STRATEGIC PLAN 2017-2019 Board Members EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS AT LARGE Pat Mahoney President, Doreen Sutherland, Vice President Marty Remis, Secretary Debra Jones, Treasurer Tracey Rzepka Bob Piper Charles Kenniff Dr. Linda L. Stone, Strategic Planning Barbara Wulf, Communications Dr Mihaela Zdrali

Transcript of STRATEGIC PLAN 2017-2019...STRATEGIC PLAN 2017-2019 Board Members EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS AT...


Board Members


Pat Mahoney President, Doreen Sutherland, Vice President Marty Remis, Secretary Debra Jones, Treasurer

Wendy Abrahamson

Tracey Rzepka Bob Piper Charles Kenniff Dr. Linda L. Stone, Strategic Planning Barbara Wulf, Communications Dr Mihaela Zdrali


STRATEGIC GOALS The following strategic goals represent the Board of Directors’ plan for guiding and expanding NAMI Sarasota County over the next three years. All areas are interlinked, and all center on the mission of improving the lives of individuals in Sarasota County with mental illness and their families and caregivers through programs, services and advocacy. Each goal contains specific tactics, a time-bound action plan (operating plan), and responsible parties. Reaching goals in one area supports the overall mission of NAMI Sarasota County. The strategies are listed in priority order in this document for the purpose of allocating Board resources to the most critical needs first.

Strategic Planning Committee Ray Rogers - Consultant Linda Stone - Chair

Suzan Brodsky Maurene Freedman

Jerry Thompson Mark Mathisen

Charles Kenniff

People with mental illness

can recover and lead productive

lives without stigma










NAMI Vision Sarasota County is a community in which people with mental illness can recover and lead productive lives without stigma.

NAMI Mission NAMI Sarasota County will improve the lives of individuals with mental illness, their families and caregivers through support, education, awareness and advocacy.

GOALS NAMI Sarasota County works to:

Provide support and education to those with mental illness. Support families in Sarasota County who have a loved one living with mental illness. Advocate at the county, state and national levels for non-discriminatory access to quality

healthcare, housing, education and employment for people with mental illness. Educate the public about mental illness. Work to eliminate the stigma of mental illness. Advocate for increased funding for research on the causes and treatment of mental illness.

Quality health


STRATEGY: TYPE OF SERVICES We will provide NAMI Signature programs to improve the lives of people with mental illness, their families and caregivers.

TACTICS OPERATING PLAN During the next 12 months


We will offer the following NAMI Signature programs to achieve our mission:

Family-to-Family Education

Family Support Group

Peer-to-Peer Education

Connection Recovery Support Group

Ending the Silence

Family-to-Family – We will identify and train 2 additional people to add to our existing pool to provide: 2 x 12-week classes in Sarasota 1 x12 week class in North Port annually

Family Support Group – We will identify and train 5 additional persons to provide 3 Support Groups each month: 1 in Sarasota, 1 in North Port and 1 in Venice.

Connection Recovery Support Group –We will identify 3 facilitators to start a Connection meetings in Venice in addition to Sarasota.

Family-to-Family volunteer trainee will attend course in Feb 2018 Wendy Abramson has been accepted to train as a State trainer in April 2018 and will offer FSG training in Sarasota County in Summer of 2018 To start a new Connection Recovery Support group in Venice or North Port by Oct 2018


TACTICS OPERATING PLAN During the next 12 months


Ending the Silence - We will plan to introduce the online training on Ending the Silence program in Sarasota in 2018 and train 8 new volunteers, 4 young people and 4 family/leaders to present the program. We will aim to offer ETS in 3 middle schools, 3 high schools, and to Teen Court in 2018.

Training date is planned for March 2017 as ETS Training will become available online in January 2018


STRATEGY: RESOURCE AND REFERRAL We will provide referral services to people with mental illness and their families which are appropriate to their needs.

TACTICS OPERATING PLAN During the next 12 months


We will become known and trusted as a resource for persons with mental illness, for their families and caregivers and for providers who offer services in Sarasota County.

We will raise aware of the Warm Line, NAMI Sarasota Mental Health Resources List, Family Guide on Mental Illness, using our NAMI Sarasota County website, NAMI Facebook page, e-newsletter, and radio program on mental health on WSRQ radio.

We will provide two staff/Board Member introductory visits per month to local organizations.

We will update the NAMI Sarasota County Mental Health Resources List in print and as an online searchable resource. (updated twice a year)

We will review and revise the Family Guide on Mental Illness, as needed, by the end of 2018.

We will develop a training program for volunteers on how to respond to “Warm Line” calls by the spring of 2018.

Ongoing Sept 2018 Pending Volunteers orientation in and have received training Jan 2018 Office lease to be signed in December 2017


STRATEGY: REACHING THE TARGET POPULATION AND REDUCING STIGMA We will serve people living in Sarasota County with mental illness, their families and caregivers through NAMI volunteer outreach targeted to increasing public awareness and thereby reducing the stigma of mental illness.

TACTICS OPERATING PLAN During the next 12 months


NAMI will provide speakers to present to colleges, behavioral health service providers, faith communities, and community events about our mission, programs and to reduce stigma.

NAMI will use a variety of communication approaches to make community members aware of NAMI’s mission.

We will staff NAMI resource tables at events targeting under-represented populations including, Youth; Veterans; African Americans; Hispanics; Faith Community; and LGBTQ groups.

We will recruit and train Peers and Family members to speak about NAMIs mission at community events.

We will host an annual symposium on mental health for the public, and behavioral health providers.

We will identify five speakers to share their stories on recovery.

We will promote the NAMI Sarasota education evening, and other events.

We will offer a resource table at community events at ten public events per year.

E-newsletter sent bi monthly WSRQ weekly radio program started in January 2018 Podcasts will be posted on NAMI website Connection facilitators are invited to speak at each presentation to talk about their lived experience.


TACTICS OPERATING PLAN During the next 12 months


We will issue press releases to the local print media on NAMI programs and activities.

We will provide two staff/Board Member introductory visits per month to local organizations.



STRATEGY: AN ENGAGED BOARD AND VOLUNTEERS We will maintain a full complement of engaged Board members, trained facilitators and teachers to meet our expanding needs, and we will continually expand our membership and volunteer base.

TACTICS OPERATING PLAN During the next 12 months


We will establish a Nominating Committee to identify and recruit potential Board members.

We will aim to recruit Board members and volunteers including those who have experience with diverse and/or under represented communities including Youth; Veterans; African Americans; Hispanics; members of the LGBTQ.

We will recruit (2) potential Board members by the 2018 NAMI Annual meeting.

We will train back-up for Mail Chimp distribution of the e-newsletter, website maintenance, Warm Line and Quick Books by the end of 2018.

We will ask community leaders to identify potential Board members and volunteers from currently underserved populations and have developed a list by 12/31/17.

5 new Board members were recruited in March 2017. 3 Board members left in March, April, and Sept 2017. Ongoing Ongoing


STRATEGY: FUNDRAISING We will have a robust, active and ongoing fundraising effort that will adequately fund growing annual action plans.

TACTICS OPERATING PLAN During the next 12 months


NAMI will foster a culture of fund raising within the community that involves board, staff and volunteers

We will host 3 fundraising events each year to include Out of the Blue, a Signature Education event and another to become recurring events.

We will participate in the Giving Partner Challenge, select fundraising events and apply for select grants.

Each Board member will contact potential NAMI Champions, Partners and Sponsors, members and private donors and talk about our mission and donating.

Fundraising information and donor contacts will be coordinated in one location collating information and donor contacts from events, support groups, and education classes.

The Fundraising Committee will develop a fundraising plan to include but not be limited to Sponsorships, Fundraising events, Donations, the Giving Challenge to raise a minimum of $77,500 by the end of 2018.

Fundraising committee formed for OOTB Donor and support database is being built with new software


STRATEGY: GOVERNANCE We will have Board members and volunteers who are fully engaged, informed and capable of monitoring and implementing the vision and mission of NAMI Sarasota.

TACTICS OPERATING PLAN During the next 12 months


Governance and fiscal management practices will comply with existing Federal and Florida statutes and NAMI Sarasota County bylaws. Policies and procedures will be developed to move toward re-affiliation by September 2018.

We will develop and implement a Strategic Plan including Tactics and Operating plans to prioritize activities and focus our resources.

The Board will update the bylaws for member approval by 1/31/18.

The executive will draft policies required for re-affiliation on confidentiality, whistleblowing, equal opportunities, disposal and storage of documents.

The Board will establish an annual budget, review monthly financial statements of income and expenses, provide a financial statement of operations to the membership annually and file the annual IRS 990 form and any other required regulatory filings in a timely manner.

The Board will be transparent and share its Strategic Plan with NAMI Sarasota County members, community partners and potential stakeholders.

Bylaws with NAMI State Attorney for approval January 2018 Policies written and approved include Confidentiality Storage, disposal of documents and Whistleblowing


STRATEGY: ADVOCACY We will work to support community efforts to improve all aspects of the mental health systems of care.

TACTICS OPERATING PLAN During the next 12 months


We will be an effective advocate for people with mental illness and their families and caregivers in the public policy arena.

We will be an active and effective supporter of NAMI Florida and NAMI National advocacy efforts.

We will participate in NAMI West Coast Coalition and NAMI FL regular meetings.

We will be an active and effective participant in community organizations concerned with mental health to include: The Behavioral Healthcare Stakeholders Consortium, the Community Alliance and other organizations.

We will engage local elected officials or candidates through personal contact by Board Members.

Two NAMI Sarasota County delegates attended the Behavioral Health Day on January 24th, 2018 in Tallahassee and presented NAMIs legislative agenda to Senate’s office in the Capitol.