowledgment);  }  

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Spring Integration Kafka: Message Headers


public abstract class KafkaHeaders {private static final String PREFIX = "kafka_";public static final String TOPIC = PREFIX + "topic";public static final String MESSAGE_KEY = PREFIX + "messageKey";public static final String PARTITION_ID = PREFIX + "partitionId";public static final String OFFSET = PREFIX + "offset";public static final String NEXT_OFFSET = PREFIX + "nextOffset";public static final String ACKNOWLEDGMENT = PREFIX +


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Spring Integration Kafka: Offset Management

• Injectable strategy

• Allows customizing the starting offsets

• Implementations: SI MetadataStore-backed (e.g. Redis, Gemfire), Kafka compacted topic-backed (pre-0.8.2), Kafka 0.8.2 native

• Messages can be auto acknowledged (by the adapter) or manually acknowledged (by the user)

• Manual acknowledgment useful when messages are processed asynchronously

• Acknowledgment passed as message header or as argument


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DEMO: Spring Integration Kafka at Work


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Spring XD and Stream processing

• Higher abstractions are required

• Integrating seamlessly and transparently with the middleware

• Building on top of Spring Integration and Spring Batch

• Pre-built modules using the entire power of the Spring ecosystem


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Streams in Spring XD













Note: Named channels allow for a directed graph of data flow


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Spring XD: Stream DSL


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Spring XD - Message Bus abstraction

• Binds module inputs and outputs to a transport


Binds module inputs and outputs to a transport Performs Serialization (Kryo) Local, Rabbit, Redis, and Kafka

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Spring XD Distributed Runtime


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Spring XD and Kafka - the message bus

• Each pipe between modules is a topic;

• Spring XD creates topics automatically;

• Topics are pre-partitioned based on module count and concurrency;

• Overpartitioning is available as an option;

• Multiple consumer modules ‘divide’ the partition set of a topic using a deterministic algorithm;


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Spring XD and Kafka: Partitioning

• Required in distributed stateful processing: related data must be processed on the same node;

• Partitioning logic configured in Spring XD via deployment manifest

• partitionKeyExpression=payload.sensorId

• When using Kafka as a bus, partition key logic maps directly to Kafka transport partitioning natively


Partition 0

Partition 1




Average Processor

Average Processor


http | avg-temperatures

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Spring XD and Kafka:


Combine the high performance of Kafka with the powerful abstractions of Spring XD

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Performance metrics of Spring XD 1.2


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Performance metrics of Spring XD 1.2


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Demo: Stream processing at scale with Spring XD









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Cloud Native

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Stream Processing at Scale: Message-driven Microservices


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Scaling with streams

• Parallelism is key for scaling

• A single machine’s resources can be exhausted really fast

• CPU: serialization

• Memory: keeping state, caching lookup data

• Disk: especially for brokers

• Network: saturating the interfaces

• Vertical scaling == exponential cost

• And failover redundancy is still a requirement

• Cluster sizes can get really big

• tens, hundreds of module instances

• which leads to ….


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Spring Cloud Stream/Spring Cloud Data Flow

• Successors to Spring XD 1.x

• New goals:

• Cloud native;

• Micro service architecture for modules;

• Most valuable features should be preserved;

• Abstracting out the connection to the transport

• Same abstractions, backwards compatible DSL;


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Spring XD Modules

•  Execute inside of a Spring XD Container

•  Consist of beans in an application context

•  Multiple modules may run in a container, each with their own class loader


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•  OOTB modules •  Executable Boot Apps

•  Boot for Spring Integration and Batch •  Auto-Configuration, Bindings





Spring Cloud Data Flow

Spring Cloud Stream


Spring Cloud Task Modules

Spring Cloud Stream

Spring Cloud Task

•  REST API, Shell, UI •  Module Deployer SPI:

•  Singlenode •  Lattice •  YARN •  Cloud Foundry

From Modules to Microservices

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Container Container

Spring XD 1.x


Spring Cloud Stream

•  Modules run inside containers •  Container is a Boot app •  Modules are ApplicationContexts

•  Modules are executable Boot apps •  Easier to use Spring Cloud features •  Easier to test, consistent dev experience •  Portable and “cloud-native”








ZooKeeper Spring Cloud Data Flow (optional) SPI Implementation

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Transparent development model


public  interface  Source  {     String  OUTPUT  =  "output";     @Output(Source.OUTPUT)     MessageChannel  output();  }  

@EnableBinding(Source.class)  @EnableConfigurationProperties(TimeSourceProperties.class)  @Import(PeriodicTriggerConfiguration.class)  public  class  TimeSource  {     @Autowired     private  TimeSourceProperties  properties;     @InboundChannelAdapter(value  =  Source.OUTPUT,  poller  =  @Poller(         trigger  =  PeriodicTriggerConfiguration.TRIGGER_BEAN_NAME,                                      maxMessagesPerPoll  =  "1"))     public  String  publishTime()  {       return  new  SimpleDateFormat(  Date());     }  }  

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Where is Kafka ?

• Out of sight, but not out of mind

• On the class path ( just like all the other binders)

• Bindings/Channel Adapters are created transparently

• Channel names are topic names (overridable by Boot properties)

• Reusing code of the Spring XD 1.x Kafka message bus

• Partitioning/multiple instance support, with a microservice twist

• Spring Boot properties to compute the target partition set (instanceIndex, instanceCount)


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Kafka Service

http.0 (0) http.0 (1)

http.0 (2)

http.0 (6)

Broker 0 Broker 1 Broker 4

stream create logger --definition "http | log"

stream deploy logger --properties module.log.partitioned=true, module.log.count=7

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= massive scale!

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Demo: Scaled, Partitioned Streams on PCF and Lattice


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Developing Real-Time Data Pipelines with Apache Kafka - Joe Stein, Thursday, 10:30

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