Strategic plan 2014 - 2017

14 Horatio Street, Suite 1E, NYC 10014 T 212.645.0536 OR 201.615.6406 F 212.658.9046 E [email protected] OR [email protected] CALLENLORDE’S STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 – 2017 Planning for Growth in a Rapidly Changing Environment Full Report with Appendices August 5, 2014



Transcript of Strategic plan 2014 - 2017

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14 Horatio Street, Suite 1E, NYC 10014 T 212.645.0536 OR 201.615.6406 F 212.658.9046 E [email protected] OR [email protected]  




 2014  –  2017  Planning  for  Growth  in  a    

Rapidly  Changing  Environment  

Full  Report  with  Appendices  


August  5,  2014  

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Table  of  Contents  

14 Horatio Street, Suite 1E, NYC 10014 T 212.645.0536 OR 201.615.6406 F 212.658.9046 E [email protected] OR [email protected]


Section  1:    Background   Page  3  

I. The  Process     3  II. The  Critical  Considerations     5  

Section  2:    Key  Outcomes   Page  7  

I. Values  Assessments:  Outcomes     8  II. Business  Planning:  Outcomes     9  III. Implementation:  Outcomes  and  Guidelines     14  

Section  3:    Summary  and  Conclusions   Page  15  

Section  4:    Appendices   Page  16  

A. Callen-­‐Lorde  Planning  Committee     16  B. Interview  and  Focus  Group  Participants     17  C. Staff  Interview  Guide     18  D. Board  Interview  Guide     19  E. Callen-­‐Lorde  Staff  Survey     21  F. Callen-­‐Lorde  Board  Survey     35  G. Sample  Decision  Making  Tool     47  H. Partnership  Life  Cycle  Chart     48  I. Capacity  Expansion  Diagram     49  J. Monitoring  Protocols     50  

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Section  1:    Background  

Callen-­‐Lorde   Community   Health   Center   (Callen-­‐Lorde)   embarked   on   a   strategic   planning  process   in   Fall   2013   to   establish   the   organization’s   key   objectives   and   priorities   for   the   next  three   years.     The   previous   strategic   plan   (2009)   had   focused   primarily   on   expanding  mental  health  services,  and  managing  patient  services  availability.    Leadership  undertook  the  current  plan  to  guide  the  organization  during  a  period  of  unprecedented  change.     Introduction  of  the  Affordable  Care  Act  was  expected  to  change  Callen-­‐Lorde’s  payor  mix,  a  critical  component  of  its  successful  business  model,  as  well  as  upend  current  funding  models.    The  LGBT  communities’  needs   were   changing,   and   other   providers   had   entered   the   marketplace,   targeting   Callen-­‐Lorde’s  target  population.    Capacity  and  resource  constraints  remained  an  ongoing  challenge.  Callen-­‐Lorde   sought   an   inclusive  planning  process   that  would  build  upon   its  past   and   set   the  stage   for   its  next  phase  of   growth.     The   result  would   link  mission,  programmatic  design,   and  quality   service   delivery,   with   an   understanding   of   available   resources   and   the   financial  monitoring   required   to   ensure   both   flexibility   and   long   term   sustainability.     This   report  summarizes   the   key   outcomes,   process   highlights   and   additional   planning   work   that   will   be  needed   to   implement   the   strategic   options   determined   by   the   planning   committee   and  approved  by  the  board.    



Over  a  7-­‐month  period,  KrasnePlows  met  with  Callen-­‐Lorde’s  planning  committee,  comprised  of  multiple  stakeholders  including  four  Board  members,  eight  member  of  the  senior  management  team   and   four   outside   leaders   in   the   field.     An   inclusive,   participatory   three-­‐phase   process  incorporated  the  following  activities:  (See  Appendix  A.)  

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Within  each  respective  phase,  key  consideration  was  given  to  determine:    1. Target   Population:   Whom   we   currently   serve   and   how   well   we   serve   them?     Who  

should   we   serve   in   the   future?     Should   certain   groups   within   the   LGBT   universe   be  “prioritized”  and  if  so,  how  determined?    

2. Outcomes/Impact:    How  do  we  define  success  for  our  target  population,  and  therefore  for  us,  as  an  organization?    How  impactful  are  our  programming  choices  to  our  patients  and  the  greater  LGBT  community?  

3. Services/Programs:    What  programs  will  best  deliver  the  impact  we  want  for  our  target  population?    How  do  we  determine  prioritization?      

4. Infrastructure:    What  internal  &  external  resources  are  required,  available  and  at  what  cost?  

5. Efficacy:  How  will  we  define  and  measure  the  success  of  our  efforts  for  the  Callen-­‐Lorde  community?     What   are   the   key   milestones   and   benchmarks   that   help   us   continually  course  correct  to  ensure  optimal  programmatic  content  and  delivery?  

 To  inform  the  above  questions  KrasnePlows  (KP)  conducted  and  /or  facilitated:  

1. A  series  of  interviews  with  10  selected  board  and  staff  members,  2. Three  90-­‐minute  focus  groups  with  staff  (20),  3. Surveys  with  all  10  board  and  166  staff  members  (70%),  and  

Values  Assessment  

• Confirm  Mission  • Conduct  Interviews  &  Surveys  • Idencfy  Target  Pop  • Decide  Impact  &  Outcomes  Wanted  • Develop  Decision-­‐Making  Tool  

Business  Planning  

• Idencfy  Program  Opcons  • Assess  Fundability  • Determine  Resource  Requirements  • Determine  Appropriate  Infrastructure  • Consider  Potencal  Partners  • Apply  Decision-­‐Making  Tool  

Implementa\on  Strategies  

• Idencfy  Measurable  Performance  Targets  • Create  Accon  Plan  • Establish  Monitoring  Process  &  Tools  

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4. Five  Planning  Committee  working  sessions.  5. Standing  bi-­‐weekly  calls  with  Senior  Management.  (See  Appendices  B  -­‐  F  for  research  instruments.)  

KP  spent  additional   time  working  with  management   to   research  patient  demand,  health  care  trends   and   critical   considerations   related   to   policy   and   regulatory   compliance   issues.    Additionally,   Callen-­‐Lorde   collected   and   analyzed   limited   data   on   patient   satisfaction.     The  overall  intention  was  to  create  an  inclusive  process,  proactively  collecting  input  and  allowing  for  anonymity  where  appropriate.  

Separately,   Callen-­‐Lorde   participated   in   a   NYS   Health   Foundation   funded   financial   project   to  analyze  potential  effects  of  federal  health  reform  on  6  NYS  FQHC  centers.    Cohn  Reznick  built  individual   financial   models   to   evaluate   each   organization’s   financial   health.     Callen-­‐Lorde’s  model  was  based  on  2012  performance  and  subsequent  forecasts  with  adjustable  assumptions  regarding   number   of   patients   covered   by   insurance,   third-­‐party   reimbursement   rates   and  future   funding   levels   for  grants,   contracts  and   the  public  goods  pool.     Financial  analytics  also  included  scenarios  such  as  impact  of  HIV  vs.  non-­‐HIV  services,  340b  revenue  and  payor  mix.    KP  incorporated   Cohn   Reznick’s   findings   into   the   planning   process   to   consider   the   financial  implications  of  proposed  strategic  options.    



Multiple  factors  were  considered  as  underpinnings  to  strategic  decisions:        

  Factors   Considerations  INTERNAL    

1.   Rich  History  &  Mission  

Leader  and  pioneer  in  LGBT  Care,  particularly  HIV  and  transgender  care.  

Services  always  offered  to  patients  regardless  of  ability  to  pay.    

Provider  of  choice  for  patients  with  insurance  and  safety  net  provider  for  the  most  marginalized.  

2.   Geography   Historically,  Callen-­‐Lorde’s  target  population  from  its  

Chelsea-­‐Clinton  neighborhood.   >60%  of  patients  currently  from  outer  boroughs.  

3.   Financials   Operating  surpluses  and  increases  in  net  assets  in  each  

of  the  past  7  fiscal  years  after  deficits  for  8  years.     Cash  balance  and  line  of  credit  provide  sufficient  liquidity  

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  Factors   Considerations  to  support  current  operating  needs.    

Pharmacy  revenue  and  federal  funding  historically  generated  operating  surpluses.    The  Affordable  Care  Act  (ACA)  will  affect  these  funding  streams.  

Limited  fundraising  revenue;  the  FQHC  board  is  not  a  fundraising  board  by  virtue  of  its  structure.  

No  endowment.   Real  estate  -­‐  potential  source  of  capital  to  fund  future  

growth  and  help  secure  viability.   Cohn  Reznick  analysis  -­‐  near  term  financial  sustainability,  

longer-­‐term  issues.  

4.   Key  Current  Programs  

Quality  HIV  prevention  and  treatment   STI  counseling,  testing  and  treatment   Pharmacy   Adolescent  outreach  and  primary  care  (HOTT)   Transgender  primary  care   Mental  health   Primary  care  

5   Capacity  

18th  St.  site’s  current  configuration  /  hours  of  operation  limit  growth.  

New  17th  St.  site  expands  patient  capacity  across  both  sites.  

Patient  visits  grow  from  75,000  to  115,000.  

6.   Payor  Mix    

Favorable  mix  of  payors  (private  insurance,  Medicaid/Medicare,  ACA  products  and  public  funding  for  the  uninsured)  critical  to  Callen-­‐Lorde’s  financial  stability.  

Medicaid  reimbursements  up  to  three  times  greater  than  commercial  insurance  due  to  enhanced  rate  for  FQHCs.  

7.   Efficacy     Callen-­‐Lorde  must  systematically  track  key  milestones  

and  measurable  targets  that  reflect  internal  and  external  benchmarks  of  success  and  recalibrate  as  necessary.  


1.   Visibility  &  Reputation  

Positive  recognition  in  the  LBGT  community.   Less  recognized  outside  LBGT  community  &  outer  

boroughs.   Well  known  with  foundations  and  government  agencies.   Limited  visibility  with  individual  funders  /  corporations.     Lack  of  external  marketing  the  last  few  years  (due  to  

capacity  constraints)  led  to  mixed  messages  in  community.  

2.   FQHC  –  Strict  Compliance   FQHC  compliance  regulations  drive  programming,  target  

population  and  governance.   Stand-­‐alone  FQHC  must  serve  medically  underserved  

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  Factors   Considerations  population  and  provide  care  throughout  the  life  cycle.  

Requires  HERSA  designation.   Callen-­‐Lorde  is  sub-­‐recipient  under  Lutheran  Healthcare  

Network’s  umbrella.    



Pioneer  in  New  York  City  LGBT  primary  health  care.    o Other  LGBT-­‐sensitive  health  care  providers  now  

available  with  varying  levels  of  quality  care.  o Some  providers  target  segment(s)  of  Callen-­‐Lorde  

universe.   Need  to  be  part  of  integrated  delivery  system  including  a  

hospital,  FQHC  and  social  service  partners.  

4.   ACA  Funding  Impact    

35%  decrease  in  grant  subsidies  over  the  next  5  years.   Pharmacy  profits  expected  to  decline  with  the  

introduction  of  generic  HIV  drugs.   Public  goods  funding  expected  to  decline  with  ACA  

rollout.  o Callen-­‐Lorde  serves  many  uninsured  patients  for  

whom  the  cost  of  care  is  covered  in  part  by  the  NYS  public  goods  pool  and  the  federal  government.    With  the  ACA,  there  will  be  fewer  uninsured,  and  more  patients  with  ACA  products  with  smaller  cost  reimbursements.  

o $1.5MM  is  the  forecasted  net  impact,  effectively  reducing  an  operating  surplus  by  $1.5MM.  


Section  2:    Key  Outcomes  

The  strategic  planning  process  resulted  in  three  overarching  outcomes:    

• An   affirmation   of   alignment   between   board,   staff   and   patients   about   Callen-­‐Lorde’s  mission.    

• Cultivation  of  relationships  with  other  primary  healthcare  partners,  particularly  Mt.  Sinai  and  Lutheran  Healthcare  systems.  

• Pursuit  of  five  strategic  objectives  to  be  further  explored  by  the  board:  o Partnerships  and  collaborations  o Long-­‐term  financial  sustainability    o Increased  capacity/growth  (expand  services  to/for  LGBT  community)  o Provision  of  services  to  the  Homeless    o Become  a  model  of  LGBT  Care/Center  of  Excellence  

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I.  VALUES  ASSESSMENT:    Outcomes    

Callen-­‐Lorde   staff,   board   and   planning   committee   aligned   around   the   organization’s   core  values,  including:  

• Providing  holistic  accessible,  sensitive  and  effective  care  • Being   a   provider   of   choice,   without   jeopardizing   the   organization’s   long   term  

sustainability  • Serving  the  underserved  and  most  disenfranchised  among  LGBT  communities  • Expanding  Callen-­‐Lorde’s  impact  (desire  to  grow)  • Continuing  to  push  boundaries  to  provide  necessary  services  for  clients  

 A. Mission:    Unanimous  agreement  that  Callen-­‐Lorde’s  mission  should  remain  unchanged:  

Callen-­‐Lorde  Community  Health  Center  provides  sensitive,  quality  health  care  and  

related  services  targeted  to  New  York’s  Lesbian,  gay,  bisexual,  and  transgender  communities  -­‐  in  all  their  diversity  -­‐  regardless  of  ability  to  pay.  

B. Target   Population:   Callen-­‐Lorde   will   continue   to   serve   all   groups   within   the   LGBT  universe  with  priority  given  to:  

(i) More   marginalized   patients:     older   adults,   youth   (13-­‐23),   and   persons   with  substance  use  issues;  

(ii) Underserved  patients,  including  the  homeless;  and  (iii) Diverse  races  and  ethnicities.  

 C. Impact   and  Outcomes:   Callen-­‐Lorde’s   top  priority  will   be   to  provide   sensitive  quality-­‐

driven  healthcare  services  including:  (i) Primary   medical   care   with   an   emphasis   on   preventive   care   and   health  

maintenance   and   sensitive,   non-­‐judgmental   behavioral   health   care   that   is  focused  on  self-­‐actualization  and  independence  -­‐  regardless  of  ability  to  pay  

(ii) While  direct  clinical  care  delivery  will  remain  the  highest  priority,  efforts  should  be  made  to:    • Expand  education  and  training  of  current  and  future  clinicians  • Expand  research  and  evaluation  to  increase  knowledge  and  understanding  of  

the  LGBT  communities  health  needs,  and  • Expand  social  services  access  to  ensure  client’s  total  needs  are  met.  

 D. Decision  Making  Criteria:     The  planning  committee  developed  a   list  of   criteria   for   the  

board   and   senior   management   team   to   consider   when   choosing   amongst   strategic  

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program  options  during   the  planning  process,   as  well   as  when  pursuing  opportunities  post-­‐project:  (See  Appendix  G  for  Sample  Decision  Making  Tool.)  • Fits  mission  • Sustainable  financially  • Fulfills  licensure  requirements  • Resources  available  or  accessible    • Achievable  or  implementable  within  a  limited  time  frame  • Advances  services  to  priority  communities  • Leverages  internal  expertise  • Demonstrates  measurable  impact  • Raises  awareness  in  targeted  communities  


II.  BUSINESS  PLANNING:    Outcomes  

Strategic  Goals  and  Programmatic  Direction    Through   a   series   of   working   sessions,   the   planning   committee   agreed   upon   four   linchpin  strategic  goals:  

1. Long  term  financial  sustainability  2. Expansion  of  services  to  and  for  the  LGBT  community    3. Work  towards  securing  independent  FQHC  status    4. A  model  of  LGBT  care  for  others  to  emulate  

 The   Planning   Committee   then   agreed   upon   the   following   five   short,   medium   and   long-­‐term  programming  initiatives  for  further  exploration  and  operational  planning,  each  in  support  of  the  overarching  goals.     Each  program  option  was   reviewed   for   its  degree  of  match  with   the  nine  decision-­‐making  criteria  referenced  in  the  prior  section:    

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The  context,  resources  required  and  policy  recommendation  for  each  option  follows:  

1.    Reach  a  Sustainable  Payor  Mix    

Context:     For  many   years,   Callen-­‐Lorde   has   succeeded   in   serving   all   patients   seeking  care,  regardless  of  payor.    With  the  ACA  rollout,  Callen-­‐Lorde  anticipates  that  a  number  of  key  subsidies  for  the  uninsured  and  under-­‐insured  patients  (NYS  Indigent  Care,  Ryan  White,  3408)  will  be  reduced  or  even  eliminated.    These  subsidies  have  allowed  Callen-­‐Lorde   to   maintain   a   diverse   payor   mix,   including   patients   covered   by   commercial  carriers,   despite   their   lower   reimbursement   rates.     In   FY   2013   commercially-­‐insured  individuals   represented   approximately   one   third   of   patients   treated.     Given   the  uncertainty  of  a   rapidly   changing  healthcare  environment,   the  mix  of   funding   streams  must   be   balanced   with   services   to   underserved   patient   populations   who   do   not  participate  in  these  plans  in  order  to  ensure  financial  sustainability.    It  may  be  necessary  to  expand  services  to  reach  the  most  disadvantaged  patients,  which   is   in  keeping  with  mission  and  need  for  financial  sustainability.  

Policy  recommendation:    Approve  a  strategic  policy  to  monitor  subsidies  and  payor  mix  as   a   part   of   the   annual   budget   process   and   each   quarter   thereafter   and   to   take  corrective  action  as  required.  

Resources  required:    Monitoring  and  analysis  does  not  require  additional  manpower  or  hard  dollars.    Callen-­‐Lorde  current  staff  and  current  technology  can  be  used.  

Successful  if…  Callen-­‐Lorde  systematically  assesses  the  financial  tolerance  for  private  payors  and  takes  corrective  action  when  needed.  

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2.    Collaborate  with  LGBT-­‐Serving  Partners  

Context:    Community  health  centers  and  social  services  agencies  play  an  integral  role  in  preserving   the   health   and   well-­‐being   of   the   community.     Meaningful   collaboration  among  partner  agencies  serving  LGBT  clients  will  fill  gaps  in  services  and  help  complete  a  life  cycle  approach  to  care,  eliminate  duplication  of  efforts,  advance  patient  access  to  complementary  services,  and  expand  access  for  vulnerable  members  of  the  community  (including   youth,   older   adults,   and   persons   with   substance   abuse   issues).     These  collaborations  will  also  foster  a  more  favorable  payor  mix,  since  it  is  anticipated  that  the  referral   relationship  will   result   in   increased   access   for   publicly   insured  patients.     Such  collaborations  serve  as  a  replicable  model,  attractive  to  funders.    Policy  recommendation:    Approve  of  the  proposed  partnership  model,  starting  with  the  Center  and  SAGE  collaboration.    (See  Appendix  H  for  Partnership  Life  Cycle  Chart.)    Resources   required:     Partnering   with   other   LGBT-­‐serving   organizations   to   expand  referral   network   and   service   offerings   do   not   require   additional   manpower   or   hard  dollars.  Callen-­‐Lorde   current   staff   and   current   technology   can   be   tapped   to   explore   and  integrate  partnerships.    Callen-­‐Lorde  will  also  secure  grant   funding   for  a  consultant   to  facilitate  partnership  relationships.    Successful  if…  • Facilitates  access  to  needed  partner  services  for  vulnerable  patients.    • Assists  in  driving  patients  with  favorable  payors  to  Callen-­‐Lorde.  • Achieves  a  more  comprehensive  service  delivery  life-­‐cycle  model.  


3.    Expand  Capacity  –  Serve  More  Patients  from  the  Community  

Context:     Callen-­‐Lorde   seeks   to   ensure   ready   access   to   services   to   meet   community  demand.    Near   term,  Callen-­‐Lorde  has  the  ability   to  serve  additional  patients  with  the  opening  of  17th  St,   (which  will   free  up  clinical  space)  and  through  exploring  expanded  hours   of   operation.     It   is   anticipated   that   these   efforts   will   alleviate   physical   plant  capacity   issues   only   temporarily   (5-­‐7   years).     Identifying,   securing,   and   funding  additional  and/or  new  space  requires  significant  analysis,  additional  capital  and  a  long-­‐term  planning-­‐execution  timeline.  

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 Policy  recommendation:    Approve  a  plan  to:   Conduct  a  patient  needs  assessment   Develop   a   capital   plan,   including   establishing   a   capital   planning   committee   to  

explore  options  for  accessing  the  potential  equity  of  the  18th  St.  site  and  for  physical  plant   expansion   recommendations.     (See   Appendix   I   for   Capacity   Expansion  Diagram.)  

 Resources  required:       Outside  expertise  is  needed  for  real  estate  analyses;   Capital   expansion   dollars   are   required,   although   the   amount   is   still   to   be  

determined;   Additional  staffing  is  anticipated,  and  will  be  based  on  estimated  size  of  practice  and  

location;  and   Equity  in  Callen-­‐Lorde’s  18th  Street  building  will  be  needed.    Successful  if…  Callen-­‐Lorde   is   able   to   expand   services   to   address   demand   appropriately,   while  remaining  financially  sustainable.  


4.    Establish  Homeless  Health  Services  Program  

Context:    Establishing  a  program  to  serve  homeless  LGBT  adults  meets  multiple  criteria:  it   is  mission-­‐driven,  expands  services  for  vulnerable  communities  and  furthers  the  goal  of   obtaining   independent   FQHC   status,  which   in   turn   enables   direct   access   to   federal  funding,   promoting   financial   sustainability.     Currently   8%   of   Callen-­‐Lorde   patients  identify  themselves  as  homeless.    Callen-­‐Lorde  has  had  several  promising  conversations  with   government   officials   around   creating   safe   shelter(s)   for   LGBT   persons   and   will  continue  to  build  upon  these  during  the  coming  months.    Policy   recommendation:     Authorize   implementation   of   a   homeless   health   program  including   either  mobile   health   delivery   or   site   acquisition  leading to likely submisssion    of a New Access Point grant application for homeless health services for LGBT adults.    Resources   required:     It   is  expected   that   federal  dollars  will  be  available   for   funding  of  homeless  program  applicants  in  the  fall  of  2014,  which  will  significantly  defray  program  start-­‐up  costs.  

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Capital   start   up   costs   and   operating   expenses   are   expected,   with   amounts   to   be  determined;  and  

Additional   staff   is   anticipated,   and   will   be   based   on   estimated   size   and   scale   of  facility.  

 Successful  if…  Callen-­‐Lorde  obtains  NAP  funding  to  provide  health  care  services  for  the  homeless.  


5.    Determine  How  to  Best  Be  a  Model  for  LGBT  Care  for  Others  Providing  Services  to  the  LGBT  Community  

Context:    Expanding  Callen-­‐Lorde’s   reach  and   impact   through  education,   training,   and  research  was  identified  as  a  high  priority  in  the  planning  process.    This  option  also  may  have  the  potential  to  diversify  current  funding  streams.        Policy  recommendation:    Authorize  plan  and  allocate  resources  to  explore  and  develop  research  and  training  options,  recognizing  further  research  is  needed  to  understand:   What   government   regulations  must   be  met   to   undertake   direct   research   and   /   or  

train  residents  in  a  formal  setting;   What  are  the  gaps  in  the  current  environment  that  Callen-­‐Lorde  can  address;   What   is   required   to   establish   Callen-­‐Lorde’s   value   as   a   third   party   training   and  

research  partner,  and  what  are  the  advantages/disadvantages  of  such;  and   Who  are  the  best  potential  partners  for  training  and  research  and  why?    Resources   required:    Determine  public   and  private   funding   available   for   research   and  training   and   secure   grant   support   to   build   infrastructure   and   formalize   the   program.    Callen-­‐Lorde   is   committed   to   allocate   resources   necessary   to   build   the   program,  including  site  visits  to  successful  models  (e.g.  Fenway  Institute),  administrative  support  and  grant-­‐  seeking  activities.    There  are  multiple  and  distinct  routes  available  to  support  training  and  education  efforts  (e.g.  federal  sources  for  graduate  medical  education)  and  research  (e.g.  National  Institute  of  Health,  foundation-­‐led  initiatives).    Successful  if…    Callen-­‐Lorde  identifies  appropriate  funding  source(s)  to  formalize  existing  resources  and  establish  a  foundation  from  which  to  grow  the  program.  


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III.    IMPLEMENTATION:    Outcomes  and  Guidelines  

There   are   multiple   ways   to   implement   a   program   option.     As   service   delivery   methods   are  explored  further,  decisions  will  be  made  about  if  and  how  to  carry  out  program  options.    

   An  implementation  plan  enumerates  the  research,  planning,  and  resource  solicitation  activities  that  are  needed  to  execute  the  strategic  program  objectives  successfully.    A  monitoring  tool  as  part   of   the   implementation   plan   was   developed   for   use   by   management,   and   includes   the  following  components:    

• Action  steps  linked  to  the  plan’s  desired  outcomes,  • Timelines  to  carry  out  every  task  identified,  • Responsible  parties  assigned  to  every  activity,  which  could  include  staff  and/or  board,  • Anticipated  milestones  to  measure  progress,  and  • Clearly  defined  monitoring  protocol.  

 The  Executive  Committee  of  the  Board  and  Executive  Director  will  monitor  the  plan’s  progress;  Callen-­‐Lorde’s   Board   which   will   review   it   every   six   months   and   make   modifications   as  necessary.    (See  Appendix  J  for  the  Monitoring  Protocols  and  Sample  Tool.)    


Clearly defined

strategic goal

Activities aligned with


Defined milestones

Responsible parties

Reasonable time frames

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Section  3.    Summary  and  Conclusions  

Callen-­‐Lorde   has   been   a   leader   and   advocate,   providing   sensitive,   quality   health   care   to   the  LGBT  community  for  over  30  years.    As  such,  they  are  known  to  patients  and  providers  alike  as  the  provider  of  choice  for  culturally  sensitive  LGBT  healthcare.    The  dedication  of  the  staff  and  board   to   providing   best-­‐in-­‐class   care   has   been   the   calling   card   of   an   innovative   and   forward  thinking  organization.    The  biggest   issue  Callen-­‐Lorde  sought   to  address   in   its  planning  project  was  how  to  continue  providing  quality  programs  and  services  in  a  highly  unstable  environment.    The  Affordable  Care  Act   rollout,   the   revenue   decline   anticipated   from   lower   commercial   and   ACA   insurance  reimbursement   rates  and  decreased  public  goods  pool   funding  among  other   funding   streams  have   created   a   highly   uncertain   environment.     Uncertainty   in   turn   has   created   the   need   for  scenario  planning,  particularly  as   it   relates   to  Callen-­‐Lorde’s  patients’  payor  mix.    Even   in   this  changing  environment,  Callen-­‐Lorde  seeks  to  remain  open  to  diverse  payor  classes  of  patients  as  long  as  it  is  financially  possible.    Accordingly,  Callen-­‐Lorde  has  committed  to  analyze  its  payor  mix   routinely   to   ensure   fiscal   viability   and   identify   mechanisms   to   improve   payment   (e.g.,  contracting  with  an  IPA),  using  other  revenue  streams  to  remain  open  to  all  who  seek  its  care  as  appropriate.    The  other  key  consideration  addressed  through  strategic  planning  is  Callen-­‐Lorde’s  impact  upon  its   target   communities.     Callen-­‐Lorde  achieves   this   impact  directly,   through  patient   care,   and  indirectly,  by  teaching  and  educating  others  to  provide  culturally  appropriate  care.    Of  course,  direct   impact   is   limited   by   capacity,   including   physical   plant   capacity.     The   planning   process  highlighted   the   need   for   Callen-­‐Lorde   to   expand   capacity   by   (i)   maximizing   the   number   of  patients   served   within   existing   sites/programs,   (ii)   adding   new   patients,   and   (iii)   providing  additional   services.     Callen-­‐Lorde’s   commitment   to   exploring   growth   opportunities   directly  through   changes   of   hours/times   in   existing   sites,   new   sites/service   delivery   vehicles,   and  partnerships  and  collaborations,  presents  exciting  opportunities,  particularly  as  one  considers  the  life  cycle  approach  to  serving  the  LGBT  population.    Untapped  equity  from  the  existing  18th  Street  facility  may  be  an  optimal  funding  mechanism  for  capacity  expansion.    Although  the  LGBT  community  has  seen  recent  gains  in  the  availability  of  sensitive  health  care,  there  is  still  a  long  way  to  go  before  LGBT  affirmative  care  is  the  rule,  rather  than  the  exception.    Callen-­‐Lorde’s   role  as  a   trainer  and  educator  of   clinicians,  providers,   social   services  and   front  line   staff   continues   to   be   important   for   achieving   broader   impact.     In   addition,   gains   in  knowledge  made   through   research   can   lead   to   effective   interventions   and   improvements   in  

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 population   health.     Callen-­‐Lorde’s   objective   to   expand   educational   and   research   focused  programming  emerged  as  a  longer-­‐term  goal  that  can  achieve  meaningful  and  lasting  impact  on  LGBT  healthcare  consumers  near  and  far.    The  policy  recommendations  set  out  in  this  plan  will  guide  critical  business  decisions  yet  allow  for  the  flexibility  that  Callen-­‐Lorde  management  requires  to  make  the  timely  and  appropriate  program  choices,  demanded  in  a  rapidly  changing  environment.      

Section  4:    Appendices  

APPENDIX  A:    Callen-­‐Lorde  Planning  Committee  

The   planning   committee   was   comprised   of   multiple   stakeholders,   including   four   Board  members,   eight  member   of   the   senior  management   team   and   four   outside   leaders   in   the  field.    Planning  Committee  Members:  

Board  Members  • Karen  Sauvigne,  Board  Chair  • David  Sandman,  Ph.D.,  Board  Vice-­‐Chair    • Laura  Jacobs,  LMSW,  Board  Secretary  • Justus  Eisfeld,  Board  Member  

 Leaders  in  the  Field  • Dave  Shippee,  Executive  Director,  Whitney  Young  • Adam  Hennick,  Mt.  Sinai  Health  Partners  • Larry  McReynolds,  Executive  Director,  Lutheran  Healthcare  Network  • Wendy  Stark,  Senior  Vice  President,  Lutheran  Healthcare  Network  

 Callen-­‐Lorde  Senior  Management  Team  • Jay  Laudato,  Executive  Director  • Jose  Virella,  Chief  Financial  Officer  • Anita  Radix,  MD,  Senior  Director  of  Research  and  Education  • Peter  Meacher,  MD,  Chief  Medical  Officer  • Andy  Fliegel,  Senior  Director  of  Human  Resources  • Richard  Clarkson,  Senior  Director  for  Strategic  Initiatives  • Annie  O’Hara,  Director  of  Fund  Development  and  Special  Projects  • Christine  Reid-­‐Smoot,  Chief  Operating  Officer  

 KrasnePlows  Team:  

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 • Barbara  Krasne    • Jan  Correa  • Denise  DeMaio  • Stacey  Rubinstein  • Mardi  Strand  


APPENDIX  B:    Interview  and  Focus  Group  Participants  

In  the  early  stages  of  this  project,  45-­‐minute  interviews  were  conducted  with  10  selected  staff  and  board  members:    The  following  board  members  were  interviewed:  

• Karen  Sauvigne,  Board  Chair  • David  Sandman,  Ph.D.,  Board  Vice-­‐Chair    • Laura  Jacobs,  LMSW,  Board  Secretary  

 The  following  staff  members  were  interviewed:  

• Jay  Laudato,  Executive  Director  • Jose  Virella,  Chief  Financial  Officer  • Anita  Radix,  MD,  Senior  Director  of  Research  and  Education  • Peter  Meacher,  MD,  Chief  Medical  Officer  • Andy  Fliegel,  Senior  Director  of  HR  • Richard  Clarkson,  Senior  Director  for  Strategic  Initiatives  • Katie  Douglass,  Director  of  Mental  Health  &  Social  Services  

 Additionally,  three  90-­‐minute  focus  groups  were  conducted  with  20  staff  members:    

• Anthony  Vavasis,  MD,  Director  of  Medicine  • Anthony  Fortenberry,  Director  of  Nursing  • John  Bennett,  Clinical  Director  of  Mental  Health  • Eric  Yarbrough,  Director  of  Psychiatric  Services  • Rosie  Arocho,  Director  of  HOTT  • Manel  Silva,  MD,  Clinical  Director  of  HOTT  • William  Nazareth,  Director  Prevention  &  Outreach  • Finn  Brigham,  Director  of  Special  Populations  Services  • Jennifer  Wilson,  Director  of  Health  IT  • Seeromanie  Subick,  Accountant  • Rhonda  Marks,  Coordinator,  Oral  Health  Services  • Janette  Roman,  Director,  Patient  Administrative  Services  • Aviva  Cantor,  Medical  Provider  • Juliette  Widoff,  Medical  Provider  

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 • Kai  Yohman  Supportive  Case  Manager  • Lucia  Morales,  Lead  Patient  Navigator  • Sebastian  Colon  Otero,  Mental  Health  Provider  • Diego  Wyatt,  Patient  Care  Associate  • Alice  Hoang,  Dentist  • Rudy  Guadron,  Nurse  Practitioner  


APPENDIX  C:    Staff  Interview  Guide  

Preamble:     Everything   will   remain   confidential;   although   incorporated   into   our   findings   –  without  attribution.    

1. Interviewee  Background  (Briefly)  a. What  is  your  prior  experience  with  a  strategic  planning  project?  b. In   a   sentence   or   two,   can   you   describe   how   you   came   to   join   Callen-­‐Lorde’s  

staff?    c. How  long  have  you  worked  there?  

2. General  Background  &  Key  Questions  a. What  are  Callen-­‐Lorde’s  strengths  and  weaknesses  as  a  whole?  b. How  might  you  compare  Callen-­‐Lorde  to  others  in  this  field?    Do  you  think  there  

are  services  that  are  not  offered  elsewhere  that  Callen-­‐Lorde  should  consider?    c. How  visible  is  Callen-­‐Lorde  in  the  community?    To  its  stakeholders?      d. What  would  other  health  centers  and  hospitals  say  about  Callen-­‐Lorde?  e. What  would  your  funders  say  about  Callen-­‐Lorde?  f. Where  do  you  think  that  Callen-­‐Lorde  has  had  the  most   impact   in  achieving   its  

mission?  3. Specific  Program  Issue  Related  Questions  

a. What  are  the  strengths  of  Callen-­‐Lorde’s  programs?    What  are  the  weaknesses?  b. In  your  opinion,  is  Callen-­‐Lorde  meeting  the  needs  of  the  LGBT  community?    

i. If  yes,  how?    ii. If  no,  why  not?  

c. In   your   opinion,   what   is   the   most   useful   service   that   Callen-­‐Lorde   currently  provides  to  the  community?    

d. In  your  opinion,  what  opportunities  do  you  think  Callen-­‐Lorde  may  have  missed?  4. Management  &  Administrative  Capacity—for  staff  interviews  

a. How  productive  do  you  think  you  are  or  can  be   in  performing  your  current   job  responsibilities?    

b. What   impediment   if   removed,   would   help   you   perform   your   job   more  effectively?    (time  or  expense  drain)  

5. Callen-­‐Lorde’s  Future  (Most  important  from  client’s  perspective)  

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 a. How  would  you  describe  the  impact  of  ACA  on  Callen-­‐Lorde’s  ability  to  fulfill  its  

mission?  b. What  do  you  think  are  the  biggest  challenges  facing  Callen-­‐Lorde  over  the  next  

3-­‐5  years?    The  biggest  opportunities?    c. How   do   you   think   Callen-­‐Lorde’s   programs   should   change   or   expand   to   meet  

better  the  demands  of  the  community  in  the  next  3  to  5  years?  d. Describe  your  vision  for  Callen-­‐Lorde  over  the  next  3  to  5  years?    How  different  is  

it  from  where  the  organization  is  now?    What  would  need  to  happen  to  realize  your  vision?    How  could  you  tell  if  you  were  successful?  

6. Is  there  anything  else  you  want  to  tell  us?    

APPENDIX  D:    Board  Interview  Guide  

Preamble:     Everything   will   remain   confidential;   although   incorporated   into   our   findings   –  without  attribution.    

1. Interviewee  Background  (Briefly)  a. What  is  your  prior  experience  with  a  strategic  planning  project?  b. In   a   sentence   or   two,   can   you   describe   how   you   came   to   join   Callen-­‐Lorde’s  

board?    c. How  long  have  you  served?  d. What  is  your  “day  job”?  

 2. General  Background  &  Key  Questions  

a. What  are  Callen-­‐Lorde’s  strengths  and  weaknesses  as  a  whole?  b. How  might  you  compare  Callen-­‐Lorde  to  others  in  this  field?    Do  you  think  there  

are  services  that  are  not  offered  elsewhere  that  Callen-­‐Lorde  should  consider?    c. How  visible  is  Callen-­‐Lorde  in  the  community?  To  its  stakeholders?      d. What  would  other  health  centers  and  hospitals  say  about  Callen-­‐Lorde?  e. What  would  your  funders  say  about  Callen-­‐Lorde?  f. Where  do  you  think  that  Callen-­‐Lorde  has  had  the  most   impact   in  achieving   its  


3. Specific  Program  Issue  Related  Questions  a. What  are  the  strengths  of  Callen-­‐Lorde’s  programs?    What  are  the  weaknesses?  b. In  your  opinion,  is  Callen-­‐Lorde  meeting  the  needs  of  the  LGBT  community?    

i. If  yes,  how?    ii. If  no,  why  not?  

c. In   your   opinion,   what   is   the   most   useful   service   that   Callen-­‐Lorde   currently  provides  to  the  community?    

d. In  your  opinion,  what  opportunities  do  you  think  Callen-­‐Lorde  may  have  missed?  

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4. Board  Satisfaction  a. How  satisfied  are  you  with  your  current  role  on  the  board?    b. What,   if   anything,   could  be  addressed   to   increase   your  engagement?     (Lack  of  

info,  training,  communications)  c. How  well  does  the  board  function  as  a  whole?  

 5. Callen-­‐Lorde’s  Future    

a. How  would  you  describe  the  impact  of  ACA  on  Callen-­‐Lorde’s  ability  to  fulfill  its  mission?  

b. What  do  you  think  are  the  biggest  challenges  facing  Callen-­‐Lorde  over  the  next  3-­‐5  years?    The  biggest  opportunities?    

c. How   do   you   think   Callen-­‐Lorde’s   programs   should   change   or   expand   to   meet  better  the  demands  of  the  community  in  the  next  3  to  5  years?  

d. Describe  your  vision  for  Callen-­‐Lorde  over  the  next  3  to  5  years?    How  different  is  it  from  where  the  organization  is  now?    What  would  need  to  happen  to  realize  your  vision?    How  could  you  tell  if  you  were  successful?    

6. Is  there  anything  else  you  want  to  tell  us?  

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APPENDIX  E:    Staff  Survey  


Page 1

CLCHC Staff SurveyCLCHC Staff SurveyCLCHC Staff SurveyCLCHC Staff Survey


December  3,  2013    Dear  Colleague:    As  you  probably  know,  Callen-­Lorde’s  leadership  launched  a  planning  project  to  determine  the  organization’s  strategic  direction  for  the  next  3  to  5  years,  and  established  a  planning  committee  to  oversee  the  planning  process.  Over  the  coming  months,  the  planning  committee  will  clarify  Callen-­Lorde’s  mission  and  vision,  decide  the  agency’s  strategic  direction  and  identify  the  appropriate  infrastructure  to  support  those  strategic  goals.      We  seek  your  input  at  this  time  because  you  bring  a  valuable  perspective  to  the  planning  project.  Your  feedback,  particularly  about  Callen-­Lorde’s  programs  and  services  and  the  communities  you  serve,  will  help  shape  the  work  we  will  undertake  at  our  planning  group  meetings  and  our  ultimate  recommendations.    As  a  staff  member,  your  candid  input  into  this  process  is  critical.  We  invite  you  to  contribute  your  thoughts  by  participating  in  the  following  survey.  As  you  answer  the  questions,  we  ask  you  to  respond  from  your  point  of  view  only.    Please  be  assured  of  the  confidentiality  of  your  individual  response.  All  survey  data  will  be  handled  solely  by  KrasnePlows,  the  outside  consulting  firm  engaged  to  facilitate  the  planning  process.    The  survey  will  only  take  approximately  20  minutes  or  so  to  complete.    We  respectfully  ask  that  you  complete  the  survey  by  Monday,  December  9th.      Thank  you  in  advance  for  your  participation.    Sincerely,    Jay  Laudato  

Tell  us  about  your  role  and  tenure.  

1. How long have you worked at Callen-­Lorde?

 1. Introduction

 2. Your Background and Role

*a.  Less  than  3  years


b.  3  to  5  years  

c.  6  to  10  years  

d.  More  than  10  years  

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APPENDIX  F:    Board  Survey  


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CLCHC Board SurveyCLCHC Board SurveyCLCHC Board SurveyCLCHC Board Survey


December  3,  2013    Dear  Board  member:    As  you  know,  Callen-­Lorde’s  Board  of  Directors  launched  a  planning  project  to  determine  the  organization’s  strategic  direction  for  the  next  3  to  5  years,  and  established  a  planning  committee  to  oversee  the  planning  process.  Over  the  coming  months,  the  planning  committee  will  clarify  Callen-­Lorde’s  mission  and  vision,  decide  the  agency’s  strategic  direction  and  identify  the  appropriate  infrastructure  to  support  those  strategic  goals.  This  will  result  in  a  strategic  plan  that  will  require  full  Board  approval  through  a  vote.    We  will  seek  your  input  throughout  the  process  and  share  developments  as  they  become  available.  At  this  time,  we  want  your  feedback  about  Callen-­Lorde’s  programs  and  services  and  the  populations  it  serves.  This  information  will  guide  the  work  we  will  undertake  at  our  planning  group  meetings  and  our  ultimate  recommendations.    Your  candid  input  into  this  process  is  critical.  We  invite  you  to  contribute  your  thoughts  by  participating  in  the  following  survey.  As  you  answer  the  questions,  we  ask  you  to  respond  from  your  point  of  view  only.    Please  be  assured  of  the  confidentiality  of  your  individual  response.  All  survey  data  will  be  handled  solely  by  KrasnePlows,  the  outside  consulting  firm  engaged  to  facilitate  the  planning  process.    The  survey  will  only  take  approximately  20  minutes  or  so  to  complete.    We  respectfully  ask  that  you  complete  the  survey  by  Monday,  December  9th.      Thank  you  in  advance  for  your  participation.    Callen-­Lorde  Planning  Committee    Chris  Bungay,  Richard  Clarkson,  Justus  Eisfeld,  Andy  Fliegel,  Adam  Hennick,  Laura  Jacobs,  Jay  Laudato,  Larry  McReynolds,  Peter  Meacher,  Annie  O'Hara,  Anita  Radix,  David  Sandman,  Karen  Sauvigne,  Dave  Shippeee,  Wendy  Stark,  Jose  Virella      Sincerely,  Jay  Laudato  

The  board  of  directors  is  the  body  charged  with  setting  an  agency’s  strategic  direction.  Board  members  make  sure  that  the  direction  chosen  fits  within  the  agency’s  charge  (as  stated  in  its  bylaws)  and  fulfills  its  mission.  Getting  critical  resource  decisions  right  –  allocating  time,  talent  and  dollars  to  the  activities  that  have  the  greatest  impact  is  what  “strategy”  is  all  about.    Like  all  organizations,  Callen-­Lorde  has  limited  resources.  Board  members  have  to  make  sure  that  those  resources  are  used  effectively  to  fulfill  its  mission.  They  need  to  consider  how  they  can  best  achieve  the  impact  they  want  to  have  with  the  resources  they  have  in  hand  or  could  readily  obtain.    

 1. Introduction

 2. Your Background and Context

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APPENDIX  G:    Sample  Decision  Making  Tool  



Fulfills licensure requirement =

Proposed Project: ______________________________

Financially sustainable =

Available or accessible resources =







----------------------Misalignment - - - - --Congruence!





Total-Score:-________- Weighted-Avg:______-

----------------------Misalignment - - - - --Congruence!

Fits mission =

1-–-Low-! 2-–-Med.- 3-(-High-


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APPENDIX  H:    Partnership  Life  Cycle  Chart  



• Community!programming!for!children!(CenterKids)!• Adolescent!Health!(Callen;Lorde)!• Outreach!to!homeless!and!street;involved!youth!(Callen;Lorde,!the!Center)!• Transgender!health!(Callen;Lorde)!• LGBT!Foster!Care!Project!(the!Center)!• Youth!groups!and!events!(the!Center)!


• Mental!health!and!substance!abuse!services!(Callen;Lorde,!the!Center)!• Sexual!health!care!(Callen;Lorde)!• LGBT!family!and!parenKng!services!(the!Center)!• Care!coordinaKon!and!case!management!(Callen;Lorde)!• Employment!assistance!(the!Center)!• Legal!advocacy!(Callen;Lorde!Medical;Legal!partnership,!the!Center!legal!clinics)!• Transgender!health!(Callen;Lorde)!


• Care!coordinaKon!and!case!management!(SAGE)!• Community!building!and!group!supports!(SAGE)!• Medical!and!mental!health!care!(Callen;Lorde,!the!Center)!• Caretaker!support!(SAGE)!• Home!visits!(SAGE!volunteers)!• NutriKon!educaKon!(SAGE)!• Employment!assistance!!(SAGE)!



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APPENDIX  I:    Capacity  Expansion  Diagram  




Planning-•  Needs!Assessment!

•  Capital!planning!









Convert 18th to residential &

attain new site

Add a satellite site in


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APPENDIX  J:    Monitoring  Protocols  

The  monitoring  tool  is  comprised  of  a  set  of  milestones  and  calendar  by  which  to  track   the   Business   Plan’s   progress   and   to   make   any   appropriate   adjustments.    Individual  implementation  plans  have  been  established  for  every  program  option  recommendation.  

Monitored   by   Jay   Laudato,   Executive   Director   and   the   Executive  Committee  of  the  Callen-­‐Lorde  Board  

Reviewed  semi-­‐annually  by  the  Callen-­‐Lorde  Board  



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