Strategic Perspective Maj Gen Del Eulberg, P.E., F.SAME, USAF President August 24, 2007.

Strategic Perspective Maj Gen Del Eulberg, P.E., F.SAME, USAF President August 24, 2007

Transcript of Strategic Perspective Maj Gen Del Eulberg, P.E., F.SAME, USAF President August 24, 2007.

Strategic Perspective

Maj Gen Del Eulberg, P.E., F.SAME, USAFPresident

August 24, 2007

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Historical PerspectiveStrategic Plan2007- 2008 Focus AreasSociety IssuesIndustry IssuesFuture Direction

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SAME Roots

1909 – 1919: Army Corps of Engineers published the Professional Memoirs, a service journal.

The seeds for SAME were planted during WWI with the addition of civilian engineers to active duty forces.

Following WWI, a group of regular officers wanted to maintain the spirit of cooperation developed during the war among the military and private sector engineers.

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SAME Contemplated

In 1919, a Board of Officers met to consider the establishment of an Association of Engineers to promote the advancement of engineering and related profession– A void existed between the efforts of the military,

government and private industry engineering communities.

– Professional Memoirs did not fulfill the need to bring these communities together.

Working collectively, these groups would satisfy the requirement to understand military engineering service during wartime.

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SAME Organized

1920: SAME organized initially to publish a magazine, The Military Engineer. Replaced Professional Memoirs Professional Memoirs assets transferred to The Military Engineer The Editor of the new magazine started to solicit membership in

the new organization A group of Reserve and National Guard officers were invited to join

the SAME Board of Officers New Board of Officers met to form a temporary structure for SAME

and to elect temporary officers. Initial Membership of 3,500

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Move to Century House

SAME was incorporated in the District of Columbia in 1924

SAME HQ moved to Century House in Alexandria, VA in Oct.1980

SAME has spent $150,000 in renovations in past 4 years and has raised close to $300,000 to complete renovations

Property valued at $1.5 Million

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TTo promote and facilitate engineering support for national security by developing and enhancing relationships and competencies among uniformed services, public and private sector engineers, and related professionals.

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To be a premier global engineering organization leading to the professional and personal growth of all members in support of military readiness and the development of solutions to national security challenges.

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Integrity Patriotism Public Service National Security Technical Competence Excellence Environmental Stewardship

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National Security and Emergency Response

Education & TrainingRelationshipsRelevanceRecognition

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Private industry: 13,415 (64%)

Federal Government: 4,130 (20%)

DOD = 3,710 (18%)

Non-DOD = 420 (2%)

State/local Gov’t: 420 (2%)

College Students: 1,225 (6%)

Fully Retired: 1,100 (6%)

Education/Non-Profit: 160 (1%)

Unidentified: 135 (1%)

TOTAL = 20,850 (100%)

* As of Aug 07

SAME Member Demographics*

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Strategic Plan Process

March Each Year – Strategic Planning Workshop– About 1/3 of Board of Direction participates– Review Strategic Plan for Revisions– Develop Focus Areas for New President’s Term

May Each Year Board Approves:– Focus Areas– Recommended Changes to Strategic Plan

June Each Year– Focus Areas discussed in SAME News

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Situation Audit

Communications: face-to-face and IT (Web, VTC…) Government and Private Sector Relationships: Outsourcing

and small business Participation in Professional Organizations: Leaders

encourage membership & participation as mentoring Demographics: DOD downsizing and industry consolidation Technical Competence: Licensing and certifications Inter-Service and Inter-Agency Collaboration: “Joint” war-

fighting and installation solutions

What’s missing?

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2007-2008 Focus Areas

Provide enhanced service and value to military engineer community, including both Public and Private sectors

Develop and implement programs and tools to enhance the value of SAME through continuing education programs

Promote K-12 outreach programs that provide greatest value to the military engineer community for implementation by SAME Posts

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Strategic Plan Implementation

Post Streamers aligned with SAME Goals and Objectives– Measure accomplishments for Calendar Year– Recognition important to Posts– Successful Posts yields Successful Regions

Society Medals and Awards Fellows Nominations SAME HQ and Board of Direction establish Focus Areas Senior Executive Group (SEG) Joint Engineer Training Conference & Expo Regional Conferences

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Strategic Alliances

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Strategic Alliance Programs

AEA – Co-sponsor Engineer Dinner at West Point NSPE

– Ethics and P.E. Review Courses– Webinars

IFMA– Certified Facility Manager (CFM) and FM Webinars– Installation Management Panel at World Workplace (Annually)– IFMA-SAME Federal Facilities Management Workshop (Sep 07)

CMAA– Pilot Certified Construction Manager (CCM) program– Webinars– SAME Panel at CMAA National Conference (Oct 07)

TISP– Hosting 2008 TISP Congress at Southwest-Rocky Mountain

Regional Conference in Phoenix

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Prospective Alliances

Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA)– DBIA Certificate

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)– Joint Student Chapters– Readiness Training

Green Building Council – Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

(LEED) Certification American Association of Cost Engineers (AACE)

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SAME Challenges

High OPTEMPO of uniform services results in reduced military participation

Since the 1980s, military continues to downsize– Work harder to retain and grow military membership

Military and civil service leaders need to promote SAME via mentoring

SAME must better utilize web technology to provide education and training

What are other challenges are seen by Posts?

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Future Direction

Continue strong Post organizations focused on Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives– Recruitment + Satisfaction = Retention– Focus areas:

• Provide enhanced service and value to military engineer community, including both Public and Private sectors

• Develop and implement programs and tools to enhance the value of SAME through continuing education programs

• Promote K-12 outreach programs that provide greatest value to the military engineer community for implementation by SAME Posts

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Future Direction

Continue support of “Top Six” values to members*– Customer satisfaction: “What does SAME do for me?”– Networking: acquaintances, job opportunities, awareness of

future military and government projects, prof. develop.– Programs: appeal to members of all ages and professions– Professional development: awarding PDHs to support

members’ state certification requirements– The Military Engineer; SAME’s News: keep relevant and

interesting for all ages and professions – Involvement: provide leadership opportunities (committees,

officers, directors)

* 2006-07 AOF Membership Strategic Assessment Implementation Report

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Future Direction

Continue to improve support from HQ to Regions & Posts– “Basics” (membership, cont. edu., communications….)– First class regional and national conferences – Maintain financial strength– Partner with other professional associations to benefit

SAME members– Provide high quality print publications and electronic

communications to members– Expand continuing education opportunities on high

priority DOD areas of interest Continue on a path of continuous improvement

You are now part of SAME Leadership

- Listen, Learn, Lead!- Decide to make an impact