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  1. 1. The Excellence of Integration
  2. 2. Woodbury community: I welcome you to consider Woodburys 2025 Strategic Plan entitled The Excellence of Integration. Woodbury University has been actively educating students in Los Angeles and Burbank since 1884, and for more than 130 years has demonstrated a commitment to excellence in higher education. Woodbury Universitys mission to empower people to do extraordinary things is stronger and more relevant than ever. Still, the Woodbury student of today is facing a completely different world than generations past. Global competition, technological innovation, and the continuous expansion of information are new realities facing our graduates. Our new strategic plan and the initiatives that come from it must not only seek to address these challenges, but also help students build a competitive advantage and thrive within this changing dynamic. Just when many parts of the broader community are pulling back, it is time for Woodbury to push forward to do more. First, we have a responsibility to provide the exposure and experiences required to inspire students to lead lives of influence and civic engagement in an effort to improve society. Second, Woodbury faculty and staff must continue to develop deep relationships with students that help them become independent thinkers while fostering the ideals of entrepreneurship and business knowledge our students need for actionable growth and success. Third, Woodbury will play a central role in establishing transdisciplinary curricula that transcend traditional academic disciplines. In this way, we prepare students to become recognized and valued for a better understanding of the complexity of the problems of our modern world. Most importantly, Woodbury must actively participate with more relevance in the coming years. To do so, we must transform student learning through the integration of our four pillars: transdisciplinarity, design thinking, entrepreneurship and civic engagement. It is through this integrated distinction that Woodbury grows and contributes more broadly to the positive impact of Southern California, and the West. I welcome you to explore further and to join our efforts. Warmest regards, Dr. Luis Callingo President, Woodbury University LETTERFROMTHEPRESIDENT
  3. 3. Lus Mara R. Calingo, Ph.D. PRESIDENT
  4. 4. OUR VISION By 2025, our distinctive ability to integrate four pillars of excellence: transdisciplinarity, design thinking, entrepreneurship, and civic engagement in education and scholarship will secure us a place among the top 100 regional universities in the United States. Woodbury will not only excel in teaching and learning, but through the integration of operational excellence and the four pillars, will provide educational programs and offerings that are distinctive in the marketplace.
  5. 5. Andr B. van Niekerk, Ph.D. DEAN, School of Business The recent AASCB accreditation of the Woodbury School of Business serves as a marker of excellence for the campus.
  6. 6. Just as we instill in our students the important business knowledge and opportunities for growth and success on their path to self-fulfillment, Woodbury University must also harness our own entrepreneurial spirit to contribute more broadly through growth, influence, and operational excellence. PURSUING VISIONARY OPPORTUNITIES TO REALIZE INNOVATIVE PRACTICES & PRODUCTS Entrepreneurship
  7. 7. Woodbury will expand programs and offerings to more students with an aspiration to serve more than 4,000 students by 2025.
  8. 8. Phyllis Cremer, Ed.D. VP, Student Development The faculty and staff of Woodbury collaborate to design curricula that transcend traditional academic disciplines and speaks to the needs of a evermore complex world.
  9. 9. Today's complex problems require creative solutions drawn from people who think comparatively, across multiple disciplines. Woodbury must expand our scholarly leadership in transdisciplinarity to design distinctive curriculum that inspires students to think critically and build the confidence they need to design new approaches to social change. THINKING AND ACTING HOLISTICALLY BY BRIDGING MULTIPLE PERSPECTIVES Transdisciplinarity
  10. 10. In order to help students gain knowledge and a deeper understanding of involved citizenry, opportunities for connections and experiential learning, and a stronger sense of belonging to our community, Woodbury will extend our commitment of partnerships and outreach in Burbank and select the Barrio Logan neighborhood as our permanent home for an expanded campus in San Diego. STRENGTHENING COMMUNITIES BY ACTIVELY APPLYING CRITICAL KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND VALUES Civic Engagement
  11. 11. The Barrio Logan neighborhood in San Diego will be the permanent home to the expanded Woodbury University bi-national 1,000 student campus for the San Diego-Tijuana metropolitan area by 2025
  12. 12. Woodbury helps students gain competitive advantage through developing their abilities, desires, and passionate independence in their professional skills.
  13. 13. Woodbury University will become recognized more broadly for excellence through academic and experiential teaching. Woodbury students learn to push the boundaries of design application to create an impact and make a difference. CREATING IMPACTFUL SOLUTIONS BY LINKING NEEDS AND FUNCTIONS TO LIMITS AND POSSIBILITIES Design Thinking
  14. 14. OUR CORE VALUESCommunity Integrity Professionalism Aspiration Agility KEY INITIATIVESOPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE Woodbury University will be a role model in efficiency in internal processeseducation design and delivery, student services, and business support processesenabling strategic investment and student success. MEMORABLE STUDENT EXPERIENCE Woodbury University will be distinguished because of our recognized competence in preparing well-rounded students whether undergraduate, graduate, non-traditional, or multi-generational for lives of discovery, innovation, leadership, and citizenship. DISTINCTIVE CURRICULUM Woodbury University will excel in teaching and learning, and building educational program and offerings that are distinctive in the marketplace. That distinctiveness will be created as a result of our unique ability to integrate the four pillars of: transdisciplinarity, design thinking, entrepreneurship, and civic engagement in all our educational program and offerings. COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP Woodbury Universitys institutional reputation will be established and recognized, thereby resulting in long-term academic quality, increased enrollments, endowment, and organizational sustainability.HEALTHY & SUSTAINABLE CAMPUS Woodbury University will create a university environment that is a physical demonstration of our values, an example of doing what we teach, and recognized for developing students who believe in the benefits of healthy and sustainable environments.
  15. 15. We are currently preparing students for jobs that dont yet exist, using technologies that havent been invented, in order to solve problems we dont even know are problems yet. - KARL FISCH
  16. 16. Successful Woodbury graduates are ambassadors for the university. They are innovative leaders who help individuals and communities flourish. They are known for being strong communicators, ethical thinkers and creative problem-solvers with a deep commitment to sustainability and social justice. They are knowledgeable in their disciplines and eager for collaboration and continuous learning. They integrate professional skills with global citizenship, entrepreneurial energy, and intellectual curiosity. Woodbury graduates make a difference. WOODBURYS SOCIETAL CONTRIBUTION