Strategies for Software Export

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  • 8/11/2019 Strategies for Software Export



    Strategies for Software Export


    While the global software market is concentrated today, technological change is making it increasingly possible for all

    nations to compete. After an introductory discussion of the global software market, this paper outlines three forms of

    software export: programming services, conversion and localization, and product development, giving examples where

    these are taking place and suggesting some company strategies. The final section examines some of the steps taken by

    national governments to stimulate software export: subsidizing telecommunication, establishing research institutes and

    university programs, offering tax and financial incentives, reducing trade barriers, planning and coordinating industry

    efforts, marketing collectively, and passing and enforcing copyright laws.


    Larry Press Professor, CIS California State University at Dominguez Hills 10726 Esther Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90064

    (213) 475-6515 (213) 516-3664 (fax) Internet: [email protected]



    It is fashionable to speak of "globalization" today, of international corporations and markets, falling trade barriers, and

    proliferating communication networks. However, Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, and other regions have failed to

    enter the global market place in many industries.

    This has certainly been the case in the software industry. Howell, et al [9] estimate that the US accounts for about 52% of

    world software consumption, and US software producers hold roughly 70% of the world market. Another study published

    by International Data Corporation [22] estimates that in 1989 the US, Europe and Japan accounted for 91% of the world

    software market (see Table 1). Palma [15] estimates that only 2% of the world's software is produced in Latin America.

    Such figures are never precise, and the studies defined the software somewhat differently; however, there is no denying

    that today's software market is concentrated in North America, Europe and parts of Asia.


    While most less-developed nations have not yet played a major role in the software market, there are political, economic

    and technical reasons to believe they could do so in the future.

    Economic and Political Factors

    The movement to market economies in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union is beginning to produce new software

    companies. For example, Goodman and McHenry [7] describe the new software joint ventures in the Soviet Union as

    more dynamic and outward looking than those of the old state sector. Free-trade will also encourage software export.

    Many Latin American nations are moving away from earlier protectionist policies toward free trade, seeing exports as a

    road to economic growth. Free- trade negotiations between the US and Mexico are advancing as are several others in the

    hemisphere, and one goal of George Bush's Enterprise for the Americas Initiative is "free and open trade throughout the

    hemisphere" (Bush [2]).

    Chile exemplifies this trend. In 1970, Chile elected a Communist government, which was overthrown in a bloody coup

    led by Agosto Pinochet in 1973. Pinochet's government sharply reversed the then-typical Latin American economic

    policy of protectionism, substituting a policy of free trade and growth through export. Chilean politics changed when

    Patricio Alwyn was elected president in 1989, but the economic policy has not wavered.

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    It seems to be working. Exports now account for 30% of the economy, and that figure is rising, Chilean bonds are much

    stronger than others in Latin America, and of the seven largest Latin American countries, Chile has had the highest

    growth rate and lowest inflation rate over the last five years [1], [23].

    Less tangibly, there is an air of entrepreneurial optimism in the computing industry. This is exemplified by the Chilean

    Software Association, which for the last two years has hosted a meeting of Iberio-American software exporters. At this

    meeting, software company executives from throughout the region plan regional strategy, make deals, and attend keynote


    Technological Factors

    The advent of mass-produced personal computers has lowered the cost of capital needed to enter the global software

    market. Because they are cheaper and appropriate to the needs of people in both industrial and non-industrial countries,

    personal computers have spread throughout the the world faster than mainframes did. For example, in surveying the

    Indian software industry, Yourdon [21] tells us "the history of the Indian computer industry can be neatly divided into two

    phases: a stagnant, IBM-less, pre-PC period, and a new, thriving era that began with the introduction of the PC and

    [Rajiv] Gandhi's push for modernization of the information technology sector."

    Computer-mediated communication networks are also helping shrink the world. As John Quarterman says, we are

    developing a worldwide matrix of connected computer networks and conferencing systems [17]. The matrix is being built

    by the academic community, corporations, and vendors of commercial services. Fueled by rapidly decreasingcommunication cost, the matrix is growing exponentially, as exemplified by the Internet (Merit, [13]):

    OCTOBER, 1989 OCTOBER, 1991

    Number of Packets Sent: 2 billion 11 billion Number of Networks: 809 3556

    This growth is also fueled by the spread of personal computers, which are used to access the network, and in many

    less-developed nations, as store and forward nodes.

    In short, the world communication infrastructure is improving rapidly; technical salaries and overhead are very high in

    industrially developed nations; and personal computers have sharply reduced capital costs for software companies. Again,

    take Chile as an example. Chilean universities are excellent, and many of their graduates and faculty take advanceddegrees from the US or Europe. Commercial networks such as MCI Mail and academic networks such as the Internet how

    provide CMC between Chile and the rest of the world. Software companies and universities use the same personal

    computer hardware and software tools as do their counterparts in other countries. At the same time, professional salaries,

    office space and other ancillary services are relatively cheap. These factors will tend to cause the dispersion in the

    software industry, as well as a reversal of the historical "brain drain."

    The nature of software development also favors small companies with relatively low capital requirements. New products

    and visions seldom come from within big companies; they are often bought or developed by a small internal group.

    These factors suggest that less-developed nations may have success as software exporters. Yourdon [20] puts it more

    dramatically. He feels international competition will put American programmers out of work, that "the American

    programmer is about to go the way of the dinosaur and the dodo bird. During the next five to seven years, I foreseemassive unemployment amongst the ranks of American programmers, systems analysts and others in the data processing



    Less-developed nations have had some success already in exporting software. They sell programming services, do

    conversion and localization, and have developed some products.

    Programming Services

    Tata Consultancy in India is perhaps the first and largest exporter of programming services. They began when an MIT

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    graduate returned to India and bought a Burroughs computer. He obtained a contract to do some development for

    Burroughs, thus beginning his offshore programming business. The programming services business is growing, and will

    continue to do so. In a survey of 50 Fortune 1000 companies in the US, Woodring [19] found that 38% have decentralized

    application development and 22% are evaluating doing so. Some of this decentralization will leave the country. As

    consultant Herb Halbrecht [8] states "The role of a CIO is becoming like that of an international investment broker.

    Companies scour the world looking for pockets of excellence."

    At first, Indian (and other) programming services were provided almost exclusively by on-site programmers, and in 1989,

    80% of Indian software export was still from on-site programming (Yourdon [21]). However, this approach is costly,disruptive to the programmer, and exposes exporters to the possibility of the programmer leaving the company in order to

    remain in the host nation. It also encourages competition solely on hourly wage.

    Rajesh Huuku, Vice President of CitiCorp Information Technology, is responsible for programming projects for US firms

    using Indian programmers. He suggests that as soon as possible, software exporters take responsibility for full projects

    using programmers at home (Huuku [10]). He states that this yields higher profit margins since the competition shifts

    from pure price to quality and speed of completion. Huuku does not compete on low cost, but on speed and quality. He

    also advises focusing by industry, application and geographic area. By specializing, his staff is able to develop and exploit

    specialized business expertise and knowledge, knowledge of local market conditions, and idiosyncrasies of the local

    requirements. This specialization leads to higher margins, as does utilization of the latest, most powerful development


    Of course working abroad requires increased communication overhead. Huuku stresses the need to give the client the

    feeling of being in control by submitting frequent status reports and keeping in constant contact with email, fax,

    teleconferences and phone. Communication infrastructure is particularly important. For example, he has one project in

    which 100 programmers situated in Bombay are developing a system on a mainframe computer in New York.

    Communication is provided by a dedicated satellite link that is subsidized by the Indian government. Huuku foresees a

    day where the operations will move off- shore also. For example, the computer running an application may be in India

    with data entry terminals in the United States.

    Conversion and Localization

    In order to be successful, a software package must be converted to the language of the nation where it will be used, and

    tailored to the local dialect. It should be noted that there could be more than one version in a country. For example, therecould be a significant Spanish- speaking market in the United States.

    Ashton-Tate/Borland, Claris, Lotus, Microsoft, Retix, and many others localize their software in Ireland. For example,

    Lotus produces versions of their programs in eight European languages, and translation and testing of the software and

    manuals are done in Dublin (Kazin [11]). Claris does the same, overlapping it with US beta testing, so software is released

    at the same time throughout the world (McClarren [12]). Conversion for Oriental languages is more difficult, requiring

    2-byte character codes. Lotus and many others do this in Japan, and companies such as International Integrated Systems,

    originally formed in a joint alliance between IBM and the Taiwan government's Institute for the Information Industry,

    now does about half of its business converting software to Oriental languages.

    Many companies also manufacture European software and support and distribute it from Ireland. The company doing

    conversion often also is responsible for software manufacturing and distribution as well. Conversion and manufacturing

    in Latin America and Africa are often superficial, with a license merely copying a version prepared for another nation.

    Product Development

    Software products can take many forms, and while it would be unrealistic to enter North America with a new brand

    spreadsheet or word processor at this time, there are opportunities for software product export.

    There are many paths to a new software product. A company may have a program which is successful in its local market,

    which can be adapted for sale abroad. These products may enjoy a special advantage based on local knowledge or cultural

    characteristics. For example, Chile's expertise in the timber industry is exploited by Excelsys Engineering's Logmeter.

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    Logs come to mills on large trucks. When they arrive, Logmeter automatically estimates the volume of wood and

    expected output using a PC with a video camera to scan an image of the truck. Estimation time and cost are lower and

    accuracy higher than with the earlier, manual method. This program would have been difficult to develop in a nation

    without a significant timber business. Excelsys has also developed software that is embedded in export products such as

    automatic teller machines or queue maintenance systems for banks.

    It is also possible to reverse the effect of the traditional "brain drain," by developing software based on a returning

    student's work. Another Chilean example is Ars Innovandi's text retrieval program Search City, which grew out the

    doctoral research of Ricardo Baeza-Yates at Waterloo University. After graduating, he returned to the University of Chile,and collaborated with Ars Innovandi on developing an exportable, world-class product. Such stories may become

    increasingly common.

    As standards of living for professionals increase, hardware costs fall, and local research facilities and communication nets

    improve, there will be less incentive for students to remain in North America or Europe after completing their education.

    Niches may be carved out in an industry or product area or in building expertise with new tools and platforms. Every new

    platform or standard creates demand for new applications, conversion of old applications and the development of

    programming tools. Seybold [16] advises developers in all nations to watch news of emerging standards for

    interoperability, object-oriented development, mail-based applications, pen-based computing, multi-media, etc. for niche


    Once the decision is made to offer a product for export, there is much work to be done. Some of the steps and

    considerations are outlined below.

    The first step is to conduct market research in the target nation. Companies should know who their competitors are and

    look at their products, prices, market size and shares, distribution channels, marketing approach, etc. Even if you end up

    working with an publisher, you will be better able to negotiate if you have done independent market research.

    It is necessary to prepare a business plan, anticipating investment, staffing, cash flow, etc. Ken Wasch, Executive Director

    of the US-based Software Publisher's Association, estimates that between $500,000 and $1,000,000 is required to enter

    the United States with a new product that has its own identity [18]. The business plan will serve to guide your work and

    can be used in raising capital.

    One should also learn as much as possible about legal and financial factors like taxes, trademark, copyright, and import

    regulations. Contacts should be made with consultants, lawyers, accountants, bankers, government people, etc. who can

    be on call for a fee rather than be on your payroll.

    A market may be entered alone or with a local partner. Options include finding a publisher, OEM sales, selling through a

    distributor, or opening a joint venture or your own local office. Partnership with a publisher or an OEM sale lowers

    investment and return. Royalty rates are typically 5-15%, but your partner will assist in product development and

    marketing. Distributors typically offer far less service, leaving the software company fully responsible for creating the

    product and demand for it. It is also possible to remain independent. For example, Graphisoft, a Hungarian firm, has

    opened their own offices in Canada, the US, and Western Europe, and market their internally developed CAD software for

    the Macintosh. The six year old company now has 30 programmers, so it appears to be viable [6].

    In any case, a decision to enter a new market is a commitment to an ongoing project, requiring software maintenance,

    product upgrades, a public relations presence, and looking for new product variations. The latter is particularly important

    because cross-cultural insights can lead to truly innovative follow-on products.


    There are many ways in which governments can encourage the development of software exports. This section outlines

    several of them.

    Subsidize Telecommunication Infrastructure

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    In any industry, the ability to communicate with customers, employees, and suppliers for marketing, coordination and

    control is critical. The strategic importance of telecommunication is even greater in software and other information

    processing industries, where the product itself is information. Low cost telecommunication has been a major contributor

    to the software export success of nations such as India and Ireland.

    Note that both internal and external telecommunication are necessary, and that the telecommunication may be relatively

    low-cost appropriate technology. An excellent example is afforded by the Relcom network in the old Soviet Union.

    Relcom was initially established to support customers of Demos, a software company specializing in the Unix operating

    system. Relcom connects 391 organizations in over 70 cities from Saint Petersburg to Vladivastock. It does not providebroadband services, but simple electronic mail and Usenet-like bulletin boards, which have a significant marginal impact

    because the alternative communication services are very poor. It should be noted that the vast majority of the 391

    computers on the network are 286-based PC clones, and the communication uses voice grade phone lines.

    Offer Tax and Financial Incentives

    Tax and financial incentives are used to attract subsidiary offices of software companies. For example, Ireland offers a

    10% corporate tax rate for computer services companies, employment grants for jobs created, capital grants toward the

    cost of computers, equipment, office furniture and buildings, training grants, rent subsidy grants for companies renting

    facilities, and research and development grants.

    Reduce Trade Barriers

    Lower trade barriers (tariffs, quotas, currency conversion restrictions, needless bureaucracy, etc.) on computers, software,

    communication equipment, and related information processing products will make it possible for software companies and

    universities to import modern hardware and software tools at competitive prices. It will also encourage general expansion

    of the information technology sector and create demanding, sophisticated users. Demanding users and the availability of

    competing imports force the local software industry to excel in order to compete. A larger domestic information

    technology industry also provides demand for software products, employment buffers, support for university growth, etc.

    Plan and Coordinate Efforts

    According to Chang and Aoyama [4], software has been one of the fasting growing industries in most Far Eastern

    countries in recent years. In surveying software in Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and Singapore they observe a high levelof activity in every country. They also note that while developments in each country are unique, there is one common

    thread, that "the effort to industrialize software is likely to be made through a national, government-directed, and publicly

    funded initiative." [footnote 1] Carlos Ominami, Chilean Minister of Economics has also established the Intersector

    Committee for Development of Software which will ensure high-level coordination between universities, the government

    and software companies [14].

    Invest in Related University Programs

    Encouraging students to study computer science and related fields by investing in universities creates a body of

    professionals needed to establish a healthy local software industry and user community, to build the local infrastructure,

    and to staff foreign offices. A sophisticated and demanding local user community is a driving force toward software

    innovation; they will push software companies to produce world-class software. Infrastructure also requires well-trainedpeople. The organizers of the Soviet Relcom network described above state that a lack of trained unix system

    programmers is the key constraint they face in expanding the network. The investment in universities should include the

    establishment of contact and relationships with major universities in other nations.

    In the long run, the ability of the university system to produce trained programmers and computer scientists may be a

    critical limitation in the expansion of a national software industry. For example, India may become a victim of their own

    success. Today they have only around 50,000 programmers, and they for 275,000 programmers by 1995 (Yourdon [21]).

    Establish World-Class Research Facilities

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    holds that software is merchandise, not intellectual property, and that they therefore have the right to charge a duty.



    1989 15,830 14,349 3,334 3,220 36,733 1989 pct. 43% 39% 9% 9% 100%

    1994 32,040 33,256 7,726 7,660 80,682 1994 pct. 40% 41% 10% 9% 100%

    Increase 16,210 18,907 4,392 4,440 43,949 Increase pct. 102% 132% 132% 138% 120%

    Table 1. The worldwide software market for 1989 and 1994 (estimated). Figures are in millions of dollars.



    Canada/US 15% UK 40 Australia 50 Japan 90 Italy 100 Brazil 200 Korea 300 Taiwan 400 Mexico 500 Spain 500 USSR

    infinity symbol

    Table 2. MicroSoft estimates of sales increase if software piracy were eliminated.



    1. Beli, Pedro, "Globalizing the Rest of the World," Harvard Business Review, July-August, 1991, pp 50-55.

    2. Bush, George, Speech to the American Chamber of Commerce, Santiago Chile, December 7, 1990.

    3. Butler, Jeremy, Speech to the Comdex International Marketing Symposium, Las Vegas, November, 1990.

    4. Chang, Carl K, and Aoyama, Mikio, "Software in the Far East," IEEE Software, March, 1989, pp 11-12.

    5. Davis, Ludlum A., "Commerce Department Reverses Singapore Ruling," Computerworld, April 2, 1990, p 119.

    6. Dyson, Esther, "Eastern Infrastructure," Release 1.0, August 21, 1990, pp 1-34, EDventure Holdings, Inc., New York

    7. Goodman, S. E. and McHenry, W. K., "The Soviet Computer Industry: A Tale of Two Sectors," Communications of the

    ACM, June, 1991, pp 25- 29.

    8. Halbrecht, Herb, personal interview, October, 1990.

    9. Howell, Thomas R., Noellert, William A., Ohri, Bonnie, and Wolff, Alan W., "Japanese Software, the Next

    Competitive Challenge," ADAPSO, Arlington, VA, January, 1989.

    10. Huuku, Rajesh, Speech to the Second Meeting of Iberio-American Software Exporting Enterprises, Santiago, Chile,

    July, 1991.

    11. Kazin, Stewart, Vice President for Manufacturing, personal interview, October, 1990.

    12. McClarren, Dan, Vice President for Manufacturing, Claris, personal interview, October, 1990.

    13. Merit/NSFNET Information Services, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

    14. Ominami, Carlos, Speech to the Second Meeting of Iberio-American Software Exporting Enterprises, Santiago, Chile,

    July, 1991.

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    15. Palma, Pablo, Speech to the First Meeting of Iberio-American Software Exporting Enterprises, Santiago, Chile, July,


    16. Seybold, Patricia, Speech to the Second Meeting of Iberio-American Software Exporting Enterprises, Santiago, Chile,

    July, 1991.

    17. Quarterman, John S., "The Matrix: Computer Networks and Conferencing Systems Worldwide," Digital Press,

    Bedford, MA, 1990.

    18. Wasch, Ken, Speech to the Second Meeting of Iberio-American Software Exporting Enterprises, Santiago, Chile, July,1991.

    19. Woodring, Stuart and Colony, George F., "How Software will be Managed," Forrester Software Strategy Report, June,

    1990. Programmer," American Programmer, 1988, pp 1-8, New York.

    20. Yourdon, Ed, "The Decline and Fall of the American Programmer," American Programmer, March, 1988, pp 1-8.

    21. Yourdon, Ed, "India," American Programmer, October, 1989, pp 3-26, New York.

    22. --, "Worldwide Information Technology Spending Patterns, 1989-1994: An Analysis of Opportunities in 30

    Countries," International Data Corporation, Framingham, MA, September, 1990.

    23. -- "The Latin American Market comes to Life," The Economist, June 8, 1991, pp 77-79.

    Editor:Ali B. Ali-Dinar

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