

Transcript of Storyboard


This will be the opening shot , it will be a close up of the main singers phone ringing with someone called ‘hubby’ calling.

The singer will pick up the phone , a mid-shot will be used and she will have a brief conversation with her love interest about meeting up

The scene will then cut into a scene with Me and the backup dancers performing a routine in the studio

It will then cut to a scene of me lying down on a bed singing the beginning half of the first verse.

After me lying on the bed the scence will change to me sitting down surrounded by indian styled pillows singing to the camera. A mid-shot will be used for this

It will later then switch to me lying looking vunerable on a bed singing the lines ‘I'm on, his knee, he keeps, me clean and gives, me things, he makes, me scream’. The submissive nature of this line led us to purposely position myself in this way when I sang it

The beginning of the chorus will cut into a dance routine again , which will show mid-shots and long-shots

The second part of the chorus will use a mid-shot of me and a dancer member smoking shisha . I wont be lip synching in this bit

A midshot of the singer getting ready will be used in the second verse when she says ‘tonight is waiting’

Into the second verse they talk about entertaining so to reflect this we will cut to a party scene

For the 2nd half of the 2nd verse there's a line that goes ‘he makes me glow’ we will use a close up on my face to show me looking happy and ‘glowing’

For the chorus after the second verse we will use a midshot of the belly dancer performing

It will then use a mid shot of people having drinks and having fun

A mid shot will be used of Jasmine and the rapper as he raps at the bar

After the rap this long shot will be used to show she's on the phone ready to meet her boyfriend

This will be the last scene where she is re-united with her boyfriend