Stephen Deadman, Global Deputy Chief Privacy Officer, Facebook - CDO Europe 2017

YOUR STORY GOES HERE Stephen Deadman Facebook Global Deputy Chief Privacy Officer

Transcript of Stephen Deadman, Global Deputy Chief Privacy Officer, Facebook - CDO Europe 2017

PowerPoint Presentation

Stephen DeadmanFacebookGlobal Deputy Chief Privacy Officer


Quick explanation of my role.

Im a policy guy lawyer by background, etc

Excited to be talking to CDOs.1

Why the choice of title because much of the conversation about data seems to presume we cant, i.e. we cant enjoy the value from personal data without giving up our rights. I want to explain why that doesnt have to be the case.

But firstly, a few remarks about Facebook - Facebook is just 13 years old.

Massive growth. First company in history to have reached XXX billion in such a short space of time

387 Billion USD market cap 7th largest in world

Were entirely digital- data driven.

Data is our product. Data is our business

Unlike many more established and mature companies, we dont have a non-digital legacy. We dont have a CDO. We started digital.

But we are in the vanguard and we know that companies across all sectors are digitizing the future will be data-driven, and it wont be all about online or social media. Its a much bigger world


Our success is built on Trust

We need to persuade users every day to continue to use the platform. And because its a social media platform, thats hard, and weve invested heavily in putting the user at the centre.

Its our view that giving people control is at the heart of our success

Some examples:3

Developing simple tools to help people have confidence in using the platform

Privacy basics laucnhed couple of years ago just frefreshed these guides

DYI is a data portability tool developed several years ago.

Our back end PbD is one of the best in the world

But were not perfect. No one achieves perfection in a single leap.

We have another saying. Fail harder.

Recognition that getting it wrong is an essential part of ultimately getting it right.

W apply the same logic to trust, privacy and control

So, why do we seem to talk as if we cant have our cake and eat it. Let me describe the problem another way

Problem statement - trade-offs where none need beHeres the problem - debate - attempt to balance two apparently opposing forces: Undesirable and unnecessary Its based on assumptions: that people are passive victims.That data is toxic/ dangerous and is best contained.



As a result, the external environment around data is stormy.

We have had 30 years of DP law.

Media headlines are frequent and negative.

Consumer trust is declining year on year you can all see the Eurobaromters surveys for yourselves.

And of course we have the GDPR coming along next year.

And it doesnt stop there.

We have the ePrivacy regulation.

We have new consumer regulation

Toward sustainable growth

When I joined FB, the most important thing I could do was understand how we can avoid being trapped in a trade off.

Trade off is bad for FB. But its bad for the entire data driven economy.

Facebook doesnt have all the answers

Initiated an open foresight programme, commissioned Ctrl-Shift to do this.

Independently authored.

Map or cityscapes from infographic

21 roundtables, across 4 continents, with 175 experts

Over the past twelve months weve gathered 175 experts from around the world.We held 21 roundtables in 11 cities, from Berlin to New York to Sao Paulo. We spoke to business leaders, startups and entrepreneurs, academics, privacy professionals and policymakers.We wanted to create a space where a broad spectrum of experts with diverse backgrounds and perspectives could debate how to create a way for the data-driven economy to flourish, while sustaining the fundamental values that we all share.

What we askedHow can we sustainably maximise the contribution personal data makes to the economy, to society, and to individuals?


The reports

Initial report:set context and questions for debate (Oct 2015)

Available at:

Interim report:themes emerging from European roundtables (Dec 2015)

Available at:

Final report:from all 21 roundtables (Jun 2016)

Available at:

The input was captured in three reports.

First report, based on a seres of expert roundtabvles, set out to describe the features of the data driven environewmnt, and identify the key questions that needed to be addressed. This formed the basis of the world tour of roundtables

The final report proposes that if we are to advance then we need to make five key shifts shifts of behaviour, mindset and state.

A New Paradigm for Personal Data:Five Shifts to Drive Trust and Growth

Report, called A New Paradigm for Personal Data - Five Shifts to drive trust and growth.The 5 shifts- themes which emerged suggesting change of mindset

Shift 1: From education to confidence

understand and learn.Education not a panacea

A more sophisdticated understanding of the role of the individual

Shift 2: From partial value to full value

Fair value exchange - came up a lot in our conversations:

But its value is not just about money. Curating own health data

Recognizing the people want direct value from their data

Shift 3: From restrictive to enabling

Regulation. We need to encourage truly smart regulation, which in turn encourages innovation - by being flexible and responsive to new technologies.

Shift 4: From compliance to sustainable customer relationships

Focus on sustainable privacy practices and mechanisms.This necessitates a different attitude in companies find a different locus for the thinking about these issues (CDO?)Regulation needs to recognize how to encourage this shift not through prescription

Shift 5: From good intentions to good outcomes

We need practical solutions that work.One of the biggest failures of DP legislation is that no one feels any better or safer as a result

The individual

A key insight - Individual choice and self-determination must be at the centre of the debate about how to regulate data.

personal data is valuable to companies.personal data is increasingly valuable to society.But personal data my personal data - is of most value to me.

The key point is this - individual agency is becoming a powerful ingredient in unlocking value and building trust with innovative new services.

Over the last 15 years, technology has enabled people to do things they couldnt previously do. Now, for the first time in human history, anyone can access these tools and use data to manage their lives.

We have a choice about how we respond to this change.


People using data driven-services feel confident, and that the value exchange is fair Policymakers and regulators have a united agenda: to maximise the benefits of data while minimising the harms Organizations are visibly demonstrating their responsible and accountable practices Solutions to concerns that arise are designed and iterated to be effective, and reflect the realities of human behaviour

Definition of a sustainable personal data environment

Three steps to deliver most impact:1. Realize the value of data for all stakeholders by exploring the transformative effect of emerging new business models2. Create mechanisms for building trust, transparency and control that work with the realities of mass human behaviour3. Demonstrate industry leadership on the positive and sustainable value of data

Startup Garage @ Station F

Design Jam: Trust, transparency and control

Industry leadershipFacebooks actions

So in the 7 months since we published the final report, we have been very busy, and I want to tell you about the things we are doing

Startup Garage @ Station F

Design Jam: Trust, transparency and control

Industry leadershipFacebooks actions


Sheryl came to Paris a few weeks ago to announce our partnership at Station F.

Station F is Europes and Worlds biggest start up hub. It will host over a 1000 start ups. Founded by Xavier Neil, one of Frances most successful enterpreneurs.

FB taking it first physical space.

What is unique is our focus on personal data driven startups and focus on helping these emerging business models develop and succeed27

Startup GarageA dedicated mentor at FacebookOne-on-one office hoursWeekly workshopsFacebook will not be taking equity in the startupsFacebook is not providing the startups with any special access to Facebook dataAn innovative programmeAn incubator with a difference

80 desks15 startups6 monthsMulti-million Euro commitment over 3 yearsResources and facilities to support growth

Our programee is desgined aroudn their needs.28

Startup Garage @ Station F

Design Jam: Trust, transparency and control

Industry leadershipFacebooks actions

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The second initiative addresses the second step identified in the report to build TTC.

The problem lawyers ands regulators trying to build UX.

Weve seen so much evolution of the UI

,We use a completely different set of skills to solve human interacvtion issues. Think of how we design cars.

We need to draw upon these skills and bring them to the way people interact with their data.

TO CUSTOMIZE WITH A NEW PICTUREDelete the current picture, if there is one.On the Insert tab, click the Pictures button.Navigate to the image you want to use and select Insert. Resize the picture to fit the slide, as needed. Hold the Shift key and click and drag a corner.On the Home tab, click the Arrange button, then Send to Back so the photo is behind the text.Click the Reset button to reapply the Layout

The event in Berlin in March is a pilot.

Our ambition is to grow the concept as an independent initative that can scale and can provide solutions and insights at scale for the benefit of the entire industry.

Startup Garage @ Station F

Design Jam: Trust, transparency and control

Industry leadershipFacebooks actions

A call to actionA global, cross-sectoral coalition of brand leaders

To create impact by taking practical and meaningful actions to move public opinion, policy and debate about data on to a positive, sustainable footing

A footing that supports innovation and growth

Third step is around leadership.

Over last 7 months ive been working with a number of leading brands to form a new cross industry global coalition.

Vision is simple:

We are not yet at the point where we can announce of launch anything, but we are actively reachong out to companies that want to lead. If this is you, come talk to me.

Thank you