

Transcript of Stereotypes


Our film could follow the stereotype due to the fact that our main character is a girl and she is mentally ill, girls/women usually take on the role of someone with mental issues more often than men.

For example, Angelina Jolie who play Lisa in girl interrupted, a mental patient.

However, The things we used within our play, eg. The idea of a cute bunny, girly dancing , ribbons and teddies wouldn’t have worked if our mentally ill character was a boy, sometimes it depends on your film idea and intensions as to whether your character is male or female, following the stereotype can be accidental.

Actors that follow the stereotype


Half way through our scene the colour changes due to a flashback and it goes grey-scale. We used this to represent the girl having a flashback but we also used it to represent Alice. As a mental patient her life is very bland and discoloured due to the dis-function of her mind, she doesn’t see the world the same way as we do, we don’t see the world in black and white, the world is harmless to sane people but harmful to the insane, the use of colour is a great way to show this comparison.


Sound had a big part in our film and probably played the most significant part. Again during the scene change from reality to flashback, a music box clip is played through out the whole of that scene, giving it the certain eerie effect that make the audience think that something is obviously not quite right, the sound clip that we used was almost too innocent that it became creepy and strange and it really did well in representing what goes on inside Alice’s mind.