STRATEGIC PLAN 22 - · member school of Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA)....

RAISING EXPECTATIONS STRATEGIC PLAN 2020 Aquinas College is a Catholic School for Boys in the Edmund Rice tradition.

Transcript of STRATEGIC PLAN 22 - · member school of Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA)....


S T R A T E G I C P L A N 2 0 2 0

Aquinas College is a Catholic School for Boys in the Edmund Rice tradition.


Aquinas College established in 1894, is a Catholic day and boarding school for boys in the Edmund Rice tradition and is a member school of Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA). The College is an integral part of the mission of the Church and in partnership with parents, provides a Catholic education for boys in the Edmund Rice tradition. The EREA Charter is a guiding document to the College’s purpose and identifies four touchstones linked with the charism of Blessed Edmund Rice that underpin the ministry in Aquinas College. These touchstones are:

Liberating Education We open hearts and minds, through quality teaching and learning experiences, so that through critical reflection and engagement each person is hope-filled and free to build a better world for all.

Gospel SpiritualityWe invite all people into the story of Jesus and strive to make his message of compassion, justice and peace a living reality within our community.

Inclusive CommunityOur community is accepting and welcoming, fostering right relationships and committed to the common good.

Justice and SolidarityWe are committed to justice and peace for all, grounded in a spirituality of action and reflection that calls us to stand in solidarity with those who are marginalised and the Earth itself.

VIS IONFounded in values espoused in the Gospel, Aquinas College seeks to transform the hearts and minds of students through education to build a more just and inclusive local and global community through presence, compassion and liberation.

MISS IONAquinas College offers a Liberating Education, based on a Gospel Spirituality, within an Inclusive Community committed to Justice and Solidarity.

OUR MANDATE :As the Catholic Bishops of Western Australia and the Catholic Education Commission of Western Australia state in the Joint Mandate on Catholic Schools (2015);

“Each member of the Catholic school community strives to give Christian witness through words, attitudes and actions..….The ethos of the Catholic school contributes to students developing a Gospel vision for society as they learn to live a Gospel inspired life…..One of the key roles of Catholic schools is to help parents in the education of their children and especially in their development as young men and women ready to make a positive contribution to society.”


OUR CHALLENGE:To achieve the above goals it is imperative that we continue to listen to God, and to faithfully respond to the signs of the world. We must be open to the challenges that face us in shaping an authentic Catholic ethos in our school:

‘First and foremost, we have a crisis of values which... assumes the form, often exalted by the media, of subjectivism, moral relativism, and nihilism.’ (Congregation for Catholic Education, The Catholic School on the threshold of the Third Millennium).

‘In a society where relativism has become a dogma, the light of truth is missing; indeed, it is considered dangerous and “authoritarian” to speak of truth, and the end result is doubt about the goodness of life...and in the validity of the relationships and commitments in which it consists’ (Pope Benedict XVI, Address to the participants in the Convention of the Diocese of Rome 11 June 2007)

The satisfaction of the desire for happiness among the new generations is reduced to the acquisition of consumer goods and transitory gratification. (Pope Francis).

Key factors that contribute towards the movement of youth away from the Church includes:

1. Failing Pastoral Strategies of Catholic Faith

2. The rise in the secular forces of narcissism, pragmatism and restlessness

3. Increasing issue of mediocrity

‘First and foremost, we have

a crisis of values which...

assumes the form, often

exalted by the media, of subjectivism,

moral relativism, and nihilism.’ (Congregation for Catholic Education, The Catholic School on

the threshold of the Third Millennium).


OUR SOLUTION: C ATHOLIC LEADERSHIPIn today’s society, everything seems to rise and fall on leadership and deep within each one of us there is an inner longing to live a life of greatness and contribution – to really matter, to make a difference. Given our Catholic faith, our aim is to develop a Christian man of character and leadership. Covey argues that the path to leadership is a process of sequential growth from the inside out (eighth Habit 2005).

“Travellers on the lower path to mediocrity live out the cultural “software” of ego, indulgence, scarcity, comparison, competitiveness and victims. Travellers on the upper path to greatness rise above negative cultural influences and choose to become the creative force of their lives. One word expresses the pathway. Voice. Those on this path find their voice and inspire others to find theirs.” (Covey)

The danger for our pupils is a life increasingly lived on the surface rather than in the interior, a life characterised more by mediocrity and loss of direction than meaningfulness and vocation. The evacuation of interiority puts both an enormous pressure on the sense of self, and an emphasis upon performance. This can create a ‘flatness’ to life and generate a banality with a preference for ‘seems’ rather than ‘is’.

Today’s society tends to promote a life on the surface rather than in the interior. With a loss of potential of the interior, our students are becoming characterised more by Mediocrity than Greatness.

This is the aim of the Catholic Leadership Programme, to bring rhythm into the life of each individual boy at school and through that rhythm help him to transverse the surface and venture into their interiority, to find their ‘voice’ and form young men for others.


Greatness:Unleashed potential



Inside Out: Find Your Voice

Creative focus


Outside In: Lose Your VoiceCultural focus


Our Aqu inas Va lues

Fa i th i n ac t i on

Jus t i ce w i th compass ion

Ser v i ce w i th generos i t y

Respec t fo r a l l

Exce l l ence eve r y day

Our new Strategic Plan 2018 – 2020 builds upon our previous plans to advance our vision and purpose. The Strategic Plan remains centred upon the Aquinas College student undertaking an Aquinas Journey, ‘Aquinas Learning Journey’. Boys will continue to travel within a balanced contemporary education that will equip them academically, spiritually, physically, emotionally and socially and in doing so helping them become men for others in the Edmund Rice Tradition. The core of their journey however has gained a greater focus on Catholic Identity and Student Leadership.

In the strategic plan, we define the characteristics of Catholic Leadership as:

Knowing ourselves in Christ and so being the best we can be;

Actively demonstrating our faith and so being role models for others; and

Reaching out in loving service to others.


TAKING ACTIONThe Strategic Plan focuses upon the following five Key Dimensions:

1. Catholic Identity and Student Leadership

2. Formation of Staff

3. Teaching and Learning

4. Parents, Alumni and Community

5. Finances, Resources and Infrastructure

Each consists of a number of proposed outcomes, each of which in turn have proposed strategies to assist in achieving the outcome.


Initial estimates of finances and completion dates for action plans have been included in the following sections of the Strategic Plan. These will be reviewed and updated as the implementation progress occurs.

The College Leadership Team will be restructured to accommodate three Schools and the co-ordination of the strategies.

A new Divinity Team will be established for implementation that includes Catholic Studies, Sacramental Programs, Prayer and Liturgy, Retreats, Giving and Service Learning, Advocacy and Leadership.

A new Staff Wellbeing Team and Teaching Staff Learning Committee will be established for implementation of Formation of Staff Actions.


Catholic Identity and Student Leadership

This dimension centres upon and indicates our commitment to God and church through the life of Jesus and the touchstones of Gospel Spirituality and Justice and Solidarity. To develop students of faith who as with Edmund Rice become men of active faith, responsible citizens, with a strong work ethic and strive for excellence in all they do. To become young men of compassion, justice and peace who are committed to justice and peace for all, especially those who are marginalised and the Earth itself.

This dimension includes:

Health, Wellbeing, Pastoral Care, Quality and Character of Catholic Life; Personal Excellence, Mentoring, Leadership Programmes, Faith Formation, Prayer, Liturgy and Sacraments, Community Service, Advocacy Groups, Retreats And Immersions.

We will strive to:

1. Provide opportunities for all students to engage in an authentic faith journey through daily prayer and liturgy, knowledgeable of the Gospel and a strong understanding of Catholic doctrine and social teaching.

2. Provide wellbeing / pastoral programmes to enhance health, character and leadership.

3. Provide each student with opportunities to actively demonstrate their faith and reach out to others in living service and advocacy.

The following information will help us to assess the extent to which we are achieving the outcomes:

• Analysis of student behaviour aligned with values

• Management and use of Student pastoral profiles to monitor and manage performance

• Development of wellbeing and pastoral programmes

• Evidence of students actively practising their faith and demonstrating the qualities of Catholic leadership

• Number of students actively involved in the life of the school and leadership programmes

• Level of student empathy for others and participation in service and advocacy.

• Feedback from students, parents, staff, former students and members of the wider College community.


Formation of Staff

This dimension centres upon and indicates our commitment to the touchstones of Liberating Education and Inclusive Community. To develop a happy and healthy staff culture that uphold the values of the College as a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition, who are active, responsible citizens, with a strong work ethic and consistently strive for excellence in all they do. To be a community that is accepting and welcoming, fostering right relationships and committed to the common good.

This dimension includes:

Professional, career and leadership development and faith formation for all staff; EREA formation programmes; coaching and mentoring of staff; standards and skills for teaching and pastoral care; staff induction, staff communication and participation; staff recognition celebration, staff well-being.

We will strive to:

1. Ensure staff are actively engaged in wellbeing, EREA and formation experiences.

2. Attract and retain quality, passionate, engaged staff.

3. Provide staff with the necessary reflective professional learning to support them to be the best they can be.

The following information will help us to assess the extent to which we are achieving the outcomes:

• Staff application, CEOWA Accreditation and retention rates

• Analysis of Annual Professional Development Programme of each staff member

• Extent to which staff support each other and have high expectations of themselves and each other

• Staff engagement survey and evaluations

• Performance appraisal and management reports

• Review of Department Teaching and Learning File and Annual Targets

• Teacher celebration of valued behaviours and achievements

• Staff absenteeism, participation of staff in life of the College

• Wellbeing - Physical and mental health of staff


Teaching and Learning

This dimension centres upon and indicates our commitment to the touchstones of Liberating Education. To create a rigorous academic culture that promotes student personal best and ensures achievement through value added performance. Through quality teaching and learning experiences, we open hearts and minds, so that through critical reflection and engagement each person is hope-filled and free to build a better world for all.

This dimension includes:

Curriculum and co-curriculum design; academic and vocational programmes offered; timetabling; study skills and independent learning; assessment and reporting; eLearning and use of technology in the curriculum; homework policy; specialist music programme, work experience, careers advice, academic value added: improvement: personal best.

We will strive to:

1. Provide a rigorous curriculum / co-curriculum for boys that meets the demands and expectations of thriving in the 21st Century.

2. Implement the Aquinas Learning Journey with greater priority given to teaching and learning and the College’s Catholic culture.

3. Incorporate formative assessment and growth mindset approaches to boy’s learning experiences.

4. Ensure current and emerging pedagogical and technological approaches to teaching and learning strategies.

5. Provide quality performance feedback to teachers, students and parents.

6. Further develop the Arts, Culture, Academic Support and Extension curriculum offerings.

The following information will help us to assess the extent to which we are achieving the outcomes:

• Establishment of three sub schools each with appropriate leadership, curriculum, assessment and reporting

• Limit the number of interruptions to learning by calendar events

• Improved rates of homework/study completion for students in Years 7-12

• Management and use of student personal learning profiles

• Management and use of individual student growth learning profile and assessments

• Formative assessment and growth mindset approaches established in all departments


Parents, Alumni and Community

This dimension centres upon and indicates our commitment to the touchstones of Inclusive community and justice and solidarity. To engage with our parents Alumni and wider community through partnerships that provide support and engagement with our students and ensures our community is accepting and welcoming, fostering right relationships and committed to the common good.

This dimension includes:

Parent partnership and communication; boarding community; involvement of former pupils; formation for parents, community relationships; links to schools, parishes, charitable organisations, higher education institutions and government.

We will:

1. Create effective and consistent communication between home and school that ensures parents are aligned, engaged, supported and valued as partners in their son’s faith and learning journey through College.

2. Establish greater links to other Catholic institutions and share resources / expertise.

3. Encourage a supportive Alumni engaged with College and strive for a visible and valued presence in the local and wider community ensuring opportunities for continued parental and Alumni participation in faith life of the College

4. Ensure an effective and extensive variety of outreach programs and supportive relationships with people in our community (e.g. local Indigenous communities)...

The following information will help us to assess the extent to which we are achieving the outcomes:

• Attendance and engagement of Alumni and Parents at and events

• Parent entry and leaving surveys

• Students enrolling at NDUA/Thomas More

• Staff studying at NDUA

• Number of Alumni mentoring and participating in faith formation of students

• Reunion attendance

• Contributions both Financial /Volunteering from parents and alumni

• Consistent positive presence in press/media local and regional

• Number of applications and new enquiries


Finances, Resources and Infrastructure

This dimension centres upon and indicates our commitment to the touchstones of Justice and Solidarity. To ensure our finances, resources and infrastructure ensure improved affordability, accessibility and the effective delivery of our curriculum whilst contributing to the sustainable wellbeing of the community, its marginalised and environment.

This dimension includes:

All aspects of space, buildings, grounds and facilities including information technology; staffing, funding and resources; Laudato Si environmental sustainability; safety and security; affordability and inclusivity; governance, risk and compliance.

We will:

1. Ensure current income streams, whilst seeking additional and new sources of funding, to provide a greater level of financial support particularly for disadvantaged.

2. Review our Capital Development Master Plan whilst ensuring responsible environmental stewardship practices and structures.

3. Investigate possibility of sharing specialist resources (facilities and personnel) amongst other EREA schools/other agencies and organisations.

4. Review technology use and administrative structures to ensure governance, risk and compliance across the College.

The following information will help us to assess the extent to which we are achieving the outcomes:

• Scholarships: Increase in number provided and the success of students on bursaries

• Increase of income other than student fees

• Improved satisfaction of facilities upgrade

• Improved productivity of facility use and staff time


Imp lementa t i on o f Co l l ege S t ra teg i c P lan 2020



DIMENSION: Catholic Identity and Student Leadership

SCOPE:This strategic dimension includes health, wellbeing, pastoral care, quality and character of catholic life; personal excellence, mentoring, leadership programs, faith formation, prayer, liturgy and sacraments, community service, advocacy groups, retreats and immersions.


1. Authentic Catholic Practice: Provide opportunities for all students to engage in an authentic faith journey through daily prayer, retreat and liturgy, knowledgeable of the Gospel and a strong understanding of Catholic doctrine and social teaching.

Strategic Actions: Description of Actions to be taken to achieve aim

Finance Co-ordination Start Date Review Date

Guided by research and best practice, we will:

1.1 Establish a Divinity Faculty and Program in order to review and develop a meaningful comprehensive and a more cohesive developmental program of Catholic Identity and Student Leadership for boys (Catholic Studies, Sacramental Programs, Liturgy and Prayer, Retreats, Giving and Service, Advocacy and Leadership)

- Divinity Team Term 3 2017 2018

1.2 Further development of regular prayer practices across the College, including;a) Prayers and Rituals including Morning and Class

prayer; Feast Days and Special Prayer days – connections with Church and Edmund Rice Movement locally and globally.

b) Development of an Aquinas Prayer Chapel Service book

Yes Divinity Team Term 3 2017 2018

1.3 Develop a Catholic culture in the School in terms of the Edmund Rice Ethos, including:a) Chapel, Facilities, Grounds and Icons.

Yes Divinity Team Term 3 2017 2018

1.4 Integrate Church, its calendar and the Edmund Rice story into Aquinas College school calendar, planner and publications and all Publications/ online materials

- Divinity Team Term 3 2017 2018

1.5 Integrate an Aquinas College Schola Cantorum into the formation practices and sacramental and prayer life of the College.

Yes Divinity Team 2018 2019

1.6 Review the College’s Evangelisation Plan - Divinity Team 2019 2021


DIMENSION: Catholic Identity and Student Leadership

SCOPE:This strategic dimension includes health, wellbeing, pastoral care, quality and character of catholic life; personal excellence, mentoring, leadership programs, faith formation, prayer, liturgy and sacraments, community service, advocacy groups, retreats and immersions.

OUTCOME: 2. Student Wellbeing & Character: Provide wellbeing / pastoral programs to enhance health, character and leadership.

Strategic Actions: Description of Actions to be taken to achieve aim

Finance Co-ordination Start Date Review Date

Guided by research and best practice, we will:

2.1 Review and development of culture in the three Schools (House), with curriculum programs to promote self-esteem and greater student participation and pride in the College (House)

Yes Pastoral Team Term 3 2017 2018

2.2 Establish a Veritas Program that promotes prayer, character, leadership, reading work ethic and skills in the areas of Study, Thinking, Health, Intra-personal Development, Interpersonal Development, Management and Organisation.

YesPastoral Team

Richard Mavros

Term 3 2017 2018

2.3 Development of a Student monitored College portfolio to record participation and achievement in all dimensions of life at the College

- Pastoral Team 2019 2020

2.4 Review Management of Student Behaviour Policy to ensure standards are appropriate, explicit with clear consequences/actions with an expectation of respectful language, and courtesy. Including a focus on ‘teachable moments’ around the real consequences/harm of inappropriate behaviour and creating opportunities to restore harm done.

- Pastoral Team 2018 2019

2.5 Formation of student councils at house and school level, as a means of input into College organisation and development

- Pastoral Team 2018 2018

2.6 Review and develop current student leadership programs to incorporate EREA student leaders’ conference and new programs for Catholic Identity and Student Leadership

-Pastoral Team

Richard Mavros

Term 3 2017 2018

2.7 Development of a system of College Awards and celebrations to recognize all dimensions of life at the College

Yes CLT Term 3 2017 2018


DIMENSION: Catholic Identity and Student Leadership

SCOPE:This strategic dimension includes health, wellbeing, pastoral care, quality and character of catholic life; personal excellence, mentoring, leadership programs, faith formation, prayer, liturgy and sacraments, community service, advocacy groups, retreats and immersions.

OUTCOME: 3. Student Outreach:

Provide each student with opportunities to actively demonstrate their faith and reach out to others and the environment, in loving service and advocacy.

Strategic Actions: Description of Actions to be taken to achieve aim

Finance Co-ordination Start Date Review Date

Guided by research and best practice, we will:

3.1 Review and develop student leadership programs, from year 7 to 12, including: a) a prefect system accessible to all, incorporating

accountable responsibility for regular service, prayer and advocacy actions.

b) existing and new programs e.g. Character Ed; Duke of Ed Award

c) EREA student leaders’ conference

YesPastoral Team

Richard Mavros

Term 3 2017 2018

3.2 Contextualise the Religious Formation programs with the life journey of the Aquinas College student, in order to integrate core focus areas of our Catholic Identity and Student Leadership programs and our Edmund Rice Movement.

- Divinity Team 2018 2019

3.3 Ensure opportunities for the Aquinas College community to engage with the theology of our environmental advocacy and sustainability endeavours, e.g. bringing “Laudato Si” to life within the works of the Sustainability Group.

- Divinity Team 2018 2019

3.4 Establish an Aquinas Society to create spaces for dialogue and respectful debate among our Aquinas College community, broader society and expert guest speakers in order to enable people to be agents of change in creating a more just society – beginning with awareness raising, education and ultimately inspiring advocacy and social action.

Yes Divinity Team 2018 2019

3.5 Establishment of Community Advocacy Groups to link Aquinas College peaceful involvement in justice issues with and for the local community (e.g. community education, petitions, advocacy, rallies etc…)

- Richard Mavros 2018 2019


DIMENSION: Formation of Staff


This strategic dimension includes professional, career and leadership development and faith formation for all staff; coaching and mentoring of staff; standards and skills for teaching and pastoral care; staff induction, staff communication and participation; staff recognition celebration, staff well-being.

OUTCOME: 1. Staff Personal Development: Ensure staff are actively engaged in wellbeing, spiritual and formation experiences.

Strategic Actions: Description of Actions to be taken to achieve aim

Finance Co-ordination Start Date Review Date

Guided by research and best practice, we will:

1.1 Establish a well-being Staff Committee to a) coordinate facilities and staff calendar eventsb) develop and coordinate well-being and

formation programsc) EREA formation programmes; Galilee, Into the

deep, Break the yolk….


Wellbeing Team

Term 3 2017 2018

1.2 Develop Staff Pastoral Care and Facilities:a) Ensure adequate external counselling facilitiesb) Establish appropriate staff pastoral care policiesc) Investigate medical support program


Wellbeing Team

2018 2019

1.3 Develop a two term induction & mentoring program for all new staff - Duncan

Warlters Term 3 2017 2018

1.4 Establish Staff Christian Service, Retreat and Advocacy Programs Yes Richard

Mavros 2018 2019

1.5 Establish mentoring links:a) Inter-departmentsb) Other schoolsc) Other industry contacts

- Duncan Warlters 2019 2020


DIMENSION: Formation of Staff


This strategic dimension includes professional, career and leadership development and faith formation for all staff; coaching and mentoring of staff; standards and skills for teaching and pastoral care; staff induction, staff communication and participation; staff recognition celebration, staff well-being.

OUTCOME: 2. Teaching Staff Feedback and Recognition: Attract and retain quality, passionate, engaged staff.

Strategic Actions: Description of Actions to be taken to achieve aim

Finance Co-ordination Start Date Review Date

Guided by research and best practice, we will:

2.1 Ensure that excellence in staff performance is appraised, acknowledged and rewarded. Yes

Staff Professional

Learning Committee

2018 2019

2.2 Investigate the introduction of “Lead Teacher” at the College. -

Staff Professional

Learning Committee

2018 2019


DIMENSION: Formation of Staff


This strategic dimension includes professional, career and leadership development and faith formation for all staff; coaching and mentoring of staff; standards and skills for teaching and pastoral care; staff induction, staff communication and participation; staff recognition celebration, staff well-being.

OUTCOME: 3. Teaching Staff Professional Learning:

Provide staff with the necessary reflective professional learning to support them to be the best they can be.

Strategic Actions: Description of Actions to be taken to achieve aim

Finance Co-ordination Start Date Review Date

Guided by research and best practice, we will:

3.1 Establish a Teaching Staff Learning Committee to manage professional learning throughout the College.

- CLT Term 3 2017 2018

3.2 Review the Staff Handbook and investigate staff pocketbook/ app / iBook:a) Database staff interests/clubs, etc.b) Policiesc) Resourcesd) Dates & Eventse) Procedures


Staff Learning Committee

2018 2018

3.4 Teaching Staff Learning Committee to coordinate the implementation of strategies to improve boys’ learning and Effective Practice Standards


Staff Learning Committee

Term 4 2017 2018

3.5 Develop, implement and monitor a teaching staff professional development program that responds to the outcomes of the College’s Teaching and Student learning review and promotes structured teaching and a student centred approach.



Staff Learning Committee

Term 4 2018 2018

3.6 Investigate the internal professional development programs that promote team reflective practice; to include how the Touchstones are evident in their teaching throughout the year.

- HOLA 2018 2018


DIMENSION: Teaching and Learning


This strategic dimension includes curriculum and co-curriculum design; academic and vocational programs offered; timetabling; study skills and independent learning; assessment and reporting; elearning and use of technology in the curriculum; homework policy; specialist music program, work experience, careers advice, academic value added: improvement: personal best.

OUTCOME: 1. 21st Century Curriculum:

Provide a rigorous curriculum / co-curriculum for boys that meets the demands and expectations of thriving in the 21st Century.

Strategic Actions: Description of Actions to be taken to achieve aim

Finance Co-ordination Start Date Review Date

Guided by research and best practice, we will:

1.1 Review boys’ education, literature and design, implement and monitor the College’s curriculum and timetable. Thus ensuring a positive, boy friendly model that better reflects and provides for the demands and expectations of their future and the changing nature of Australia and overseas.


HOLATerm 3 2017 2018

1.2 Development of a College Literacy Plan. Plan to review a Literacy Centre and a range of integrating programs to improve literacy and enables a structured reading program in Junior / Middle Schools.




Heads of Schools

Term 3 2017 2018

1.3 Investigate the adoption of a broader concept of Foreign languages to include Indigenous, Ancient, Mathematical and Modern.


MFLTerm 3 2017 2018


DIMENSION: Teaching and Learning


This strategic dimension includes curriculum and co-curriculum design; academic and vocational programs offered; timetabling; study skills and independent learning; assessment and reporting; elearning and use of technology in the curriculum; homework policy; specialist music program, work experience, careers advice, academic value added: improvement: personal best.

OUTCOME: 2. Aquinas Learning Journey:

Implement the Aquinas Learning Journey with greater priority given to improved curriculum, teaching and learning and the College’s Catholic culture.

Strategic Actions: Description of Actions to be taken to achieve aim

Finance Co-ordination Start Date Review Date

Guided by research and best practice, we will:

2.1 Review, Design, Implement and Monitor a range of cultural initiatives that focus on the establishment of a strong Boys’ Learning Culture that recognizes the importance of raising academic achievement in the student population:a.) Ceremonies, calendar, Rituals and processesb) Historyc) Symbols and Awards

YesHeads of School


Term 3


2.2 Review and improve the transition of students and parents from primary through Junior to Middle and Senior School

- Heads of School 2018 2019

2.3 Integrate Aquinas Learning Journey to curriculum assessment and reporting -


HOLA2018 2019


DIMENSION: Teaching and Learning


This strategic dimension includes curriculum and co-curriculum design; academic and vocational programs offered; timetabling; study skills and independent learning; assessment and reporting; elearning and use of technology in the curriculum; homework policy; specialist music program, work experience, careers advice, academic value added: improvement: personal best.

OUTCOME: 3. Performing at your Best:

Incorporate formative assessment and growth mindset approaches to boy’s learning experiences.

Strategic Actions: Description of Actions to be taken to achieve aim

Finance Co-ordination Start Date Review Date

Guided by research and best practice, we will:

3.1 Change beliefs about the capacity of students to promote a rise in the expectations of student performance.


Heads of School

Term 3 2017 2018

3.3 Allow for greater opportunity for student sustained personal endeavour, in depth learning and the pursuit of excellence.


Heads of School

Term 3 2017 2018

3.4 Investigate the possibility of intensive programs to cater for needs of identified groups of boys and to offer students the opportunity to achieve at a high level in a particular area of the curriculum.


Heads of School

Term 3 2017 2018

3.5 Review Homework rationale, with a higher expectation placed upon students for its successful completion.


Heads of School

Term 3 2017 2018

3.6 Establish a centralized student data bank to accommodate monitoring of student performance– i.e., regular, frequent, systematic and detailed monitoring, assessment and recording of student learning progress – to ensure that improvement does occur.


Heads of School

Term 3 2017 2018

3.7 Investigate the development by the College of a) A student portfolio in Years 7 to 9b) Student self-assessment in Years 7 to 9


Heads of School

2019 2020


DIMENSION: Teaching and Learning


This strategic dimension includes curriculum and co-curriculum design; academic and vocational programs offered; timetabling; study skills and independent learning; assessment and reporting; elearning and use of technology in the curriculum; homework policy; specialist music program, work experience, careers advice, academic value added: improvement: personal best.

OUTCOME: 4. Evolving Teaching and Learning:

Ensure current and emerging pedagogical and technological approaches to teaching and learning strategies.

Strategic Actions: Description of Actions to be taken to achieve aim

Finance Co-ordination Start Date Review Date

Guided by research and best practice, we will:

4.1 Review Teaching and Learning in Years 6-8Yes

Teaching Staff Learning Committee

Term 3 2017 2018

4.2 Introduce Teacher Performance Management. Key factors:a) Peer/Head of Departments/Adminb) Linked to school planc) High expectation of Student Achievementd) Structured teaching focused on learning needs

of students


Staff Learning Committee

2018 2019

4.3 Investigate the establishment of a Boys’ Learning Centre which accommodates a range of learning styles and promotes the development of a student-centred enquiry process and learning / study skills

Yes CLT 2019 2020

4.4 Review plan for greater availability of information communication technologies for learning environments and the development of e learning across the College.

Yes Steven Males 2018 2019

4.5 Establish a series of Aquinas College best practice standards in Years 6, 7, 8 and 9, which provide teachers, parents and students with explicit and important goals and expectations.


Staff Learning Committee

2018 2019

4.6 Investigate the establishment of a Department Teaching and Learning File - HOLA 2018 2019


DIMENSION: Teaching and Learning


This strategic dimension includes curriculum and co-curriculum design; academic and vocational programs offered; timetabling; study skills and independent learning; assessment and reporting; elearning and use of technology in the curriculum; homework policy; specialist music program, work experience, careers advice, academic value added: improvement: personal best.

OUTCOME: 5. Effective Feedback: Provide quality performance feedback to teachers, students and parents.

Strategic Actions: Description of Actions to be taken to achieve aim

Finance Co-ordination Start Date Review Date

Guided by research and best practice, we will:

5.1 Develop parent tasks in enhancing and monitoring their son’sa) Attendance b) Attitudec) Work standardsd) Diary, uniform


Heads of School

2018 2019

5.2 Review and improve communication strategy, in particular student performancea) Academic reportsb) Newsletters/term/annual publicationsc) Information Eveningsd) Parent interviews.


Heads of School

2018 2019

5.3 Review and improve celebration of student performance:a) Assemblyb) Graduationc) Awards eveningd) Annual-year book


Heads of School

2018 2019

5.4 Implement a process of early identification and investigation of students failing to make progress -


Heads of School

2018 2019

5.5 Monitor student, parent and teacher satisfaction-


Heads of School

2018 2019


DIMENSION: Teaching and Learning


This strategic dimension includes curriculum and co-curriculum design; academic and vocational programs offered; timetabling; study skills and independent learning; assessment and reporting; elearning and use of technology in the curriculum; homework policy; specialist music program, work experience, careers advice, academic value added: improvement: personal best.

OUTCOME: 6. Curriculum Development:

Further develop the Arts, Culture, Academic Support and Extension curriculum offerings.

Strategic Actions: Description of Actions to be taken to achieve aim

Finance Co-ordination Start Date Review Date

Guided by research and best practice, we will

6.1 Improve teacher understanding of requirements of special needs students -

Heads of School

Special Needs2018 2020

6.2 Development of Curriculum extension and remediation programs Yes


Special Needs2018 2019

6.3 Introduce an addition period to the Arts in Years 7 and 8 - CLT 2018 2019

6.4 Introduce an Instrumental program into Junior School Yes

Director of Arts

Head of Music2018 2019

6.5 Establish a Music Scholar Program from Year 4 in Junior School Yes Director

of Arts 2018 2019

6.6 Establish a Schola Cantorum at the College Yes Director of Arts 2018 2019

6.7 Employ a Director of Arts and Culture Yes Headmaster 2017 2018


DIMENSION: Parents, Alumni and Community


This strategic dimension includes parent partnership and communication; boarding community; involvement of former pupils; formation for parents, community relationships; links to schools, parishes, charitable organisations, higher education institutions and government.


1. Communication: Create effective and consistent communication between home and school that ensures parents are aligned, engaged, supported and valued as partners in their son’s faith and learning journey through College.

Strategic Actions: Description of Actions to be taken to achieve aim

Finance Co-ordination Start Date Review Date

Guided by research and best practice, we will

1.1 Further develop College Parent Handbook to include Parent/Community Directory of resources - Director of

DevelopmentTerm 3 2017 2018

1.2 Investigate and improve Parent/Teacher Evenings (Run introduction evenings at start of the year, different Year 7 interview model)

- Heads of School

Term 3 2017 2018

1.3 Review P and F program to include a) Parenting / gathering information and affirmation

evenings b) Advocacy / Advocacy groupsc) Social gatherings

- Director of Development

Term 3 2017 2018

1.4 Review and develop new communications strategy to include new website and newsletter Yes


Director of Development

Term 3 2017 2018

1.5 Review reception area of College Yes Director of Development 2018 2019

1.6 Develop further the Parent Groups to assist with calendar events - Director of

Development 2018 2019


DIMENSION: Parents, Alumni and Community


This strategic dimension includes parent partnership and communication; boarding community; involvement of former pupils; formation for parents, community relationships; links to schools, parishes, charitable organisations, higher education institutions and government.

OUTCOME: 2. Catholic Collaboration: Establish greater links to other Catholic institutions and share resources / expertise.

Strategic Actions: Description of Actions to be taken to achieve aim

Finance Co-ordination Start Date Review Date

Guided by research and best practice, we will

2.1 Develop Networks and relationships (including shared resources with:)a) Catholic schoolsb) EREA and Edmund Rice Schoolsc) Parishes / Primary Schoolsd) Edmund Rice Youth Ministry (e.g. ER Camps)e) Edmund Rice Community Development (e.g.

ER Centre WA)f) Edmund Rice Justice and Advocacy (e.g.

ERAfChange, ERInternational)


Director of Development

2018 2019

2.2 Establish national and global partnerships and collaboration with boys and staff (target Catholic schools in UK / Asia / USA)

Yes Headmaster 2018 2019

2.3 Develop a working relationship with NDUA - Headmaster 2018 2019


DIMENSION: Parents, Alumni and Community


This strategic dimension includes parent partnership and communication; boarding community; involvement of former pupils; formation for parents, community relationships; links to schools, parishes, charitable organisations, higher education institutions and government.


3. Alumni: Encourage a supportive Alumni engaged with College and strive for a visible and valued presence in the local and wider community, ensuring opportunities for continued community, parental and Alumni participation in faith life of the College.

Strategic Actions: Description of Actions to be taken to achieve aim

Finance Co-ordination Start Date Review Date

Guided by research and best practice, we will

3.1 Develop a database on parents/old boys as a potential resource. Yes Director of

Development 2017 2018

3.2 Develop & implement a term/semester calendar include P & F / Old Boys. - Director of

Development 2018 2019

3.3 Develop Networks and relationships (including shared resources with Business Groups (e.g. Rotary) and Community Resources (e.g. Libraries Museum):a) Develop a series of community publicity events

in local communities.b) Distribution of Newsletter into community sites

(Libraries, Doctors Waiting Rooms).c) Greater student involvement in Local and Perth

Community Events.d) Investigate use of underutilised facility to

maintain links with the College and build networks.

e) Who can support the work of the school and provide role models for students and staff.

- Director of Development 2018 2019

3.4 Whenever possible, invite the Christian Brothers to contribute to school events. - Director of

Development 2017 2018

3.5 Develop practices to support student engagement with Catholic Youth Ministries (e.g. Edmund Rice Ministries) in initial years after leaving school.

- Divinity Team 2018 2019


DIMENSION: Parents, Alumni and Community


This strategic dimension includes parent partnership and communication; boarding community; involvement of former pupils; formation for parents, community relationships; links to schools, parishes, charitable organisations, higher education institutions and government.

OUTCOME: 4. Community Outreach:

Ensure an effective and extensive variety of outreach programs and supportive relationships with people in our community (e.g. local Indigenous communities).

Strategic Actions: Description of Actions to be taken to achieve aim

Finance Co-ordination Start Date Review Date

Guided by research and best practice, we will

4.1 Investigate the creation of an environmental project on the Mount Henry Peninsula with Indigenous Community

YesIdentity Group

Michael Bell2018 2019

4.2 Provide recognition of Indigenous at the entrance of the College. Yes Director of

Development 2018 2019

4.3 Investigate further expansion of service and advocacy groups into the community. - Identity

Group 2018 2019


DIMENSION: Finances, Resources and Infrastructure

SCOPE:This strategic dimension includes all aspects of space, buildings, grounds and facilities including information technology; staffing, funding and resources; environmental sustainability; safety and security; governance, risk and compliance.

OUTCOME: 1. Affordability:

Ensure current income streams, whilst seeking additional and new sources of funding, to provide a greater level of financial support particularly for disadvantaged.

Strategic Actions: Description of Actions to be taken to achieve aim

Finance Co-ordination Start Date Review Date

Guided by research and best practice, we will

1.1 Scholarships: Increase in number provided. Success of those on bursaries.

Sources – Increase of income stream. Yes Director of Development 2018 2019

1.2 Seek alternative means to ensure the College is more affordable to families. Yes


Director of Bus. & Finance

2018 2019

1.3 Review new possibilities of hiring of College facilities. - Director of

Bus. & Finance 2018 2019


DIMENSION: Finances, Resources and Infrastructure

SCOPE:This strategic dimension includes all aspects of space, buildings, grounds and facilities including information technology; staffing, funding and resources; environmental sustainability; safety and security; governance, risk and compliance.

OUTCOME: 2. Capital Development:

Review our Capital Development Master Plan whilst ensuring responsible environmental stewardship practices and structures.

Strategic Actions: Description of Actions to be taken to achieve aim

Finance Co-ordination Start Date Review Date

Guided by research and best practice, we will work close with the EREA Stewardship and Resources Team to

2.1 Review the Capital Development Plan including funding and financial management. Yes Director of

Bus. & Finance 2018 2019

2.2 Increase the capacity of the College Chapel Yes Director of Bus. & Finance 2018 2019

2.3 Review classroom infrastructure needs to and amend accordingly to ensure an efficient, effective learning environment for student and teacher requirements, including Physical, Technological and Workspace.

Yes Director of Bus. & Finance 2019 2020

2.4 Review grounds infrastructure needs and amend accordingly to ensure an efficient, effective working environment for students, parents and staff requirements, including Physical, Software and Workspace.

Yes Director of Bus. & Finance 2019 2020


DIMENSION: Finances, Resources and Infrastructure

SCOPE:This strategic dimension includes all aspects of space, buildings, grounds and facilities including information technology; staffing, funding and resources; environmental sustainability; safety and security; governance, risk and compliance.

OUTCOME: 3. Alternative Resources:

Investigate possibility of sharing specialist resources (facilities and personnel) amongst other EREA schools / other agencies and organisations.

Strategic Actions: Description of Actions to be taken to achieve aim

Finance Co-ordination Start Date Review Date

Guided by research and best practice, we will

3.1 Forge new relationships with other agencies and organisations. - Director of

Bus. & Finance 2019 2020

3.2 Further develop college social capita and network. Yes Director of Development 2019 2020


DIMENSION: Finances, Resources and Infrastructure

SCOPE:This strategic dimension includes all aspects of space, buildings, grounds and facilities including information technology; staffing, funding and resources; environmental sustainability; safety and security; governance, risk and compliance.

OUTCOME: 4. Technology and Administration

Review technology use and administrative structures to ensure governance, risk and compliance across the college.

Strategic Actions: Description of Actions to be taken to achieve aim

Finance Co-ordination Start Date Review Date

Guided by research and best practice, we will

4.1 Review the Management Structure of the School. - Headmaster Term 3 2017 20184.2 Develop Environmental Sustainability Plan Yes Director of

Bus. & Finance 2018 2019

4.3 Use of technology to enhance profitability, Improved productivity. - CLT 2018 2019

4.4 Investigate alternatives to staff offices e.g. hot desks Yes Headmaster 2019 2020