Steps … a Tc y p Ro Gr a m

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  • 8/14/2019 Steps a Tc y p Ro Gr a m


    LECTURE NOTES BIOLOGY STEPS A TCY Program _______________________________________________________________________________________

    STEPS____________________________________________________________G e t f r e e c h a p t e r w i s e t e s t s f o r C l a s s X

    t hon

    w w w . t c y o n l i n e . c o m


    TRANSPORT & EXCRETIONRevision synopsis

    BLOOD Connective tissue (softest, mobile)

    Blood = plasma + corpuscles

    * Liquid (colorless) = water (90%) + Dissolved Substances


    digested food


    CO2 + Urea



    Red pigment (Haemoglobin) responsible for red color

    carrier of O2

    Nucleus absent

    Life span 120 days [small of absence of nucleus] 4 mths

    produced by Bone narrow & are made very quickly.


    Soldiers of body fight inflections & protect form diseases

    Phagocytic in function

    Make antibodies to fight against infection

    Spherical / irregular in shape.

    nucleus +tnt. thou shape of nucleus is different in different cells.

    +nt (Present) Lesser in no, than RBC.


    formed in Bone marrow

    Nucleus absent

    Help in coagulation

    Functions of Blood

    (1) Carries O2 from Lungs & Body parts.

    (2) Carries O2 from cells to Lungs for [Expiration]

    WBCs (Leucocytes)

    RBCs (Erythrocytes)

    WBCs (Leucocytes)

  • 8/14/2019 Steps a Tc y p Ro Gr a m


    LECTURE NOTES BIOLOGY STEPS A TCY Program _______________________________________________________________________________________

    STEPS____________________________________________________________G e t f r e e c h a p t e r w i s e t e s t s f o r C l a s s X

    t hon

    w w w . t c y o n l i n e . c o m


    (3) Carries digested food from small lnlestine to Body parts.

    (4) Carries hormones form Endocrine glands to target organs.

    (5) Carries urea from liver to Kidneys for excretion in urine

    (6) Protects body from diseases [WBCs]

    (7) Regulates body temp (370 C)

    Blood Clotting / Coagulation of Blood

    It is a complex process in which a series of chemical reactions occur in the blood as it gets

    exposed to air.

    Blood Clot dries up leaving a fluid


    Protein synthesized by antigens

    Present in plasma

    react c foreign subs. in blood

    represented by small letter a & b


    tnt on surface of RBCs

    Act as detectors

    Stimulate synthesis of antibody in blood represented by capital letters.

    A & B


    (1) Injured tissue + Platelets Thromboplastin(exposure)

    (2) Prothrombin Thrombin(present in blood) (active enzyme)

    (3) Fibrinogen Fibrin (insoluble protein)(Soluble protein

    present in blood)

    (4) Fibrin + RBCs Clot/ Thrombus blocks the ruptured blood vessel &

    from (thickmeshof stops bleeding


    RBCs get entangled in fibrin

    Plasma - fibrinogen


  • 8/14/2019 Steps a Tc y p Ro Gr a m


    LECTURE NOTES BIOLOGY STEPS A TCY Program _______________________________________________________________________________________

    STEPS____________________________________________________________G e t f r e e c h a p t e r w i s e t e s t s f o r C l a s s X

    t hon

    w w w . t c y o n l i n e . c o m



    4 Blood groups in human beings

    Antigen Antiobdy Normal combination ofAntigen & antibody

    A A b Ab

    B B b Ba

    AB A & B AB

    O a & b ab

    on RBC In plasma

    Antigen & Blood gp are represented in same letters


    Need for blood transfusion Loss of blood in considerable amounts from body accidents surgical operation

    Blood is not formed properly in body Blood deficiency Diseased condition

    The transfusion/transferring of blood from one person to another person is calledBlood Transfusion

    (Healthy) person who dcnates blood DONOR

    (Diseased) who receves blood RECIP IENT

    Blood Should be transfused only if the two blood groups match. Otherwise if it is notdone properly it will lead to Agglutination leads to blocking of vessels & leads to Death.

    The blood gps which mix together without agglutination are said to be COMPATIBLE(they match)

    The blood gps which aggluturate on Mixing together are called INCOMPATIBLE



    Antibodies (Protein)

    Antigen (Protein) Blood vessel

  • 8/14/2019 Steps a Tc y p Ro Gr a m


    LECTURE NOTES BIOLOGY STEPS A TCY Program _______________________________________________________________________________________

    STEPS____________________________________________________________G e t f r e e c h a p t e r w i s e t e s t s f o r C l a s s X

    t hon

    w w w . t c y o n l i n e . c o m


    General rule for Blood transfusion: the denors red cells must be compatible c the Recipients


    So it concludes: Red cells contain Antigens

    Plasma Contains Antibodies

    So reaction always takes place bt. these two

    On the basis of these we can make the compatibility & incompatibility chart of various blood


    Blood gp Antigen Antibody (Compatible) Can donate to

    A A b A & AB

    B B a B & AB

    AB A & B AB

    0 a & b All

    No antigen so it cannot be agglutinated by the blood (plasma) of any other gp.

    O = universal donorAB = universal recipient

    Rh Factor: Blood with the red cells containing an antigen called Rh factor is called Rh + ve.

    The remaining are the Rh ve

    The practical importance of the same is when Rhve mother bears Rh+ve baby.

    Mother ve

    Baby + ve] Same blood may be lost with mothers blood circulation which then starts

    producing Rh antibodies

    If these antibodies reach babys blood they can destroy red eels of baby & make baby weak,anaemic

    In such cases, it leads to sure short terminal case in 2nd pregnancy if the blood groups

    are again different.

    In 2nd pregnancy

    Mother blood coantins Rh Antibodies

    Baby Rh + ve Agglulnation

    Death of baby


    Lymphatic System consists of the following parts.

    1. Lymph Capillaries

    2. Larger Lymph vessels

    3. Lymph nodes (Lymph glands)

    4. Lymph

  • 8/14/2019 Steps a Tc y p Ro Gr a m


    LECTURE NOTES BIOLOGY STEPS A TCY Program _______________________________________________________________________________________

    STEPS____________________________________________________________G e t f r e e c h a p t e r w i s e t e s t s f o r C l a s s X

    t hon

    w w w . t c y o n l i n e . c o m


    Definition of Lymphatic System

    A system of tiny tubes called vessels and lymph nodes in human body which transports the

    liquid called lymph from the body tissues to the blood circulatory system is called system.

    Features of Lymphatic System

    1. Lymph capillaries: closed end capillaries

    pores in lymph capillaries are bigger than ordinary capillaries

    2. Lymph vessels: Capillaries join to form larger lymph vessels

    3. Lymph nodes: They contain special cells Lymphocytes

    They clean the lymph & protect the body from diseases

    4. Lymph: It flows unidirectional (capillaries are blind)

    Color: Light yellow liquid

    Composition: Similar to plasma, Lack RBC

    It contains

    (i) Large protein molecules

    (ii) digested food

    (iii) germs & fragments of dead cells

    Since lymph is derived from tissue fluid c remain outside the cells of the body it in called ECF.

    In lymph nodes lymph is cleaned by lymphocyte c eat germs & dead cells & also make

    antibodies to protect the body from disease.


    1. Carries digested fat for nutritive process

    2. Protects body by buling germs with the help of lymphocytes contained in lymph nodes.

    3. They also help in making antibodies

    4. Help in removing waste products like dead cells.