Steps to Successful Phone Conversation

Steps to Successful Phone Conversation - By Neha Agarwal B.Tech,ECE-I,IV SEM Roll.No.:43 Subject :~ Communications Skills by Mr. Ashish Johari

Transcript of Steps to Successful Phone Conversation

Page 1: Steps to Successful Phone Conversation

Steps to Successful Phone Conversation

- By Neha Agarwal



Subject :~ Communications Skills

by Mr. Ashish Johari

Page 2: Steps to Successful Phone Conversation

Introduction It took a mobile phone 100 years to become the largest and most complex network ever created by men. There are more than 700

million telephones today.

The ability to communicate by telephone can help reduce stress in the workplace, improve your work efficiency and give you an advantage in a very competitive business environment.

• The secret of an effective communication by telephone consists in control of the following things:

– Your emotions.

– Nature of the call.

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Control Your Emotions • Many people pertain fear of telephone communication. As the physical stress

grows you start to lose concentration and your ability to communicate effectively. Excessive face, neck and shoulders muscle strain alter your voice.

A stressed male person appears to be older, peevish, and a stressed woman appears to be emotional and unpredictable.

Before dialling you should get rid of stress, relax mentally and physically.

• Here are a few exercises that will help you do this quickly and quietly.

– Tense up your muscle. Clutch the fists, purse toes, gather in stomach and make a deep breath.

– Breathe out slowly. Relax the whole body. Lower shoulders, and unclench toes and relax in the chair.

– The next five seconds breathe calmly. Feel how peace and relaxation permeate your body.

– Finally, ease the nerves, imagining that you are lying on the golden sand of the clean, blue ocean shore.

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How to walk way microphone fear The fear of microphone can cause complications to people communicate by telephone also.

Even the smartest and quick-witted person, may lose power of speech in such situations.

• This fear can be defeated easily you just need to:

– Imagine that the person you are calling is sitting right in front of you and address him directly.

– If you know how he/she looks like, then it isn’t difficult to imagine his portrait in mind.

– In a telephone conversation with the unknown person, try to imagine his appearance by his voice.

• Deep and resounding, then the interlocutor is likely to have strong constitution.

• Light and indecisive intonation might suggest a delicate and slightly bashful person.

– use exactly the same language of the body, as you do in personal communication as When feelings reflect on your face, the voice becomes more flexible, confident and natural…

– If you have an important conversation which cannot be avoided than, if possible you should call first rather than wait for the call. This gives you a psychological advantage over your interlocutor.

• There are three reasons for this:

– You decided to take your interlocutor’s time, as responding your phone call, a person, at least temporarily, obeys to you.

– You choose how to start conversation, and you have more chances to talk in the right direction.

– Personally calling your interlocutor, means you cannot offend him by finish the conversation once delivering your message.

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Have a clear idea of what you want to say

Before making the phone call, you should have a clear idea of what you want to achieve by this call. Ask yourself: "What is the purpose of my conversation with this

person?" If you want to arrange a meeting and suggest possible refusal, keep in mind several acceptable hours and dates. The question like: "On Friday, 23, at 10:00 – is it

OK with you?” - You make your interlocutor think, if he is free at this time, rather than questioning the need to meet with you.

Postpone the call, till you can clearly state your message

• The delay, which usually leads to a senseless waste of time, in the following cases could save your reputation:

• When you are angry or distressed. Having postponed the call, you give yourself time to calm down in order to express your thoughts clearly, calmly and efficiently.

• When you are too tired for successful conversation postpone the phone call and relax for better conversation.

• Postpone a call when you need to check the reliability of important facts, for example, if you want to complain about something.

• If before calling you better think over again all the details as it would reduce the possibility to commit a mistake.

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Change ears in order to interpret correctly

• If a phone conversation requires from you analysis of complex facts and figures as well as logical and objective evaluation of information, try to hold the phone at the right ear. Sounds coming to this ear are passed in the left hemisphere of the brain slightly faster than those received by the right hemisphere. This happens because the pulse velocity of the audible channels leading in the opposite hemisphere is a bit higher. As for majority of people left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for analysis and logical processing of information.

• If the message is to be better assessed at the intuitive level, for example, trying to determine the emotional state of someone, hold the phone at the left ear. This means that the sounds will reach the right brain hemisphere a little earlier than the left. Since for most people the right hemisphere is responsible for the imagination and intuition, it may increase your sensitivity to signals not expressed by the words.

- scientific fact the contralateral nerve fibres is weaker than ipsilateral

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Make telephone conversation more reputable

To do this you have to stand rather than sit during the telephone conversation that

literally will enhance your sense of power over the person and sharp your mind. When

we stand all systems of our body are on alert both physically and mentally.

1. If possible, take the initiative yourself and call first. So you can prepare for a conversation, and you won’t be overtaken.

2. Go straight to the point. Never try to alleviate the problem, bypassing acute angles. Start the conversation like this: "The reason for my call is...», then proceed to the heart of the matter.

3. If you are caught napping, never respond immediately, better apology and call back after you’ll think over your response.

4. Check your understanding of the results of the conversation. Before ending the conversation.

5. When talking on the phone always remember the rule of threefold repetition: 1. First tell your interlocutor what you are actually going to tell him/her 2. Then tell him/her what you want to tell. 3. Then repeat him what you’ve already said to him. And only them you might

probably be heard.

The five basic rules, which can be guided for all types of

unpleasant phone calls/ conversation.

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• Collection of debts from an important client

– Tactful, firmness, Efficiency and directness are the best tactic here. There is no reason to go around or pretend that you are only going to enquire about his/her health. This not only sounds false, but also sets the wrong tone for the entire conversation.

– If its hard for you to ask people about money, then its a good idea to write down the key points of your message and also its important to be precise while stating facts like account numbers, orders or dates, etc.

– If the customer is known as an unrivalled master of financial peculiarities and uses any excuses to delay payment until the last minute, rehearse your reaction to a possible interlocutor reaction, in order not to commit an error from the very beginning.

– If, for example, he uses the classic excuse like: "The bank account has already been paid," which is considered to be one of the three most common forms of deception, it is best to accept this explanation, leaving yourself an opportunity once again to ask for the debt, when money in your opinion, should have already be received.

– A good response might be considered this: "Could you tell me, please, when exactly the payment has been send, so we do not miss it?" This phrase requires the interlocutor more details. The answer like: "A couple of days ago," say that in case the money would not be received by tomorrow.

Here are several types of calls that are usually rather unpleasant to do.

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• Hear reasonable notices of claim Stay calm and unprovoked, no matter how aggressive your interlocutor might be.

As losing your composure, you will only strengthen his rage to the point when no

reasonable dialogue is possible.

Let the person blow off, responding with neutral phrases like "I see", “Yes, of

course", etc. Never let yourself be intimidated and do not start immediately to


Get all possible information to have a full true idea of what has happened, to be

able to assess the validity of complaints.

Think deeper, asking open-ended questions such as: "What is other the difficulties

you have faced? "" Has the Customer service been unable to resolve your problem


If you do not have all necessary information to effectively respond a question or

complaint, ask the customer his telephone number and assure him that you’ll call

back as soon as you get familiar to the situation. Do not hold the line. Even if you

can give an immediate answer, sometimes it’s useful to say that you’ll call back.

This will not only give him some time to cool down, but will also make you an

advantage as this time you will be calling. Psychologically the client will feel that he

is already obliged to you, because you have already done something for him.

If you are wrong, acknowledge your guilt, and then politely and sincerely apologize

without humiliating yourself nor bringing bad reputation to company. Tell him you’ll

do everything in your power to remedy the situation. Give your name, your phone

number and offer to address you in case any problems occur.

Indeed the ability to professionally address the complaint can be turned into an opportunity

for other sales.

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Summary 1. Carefully plan such conversations, anticipating any possible tactics . 2. Rehearse the call in mind. 3. Be polite during the telephone conversation, but nevertheless be firm.