Stop the Mass Killings of Peaceful Demonstrators in Libya

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate Blessings upon our Prophet Muhammad, his Kin, and his Companions PRESS RELEASE Stop the MaSS KillingS of peaceful DeMonStratorS in libya Saturday 19th February 2011 This is an urgent appeal from Religious Scholars (Faqihs and Sufi Sheikhs), intellectuals, and clan elders from Tripoli, Bani Walid, Zintan, Jadu, Msalata, Misrata, Zawiah, and other towns and villages of the western area of our beloved Libya to all of humanity, to all men and women of good will: The Libyan regime has been firing live ammunition at peaceful demonstrators who have been simply asking for their divinely endowed, and internationally recognized, human rights. We witness before God that, as we write this (February 19, 2011, 6:00 pm Tripoli time), hundreds of people are being gunned down with heavy machine guns near the Central Barracks and Security Headquarters in Benghazi. This is in addition to the hun- dreds killed and injured over the past three days in al-Beda, Darna, Shahat, Ijdabiah, and other cities and towns in the eastern area of our beloved Libya. Please HELP! Please do whatever you can to stop this slaughter. We appeal to every Muslim, within the regime, or assisting it in any way, to recognize that the killing of innocent human beings is forbidden by our Creator and by His beloved Prophet of Compassion (peace be upon him), and that whoever commits such crimes- against-humanity, or assists in committing them, in anyway, shall subject himself to con- demnation to God’s wrath and eternal damnation. Human life is sanctified by God Himself, and is protected by Divine Shariah and International Law. Do NOT kill your brothers and sisters. STOP the massacre NOW! We appeal to the faithful and brave Libyan people to help each other in all ways possible and to remain united. This is what is commanded by Allah and His beloved Prophet (peace be upon him). NETWORK OF FREE ULEMA Network of Free Ulema - Libya Page 1 of 2

Transcript of Stop the Mass Killings of Peaceful Demonstrators in Libya

Page 1: Stop the Mass Killings of Peaceful Demonstrators in Libya

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate

Blessings upon our Prophet Muhammad, his Kin, and his Companions


Stop the MaSS KillingS of peaceful

DeMonStratorS in libya

Saturday 19th February 2011

This is an urgent appeal from Religious Scholars (Faqihs and Sufi Sheikhs), intellectuals,

and clan elders from Tripoli, Bani Walid, Zintan, Jadu, Msalata, Misrata, Zawiah, and

other towns and villages of the western area of our beloved Libya to all of humanity, to all

men and women of good will:

The Libyan regime has been firing live ammunition at peaceful demonstrators who have

been simply asking for their divinely endowed, and internationally recognized, human

rights. We witness before God that, as we write this (February 19, 2011, 6:00 pm Tripoli

time), hundreds of people are being gunned down with heavy machine guns near the

Central Barracks and Security Headquarters in Benghazi. This is in addition to the hun-

dreds killed and injured over the past three days in al-Beda, Darna, Shahat, Ijdabiah, and

other cities and towns in the eastern area of our beloved Libya. Please HELP! Please do

whatever you can to stop this slaughter.

We appeal to every Muslim, within the regime, or assisting it in any way, to recognize that

the killing of innocent human beings is forbidden by our Creator and by His beloved

Prophet of Compassion (peace be upon him), and that whoever commits such crimes-

against-humanity, or assists in committing them, in anyway, shall subject himself to con-

demnation to God’s wrath and eternal damnation. Human life is sanctified by God Himself,

and is protected by Divine Shariah and International Law. Do NOT kill your brothers and

sisters. STOP the massacre NOW!

We appeal to the faithful and brave Libyan people to help each other in all ways possible

and to remain united. This is what is commanded by Allah and His beloved Prophet

(peace be upon him).


Network of Free Ulema - Libya

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Page 2: Stop the Mass Killings of Peaceful Demonstrators in Libya


We are a network of some of Libya’s most senior and most respected Muslim Religious Scholars

with various specializations and tribal backgrounds from across our beloved Libya. Our network

also includes some of the most respected Sufi Teachers in our country. Some top Judges, Lawyers,

Doctors, Engineers, University Professors and Intellectuals, as well as Writers and Poets, are also

members. Our network includes both men and women, old and young, locally educated and ed-

ucated-abroad. We are not a political party, and our only agenda is that of upholding the highest

religious, spiritual, moral, and human values, and the service of our beloved Libya. We are diverse

groups of different schools and outlooks, and we believe in the richness of plurality, and the wisdom

of dialogue and communication with all other faiths and cultures. Our network is only one dimen-

sion of Libya’s very rich and sophisticated Civil Society, which has always been there, but has had

to go clandestine for many years because of the regime’s repressive policies. In the New Libya,

all these seeds will sprout into a rich and vibrant culture, unified, and mutually respectful. For the

time being, security conditions do not allow us to publish a list of members. We will publish such

a list as soon as we can.

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Page 3: Stop the Mass Killings of Peaceful Demonstrators in Libya

يف ليبيا القتل اجلماعي للمتظاهرين السلمينيإيقاف

، ومفكرين، وشيوخ قبائل من )فقهاء ومشايخ(ملحة من علماء الدين وهذه مناشدة عاجلة

زاوية، وغريها من املدن والقرى يف الوجادو ومسالتة ومصراتة و والزنتاني وبين وليد طرابلس وبنغاز :ليبيا احلبيبة، إىل األسرة اإلنسانية مجعاء، رجاال ونساء، من أصحاب النوايا احلسنة الطيبة غرب

يواصل النظام اللييب إطالق الذخرية احلية على املتظاهرين السلميني الذين يطالبون فقط إذ إذ نكتب هذا البيان وحنن نشهد أمام اهللا. املعترف ا دولياو املمنوحة من اهللا تعاىلباحلقوق اإلنسانية

وأصيبوا ، بأن املئات من الناس قد قتلوا )19/2/2011الساعة السادسة مساء بتوقيت طرابلس، بتاريخ (قرب الثكنات العسكرية املركزية ومراكز األمن الرئيسة يف بنغازي؛ هذا باإلضافة ثقيلةال األسلحةبنريان

إىل املئات الذين قتلوا وأصيبوا خالل األيام الثالثة املاضية يف البيضاء ودرنة وشحات وإجدابيا وغريها من قصارى جهدكم وابذلمنكم أن تنرجو فنرجو اإلنقاذ واملساعدة؛ . املدن والبلدات يف شرق ليبيا احلبيبة

.لوقف هذه املذحبة

ونناشد كل مسلم، من داخل النظام أو ممن يساعد النظام بأي طريقة كانت، بأن يدرك أن قتل صلى اهللا عليه وآله وسلم، وأن كل وحبيبه الرسول نيب الرمحة سبحانه أي إنسان بريء قد حرمه خالقنا

على ارتكاا، فإنه يعرض - بأي طريقة كانت -من يرتكب مثل هذه اجلرائم ضد البشر أو يساعد فلقد حرم اهللا تعاىل النفس البشرية، وصاا بشريعته . نفسه لعقوبة سخط اهللا وغضبه ولعنته األبدية

!كم وأخواتكم، وأوقفوا املذحبة اآلنانفال تقتلوا إخوالربانية، كما أنها مصونة حممية بالقانون الدويل؛

ب اللييب املؤمن والشجاع بأن يتآزر يف جندة بعضه البعض جبميع الوسائل وإننا نناشد الشعورسوله احلبيب صلى اهللا عليه اهللا تعاىل به والسبل املمكنة، وأن يبقى متحدا؛ فهذا ما يأمرنا ويوصينا

.وآله وسلم


Page 4: Stop the Mass Killings of Peaceful Demonstrators in Libya

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