
A Crash Course on Creativity Instructor: Tina Seelig October 17, 2012 - December 07, 2012 Assignment ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION? Student Ana Reyna Mejía

Transcript of Stores

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A Crash Course on CreativityInstructor: Tina Seelig

October 17, 2012 - December 07, 2012


StudentAna Reyna Mejía

Page 2: Stores

This presentation captures insights and opportunities that may have been missed before

the detailed observation in the following shopping center…

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SAGA Falabella is a department store chain in Peru, formed in 1996

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• Before you enter the store Does the store draw you in? If so, how?Yes, it’s a combination of lightning and colors. The front is a bright green. It’s a two floor building. I observed the second floor with more detail. Is the door open or closed?It’s open in the front but there are other exits with big glass doors. How does this make you feel?I think it’s welcoming. How big is the sign lettering and in what font?It’s big, actually it’s the only thing standing out, as you can see in the picture, the font is all white, lowercase and cursive. What does it tell you about the store?Green color is associated with trust, and combined with all the white inside the store, the store wants to give a feeling of relaxation.

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• Environment What is the color scheme of the store? How does this affect you?It’s light green. I like this tone of green. What type of floor does the store have? How does this effect the environment?It has white floor, the walls are also painted white. It makes the products pop out more. How high is the ceiling? How does this feel?The ceiling is very high, maybe 2-3 meters. It makes the store look big. How brightly lit is the store? How does this affect you?It has a lot of lights, some are white other yellowish~ at first I didn’t notice these details but I could see that in pictures. How loud is the environment?Very loud, specially the area I observed. I was near the music section and there were clients testing the volume. Also the store plays music in the background.

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• Environment

What is causing the noise?Music in the background from the store, people talking, kids playing in the toy section, the music players, tv and other home appliances that people were testing. Is there music playing? If so, does it fit the environment?Yes, very often. They usually play music that make you feel nice and happy. I think it fits well. Is the store warm or cold?There’s air conditioning. Cool in summer, warm in winter. Is the store crowed with merchandise or is it sparse?It’s crowded, and they have even more merchandise in the warehouse.

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• Environment

Does the store have a distinctive smell?No. Where is the cash register located?There are 2~5 cash register distributed in the first and second floor. How visible is the store security?I noticed a couple in each entrance. How long do you want to stay in this store?Until I find what I’m looking for. Does the environment influence the perceived value of the merchandise?Yes, they sell things that cost less in other places, but the place is comfortable, clean and well-organized, which adds up to the final prices.

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• Personnel: How long does it take before a sales person initiates contact?It depends the area your browsing. In the clothing section for example, no one would approach me. However in the rest of the store it’s quick, it’ might take 5 or less minutes. Does the salesperson have a script to follow with each customer?They start with a greeting and then asking how they can help. Does the salesperson treat different customers differently?I guess in terms of how much familiarized the client is with the product or service he is looking for. What is the ratio of salespeople to customers?1:10 possibly.

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• Personnel:

What age and gender are the employees?Depends, in the sports section there are more men, in the home appliances more women, and so on. They are in their 20~30. Are the salespeople using the store products?No. Do the salespeople have a uniform?Yes. Do the salespeople match the stores image?Yes.

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• Products: What is the first product that you notice?Home appliances (specially TVs) Is there a central display table with featured products?Yes. Where are items that are “for sale” located in the store?They’re very visible. How are the products arranged? By function? By price? By color?By function. Are there free samples or demonstrations?Yes.

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• Products: What products are at eye level?TVs. What items in the store are in the least accessible locations?Some clothes and glass items that children could break. Where are the most and least expensive products located?The least expensive are handy, the most expensive are cars and they are outside the main door. Are the prices of the products easy to find?Yes. Are there impulse items near the cash register?Yes.

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• Customers: Are most customers alone or with someone else? What is the relationship?Most are either in couple or family, around 90% are not alone. What is the average age and gender of the customers?The average 30 years old. Mostly women. When a customer enters the store, do they tend to walk in the same path or direction? - No,.

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• Customers: How long do customers stay in the store, on average?20~30 minutes. Do customer touch the products? Is this encouraged?Yes, they can touch them, it’s allowed. Do most customers appear to be on a mission or are they browsing?Browsing. What percent of customers purchase products in the store?60%.