Stewardship Witness Booklet



A collection of thoughts by Dayspring members: what does Dayspring mean to me, and why do I support it with my gifts?

Transcript of Stewardship Witness Booklet

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When I joined Dayspring back in 1986, I promised to give my prayers and my presence, my gifts and my service. Now when we are asked the same question for membership, it includes giving our witness. So what does that mean? I think it means that we show that we support our church through our words and our actions; that we are happy to talk about the importance of our church and God in our life.

For our Stewardship campaign this year, I wanted to make sure that you knew how important your gifts are to our church, not just to "pay the bills", but in the way people's lives are affected. Some of our Dayspring members have offered their witness in this booklet. I would hope that some day we have an entire binder of written witnessing to the positive impact that Dayspring has in our community and the world. If you feel so moved, please send your own witness about how Dayspring has impacted your life to me via email at [email protected].

From one of our United Methodist publications:"Stewardship is everything you do after you say "yes" to Jesus. It's a life choice that recognizes everything we have is from God, a life choice we live every day, at home or at work, with friends or with strangers, in every choice, every decision we make. Giving isn't about money. It's about ministry. And sharing God's gifts is a demonstration of who we are---and what we value."

Thank you to the many members who have opened their hearts to share their stories with you!

Nan LawsonStewardship Chair

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"God has b lessed me i n a t housand ways .

Th i s i s my t hank you . "

" I j u s t l i s t en f o r wha t God wan ts me t o do . "

" I f e l t a t ug a t my hea r t s t r i ngs . "

" I 'm j u s t wa l k i ng i n Jesus ' f oo t s t eps . "

"G i v i ng pu t s j o y i n my hea r t . "

"G i v i ng makes me f ee l c l ose r t o God . "

The tree leaves are hews of yellow, orange and red. The season is changing. The colors are captured as one views the flowing water in the whispering river. The words of a Chorale number I loved to sing, “River in Judea”, floats around in my thoughts. I reflect on Dayspring as I follow the river on my mobility scooter. I am reminded of how a Dayspring seminar, “Trusting God for the Seasons of Life” so prepared me for dealing with current struggles. Dayspring, a special ministry!

Dayspring! Each letter of that word reminds me how Dayspring touched and continues to touch my life:

D-Direction (The teaching of the Word, a map for my daily journey and worship enables me to refocus),

A-Awesome (awesome music ministry that brought me to Dayspring and ministers beyond any words I know),

Y-Youth (churches future, being an educator, thus a favorite ministry, what great young people, growing in ability and spiritual maturity, expressing God’s love to me, reaching Idaho),

S-Support (encouragement, life caves in at times, support there for me, pastors, staff, wonderful caring people, Stephen Minister),

P-Prayer (a rabbi taught me four categories- oops, give me, thanks, wow- when I reflect on Dayspring it is thanks and wow),

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R-Rejoicing (a church where one is accepted, welcomed, able to laugh, joke and have fun),

I-Inspiration (ministry stirs me to action, CDs reach me in Idaho, church gathers and then scatters-ministry never stops at the green patio gates, therefore authenticity of ministry),

N-Nonnegotiable (taught tolerance, but also constants in my life), and G-Gratitude (I now pray and pay and get out of the

way, still blest to support the Dayspring ministry with my prayers and a portion of my income).

Dayspring, Thanks be to God.

Les Mesbe rgen

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What Dayspring Means to Me:

Monkey BarsSuperhero capes

SwingsSnack Time

BooksArt Projects

Good FriendsGood Teachers

Daysp r i ng Preschoo l

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The most salient reason my wife, Peggy and I, cherish Dayspring UMC is that it is, without doubt, a holistic church. Holistic? Boiled down to simple language that means “The whole is more than the sum of its parts.” So how does that definition relate to Dayspring?

One part, of course, is the expansive parking lot, the lovely sanctuary, the entire plant in fact. All are important, of course, but they are only conveniences. More central, the most important part of the “whole” is the gathering of the Body of Christ, (i.e., the people called Christians) to worship. Anyone else, of whatever religious or non-religious persuasion, is welcome. Open doors, open minds, open hearts. Whosoever will, may come!

The quality of our worship is inevitably fulfilling for us. The uplifting music, the inspirational liturgy, the sacred service of Holy Communion, the meaningful baptisms, and the Word read and well-preached --all give us a lift for living in a challenging world. All help us to remember--and often feel-- the relevance of the Master. "For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them." (Matt. 18:14)

Equally important is the part we call “Service.” St, Paul spoke of it this way: “We, who are many, are one body in Christ… We have gifts that differ according to the grace given us: prophecy, in proportion to faith; ministry, in ministering; the teacher in teaching; the exhorter, in exhortation; the giver, in generosity; the leader, in diligence; the compassionate, in cheerfulness.” (Romans 12: 5-8)

The sum of all of Dayspring’s “parts” is greater than the whole and a dependable source of grace for

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Peggy and me. That is why we believe we can call it a holistic church.

Char l es and Peggy Fe r re l l

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I was thinking one day about my life and if I were a stranger looking in what would one think. She

doesn’t have the nicest home, not a lot of money, and she raised two children alone. But little does one

know I was never alone. I had Dayspring.

The first Sunday I attended Dayspring I knew I was home. I joined September 28, 1986. I remember the date well because later that day my son was born. What a joyous day indeed. Sadly, three years later my divorce was final on that day. I must admit I was full of fear.

During the years while my children were toddlers, I didn’t get out much. I looked forward to choir practice and Sunday service. Through the love and caring I received at Dayspring I somehow survived and grew stronger in my faith. That strength allowed me to help other families going through divorce via the rainbows program, a divorce support group for parents and children.

My children were involved in the wonderful Sunday school program, choirs, and youth group. As a family we serviced at the homeless shelter, build habitat houses, and participated in numerous mission programs. We gained so much from those experiences that sometimes I almost felt guilty.

My children are nearly grown and life is easier. As I look back I know that even though my children did not have a father in their lives they know what a father is by the wonderful men at Dayspring who took time to talk and nurture them. Last week I received the best gift a mother could ever get, my son wrote to me his thanks for giving him the best life by teaching him about love and providing

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everything he needed.

Now I would like to thank Dayspring for being my family. The youth programs, family campouts, dinners groups, fellowship with loving families, and the wonderful missions that Dayspring does have brought such joy into our lives. I want to make sure that these loving opportunities for families will continue, so that others feel like I do, that with Dayspring you will never be alone.

Jane R idge l y

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After Susan and I moved to South Tempe in 2000 we decided it was time to also find a church that was closer to our new home. For years, we had both sung with ASU’s Chorale Union performing with the ASU Symphony and Phoenix Symphony as well as travelling with the group abroad every few years. We truly enjoyed good music. We visited Dayspring for the first time when the men were performing on Mother’s Day. We couldn’t believe the professional quality of the men, but also finding someone who played the organ like my mother did, with a purpose.

We eventually joined the choir and continue to be amazed at the over-all music program of the church. Each fall when we sing at the Festival of Thanks with all of the choirs, bells, ensemble, piano and organ, I have a hard time getting through the music without choking up a bit even though we do the same thing each year.

We chose Dayspring for its music. A pleasant by-product is the numerous friends we have now added to our life. This Church family really cares.

Rick Ol i ve rChair, Finance Committee

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I t is difficult to put into words how Dayspring has helped me over the last nine years. Being a single mother with four teenage boys has given me many opportunities to ask for assistance. When we talk about Dayspring and giving your prayers, presences, gifts, service and witness Dayspring has done that and more to all of us in my family. There have been countless times I have asked and have received prayers form Dayspring. I do believe in the power of prayer and many prayers have been answered. Thank you Dayspring for remembering my family in Prayer. We are present at Dayspring almost every Sunday. I am so grateful to Dayspring for a consistent place to come to every Sunday morning. We all want to be there. Thank you for the programs that you offer and the support, motivation and friendship. Your presence aids in our decision to keep coming back. Unfortunately, I have had some serious financial difficulties. Raising four teenage boys on a teacher's salary with no child support has been an extreme challenge. Dayspring has helped graciously in this matter. Giving financial assistance when I needed it like manna from Heaven. It truly was a Godsend and helped me survive a very challenging time. The service opportunities have been little miracles themselves, from helping with Cherub choir, doing children's moment, teaching Sunday school, SSP, 30 day famine, singing in the choirs, attending youth function, and serving at UMOM etc.etc.etc. have all touched my heart and helped build an amazing service foundation for the boys to follow.

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How I heard about Dayspring was from a friend, she witnessed to me for years before I decided to try it. I am so grateful she was persistent and kept telling me how great Dayspring was. We do have the most amazing church. It is easy to witness about Dayspring because they offer so much. Thank you Dayspring for all you have given to me and my boys over the years. You truly are my church that I am proud of and you truly are my family loving and supporting me to be the best I can be.

Pa t t i Pompa

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Daysp r i ng i s ac t i ve and i n vo l ves members i n se rv i ce

w i th i n ou r chu rch and t h roughou t t he commun i t y .

That was evident to me from one of my earliest visits to Christ Chapel/Dayspring in 1978. It was Celebration Sunday at the start of the fall programming. The Pastor started to ask those that worked in various ministries and missions of the church to stand and remain standing. After he finished, I realized that I was the only person in the room not standing. Instantly I knew that this was a very active church. Members made major contributions and I could also. There were about 50-75 of us then. I had no doubt that I was in the right place.

I wanted to be part of this active membership. It had programs for people with many interests, preaching that gave me something to think about and was open to starting new programs if there was interest and lay leadership. I developed leadership skills as I participated in programs. This has continued through a name change, moving and expansion of programs, facilities and ministries. Mission to others in the church, community and outside of Tempe was part of that expansion and it is the core of what we do today.

I am thankful to be part of an active and involved Dayspring.

Mary Th ie l eme i r

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Before it was Dayspring, it was Christ Chapel on Southern Avenue and College. In 1976, our 2 year old daughter asked me, “Mommy who is Jesus.” So, I proceeded to look for a church, don’t recall exactly how I stumbled onto Christ Chapel, but am very grateful I did. Two years after finding this welcoming community our family joined in 1978. We were involved and our daughter Roxann and son Michael grew up in the church now known as Dayspring UMC.

Dayspring is a place where I have been able to grow spiritually. The Chorale has been a very vital part of my life, for which I am grateful. I do not know how I would survive without a faith community that allows me room to grow, warts and all, and still accept and love me for who I am.

Over the past 33 years I have witnessed the ministry of 4 pastors at Dayspring. Longevity at Dayspring definitely has had its rewards for me. I am grateful for the wonderful energy that surrounds this community and for the leadership that keeps the goodness flowing.

Thank you Dayspring for being the vital force in my life.

Chery l Edmonds

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Did you know the impact Dayspring UMC has reaches all the way across the ocean to Scandinavia? It’s true!

This story involves our family and two Scandinavian girls. It starts in 2007, with our family hosting a Rotary Exchange Student from Denmark. Louise and our daughter, Amanda, because fast friends almost from the minute they met in August. Amanda drove Louise every day to school. Louise came to church with Amanda one Sunday, under a little duress, I believe, because she said that “churches in Denmark are only attended by little old women” and “absolutely no one under the age of 60 would ever go to church”. People go to church to be christened, get confirmed and then buried. In actuality, only 6% of Danes attend their national church.

She went to Sr. High Formation with Amanda and was absolutely amazed that so many youth were at church! She came a week or two later, attending worship and again, could not believe that “real people” seemed to enjoy being there! She couldn’t get over the music, “a sermon that wasn’t boring”, the singing of the congregation, the friendliness of the people and the way people stood around and enjoyed each other’s company after church was over.

She went back home to Denmark in July 2007. In March 2008, she and her parents came to visit us for a week. They arrived on Easter weekend. Because they don’t attend church, we planned to take them to the Grand Canyon upon arrival. But to our great surprise, instead of driving up immediately, they asked if they could attend Easter services at Dayspring!! Louise’s parents were overwhelmed by the friendliness of the congregation and the feeling of love that was here. Our son, Sean, was in Denmark three weeks ago and he said they still talk about that “Dayspring church”, considering that a highlight of their trip to America along with the Grand Canyon.

The second story belongs to a young Swedish girl, Sofia.

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She is currently a Rotary Exchange Student attending Corona del Sol high school. She attended Sr. High Formation with Julia Long, a member here who was a Rotary Exchange Student last year to Brazil. Sofia liked the class and especially Rick & Cindy who are teachers in the class. She felt quite comfortable being there.

Sofia came with me to choir practice last Wednesday night. She wants to continue because she feels so welcome, the music is beautiful and everyone seems to really like being here. She cannot believe that so many people attend church and bring their families with them. The thought that we choose to be here seems foreign to her. (Sofia and her family are agnostic.)

That same feeling of belonging came to me when I visited Dayspring for the first time 25 years ago. I was welcomed as soon as I stepped in the door and they didn’t let go of me. One of the ushers at that time was the late Jeanette Tingley. When I came back the next time, she asked me to sit with her. That was all it took....I had found my home.

Mache l Cons id i ne

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Just as a person grows in size, they also grow in their faith. But a person can’t grow without learning and they can’t learn without a challenge. For me, Dayspring has provided that challenge. From simple scripture discussions to multi-week-long mission trips, Dayspring has always offered me the resources to challenge my beliefs and strengthen my relationship with God. Whenever a challenge was too great for me to face on my own, I have always had a “Dayspringer” there to offer me the support that I needed.

The most important role that Dayspring has played in my life is helping me to realize my passion for service. It was on a “reality check weekend” trip to Agua Prieta that I realized how important service really is to me and to my faith. Dayspring has taken me everywhere from South Central Los Angeles to Tsaile Arizona, from Agua Prieta Mexico to Morrumbala Mozambique- all in the name of serving God. I know for a fact that without all of the opportunities that Dayspring has provided me I would not be nearly as strong in my beliefs as I am today. Even though I am over 1,000 miles away attending college, I am able to remain strong in my faith because of all of the lessons that Dayspring gave me the opportunity to learn.

Me l i s sa Leneweave r(Freshman at the University of Missouri- Columbia)

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What Has Dayspring Meant to Us?

For us, Dayspring is our personal “community within the community”. Here we have found good friends of faith and character that have given us a feeling of inspiration and comfort in our day to day lives. Dayspring is a gathering of caring and loving people trying to make our society better. Our wonderful music program has been a great source of friendships and love as I sang in the beautiful Chorale. We have enjoyed traveling with the Chorale and made many friendships during that time. Dayspring actually exhibits the Christian goal of “Open minds, Open hearts, and Open doors” by its welcoming spirit to all who come to learn and worship. To us, Dayspring is a wonderful church that is so ALIVE with its many programs

Bob and Barba ra Ha l l

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Dayspring United Methodist Church1365 E. Elliot Road • Tempe, AZ 85284-1608
