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Transcript of Strategy

STRATEGY Under this project we will be working for the identification of ten public spaces around Kathmandu valley which are not managed properly,find out appropriate measures to manage individual public space and further implement the measures to manage and improve any one the public space identified.The identification of the site is done by the team members after visiting the field.To implement the measures to improve the public space ideas of expert is considered.For this the experts who have been working for the management and establishment of public space is hired with the help of mentee.The selection of appropriate measure is done by the help of advice given by the expert.The time period for the completion of this project is estimated to be six months.During this interval,team members along with their mentee sit down for a group meeting approximately two times in a month.The main aim of the team meeting will be to update the activities carried out by the team members among team members and the mentee,correct any mistakes if committed by the team members and find out if any improvement can be done in the process.The team members visit and study the public space around Kathmandu valley that are in need to be managed.The next step will be interaction with the local people and stakeholders around that area and get their views regarding the activities that will be conducted under our project.The process of interaction and information sharing will be aided by several group meetings with the local people.Furthermore,community will be formed for the management of the area in future after the permission from Ward Committee which not only helps to maintain a healthier environment but also help for the sustainable development of the site and its utilization for the local people.Among ten identified sites,one will be selected such that the measures and ideas given by the expert is implemented in the site and development work is carried out for the management and maintenance of the selected site.