STOP Denver

4 • • STOP THE DESTRUCTION OF THE WORLD KEPPE MOTOR A breakthrough energy solution Since Rio-02, the governments of the world have not managed to develop any significant initiatives to stop the destruction of the world. STOP has. Over the past 10 years, STOP engineers, working from the proposals presented in Norberto Keppe’s New Physics (read an excerpt on page 2), have developed a technological breakthrough – a new, highly efficient motor that guarantees energy savings of from 50 – 90%. The motor uses an innovative pulse technology to capture energy. If adopted by nations worldwide, the Keppe Motor will go a long way toward saving our environment and establishing a just and sustainable economy, and will lead to enormous social, scientific and cultural development for all people. Keppe Motor Booth 109 Februrary 22, 23 & 24, 2013 National Western Complex


Newspaper STOP The Destruction Of The World

Transcript of STOP Denver

Page 1: STOP Denver • •


KEPPE MOTORA breakthrough energy solution

Since Rio-02, the governments of the world have not managed to develop any significant initiatives to stop the destruction of the world. STOP has.

Over the past 10 years, STOP engineers, working from the proposals presented in Norberto Keppe’s New Physics (read an excerpt on page 2), have developed a technological breakthrough – a new, highly efficient motor that guarantees energy savings of from 50 – 90%.

The motor uses an innovative pulse technology to capture energy. If adopted by nations worldwide, the Keppe Motor will go a long way toward saving our environment and establishing a just and sustainable economy, and will lead to enormous social, scientific and cultural development for all people.

Keppe Motor Booth 109Februrary 22, 23 & 24, 2013National Western

Page 2: STOP Denver

Liberation of the People

Call to ActionThe STOP the Destruction of

the World Project is sponsored by the Keppe and Pacheco Association, a Non-Profit Organization founded in Paris in 1992 by psychoanalyst and writer Claudia Bernhardt de Souza Pacheco. The Association is made up of an international group of individuals and institutions dedicated to preserving humanity and nature.

Our philosophy could be summed up like this: “We want to summon all of you who have a practical nature, all who possess idealism and dynamism, all who believe in goodness, truth and beauty, to unite so that a new world can be built, a new society: the true Kingdom of Man on earth. In this new society we will work for ourselves and enjoy what the Creator has bequeathed to us, those things that until now we have been deprived of by the individuals who hold economic-financial power in their hands. We

have arrived at a decisive moment in time when it is no longer possible to go on sustaining those ill-intentioned individuals who have taken control of the planet and organized a social order just for themselves — allowing us a few crumbs only when their position is in danger of collapse or when they are forced to give us something.

We are calling on all of you to bring about the greatest of all “revolutions” that mankind has ever experienced. We are calling you together to turn society around, to disinvert it and head it in the right direction. We are no longer willing to be cannon fodder for the powerful, or the pilots of their war planes and the drivers of their combat tanks which spread death and destruction. We want to live life; we want to produce for ourselves and our fellow men;

we want to live in peace with everyone. Nor can we let them go on exploiting us and killing us, pitting one class against another, one people against another, one profession against another. We intend to put a stop to all of this because we want to live in a time of peace now — that peace we have always desired but which has been denied us.”

Liberation of the People - The Pathology of Power, Norberto Keppe, New York City, June 6, 1986

New Physics

Physics Should Be Referred to as EnergeticsNorberto R. Keppe, social scientist.Book extract from The New Physics Derived from a Disinverted Metaphysics.

The name Physics is errone-ous, because matter itself is the result of scalar resonance impris-oned in a particular locale, which means that it is the consequence of an energetic vibration, therefore the name of this science should be Energetics. This inversion has caused great damage, because any-one who becomes interested in this field is influenced by this false idea. From the start, in all Physics books energy is typically linked with mo-tion. As a matter of fact, 22 chap-ters in the Neil Ardley Dictionary of Science deal with this subject.

Einstein’s enormously influen-tial theory of relativity attempted to explain all phenomena through movement. To a certain extent, he followed in the footsteps of Danish physicist Neils Bohr who believed that energy came from the stars. I be-lieve that energetic power originates in space and this energy sustains and moves the solar systems and galaxies, as if the universe had a kind of “soul.” The very movement of the celestial bodies shows the existence of a dialectic within scalar energy, requiring two planes, or two poles (north and south, gravitational and magnetic). In order for these forces to work, they must always mesh in a circular motion. That is why the

lines that Einstein referred to were curved, not straight.

In 1881, the American physi-cists Michelson and Morley per-formed an experiment with the speed of light on earth and found that it was constant in either direc-tion--whether going in the same direction or opposing the rotation of the earth. Einstein believed that the speed of light was the univer-sal constant he was looking for, and he used it as a starting point in all his analyses of motion. Both


Newton and Einstein believed that energetic systems derived from physical bodies in space – and not that these bodies move in ac-cordance with the essential forces that move through the nucleus of each atom. This being the case, the suns, planets, comets and aster-oids all travel together in harmony with scalar and orbital (magnetic gravitational) energies as a conse-quence. Einstein’s big mistake was believing that motion originates from particles (E = mc2). It seems as if the hardest thing for physi-cists to do is to disinvert the idea that matter is the source of energy, denying that every body contains both aspects.

Isaac Newton thought that gravity could not be explained by the motion of the celestial bodies alone, and that it came from energy. This fact is easily observed when iron filings which are thrown to-wards a magnet, immediately form a round pattern.

Einstein’s conclusion that en-ergy equals mass times the speed of light squared (E = mc2) suggests an inverted idea, as if energetic force could derive from matter. I would like to correct this fundamental mistake and clarify that the par-ticles themselves are the result of an atomic fusion between the forces of attraction and repulsion, which can be noted in the behavior of pro-

tons and electrons, resulting in that which Nikola Tesla called scalar resonance. Indeed, Newton’s Third Law of Motion establishes that forc-es always act in pairs known as ac-tion and reaction.

Protons and electrons are the first particles manifested by es-sential energy within the atomic nucleus, while neutrons are the first balanced force. They begin the action of the magnetic current, the source of all motion in the universe. The awareness that the basic atomic ele-ment is energetic is key, and because this occurs with all bodies, we must completely change the direction that scientific research is heading.

All magnetic processes can be divided into two types of force: at-traction and repulsion. This occurs throughout the universe and keeps every celestial body in its proper place. To a lesser extent, man-made satellites are kept orbiting in space by the same force field. If electrical energy was transmitted by elec-trons, things would wear out rap-idly, not only the transmitting cables themselves but also the force, due to its material origin. This is why Tesla built transformers which formed a new force field by contacting the magnetism in space.

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The Energetics of Consciousness in Everyday Life

Exploring the Psycho-socio Therapy of Dr. Norberto Keppe: Dis-Inverting an Upside Down World

For conference program details and registration, or

to submit a paper, visit

July 6-12, 2013Grande Hotel Trilogia

Cambuquira, MG, Brazil

19th ICAT - International Congress of Analytical Trilogy

Please let me take a moment to invite you to our 19th annual Con-gress at our beautiful hotel in sce-nic Cambuquira, Brazil. This year’s Congress will be very special.

We’re considering the practi-cal application of the energetics of consciousness in all aspects of human life, including psychol-ogy, spirituality, psychosomatic medicine, sustainable justice, technology, business and the so-cial sciences. Conference content is based on the discoveries of the great Brazilian psychoanalyst and social scientist, Dr. Norberto Keppe, who has pioneered “Ana-lytical Trilogy,” an advanced form of psycho-socio-therapy. Lectures, workshops, panel discussions, in-teractive demonstrations, activi-ties, and topics will include:

• “Inversion” – correcting

I always tell inventors: “It is better to undersell and over-de-liver, than the other way around.”

I just returned from Brazil, visiting the STOP the Destruction of the World organization and their Keppe Motor project. The week and a half I was there was one of the most amazing experi-ences of my life. It feels like com-ing back from Paradise Lost, or

the upside down values of soci-ety whereby legislatures destroy the law, doctors destroy health, teachers miss-educate, etc.

• “NEW PHYSICS” - Dis-inverting scientific thinking and clarifying how material actually comes from an “essential energy” that can be harnessed and ap-plied in technology

• “Keppe Motor” - the revolu-tionary energy saving motor (up to 90% more efficient than tradi-tional motors) which is the fruit of Keppe’s dis-inverted physics

• “Healing through Conscious-ness” – training in the principles of psycho-socio-therapy and psy-chosomatic health – how to make a difference in your communities

• “Trilogical” Cooperative worker owned residences, busi-nesses, cottage industries

• “Practicums” - hands-on work with numerous social, ar-

tistic, economic development projects; plus lessons in Portu-guese through a dynamic method of language instruction;

The event will take place at our restored art-deco Grande Ho-tel Trilogia, which features sau-nas, swimming pools, a beauty sa-lon, massage therapy; an organic vegetable garden; Consciousness concerts, authentic Brazilian cuisine; nearby Natural Healing Mineral Springs Water Park; an annual folkloric Divine Festival, which celebrates the universality of spiritual consciousness

It promises to be a powerful and profound event. For details of the conference program and registration, or to submit a paper, visit

We look forward to seeing you, and hope that you will share this letter and links with your circle of influence.

By Richard Jones

something of that magnitude. It is the most astonishing case

of “underselling and over-deliver-ing” I’ve ever encountered.

For example, when they said I would be staying at a hotel in Cam-buquira, I didn’t know they owned the hotel and had refurbished it, inspiring the town to spruce up as well. Now, the ~100-room Grande Hotel Trilogia they’ve had for 10 years serves as a place for some of them to live, as well as a place to host conferences, events, shows, performances, and classes for the local community (given freely, at no charge, on a volunteer basis)....

The Trilogy GroupThe technology itself was in-

teresting, but nothing compared to the dynamics of the people I en-countered and observed in their interactions with each other.

These people love life, love each other, and love their work with one another. And I came away from my experience there very re-newed in my spirit, like a new man.

The key to their success is that they have twice-weekly group therapy sessions where they iden-

tify and work through their pathol-ogies so those don’t get the upper hand. No, their group is not free of problems, challenges, and disap-pointments. But the difference is that they know how to work them through. When they confront their issues, it is from a premise that ev-eryone is good in spirit, but that pathologies get in the way of who we “really” are, and should be iden-tified and removed so we can be happy and fulfilled.

I’m just barely getting my head wrapped around the non-denominational, all-encompass-ing “Trilogy” philosophy that STOP ascribes to, which is at the basis of their living, and even of their science, and all their work. It is what enables them to work through their “pathologies” in a constructive and meaningful way. Every group -- be it business, re-ligious, academic, club, or friend-ship -- could benefit from the principles that STOP inculcates in their daily lives.

From what I learned and ob-served, here are some of their ac-complishments:

PROPERTIES• In addition to the hotel, in

2000, they built a 7-story high-rise in São Paulo with four units on each floor, where many of them live in a community setting.

• They recently opened a man-ufacturing facility to produce the Keppe Motor fan in Cambuquira (walking distance from their hotel).

• In São Paulo, they have a Keppe Motor research and devel-opment laboratory.

• They have two facilities next to each other in São Paulo for their headquarters and classes, for in-dividual therapy, learning, group therapy, and administration.

• They own several other buildings for residences for their community living, including some places down on the beach for re-flection and relaxation.

• About 5 kilometers from the Hotel, they have ~40 acres of land that includes a permacul-ture project.

The Keppe motor has healing properties, runs cool, has very high and consistent efficiency across all speeds, is easy to make; and its advanced versions are overunity and may eventually be self-looped. More importantly, the group behind it has figured out the

secrets to getting along with one another, concepts that can transform our world for good.By Sterling D. Allan

Keppe Motor is in Open Source ProductionPure Energy Systems News (Jan. 23, 2013)

more at...

Page 4: STOP Denver

Kits and Manuals

The scientific principles behind the revolutionary Keppe Motor just became more accessible

Manual 3.0

Keppe Motor Kit

Manual 1.0

Kit(manual included) US$295 Advanced manufacturing manual US$75

The STOP the Destruction of the World Association is pleased to announce the release of the NEW Advanced Manufacturing Manual for the Keppe Motor Fan.

In this 52 page illustrated, step-by-step do-it-yourselfe-guide, you’ll find detailed color illustrations, photographs and text that show you how to build your very own Keppe Motor fan. You’ll also find a detailed exploration of Norberto Keppe’s New Physics which lies behind the Keppe Motor – a must read for anyone interested in the scientific basis behind this revolutionary Motor. The Manual also contains a detailed explanation of 2 types of Keppe Motors, the schematics for the circuit and even a section on building the wooden pedestal.

The Keppe Motor Fan uses 1/3 of the energy of a conventional electric fan of the same size because it captures Scalar Energy from space. The STOP Association has decided to release this technology to the world in the hopes that many interested individuals will contribute to the study and development of this landmark technology.

To purchase your Keppe Motor Fan Kit & “DIY” Guide or the other manuals go to


