Strategies for 'attacking' maths problems


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Page 2: Strategies for 'attacking' maths problems

Strategies For 'Attacking' Maths Problems

It is important to define what I mean by a problem in Mathematics before you start to study the strategies to solve them.

These maths problems are almost entirely 'word' problems. More often than not, the student needs to use a variety of Mathematical skills or ideas to gain a solution. Often, particularly in the senior years of high school, there will be an unfamiliar context in which to use your Mathematical knowledge. Alternatively, there may be a series of sometimes complex steps necessary to achieve a result. Finally, the answer is not one which is obvious.

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Below are a list of strategies, if used together, will help you gain greater success in solving real problems in Mathematics not just ones you have practised. However, remember, if you don't know your basics in Mathematics then no set of strategies will help you solve the problems.

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So strategy Number 1 is and will always be:

"Know all your learning work and procedures as well as you can."

The remaining strategies are as follows:

2. Remember, everything that you need to solve the problem is in the question itself. (So list what data the problem gives you as your starting point).

3. Checking is a compulsory part of every problem you are to solve. Here is a checking procedure to use:

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• It is best to check as you do each step in the problem as this saves time often preventing unnecessary extra work.

• Ensure you have done only what you have been asked to do. Check, in fact, that you have actually answered the question fully.

• Check you have copied down all the data for the question correctly.

• Check that your answer (its size, etc.) fits, in a practical sense, into the scenario/context of the question.

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4. Make sure you have been neat, tidy, organised, logical, clear, and concise. This will help you with your checking and allow the examiner/teacher to follow your logic easily.

5. This strategy was mentioned in the first article. It is part and parcel of answering any examination problem, especially in Mathematics. It is: List the steps you need to take, in order, to gain a solution.

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As a student, you can't learn these strategies overnight and expect that they will 'come to you' easily in a formal examination situation. You must practice using them. Make a list of the strategies and have them with you as you try each new problem. Evaluate how well you use them and work to improve those you find hardest to use or are easily forgotten. Look to your teacher for help with this process. Remember, in an examination, be disciplined, write out the list of strategies you will use before you start and use them to solve the problems.