Steps to Applying Gauss’ Law To find the E field produced by a charge distribution at a point of...

Steps to Applying Gauss’ Law To find the E field produced by a charge distribution at a point of distance r from the center 1. Decide which type of symmetry best complements the problem 2. Draw a Gaussian surface (mathematical not real) reflecting the symmetry you chose around the charge distribution at a distance of r from the center 3. Using Gauss’s law obtain the magnitude of E

Transcript of Steps to Applying Gauss’ Law To find the E field produced by a charge distribution at a point of...

Page 1: Steps to Applying Gauss’ Law To find the E field produced by a charge distribution at a point of distance r from the center 1.Decide which type of symmetry.

Steps to Applying Gauss’ Law

To find the E field produced by a charge distribution at a point of distance r from the center

1. Decide which type of symmetry best complements the problem

2. Draw a Gaussian surface (mathematical not real) reflecting the symmetry you chose around the charge distribution at a distance of r from the center

3. Using Gauss’s law obtain the magnitude of E

Page 2: Steps to Applying Gauss’ Law To find the E field produced by a charge distribution at a point of distance r from the center 1.Decide which type of symmetry.
Page 3: Steps to Applying Gauss’ Law To find the E field produced by a charge distribution at a point of distance r from the center 1.Decide which type of symmetry.

Gauss’s Law





E d A

Page 4: Steps to Applying Gauss’ Law To find the E field produced by a charge distribution at a point of distance r from the center 1.Decide which type of symmetry.

Applications of the Gauss’s Law

If no charge is enclosed within Gaussian surface – flux is zero!

Electric flux is proportional to the algebraic number of lines leavingthe surface, outgoing lines have positive sign, incoming - negative

Remember – electric field lines must start and must end on charges!

Page 5: Steps to Applying Gauss’ Law To find the E field produced by a charge distribution at a point of distance r from the center 1.Decide which type of symmetry.

Examples of certain field configurations

Remember, Gauss’s law is equivalent to Coulomb’s law

However, you can employ it for certain symmetries to solve the reverse problem – find charge configuration from known E-field distribution.

Field within the conductor – zero(free charges screen the external field)

Any excess charge resides on thesurface


E d A

Page 6: Steps to Applying Gauss’ Law To find the E field produced by a charge distribution at a point of distance r from the center 1.Decide which type of symmetry.

Field of a charged conducting sphere

Page 7: Steps to Applying Gauss’ Law To find the E field produced by a charge distribution at a point of distance r from the center 1.Decide which type of symmetry.

Field of a thin, uniformly charged conducting wire

Field outside the wire can only point radially outward, and, therefore, mayonly depend on the distance from the wire





- linear density of charge

Page 8: Steps to Applying Gauss’ Law To find the E field produced by a charge distribution at a point of distance r from the center 1.Decide which type of symmetry.

Field of the uniformly charged sphere


Uniform charge within a sphere of radius r

3' rq Q


Q - total charge


V - volume density of charge

Field of the infinitely large conducting plate

- uniform surface charge densityQ



Page 9: Steps to Applying Gauss’ Law To find the E field produced by a charge distribution at a point of distance r from the center 1.Decide which type of symmetry.

Charged Isolated Conductors

• In a charged isolated conductor all the charge moves to the surface

• The E field inside a conductor must be 0 otherwise a current would be set up

• The charges do not necessarily distribute themselves uniformly, they distribute themselves so the net force on each other is 0.

• This means the surface charge density varies over a nonspherical conductor

Page 10: Steps to Applying Gauss’ Law To find the E field produced by a charge distribution at a point of distance r from the center 1.Decide which type of symmetry.

Charged Isolated Conductors cont

• On a conducting surface

• If there were a cavity in the isolated conductor, no charges would be on the surface of the cavity, they would stay on the surface of the conductor



Page 11: Steps to Applying Gauss’ Law To find the E field produced by a charge distribution at a point of distance r from the center 1.Decide which type of symmetry.

Charge on solid conductor resides on surface.

Charge in cavity makes a equal but opposite charge reside on inner surface of conductor.

Page 12: Steps to Applying Gauss’ Law To find the E field produced by a charge distribution at a point of distance r from the center 1.Decide which type of symmetry.

Properties of a Conductor in Electrostatic Equilibrium

1. The E field is zero everywhere inside the conductor

2. If an isolated conductor carries a charge, the charge resides on its surface

3. The electric field just outside a charged conductor is perpendicular to the surface and has the magnitude given above

4. On an irregularly shaped conductor, the surface charge density is greatest at locations where the radius of curvature of the surface is smallest

Page 13: Steps to Applying Gauss’ Law To find the E field produced by a charge distribution at a point of distance r from the center 1.Decide which type of symmetry.

Charges on Conductors

Field within conductor E=0

Page 14: Steps to Applying Gauss’ Law To find the E field produced by a charge distribution at a point of distance r from the center 1.Decide which type of symmetry.

Experimental Testing of the Gauss’s Law

Page 15: Steps to Applying Gauss’ Law To find the E field produced by a charge distribution at a point of distance r from the center 1.Decide which type of symmetry.

A point charge cannot be in stable equilibrium in electrostatic field of other charges

(except right on top of another charge – e.g. in the middle of a distributed charge)

Earnshaw’s theorem

Stable equilibrium with other constraints

Atom – system of charges with only Coulombic forces in play.According to Earhshaw’s theorem, charges in atom must move

However, planetary model of atom doesn’t work

Only quantum mechanics explains the existence of an atom

Page 16: Steps to Applying Gauss’ Law To find the E field produced by a charge distribution at a point of distance r from the center 1.Decide which type of symmetry.

Electric Potential Energy

Concepts of work, potential energy and conservation of energy

For a conservative force, work can alwaysbe expressed in terms of potential energy difference

( )b

a b b aa

W F d l U U U

Energy Theorem

For conservative forces in play,total energy of the system is conserved

a a b bK U K U

Page 17: Steps to Applying Gauss’ Law To find the E field produced by a charge distribution at a point of distance r from the center 1.Decide which type of symmetry.

0a bW Fd q Ed 0U q Ey 0 ( )a b a bW U q E y y

Potential energy U increases as the test charge q0 moves in the direction opposite to the electric force : it decreases as it moves in the same direction as the force acting on the charge

0F q E

Page 18: Steps to Applying Gauss’ Law To find the E field produced by a charge distribution at a point of distance r from the center 1.Decide which type of symmetry.

Electric Potential Energy of Two Point Charges





a b ea r

qqW F d l k dl


01 1

a b ea b

W k qqr r

Page 19: Steps to Applying Gauss’ Law To find the E field produced by a charge distribution at a point of distance r from the center 1.Decide which type of symmetry.


U kr

Electric potential energy of two point charges

Page 20: Steps to Applying Gauss’ Law To find the E field produced by a charge distribution at a point of distance r from the center 1.Decide which type of symmetry.

Example: Conservation of energy with electric forces

A positron moves away from an – particle







9.1 10




3 10 /



m kg

m m

q e

r m

V m s

What is the speed at the distance ?What is the speed at infinity?Suppose, we have an electron instead of positron. What kind of motion we would expect?

1002 2 10r r m

Conservation of energy principle

0 0 1 1K U K U

Page 21: Steps to Applying Gauss’ Law To find the E field produced by a charge distribution at a point of distance r from the center 1.Decide which type of symmetry.

Electric Potential Energy of the System of Charges

Potential energy of a test charge q0in the presence of other charges




q qU


Potential energy of the system of charges(energy required to assembly them together)

04i j

iji j

q qU


Potential energy difference can be equivalently described as a work done by external force required to move charges into the certain geometry (closer or farther apart). External force now is opposite to the electrostatic force ( )a b b a extW U U F d l