Stock Analysis Online_ Sensex & Nifty Index Calculation

Sensex Nifty Nifty Stock Nifty Index

Transcript of Stock Analysis Online_ Sensex & Nifty Index Calculation

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    STOCK ANALYSIS ONLINEAnalysis of Investments in General but special attention to Indian Stock Markets including BSE SENSEX & NSE NIFTY.


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    TUESDA Y, FEBRUA RY 1 7 , 2 009


    Stock Market performance is quantified by calculating an index using the

    benchmark scrips and we all know that SENSEX is associated with

    Bombay Stock Exchange and NIFTY is associated with National Stock

    Exchange, but what many do not know is how those indices are

    calculated along with EPS and PE values.


    SENSEX has been calculated since 1986 and initially it was calculated

    based on the Total Market Capitalization methodology and the

    methodology was changed in 2003 to Free Float Market Capitalization.

    Hence, these days, the SENSEX is based on the Free Floating Market

    cap of 30 SENSEX Stocks traded on the BSE relative to the base value

    which is 100(1978-79) and it is calculated for every 15 seconds.

    Free Float Market Capitalization is defined as the value of all the

    shares available for public trading excluding the promoter equity, holdings

    through FDI Route, Holdings by private corporate, and holdings by

    Employee Welfare Funds. .

    Why Free Flow Market Cap?

    1. It depicts the market more rationally

    2. It removes undue influence of government or promoter share holding,

    there by giving the equal opportunity for companies to be in the SENSEX

    3. Almost all the Indices world over are calculated by this methodology

    4. It gives Fund managers more authentic information for benchmark


    How the SENSEX 30 Stocks are selected?

    1. Listing History

    2. Trading Frequency

    3. Rank based on the Market Cap (Should be Among top 100)

    4. Market Capitalization weight


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    5. Industry / sector they belong

    6. Historical Record

    How SENSEX is calculated?

    The formula for calculating the SENSEX = (Sum of free flow market cap of

    30 benchmark stocks)*Index Factor

    Index Factor = 100/Market Cap Value in 1978-79.

    Where, 100 is the Index value during 1978-79.


    Assume SENSEX has only 2 stocks namely SBI and RELIANCE. Total

    shares in SBI are 500 out of which 200 are held by Government and only

    300 are available for public trading. RELIANCE has 1000 shares out of

    which 500 are held by promoters and 500 are available for trading.

    Assume price of SBI Stock is Rs.100 and Reliance is Rs.200. Then "free-

    Floating Market Cap" of these 2 companies =

    (300*100+500*200) = 30000+100000 = Rs. 130000

    Assume Market Cap during the year 1978-79 was Rs.25000

    Then SENSEX = 130000*100/25000 = 520.

    The methodology in the example is exactly followed to calculate the

    SENSEX, only difference being the inclusion of 30 stocks.


    The National Stock Exchange (NSE) is associated with NIFTY and it is

    also calculated by the same methodology but with two key differences.

    1. Base year is 1995 and base value is 1000.

    2. NIFTY is calculated based on 50 stocks.

    Everything else remains the same in NIFTY Index calculation as well.


    We all know Earnings per Share (EPS) is calculated for all the companies

    to show how much a company generates the net profit for every

    outstanding share. Likewise EPS is calculated for SENSEX as well so

    that we can have a better understanding about the market.

    Lets see how it is calculated. All you need for this calculation is EPS of

    all the 30 SENSEX stocks along with their Free Float Adjustment Factor.

    Example: Take HDFC Bank for the example. Present EPS for HDFC

    Bank is Rs. 44 and Free Float Adjustment Factor is 0.85. Free Float

    Adjustment factor of 0.85 just means 85% of the total outstanding shares

    are held by Non-Promoters and are available in the market for trade.



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  • 7/21/2014 Stock Analysis Online: SENSEX & NIFTY INDEX CALCULATION 3/12

    Multiply the EPS with Adjustment Factor which is 44*.85 = 37.4. This

    37.4 is the contribution of HDFC Bank towards SENSEX EPS. Likewise

    we need to calculate for all 30 stocks and add it together to get the final

    value of SENSEX EPS which should be somewhere around 900 these

    days. We can calculate NIFTY EPS in the same manner.


    PE Ratio is calculated for companies which show what the investors are

    ready to pay for every rupee of earnings. If we calculate the same thing by

    taking into account all the 30 SENSEX stocks, then we will end up with


    How to calculate?

    Consider the same HDFC Bank. Multiply the Market Price of HDFC Bank

    with number of shares outstanding which should be equal to Market


    Market Capitalization = Share Price * Total Shares

    Then calculate the Net Profit by multiplying the EPS with Total Shares.

    Do this for all the 30 SENSEX stocks.

    SENSEX PE = Sum of Market Capitalization of 30 SENSEX Stocks

    divided by Sum of Net Profit of all the 30 SENSEX Stocks.

    At present the SENSEX PE is around 12 and it provides useful

    information about SENSEX. Analysts predict the level of SENSEX using

    this number only. Suppose, SENSEX PE is 12 and SENSEX EPS is 900,

    then the Index = 10800. For example, if you believe, earnings of the

    companies would grow at 10 percent this year, then apply the same

    growth rate to both SENSEX PE and SENSEX EPS to predict the

    SENSEX next year which would be 13*1000 = 13000.

    Conclusion: SENSEX PE and SENSEX EPS give some useful

    information about which way the market might move. But it is not

    necessary that the information you get should hold true always. As we

    know, Stock Market is a place, where no one can be right all the time.

    Kumaran Seenivasan

    Posted by Kumaran Seenivasan at 9:38 PM

    Labels: SENSEX Calculation

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    Shabu's, February 17, 2009 at 10:17 PM

    Dear Mr Kumaran,

    Its excellent... and simple projection of the formula with

    examples about the most talked indices. Such posts will help

    out the common investors in great way.... keep it up and



    Dr.Krishna, February 18, 2009 at 2:38 AM

    Kumaran, excellent article. I added a link to this article. Keep it

    up. Good begining.

    Nifty Stock Market

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    DBA-Oracle-Admin/StockNvestor, February 18, 2009 at 4:17 AM

    Dear Sir,

    Great work...thanks for spreading knowledge,the post is in

    simple language and it can be understand easily....sir you are

    doing a great work...keep the good work going....god bless you

    with more knowledge...there is one saying the people who got

    enough knowledge is said to be an knowledge GOD...sir you

    are god of knowledge.

    Kumaran, February 18, 2009 at 6:00 AM

    Thank You all for your appreciative comments and I will try my

    best to give you the best possible content you can have on the

    topics I choose to write.

    Eeswaran, February 18, 2009 at 8:39 AM

    It's is really excellent...Post some of the share market basics -

    to help the beginners...

    BULLS, February 19, 2009 at 12:51 AM

    Hello Mr Kumaran,

    The most striking aspect of your posting is 'Simplicity'.

    Simplicity blended with logical conclusions & explanations.

    And, most of all, your ability to touch diverse topics of

    discussion in every other new article.


    madankumarrajan, February 22, 2009 at 10:03 AM


    I am a newbie to stock market. This post was really useful.

    Thanks :-)

    Anonymous, July 8, 2009 at 9:29 AM

    Really indeed good article Mr.Kumaran.

    It would be great if you could share some article about ONLINE

    TRADING i.e., Intra trading and how to benefit from such


    Micky, September 12, 2009 at 7:41 AM

    Thanks Kumaran

    Kannan, September 19, 2009 at 10:09 PM

    Hi Kumaran,

    Very good article. Would you suggest good resources where I

    can get more information.

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    Kannan, September 19, 2009 at 10:09 PM

    Hi Kumaran,

    Very good article. Would you suggest good resources where I

    can get more information.



    Anonymous, November 13, 2009 at 3:50 AM

    I found this site using [url=][/url]

    And i want to thank you for your work. You have done really

    very good site. Great work, great site! Thank you!

    Sorry for offtopic

    sharetipsinfo, December 11, 2009 at 9:24 AM


    The market is currently enjoying a good rally which has seen

    most stocks gain from competitive advantage and it would be

    advisable for all stock market enthusiasts to seize this

    opportunity and plan their investments in a safer yet conducive

    stock market. With NIFTY hovering around 4800-4900 +, it is

    expected to take hold of this currently rally and be realistically

    be closest to 5000 more so than before in what should be its

    new 52 week high.

    Lot many untouched stocks are still there which are ready to

    blast any moment.



    Pushkar, December 28, 2009 at 5:07 AM


    I have done the following analysis(all are paper trades):-

    Case 1. SIP in nifty since 1/1/19999 and sold all yesterday

    calculated the returns

    Case 2. Entered the market at PE of 11 or below. Kept on

    buying every month until the PE was under 15. Stopped buying

    ones the PE is above 15. Exit all at PE 27. Re-entry only at

    PE at 11 and then buy every month until PE is below 15and

    so on.

    Case3. Case 2 + I shorted the mkt at PE 27 and covered all at

    PE 11, rest all is same as case 2.


    Case1. 18% CAGR i.e. 18% per year cumulated annual

    compounding for 11 years.

    Rs 100 per month became Rs 37000 after 11 years. net profit

    is Rs 25000(Rs 13200 is investment amount)

    Case2. 30% CAGR. Rs 100 per month became 78000 after 11

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    Case3. 38% CAGR Rs 100 per month became 122000 after 11


    Please note that in cases 2 and 3 when I am not able to enter

    each month, I keep those Rs 100 in Fixed deposits, one my

    entry level comes(either for short or for long, I liquidate my FDs

    and enter the markets) so investment amount in all the 3

    cases is exactly the same.

    In these 11 years there were not more than 4-5 buys and 2

    sells in case 2 and 3.

    Case 3 outperformed case 2 and case 2 outperformed case 1.

    My questions:-

    I plan to implement this strategy for my investments. I want to

    know how safe it is to go short at 27. Isnt it possible that nifty

    PE might just move into some different range, maybe the next

    time when the fall comes after say 5 years, maybe nifty PE

    could be 32 or 33is that possible? Case 3 gets into a very

    big risk if this happens.



    Anonymous, March 24, 2010 at 2:42 AM


    arindam, April 8, 2010 at 12:52 AM

    Dear Mr Kumaran

    Hats off to you for this explanation.


    Arindam Chatterjee


    PRAVIN LATHKAR, April 15, 2010 at 8:55 AM




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  • 7/21/2014 Stock Analysis Online: SENSEX & NIFTY INDEX CALCULATION 7/12


    suresh, May 24, 2010 at 9:28 AM

    dear sir

    you have explained the basics of Nifty and SEENSEX in very

    simple and easy manner. as a fresher to market, i am really

    indebited to your explanation

    great work and keep it up sir

    from suresh

    Anonymous, May 28, 2010 at 10:26 AM

    SIR can you kindly tell me which net profit figures to consider


    (consolidated/standalone/audited/unaudited/result of group as

    a whole)

    Please help me...

    Anonymous, July 31, 2010 at 10:18 AM

    i am in CA final and i havnt got such a simpler way of

    calculation of indices.great job!!

    KnowYourProfit, September 24, 2010 at 5:54 AM

    This blog is quite nice and informative blog created by the


    As per our previous posting we had already told that the Indian

    Stock Market is now in such a position that either side

    breakout can be witnessed soon and Today Sensex has

    Touched 19000 level Sensex




    Raghunath J Pai, October 11, 2010 at 12:02 PM

    Hi thank u for the article..but i would like to ask u one doubt..

    what is the base value for co.s which came into existence after

    1978-79..?? to calculate sensex...pls help..!

    Anonymous, January 6, 2011 at 2:28 PM

    Hi kumar,

    The information provided by you would be worth taken by all

    finance related graduates and post graduates, so i would like

    to cheer and buck up you for further interest things regard to

    market finance very much in future

    Thank you,

    Srikanth Gowda, karnataka

    Anonymous, January 14, 2011 at 10:39 AM

    If you are open to having a guest blog poster please reply and

  • 7/21/2014 Stock Analysis Online: SENSEX & NIFTY INDEX CALCULATION 8/12

    let me know. I will provide you with unique content for your

    blog, thanks.

    Anonymous, February 17, 2011 at 11:49 AM


    Thnx for the info its v.useful and the way the it is explained its


    Think over it once, February 24, 2011 at 6:02 AM

    May I know what is Index factor in the calculation of SENSEX

    Thank you,


    Stock Tips, March 26, 2011 at 7:42 AM

    It was a awe-inspiring post and it has a significant meaning

    and thanks for sharing the information.Would love to read your

    next post too......



    Stock Tips

    stock tips, May 20, 2011 at 1:40 AM

    Very good post, I was really searching for this topic, as I

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    Thank you for sharing this.


    Stock Tips

    Ritesh. P, May 23, 2011 at 2:31 PM

    A very useful post. I like the way you've explained the concepts

    using numbers. Keep it up, Kumaran. :)

    Chan, May 26, 2011 at 11:32 AM

    Hi Kumaran,

    The most essential knowledge for a trader being explained in

    simple terms.

    Tons of Thanks.

    Keep Feeding us

    venki, June 17, 2011 at 7:47 AM

    Excellant.......nice article....



    Suresha, July 11, 2011 at 7:06 PM

    Helllo sir,

    Excellent!!! Appreciate your hard work. its really helpful

  • 7/21/2014 Stock Analysis Online: SENSEX & NIFTY INDEX CALCULATION 9/12



    RAVI BHANDARI, July 16, 2011 at 12:23 AM

    It's very nice sensex calculation. But it would be better if you

    had sown how the base market capitalisaiton is

    calculated...instead of assuming base market

    capitalisation.And I want to know how the price of stock

    changes? And details about the stock selection method

    Anonymous, September 14, 2011 at 2:22 AM

    Explained very well.Could not find this in NSE and BSE as well

    with such granularity. I think NSE and BSE websites should be

    bit eloberate while explaining the calculation

    shibashish sahu, February 1, 2012 at 12:56 PM

    Its really easy to understand for the learner which can give an

    overall idea about sensex and nifty...............

    Anonymous, February 19, 2012 at 12:47 AM

    thanks a lot

    vishal, March 1, 2012 at 5:52 AM

    Thanks so much for this! I haven't been this moved by a blog

    for a long time! Youve got it, whatever that means in blogging.

    Anyway, You are definitely someone that has something to

    say that people need to hear. Keep up the good work. Keep on

    inspiring the people!

    stock tips,nifty tips,commodity tips

    kavan, March 9, 2012 at 12:17 AM

    Mr. Kumaran,

    It really fantastic work and the way to explain entire calculation

    and formation of benchmark is so good and on its very easy to

    understand entire thing. so its help alot.

    thank you so much

    Unknown, May 6, 2012 at 9:04 AM

    Dear kumaran sir

    It is the best article i ever read about the sensex calculation.

    Thank you very much for such a beautifull article. Kindly add

    some more articles related to finance.

    Thank you sir

    Aswin, May 22, 2012 at 4:46 AM

    Dear Sir,

    That was an excellent explanation.. how can i get my other

    doubts clarified from you ??

  • 7/21/2014 Stock Analysis Online: SENSEX & NIFTY INDEX CALCULATION 10/12

    Paul, June 7, 2012 at 5:22 AM

    thanks for this post. This post makes a great point about

    focusing your efforts.

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    Payal Gupta, August 12, 2012 at 12:19 PM

    Excellent article Sir, it helped me a lot in understanding the

    significance of SENSEX PE AND SENSEX EPS.

    Adil Thaha S V, August 22, 2012 at 8:25 AM


    Kiran Malladad, August 29, 2012 at 1:31 PM

    Hello Sir

    It was really worth of reading the information. thanks for sharing

    with everyone


    Kiran Malladad

    Kiran Malladad, August 29, 2012 at 1:33 PM

    Hello Sir

    Thanks for the Valuable information it was worth of sharing ur

    knowledge with everyone



    Kiran Malladad

    Anonymous, September 6, 2012 at 4:03 AM

    It is really a good article for public.thanks

    Dr.Sudhakaran, September 8, 2012 at 8:54 AM

    Dear Mr.Kumaran,

    The intricacies of sensex and nifty indices are explained in a

    lucid manner.Congrats for the same.The tricks of the trading if

    available in such simple form will be a boon.



    Sridhar Gopalakrishnan, September 16, 2012 at 5:45 AM

    Thanks Kumaran for explaining this in simple terms..

    I have a question though on tha last part where you talked

    about growth.

    If the growth of companies is 10% , how is that the Sensex

    moves to 13*1000 from 12*900?

    Please explain this part as you get time..



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    Newer Post Older Post

    harika, November 16, 2012 at 11:36 PM

    thanks sir,The most essential knowledge for a trader being

    explained in simple terms. Which helped me a lot.

    satyapriya, January 10, 2013 at 5:04 AM

    Dear Kumaran,

    It is indeed a splendid work by you. i was wondering in internet

    regarding how the stock indices are calculated and was

    surprised to see an article giving very clear-cut and precise

    idea. Very good work by you.

    Keep it up


    Satyapriya B S Panda

    misheeta, March 13, 2014 at 5:11 AM

    really worth reading for post...

    click here for more

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