Steven J. Martin, PharmD, BCPS, FCCP, FCCM Professor and Chairman Department of Pharmacy Practice...

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Public Colleges Turn to Tuition Increases to Offset Budget Squeezes Budget Cuts Intensify Crisis at Washington’s Flagship Campus U. Of Southern Mississippi Plans to Cut Programs and 29 Faculty Jobs Higher Education Landscape Chronicle of Higher Education 2010

Transcript of Steven J. Martin, PharmD, BCPS, FCCP, FCCM Professor and Chairman Department of Pharmacy Practice...

Steven J. Martin, PharmD, BCPS, FCCP, FCCM Professor and Chairman Department of Pharmacy Practice The University of Toledo College of Pharmacy Overview Todays higher education landscape Faculty recruitment Development as a clinician-educator Success strategies and things to consider Public Colleges Turn to Tuition Increases to Offset Budget Squeezes Budget Cuts Intensify Crisis at Washingtons Flagship Campus U. Of Southern Mississippi Plans to Cut Programs and 29 Faculty Jobs Higher Education Landscape Chronicle of Higher Education 2010 As Pension Costs Rise, Public Colleges Pay the Price The Profession: More Pressure on Faculty Members, From Every Direction Rutgers Cancels Raises and Freezes Pay, Citing Fiscal Crisis Higher Education Landscape Chronicle of Higher Education 2010 Higher Education Landscape Funding shortages Budget cuts (public vs private) Efficiencies Partnerships Higher Education Landscape Revenue Generation Practice Research Entrepreneurialism The Professorial Entrepreneur Chronicle of Higher Education August 2007 Higher Education Landscape More schools 115 as of July 2010 (+5 in pre-candidate status) Fewer faculty candidates Recruitment Tenure TrackNon-tenure Track PGY2- 3 training Research agenda Experience Strong recommendations Teaching philosophy Residency Specialty (PGY2) desired Experience Strong recommendations Teaching philosophy Career Development Teaching is why were here Study teaching concepts and techniques Practice, reflect, refine Assess efficacy, refine Report (publish or present) your results Career Development Find focus Work with your chairperson and mentor Develop expertise in your focus area Understand promotion and tenure requirements Establish goals and performance metrics 1 year 5-6 years Career Development Be a good corporate citizen Meet and greet the entire faculty and staff Participate in Develop a work-life as an academic, not just a pharmacist Understand the university Join and serve on committees Department College University Things You May Not Think Of It takes time to start a new practice Negotiate plenty of time; create metrics to measure progress and performance Plan your practice to incorporate students IPPE and APPE (dont forget residents) Plan for times when you are away from the site Classroom or lab teaching Meetings Vacation, etc. Things You May Not Think Of Think revenue generation Dont give your work away for free How can your work return value? Review the economics with your chairperson Create goals and performance metrics Think of your job as You, Inc. Things You May Not Think Of You may be a content expert but first, youre a pharmacist You can teach in any subject, embrace this rather than fight it Look for niche areas of need (teaching or practice) Things You May Not Think Of Consider student interactions They are why were in business They are people too They have lives outside of school Things You May Not Think Of A few thoughts about saying no Why When How