( STIMULATION-PRODUCED ANALGESIA IN THE FORMALIN AND -- TAIL-FLICK TESTS:- A COMPARISON OF BRAINSTEM AND FORE-BRAIN SITES IN THE RAT. Michael John Morgan Department of Psychology McGill Uni versi ty, Montreal A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfillment of the requirements' for the degree. of Master of Science. , . (§) Michael Morgan, 1986 .,






Michael John Morgan

Department of Psychology

McGill Uni versi ty, Montreal

A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and

Research in partial fulfillment of the requirements' for the

degree. of Master of Science.

, .

(§) Michael Morgan, 1986



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TAIL-FLICK TESTS'" h '.!lrAltiSO" 8' 8_tl"ll3" Ulli


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The effect of electrical stimulation of brainstem and forebrsin

sites on t11e rats res'ponse to paTn was examined with the- taÏl-flick ,.

and formalin tests. The principal regions that supported strong

sti~ulation-produced analgesia (SPA), in both pain tests, were the

peri-aqueductal gray (PAG) and the, internal capsule (IC). The

_occurrence of SPA following stimulation of the lC was found to be )

strongly a8sociated with the occurrence of convulsive reactions to

stimulation. In a sample of lC sites at which stimulation elicited

'both SPA and convulsions, SPA was found to be accompanied by

catalepay. lt was suggested that ·post-i.ctal SPA from IC sites may be •

partially confounded with inhibition of mot,or responsivity to pain.

In both pain tests, across all sites, there was an association

between SPA thresholds and thresholds for aversive reactions to \ the stimul"tion. This association was interpreted as evidence that

SPA observed may represent a form of stress-induced analgesia!








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, , , L'Effet de la stimulation. electdque locale du tronc cerebral e.t du


cerveau ant~rieur sur la r:ponse ~ la douleur chez le ra'f fut :tuc!i: lU

moyen des _ test s du l'et rai t de, la queue et de la Forma line.

prinC,ipales r~gions ou l'on rencontra une forte analg:sie


post-stimulatoire (APS) ~taient la substance grise periaqueducale (SGP)

et la capsule int~rne (C!). L'apparition d'une APS suite ~ la

" "", 'stimulation de la CI fut demontree comme etant etroitement associee ~ .

avec l'apparition de convulsions eri ~ponse ~ la stimulation. Dana un

:chantillon de sites de la Clou la stimulation li:sultait en de l'APS

1 • 1 et des convulsions, on trouva que l'APS etait accompagnee par de la

1 , '\ catalepsie. Il eet suggere que l'APS post-ictale due> a des 'sites dé' la

CI peut :tre confondue, en partiê" avec une inhibition des r:ponse,s

• ""v 1 :' motr1ces a la douleur. Dans l,es deux tests, independamment du site de

. . \ stimulation, on avait une association entl'e les seui ls d' APS et de

'. IJ'" react10ft aver81ve a la stimulation.



: 214

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1 wish to tbank Dr. Keith Franklin and Dr. Ronald Melzack for

tbeir suggestions and support over tbe course of this research. 1 also .

wish to thank Dr. Francis Abbott and Dr. Andy Tasker for reading tbe

manuscript and Barry Connell for his expert assistance and d>ral

support. This research was supported by NSERC grant 8 A6303 to K. B.J.F.

and A7891 to R.M.

-. .

• ..


Abstract . · . . · · · · Resume . · . . · · · · · . . Acknowledgement s . · . .

" List of figures · · · · . · . . List of tables . · · · ·


Review of SPA in animals and man .,.,. . Pain tests • ~ • · . . . . . . Ph8rmacologi~l basis of SPA •


Neural syste,s underlying SPA

Aim of the present study · . . · . . 1


Subjects and materialB · · · Procedure · . . · · ·

" Design . .. . . . · · ·

· · · · . Data analys i s


RistQlogy · . . · • · Group resul~ · . . . · · · Individual r~"lt •• · • · ,

Discussion • . . . . . . • · · • · · '. References • . . . . . . • ·


~ ..

· l

· ii · Hi

· iv

· v

• 1

• 10


• 16



· 21

· 26



· 39

· 57

· 62

· 82



A "'JUt@',1 ','


" :~ . .,..

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.- "


• Il, l

Figure lA • 34

Figure lB ~ 35

Figure le 36

Figure ID .' . 37

Fbgure lE 38 / Figure 2 • 40 a_ ..- ...

Figure. 3 • 43

Figure 4 • 46

Figure 5 • 48 F' , 19ure 6 . ",. a • 49

Figure 7 52

Figure 8 54

F'lgure 9 61


. /-

o ...

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,. ..

'-Table 1 • 33

Tab le Z- '" . • 58

Table 3/"" • 60


o 'V




, L ":- ,'),



St imulat ion-produced ana 1gesia (SPA)

The discovery, in the 1960's, that pain can be relieved by focal

electrical stimulation of the brain, is attributable to research within

tvo distinct disciplines - clinical neurosurgery and physi~'logical


Stimul~tion-produced ~nalgesia (SPA) in humans was first noted in two

early applications of clinical brain stimulation. In the fi rst of these ~

studies, Heath and Hickle (1960) stimulated the brain for brief periode

vith electrodes that had been implanted to record electrical activity in

patients, most of whom vere 'schizophrenics. AlDOng their patients were a

fev non-psychotics with intractable pain who reported pain relief when

the septa 1 are a of the d iencepha Ion wa s st imu la ted.

Perha~s more credit must go ta Maurs, Roge and Mazars (1960), who ..... ,,'

not only independently discovered the phenomenon of SPA, but then

proceeded to develop it as a form of therapy. In the course of making

• 1e8ions in the midbrain to control chronic pain, Hazars and his

c01leagues noted that, vhen the rostral end of the spinothalamic tract

va. IItimulated ta provid,e physiological confirmation of the target site,

several patients vith post herpetic neuralgia reported that their pain

di sappeared.

The independent discovery of SPA by animal researchers had its

oriains in a study by Melzack, Stot 1er and Livingstone (1958). Melzack

and his colleagues accidentally discovered an area in the mid-brain of

the cat that appeared to be a pathway for pain inhibit ion. This finding

--, -- -




il" ,


led Reynolds (1969) to test the hypothesis that electrieal stimulet ion

of this region, the central tegmental-Iateral 'periaqueductal gray, might

au~!"ent the tonie inhibition of pain signaIs and thus produce analgesia.

His results indieated that stimulation did indeed produee analgesia that

was profound enough to allow surgery on awake rats with~~t any ehemical

anaesthetic. These rats remained eonscious, able to walk, and could be

disturbed by loud noises or sudden movements during stimulation.

Unfortunately however, despite a repLication of his results (Reynolds,

1970}, . .,these ob servat ions we re met wi th seept ici sm and were genera lly


A recognition of the significance of SPA, by both the clinica!" and

basic researeh communities, did not occur until the independent

rediscoveryof the phenomenon by Mayer, Wolfle, Akil, Cardner and

Liebeskind, in 1971. This event provided the impetus for the subsequent

extensive research into SPA, in both disciplines. One of the fiut

issues examined by these ruearchers was the question of the specificity

of the effect t'o particular brain regions.

SPA from brainstem ,sites ln animaIs

The peri-aqueductal gray (PAG) region (including the dorsal raphe

nucleus) of the medial brainatem, has been confirmed as a principal

anatomical substrate for SPA in rat (e.g. Reynolds, 1969; Hayer, Akil

and Liebeskind et al, 1971; Ralagura and Ralph. 1973; Mayer and

Liebeskind, 1974; Soper, 1976), in cat (e.g. Liebeakind. Guilbaud,

Besson and Oliveras. 1973; Melzack and Melinkoff. 1974; Oliver .. ,






Besson. Guilbal1d and Liebeskind. 1974), and in rhe8u8 monkey (e.g. 1

Goodman and Holcombe. 1975; Ruda. Haye8, Priee, Hu and Dubner. 1976). <

Additionsl active 8ites have been reported in more rostral regions

ineluding. the periventricular gray (PVG). exçending to the pre-tecta1

region of the me.8o-dlencephalic junetion and the posterior hypothalamus

(e.g Hayer. Akil and Liebeskind et al, 1971; Hayer and Liebeskind, 1974;

Soper. 1976; ,Rhodes and Liebesklnd, 1978).

More recently, Fardin, Oliveras and Besson (1984, 1 & II) have

claimed that in the rat "pure" SPA, without any concomitant behavioral

signa of aver8ion to 8timulation, is restricted to a specifie portion of

• the PAG (ventral PAG). On the other hand, Prado and Roberts (1985) found

that ventral, a8 weIl 88 dorsal, PAG stimulation indueed aversion that '.

~ was correlated with SPA. -,Ooly /two sites ventrolateral to the PAG

. provided good SPA without concomitant behavioral signs of averS10n.

3PA from bra instem si tes in h~mans

" In man, ~timulation of the PAG, and its more rostral counter-part the

peri-ventricular gray (PVG). was undertaken to exa.mine -the, clinieal

utility of the diseoveries in basic researeh. Richardson and Akil

(1977s) vere the first to asseS8 stimulation st the8e sites in five

patients undergoing surgery to produce thalamic lesions •• Stimulation was

found to reduee chronic pai n.

ln a follov up 8t'Jdy, electrodes deligned for long term use were

_ implanted ioto the PVG of patients with chronic pain (Richardson and

Akil, 1977b). The same good pain relief that was previously observed in

brief intraoperative episodes of stimulation ensued in 6 out of 8 .'

, (





patients. In the same year, Hosobuchi, Adams and Linchitz, (1977) .. reported pain relief in 6 patiénts stimulated at PVG and Pite situ.

More recent cl inical studies have corr<1borated the efficacy of


brainstem SPA. Over a"9 year period, Hoaobuchi (l9~O) obtained relief

from pain of· peri pheral origin in 16 of 22 pat ients wi th PAG .)

stimulation. Simi18rily, Plotkin (1982), reported that 38 of 48 p.tie-nts

with peripheral pain syndromes responded weil to PVG stimulation.

Two important, attributes of SPA from human PAG/PVG sites should be

noted. Firstly, the above studies indicate that stimulat.ion of these

sites is most effective for peripheral p~ins of noèiceptive origine

Secondly, the degree of analgesia produced lS comp~rable vith that

obtained from a moderate dose of morphine. The surgical ~nae~5Jt~tic , level-"chieved in animals (Reynolds, 1969) has not been reproduced in


SPA trom diencephalic aite. in humans'

Following their discovery of an SPA effect in man, ..taurs, Merienne


and Cioloca (1974) conducted a fo 110v up atudy in t,lhich elect rode. vere.

implanted in the (sensory) nucleus ventralia posterolate'ralis (VPL) o(

thalamus. The electrodes ~ere left in place for 88 10ng.88 si" week ••

Between 1962 and 1972, 17 patients with chronic pain responded vell to

this treatment.

A~ electrophysiological. fi.nding by Richardson (1970) prompted triat.

by Hoeobuchi, Adams and Rutkin, (1973) to st imu late the VPL for the

control of anaeathesia dolorOI8 of the face. Initial .ucc~ .. e. led the_








" br,,,,· ..... '~d-L ;. a,


ta implant electrodes for long term use in 5 further patients, 4

report~d pain relief whenever they used ~he st imulator.

More recentIy, Mazars, Merienne and Cioloca (1979), stimulated the

VPL ta provide good pain relief in 83 of 93 patients with

deafferentation pains. Turnball, Shu Iman and Woodhurst (1980), treated

18 patients vith pain due to sensory pathway damage by stimulating the

sensory nudei of thalamus. Complete or partial relief,occurred in 12

patients. Seigfried (1982) found stimulation 'Of the medial counter-part

of the VPH, nucleus ventroposteromedialis (VPH) produced pain-relfef in

8 of 10 patients vith 'post-herpetic neuralgia of ~he face.

These studies demonstrate a diencephalic substrate for SPA 'in humans,

concentrated at the sensory nue lei 'of thalamus (VPH and VPL), also kno,wn . ~ . as the vent robasal "thalamuB (VBT). They <Il 18 0 indicatè that clinical SPA

from this site is especially effective for facial and deafferèntation ',,



SPA from ventr'obasal thàlamue in .nimals 1

In contrast. ta' the clinical finding8, thet'e is no ct)nvincing evidence

Chat the VBT ia an effective 8ubstrate for SPA in animah. Richardson

(1970), demonlt rated that stimulati'on of this region in the cat could"

black evoked reeponus ta nociceptive acimulatoion re~orded dt, the ~dial '.

t'halamic nucleue.. Tsubokawa, Yamamoto, Katayallla and' MOriy~8U, (1982), •

.h~ved that Iti:mul,tion of the VPL in cats accivates raphe spinal

neurone as powerfully as PAG st imulat ion ~es. Similarily, Willis,

Gerhart, Willcocksol'l, Yflrzierski ,nd Cargill, -'fl984) demon.trate~ ~

.-xcitation of raphe spiql neurons folloving ,sti .. ulation of the VPL in ... .

. .





o monkeys.'Fi~lly, Dickenson J1983), demon.trated that

in the rat could powerfully inhibit the activitie. of neurone responding ,

pnly,to noxious .stimulation.

However, aIl of these studies relied on an electrophYliological

.meàsure, rather than a beha~ioral test for araalgesia. Furthermore, they

aIl examined neuronal xeaponsivity in the anaethestized animal

(anaesthesia is known to alter neuronal responsivity: e.g Bowman and • • •

,Ran~, 1980). In one of the few behavioral studie~ ,that incidentally ,.

included some electrode placements in rat VST, Hayer and Liebeskind ,/


(1974), found ttlat none of - the 5 rat S ln quest ion~hibited SPA.

Similarily, Goodmaft and HQlcombe (1976), reported the results fot' the

sti~u1ation of J elE!ctrod~ in rhesus monkey VBT. Again, this site did

o . not produce an appreciable SPÂ effect. In.a recent study, Prado and

Robert,s (1985) inr:luded 3 electrodes ~n' rat VBT. Stimulation d-id not

produce analgesia at any of these sites (although significa~t .version

to stim\Jlation was noted). Only Balagura and Ralph 09!3), reported 'any

direc ln animal VBT. In this cale 'Only moderc.r-. SPA , .

was f t the single electrode placement tested.

, . ,.'

SPA fr internaI ca sùle in humans ,',

Enco~raged by. their initial clinic~,l SUce88 vith diencepalic (YBT)

stimulation, Adams,' H080buchi and Fields (1974), explored the


po88ibility that simi1ar stimulation of the ~omato.en.ory neurone in the

retion of the po.terior limb of Che internaI capsule (IC), mi,bt provide ,

pain telief. Thil, region compd'el a co.pact bând of fibru chat radiae.

o from the, thalamu .. to cortex.and provid*, reciprocal cdnn~ctionl b.t ••• n

. ,


, 1



the tvo are .. (Carpenter, 1972). They found that patients with lesions

of the centrai nervoua aystem could be succeufully relieved of

.. soc iated severe spontaneous pa i n by IC st imu la t ion.

Maurs, Herienne and Cio loca, (1976) refuted the Adams et al (1974)

finding. In reference to a recent study in which the y had shown

aigni ficant SPA in the VPL, they stated that "1 t ia our opinio!, that the

electrodes placed by Adams et al~ in cases of chr,?nic pain were in the . ,

VPL.and fiot iri the intert1al capsule". Their skepticism of le a8 an

effective substr~te for SPA, continued,. so that in a 1979 paper, Haurs

et al, still 88serted that "it is ou'!- bpinion that the beneficia1 cases

of internai capsule stimulation shou1d be set to çhe credit of

stimul .. tion of the VPL" - (Hazers et al, 1979). . ,. Despite this skeptifiam concerning the find,ings of Adams et al,

further evidenèe for posterior IC as a locus for SPA was. forthcoming.

Cooper, Upton and AUJ'in, (1980) reported that sfimul,tion of the

polterior limb of the IC produced complete re'lÏef hom deafferentation~

pain in one patient. Turn6ul! (1982) found the lC to be an effective

1 -

.timulation site for two patients suffering fr'om thalamic pain. A more Il;>

extensive clinica1 study by Namba, Nakao, Sakutai, HatsulD()to, Ohmôto and

NÏlhimoto, (1984) demonstrated that stimula~ion of IC produ.,ced relief , '

frOID thalami~ pain, in 5 of 6 patients. That the le is no longer

considered to be a disputed site for SPIln humans is' cIear trom a

.tateaent by Richard Ion (1985):-- "l n generaI, the interna 1 capsu le ia .,

bitter targe.t site than the laterai thalamu8-, because it doea not '

produce •• n,ory los. vith electrode placeaaent, and it leems to produce

bitter pain relief".- It is important to note, hovever, that the ab ove

, .




o· t"


t..: "

studies indicate that clinica1 IC stimulation'has been u,ed to

particulsr advantage in the- é1-eatme~t of pain «;>f central origine

. , SPA !tom the internai capsulé in animaIs

. In 1983 in Ylliologic8l study, with cats, Nakao, teported

that neuronal activity in H of the thalamus evoked by contralateral

tOQth pulp stimulation was inhibited"by fipetitive stimulation of the


le. In a follow-up st'udy, Ni§hintoto, N.!lJDba, Nakao, HatStllll\to ,nd Ohmoto, ,J

O~84) 'repli~a'ted this finding.

As in the caslE! of the YBT electro~hy8iological IItudie.a, nowevér, i

thesé studi~s do not provide direct evidence that the IC is an effective ,

substrate for SPA in animaIs, as well aS humens. Neither IIta,ady employed

a behavioral test of analg~sia and both were eonducte-d ~ith ,>

anaesthestized cata. 'l'hua they both suffer from the lame Ihortcomings ..

their VBT counterparta. Currently, the question as to the effieacy of, , ,

the le .as a substrate for SPA in animal,." remains unanswered.

the rat as a model of. clinicai SPA ( ,

. .:From the above review, it ia cleu that a functional homology, ih

terms of SPA, exista between PAG, sites in man and r~t. It woù1d eppe.r,

therefore, that at this brainstem site, the rat is a use fuI model of

~linieal SPA. However, th,is, functional ho'mology does not lIeem to extend

to late!;.l diencephalic st ructures. Both the VBT and the le have proven

to be clinieaUy. effective substrate. for SPA. In eont rait, there 'is

very little behavioral evidence th~. the- YBT i, an' e,ffective 'site,'for .


r •

\. \ \





SPA in the rat, and the issue of the efHcacy of rat le as a subst rate

for SPA has not been addr~ssed. ~

The main aim of the present study was to explicit 1y- adClress the' issue

. of the suitability of thé rat as a ~del of cli.nical SPA at' both /'

brainatem.and lateral diencephalic sit~s. Of the latter, the le was the

main focus of, interest, both bec8Ui8e of the controversy about the

clinical significance of this site and because it remains unexplored as ~

a aubltrate for SPA in the rat. Should SPA in the rat prove to be a ... suitahle model of clinical SPA at eirher, or both. of the two lateral .

, "'

dienc~phalic sites to be explored (VBt and le) an analysis of the

mechanisma of SPA would be facilitated.

The problem of pain asseaament in animals

In ex~loring animai modela of SPA a major problem is the aasessment

of pain. In the clinical ~tuation pain arises from injured or diseased

tissue and parn 'can be' a1l~essed from verbàl report 8S weil as behavioral l'

observation. Both ethifal a,pd practical c~nsiderations preclude a , .

complete duplication of theae clinical atates in animal subjects.

Inste4d, animal SPA must be examined with pain that is neither too

severe 001' too prolqnged to be ethically unacceptable. However, the

po •• ibility arises that the painful state induced in an animal subject

" ... y be of '. type onrdated to painful states present in clinical studies


of SPA. Therefore, telt induced pain in animals may not be affected by

~. brain Iti.ulation in the ume way as cliJlical pàin. A brief review of

SPA in teras of animal pain tests and the pain ~pes they measure ilia,' ,

clar if y thÏl illue. \. ( ~ 1

l~ , .,'

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o \


• • 10

Pain tests

The response to à vide range of noxious stimuli appears to be

-inhibited by SPA in animale. t·lectrical st imulat ion of medial brain

... "l.

structures has been dhown to inhibit responding to:- painfu1 electric . shock (e.g Mayer, AldI, Liebeskind et el, 1971)', electrieal stimulation

of the tooth pulp (e.g Seule, Dubner, Greenwood and Lucier, 1976),

pinching of the extremeties (Goodman and Hole6mbe, 1975; Liebeskind ~t >

al,o 1973; 'Hayer, AkH: Liebes.kind et al, 1971; $oper 1976) and pinprick

(Balagura and Ralph, 1973; Soper, 1976).

ito~ever, two other pain tests have proved to be the most popu laI' 1.n

SPA basic research, these are the tail-fliek tes~ (D'Armour and Smith,

1941) and the hot-plate test (Woolfe and Macdonald, 1944). Both testa-

measure the withdrawal response to thermal pain. In the former, a rat's

tail ia stimulatéd by hot water (a~proximately 55 degrees) or radiant

heat, and pain is inferred when the rat, reflexively, flicks its tait

8side. In the latter, the 'rat is placed on a hot p'late (approximately 52 • - J

degreee) until it lieks its paws or jumps up, signalling that it ia

experiencing pain.

These,threshold level pains, are very different from the intense,

p;'olo'nged type of pai~ typically auociated vith tiseue damage or

pathology. Dennis a~d Melzack (~979) argued that thi, difference May be 4'as wri;. aIS quantitative. In 1968, Beecher had found that

laboratory paitT: in human., produced by pricking, pinching or radiant .

beat, appeared to be immune to the specifie an.lge.ic effect. of

,morphine. Beecher overcalle tbJa dift'iculty by uling a .tbod that - .

, ' .. , '


involved exer~âing an ischeamic limb. The steady, burning, pain this / '

produced val readily lusceptible to morphine analgesia. Thus, 'the

analgesic action of morphine appeared ta reveal a distinction betveen

s~ort, sharp pain and more prolonged pain associated vith in jury. If

this vas the case, then the animal researc~ers were limiting themselves ,

to pain telts that only measured other types of pain - the less

clinically significant forms that, are 1e88 susce'ptible to morphine -f

. " measured by the tail-flick and hot-plate tests.

Melzack and his collaborators set out to redress this situation by

creating ail' animal model of more prolonged, "burning" pain, resulting of'

from localized tissue damage. The resultant test was published by ,

Dubuisson and Dennis in 1977 under the title of the "formalin Test". The

test consisted of in je ct ing a small amount of di lute formalin under. the

skin of the rat's paw, and then recording a distinct set of behavioral

res~onles that were assigned numerical values.

ln 1980, Dennis, Choiniere and Melzack, 'conducted a series of studies

which demonltr.ted Chat the formalin test did, indeed, reveal different

components of pain. TWey reported that when tbe PAG'was Itimulated, much

le •• ëlectrical current wal required ta produce analgeaia in the

formalin telt than in tail-flick and hot-plate tests. A pharmacologieal

.... analyais indic.ted that the specific cpiate ancagon~st, naloxone, did

not reverse formalin test SPA a. it typically does in. the

teat. Further evidence fat a phar~cological dissociation betveen the

. forulin teat pain and tail-flick test pain wa' provided by Abbott, ...

o Franklin, Ludvic~ and Meback (1981) who found rapid and strong . .

tolerance to .,rphïne analguia in the tail-flick', test, but littl. or no



iL...,~" .... '




o tolerance to morphine in the formalin telt. Dennis and Helzack (1979) -coined the terme "phasift" and "tonie" pain, respeetively to eharaeterize

the qualitative distinction betveen transient tai1f1iek test pain and

the continuous pain of the formalin test.

Pha,sic versus T9nic SPA in the rat; ,

A subsidiary aim of the present study was to examine the l'ole of pain

type in determining the strength of the SPA effeet at each of the rat

brain target si tes (PAG, le and VBT). From the reviev above it ia cleu , .

that the majority of' animal SPA studie8 have been limited to an

evaluation of "pha8ic" pain (i.e tail-flick te8t pa-in). In eontrUt molt

clinical SPA studies are concerned with "tonie" SPA in the form of

o relief from the pain of tissue damage or pathology. Since the preaelU

s~u.dy sought to compare clinical SPA vith SPA from correaponding lite.

in the rat brain, a behaviora1 mea.sure of toqie SPA vas required. The

formalÏn test vas seleeted 'for this purpose.

• • • The tatl-filek test, vas seleeted as a second measure of SPA to allov

a direct compal'ison of the results of this study vith other animal

studies. More important 1y, uti l ization of both the ta il-flick and

formalin tests prov~des the basis for an examination of the .uggeltion

. (e.g Abbott and Melzack, 1983) that the8e tvo tests 'revea1 a

.\ dissociation in the pharmacologtcal and neural syltems underlying SPA.

if this dissociation is common to both rat and man, then a comparative

analYli8 of the tvo pain testl .provides a quali tative,. as vell . SI a

quantitative, measure of the luitability of the rat a. a IIIOdel of

0 cl iaical SPA at lateral dieneephalie .nd br.inecc!. Itiaulation ait ••• t'

An ~


--- , .;




evaluation of ti}e hypothesis t.bat pain tests can differentiate pain ,

typee that are mediated by distinct neurochemical/neural systems,

~equires a brief review of the current understanding pf ~he

pharmacologics 1 and neural basis of SPA in' rat and man.

Pharmacologicsl buis of SPA


imal etudies •

SPA exhibits several striking features that parallel morphine .. analgesia. One set of studies (e.g. Berz, Albus, Met ys, Schubert and

Teschemacher, 1970) showed that micro-injection of morphine i~ the PAG ,

produced significant analgesia sU8gesting that morphine and SPA may have

a, ehared site of action. Samenin and Valzelli (1971) showed that

sub-analgeeic doses of morphine combined wLth sub-analgesic PAG

stimulation, synergise to produce significant SPA. Other parallels with

morphine analgesia are that SPA, may depend upon the integrity of. (/

serotonergttc transmission (Aki 1 and Mayer, 1972), ,tolerance develops p

with SPA ~nd, more significantly, cross-tolerance between SPA and

morphine analgesia occurs (Mayer and Baye~. 1975). Final1y, Akil, Mayer

and Lieoeekind (1976) showed that (tail-flick»)SPA is partially reversed

by na loxone.

A neuroc~emical basis for a link between SPA and morphine analgesia

va •• uggested when Hughes""'(1975) discovered an endogenous, morphine-like

factor in the brain (tel'1Ded "enkephalin':), described its peptidic nature

aad .ynthe.ized it (Hughee, Smith, Kosterlitz, Fothergill, Morgan and

Morri., 1975). Intta-ventricular micro-injection of this substance was -

thea .hova to produce poverful analge.ia ia the rat {e.g. Belluzi,

. , .






Grant, Garsky. Sarantakis. Wise and St'ein. 1976; Malick and Go1datein,

1977; Pert. Simantov. and Snyder. 1977). A second type of opioid peptide

• - endorphin - was found in the pituitary gland of the pig (Teschemacher.

Blasig and Kromer, 1916). This was a1so demonstrated to have

act ion when micro-injected int ra-ventricu 1ari 1y. Finally. elevated ,

levels of' endorphin-like substances were found to be assoeiated vith SPA

in the rat (Akil, Watson and Barchas, 1916).

These findings suggested to Liebeskind and Paul (1917) that an . ,

( endogenous substrate of antinociception existed vithin the medial p

brainstem. They assumed that stimulation both activates this substrate .

directIy and also indirectIy via the release of endogenous opioids

(opiate-like peptides). Hovever, ~his elegant concep\ion was primarily

based on experiments that used the tail-flick test~

As indicated above, Dennis, Choiniere and Melzack (1980) reported

that th~ neurochemical systems underlying formaiin test analgesia are

not the same as those involved in the tail~lick test. ,

In contrast to .

typical tailflick test SPA. formaJin test SPA from this site was not

reveraed by ~aloxone. Thus. in this case, brainstem SPA .doe. not appear

,to be mediated by opioid neurotransmitters. More generaIly, this

suggests that the involvement of nellrochemical .ystems common 1:0 both

IPA and morphine afia1.gesla, may be determined by pain type.

o • The relation.hip between' systems activated by stilllulation, and the

type of SPA they mediate, may differ vith other rat brain .timulation

site.. Nevertheless, the .evide"'ee for IIOre than one. phanueololically .'

distinct, type of SPA, at brain.te. _he. ,uI8e~t. 'Chat mu than ODe



type of pal.n test LS necessary for a thorough examination of the rat as

a model of clinica1 SPA.

Clinical studies

It h;s been shown that stimulation of the PAG and PVG in humans, at

intensities sufficient to provide analgesia for chronic pain of

periphera1 origin, is an effect that is reversed by naloxone (Hosobuchi

et al, 1977>. This parallels the na1oxone reversability of (tail-flick)

SPA in the animal PAG and PVG, and with the evidence for elevated Beta

endorphin leve1s accompanying human SPA in this area (e.g. Hosobuchi,

R08sier, Bloom and Guillemin, 1979), it wou1d appear that endogenous

opioids play an intermediary role in clinical SPA. However, there is

some evidence that conf1icts with this hypothesls.

Whi1e PAG stimulation in humans e1evates the concentration of Beta

endorphin in ventricular fluid, le stimulation does not (Hosobuchi et

'al, 1979). Similarly, cross-tolerance between SPA at the PVG and

'narcotics develops readily (Hosobuchi et al, 1977) but has not been

observed wi th stimu lat ion of the somatosensory pathway. Tsuboka";a et al,

(1982) noted a lesser ine rease in ventricu Ur Beta eadorphin in 6 '

'patients who received VBT stimulation, than in 0Fhers who were

stimulated at the PAG. This corresponds well with this teams

experimental finding that PAG st imulation-induced excitat ion of r'aphe ",

~ c. neurone 11 reveraed by naloxone, while VBT stimulation-induced

• excitation of raphe neurone is not. Thus, it appears that stimulation of

YBT and 'IC in humane scti vates neural mechanisGls that do not involve



1\ o

• • ./

endogenouli opioids, in contr8st to the system activated'by stimulation

of PAG and PVG sites •.

Neural systems underlying SPA

In a recent paper, Basbaum and Fields (1984) outli-ned eurrel)t

undetstanding of the intricate structure and funetion of brainstem

descending systems. Descending fibres from the PAG projeet to the more

caudal nucleus raphe magnus (NRM) syste; and surrounding nuclei in the

rostral medulls. These nucl~hen projeet, via the dorsolateral

funiculus, to the spinal dorsal horn, where they inhibit nociceptive

neurons. The inhibitory action at the cord may be via 'direct


post-synaptlc inhibition, or via an opioid peptide containing, endorphin

interneuron. There are thought to be other endorphi nergic inputs st the

PAG and rostral medulla levels. An important nor,adrenergic system ia . inwlicated in the excitation of t~~e NRM system at the rostral medulla

level., Serotonin is be 1 ieved ta be the main neuro-t ransmitter for the

NRM - Spinal, descending inhibitory pathway.

The basic structure of "the PAG descending inhibitory system has been r-

;' known for some ti~e (e.g. Basbaum and l'ields, 1978). ,More recently. it

has b~en demonstrated that the PAG la.. pivotally located to transmit

cortical and dien~ephalic inputs to the lower brainstem. For ex.mpl~,

Beckstead . {19791'reported 2 part iculari ly interesting cases (FC8 .nd

FClO), in a retrograde tran'port study in rats. Labelled amino acid VII ,

deposited in the lateral portion of the rat pre-frontal cortex (PFC).

Labelled fibres we re found to project caadally via the media 1 exten'l: of

t'he IC. and separately, via the medill nucleu. of thalamul, ta the



•• c



dorej.t. hypothalamus and on through the ventral PAG to lover brainstem • .. ~

This FYC - PAG descendlng psthway led Hardy and Hsigler (1985) to ~

suspect that PFC might provide an effective, rostral, substr.ate for SPA

in the rat. ln an initial electrophysiological study. these werken

found that midbrain neurons altered their fi ring pat terns in response to

PFC J. imulat ion. Horeover, the majority of nocicept ive neurons vere ~ \ . ~I es sed and micro-iontophoretic administ rat ion of met-enkephal i n and

, noradrenalin st the PAG leve 1, mimicked the effect of PFC stimulat ion to,

varying degrees. In a follow-up study Hardy (1985) used tail-flick and

hot-plate test sand demonstrated that PFC st imulat ion did indeed produce

'" analgesia in rats.

Although 'there is no direct evidence that lC is an effective neural


substrate for SPA in rat s, these Btud ies suggest that the lC may b,Ç part

of a descending (excitatory?) system that projects to the lover ,

brainstem. From the work of Tsubokswa et al (1982) it is possible to

apeculate that this input't1l.en activate8 the raphe nuclei, either

directly or indirectly via enkëphalinergic and noradrenergic neurons,

tbereby activating the descending inhibitory system. However, it is

important to note that PFC st imulation has only. proven to produce '"

an.lgesia in phasic pain tests. 1

There ie increasing evidence "'that when the tonie pain of the formalip

teat is studied. ascend ing projections to the fore-brain are more'

important than/descend ing projections tc? the spinal cord. Destruct ion of

the NaM or the caudal PAG attenuates analgesi. prodOced by morphine. or

by Itiaaulation of the midbrain. in the tai l-fl ick test, but bas no

.ffact on ati.ulation-produeed. or .,rphine analaesia in the farmalin

\. ,




, 'oL L:: .•

c ..

test (Abbott, MehacK, Sa'mue1 et al, 1982; Abbott and Mel,zack, 1983>­, Furthermorè" destruction of the median raphe nucleus (KR) hu no effect

in the taÏl-flick test (Buxbaum, Yarbrough and Carter, 1?73; Lorenl and

Yunger, 1974; York and Haynert, 1978; Abbott ànd Helzack, 1982), but


caU8f!s either a potentiation of morphine analgesia in the f,Mma 1 in t~lt,

or possibly a reduct ion in the' amount of pain, prod~ce~ br ye fO[1II.Ilin .

(Abbott, Melzack et al, 198.2; Abbott and Helzack, 1983). The MR, unlike

the NaM, is known to project rostra11y to fore-brain structures (Conr~~,

Leonard and Pfaff, 1974; Bobillier, Seiguin, Petitjean, Sa1vert, Touret

and Jouvet, 1976), ..

In conclusion, current knowledge o( the functional anatorny

• SPA suggests that tai I-flick SPA is mediated by the activation of

descending systems. ln contrast, formalin test SPA appears to be

mediated by an effect of st imu1at ion upon the ·conduction of nociceptive

input via med ia 11y ascending systems.

Aim. of the present atudy

T~e present study explores the efficacy of a' series of rat brain l

The fi rst area to be examined, the 1 regions a8 possible si tes for SPA.

peri-aqueducta·1 grey region of the mid-bra i n (PAG),. VII se lected bec.ule

it ia an establÏshed site for SPA in both the animal and cl ini:cal

-literature (Bee above for a reviev). A replication. of this property,

) . would serve to confirm the appropriateneas of the et i.u1_t ion par ... t.r. . . and procedul;'e emp10yed in thie Itudy. Secondly, it va. ',xpected that

'\ .f If .. ..


- ~


. - .

1 \



. "

r' 19

.ti~ulAti_.()n of this, site would produce andgesia wllich could be compared ,

.'witft analgesic effects, if any, obtained from ot-her stimulation sites. , . • J

The posterior- limb of the internal capsule OC) was the second site

tb be explored. There ie s~me, somewhat controversial, evidence that

1:his region is a site for clinical SPA (see above for a review), but_

. there bas bElen no research into'l:his question in the rat.

The ventrobasal thalamus (VBT) comprÏslng tbe two v'éntro-pqsterior

nùclei (the VPH and VPL) of thalamus, was the third target site for SPA

expl'orat ion'. The VBT is alao relatively well established as a substrate ,

for SPA iri.c.linical etudies, but there is mea.gre evidence for a similar

potent iaI .in anima·~ etud ies (see above for a review). -..

The princiJ1al objec~ive of this study was, therefox:-e, to determine i!

t~ rait can be regarded as. a~ appropriate 'animal model of clinical SPA

at thue ,two diencephalic' loci (VBT and lC). Thesè regions occupY 'he

same plane perpendicular toJ

the anterior/JlOsterior axis, in the rat-

brain. The VBT 18 situâted media 11y to the le, and is separated from it

by • relat i vely narrow border region comprising 1) the medullary lami na

"" of t;he VPL, (ML) and 2) the zona incerta (Zl). The relative proximity of

the VBT and the- le, in the saDie pla~e, provided the pos sibil i ty of

c,l.rify~ng the. role of spread of , current between adjacent st ructures.

Cinaulate cortex (CING.) was selected a~ t'he fourth and' fi~al target

lite because of its l .. ck of association vith neural system! thought to

underlie the SPA effect. Furthermore, A,bbott and Helzack (1978) did ~ot

find SPA in a .ample of 5 rats stimulated at thi. site.t. Thu. t thia area , -It.-.... --judaed to provide a suitabie_ èontrol for .ny generalÏsed ~ffects of

Itiaul.tion, in order to elucidate the .ite specifie effects.


' .




o . , ,. j


- o


METlIOo. ,


Subjects were 64, naive, male, Long Evans hooded rats which weiahed ...

275 ta- 300 grams on arrivai. They vere housed 4 ta • cage in, the .,n,imal

c<?lony room, for 3 days prior ~o surgery, with free accels to food and' . .. , ,

vater. , .


Stimulation apparat'us. j _ ''>;.,-

Stimulation "aB provided by a Grass SS8 stlUlulator '(model ,S88B) via ( ,

a Gru:;8 constant current unit (model CCUIA). Current "as me.aurecl by an'

oscilloscope displa,ying the voltage 'dr~p acro~s a 30 K ohm reaÏltor in

series with the ra~.

For ~dQliniJtration of stimulation rets were placed in the 32 x 32 x

32 J)lf'xig1asa box used for fonaalin. cesting. This app.ratua vas fitt,d

with a plexiglass lid (vith a slit for eléctrode leads), t.o prevent •

esc'ape. A stopvatch vas used to determine total Itiaulation'duratien and

,post st imulat ion intérvala.


Tait-Pl ic~ tes't apparat.à.

A thet-mostatically controlled "ater bath VII uaed to keep "eter (the

thermal stiQiulus), at a conatant tellper.ture (55, + or - 0.2, deare ••

C.).' A 500 ml pla8ti~ be.ker '!Jas used to s •• ple ".ter for t •• ~. An - , ·electron.ic IIÜlisecond tiller, vith foot avitch, VII u.ed t?b .... ure CaU

flick latel'cies.

\ , ...










!rh 5

'7 -~




Poraalin test .pparatu. -', t

Rats in the for_lin test con~ition , vere observe'd in -the large

plexiglall box in vhich they had received stimul.tion. Bel\eath the

tran.par~nt floo'r, a large mirror vas 1IIOunted at a 45 degue angle,

, permiiting unhi~dered observation of the racls )lMis. A TRS80 (Radio

Shack, Pe2), micro computer vas employed to record and calculate

formalin test scores. 'VIII

CatalepaI test apparatua


. . Apparatus for the cata lepsy:-test comprised .a steei bar (l0 cm long

and 5 I11III in diameter>, which was sl,lpported 'firm~y, 10 cm above, and

hori~opta1 to, the surface of a table. (>

< •


• Surgery

Bipolar electrodes (Plastic Producta, Roanoke; Va.) vere cu't to

lenlths appropriate for their target sité •. The exposed tips ~t th.? cut

. end of the electrode vere aeparated by .2 an. After the rats vere • \1'

Inaeathetizéd with sodium pento-barbital (60 mg/kg IP), the electrodes , ,

vere i.planted using standard stereotaxie techniq~es. The ~oordi~ate8

for eleetrodé placelllenta vere talten from an atlas of t~e rat, brain

(Paxino. and Watlon, 1982). CoorcHnates relative. to the midline of the

~ ,) 'd • .. ... ,+11 an the lnteraural line were aa followl: ~ • -6.5 1l1li APt -0.1 1l1li

Lit •. -5.~ DV; !Q lot -3.5 1l1li AP, 4~O am Lat, -6.5 _ DV;.'y!! • -3.5 am

AP; 2.75 _ Lat, ~6.5 ... DV; CING. • 1.2 11118 AP" 1.0 1IID Lat, -1.0 _ DV.b

. " The firat 10 rats received double. implanta (at PAG and 'IC target

. , .it •• )', to .ini.he the of ,rats required, but this pro~edure was

, . ", •• r ••






l' •



judged too costly in terms of accuracy and. tilDe. The .remaininl S4 ratl

received single implants. 2 out' of t-he total of 64 ratl died during

surgery. . 1.


" Rats vere allowed at Leut one week to recover from surgery and "ere·

t~en habituated to the sti.mulat ion p~o~edure 'without actually

experiencing stimulation. For this purpose, 'f!!'Ach rat was l:aken from its

individual cag~ and was plac'ed. one at 8 time, into the stimulation

container. The electrode lead was then ~bnnected to the fat' B head-cap

so that it could experience the restriction of a lead attached to its

• head. During habituation the electrode lead W8'S not èonnected to the

stimulator. Each rat expe~ienced at least 5 daily 20 minute seuions of

habituation to the stimulation containèr.

, St imulat ion

At the bèginn ing of a test session, each rat was taken from ita home

.~ cage and waS placed in the IItimulation container. the electrode lead w ..

.connected to the rat' 8 ~e,d-cap ,and the iid was, pl,aced over the

container. Current was switched on and W811 immediate 1; adj,ulted to the

desired întensity level as indicated on the oscilloscope screen. This

adjustment required a maximum of 3 ae<1Onds. When the delired current

level was attained a stopwatch was àtarted to tiale the total I,timulation

duration (30 seconds). AU behavipural during Itimulation vere ~ . ~ ,

noted. If beha-v.(our became violent, indiclting severe aversion or

aeizure act ivlty. the sti~ulation period wu eut Ihort. At It i.ul~t ion , ,

'offset (30 seconda after atimulation onset), the Itop"atch va. stopped •

and ÎlDllled ia tely re-Itarted to record the polt":,,st i.u1at ion inte rvall.






St illulat ion Parametere ' -\ In co~trut to ,pre~ious anÏlul SPA studiea,. this s.tudy i! primarily \

concerned with a comparison of the SPA efficacy of anatomicaUy .

, homoLogous brain sites in rat and man. Collsequently, the rationale for , ' r

the selection of stimulation parameters was that the y should he

re'presentative of tholle used in clinical,. rather than animal, SPA

studies (e.g Adams et al, 1974; Riehar?8on and Akil, 1977a; Namba et al,

1984). The parameters seleeted were: - 30 sec trains of 50 Hz, 0.5 ln see

pulse duration, square wave stimulation. Based on preli~tnary trials, . current ateps for the four target laite groups, were:- 0, 40, 80 and 160

uAmpa for the le and' CING. groups; 0, 20, 40, 80 and 160 uAmps for the

PAG group; and finally, 0, 80, 160, 320.and 640' uAmps for the \TST group •.

Lateralitf of stimulatins ·electrodes

On1y the formalÏn test is latera'lity -specifie and therefore the

Ï8sué of optimum laterality of el~ctrode placements on1y arose with this '.

teat. Althou&h there is current 1y. no direct evidence for the

1âteralisation of formalin test SPA from PAG sites, the proximity of

these sites to the mid-line ~uggests that their lateraFtr, relative tG ..

,the foraalin-injected hindpaw, ia unlikely to be a criticd faccor in

,> deterliining optimal SPA. Nevertheless, simplicity of de8ig~ demanded ".,a

choice bel!ween .ides. therefore, it wa8 decided arbit radly . that dl PAG

,tectrode placements should be located ipsilateral to the

fonaali'n.-injected paw. -'

Âbi .. ~ etudies provide no indication of the l.ùerality of possible

fonaalin ,test SPA ai either the VST or le sites. But 80me clinical


.t·udi •• Su.a ••• t that if. tonie, pain SPA. is lateralized. it uy be

, \


. '

" il •




o , ,


restricted to' the contralateral aide of the bo~y (Turnbal1, 1984). Thui • .. in the absence of Any further evidence, it vu decided tbat the

formalin-injected pav should be sited 'cont ra1ateral to the YBT and IC

electrode placementa.


1) The taÏl-flick test procedure

1 Th;' s .test vas ~ modificat ion by Janssen. Niemegeers aad Dony·.

(963) of tbBt originally proposed by D'Armour a"d Smith (1941). The rat

vas removed from ·the st imulat ion box, wrapped in a" ~mal1 tovel, leavillJ

the tail exposed, ..... and carried (a distance of approximately 4 metres) to

th~' tail":;f~ick test-ing apparatus in an adjoining room. This part of the <IJ.:

prpcedure was complete&' within 30 secs of ,stimulation offaet. At each

test time po:"lt (l, 3, and 5 min post-stimulation), the distal 5 cm of

the rats tail vas dipped in 55 degree C. water. The tai l-flick latency _ -t,

vas recorded. If the rat had not withdrawn ies tail by.10 sec&'j' the tail . /

vas removed to prevent tiuue damage. The taÏl was then dried and the

rat wat'l held gently untÏl the next tail-flick test time point, or vu , .

returned -to eith,er the stimulation box or its home-cage. The 2 min

inter"':test interval wa.s adopted to mi ni1Vtze carry over effects of the . ,

thel'1llal stimulation.

2) The formalin' test procedure

Each rat vas placed in, the stimu lat ion box at leaet 20 ain pri9r co

formalin ~nject ion Co allov habituat ion to the apparatu.. After thie

geriod, the plantar surface of one of the hindpa"l va. injected vitb "

0.0~5 III of 2.5% forma lin.


. ' •

25 r

The behavioral pain rating scale of Dûbuis80n and Dennis (1977) va8

modified for use vith' the hindpav8. Rating score8 could range from 0.0

3.0. A rating of 0, corre8ponding to complete analge8ia, was recorded

vhen the rat rested its weight equally on both hindpaws. A rating of 1

was recorded when the rat showed a preference for resting its veight on

the uninjected hindpaw. A rating of 2 vas recprded when the rat lifted

the injected hindpav off the floor. Finally, a rating of 3,

corre8ponding to maximal formalin test pain, was recorded when the rat

resorted to licking or chewing the injected hindpaw. Each momentary

rating was entered into a TR~~O micro computer, vhich was .programmed to

print a mean rating score for every minute post stimulation. Data were .

normally collected only for the first five minutes post stimulation.

This vas followed by 4-5 minute urest intervals before the next

stimulation periode Occasionally, pain scores did not rettKn to le!,s

than 1 rating from baseline, by the five minutes post stimulation "'-­

interval. In these ca.sei the period of data collection vas extended (to

ensure an approximate return to ba8eline before testing at the next

intensity level commenctd).

The fonulin te8t produces a moderate pa}n which diminishes in the ,-firat 5-10 min and then rises steadily until it reaches a relatively

conllt.nt plateau at 20-30 min post ,injection. This constant level of

alge.ic behavior la8ts fro. about 3,0 min. to 120 ~IL..JJst-injeC'tion •

Telt. for the effect of stimulation occurred within this period (i.e

fro. 30-75 min after fonaalin injection). For IC, CING. and VBT groups

th. hindpa. contraI.terd to the electrode placement was used, for the



. ""'*-




PAG group, the ipsi,lateral hindpaw was used (aee Laterality aection

above for rationale).

, The Catalepsy test ... During testing it was observed that 160uA stimulation of tc sites

elicited seizure behavior. These rats exhibited post-ictal analgeaia in

conjunction with a depression of motor activity. To explore the nature J

of IC post-ictal behavioral depression, the catalepsy test (e.g CoataU •

and Naylor, 1974) was incorporated into the testing procedure of a

sample of 7 rat8. from the le group. Immediately~fter offset of

8timulation (l60uA) in the tail-flick test condit~n, the rat was

removed from the stimùlation box and te8ted for catalepsy. The rats

hindpaw8 vere placed on the table and the forepaws on a bar 10 cm above

the tablEJ. The time taken, for the rat to remove both forepaws, was

measured. If the rat kept both of its forepavs on the bar for more than

45 sec it wa8 j1lliged to be cata leptic. This criterion ie 15 sec more

conservati ve than that employed by KofW __ Berney and Hornt!iewicz

(1978) in their study of morphine-induced catalepsy.

Design .. o ~ "

Rats vere provisionally allocated to groups on the buis of the

target site of theilt electrode implants. Ali rats were then telted for \

.the effects of brain stimulation on pain uling both the tail-flick ,test

and the· formalin test •


Controlling for' order eff/cts acrou pain test •

.. Each target wite group val divided into tvo, equal Rt

lub-groupa. One eub group perfonaed the tail-flick test tiret and tbe

... " , .'


o . .....


foralin test second, the 8e[ond ~ub-group wa8 tested in reverse order.

At lesst 1 week elapsed between testing "ith the -two pain tests.

Controlling for order effects across levels of stimulation intensity

In the course of each pain testing procedure, each rat was tested at

four or five stimulation int~nsities depending on test and target site

group. To control for carry-over effects from stimulation, rats received

the different stimulation intensities ln a pre-determined random

sequence, L~lanced within groups.

Controlling for order effects across post stimulation intervals

Since order effect sand t ime are inherent ly eonfounded, an ana lysis

of the ti~e iacfor assumes constant levels of baseline responding over

time, in both pain tests. A ailot study sUPPQrted previous findings (e.g

Dubui880n and Dennis, 1977) that basel ine levels of responding in the

formalin test. do indeed remain relatively constant throughout the test" ..

period (35 - 45 mins). However, another pi lot study demonst rated that

this is not true of 'the tail-flick test. The latter test comprised a

bloctk of three measures aeross time (l, 3 and 5 mins post st imulat ion)

and four or five intensity lev.els. In. the pilot baselÏne analysis, it

was diacovered that tai l-flick latencies were signi ticant ly shorter

. during the first time interval. Becsuse order and the time factor are

confounded, a randomiaat ion solution to this problem 1US inappropriate:

Accordingly, the taU flick test proc'edu're was divided into two more

condition.:- 1) s no stimulation control condition, and 2) the

aci.ulation condition. The order of performance of

counhr-balanced within groups. The difference the tail-fl ick

latanci •• in the Iti.ulation and the no was used






.. 18

to provide a Ille88Ure (wttich minimÏ!:ed spurious order effects) of the

effect of stimulation on tail-flic" latenciea.


Group Analyses

Rats were assigned to electrode pla~ment groups on the basi. of

histological results. Ail rats experienc-ed 4 or 5 Levels of stimulation CI

(dependlng upop group and pain test - see Table 1. in the results) in

bath the tail-flick and the rforlll8lin test. ln the taÏl-flick test, data

were recorded at 1,3 and 5 minutes post-stimulation. In the formalin

test data were recorded at five time points post stimulation (l, 2, 3,.4

and 5 minutes). In some cases rats had to be excluded from testing at

the higher current intensities due to aversion to stimlation. In such

cases the' means of the remaining animals tested at thue intenait ies

were used ta replace missing data points.

The results from the tail-flick test and tbe formalin test were

"' ànalyzed sepa rately. An ana lysis of the 0 Amp t baseline data t comparing

the effects of time and stimulation site group, was conducted with a ..... 2-way, 1 repeated~f8ctor,'ANOVA, for each pain test. Subsequent"

of the effect of stimula.tiofl intensity and post-stimulation time point

on pain test scores, vere conducted for each histologically defined

group (and operationally defined sub-group) vith 2-way, 2 repeated

factor, ANOVA's, again for both.pain tests. r

In the case of the taÏl-flick tesuata, a lack C?f hOalOgeneity of (

. ~'. 1

variance, and correlatÏ'ôn of-vai;.an<es vith the .an difference .core.,

vas observed. For chis reason, AROVA·. vere perfo~d on .quare-root




~''''' ... '


tranlformed data. In some cases, the 2-vay ANOVA stimulation intensity x

time interaction term proved significant. In most cases this was a

straight-forward consequence of an increase in the duration of the SPA

effect vith increments in stimulation intenslty. If this was the case, a •

further l-wsy analysis of the components of the interaction term was

de~d unnecessary. 1 f, however, the source of the interact ion was

unclear, I)urther l-way analysis of the stimulation compone nt of the

interaction term was carried out. To examine the significance ol the

stimulation factor aione, the analysis vas reduced to a l-way ANOVA, by

averaging scores ac ross t ime.

Individual Analyses

Si tes su SPA and imulation intensities at which SPA


To determine the st imulation intensity that supported significant

SPA for each sub ject, the pain scores at each 'st imulat ion intensity were

- compared to the mean baseline scores for a11 rats tested at the same

site. Pain scores were averaged across time and the mean and standard

âeviatio=, of the scores for the baselÏne test were ca lculated.

Signifieant SPA was defined as the turrent at which:- A) the tail-flick

test score was more than 4 standard deviations above baseline; B) the

formalin.. telt pain score was lIIOre than 4 standard deviat ions below




o \,


Sites and stimulation intensities st vhich' aversion to stimulation


Aversion to st imulat ion occurred at many stimulat ion sites in both

pain test conditions. The behavioral definition of aversion employed in

this study required that the rat should display one of the following

behaviors during stimulat ion :- 1) irttense escape involving jumping up

and hitting the !id of the stimulation box; 2) escape accompanied by

vocalizing; 3) escape followed by major tonic/clonic convulsions.

The st,imulation intensity at vhich these aversive reactions occurred

vere noted for each stimulation site, in both pain test conditions.

Also,r parallel ing the SPA ind ividual si te ana lyses, the number of si tes

'" per ~roup at which aversive reac"tions to stimulation occurred V88

calculated for't~:7. stimulation intensity tested.

These tvo setJJ~tndividual analyses provided the buis for a site

by site comparison of the s~imulation intensit ies at vhich SPA and

aversion to stimu lat ion occurred.

Comparison of the relative strength of SPA in the two pain tests ,

In order to make a direct comparison of ta i l-flick and fonulin telt

SPA at each stimulation site, individual ,taÏl-flÏck latency scores and

Il formalin test pain scores, àt the 160uA stimulation level, vere

converted into percentage anaigesia (% SPA) scores uBing the follovina ,

transform: - (test score-baseline score/maximum teU score-ba.e 1 ine

score) x 100.

Histology ,

Rats vere deeply anaestvtiz~d vith chloral hydrate. The, 1I.r. tben

perfused intra-cardially fint vith 0.09% .aline. and the~ vitb 10%



- ..

_ .. =


• foraalin., The electrode head cap was removed from the sltull, the' brain

wu eJttracted and stored in 10% formalin for at least 24 hourà. Bl"aitl8


\ \,

". rt. were then 'sectioned on a free~ing mict"'otome. The s1ides of IIections were


stained according to the Kluver-Barrera procedure. Stained sections were

examined, under a microscope, ta identlfy the positioo& of electrode ~

tracks •











e • Hi sto1ogy

A total of 74 electrodes were' implanted in 64 rata (this number-

included 10 rats vith ~uble implant s). 10 of the placements vere

10lt due to the death of the rat, or to dislocation of the electrode r

during testing. Of the remaining 64 placements, 51 vere "on tU'get"

within their original target sites ,and 13 vere "off target" in 4,

adjacent regions. The· posit ion of e1ectrode' placements within the

PAG, IC, VBT, CINe. target sites, or one of the off-target regions


(OT, ML, RT, Zl), are illustrated in Fig.s lA-lE. The compositiçm of

stimulation site groups, and the current intensities used in the

testing of each group, are t.ab~latea, in Tab le 1. • ·"<t

The lC and VBT groups vere divided into_ sub-groups on the basis of

test reBults. The number of ratl chat were Cested (in each pain tut ,

condition) in each group, and subgroup" are aho tabulated in Tab le


Rueline analys.s

A 2 vay ANOVA vu performed on baseline (0 uA) taU flick

difference' Icores (test condit'ion mnus b.aeline condition).

lndependent variables were:- 1) a Site factor, co~priaing the 4 "on

taraet" group.:- 1) PACt 2) IC, 3) VBT, 4) CING., and 2) a Time

factor, coubtina of the J,time intervals poat- atimulation (1, J

and 5 .inut .. poet .timulation). Thi. revealed tbat there ven DO

difference. betveen baselines acro •• aroupa !(J, 47) • 1. 79, liS; DOr

( 1

•... _-r

• .; II<.~ ,

, '


• .. ~LE 1

Composition of groups tested for-SPA in the tail-flick (TIF) ,

and, fonulin (F)· tests and ,~imulation intensities used for each \ ,


Number of Stimulation . On target groups sites test-ed intensitieà and sub-sroues T!F F used (QA)

PAG \. 10 07 o , 20 ,40 , 80 , 1,60 '*

" Ie 23 23 -0,40,80,160

lC rats exhibiting seizut:es 13 15 o ,40 , 80 , 160

èxhibiting " . , 0,40,80 lC rats selzutes at 160uA only 09 11 ,


lC rat Il not ,exhibiting sei~ures ,10 08 0,40,80,160

VBT (standard intensity range) 10 09 0,80,160 ---:-"'...a.

(extended intensi ty range) 10 09 O,80.~60,320;640

CING. 08 08 0 14° 180 1 160, : .~

r .. Off tarlet sroue'

OT 03 03 0,40,80,160

HL " '

,03 03 o ,40 ,80 , 160

RT 03 02 O,~~O, 160 -~

Zl 04 04 o ,80, 160

.' * Tbe 20uA Iti.ulatioD iotènsi~y va. ooly tested in the tail-flick .

tut condition.

1 •

o - 1

.... ' 1Ir..,... __

o ~


~. >--~

) . ( .;-.., ,

-Brc:gma- -6.3 mm

fie. lA Periaqueduc~al gray place~nts.

(f~ Paxinos #nd Wats~._198~

,< o '"


, .




Bregma - 6.8 mm

Triangles represent sites w~th hÎgh thresholds of

aversion. J

Squares represent sL~es with low thresholds of ~ers1on.


r· --" -0

r , ~ , ' i :, r: ; >:1


~ ~

[ , .. ; .'

~ (f l' ra. Paxino5 and patson, 1982)



t ,... ~. ~

, -t


... '



1ft: __

.. ~

.~r. CAN~ j" ........ --

- /,~"~ \ , •

-(. ' .... J .. t,.,

*o.l , "'

" ."

Fig. 18 InternaI capsule place.epts~

Filled circles are s'ites at which convulsions ' were elicited .

Empty circles are sites at which convulsions we~e not, elicited.




~ VI



.. il , 1

0 . , .,..

~ , ~ ". .

• 1 •

' .....

~. ,

. -

, . J

o 4 1

.. r ~-~j.

,1 ~ ' III

.c:: +.1

~ . 1'0 ln III .., " c: ,Q

" 0 ,.. ~.

+.1 (J

i CO .... > Q.

U .... . QG ....


1 ,::t


. c:' 0 11\ +.1 1'0 • -g 1'0

11\ 0 c: ."" = CI.

~ ~ '-'

-N' • CIO .0\


t 36

. ,

1 :s 1



,_ . . • • •

37 ,.... "1 ..

("II . . . 00' G ~ . 01

." .-4 ... . = .. ~

i s:: 0 III U ~

., as

= ... 0-4

~ /

~ "C:I

0 ra ... 9 k III

, 0 0 U .. s:: G

.P'4 ... =

« as Co 0-4 :::s

~ 00

= ct 0f'4 U -• Q .-4

00 ..... "" \.. & •

; . "': 0

1 ! lE

CD .B "'!

" .B ~ ! '\ .

1 CD

"': -.. Il .' . I! ! =



o ..

o ..


:. ,

\ . ,

4 •

-.1.3 ...

(fra. Paxinos and Watson. 1982)


.>-~. ---"._--"->.. :...-..... ~ __ J'

.•• OT

• ML


" • _ ..... , '0



-3.1_ ~ig. lE Off target plac~nt~.

Optic tract place.ents . .

Medul1ary laaina of VPL plac~nts.

• RT - Reticular thala.ic nucleus place.ents.

o ZI - Zona incerta place.ents.



'" Olt





\ -

." •




..:f ,.,


- ~ ~

-ovér ti_ !(2, 6) • 1.67., NS; and the interaction tertl va. not

d,nificant !(6, 94) • 1.04, RS. ,/5'

ln a .imilar of formalin te.~ data for the OuA intenaity 1 Ir

• level, a,ain, there vere no differences betveen baae1inea acrOI.

group. !O, 43) - 1.66, NS; nor acrou time !(4, 12)·· 0.90., NS. and

the interaction term was insignificant !(12, 172) - 0.82, NS.

The.e ana1y.e. confi~ed that, in the absence of stimulation, both

pain meaaure. wer~ stable across time and comparable ~cross groups.

Group Re.ulta

Tbe PAG Group (N-I0)

The re,u1ts for the PAG aroup are plotted in Fig. 2. Fro" the

fiaure, it is c1ear that 'PAG .timulati~n produced analges'ia which

increa.ed vith the intensity of stimulation in both the tail-flick

te.t !(4, 36) • ~2.55, ~<.001. and the formalin test !(3, 18) -

31.58, ~<.001. It i. also apparent that thi. SPA effect decayed

rapid1y over the 5 minute poet-stimulation,period. The decay of

.na1aeaia over time va. highly .ignificant in the tai1-flick test

!(2, 18) - ~3.90, ,2<.001. and the formalin telt !(4, 24) - 13.61,

R<.OOI. rinally, there vas •• ignificant interaction betveen

.ti.ulation and time f.ctors in ,the tail-flick test !(8, 72) - 9.02,

R<.OOI. and the forulin tut !(12, 72) - 4.45, ,2<.001. , In both

" c •••• , this va. evidently a con.equence of an increase in. the

duration of the SPA effect vith increment. in .timulation inten.ity.

lt .hould he noted that in the tail-fl~c1t te.t J' 2 out of 10 rat.

vere dropped out at 80uA and. further 3 vere~dropped out .t 160uA

. .

59 t



~ .


t ~{\ -. /~a},*. ) .ete


9 -~ a w VJ

- 7 )-u Z W J­e(




x 4 o -..J' lL 3 1 .J - 2 ct ....


T ,r . ~ ,

~~;~T160uA .- . . l • 80uA ---_.40uA


1--" _. .,20uA

}.:.-.___----!: -.! OuA



w 1·0 a: o U Cf)

z -~

2'0 Z :::i <t ~ 0:: f2



T ·"r -l"T 1\}. 1"-1 . l~T T 1\ 1 l


T T ------. 1 * ., T T~ ....

"'--- T .L • T ,r,J.. T ............. .L • .x= T __ .L . .,.L






, , o l' 2345 MIN POST STIM ULATI ON

Fi,_ ~ Effects of stiaulation of periaqueductal gray on the pain response in the

tail-flick and for.alin tests. ~ o





• , " ~

,'" .





becau.e of aversion to stimulation (see criteria for aversion in

# •

_thoa .ection: page, 30). In. the formalin test 3 out of 10 rats

dropped out at 80uA and a further 2 vere dropped from the 160uA level

cella. To maintain equal n's, muing data points vere replaced by

the _an of the available scores. Accordingly, the results for the

higher current levels should be interpreted vith caution.

In a subsidiary analysis, the possibility of an association

between PAG stimulation induced aversion and dorsal/ventral elèctrode

po.ition (Fardin et a~, 1984) vas examined. Rats vere divided into

tvo groups on the buis of electrode position (ventral or dorsal to ., the midline of aqueduct) and the stimulation intensity level required

to induce aversion (Lov aversion threshold • 40uA, High aversion

threshold - 80 and l60uA, see Fig. 2). No association vas found

between aver.ion -threshold and dorsal versus ventral stimulating

__ --...:e:..;l;.;;ectrode polition in either pain test Fisher exact .f - .300 for both

.. ----

pain te.ts. ..

SPA froID. tbe' i nterul cap.ule

The ruulu for ratl vith IC implants, vere cOllplicated by tbe

discovery of an a •• ociatipn betveen SPA and escape behavior

accompanied by .ei&urea. Accordingly, the reluIts of the IC group

vere fir.t analy.ed a. a whole. and then separately, for tvo , .

sub-Iroup. compri.ina Oret. vbicb eitber did, or did not, display an

.. cape+ •• i.ure re.pon •• to (160uAJ nilDulation. \.





-'~-_.~--------------------~,-,----~;~----------"~~,~.~ ... :::s~~.q •


The lC Group.(N-23)

The effecta of IC stimulation are illultrated in Fig. 3. From the •

figure, it is clear that IC 'stimulation elevated tail-flick latenciel

IO, 66) - 20.40, .2<'001. Thia effect did not alter over time !(2,

-44) • 3.20, NS. but the interaction between stimulation and time wa.

significant !(6, 132) - 6.87, ~<.OOI. Because the inter~ction wa. not

readily interpretable. the effect of stimulation was reanalYled by

averaging across;the time intervals. Under this condition, the

stimulation ef/ect remained significant !O, 66) - 20.98, ~<'OOl. .('

From Fig. 3 it i8 also clear tbft lC stimulation reduced the pain

scores in the fOl"malin test !(3, 66) - 23.19, ~<.OOI. this effect

declined vith time !.(4, 88) - 24.16, ,E<.OO1. and there wa. a

, significant interaction between stimulation intensity and time !( 12, ,

264) - 4.66, .2<.001. In thh case the interaction term was a atraight

forward consequence of an increase in the ,duration of the SPA effect

vith increments in stimulation intenaity.

lC Stimulation, Seizures and CataleplY

In the co~rse of teating, it was noted that the majority of the

rata in the lC group (13 in the tail-flick and 15 in the formalin

test) exhibited escape and leizure behavior at the 160uA level of

stimulation intensity. Within 10 seconds of the onset of 160 uA

stimulation, these ra,ts pawed the air vith the contralateral foupaw,

tben ahowed rapid contraveuive cirelingpand vocaUsing. Between 5-15

aeconds after stimulation onaet, the tat exhibited an explosive

eacape re.pon •• - it vould juap up and bit the lid of tb., .tiaulatioll




~~- ~- -~

"'1 ,

0 ~ b ' r . l' 1

l , ~ ,

10 ' 0'0 ,. r :t

-9 ~ , 1 ; . -V) (.) 8 T bJ \1) " . - 7 • "'T .

1 ·0 t >- w l"-J'I \,) 6 0:

Z 0 LLI T u ... ,J""T T l- CI)

5 • l 1~+-. 160uA ct l~T ..J z T • t Q

l 160uA -

4 • <t 1, T 1------1 BOuA ~ 1 .L 0-0

\ 2·0 ~ • ___ T

~.- -1' 80uA .L .t T - Z T ----. T ..J 3. T :::::::----:. - .--1----.~!:::::::i 40uA l&. • 40uA .J 1 .~. !.Otd\ <t ~ ~ O~

eL + ..J ! ~ - 2 a: ct ft .... 3.J

.... f • -Il


'. 1 -1

) 0 1 3 5 0 , 2 3 4 5 J r ,




Fig. 3 Effects of stiaulation of internal.capsule on the pain response in the

tail-flick and foraalin tests. "" , - ~

f. ~.



box, often succeeding in forcing its vay out through the lIlit for the

electrode lead~. lanediately after this apparently directed e.cape

behavior, the rat invariablY exhibited a "grand mal" tonic-clonic

seizure. Stimulation was always terminated at this po'trrt '. Convulsions

usually abated as soon as the current was switched off (except in one

case in which they outlasted stimulation offset by approximately 30

secs). AH rats that exhibited seizures app~ared to ~f;eI from \1

post-ictal depression in the form of immobility, often in unnatural

postures. After convulsive reactions to le stimulation, rats in the

formalin test condition, would often remain ln unnatural postures for

a period ranging from 45 seconds to 5 mi nutes. The amount of wei~ht

placed on the forœalin injected paw appeared to be determined more by

the chance posture assumed than by any at tempt to avoid psinful

contact with the floor. A sample of 7 rats which showed convulsive

reactions to le stimulation were tested for post-ietal eatalepsy with

the standard bar test (e.g Costall and Naylor, 1974). AU 7 rats left

thei r forepaws on the bar for st least 45 secs post-st imulat ion

offset, and therefore aU were judged eataleptiç (see Method, page 26

for criteria for bar tet catalepsy).

IC Seizure/SPA association

The occurrence of escape+seizure be'havior appeared to be a

crit ieal determinant .of "analgesia ft. To examine thia associat ion, IC

implanted rats vere clauified according to the presence or absence

of convulsive bebavior and signifieant SPA (IIOre than 4 S.D.'. froa

ba.eline). at the 160uA .t1.ulation intenaity. Cbi2 analy.ia ,






indicated thatlh~re vas a strong a88ociation betwéen the occurrence

XL • of aehures and 8ignificant SPA O,.!! • 23) • 13.08, l<.OOI in the &

tai l-fliclt test and in the formalin te8t x: (1, N· 23) • 18.86

Accordingly, animais in the le group vere partitioned into tvo

eub-groups on the basÎ8 of eeizure occurrence at the 160uA i'ntensity

leve!. These were:- 1) rats which exhibited seizures - 13 rat .. in the , tai l-flick test condition'-and 15 in the formalin test condition, and


2) rats which :lid not show seizures - 10 and 8 rats in the tail-flick 1

and formalin ten conditions, respectively.

SPA in rats exhibit;ng seizures

The resu lts for the IC sub-group that exhibited seizures are

plotted in Fig. 4. Tail-flick lateneies inereased Vith stimulation

!( 3. 36) • 35.95, ,E<.OOl., this effeet did not vary over time !( 2,

24) • 2.51", MS,. but interaction term was signifieant .!( 6, 72) • 6.08,

l<.OOI. When the resu~t. were collapsed aeross time, the increase in

an.lgesia vith st imulation inten8ity remained signific.nt .!( 3, 36) -

36 .99, l' 00 1.

From Fia. 4, i t i. elear tbat IC .t imulation reduced pain 8cores

in the formalin "test !(3. 42) • 37.14: ,E<.OOI. J:hia effeet declined

over tilDe P(4, 56) • 39.97, l<'OOI and there vas a sianifieant

interaction betveen stimUla/ion i~tenaity and time !(12, 168) • 4.71, .

l<.OOI. 'As before, the interaction evidently reau/ta from an increa8e \ .

in the dura-tion of the SPA effect vith incr •• enta in stimulation,

o ~

" V) u ~ V) -)-\) z laJ I-ct ..J

~ u' -..J li.. 1 ..J -« l-


r-' \ o

10 r . 0·0. or

9 ~"T .../ r l""T 8

T 7 1 ·0 • l1J

6 l~T 0: 0

. 1"'-1 t (J-

5 T (Il.

8-. l -. 1'60uA Z -T 1-- .0uA l · <i . l''r ,1 4 Q. !---I ... 2-0 - .

~ ~î -----. 80uA Z ..L-...........T T 40uA

3..- T l _e 1:::::::::::::1 1 40uA - l---I--!-:- 1 OuA ...J <2:

2 * ~ ~uA ~ ... n:

~, I

3·0 - 1" •


fil. 4 Effects o~~iaulation o~ internal capsul~ on the p~in response in the tail-flick

and foraalin tests. Rats that exhibited escape q convulsions. , It'

~ 0-

, -

• ~I

1 1

c •

, 1


thus an independant analysis of, ~he stimulation main effect va.

deemed unnecel8ary. , '

Of tb~ 13 rats in th~ tail-flick IC (seburé) sub-group, 4 exhibited­

eJcape+aeizurea at both the 80uA and the 160uA" intenaity lev~la •. The

remaining 9 rata only exhibited theae reaponaes 'to stimulation at the,

160uA level. The data for these 9 rats vere exalDined at the aub-seizure

inten.ity levela (0, 40 & 80uA) to ascertain if there vas any SPA effect . ' at current levels that did not e-l ieit overt seizure act i vity. The reaults

are plotted in Fig. 5. There waa a small, but atati'stically significant,

- " SPA effect F(2, 16) - 4.18, R<.05. this effect did not vary over time !(2,

16) - 1.67, NS. and the intera~tion term was not significant !(4, 32) -

,2.35, NS.

Silllilà,rly, the 15 rats in the formalÏn test le (seizure) sub.-group,

included 4 which exhibited ~eizures at both the 80uA 8'nd the 160uA

, inten.ity levela. Theae vere exc luded and the data fÇYf the remaining 11

rats vere analyzed for the sub-seizure intenaity levels (0, 40 & 80uA).

In contrut to the marginal effect iri the tail-fl iek teat, in the

formalin test' there vas a clear increase in analgesia a!J stimulation

current increased F(2, 20) - 11.74, R<'OO,l. This effect decay.ed with ~

time !(4, 40) • 7.19, R<·OOI and there was a signi Hcane interaction

t.ra !(S, 80) • 4.43, R<·OOI again due to an increase in the iuration "

the SPA effect vith • 1 ....

lncrement. ln st imu lat ion intensity.

Rat. not exhibittng se!zures " ,

The rIBult. for this lub-group are plot~ed in Pig. 6. From t.he

fiau-re, it is c;lear that' rats vhicb did not .xhibit seizures at the

-' -


r r



rD , ~




o / o -,

10 0·0 ~


g' -VI _ (J ,8 ·w T '

U) -)-\,)

.. z l&J 1-~ .J

~ u -.J IL. r

..J -~ f-


6 '.





T ~'i r .. ~. .,~OuA f- ____ .1.- :!. 40uA

1"""'-- OuA ....

lLJ 0:. o

'0 tf)

Z -~

1 ·0

2·0 Z --J « ~ 0: El

\T · ." T T 1 . ·l·~.--""'" Tl. 1

r----I-~"-.. T...--1 T + L """1"--1 1--1-.1.


40uA OuA

l '

o h" ,. -t' 3 5 ' MIN POST" S~MULATION'

3·0 , .


.Fil. S Effects of stimulation of internal capsule on the pain respon~e in the tail-flick .

and fO~lin tests.


Ra~s that onl" exhibited ~scape fi convulsi~ns at l~OuA.





". 00




, \

" L .. ,.. ......

• ,~\ o


w 1·0 0:/ o U CIl

z f

2·0 ·z l '160uA :::i

;;: ,- <[ --"1-"""""1 OuA ~





I~.~._ T, T 40uA

!?~ ~:~: 160w\ . .~.. 80uA l l 1 l rOuA


Fig. 6 Effects of ~timulation of internaI capsule on the pain response in the taiI-fIlet . • . ·1, ... ,

and foraalin tests. Rats. that did not exhibit convulsions:' -


".. ID


\:L:'" \









{ ',. J .... SA I . ..J. ~ ... j t $Ct. en 2 '" ,c a , .. :


l6..,OuA lev.e1, did Dot display .tilllulati~produced analaeaia in the

taU-flick test !e3, 27). 2.28, NS. or t'he tut F(3, 21) • • .

1.46, MS. The lack of a SPA effect, in either pain test, in thia

sub-group" supports the previous evidence for an associat ion between '/' 1

seizure occurrence and SPA at le ~i tes ~

The VBT group (N-lO) . .

A pi lot study of vBT stimùlation sites, demonlt rated that ,

stilllulat ion did not, produce appreciable analania at the 160uA , .. intensity level. Consequently, a vider range of intensity levela vu

chosen f-er testing at this site (0, 80, 160, 320, & 640uA) to lee if

an effect could be obtained at the liighe~ levela of stimulation


1\ YBT stimulation over the standard range of intensities (0-160u'\)

did l'lot induce the aversion characteristic of PAG stimulat ion. ,

Inltead, 160uA stimulation of the VBT resulted in a pattern of

relponse8 wbich appeared ta be of ~ pretmina~tlY motor, rather than

avenive, nature. Shortly after atimula\ion onset rata vould

contravershe head-turnina which in SOlle caae. developed into

contraversive circling. Otber relponae. to 160uA atimulation included

rhytbmic mouth movementl Oa" openinl) ~nd head-noddin,.· " .

. At the higher stimulation intensitie. (320 & 640uA) tvo relat,ively

di.tinct .etl of behavior. vere ob.erved:- 1) mouth IIOve';nta, ï

noddinl and forelillb cionui leadial to rearin, and taUinl b.ckvard., - "' , a1id 2) circU"1 of .uch iatenaity tbat it often 1ed to

"rallinl over" and culminated in full tonic exten.ion and 10 .. of








po.tural control. ne.pite the .everity of thele behavior8, hovever, ,

even the hiahest inten8ity of YBT stimulation did DOt produce the

degree of aversion seen vith much lower stimulation inten8ities at

the PAG.

From Fig. 7, it is elear that even at the tvo higher in~f.ity leveh there wa8 only a relat i vely weak SPA effect ÎCl both pain tests

(eompared to tha t found in the PAG and le groups). The tail-fliek o

test re8ults indicated' a stimulation effect !(4, 36) • 3.:59, .E<.05 .. ,

this effect did Dot vary over time F(2, 18) • 1:.75, NS. and the

interaction term vas not significant F(S, 72) • 0.89, NS. Formalin

test re8ults demonstrated an effect of stimulation !(4, 32) • 12.75,

,2<.001., this decayed over time !(4, 32) • 7.51, .e< .001. and the

interaction term 'vas 8ignifieant !(l6, 128'-'· 2.41, .E<.01. When

resulu vere eollapsed acrOS8 time, the inerease in SPA vi th

.timulation remained 8ignifieant !(4, 32) - 12.75, ,2<.00l. J' ,

For comparison purpo8el, the data from thè YBT gr~up va8

re-analyzed for the 0, 80 and 160uA leveh, only (these intenaity

leveh correlpond to the maximum range eumined in an other groups

and lub-group.). Under thie, there vas no SPA in the

t~il-flick test !(2, 18) • 1.30,. MS.

With the fonulin te8t data for the 0, 80 and 160uA intensity

leveh, tbe Itimulation effèet reuined .ilnificant-'U, 16) • 8.60,.'

,2<.01., tbia effect .howed a marginal variatio'n over time .!(4, 32) •

2.74, .2<.-05; the~.etion tera va. DOt .iloifieant,!(,8, 64) •

1.68, MS.


0 0 '"

10 t- 0·0 f - 0

1 \.

9 C· -.n

0 8 • • ~

ut U) - 7 , ·0 r >- " w '0

6 0: Z 0 l&J u 1- (fJ T 5 ct • ...J z

~'\ -.... ,w\ 4 «

~ a.. u 640uA 2·0 ~i-i~f-I 640uA - T l z .-.:=- --.J 3. • tC:::::::!-t/Ï boA la. ~;r 1 -..J , « .L, ............... T T

.J 2 ~ . 1----..~1 . - !, .

0:: Cl OuA ~ ~ 1-'

1 3.01 • •


Fi,. 7 Effects of sti.ulation of ventrobasal' thalaaus on the pain response in the tail-fliek

. and fO~lln tests. l ' ~ •• ~\ J

v ,

~ ta. ~ "_

en f"J


t i f

. !

1 •




. .. r~' +" .... _. .. "_~_-''''''~''''''''''''_.~~II'''J'!''''''_ ...• -_ ..• _ ...... .,.

-The-CING.(Controt):Croup (&-8)

The 8 rats vith electrodel in the -cinlulate IYrus, were tested r ~ U acrOIl the standard range of Itimul\j:ion intensitiel (0 - 160uA). Tbe

reluits are plot ted in Fig. 8. FroID tbe figure, it is elear that in

the tail-fliek test there was no effect of stimulation !(3, 21) -

1.43, HS., there was, howl:ver, a marginal, but statistieally

lignificant, variation 01 tail-fliek scores over time !(2, 14) •

4.14, .E<'OS. but the interaction was insignifieant !(6, 42) • 0.98, ,

MS. / From Fig. 8, it is alao apparent that there was no effect of

Itimula~ ion in the formalin test !(3, 21) • 1.30, MS. J no variation

over tilDe !(4, ~ - 0.72, NS. and the interaction term was not

significant !( 12, 84) - 0.89, MS.

Relation.hip between SPA and medio-Iateral location of electrode

sites in the VBT and IC, 1-26.) 1

Four of ~he histologieally determined groups (VIT, ZI, ML, le)

Iha~ed t)le .ame anterior and dorsal targlt coordinates (frolD:-

Paxinos and Watlon, 1982). The.e vere 3.5 1IIID posterior to Bregma and

6.S .. ventral to skull surface, respectively. The target

coordinatel, for the electrodes im;tanted in rats in theae 4 group'

d~ffered onl1 ).n. the medial-lateral extent - froa the medial VBT

(2.75 _ lateral to the aid-line), via the border region of the Zl

and the ML, to the lateral IC (4.0 ... lateral to tbe mid-line). The

continuity of thi, _dial-lateral di.enaion, lent itlelf to a

croll-aite, analyai. of tbe relative effieacy of VIT and IC for SPA.



f1 o



-9. -~ 8 lLI U')

-- 1 >-

6 1


Û Z lLI 1-e( 5 .. -~~ -1

~ U ':J 1&. , -1 -ct








-r 1 • i~..- L..: ;- OuA .;;:> .!_ -1 160uA

... ~



w 1'0 0= o U (Il

Z -« 'Q.

2'0 Z :J c:(

~ 0:







e-e .=--.~:.c:::::;'~1 r--t-rt:;"--l

o 123 4 5

< o




\ \

Fig. 8 Effects of sti.ulation .of cingulate cortex on the pain response in the tail-flick

and foraalin tests. -,

.----U1 ~


'\ • ~ • 1 1

t. f· 1

i; 1



J.; !

7, i~ . ~ t !



Actual pl.cement. (.ee Fig.'. lB, le & lE) v.ried around the . tlraet coordinate. in ail 'three dimensions (ineluding 5 placements in

. . the ZI/HL border area). Since tbe dimension of interest vas tbe

.dial - lateral one, limit s vere placed around the other tvo, to

exclude:- A) the placements that shoved extreme variation in the -

otber dimensions, and' B) those that vere in other "off target" sites

(RT & OT). The inclusion parameters vere:- 3.1-4.0 DIO posterior to

Brea", 2.3-4.3 DIO lateral to the mid-line and 6.0-7.2 1IIIIl ventral to

the .tull IUrface. 26 placements were included within these

bound.riu (7 VBT, 5 ZI & ML ,14 IC).

The magnitude of the mean SPA effect at 160uA, vas ranked for e~ch

p~lcement in both the tajl-flick and formalin ~t8. Placement

po.ition vas ranked in terms of medial-lateral position. The rank cl

correlation (Spearman), between SPA 'lnd medial-Iateral position, vas

highly .ignificant for the tail-flicrnst data r; · 0.477, ,2<.001.

The r.nk correlation for the foruaalÏn-test data' waa alao highly

" aignificant r-; • 0.686, ~<'001. In both cases, SPA was grelter at

• more l.terll .ites.

A second an.lysis of tbese 26 placement. was conducted to

dltendne the deal'ee of .. sodetion between .eizure occurrence and

the occurrence of SPA (defined by the criteria .. pecified in the

Mthod .Iction, PI 30), in both pain tute. In tbe teil-fIiek. test,

•• hur. occurrencl va. aianificantly aasociated vith SPA x'< 1 , !! • 10

26) • 16.25, ,E<.OOI. Tbe .... we. trul for the formalin test XO, N

• 26) • 22.29 J ,E<.OOI.




. ---- ~




. " l » e Q lU $1

A final analysis vas con~ucted to determine the degree of

association betveen seizure occurrence and later.lity of the (13 moat

medially ranked vs 13 \DOst laterally ranked) placements. Thia

- X2-association aleo proved significant in the tai l-flick test (l, N -

26) - 10.40,2.<.005 and in the formalin testX~I,.!! - 26) • 12.46,

,2<. ~Ol.

The OT Group (N-3)

3 rats were found to have placement a, latera 1 to the lC, (aee Fig.

lE) in the optic tract region (OT). Tbere vas no effect of

stimulation in either the tail-flick test !O, 6) • 0.68, NS. or in

the formalin test F(3, 6) • 2.02, NS.

The HL Group (N-3)

3 rats had placements in the meduUary lamina of the

ventro-posterior nucleua of thalamua (ML). vhich lies between the lC

and VBT target sites (see Fig. lE). There vas no eff~ct ?f

stimulation in either the tail-flick test !(3. 6) • 1.08, NS •• or the

the formal,in test F,C 3, 6) - 3.94. NS.

The RT Group (N-3)

3' rats had placementa in the reticular nucleus of thalamus region

(RT). vhich' lies betveen the doraal lilDit of the YBT and the IC

regions (see Fig. lE). There v.s no effect of .timulation in either ,

the test F(3. 6) • ,1. 73. NS. or the fonulÏn tut FO, 6) .... • 0.45 J NS.

The Zl Group (N-4)

4 r.t. had pl.c .... nt. in the Zob Incerta re.ion (ZI) betve.n th.

IC and vaT rellons (aea Pi •• lE).

J _

Por 2 of th ••• rat. th. oriaiaal

• f. 0

k ...I.;";_.:c. ........ ~ ...... ,J:# ..... t~ ..... -._ .... ~.

i ,.:;





- J

target va8 the YBT. Con8equent ly, they vere teated over the range of

etimul .. t ion intenaity Ievela u8ed for that target ai te group (0, 80,

160, 320, 640uA). Of these intenaity levela, only the first 3 vere

comparable to those us.ed "WÏ.th the other tvo rats. Therefore, the

analysi. of this group was rest ricted to these 3 intensity levels (0,

80, 160uA). Again, there wu no effect of st imulation ~ the

tai l-flick test F(2 j 6) • 4.06, NS. or the fornlllin test !( 2, 6) -

2.40, NS.

Incidence of SPA and/or aversion at 160uA .

The number of stimulation si tes in each group and 8ub-group, that

showed:- A) significant SPA. and B) aver~ion; (according to the

cri teria outlined in the Method section: page 29) in each pain test

are tabulated in Table 2. For aU groups (and le sub-groups) the8e

incidences vere calculated for the 160uA stimulation intensity level.

The reBulte of two sub~idiary analyaes at other stimulation

intenaitie. are aho tabulated in the table in rovs identified as:-

80uA:- the incidence of analge.ia and aversion at the 80u!

.timulation intenaity, in the le rats that exhibited .eizure. at

l60uA. and 640uA: - the incidences of analgesi. and aversion in VBT

rat. at the 64"OuA atmulation intenaity. The re8ults for the four "off

tal::let" aroupa are diltinguisbed from the "on target" result. by a

broken line. Tbe total incidence of site. from which signifieant SPA

va. obt'dned .. and the total incidence of .ites at vbicb .timulation ./

va. Averai ve. are tabulated for ea~b pain test Bt tbe foot of tbe


--.. '


, .

.. ··~·T"'rr·





( ... -f~ ..

'fi,,!. ' •





Group A) Incidence of sites B) Incidence o-f sites Name supporting significant SPA at which aversion occurred

Tail-flick Forma lin Tail-flick .. Fp"rmali rr,;"1 test d!\U te"st data test data t.e s t dadl

PAG 10/10 07/07 10/10 07/07

lC 16/23 16/23 14/23 15/23

lCS * 13/13 15/15 13/13 15/15

00UA 02/09 04/ Il 01/09 04/ Il



. ~ .....•.. .'

ICNS * 03/l'0 (,;l 01/08 01/10 1 00/08 ~


VBT 00/10 (JOO/09 00/10 00/09

64 OuA 01/10 00/09 00/10 00/09

CING. 00/08 00/08 00/08 00/08

____________________________________________ w ___________ _

OT 00/03 00/03 00/03

ML 01/03 01/03 01/03

RT 01/03 01/02 01/03

Zl 00/04 00/04 00/04

28/64 25/6.Q\ 26/64

* ICS:- IC rats that exhibited \

Se1ZUJ'e8. , .

* ICNS:- lC rat8 that did not exhibit seizure8.









~ ",

1 -~ 1

.j -~


o ..

fL ," . +' f~# i ;'.

Compari.on of intensities that elicited SPA or aversion or both

Thé possibility of an a8lociation between SPA and aversion was

examined by determining vhether st imulation intensities at which

aversion occurred were below, equal to, or above those at which SPA


occurred, for each site at which either or both behaviors were elicited.

The incidence of sites, in each pain test, corresponding to each of

these catergories is, tabulated i,. Table 3. The IC group is represented

in 'the table by lts two sub-groups! le rats that exhibited seizures (lc

SElZ) and lC rats that did not exhibit seizures (iC NO SEIZ). The total •

incidence of sites, in each pain test, at which stimuIa:-ion produced

aversion at intensities below, equal to, or above that which eHcited

SPA, is tabulated at the foot of the table. An 'analysis of the

occu.rrence of SPA and aversion at the same stimulation intensities,

across a11 sites, showed that these behaviors vere associated in the \ 2.

tail-flick test condition X(2, ! · 29) • 10.27, .f<.01. and in the ( ~

formalin test conditionX(2, !'- 27) - 16.67, ~<.001.

SPA in the tail-fliek and formalin test compared

the means of the individual tail-flick and formalin test scores (at

the 160uA stimulat ion intensity unless otherwise specified) were

converted int9 mean % SPA scores (see Method section, page 30, for

transfona) to faciHtate a comparison of tail-flick and formalin test

result. within groupa. Tail-flick. and formalin test % SPA means, Ând

Itandard errors of the mean, are represented graphieally for each group,

lub-I1:0UP and .ubsidiary analYlia (le BOuA and YBT 640uA) in .Fig. 9. 1 j \

---- - ~!





TABLE 3 60



Tail-flick data Formalin telt data

Group Below Bqual Above Total Below !qual Above Total -PAG 00 08 02 10 00 Of.. 01 07

IC SEIZ 03 08 02 13 02 11 02 15

IC NO SEIZ 00 00 03· 03 00 00 01 01

VBT 00 00 01 01 01 00 00 01

CING 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

DT 00 00 00 Op 00 00 00 00

ML 00 01 00 01 01 01 00 02

RT 00 00 01 01 00 01 00 01

ZI 00 00 00 00 00 00 QQ 00 - - - -~ 03 17 09 29 04 .!! ~ 27 - -


~ !!:".


k ( r ..

t ~ . '.

" "

1 1


o 100

" .0 70

« .0

G-U) 50








Subsidiary Analyses ~.


les SOua - le rats that only exhibited seizures at ~OuA •• '

test results for 0-80uA';range.,

VBT 640uA - VBT rats, test

results ~or 0-640uA range.

........ .. . ,

~ -~

o 1 1t."'J '\~ F'N\ .'»1 es





10 al UI 10 • .. 10 8 10 • 10 $ 8


• Fig. 9 Tail-flick and formaI in test percent age analgesia means, and standard errOT

of the .ean, for groups and subgroups at 160uA and subsidiary analyses at other intensities. 0-....


.' .'





~ .. -



rrom the results of both group and individual analyses. it is

clear that this 'study provides further evidence for the efficacy of

PAG as a site for SPA in the rat. 'l'he strength of SPA at the PAG

confirms the appropriatenestl of the stimulation parametera employed

and provides the basia for a comparison with SPA obtained (rom the

other stimulation sites. .

The most striking aspect of the PAG stimulation reaulta was that

in order to obtain strong SPA it W8S necessary to apply stimulation

intensities that concomitafltly proauced aversive resctions to

stimulation. The first signs of aversion included urination and

"freezing" behavior which appeared in some rats vith stimulation

intensities as low as 20uA. At the 40uA stimulation intensley level.

signs of aversion included escape and vocalization that, in 2 cases

in the taÏl-flick test and 3 casee ir. the formalin test" were severe

enough to prohibit further testing. Ae the 80uA intensity level mo.t

rats showed more intense escape (jumping up) and vocalization

responses which necessitated the exclu.ion of 3 more rat 8 from

further testing in both pain tests. All remaining rat. a~owed aevere

aversive reactions to 160uA 8timulation.

The 8timulation intenaity threshold for excluaion from at

higher intensities provided an index of aver.ion to .ti.ulation vhich

allowed the association of aver.ion vith PAG .t~.ulating electrode ~

position to be examined. Tbe .tudie. by Vardin et al (1984. l & Il)

had auggested that 1titbin the ventral PAG of the rat there are tvo









"pure analaelic" regions, dorso.edia! dorsal r.p,he nucleus (DRN)' anà

ventrolateral PAG, from which SPA can be obtained without concomitant ---aversion to stimulation.' ln the present study, aversiveness of

stimulation wu found to not be associated with the dorso-ventral

location of PAG stimulation sites. However, this apparent discrepaney

may be partially explained by Fardin et al 's obser:vation that the

"pure" ana 1gesia elicited from ventral PAG ~as mainly limited to the

stimulation period and was almost absent after stimulation offset.

Since both pain tests employed in the present study were appliea

after the offset of stimulation, it is unlikely that either would be

.ensitive to "pure" SPA of such limited duration. Furthermore, a more

detaHed analysis of the ventral PAG stimulation sites revealed that

none of the 6 placements were within the two "pure" analgesic regions

defined by Fardin et al. Thus, the association of SPA with aversion,

corresponds well with other recent findings (e.g Fardin et al, 1984;

Ptado and Roberts, 1985).

Althouah it may be difficult to demonstrate a cause-effect

relatidnship, the existance of an association bet'ween the stimulation

inten.itie. at which aver.ion and SPA occurred, for' aIl stimulation

aite., suaaeets that in many, stimulation may not activate

aotioodceptive .ysteas directly. Instead, the .nalge..,.ia obeerved. may

be medilted by the ,tres.fulne .. of brain stigpllation, sa that .uch {

SPA .. , actuany repusent an instance of the more generai phenomenon

of .tre .. -induced anelgesia (SIA). This effect is often induced

experi .. otaUy by subjectiOS an animal to a period of intense,

iD •• capable, foot-abock. Afçer stimulation, animals exhibit analgelia



.... 1 .. _

.... - ! ' ." • "L



that, depending upon the temporal parailetere of iu app!ication, '"

or 1118.1 not be med iated by endogenou8 opioUa (e.1 Levis, Cannon and

Liebeskind, 1980; Levis, Sherman and Liebeskind, 1981) •

. The establishment of a distinct "pure" SPA requires the

demonstration of the existence of stimulation sites from which

analg~sia without concomitant aversion can be obtained. If, instead


of meeting this criterion, an association between SPÂ and aversion is \,.­

observed, this would appear to support the hypothesis that 8uch SPA

comprises a form of SO.. Simi lar cane lusions were reachEd by Fardin

et al (1984, 1) who suggested that, in su ch cases, SPA ~y be a ,

.• consequence of aversio!" and by Prado and Roberts (1985), who sta'ted


,Chat "there can be litt le justification in assigning a cprimary

antinociceptive role to a brain area which evoku atrons eacape

reactions when st imulated."

Both the group and individual rea,ulta indicated that dngul.te

-C\lrtex did not support SPA at intenaitiea ranging up to 160uA. This

demonltrates that at this site there is a negligible generalized

effeet of stimulation and prov:ides support for the site-apecificity

o~ SPA. Interestingly, stimulation of dngulate cortex did pot induce

Appreciable aversive reactions.

Group and individusl results of VBT Itimulation over the extended

range of stimulation intenlities (O-640uA), indicated veak SPA in

,both pain tests. However, even et the 640uA st imulat ion intendtr.

the overall magnitude 'of the group 'SPA effect. for bath pain tuu ,

vas lus than that seen at the 40uA .t imul.tion intenaity at the ,AG. Indivi~ual relulte Ihoved tbae, 1 of 10 rat. in t~ tail-fliek te.e


• -'


l >, ,.. \ ~

<]ti,.:#. '.




condition and 0 of 9 in the formalin te':i: condition, supported

lignifieant SPA It 640uA. ,

A correlation WIS found to exist between tbe magnitude of SPA and

the' latentity of diencephalic stimulation sites. SPA inerelSed from

inlignificant levela at the IDOst medilll VBT sites to intermediate (

levels at Zl and ML sites (tloff target ll regions which lie between VBT -"'>

and le) to a maximum at sites in the lateral le. This suggests that

the 'Îlngle case of tail-flick test SPA obtained from the VBT site at

, -the 640uA stimulation intensity may be due, to spread of current ,to

the adjacent le. Thus, the present result s do not cont rad iet the few

put studies which examined VBT as a site for SPA in animais and

!ound it ineffective (e.g Mayer and Liebeskind, 1974; Goodman and

Bolcombe, 1916; Prado and Roberts, 1985).

VIT stimulat ion over the standard range of intensities (O-160uA) ,

did not induce the extreme aversion characteristic of PAG

stimulation. lnstead, as indicated in 'the results, 160uA stimulation"

of the YBT resulted in a pat tern of responses which appeared to be of

• predominant ly mOtor, rather than aversi ve, nature. Thi s pattern of

relpon8es, which included rhythmic mouth movement (jaw opening) and

head-nodding, corresponds weIl with descriptions of the intermediate , ' .

shgll of limbic motor seÏEure behavior (e.g Racine, 1972; Racine,

Livina8tone and Joaq~,in, 1975; Collins, Tearse and Lothman, 1983).

None ,of the YBT rata progreased to the final stages of limbic , ".

IIOtor seizure behavior at the 160uA intensity level, but at 640uA the

ujority of rats exhibited full motor seÏEures. The behavioral

unifestations of these eehures included rearing and falling

• 1




.... -


backvards and "roll ing over" le.ding to full tonie extension and 10 ..

of postu~l control. ~,

Despite the severity of these behaviors.

however. even the higheet in'tenaity of VBT stimulation did not

produee the degree of aversion seen with much lower stimulation

intensities at the PAG. 1

The results for the IC group as a whole. indicate that, the IC is

indeed an effective site for SPA in the rat, 88 it is claimed to be

in man (e.g Adams et al, 1974; Turnball, 1982; Namba et al 1984;

RiChardson. 1985). However, this interpretation is tempered by other

reeults which indicate that SPA at the IC is contingent upon the

occurrence of escape followed by convuls~ve responses to 160uA

stimulation. The st imulation induced seizure behavior wu remsrkable

in its explosive _qp.set and the violence of subsequent convulsion ••

Unlike the relatively mild and aversion-free progres~ion of lim'ie

motor seizure behavior "resulting from VBT stimulation, IC seizure

activity appeared to model the "grand mal" respanse to

electro-convulsive shock (ECS). Such a grand mal tonie-clonie

response to 160uA stimulation oceurred with stimulation of 15 of the

23 IC stimulation sites Cin one or both pain tests) and 1 other .ite

in t'he adjacent reticular nucleus of thalamus (RT) region. The

occurrènce of major convulsive re.ponses folloving le stimulation i.

cODsi,tent with the previous observation that IC hu one ~f the

lovest convulsion thresholds in the cat (Gibbs and Gibb ••

19~6)' Simi !arly, tl\e low convulsive thre.hold of the neighborina IT

resion corroborates a study by 8er,_nl), Co.tin and Gut .. n (963) who

found a "low convulsive thre.hold area" in the .. aeneephalic





reticular foraation of the rabbit. Reverthelell, it remains

reurkable tbat this relatively low level of IC 8timulation wu

capable of triggering an ECS-like level of convulsive reaponse.

The reluits for the two behaviorally' defined sub-groups of lC

group rat s (sei zure vs no sei zure sub-groups) emphas ize the

..... ociation between overt seizure activity and reduced responsivic·y

to painful stim'l1,i. The results of the no seizure sub-group indicated

• lack of SPA in the group analyses of both pain tests and individual

reluits showed that SPA occurred in only 3 of 10 rats in the

tail ... flick test condition and 1 of 8 rats in the formalin test

condition. On the other hand, for thf! IC seizur:e sub-group, both

group and individual results showed a strong SPA effect tha t almost (

co.parel in magnitude to that found vith the same intensity of PAG

stimulat ion (see Fig. 2, Fig. ,4 and Table 2). This 8uggest s that SPA

from the IC may be contingent upon the occurrence of stimulation

induced convulsions. However, another result suggests that this may

not be entirely true. The analysis of SPA in seizure sub-gro~p rats

at a pre-convulsive stimulation intensity (BOuA) indicated marginal

SPA in the test and a relatively strong SPA in the

formalin test. There are at least two alternative interpretations of

thil finding. The pre-convulsive SPA may be associated with covert

.eizure activity or instead it may represent a veak analgesia that is 1

di •• ociable from the Itrpnler seizure-allociated effect.

An a~.oci.tion between stiaulation-produced seizure activity and , ~

aaalael\a bal been docu"nted in leveral relatively recent paperl. In ~

1978, Abbott and Nel •• ct reported that Iti.ulation of tvo li~e




-_.....- " '. j t 4.4 '. $ '.-1

.. 68

structures, the la-teral septal region .nd the hippoc:.mpu., .

produced .naigeaia in the formalin test. This .naigeai. oc:c:urred only

when stimulation produced eleptiform .fter-discharges in thele are'l.

However, the behavioral expression of })re-kindled after-disch.rgel

was li~ited to immobility and oeeasional "vet dog shakes" (a

eharacterist ic of the esrly stages of limbic motôr seizurel>.

Repeated stimulatiorl of the lateral septum kindled convulsion. and

abolished analgesia. Frenk and Yitzhaky (1981) a1so found that

analgesia accompanied pre-convulsive', but not post-convulsive

after-discharges in amygda1oid-kind led rat s. CIe. rly then, limbic

kindling activates a different set of responsea to those found vith

IC stimulation. Stimulation of limbic structures produces only

pre-convulsive analgesia without aversion, vhereas IC stimulation

produces strong aversion and major convulsions (without kindling)

folloved by analgesia.

Another seizure/analgesia auoc:iation was reported by Holaday,

Belensky, Loh and Meyerhoff (977) who found th.t, in rate, BCS

elicited analgesia that was attenuated by the specific opiate

antagonist, na loxone. As ind icated previousl~ 1 leS indueee the .. Ille

type of major convulsions observed vith IC stimulation and both

produce post-ictal analgesia. Therefore, BCS would leem to provide a

better model of IC stimulation than the kindling of li';bie

structures. Urca, Vit zhaky and Frenk (1981) reproduce4 the Holaday et

al finding and confirJDed that the poet-ictal analaeeia va. partiall,

reveraed by naioxone. -Both Bolada, et al and Urc:a et al interpretéd \

their finding. al evidenc:e tbat !CS-induc:ed analaeaia il .. diated bJ





,#'-, -


endolenou. opioide. Purthec .upport for this hypothesis was provided

by Levis, Cannon, Chudler and Liebe.ltind (1981) who found that .. naloxone revereed ECS analgesia in hypophyseetomized rats, implying

that the effect is mediated by opioids of central origine

ln the present study it was observed that a second behavioral

effect accompanied post-ictal analgesia in rats stimulated at the IC.

AU rat. that exhibited convulsions showed a marked post-ietal

behavioral depression that appeared to resemble pharmacologieally

induced eatalepsy. The results of the bar test (e.g Costall and

Naylor, 1974) appeared to confirm the cataleptic nature of this


It was suggested 'above chat 10 stimulation < resembles ECS both in


---terme of the type of convulsive reeponse induced and the occurrence

of post-ietal analgesia. Further evidence for a similarity between

thue two effeets is provided by the occurrence of post-ictal

catalep.y in rats that had received ECS (e.g Holaday, Belensky, Loh

and Meyerhoff, 1978; Belensky and Holaday, 1981; Urca, Yitzhaky and

Frenlt, 1981). Interestingly, a catalepay-like post-ieta 1 depression .P

<a. oppo.ed to pre-ictal analgesia) was 8lso observed in

a.ygdaloid-kind1ed rats (e.1 Prenk, Engel, Ackermann, Shavit ~llld.

Liebeakind, 1979; Yitzhaky, Frenlt and Urca, 1982).

Tbere vere, however, important inconsi stencies within, and

bet ••• n, the ECS and .. yzdaloid-kindling paradigme. In their' < 1_981)

BCS stud" for ex •• pIe, Belensky and Holaday measured catalepay vith

a bar tait li.ilar to that used in the preeent study, while in tbe

- !CS Itudiel of Urca et al (1981) and Frenlt and Stein (1984), the

ii --


o lat~ney ot post-ietal "spontaneous dghting" was used a. a mea.ure of

eatalepsy. In these latter studies rata diaplayed latencie. of

between 1 - 2 min post-BCS before righting th~mselves when plaeed on

their backs. In an earlier definition of eatalepsYl, Munkvad.

Pakkenberg and Randrup (1968) specified that cataleptie animaIs right

themselves when plaeed on their baeks. Costall and Naylor (1974)

operationalised this definition by adding that such righting should

oeeur within 10 secs. thus raisifig doubts about the validity of ,

delayed righting as an index of eatalepsy. Finally, in their

amygdaloid kindling studies,'F~enk et al (1979) and Yitzhaky et al

(1982) adopted another potentially ambiguoua me.sure which indexed .. the offset of post-ietal depression by the rats Hut step forward.

o These inconsisteneies would have little signifieanee if it wa.

clear that 'catalepsy comprises a unitary ph nomenon that lS not /\-/'

behaviorally dissociable. Unfortunately h

'" pharmacologieal studies suggest that catal compriaes two

behaviorally and pharmacologieally distinct syndromes: a

\neuroleptic-induced "flaccid catalepsy" and an opiate-induced "riaid"

eatale~sy that is more properly termed "catatonia" (e.g Cott.ll and

Raylor, 1974; De Ryek, Schallert and Teitelbaum, 1980; Rondeau,

Turcotte, Young and Herbert, 1982).

This distinction allow8 a reinterpretation of the leS work of

rese_rebets who used the 8pontaneou~ht ing meaaure, and .u"eata

that aeeording to the. definition of -catal~p.y of Munkvad et al (1968)

they vere, actually mea.uring eatatonia rather than catalep." aa

o tbey auppo.ed. Furthermore. the distinction led Mya!obodsky and Minlk

~ ~-ir:. • th r...,:M., ~ .. •



(1981) to tut the ECS po.Jt-ictsl effect to 8ee if it was more

accurate1y eharaeterized 8S "true" cata1epsy or eatatonia. Their

re.ults indieated lhst post-ic~a1 rats showed symptoms of both

behaviors. although catatonia appeared to be predominant after ,

repeated ECS. It appesrs then. that an opiat~-like catatonia may

comprIse a signi ficant portion [r0f 'the ECS motor effect \ This

interpretation LS criticsl because Hys1obodsky and Minsk (1981). and

both righting measure studies (Urca et al. 198'1; Frenk and Stein.,


1984). shoved that ECS induced "catatonia" vas mediated I>-y endogenous

opioids. Therefore. ECS may concurrent ly indu ce anMlgésic and

catatonie behaviors whi,~h are both mediated by endogenous opioids.

Frenk et al (1979) and Yttzhaky et ~1 (1982) c1aimed that bath ~

pre-convulsive analgesia and post-ict~l depression. in

"' amygdaloid-kind led rats. were opioid mediated effect 8. Hovever, the

c!1ear differences ln sequence and intensity of these behaviors,

compared to those seen vith lC st imulat ion, suggest that the former "

provide fev clues about the neurochemical basis of t~e latter.

~ ________________________ ~_T_h_e __ s_i_m_i_1_a_r_i_t~y_betveen the ~ehavior81 effects of ECS __ a_nd~I~C~ ________ __


t d • t "1

stimulation raises two issues. The first concerns the p6ssibiiity

o that both effects share 8imi~8r neurochemical mechanisms. The second, \"

perhaps more fundamental issue, concerns the interpretation of

behavioral melllures that are a,.sumed to diseriminate between the

sensory (attalgesia) and mator (catalepsy) effeç,t8 of IC stimulation.

The urked behavioral reseablence betveen the effècts of ECS and

le sei.ulation i ... rred on1y. by the attribution of a ca~atonic l

COIlpODlnt to the' ses et fect vbUe the bar tes t of t'he le st imu lat i,On



o • 1

z q : J il e


effect appeared to indicate the occurence of catalepay. Recent ly

however, De Ryck. and Teite1baum (1984) have noted that the bar telt

cannot differentiate neuroleptic catalepay from opiate/opioid .. catatonia. Thus, it - remains possible that the behavioral profile. of

the ECS and le post-ictal effects are congruent in terme of both

~nalgesia and catatonie components. If this is the case it would

suggest that both of the IC effects may also be mediated by

endogenous opioids.

An argument against direct opioid mediation of the le post-ietal

effects is provided by pharmacologic"al evidence which shows that .,

there i8 little opiate/opioid receptor binding in large fibre bundles h

such 8S the le (e.g Kuhar, Pert and Snyder, 1973). Nevertheleu. the

~gnitude of the le st imulat ion-induced convulsive effect suggut.

that there is considerable spread of seizure act,ivity to otifr brain

regions. Thus, site-specific receptor characteristics are probably

irrelevant to the issue of the neurochemica 1 basis of the le

post-ictal effects. Therefore, it remains possible that both of the f

lC post-ictal effects are mediated· by en~~u.nou~-opi&i-4&r -C-au-ly,

f~rthërruearcb îS- required to elucidate this issue. Future studiee

should include: pharmacological manipulations which can diacriminate

the degree and specificity of opioid involvement in lC poet-ietal .

effeeta ~ a me8sure of electrophyaiological activity to provide a IDOre

accurate measure of seizure activity, and behavioral _ .. urel vhich

can disc,rillli'nate be~ween the catalept ic and catatonic componenu of

the general effect of "catalepsy".

rt' ". ~"

A8 indicated previously, the coexistance of post-ietal analgesia

and catalepsy/catatonia, in both the ECS and lC stimulation \

paradigms, raises the more complex issue of the ~havioral

diaaociability of these two effects. The presence of both of these


states il inferred from reduced motor resporlsivity. Since pain tests

such as the tail-flick and formaI in test are limited to a measure of

reduced motor responsivity to a painful stimulus it would appear that

reliance 00 su ch measures might lead to a confound ing of SPA vi th

mator dYlfunction.

SOlDe evidence that components of analgesia and "catalePjY" are

dissociable ia- pro,:,ided by the ECS study of Hyslobodsky and Mintz

(1981). They reported that during post-ictal immobility rats had

rapid righting responses and responded to tail-pinch. The presence of

righting defines the immobilityas neuroleptic-type catalepsy, rather

thaD opiate-like catatonia (e.g Hunkvad et al, 1968) and the lack of

tail-pinch analgesia is evidence that catalepsy and analgesia are

behaviorally dissociable. They also reported that a naloxone

____ reversible, "rigid" catatonia built up over days of repeated ECS. An

analgesia to tail-pinch, that was not reversed by naloxone, also

built up after repeated ECS, roughly paralleling the development of

catatonia. Thul, opiate-like catatonia is evident ly behaviorally

dillociable from non-opioid mediated analgesia. The critical iaaue

re_ioing ia vhether the opioid mediated, and therefore presumably,

opiate-induceable, forms of analgesia and "catalepsy" are

behaviorally diaaociable. Studies by Thorn-gray, Levitt, Hill and

Ward (1981) and Thor"a-gray and Levitt (I983) addre8sed this iuue. In



. (


.. te,


their 1983 study, Thorn-gray and Levitt con~ed that

opiate-el icited al'lalgesia and catatonia may be neuro-anatolllic:ally

distinct phenomena. At 28 rat brain sites, analgesia (mea.ured by the

fl inch jump test of Eva118, 1961) and catatonia (bar test) vere

produced concurrently by micro-,injections of etorphine. At a further

29 sites, etorphi ne produced catatonia only and at 9 si tes it

produced analgesia only. Interestingly, e,torphine did not elicit

either behavior when micro-injected into the IC and dual behavioral

effeets' occurred most frequently with micro-injections into the PAG

and its vicinit,.

If the le post-ictal effects are opioid mediated the resulte of

the Thorn-gray abd Levitt study suggests two points. Firstly, it

provides further evidence that IC post-ietal ef fects do not involve

local opioid systems and mU$t instead involve other brain regions,

perhaps including PAa- Secondly, if this is the case, then it might

not be possible to behaviorally differentiate opio id medi.ted

analgesia and catatonia. If, hoveyer, eithe~ or both of the IC

post-ietal effeets are not opioid mediated,J previou8 etudies 8uggUt ~

that they should be behaviorally dissociable. Clearly, thi. complu

issue remains unresolved. Pharmaèological and eleetrophysiologieal

analyses combined vith improved measures of catalepsy and catatonia

are neee8sary to ~etermine whether le post-ietal ~\nalgesia and

"cat.-t'epsYU are confounded.

ln the present etudy, the results of the group analyse. of the \

four "off t.rget" group. (optie tract .i te.:- OT, medull.ary la .. in. of

,VPL sitea:- HL, reticular nucleus of thala.ul .ites:- KT and zona



. .



incerta eites: - zI) ind icated that GOne of these si tes support SPA.

However. the lack of signifieance of these results may be partially

attribut:able to the sma11 number of an~ma1s per group (see Table' 1).

The individual reluIts show that 2 of 13 rats showed sigificant SPA

(more than 4 S.D. 's above baseline) in the tail-flick test and 2 of

12 showed signifieant SPA (more than 4 S.D.· s below baseline) in the

formalÏn test. For these groups, the strongest SPA was found in the

ML and KT groups and the weakest was found in the ZI group •

Similarly, ML and RT sites showed the greatest aversion to

et imulat ion whi le those in the Zl grou,p showed the least aversion to .'

stilllulat ion.


As outlined in the introduction, the primary aim of this study was

to evaluate the rat as a behavioral model of clinical SPA at

brainstem and lateral diencephalic sites. To sU1llllarise the relevL-~-~~

points of the discussion:- group and individual results showed that ~

st:rong SPA, over the '()-160uA range of stimulat ion intensites J was / •

. limited to PAG sites, le sites from which convulsive seizure activity'

.. wàs elicited and a minority of "off target" sites adjacent to le. VBT

at: imulat ion over this range did not prt1duce appreciab le SPA and, even

over the 0-640uA intensity range stimulàti~n of VBT produced only

weak SPA that was associated with limbic seizures. Np SPA was

obeerved at cingulate cortex sites or at le sites that did not

aupport seizurea.

AU regions that supported st rong SPA aho ahowed sÏ'gns of a

concollitant strong aversion to atimulation. Therefore, parsimony

luagelU that in thue cases, SPA may represent a, case of the IDOre


" "





general phenOlllenon of stresa-induced analge.ia (SIA: e.g Levie,

Cannon and Liebeskind, 1980) rather than the dist inet, aversion-free,

form observed by Fardin et al (1984): Furthermore, a critical

analy8i8 of the lC po8t-ictal SPA effect 8uggeats that it repreaentl

an SrA effect that msy be partially confounded b~ concurrent

seizure-induced inhibition of motor responsivity.

Thus, the findings of the present 8tudy appear to be at vadance \,

with the majority of previous animal, and clinical, SPA studies,

which" haye generally, either diacounted, or faited to report an

a8sociation between stimulation-produced analgesia and ~ver.ion. The

• paucity of prevlous reports of the averslveness of SPA may be

explained by the fact that, 1.n cont ra8,t to mo8t past studies of SPA

\ in the rat (e.g Akil and Hayer, 1972; MaY6J:" and Hayes, 1975; Hayer

and Liebeskind, 1974; Hayer, Akil, Liebe8kind\t al, 1971; Rhodes and

'--Liebeskind, 1978), the present study examined SPA in freely moving

, ,

rats. In previou8 studie8, rats vere often restrained rats during

- pain testing, which mey have pre-~ented the observat ion of the

behavioral manife8tat ion8 of aversion to st imulat ion. Nevertheless,

it remain8 supri8ing that the occurrence of aversive reactions to the v

antinociceptive'effects of mesencephalic stimulation in the rat, have

only been reported by four authors (Pert and Walter, 1976; Yeung,

Yaksh and Rudy, 1917; Fardin et al, 1 & II, 1984; Prado and Robert.,

1985). Of these, only the AKrn~&.. of the two most recent etudiee bave

conducted 8ystematic investigations which considered the occurrence

of aversive reactio~ limitin condition in the production of

"pure" analgeaja.) Thu., s~pport Jor the finding. of tyt pre.ent

. L--




1tM" ... _


1,< i


etudy, and for the hypothe.i. that SPA 'ob.erved in rats may be

••• ociated with the .tress ~f stimulation, ha. only appeared very

recently (Fardin et al, 1984; Prado and Roberts, 1985).


The appaunt diacrepancy between the reluits of the present study

and those of clinical SPA studies, resu lts from the fact that the

majority of the latter do Qot report an 'association between analgesia

and aversion. However, a few clinical SPA studies have noted

unple8lant side effects to stimulation. For example, SPA from the.

PAG. bas been reported to be accompanied by 8~nsation8 of nausea, ,

nystagmus and vertigo (e.g Richardson and Akil, 1977a; eosyns and

Gybels, 1979). In a more extensivé analysis, Richardson (1982)

stimulated medial sites in man, ranging from PAG to basal

hypothalamus. Basal hypotha14mic stimulation produced partial pain :?

o '1 relief togetber with side effects auch a8 fluahing and diplopia,

whi le inferior PAG sites produced dist ressing side effects below,the

Itimulation level required for pain relief. Thus, for mesencephdic en

sites at least, there is some evidence tha't the analgesia/aversion

auociation observed in the present study is supported by clinical

findinss. The rat may, therefore, be a relatively good model of

clinical SPA, and it8 side effects, 'at mesencephalic sites. Further

investigation of this region may provide information that will allow

clinicians to develop techniqu'ès to minimise the aversive side

effecte of clinica 1 SPA.

\ With laterai diencephalic sites J however, a search of the

literature reveals an absence of any reports of aversive side effects

to SPA. This .. y be a consequence of the definition of clinical ,

1 j

, .





succesa, which precludes the occurrence of severely averai ve side

effects to stimulation. The aversive aide effectlJ reported vith SPA

from PAG aites in man, are aU relatively mild, and therefore

clinically acceptable -if compenaated for by a sufficiently effective

SPA. The same effects may be more stressful to the rat because the

rat h~s no comprehension of the situat ion and cannot relliEe the ,

beneficial effects of the stimulation. It is also pouible that

aversive side ef fects of le and VBT st imulat ion in man, may include

severe motor and convulsive behaviors that would pre vent a report of

clinical success, despite the occurrence of analgeaia.

Nevertheless, it is possible that the absence of reports of

aversive side effects to clinical SPA. from lateral diencephalic

sites. Dl8Y simply be because these effects do not occur in the

clinical situation. If this ia the case. then the reaults of the <il

present study remain discrepant with cl ioicai research and would

" suggest that rat and man are not functionally homologoulJ in terme of

SPA from IC and VBT stimulation sites. However, even this

interpretation must be tempered by the recognition that the pain

assessed in this study is ,not necessarily comparable to that

described hl man. In man stimulation is applied to retieve chroni~

pain of pathological origin and ia generally ineffect i ve againat

acute pain (e.g Cosyns a~d Gyb.,ls, 1979; Richardson and Aki l, 1977a).

This principle' was cited in the introduction as the rationale for the

'l"" inc lus ion of the forma li n test' in the present study. lt vu allo

ootect. in the introduction that clioical SPA frOIl lateral dienceph.lic

sites is particularily effective for .enaory de_fferent.tion and \



( " o


-central pains whilè PAG stimulation i_ more appropriate for

peripheral pains. The formaI in test -may be a useful model of chronic

pain of peripheral pathologieal origin, but it ia, less libly to be a

good model of central and deafferentation types of pain. Thus,

although it can be concluded that the pain tests employed in this

.tudy show that th~ rat is not a suitable model of clinical SPA at

lateral diencephalic sites, it is not possible to conclude that thi s

will remain true for aU future animal models of clinical pain.

A subsidiary aim of the present study was to examine the raIe of

pain type by contrasting the relative strength of tail-flick and ~

formalin test SPA at each target site. To facilitate this comparison,)

individual resu lts were transformed ioto percentage analgesia scores.

These vere then averagéd to provide group means, and standard errors

-of the mesn (see Fig. 9). From the figure, it is elear that the

etrongest SPA was found at PAG and IC sites. In all analyses of these

tvo groups and their sub-groups, in which st rong SPA occurred, the

results show st rength of the formalin test SPA effect to be

approximately double that of the tait-flielc test effect. In the

pre-ictal analysis of the lC (seizure) group the differential between

taÏl-flick- and formalin test re8ults is even greater, but in the same

direction. Only in the case of the IC (no se izure) group, for which

no lignifieant SPA oceurred in either test, was there a minimal

di-fferent ial betveen tail-flick. and formalin tests. The figure dso

i'liultrates the relative inefficacy of rat VBT as a site for SPA,

even when the et illulation inteneity ~as increBsed to 640uA. Despite

the ",.kne .. of YBT effectl, hovever, the saae pattern of a stonger




foraHn SPA /tfect is evident in 'the results of the 160uA and the

640uA analyses. Finally, the control group (Cing.) did not exhibit

SPA in either test and therefore did not show a large diffential

betwe~n tests.

, The "offftarget" groups do not show a consistent differential

between tai I-flick and formalin test SPA, but the standard errara of

these sma11 N groups cautions against drawing any conclusions from

this set of data. The conc lusion that can be drawn, il that in "on

target" groups, if there is any SPA at al l, SPA in the formalin test

appears to be ~tronger than that in the tail-flick test.

'This relatively constant differential has significance for the

hypotl)esis that the,se two tests dif ferent iate

mediated by distinct neurochemica l and neural

betweer Î


pa in types

(Abbott and

Helzack, 1983). A clear dissociation of pain test perce,ntage

analgesia results between sites, would be evidenced by a reversal,

across groups, of the relat i ve st rengths of tail-fl ick and for .. lÏn

SPA. lnstead, it is clear from Fig. 9 that no such reversaIs occur

for any of the analyses of "on target" groupa which support

~ignificant SPA. Therefore, the data do not support the hypothesia

,that tail-flick and formalin test pain types, are relieved by

different st imulation-acÙvated mechani8ms'~ at PAG and le situ.

Strong SPA was limited to the PAG and le regions, and of these.

only the PAG supported strong analgesia wi thout el icitit;'1 .e~zure ••

ThuI, a1though for both the le and PAG groups the foraal in tut va.


IIIOre sensitive to SPA than the taï I-flick test, the aide effects vere,

different. If the si.ilar pain test differentials reflect the





activity of COlBlOn, analgesic systems, this difference appears to be o

contradictory. Bovever, the hypothesis that both IC-post-ictal, and

PAG effects actually constitute streas-induced anaigesia, suggests a"

cOlIIIIOnaHty betveen the mechanisms underlying these effects.

The fact that in the formalin test, SPA is about double that seen

in the tail-flick test, relllains to be explained. If PAG and IC SPA

did indeed invol ve common systems vith a predisportition tovards

mediation of formalin test SPA, this would explain the pattern of

results obeerved. However, the fd'rmalin test may simply be more

sensitive to SPA. In this case, the apparent differential betveen the

results of the tvo tests can be regarded as the consequence of a

scaling artifact. For example, a simple manipulation of the

tail-flick test data would raise tait-fl ick percentage SPA scores to

parity with formaI in test scores. This could be achieved by assessing

tail-flick latencies with a cut-ôff close to 7, rather than 10,

seconds. Alternaci vely, the differential might be removed by reducing \

the dose of formalin injected into the rats hindpaw. Thus, despite

the use of percentage SPA scores, the reBults of the two pain tests

are not readily 'cogaparable in absolute terms • . -- ~ "

In conclusion, the lack of any reversaI of pain test.sensitivity

betveen IC and PAG group results, and th~ likelihood of a scaling

proble., preclude any definite conclusions as to the signifieance of

"pha.ic" vereua "tonie" pain types in SPA effects at IC and PAG. The

lack of bebaviora! dis.odation of the Analgesie effects of

Ici.ulation of tbeee two regions lUIy reflect t~e activation of •

co-.on .treee-induced 'llalgeai •• ,ste •• c



Co )



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