Strategic Growth Opportunity For Self Performing CONTRACTORS · Self-Performance-When opportunity...


Transcript of Strategic Growth Opportunity For Self Performing CONTRACTORS · Self-Performance-When opportunity...

Page 1: Strategic Growth Opportunity For Self Performing CONTRACTORS · Self-Performance-When opportunity permits, many contractors prefer to utilize their own employees and equipment. Self-performed


Page 2: Strategic Growth Opportunity For Self Performing CONTRACTORS · Self-Performance-When opportunity permits, many contractors prefer to utilize their own employees and equipment. Self-performed



The United States hasn’t seen a major infrastructure package since the Eisenhower administration. As a result, much of US infrastructure, from highways to waste treatment facilities and energy grids, has approached the end of its useful life and is in desperate need of upgrading. While investment has historically been complicated by lack of federal commitment, a closer view of America’s infrastructure offers a more optimistic outlook.

First, it’s useful to categorize US infrastructure into two broad categories: transportation and utilities. The former includes mass transit and rail, streets and highways, seaports, airports and even forthcoming, revolutionary transportation systems that will enable use of autonomous vehicles, the hyperloop and more. The latter refers to key services like power, water, waste and broadband or fiber.

Self-Performance- When opportunity permits, many contractors prefer to utilize their own employees and equipment. Self-performed work has a direct and positive impact on project scheduling, quality and cost when considering the complexity of work, quality and availability of the subcontractor market


Page 3: Strategic Growth Opportunity For Self Performing CONTRACTORS · Self-Performance-When opportunity permits, many contractors prefer to utilize their own employees and equipment. Self-performed


The $18 trillion US economy relies on a vast network of infrastructure

It is old and getting older: the current systems were built decades ago and there are growing concerns about its safety with many roads and highways at or approaching structural deficiency.

The US ranks 10th in the world in infrastructure quality today—down from 5th in 2002.

European countries spend more than double the US in infrastructure development and Maintenance and utilize more modern methods.

On average, European countries spend 5% of GDP on building and maintaining their infrastructure.

The US spends 2.4 %

The American Society of Civil Engineers in their 2017 report estimates that the country needs to spend nearly $1.5 trillion to close this infrastructure gap.

The Department of Transportation, (DOT) estimates that more than $800 billion is required to shore up the nation’s roads and bridges.

McKinsey researchers say that more than $150 billion will re required between 2017 and 2030 alone.

DOT finds that one in four bridges in the US are structurally deficient or not designed for the traffic they now support.


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Donald Trump has promised to improve America’s infrastructure. Many state and local governments have followed his lead.

The current administration and nearly all 2020 presidential candidates appear supportive of a major US infrastructure package.

The Trump administration has pledged more than $1 trillion in a combination of new federal spending, private capital initiatives and low-cost loans

The 2020 federal budget is expected to include at least $200bn for infrastructure, as an early stage bid for the long-dreamed of trillion-dollar deal.

Importantly, private sector infrastructure financing, as well as leadership from states and local municipalities, have contributed significantly to recent investment. Political gridlock at the federal level should still, however, be evaluated as a short-term obstacle given that widespread support for infrastructure exists across the political spectrum

Politics aside, demand for infrastructure investment is driven by several factors, including demographic trends, depreciation of existing infrastructure, environmental risks, changing preferences and advances in technology.


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A large number of US government infrastructure

opportunities are emerging over the next year.

Billion of dollars of funding will be available.

What can you expect to win in market share?

How does your company penetrate this market?


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We believe that a strategic alliance with Cor-Tuf puts your

firm in a unique position to grow your market share

exponentiality for the following reasons:

UHPC is relatively new in the US, but Cor-Tuf was developed

together with the US Army Corp of Engineers, giving the

product instant and serious technical credibility.

Cor-Tuf is better than any of its competition, foreign or


Life cycle cost savings allow the recapitalization of US

infrastructure (invest only once).

Time is money. UHPC saves time.

The characteristics of Cor-Tuf UHPC allows innovation and

future forward design.

Cor-Tuf can give your company a competitive



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Together, these trends should ultimately benefit companies that can derive added revenues from increased spending on infrastructure projects, regardless of the financing method and objective, such as maintenance or new developments, and can collect infrastructure-related revenues before project completion.

Such companies include:

Construction and engineering firms

Producers of raw materials, composites and products used in building infrastructure projects

Producers and distributors of heavy construction equipment

Companies engaged in the transportation of materials used in infrastructure projects

We believe that there are significant opportunities for your company in this market and Premier UHPC can help you WIN contracts


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Corps Proposes $4.6B Plan to Steel Miami for Storm Surge

A $4.6-billion U.S. Army Corps of Engineers proposal to protect Miami from future storm surge, largely by building massive sea walls and elevating infrastructure

systems, is the latest of such plans the agency has developed for East Coast communities.

On June 5, the Corps unveiled a draft of the Miami-Dade Back Bay Coastal Storm Risk Management Feasibility Study, including its proposed plan to protect the most

vulnerable parts of the region, and held virtual public hearings on the study June 9 and June 11. The Corps is also developing similar programs for Charleston, S.C.,

and the Florida Keys.

The Corps says the final Miami-Dade study is anticipated in 2021. “It’s an evolving plan,” says Holly Carpenter, project manager for the Miami-Dade study.

The protection plan calls for six miles of sea walls, ranging in height from 1 ft to 13 ft, plus elevation and protection of critical infrastructure and thousands of homes.

Under the proposal, levees would be built along the Miami and Little rivers and Edgewater neighborhood, while levees and floodwalls are proposed around the

Biscayne Canal. Total design and construction costs are estimated to be about $1.22 billion, according to the Corps proposal.

Carpenter says the walls were the most economically efficient way of protecting the areas and its critical infrastructure. But, she expects public feedback and

continued study and modeling will yield further refinements to the plan. “Even after we move into the design phase and we do more detailed modeling, things will

continue to evolve," she adds.

The proposal would require Congressional authorization and would not begin construction for at least five years. Even if the plan comes to fruition, it is only

designed to block surge from a 100-year storm event by 2079 because of the cost of adding extra protections. The Corps is planning for an extra 3 ft of sea level rise

by then.

The plan does not address sunny day flooding—high-tide events that flood streets and other low-lying areas—which is becoming more frequent in areas along the

East Coast.

The Miami-Dade proposal is already receiving some pushback, not only because of its reliance on walls to protect the region, but also because of the way the plan is

being rolled out with little public engagement.

“As an architect, when you do planning projects at that scale, you have creative sessions and visioning workshops with a lot of public input,” says architect Reinaldo

Borges, who serves on Miami’s resiliency task force and leads a chamber of commerce task force on resiliency.

Borges says the Corps’ project is important and “for the most part it has good intentions,” but the virtual outreach planned “isn’t sufficient.”

Edgar Westerhof, national director for flood risk and resilience at Arcadis, says a COVID-19-related economic downturn may make it difficult for local governments

to provide the required local match for the projects. The Miami-Dade proposal would require a 35% local match to the 65% federal funding.

According to a study last year conducted by the Center for Climate Integrity and engineering firm Resilient Analytics, coastal communities face a $400-billion tab

over the next 20 years to protect their shores from rising sea levels. The report says 50,000 miles of coastal barriers will have to be built by 2040.

Jacksonville, Fla., New York City, Virginia Beach and Galveston, Texas, will have the biggest seawall tabs.

Public comment for the $1.75-billion Charleston proposal closes on June 19, while the Corps will accept comments on the Miami-Dade plan until July 20. The draft

$3.1-billion Keys plan is not yet available for public comment.

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Premier’s Cor-Tuf UHPC is the ideal

replacement for standard concrete in just

about all applications and was recently used

by the Florida Department of Transportation

as an innovative approach to combating the

effects of corrosive oxidation found in

bridges with traditional concrete .

UHPC SIP Panel Construction


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In a landscape of competitive markets, shifting priorities, and ever more aggressive global competition, it takes

superior vision coupled with industry experience and tactical creativity to win.

Cor-Tuf Premier UHPC serves manufacturers, government contractors, and private companies with proven products

to create new opportunities for our customers. It is our mission to assist our customers with a clear path to increased

sales – and to guide you along the way.

As a Cor-Tuf UHPC Installer you can make money on your first job. To achieve this we provide you with the training

and assistance necessary to purchase and install Cor-Tuf UHPC anywhere in the world and can help you achieve your

long-term business growth.

For more information contact: Kyle Meyer [email protected]