Stephen Gasteyer, Department of Sociology Michigan State University (acknowledgement to Nicole Wall,...

Changing Contexts, Adapting Networks, and Adapting Practice: CCF and Drought Resilience in the High Plains of Nebraska and Kansas Stephen Gasteyer, Department of Sociology Michigan State University (acknowledgement to Nicole Wall, Cody Knutson, others)


4 phases of economic development (Adapted from Urry 2012) Groundwater Development Governance System 1800-WWII Liberal Development Individual settlement of Western plains, allotments Individual Farmers (with state research – private sector development) State Development Development of Dam and Reservoir system; Dispersion of Pivot Irrigation Development of state and regional systems for water management 1970s-2008 Unorganized (neoliberal) Development Pivot Development  Increasing recognition of scarcity – conservation technology Growth of decentralized management districts 2000-? New Millennium Resource Oriented Development Conservation technology based explicitly on tracking water availability Increasing markets for water, litigation, institutional restrictions on water use

Transcript of Stephen Gasteyer, Department of Sociology Michigan State University (acknowledgement to Nicole Wall,...

Stephen Gasteyer, Department of Sociology Michigan State University (acknowledgement to Nicole Wall, Cody Knutson, others) Goal of this talk Use CCF as a framework for analyzing the nexus between: A) changing ecological context B) changing institutional context, and C) emerging strategies of adaptation D) provide insights about these new strategies for adaptation and what they imply about the investments and return on investment implied in these strategies 4 phases of economic development (Adapted from Urry 2012) Groundwater Development Governance System 1800-WWII Liberal Development Individual settlement of Western plains, allotments Individual Farmers (with state research private sector development) State Development Development of Dam and Reservoir system; Dispersion of Pivot Irrigation Development of state and regional systems for water management 1970s-2008 Unorganized (neoliberal) Development Pivot Development Increasing recognition of scarcity conservation technology Growth of decentralized management districts 2000-? New Millennium Resource Oriented Development Conservation technology based explicitly on tracking water availability Increasing markets for water, litigation, institutional restrictions on water use We know historically that major parts of the US High Plains have suffered periodic droughts. Periodic droughts impeded Anglo/American settlement. Ogallala-High Plains aquifer complex: one of the largest contiguous aquifer systems in the world. Covers more than 450,000 km 2 of 8 states including South Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico Productive irrigated agriculture Corn, Beans, Wheat, Rice, Cotton, Livestock (Sorghum, Milo, Dry Beans) Unsustainable path, drawn down by over 300 cubic km since the 1930s (USGS). Support for From the late-1800s through the 1930s for settlement and production, but limited government investment in infrastructure and technical assistance Climatic Conditions made farming highly risky The only interruption on the horizon is a long shiny arm with dropped hoses sprinkling gentle rain over the thirsty corn. There will be a crop this year. The harvest is bountiful. No more constant struggle to keep the crops aliveof sun-scorched farmland entire crops were lost. A simple notion to save labor on the farm, ended up changing the world [This] technology which allows mankind to grow more crop with precise amounts of energy, chemical, and water (Groundwater Foundation 2005: 5- 8).Pivot.jpg7bI2q8BY*cZ1VIDj9eD0WmgUJHZKo73wFigZhA87a4CQs0WCBinqzldQV4t- 98dj4O9E9h82qialHHhOMMg7O/CenterPivotIrrigationAerialView Estimated groundwater depletion in the United States during 19002008 totals approximately 1,000 cubic kilometers (km 3 ). The rate of groundwater depletion has increased markedly since about 1950, Maximum rates occurring during the most recent period (2000 2008) -- depletion rate averaged almost 25 km 3 per year (compared to 9.2 km 3 per year averaged over the 19002008 timeframe). Results drawn from interviews carried out through multiple different research efforts. These were combined with analysis present and archival reports. Two listening sessions were held in Summer 2013 to clarify findings. We use the community capitals framework (CCF) as the organizing framework for analyzing our data. 1880s: Expansion of settlement, efforts to implement surface water irrigation 1935: Flood Flood Control Dams 1942: Republican River Compact 1959: Republican River Compact Administration (RRCA) 1998: Kansas vs. Nebraska and Colorado 2002: Special Masters Ruling, Settlement and MODFLOW model 2010: Kansas vs. Nebraska (again) 2013: Special Masters ruling Cultural Festivals Celebrations Arts, Theater Cosmovision/ Worldview Social Relationships, Networks, Trust, Reciprocity Political Access to political resources Human Knowledge Skills, Abilities Natural Climate, Land Use Changes Scenic Areas Natural Resources Agriculture Built Infrastructure Water Systems Road Systems Financial Income, Credit, Wealth/Savings CapitalAction CulturalSettle the Plains by individuals SocialRelationships among local farmers bonding social capital PoliticalIncentivizing acres of land planted NaturalTransforming prairie to farmland HumanIndividual as self made; Building knowledge about production, education systems, and markets. FinancialDevelopment of credit systems BuiltImplementation of RR, plough, seed distribution CapitalAction CulturalGreater productivity and modernization of technology -- but with increased attention to conservation and efficiency Expert orientation SocialRelationships among local farmers increasingly with Extension link to implement suppliers PoliticalState systems for organizing and incentivizing acres of land planted increasingly conservation technology -- commercialization NaturalSoil conservation increasing water quality; concern about water supply HumanBuilding knowledge about production, education systems, and knowledge of markets. FinancialDevelopment of commodity markets/incentive programs investment in technology/innovation BuiltImplementation highway system, elevator system, from flood control surface irrigation pivot systems Capital Culturalmaximized water use efficiencymaximize profit over productivity Socialsubbasin relationships-farmers-legislature/-- greater bonding diminishing bridging social capital Increased private sector relationships Politicalincentivizing yieldbut greater emphasis on litigation- modeling -- NaturalFinancial- Built capital Investments to mitigate water scarcity Humanmanage systems understand commodity markets understand climate, drought, litigation, information systems FinancialRise of financialization among farmers, high commodity ROI Commodity investment seen as critical BuiltProliferation of pivot systems, energy water nexus. Federal Government = allotments, defense, transportation State Encourages Ag Productivity/ Economic Development/Private sector tech development Private innovators/ entrepreneurs Farmers Com- munities farmers Ag research Outreach = fairs Federal Government = Built Capital Investment; Programming; Infrastructure; National level information on trends and conditions; 1960s regulation of environment State= Encourages Ag Productivity/ Economic Development/Private sector tech development/Regulatory Governance: fundings downscaled research + innovation and regulation Private innovators/ Entrepren- eurs Farmers Com- munities Farmers Ag research Outreach = Extension Outreach = civil society Federal Government = allotments, defense, transportation; basic information on processes; coordination of actors State Encourages Ag Productivity/ Economic Development/Private sector tech development Private innovators/ entrepreneurs Farmers Com- munities farmers Public Ag research Information and outreach Outreach =Information Devolution of governance Private Sector Research: products and information PRIVATE PUBLIC Social Capital individual interactions Financial - Built capital implements, irrigation technology, seeds, inputs to individual farmers Natural application of water to change grasslands to corn-beef land Political Capital Advocacy to incentivizing production agriculture irrigated corn-soybeans-livestock Cultural capital feeding the world Natural-Built-Financial investment in production Information and demonstrations about tools and technologies to maximize development Social Organization to promote production Human knowledge of ever more sophisticated production structures PRIVATE PUBLIC Social capital Human Capital -- meetings with farmers and community leaders to discuss new technologies and applications Built capital dominance in local ownership in production structures. Political Capital Advocacy to incentivize production agriculture irrigated corn- soybeans-livestock Cultural capital feeding the world through efficient resources Natural-Built-Financial investment in production delivery of tools, information about tools Social Facilitating discussion about water use efficiency and sustainability Human knowledge of ever more sophisticated production structures; information about climate variability over time Can CCF help us understand the role of the government in addressing a changing socio-hydrologic system? Change from government as conveyance system for technology Built capital telecommunication technology allows for private role government as information filter; process facilitator. Through the 1970s, the Land Grant played a key role in facilitating the diffusion of technologies that enabled vastly improving agricultural production. Focus on built, financial, and human capital made sense given the cultural capital that favored production Over time, private sector entities assumed the role of delivering technologies, but with growing concerns about system viability, The Land Grant role has evolved to now A) Provide more communal and less individual technologies aimed to help farmers and others mitigate constraints on production B) Facilitate transition toward sustainability Multiple institutions are now involved in encouraging mitigated productivity State Water Offices, Land Grant Universities & Centers(such UNL, MSU, & NDMC) and various grants through NOAA, NSF, USDA (SARE), and others Institutes such as the Water for Food and outside private industry efforts Can CCF help us understand the role of the government in addressing a changing socio-hydrologic system? Change from government as conveyance system for technology Built capital telecommunication technology allows for private role government as information filter; process facilitator. THE END (for the moment) Questions??? Multiple institutions are now involved in encouraging mitigated productivity State Water Offices, Land Grant Universities & Centers(such UNL, MSU, & NDMC) and various grants through NOAA, NSF, USDA (SARE), and others Specificially Institutes such as the Water for Food and outside private industry efforts Range and Irrigation Experts to Discuss Managing Extreme and Extended Drought at Jan. 9 Kansas Workshop Dec 19, 2013 More than fifteen experts in the fields of irrigation, range management, climatology, and drought planning are scheduled to speak at a one-day workshop Jan. 9 in Garden City, Kan., on managing drought on the farm and ranch. Producers can register now for the free workshop, which will be held at the 4-H building on the Finney County fairgrounds. Registration and coffee begin at 8 a.m. Read more Read more Republican River Basin Water Sustainability Task Force Facilitation The PPC will be facilitating meetings of the 26 member Republican River Basin Sustainability Task Force, preparing the first drafts of the required reports on behalf of the task force, and otherwise generally assist the task force as needed. The purposes of the task force as established by LB 1057 (2010), are to define water sustainability, develop and recommend a plan to reach water sustainability in the basin, and develop and recommend a plan to help avoid a water shortage in the basin. The task force is to produce a preliminary report to the Governor and Legislature on or before May 15, 2011 and a final report on or before May 15, Key Partners University of Nebraska-Lincoln, College of Law University of Nebraska-Lincoln, National Drought Mitigation Center Funding Nebraska Department of Natural Resources In The News Public Policy Center to facilitate Republican River task force. ( ). Offce of University Communications. Public Policy Center to facilitate Republican River task force The Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Institute at the University of Nebraska is a research, policy analysis and education institute committed to helping the world efficiently use its limited freshwater resources, with a particular focus on ensuring the food supply for current and future generations. Two Issues of Note: 1) The institute as a Public - Private partnership 2) A move toward international connections in addressing ag. development questions NOAA works with: US universities NDIS (National Drought Information System) WCRD (World Consortium for Research on Drought) GDIS (Global Drought Information System) Meteorological data on drought, drought risk and climate change. Ability to understand history of drought Ability to characterize drought North American Land Data Assimilation Soil moisture, groundwater, remote sensing (temperature). Networks, coordination, connections to facilitate information delivery systems. We must consider climate change. New Assessment Products RISA a lot of work on governance and decision making Social vulnerability index