Step-By-Step Guide 800xA System Installation

Content General .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 1. Write the background and object for this document.................................................................................. 3 2. System Requirements.............................................................................................................................. 3 Section1 Network Planning .......................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Client Server Network ............................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Control Network ........................................................................................................................................ 5 Section 2 Windows Operating System Software Installation and setup ................................................... 5 2.1 Installation of Windows 2003 R2 for DC, AS and CS................................................................................. 5 2.2 Installation of Windows XP Professional (SP2) for Clients......................................................................... 5 2.3 Windows Installation Requirements for 800xA System.............................................................................. 5 2.3.1 Hard disk Selecting ................................................................................................................................ 5 2.3.2 Licensing for Windows Server 2003 ....................................................................................................... 6 2.3.3 Set computer’s name ............................................................................................................................. 6 2.3.4 Set each node local administrator password: P@ssword ....................................................................... 6 2.3.5 Regional Settings ................................................................................................................................... 6 2.3.6 LAN Network Setting .............................................................................................................................. 8 2.4 Miscellaneous Windows Setup ................................................................................................................ 12 2.5 Windows Component Install .................................................................................................................... 15 2.5.1 Domain Server ..................................................................................................................................... 15 2.5.2 Aspect Server and Connectivity Server ................................................................................................ 15 2.5.3 Clients-Workplace ................................................................................................................................ 16 2.5.4 Disable the Windows Time Service ...................................................................................................... 17 2.6 Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager .............................................................................................. 17 Windows XP Professional ............................................................................................................................. 17 Windows Server 2003 ................................................................................................................................... 17 2.7 System Disk Fragmentation .................................................................................................................... 18 2.8 System Backup by Ghost Software ......................................................................................................... 18 Section 3 New Domain Creation and Third Party Software Installation .................................................. 18 3.1 Create a New Domain at Primary Domain Controller .............................................................................. 18 3.1.1 Domain Setup Procedure ..................................................................................................................... 19 3.1.2 User Groups......................................................................................................................................... 25 3.1.3 Adding Nodes to a Domain .................................................................................................................. 28 3.1.4 Adding in the DNS Reverse Lookup Zone for the Secondary Network ................................................. 29 3.1.5 Adding 800xA Domain Users to the Local Administrator Group............................................................ 30 3.2 Group Policy Management (800xA V5.0 Required) ................................................................................. 31 3.3 Other Third Party Software Installation .................................................................................................... 33 3.3.1 Internet Explore 6.0 with SP1 and MS04-028 ....................................................................................... 33 3.3.2 Direct 9.0C ........................................................................................................................................... 34 3.3.3 .NET Framework 1.0 and SP3.............................................................................................................. 34 3.3.3 .NET Framework 1.1 and SP1.............................................................................................................. 34 3.3.4 .Enable DNMP Service (Only Required on PC, Network and Software Monitoring Server nodes) ........ 34 3.3.5 .MSXML ............................................................................................................................................... 34 3.3.6 .Microsoft Office Software .................................................................................................................... 35 3.3.7 .Visual BASIC 6 with SP6..................................................................................................................... 35 3.3.8 .Acrobat Reader ................................................................................................................................... 35 3.4 System Backup by Chost Software ......................................................................................................... 36 Section 4 800xA System Software Installation ......................................................................................... 36 4.1 Automated Installation............................................................................................................................. 36 4.1.1 Install System Installer ......................................................................................................................... 37 4.1.2 Planning a New System ....................................................................................................................... 37 4.1.3 Run Automated Installation .................................................................................................................. 48 4.1.4 Check the license server and System software User Settings .............................................................. 52

Transcript of Step-By-Step Guide 800xA System Installation

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General .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 1. Write the background and object for this document.................................................................................. 3 2. System Requirements.............................................................................................................................. 3

Section1 Network Planning.......................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Client Server Network ............................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Control Network ........................................................................................................................................ 5

Section 2 Windows Operating System Software Installation and setup ................................................... 5 2.1 Installation of Windows 2003 R2 for DC, AS and CS................................................................................. 5 2.2 Installation of Windows XP Professional (SP2) for Clients......................................................................... 5 2.3 Windows Installation Requirements for 800xA System.............................................................................. 5 2.3.1 Hard disk Selecting ................................................................................................................................ 5 2.3.2 Licensing for Windows Server 2003 ....................................................................................................... 6 2.3.3 Set computer’s name ............................................................................................................................. 6 2.3.4 Set each node local administrator password: P@ssword ....................................................................... 6 2.3.5 Regional Settings................................................................................................................................... 6 2.3.6 LAN Network Setting.............................................................................................................................. 8 2.4 Miscellaneous Windows Setup................................................................................................................ 12 2.5 Windows Component Install.................................................................................................................... 15 2.5.1 Domain Server ..................................................................................................................................... 15 2.5.2 Aspect Server and Connectivity Server ................................................................................................ 15 2.5.3 Clients-Workplace................................................................................................................................ 16 2.5.4 Disable the Windows Time Service ...................................................................................................... 17 2.6 Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager.............................................................................................. 17 Windows XP Professional ............................................................................................................................. 17 Windows Server 2003................................................................................................................................... 17 2.7 System Disk Fragmentation .................................................................................................................... 18 2.8 System Backup by Ghost Software ......................................................................................................... 18

Section 3 New Domain Creation and Third Party Software Installation.................................................. 18 3.1 Create a New Domain at Primary Domain Controller .............................................................................. 18 3.1.1 Domain Setup Procedure ..................................................................................................................... 19 3.1.2 User Groups......................................................................................................................................... 25 3.1.3 Adding Nodes to a Domain .................................................................................................................. 28 3.1.4 Adding in the DNS Reverse Lookup Zone for the Secondary Network ................................................. 29 3.1.5 Adding 800xA Domain Users to the Local Administrator Group............................................................ 30 3.2 Group Policy Management (800xA V5.0 Required) ................................................................................. 31 3.3 Other Third Party Software Installation.................................................................................................... 33 3.3.1 Internet Explore 6.0 with SP1 and MS04-028....................................................................................... 33 3.3.2 Direct 9.0C........................................................................................................................................... 34 3.3.3 .NET Framework 1.0 and SP3.............................................................................................................. 34 3.3.3 .NET Framework 1.1 and SP1.............................................................................................................. 34 3.3.4 .Enable DNMP Service (Only Required on PC, Network and Software Monitoring Server nodes)........ 34 3.3.5 .MSXML ............................................................................................................................................... 34 3.3.6 .Microsoft Office Software .................................................................................................................... 35 3.3.7 .Visual BASIC 6 with SP6..................................................................................................................... 35 3.3.8 .Acrobat Reader................................................................................................................................... 35 3.4 System Backup by Chost Software ......................................................................................................... 36

Section 4 800xA System Software Installation ......................................................................................... 36 4.1 Automated Installation............................................................................................................................. 36 4.1.1 Install System Installer ......................................................................................................................... 37 4.1.2 Planning a New System ....................................................................................................................... 37 4.1.3 Run Automated Installation .................................................................................................................. 48 4.1.4 Check the license server and System software User Settings.............................................................. 52

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4.2 Manual Installation .................................................................................................................................. 54

Section 5 800xA System Post Installation setup ...................................................................................... 56 5.1 Install Software Key ................................................................................................................................ 56 5.1.1 Obtaining the Machine ID..................................................................................................................... 56 5.1.2 Obtaining the Ethernet Address ........................................................................................................... 57 5.1.3 Requesting Software Keys ................................................................................................................... 57 5.1.4 Software Key Installation...................................................................................................................... 57 5.2 System Level Tasks ................................................................................................................................ 58 5.2.1 Configure RNRP .................................................................................................................................. 58 5.2.2 Creating a system ................................................................................................................................ 58 5.2.3 Add system extensions ........................................................................................................................ 60 5.2.4 Create and Share Folder...................................................................................................................... 62 5.2.5 Adding Connectivity and Application Servers ....................................................................................... 63 5.2.6 Adding Clients...................................................................................................................................... 64 5.2.7 Adding Redundant Servers .................................................................................................................. 64 5.3 SoftPoint Server...................................................................................................................................... 65 5.3.1 SoftPoint Server Configuration............................................................................................................. 65 5.3.2 Alarm and Event Configuration............................................................................................................. 67 5.3.3 Redundant Service Providers............................................................................................................... 69 5.4 Diagnostics Collection Tool ..................................................................................................................... 70 5.4 AC800M.................................................................................................................................................. 70 5.4.1 Control Builder Configuration ............................................................................................................... 70 5.4.2 Downloading AC 800M Controller Firmware and Setting the IP Adress................................................ 72 5.4.3 OPC Server Configuration.................................................................................................................... 74

Section 6 800xA System User and Group Definitions .............................................................................. 76

Section 7 System Maintenance.................................................................................................................. 77 7.1 System Startup ....................................................................................................................................... 77 7.1.1 Recommended System Startup Procedure .......................................................................................... 77 7.1.1 Recommended System Shut down Procedure ..................................................................................... 78 7.2 Backup of Aspect System ....................................................................................................................... 78

Section 8 Reference Manual....................................................................................................................... 78

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1. Write the background and object for this document.

Because of more and more overseas projects using 800xA system, we need to create a standard

installation document exactly for projects, not only for contractual project, but also for projects in the

future, therefore each engineer can make an easy installation step by step following the document.

2. System Requirements

Before installing 800xA System, make sure the following requirements are met.

Hardware requirements

� Server PC and Client PC

� At least 1024 MB RAM

� Virtual Memory 1500 MB

� CPU required Intel, Speed 2000MHz

� 17.6 GB Free Disk(NTFS file system)

Software requirements

Operating System:

Windows 2003 Server with SP1 or R2 (For server), 800xA System V5.0-SP1 needs SP2

Windows XP Professional with SP2 (For Client)

Windows Components Required Version:

DirectX 9.0b

Internet Explore 6.0.2800

Microsoft Installer 2.0

Microsoft XML4 3.20

Microsoft XML 3 8.40

.NET Framework 1.0

.NET Framework 1.1

.NET Framework 1.0 SP

.NET Framework 1.1 SP

Additional Software Required Version:

Acrobat Reader 6

Microsoft MDAC 2.8

Visual Basic Prof 6.0+SP5

ABB Software:

800xA System DVD V4.1 or later

Section1 Network Planning Before installing 800xA System, recommend to plant the network, such as assigning AS, CS and DC according to the network structure, Setting IP address for server and client. There is a Network Structure example:

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Common rules and guidelines are important to achieve a consistent design and smooth integration of the control system. All engineers shall follow the configuration parameters and rules defined in this document.

1.1 Client Server Network

The client server network is based on TCP/IP protocol over Ethernet (802.3). For the redundant plant network the following TCP/IP address range will be assigned:

• CSN1: 172.16.4.XXX Area = 1 Path = 0

• CSN2: 172.17.4.XXX Area = 1 Path = 1

Sub Net Mask: (to get Implicit Method for RNRP)

Generally the host ID’s, (XXX) are grouped as below:

• Clients & Controllers L1 / L2 / L3: 11 … 19 / 21 … 29 / 31 … 39

• Engineering Station: 91 … 99

• Aspect Server: 101 … 103

• Connectivity Server L1 / L2 /L3: 111 … 119, 121 … 129, 131 … 139

• KM / RMP Server: 151 … 159

• EO Server: 161 … 169

• Printers: 201 … 239

It is recommended to fill the following table to plan the network equipment before installation 800xA


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Equipment Identification:

1.2 Control Network

Network configuration: Redundant (Network Primary & Secondary) Network protocol: TCP/IP over Ethernet RNRP (Redundant Network Routing Protocol)

MMS For further information, please refer to manual "Automation System Network – Design and Configuration", document reference 3BSE034463. For the redundant control network the following TCP/IP address ranges have been assigned:

• CN1: 172.16.4.XXX Area = 1 Path = 0

• CN2: 172.17.4.XXX Area = 1 Path = 1

IP Network address mask: (to get Implicit Method for RNRP)

Section 2 Windows Operating System Software Installation and setup

2.1 Installation of Windows 2003 R2 for DC, AS and CS For the application of domain controller, aspect server and connectivity server, must install Windows

Server 2003 of Windows Server 2000.

2.2 Installation of Windows XP Professional (SP2) for Clients Windows XP Professional is generally recommended to install on workplaces as it is easier to install.

2.3 Windows Installation Requirements for 800xA System

2.3.1 Hard disk Selecting

It is recommended to divide the hard disk into 2 partitions-C and D. Partition C is used for installing the

operating system, which is as large as possible. Partition D is used for files backup, which is about

20GB large.

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2.3.2 Licensing for Windows Server 2003

Make sure the windows licensing is set to Per Device or Per User.

2.3.3 Set computer’s name

According to our network planning, set each computer’s name.

2.3.4 Set each node local administrator password: P@ssword

2.3.5 Regional Settings

Set Time Zone-Select one according to the project location

Set Internet time- Uncheck Automatically synchronize with an Internet timer server

Set Standards and formats-English (United States)

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Set Shot date format-MM/dd/yyyy

Set time format-HH:mm:ss

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Set Language for non-Unicode programs- English (United States)

2.3.6 LAN Network Setting

Set the Order of the Network Interfaces-Primary Connection is in first place

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Set the Primary Connection-IP Setting

Set the Primary Connection-Check Register this connections addresses in DNS

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Set the Primary Connection-Select Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP

Set the Secondary Connection-IP Setting

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Set the Secondary Connection-Uncheck Register this connections addresses in DNS

Set the Secondary Connection-Select Disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP

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2.4 Miscellaneous Windows Setup

Configuration of Virtual Memory-At least 1.5GB

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Uncheck Show Window Contents while dragging in the Display Properties dialog

Disable Energy Saver and Screen Saver

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Disable Automatic Updates and Windows Firewall

Disable Web Browser Popup Blocker

Open Internet Explorer and open View->Encoding via the menu , confirm that “Western European (Windows)” is checked

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Change Local Security Policy on Windows XP Professional SP2

In order to add a client to the 800xA System, the local security policy on Windows XP Professional SP2

must be changed.

1. Select:

Start>Control Panel

2. Double-click Administrative Tools.

3. Double-click Local Security Policy to open the Local Security Settings console.

4. Click Security Option in the Local Polices in the left pane.

5. Double-click Network Access: Sharing and security model for local account in the right pane to

open the Local Security Setting dialog.

6. Select Classic-local users authenticate as themselves in the drop-down list box.

7. Click Apply and then OK.

2.5 Windows Component Install

2.5.1 Domain Server

Windows Component of domain servers is default installing.

2.5.2 Aspect Server and Connectivity Server

Setting Application Server in Windows Components Wizard:

Select the Application Server check box to install all components, or click Details to select just the

required components ( ASP.Net, Enable network COM+ Access, Internet information Service(IIS).)

Disable Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration (Windows Server 2003)

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Setting Management and Monitoring Tools

Only check Simple Network Management Protocol, WMI SNMP Provider, uncheck the others.

2.5.3 Clients-Workplace

Setting Internet Information Service (IIS), other setting is default.

Select the Internet Information Service (IIS) check box to install all Internet Information Service

components, or click Details to select just the required components (Common Files, Internet

Information Service Snap-In, World Web Service).

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2.5.4 Disable the Windows Time Service

This is done on all nodes, except the Domain Controller(s) and the designated Connectivity Time


2.6 Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager Microsoft Internet Information Service (IIS) are required on 800xA System nodes except client

nodes and the Domain Server node. IIS is installed automatically as part of Windows 200 Server. It

must be installed separately for Windows XP Professional and Windows Server 2003.

Windows XP Professional

Refer to 2.5.3 Clients-Workplace.

Windows Server 2003

� Components setting refer to 2.5.2 Aspect Server and Connectivity Server.

� On a fresh install of Windows Server 2003, IIS comes in lockdown mode, and is able to display

only static HTML web pages. Make the following settings in order to allow 800xA functions to

work properly on Windows Server 2003.

a. Select Start>Control Panel;

b. Double-click Administrative Tools to open the Internet Information Service Manager show


c. Select Web Service Extensions in the left panel.

d. Select Active Server Pages in the right panel and select Allow.

e. Select Server Side Includes in the right panel and select Allow.

f. Select ASP.NET v1.1.4322 in the right panel and select Allow.

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2.7 System Disk Fragmentation

Make sure the file system is in a consistent state at all times. Defragmentation software should

be executed on a regular basis using the built-in defragmentation software. It is recommended to

perform fragmentation once.

2.8 System Backup by Ghost Software It is recommended to use a disk imaging software package to make full disk backups. Usually

make system backup by Ghost Software.

Section 3 New Domain Creation and Third Party Software Installation

3.1 Create a New Domain at Primary Domain Controller This procedure is performed at the Domain Server, and is required for all 800xA Systems that

use domains.

For a real installation of an 800xA System, set up a new Domain Server with a domain

specifically for the 800xA System, that will exist independent of any other corporate domains that

may already exist. Follow the procedure in this section, starting at Domain Setup Procedure .

Systems used only for engineering and testing may be set up in a different way:

� Set up a new Domain Server and domain specifically for the 800xA System, and

integrate that domain into the corporate domain structure. In this case it is only

necessary to consult the corporate domain administrator in order to integrate the 800xA

System domain into the corporate domain.

� Create a new domain for the 800xA System on an existing Domain Server. In this case,

provide the domain administrator with the information in this section, and in Users and

Groups. The administrator will require this information to create the new domain and

add the new domain to the existing Domain Controller. The nodes may then be added

to that domain as described in Adding Nodes to a Domain.

� Join the 800xA System nodes to an existing domain. In this case, provide the domain

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administrator with the information in Users and Groups. The administrator can then

create the users and groups required by the 800xA System domain. The nodes may

then be added to that domain as described in Adding Nodes to a Domain.

3.1.1 Domain Setup Procedure

Perform this procedure at the computer that you have designated to be the Domain Server node.

Create a new domain by setting up a new Domain Controller and DNS server using the Active

Directory Installation wizard. Run this wizard on the computer designated to be the Domain

Server node.

To setup a new domain:

1. Configure the IP address of the Domain Server node if this is not already done.

2. Select Administrative Tools in Windows Control Panel.

3. Click Configure Your Server Wizard.

4. Click Next at the Welcome dialog and the Preliminary Steps dialog.

5. If any of the network connections on the server do not work, the following warning may


Disregard this message and click Continue when configuring the first Domain Controller.

However, when configuring a backup Domain Controller it is important that it has a network

connection to the primary Domain Controller.

6. Select Custom Configuration in the Configuration Options dialog and click Next.

7. Select Domain Controller (Active Directory) in the Server Role list in the Server Role

dialog and click Next.

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8. At the Summary dialog, click Next and wait while the wizard is installing and configuring the

Active Directory.

9. Click Next in the Active Directory Installation dialog that appears and in the Operating

System Compatibility dialog.

10. Select Domain controller for a new domain in the Domain Controller Type dialog and click


11. Select Domain in a new forest in the Create New Domain dialog and click Next.

12. Choose a proper name for the (still nonexistent) domain in the New Domain Name dialog and

click Next.

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13. Choose a proper name in the NetBIOS Domain Name dialog and click Next.

14. Click Next in the Database and Log Folders and Shared System Volume dialogs.

15. Select Install and configure the DNS server on this computer, and set this computer to

use this DNS server as its preferred DNS server in the DNS Registration Diagnostics

window and click Next.

16. Select Permissions compatible only with Windows 2000 or Windows Server 2003 in the

Permissions dialog (this is to maximize security) and click Next.

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17. Specify a password in the Directory Services Restore Mode Administrator Password dialog

and click Next.

Remember this password. This is the password of the local Administrator on this node that will

be used if the Domain Server is later demoted from being a Domain Controller to a normal

member server. It is recommended that do not set this password.

18. Click Next in the Summary dialog and wait for the configuration process to finish.

19. When the configuration is complete, click Finish and choose to Restart Windows.

20. As windows starts, the following message should appear:

Click Finish.

21. Open Administrative Tools in Windows Control Panel.

22. Double-click DNS and verify that only the Forward lookup zone has been created.

23. Right-click Reverse lookup zone and choose New Zone.

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24. Click Next in the Welcome dialog.

25. Select Primary in the Zone Type dialog.

26. Make sure that Store the zone in Active Directory is enabled in the Zone Type dialog and

click Next.

27. Select To all domain controllers in Active directory domain <Your Domain> in the Active

Directory Zone Replication Scope dialog and click Next.

28. Enter the Network ID for the primary network for this computer; for example: 172.16.4, in the

Reverse Lookup Zone Name dialog and click Next.

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29. Select Allow only secure dynamic updates in the Dynamic Update dialog and click Next.

30. Click Finish in the Completing the New Zone Wizard dialog.

31. If there is a redundant network, repeat Step 23 through Step 28 to add a Reverse Lookup Zone

for the secondary network. Enter the network ID for secondary network; for example:

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If configuring just one Domain Controller, the configuration is complete. For redundant Domain

Controllers repeat Step 1 through Step 20 on a second Windows Server node except that in Step

10, choose to install an Additional Domain Controller for an existing domain.

3.1.2 User Groups

Domain Groups/Account Required by 800xA System

Groups/Users Description

IndustrialITAdmin Group Create the IndustrialITAdmin Group. All 800xA System administrators

(including the 800xA Service User) must be a member of the

IndustrialITAdmin group.

InsustrialITUser Group Create the IndustrialITUser Group. All 800xA System users must be a

member of the IndustrialITUser group.

800xAService User Create a new user for 800xA System services. Make this user a

member of the IndustrialITAdmin Group, the IndustrialITUser Group,

and the local administrator group on every system node. All 800xA

System services will run under this account. Make the name easy to

recognize (for example: 800xAService).

800xAInstall User Create a user for installing software, and performing system

administration procedures. Make this user a member of the

IndustrialITAdmin Group, the IndustrialITUser Group, and the local

administrator group on every system node.

Other 800xA System users Create additional users for system configuration and operation. These

users are added to the IndustrialITUser Group.

New Organization Unit

This organizational unit is not mandatory; however, it may be helpful to put all 800xA System groups

and users into one container. To create a new unit:

1. Select: Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers

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2. In the left pane, right-click on the newly created domain server name, and select: New >

Organizational Unit from the context menu that appears.

3. Assign this organization unit the name Industrial IT.

New Groups

To create the required groups:

1. Right-click on the Industrial IT folder in the left pane and select: New > Group from the context menu

that appears.

2. Use the New Object - group dialog to assign the group a name (for example, IndustrialITAdmin).

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3. Set the Group scope to Global, and the Group type to Security.

4. Perform Step 1 through Step 3 for each of the two required groups:

– IndustrialITAdmin.

– IndustrialITUser.

New Users

Create the 800xAService User:

This is the user account that all 800xA System services will run under. Make this new user a member of

the following groups:

� IndustrialITAdmin Group

� IndustrialITUser Group

� Local Administrator group on every system node

1. Right-click on the Industrial IT organizational unit in the left pane and select: New > User from the

context menu that appears.

2. In the New Object-User dialog specity the user name and login name: 800xAService

3. Specify the user password: CNabbSVC.

Enable the Password never expire check box, and make sure the password for this user is Never


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4. Make this user a member of the Specific groups.

Create the 800xAInstall User likes 800xAService user.

Other users:

Add other IndustrialIT users (example: ProjectEngineer1, ProjectOperator1) and make them members of

the IndustrialIT User Group. Set passwords according to company policy, and change them frequently.

3.1.3 Adding Nodes to a Domain

This is required for all member nodes in the 800xA System (not applicable for single node installations,

for example Information Management consolidation node, or Workgroups). Perform this procedure at

each node that needs to be added to the domain.

This procedure requires an administrator user name and password defined for the domain. Have this

information available before proceeding.

1. Log on to the node as a local administrator.

2. Make sure the DNS server address points to the IP address of the DNS server.

3. From the desktop, right-click on My Computer and choose Properties from the context menu that


4. For Windows Server 2003 with SP1 or R2, perform Step a through Step e. For Windows XP

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Professional with SP2, perform Step f and Step g.

a. Select the Computer Name tab and click Change.

b. In the Computer Name Changes dialog, select Domain Controller.

c. Type the name of the domain in the Domain field.

d. Click OK until all dialogs are closed.

e. Click Yes when asked to reboot.

f. Select the Computer Name tab and click Network ID.

g. This launches the Network Identification Wizard. Follow the Wizard to add the node to the domain. A

domain administrator user name and password is required during this procedure.

5. Repeat this procedure to add AS, CS and Clients to the domain.

3.1.4 Adding in the DNS Reverse Lookup Zone for the Secondary Network

This is required if a Redundant Client/Server Network is used. Perform this for all nodes including the

Domain Server nodes themselves (not applicable for singlenode installations, for example Information

Management consolidation node, or Workgroups). Perform this procedure on the Domain Server node

for each node in the domain.

1. Select Administrative Tools in Windows Control Panel.

2. Click DNS.

3. Select the Reverse Lookup Zone for the secondary network, Right-click and select New Pointer.

4. Enter the IP address for the secondary network adapter. Only the last digit can be entered.

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5. Browse the Host name and select 800XADOMAIN.

6. Select Forward Lookup Zones, Select 800xADomainDemo.

7. Find 800xadomain, click OK.

3.1.5 Adding 800xA Domain Users to the Local Administrator Group

The 800xAService User and 800xAInstall User accounts defined in the domain must be added to

the local Administrator Group on each node in the domain, except the Domain Server node.

1. Log on as a local administrator.

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2. Right-click My Computer on the Windows desktop and select Manage from the context menu

that appears.

3. The Computer Management dialog appears. In the left pane, navigate to:

4. Computer Management (Local) > System Tools > Local

5. Users and Groups > Groups

4. Double-click on Administrators to open the Administrators Properties dialog.

5. Click Add. This opens the Select Users, Computers or Groups dialog.

6. Click Locations, select the domain in the Locations dialog and click OK.

7. Enter the names of the 800xA Service User and Installing User in the text box and click Check


8. When the dialog indicates the names have been found, click OK.

9. To finish, click OK in the Administrators Properties dialog.

3.2 Group Policy Management (800xA V5.0 Required)

The following procedure must be performed on the Primary Domain Controller in a domain


This procedure must be performed on the Primary Domain Controller after all 800xA System nodes

have been added to the domain, but before 800xA System and Functional Area software is installed.

1. Insert 800xA System Installation DVD 1 into the drive.

2. Use Windows Explorer to locate gpmc.msi in the following directory:

3rd Party Software & Tools\Microsoft

3. Double-click gpmc.msi to install the Group Policy Management Console with SP1. Follow the

instructions in the Installation Wizard to complete the installation.

4. When the Group Management Console with SP 1 installation is complete, from the Windows

Taskbar, select: Start > Run

5. Enter dsa.msc in the Run dialog and click OK to open the Active Directory Users and Computers


6. In the left pane of the Active Directory Users and Computers dialog, right-click the domain name

and select Properties from the context menu to open the Domain Properties dialog.

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7. Select the Group Policy tab in the Domain Properties dialog.

8. Click Open to open the Group Policy Management Console. Do not modify the default Group

Policy Object itself.

9. In the left pane of the Group Policy Management Console, right-click the domain name and select

Create and Link a GPO Here... from the context menu to open the New GPO dialog.

10. Type in a name for the new Group Policy Object in the New GPO dialog: IntranetName.

11. In the right pane of the Group Policy Management Console, right-click on the new Group Policy

Object and select Edit from the context menu to open the Group Policy Object Editor.

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12. Double-click: Intranet Sites: Include all local (intranet) sites not listed in other zones

13. Select the Enabled option in the Properties dialog, click Apply and then OK.

3.3 Other Third Party Software Installation

3.3.1 Internet Explore 6.0 with SP1 and MS04-028

Servers- Installed as part of Windows 2003 Server.

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Clients- Installed as part of Windows XP Professional SP2.

800xA System V5.0 SP1 need Internet Explore 7.0

3.3.2 Direct 9.0C

Servers- Installed as part of Windows 2003 Server.

Clients- Installed as part of Windows XP Professional SP2.

3.3.3 .NET Framework 1.0 and SP3

Run dotnetfx.exe to install .NET Framework 1.0 at all nodes.

Run NDP1.0sp3 to install SP3 for .NET Framework 1.0 at all nodes

File path: Installation DVD1:System1\Software\Microsoft

3.3.3 .NET Framework 1.1 and SP1

For Servers:

.NET Framework 1.1 is installed with Windows Server 2003 .

For Clients:

Run dotnetfxl_l.exe to install .NET Framework 1.1; Run NDPL.lsp1 to install SP1 for .NET

Framework 1.1.

3.3.4 .Enable DNMP Service (Only Required on PC, Network and Software Monitoring Server nodes)

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) services are required by the PC, Network and

Software Monitoring software to enable PC, Network and Software Monitoring Server nodes to

communicate with remote devices that support SNMP.

To enable SNMP services in the node in which the PC, Network and Software Monitoring Server

software will be installed:

1. Select: Start>Control Panel.

2. Double-click ADD/Remove Program to launch the Add or Remove Programs utility.

3. Click Add/Remove Windows Components to open the Windows.

4. Select Management and Monitoring Tools.

5. Click Details to open the Management and Monitoring Tools dialog.

6. Enable the Simple Network Management Protocol check box.

7. Enable the WMI SNMP Provider check box.

8. Click Next to complete the installation.

3.3.5 .MSXML

MSXML Version 3.0 SP5 is included and installed with Windows XP Professional SP2. MSXML

Version 3.0 SP7 is included and installed with Windows Server 2003. MSXML Version 3.0 SP4 is

included with 800xA and must be manually installed for Windows 2000 Server.

Install MSXML 3.0 with SP4 (msxml3usa.msi) on all system nodes running Windows 2000 Server.

Page 35: Step-By-Step Guide 800xA System Installation

Install MSXML 4.0 with SP2 (msxml.msi) on all system nodes regardless of the operating system.

This software is provided in the:


folder on 800xA System Installation DVD 1.

3.3.6 .Microsoft Office Software

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word, which is part of the Microsoft Office Professional Suite, must be installed on all nodes

where the following functions will be used:

� Engineering Studio (for Document Manager Functions).

� Control Builder M (for Project Documentation Functions).

Install Microsoft Word on Aspect Server, Connectivity Server and Engineer Workplace, then Set

Tools>Macro>Security and enable Security Level Medium.

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel, which is part of the Microsoft Office Professional Suite, must be installed on all 800xA

System nodes where the following functions will be used:

� Engineering Studio (for Bulk Data Manager Functions).

� DataDirect - Excel Data Access.

� Information Management.

� Asset Optimization Server.

Install Microsoft Word on Aspect Server, Connectivity Server and Engineer Workplace, then Set

Tools>Macro>Security and enable Security Level Medium.

Microsoft Office FrontPage

Microsoft Office FrontPage must be installed on every node to be used to develop Manufacturing

Management IForms. The IForm Developer node is used for the engineering of Intelligent Forms (IForms)

and other configuration functions.

Install Microsoft Office FrontPage on Engineer Workplace.

3.3.7 .Visual BASIC 6 with SP6

All nodes that use the Graphics Builder, and the Primary Aspect Server node need a Professional or

Enterprise Edition of Visual BASIC 6.0 with Service Pack 6.

It is recommended to Install Visual Basic 6 with SP6 on Aspect Server, Connectivity Server and

Engineer workplace.

3.3.8 .Acrobat Reader

Acrobat Reader is needed to view the online instructions. This software is provided in the following folder

800xA System Installation DVD 1: System1\Software\Adobe.

Page 36: Step-By-Step Guide 800xA System Installation

3.4 System Backup by Chost Software

It is recommended that a system with third party software full backup is made. A valid backup insures

that the system can be restored if necessary.

Section 4 800xA System Software Installation When the 800xA System V5.0-Sp1 Installation DVD 1 is inserted into the drive, the Installation

AUTORUN home screen will appear. This screen allows direct access to the Automated Installation or

Manual Installation tools to install 800xA System.

4.1 Automated Installation Clicking Automated Installation advances to the Automated Installation screen. This screen allows

direct to the various Automated Installation tools.

Page 37: Step-By-Step Guide 800xA System Installation

4.1.1 Install System Installer

Click Install System Installer to install 800xA System Installer 5.0.1/0.

4.1.2 Planning a New System

The System Planner Tool is a stand-alone tool that can be run from the Installation AUTORUN program

that appears when 800xA Installation DVD 1 is inserted into the drive. It can be run on any node and it

does not have to be an 800xA System node.

Select System Setup Tools and click System Planner as the following figure:

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Then select Plan a new system:

Read the project License File:

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Click next and select the number of licensed workplaces, including the Operator Workplaces and

Engineering Workplaces.

Click next and select Remote Client Server options:

Click next and select the number of Connectivity Servers:

Page 40: Step-By-Step Guide 800xA System Installation

Click next and set AC 800M options. If we need Soft Controller, please check the Use Base Software

for Soft Control.

Click next and select Device Management options.

PROFIBUS device applications require selecting Device Management PROFIBUS and HART.

FOUNDATION Fieldbus device applications require selecting Device Management FOUNDATION


Page 41: Step-By-Step Guide 800xA System Installation

Click next and Set Device Management options:

Click next and Set Production Management options.

Do not select Use Batch Management if we have no Bach Server.

Click next and Set Information Management options.

Do not select Use Information Management if we have no Information Management.

Click next and Set Production Management and Information Management combinations.

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Click next and Set Asset Optimization options.

Click next and Set Engineering options for Engineering Clients.

Usually select Standard Engineering Tool.

Click next and Set Aspect Server redundancy.

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Click next and Set Aspect Server options.

Click next and Set AC 800M Connect combinations

Click next and Select the system network options.

Select Use an existing domain and enter the Hostname and IP address.

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Click next and Select the Multisystem Integration Options.

Click next the system nodes which have been selected will be shown in summary

Click next the finished screen of the size and options of the system will be shown

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Click next and Specify some general system-wide settings for your system.

Enter the Domain name , System Service Account and Password etc.

Click next and Configure the System users and group. If we have configured the System users in

advance, we should delete the following users:

Click next and name the system nodes

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Click next and the system configuration summary will appear

Click next and the Graphical summary of the system will appear

Click next and Select the Setup Package media type.

Usually select Common destination for all Setup Packages (all nodes)

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Click next and Select Setup Package Path, A subfolder will be generated

Click next and A separate setup package is being created for each node

Click next and View and print fact sheets and setup instructions

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Click next and the finished screen will be shown

4.1.3 Run Automated Installation

Click Run Automated Installation to execute the 800xA System automatically install procedure

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Click Next in the welcome screen

Click Next and the computer will reboot.

When the system finished restarting, 800xA system will install automatically based on the system install

package which generated during the system planning.

Select installation type form predefined node types.

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Click Next and finished the Windows Automatic Logon Settings

Click Next and finished System information and service account settings

Click Next and conform system installer users

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Click apply and Select I accept the term in the license agreement in the following screen

Click Next and Confirm Product Installation screen will appear

Click Finish and the system will install automatically

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During the installation, the progress bar will indicate which application is being installed and the progress

of installation.

Click the Install and the 800xA System software will install automatically until finished all the installation.

4.1.4 Check the license server and System software User Settings

Check the license server

In Add or Remove Program Panel, select ABB Central Licensing System 5.0.0/1, then click change.

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Select Repair and click Next

The Central Licensing System CLS Server Location will be shown, Conform that is right the system CLS

Server Location.

If that is not, click Browse and select the right one

Page 54: Step-By-Step Guide 800xA System Installation

Check the System Software User Setting

In the Configuration Wizard, select System software User settings and click Next.

Conform the information is right. If not, enter the right information and click next, then click Finish.

4.2 Manual Installation We can install the 800xA software manually. Click Manual Installation in the Auto Run screen.

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Select the 800xA software to install according to license of the project.

Usually installation order listed in the following:

ABB Central Licensing System (Server select Server & Client, others select Client)

ABB 800xA Base

ABB 800xA Base SP1

ABB Central Licensing System Extension

ABB SoftPoint Server

ABB Inform IT - Calculations

ABB Inform IT - Application Scheduler

ABB Inform IT - DataDirect

ABB AC 800M Connect

ABB Control Builder M Professional

ABB PC, Network and Software Monitoring Client

Customized MSSQL 2000 Desktop Engine

ABB Engineering Studio

ABB Engineering Studio SP1

ABB FDT Shared Components

ABB FDT Base Container

ABB Fieldbus Builder Profibus-HART with OPC Server

ABB Profibus Device Integration Library

Page 56: Step-By-Step Guide 800xA System Installation

ABB Basic Profibus DTM Builder

ABB Basic HART DTM Builder

ABB HART Device Integration Library



ABB Diagnostics Collection Tool

ABB 800xA Instructions - AS and Engineering clients

SFC Viewer

SFC Viewer SP1

ABB Device Library Wizard - Client

ABB Device Library Wizard - Server

System Checker Tool

Section 5 800xA System Post Installation setup

5.1 Install Software Key

5.1.1 Obtaining the Machine ID

First way-To use the License Entry program to obtain the machine ID:

1. To launch the License Entry program, select:

Start > All Programs > ABB Industrial IT 800xA > System >Licensing > License Entry

2. Select:

Machine IDs > Available IDs...

from the menu to display the Machine IDs list as shown in the following:

3. Record the machine ID.

Secondary way-Reading the Machine ID from a Dongle:

This method is only applicable if using a dongle as the machine ID. Each parallel port or USB dongle is

labeled with its unique machine ID.

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5.1.2 Obtaining the Ethernet Address

If the Ethernet address will be used as the machine ID and the License Server has not been installed,

use this procedure.

1. Launch a Windows Command Prompt window.

2. Enter: ipconfig/all.

3. Read the line for Physical Address under the information for the network adapter that will be similar to

the one shown in the following. If the node has two network adapters, two addresses will be shown.

5.1.3 Requesting Software Keys

Obtain the machine ID and fill in the Software Key Request Form and send it to project manger , then

waiting returning.

5.1.4 Software Key Installation

After receiving the software key, launch the License Entry program from the license server.

1. Select:

Start > All Programs > ABB Industrial IT 800xA > System > Licensing > License Entry

2. Select:

File > Load/Replace Licenses...

3. The Open dialog appears. Use it to find the license file (.sla), which contains the software keys and

click Open.

4. If a software key has already been opened, the Overwrite prompt shown in the following. If necessary,

click Yes to install the current software keys.

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5. When finished, the installed software keys may be viewed via the License Entry program on a License

Group basis. For example, the following shows the software keys installed for the 800xA basic

system functions.

5.2 System Level Tasks

5.2.1 Configure RNRP

It is strongly recommended that the addresses presented in, Recommended IP Address Plan in the

following, are used. If they are used, no extra RNRP configuration is required.

Recommended IP Address Plan

The tables below give a recommendation on IP address that will work for most installations.

Use the IP address mask on all addresses.

5.2.2 Creating a system

Creating a system will create the first Aspect Server (the Primary Aspect Server). Perform this on the

node designated to be the Primary Aspect Server.

1. Start the Configuration Wizard on the node designated to be the Primary Aspect Server. Select:

Start > All Programs > ABB Industrial IT 800xA > System > Configuration Wizard

2. Select Create System and click Next.

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3. The Define Name and Description of the System dialog appears:

Name: Enter the system name;

Description: Enter the system description (optional);

Server Type: Select Aspect Server if a dedicated node is used for the Primary Aspect Server; Select

Aspect Server and Connectivity Server for single-node or small system configurations, where the

Aspect and Connectivity Servers are combined.

4. Click Next.

5. Specify the paths to data directories (or accept the defaults) and click Next.

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6. The Configure RNRP dialog appears. To apply filters to the system, select the Using RNRP check

box and specify the of areas in the Number of areas: field.

7. Configure Network Addresses.

Fill in the dialog with the proper information and click Next.

8. The Apply Settings dialog appears. Click Finish to accept the settings and create the system, or click

Back to make changes. System creation takes some time.

The system creation is finished when the wizard shows the dialog like Step 2.

9. Exit the Configuration Wizard.

10. To verify the system is running, hover the cursor over the ABB System Supervisor symbol in the

Windows Notification area shown in following.

5.2.3 Add system extensions

800xA System functions have system extensions that must be added to the Aspect System. The system

extensions must be installed on the primary Aspect Server Node. The available system extensions and

Installation Sequence are listed in following table.

Application System Extension AC800M AC800M Connect;

Page 61: Step-By-Step Guide 800xA System Installation

AC800M SB2 Libraries. NOTE: This system extension is optional and should only be loaded if upgrading from System Baseline 2 (SB2). It includes libraries compatible with SB2. These libraries are not part of the AC800M Connect system extension.

Production Management

Batch Management; Batch Advanced Templates; Manufacturing Management.

Information Management(IM)

Industrial IT Archival; Inform IT Calculations (add manually if not installing IM application; Inform IT History; Inform IT ODA; Inform IT Scheduler (add manually if not installing IM application).

Soft Point Server ABB Soft Point Server Asset Optimization Asset Optimizer Server;

Asset Monitor Environment; DMS Calibration Connect; Maximo Connectivity or SAP Connect System Extension (choose only one)

SMS and e-mail Messaging

SMS and e-mail Messaging

PC, Network and Software Monitoring

PC, Network and Software Monitoring

Engineering Studio Engineering Base; DM&PM Application; Function Designer; Reuse Assistant; Script Manager; Topology Designer; Function Designer for AC800M; Topology Designer for AC800M; Function Designer for AC800M SB2 Libraries; NOTE: This system extension is optional and should only be loaded if AC 800M SB2 Libraries have been loaded.

Fieldbus Products Fieldbus Builder PROFIBUS/HART PROFIBUS Device Integration Library - Basics PROFIBUS Device Integration Library - Asset Monitoring HART Device Integration Library - Basics HART Device Integration Library - Asset Monitoring NOTE: The HART Device Integration Library - Basics system extension must be loaded, even if only PROFIBUS Device Integration is used. Function Designer for FB P/H ; NOTE: This system extension should only be loaded if Fieldbus Builder PROFIBUS/HART system extensions have been loaded. Fieldbus Builder FF FF Device Integration Library - Basics FF Device Integration Library - Asset Monitoring

Central Licensing Central Licensing system 800xA Documentation System Instructions

To add the system extensions:

1. Start the configuration wizard on the primary Aspect Server node. Select:

Start > All Programs > ABB Industrial IT 800xA > System >Configuration Wizard

2. Open the System Extension Load dialog by going to:

System Administration > Select System > System Extension Load

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3. Select the system extension to load in the list in the left pane and move it to the list in the right pane

by clicking >. To move all the system extensions from the left pane to the right pane, click >>.

4. The Thumb up/down icon indicates the status of the dependency evaluation. If the list in the right pane

contains more than one system extension, click Press header to autosort to sort the system extensions

load order with regard to dependencies.

5. All system extensions listed in the right pane should be marked with the

Thumb up icon. Click Next and the Apply Settings dialog similar to the one

shown in the following:

6. Click Finish. The system extensions will load into the system.

7. A progress dialog is shown during the load. Click View Log to view log messages during load.

8. When the load operation has finished, click Finished and view the Configuration Wizard log to verify

that no errors occurred during the load.

9. Close the Configuration Wizard.

5.2.4 Create and Share Folder

Create and Share Folder for PROFIBUS and HART Device Integration:

A directory must be enabled for DTM access on every system node (redundant servers as well). Use the

following directory:

<system drive>:\ABB Industrial IT Data\Engineer IT Data\Fieldbus Builder PH

All 800xA System users must have full permissions for the shared folder.

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Create and Share Folder for FOUNDATJON Fieldbus Device Integration:

1. Share the following folder for OPC Server data on all FOUNDATION Fieldbus Connectivity Server


<system drive>:\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Engineer IT\ Fieldbus Builder FF\opcsrv

All 800xA System users must have full permission for the shared folder. Access rights shall be limited

to the IndustrialITUser group.

2. Create and share a folder for the HSE Subnet configuration data of Fieldbus Builder FF on a primary

Aspect Server, so that it is accessible from all 800xA System nodes, e.g.:

<system drive>:\ABB Industrial IT Data\Engineer IT Data\Fieldbus Builder FF Data

All 800xA System users must have full permissions for the share and the folder in the file system.

Therefore, access rights shall be limited to the IndustrialITUser group.

5.2.5 Adding Connectivity and Application Servers

1. Start the configuration wizard on the Primary Aspect Server.

2. Select System Administration and click Next.

3. Select the system and click Next.

4. Select Nodes and click Next.

5. Select Add Connectivity Server and click Next.

6. The Add Connectivity Server Node dialog appears. Select the node from the drop-down list box as

shown in the following and click Next.

7. Repeat Step 5 and Step 6 for all Primary Connectivity Servers;

8. Verify that all Connectivity Servers are running after they are added.

a. Open a Plant Explorer Workplace.

b. Use the Structure Selector to open the Node Administration Structure.

c. Use the Object Browser to select All Nodes, Node Group as shown in the following:

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d. Select System Status Viewer in the Aspect List Area.

e. The status is shown in the Preview Area.

5.2.6 Adding Clients

To add a client follow the steps:

1. Start the configuration wizard on the Primary Aspect Server.

2. Select System Administration and click Next.

3. Select the system and click Next.

4. Select Nodes and click Next.

5. Select Add Client and click Next.

6. The Add Client Node dialog appears. Select the node from the drop-down list box and click Next.

7. Repeat Step 5 and Step 6 for all Clients.

5.2.7 Adding Redundant Servers

Adding Redundant Aspect Servers

1. Start the configuration wizard on the Primary Aspect Server.

2. Select System Administration and click Next.

3. Select the system and click Next.

4. Select Nodes and click Next.

5. Select Add Redundant Server and click Next.

6. The Select Redundant Node dialog appears showing all available server nodes (Aspect and

Connectivity Server nodes) as shown in the following .Select the Aspect Server node to be duplicated

and click Next.

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7. In the next dialog box, select the node that will function as the redundant Aspect Server from the

Server Node drop-down list box.

8. Select the Update remote node check box to update and activate the remote server node.

9. Click Next.

10. In the next dialog, click Apply.

11. For a two-out-of-three system, repeat these steps to add a third Aspect Server node.

Adding Redundant Connectivity Servers

Refer to Adding Redundant Aspect Servers.

5.3 SoftPoint Server

5.3.1 SoftPoint Server Configuration

After adding the system extension there are a number of configuration steps you need to perform to get

the SoftPoint Server service running.

1. Open a Plant Explorer Workplace.

2. Use the Structure Selector to open the Service Structure.

3. Create a Service Group and Service Provider, under Softpoint Server, Service.

4. Set the correct node for the Service Providers.

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5. Use the Structure Selector to open the Control Structure.

6. Create a SoftPoint Generic Control Network under the root object.

a) Select the Root, domain object and create a New Object.

b) In the New Object dialog, open Object Types, SoftPoint Basic Object Types and select SoftPoint

Generic Control Network.

c) Enter a Name for the object and select Create.

7. Create the Adapter Data Source Definition aspect.

8. Change the original Data Source Key:


to a non-zero value, for example:


Make sure the keys are different in a multiserver environment. Use, for



for the second one, and:


for the third one.

9. Click New in the Preview Area to add a new OPCDA Service Group.

10. Click Add, and select the server node. For redundant SoftPoint Server

configurations refer to Redundant Service Providers.

11. Click OK.

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12. Click Apply.

13. Click View in the Adapter Data Source Definition aspect in the Preview Area.

14. The Service Group Definition dialog is shown.

15. Select the Special Configuration tab. If running nonredundant Connectivity

Servers, deselect the Allow parallel redundancy check box. This check box is

enabled by default.

16. Change the Adapter identity from:




17. Click Apply and close the dialog.

18. Add the Source Definition aspect and connect the SoftPoint Server Service Group previously created.

5.3.2 Alarm and Event Configuration

Since the SoftPoint Server has built-in alarm and event detection for Boolean signals changing their

values, as well as for Integer/Real signals exceeding or falling below a preset limit value, you may want

to display those alarms in an 800xA System.

1. The following figure shows the recommended setup for the AlarmManager Service.

Deselecting Make new alarm entry each time a condition gets active is a system wide setting.

Page 68: Step-By-Step Guide 800xA System Installation

2. For each server where SoftPoints services runs, the Event Collector Service must have a Service

Group Service Provider created and set . This Service Group and Service Provider are specifically for

alarm and event messages related to SoftPoints.

3. In Special Configuration tab of the Service Group, select the SoftPoint Server alarm server:

Ads OPC Event Server

4. If an Ads OPC Event Server Collection Definition is not already created, click New to create one.

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5. Click Edit to access the Alarm Collection Definition configuration where you set the functionality of the

SoftPoint Server's alarm server.

6. Click Apply and close the dialog.

7. Click Apply in the Preview Area of the Service Group Definition aspect.

5.3.3 Redundant Service Providers

SoftPoint Redundancy is supported on an Information Manager Server pair. When installed on a

redundant Connectivity Server, it should follow the rules as established in the connectivity for

configuration. For greatest efficiency between Calculations and SoftPoints, put the Calculation Server

(not redundant) on the same machine as the primary SoftPoint Server.

1. Configure a service group for each redundant pair of SoftPoint Servers.

2. Create two service providers, one for each SoftPoint Server.

3. Configure the Adapter Data Source Definition aspect for the generic softpoint network, use the New

Service Providers dialog to specify both service providers (one for each of the redundant SoftPoint


Page 70: Step-By-Step Guide 800xA System Installation

4. Configure the Event Collector Service Group with two service providers,

5.4 Diagnostics Collection Tool Share the folder on each node (Auto created by Diagnostics Collection Tool): C:\ABBResults.

It is set to be shared with full access rights for the service account.

5.4 AC800M

5.4.1 Control Builder Configuration

Control Builder M Configuration Planning

The Control Builder M software needs to be configured by setting a number of parameters. The following

is a summary of the most important parameters:

� Memory usage: The default value for the heap size may need to be increased for large


� File locations: Each user can have an individual Working Folder. Control Builder M installations

on separate nodes must never have exactly the same working folder.

� Tasks: Number of tasks, their names, cycle time, and time offset.

� IEC 61131-3 languages to use: ST, FBD, IL, LD, SFC.

� Using Control Modules or IEC 61131-3 Function Blocks.

� Applications: Number of applications, their names, and distribution to different controllers.

� Programs: Number of programs, their names, associated Tasks, and location to different


� Control Module types, Function Block types, and Functions: Reusable entities, plan any

new ones needed in the applications.

If changes are needed to the Control Builder default settings:

1. Run the Setup Wizard (on the Engineering Station and other nodes where the Control Builder is

installed). Select:

Start > All Programs > ABB Industrial IT 800xA > Engineering >Utilities > Setup Wizard

Page 71: Step-By-Step Guide 800xA System Installation

2. Enter the required configuration parameters under System and Product.

3. Click Show Settings and check the settings (good summary of all configuration parameters).

4. To make additional changes refer to the other items under:

Tools > Setup > Station

in Control Builder M Professional.

Refer to the Online Help for detailed information on these items.

Define Number of OPC Alarm and Event Subscriptions

Perform the following procedure for each of the controllers in the network:

1. Open Control Builder (on the Engineering Station).

Start > All Programs > ABB Industrial IT 800xA > Engineering >Control Builder M

2. Control Builder must be in Offline mode. If it is not, click the Offline icon in the Control Builder

3. Double click to open the “0” item for the controller as shown in the following figure:

4. Select the Settings tab to view the parameters

5. Change AE Max number of event subscriptions to the amount of OPC Servers connected to this

controller. This number is 1 by default. It should not be larger than the number of OPC Servers, as

Page 72: Step-By-Step Guide 800xA System Installation

this would increase the memory load in the controller.

6. Click the Save and Close icon when finished.

7. Repeat Step 3 through Step 6 for each of the controllers in the network.

8. Click the Download Project and Go Online icon in the Control Builder toolbar when finished.

5.4.2 Downloading AC 800M Controller Firmware and Setting the IP Adress

Download of Controller Firmware via Serial Line

To download the firmware:

1. Connect the serial RS-232 tool cable between the node running the Control Builder and the Controller

to the tool port, as specified in the following table:

2. Select the appropriate COM port for the node (default COM 1).

3. Power up the controller.

4. Select:

Start > All Programs > ABB Industrial IT 800xA > Engineering > Utilities > Serial Firmware


5. Select Settings from the dialog, followed by the COM port selected in Step 2.

6. Click Connect and hold down the Init/Reset pushbutton on the controller (for at least three seconds).

The green R LED will start to blink. When this happens, release the button and the controller will

perform a cold test. Wait about a minute until a message appears.

If the connection is correct, then the following Serial Firmware Upgrade dialog appears:

7. Select the Firmware and Control Builder versions.

8. Click Upgrade and wait five to ten minutes. The LED behavior during the upgrade procedure is

described in the Serial Firmware Upgrade Online Help.

9. Hold down the Init/Reset pushbutton on the Controller (for at least three seconds). For redundant

controllers, repeat this procedure for both CPUs.

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Setting the IP Address for AC 800M

1. Connect the RS-232 serial tool cable between the node running the Control Builder and the

Controller to the tool port. The serial line should still be connected to the primary CPU and

the power on the backup CPU should be off. This should only be done if the controller is


2. Select the appropriate COM port for the node (default COM 1).

3. Select: Start > All Programs > ABB Industrial IT 800xA > Engineering > Utilities >


4. In the Settings menu, select Advanced mode.

5. Click Connect and hold down the Init/Reset pushbutton on the Controller (for at least three

seconds) and wait up to one minute. If the connection procedure fails, then a time out

message will appear. Check the cables and repeat the steps in this procedure up to this

point. If OK, the current IP settings (the IP Ethernet address and its associated Subnet mask)

will be displayed in the IP Config dialog shown in the following figure (settings not shown in


6. Enter a unique Primary Ethernet Interface IP Address and Subnet mask according to the

Planning; Example: IP address, Subnet mask, 255,255,252.0.

7. Click Set IP in the IP Config dialog to send the new address to the controller.

8. If using a redundant CPU, set the addresses as described in Configuring IP Addresses on

Redundant CPUs

9. Restart controller, for example with the Init/Reset pushbutton.

Configuring IP Addresses on Redundant CPUs:

For an AC 800M with redundant CPUs (e.g. PM861) four Ethernet IP addresses need to be


� Primary Ethernet port on the Primary CPU.

� Secondary Ethernet port on the Primary CPU.

� Primary Ethernet port on the Backup CPU.

� Secondary Ethernet port on the Backup CPU.

Page 74: Step-By-Step Guide 800xA System Installation

These four addresses must be known by both the Primary CPU and the Backup CPU, but you

need only to set the IP addresses in the primary CPU. The backup CPU will be automatically

configured by the primary.

Connect to a redundant controller and set two Backup IP addresses with IPConfig:

1. Make sure that the Primary Ethernet Interface IP-Address is correct.

2. Select Settings > Set Backup IP Addresses

3. Select: Ethernet 1

4. Select the Obtain an IP address by using default rule check box.

5. Click Store Interface Settings.

6. Click OK when the dialog appears stating:

This will update the IP settings for the Backup CPU’s Ethernet interface 1. Continue? 7. Click OK when the dialog appears stating:

Backup CPU’s Ethernet interface 1 stored successfully.

8. Select Ethernet 2.

9. Select the Obtain an IP address by using default rule check box.

10. Click Store Interface Settings.

11. Click OK when the dialog appears stating:

This will update the IP settings for the Backup CPU’s Ethernet interface 2.


12. Click OK when the dialog appears stating:

Backup CPU’s Ethernet interface 2 stored successfully.

5.4.3 OPC Server Configuration

The OPC Server is set up via an OPC Server Configuration panel. To connect to controllers:

1. Open the configuration dialog (on Connectivity Servers and other nodes where the OPC Server is

installed). Select: Start > All Programs > ABB Industrial IT 800xA > Control and I/O >OPC

Server for AC800M 4.1 > OPC Server for AC 800M 4.1

2. Select the Data Access tab.

3. Select: View > Available Controllers

4. Drag the IP address of the requested controllers to the Controller identity field in the OPC Panel

window (clear old contents first) and click Connect.

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5. Do the same for Alarm and Event Server (the second tab in the OPC Panel window).

6. If the OPC Server asks to browse needed files when trying to connect, answer NO.

Note: If CNCP or SNTP is used on the Control Network, the MMS Time Synchronization from the

OPC Server must be disabled.

7. Select: Settings > Time Synchronization

8. The Time Synchronization dialog appears. Deselect Enable as shown in the following:

9. Click File > Save Configuration....

10. Enter a name for the configuration file and save the file.

11. Select Settings > Autoload Configuration

12. Select the Enable Autoload Configuration check box.

13. Enter the name of the configuration file saved in Step 10, as shown in the following:

14. Click Apply and Close.

15. Click File > Save Configuration....

16. Select the file name chosen in Step 10, and save the file.

Saving Cold Retain Values

The OPC Server for AC 800M can periodically save the Cold Retain values of the controllers, i.e.

transfer them from the controllers and save the values into the Aspect Directory. This is configured in the

OPC Server.

1. Open the configuration dialog (normally on one of the Connectivity Servers).

Select: Start > All Programs > ABB Industrial IT 800xA > Control and I/O > OPC Server for AC800M

4.1 > OPC Server for AC 800M 4.1

Page 76: Step-By-Step Guide 800xA System Installation

2. Select the Data Access tab.

3. Select: Tools > Save cold retain values

4. Select the Automatically check box.

5. The Save Cold Retain Values dialog appears as shown in Figure 51. Enter a suitable period time.

6. To start the saving of Cold Retain values, click Activate in the Save cold retain values dialog.

This can also be done later. Click Close.

7. Click File > Save Configuration....

8. Select the file name of the OPC Server configuration, and save the file.

Section 6 800xA System User and Group Definitions According to the project, we should create all kinds of users of 800xA System. Set up the following users

on Domain Server:

Windows Member Of User Organizational Unit Initial Password

800xA Member (User Role defined with 800xA Config Wizard))

User Account Setting

Security Definition

Aspect Settings

Local Administrators

Administrator (local) (Created when install Windows

2003 Server)

Local CNabb PRJ


User cannot change password

Password Never expires

IndustrialITAdmin IndustrialITUser

800xAService Internal account required for the 800xASystem to run its processes in the Windows environment. (Created while Domain setting


IndustrialIT CNabbSVC

Member of all 800xA User Groups

User cannot change password

Password Never expires

IndustrialITAdmin IndustrialITUser

800xAAdmin The 800xAAdmin user has full access to the computer and the 800xASystem. This user shall not be used for daily engineering tasks, such as application design and maintenance.

IndustrialIT CNabbADM

Member of all 800xA User Groups

User can change password

Operator Central Control Room

IndustrialIT CNabbOP IndustrialITUser

User can change password

Page 77: Step-By-Step Guide 800xA System Installation

Everyone Operator

Full Operation Access

800xA Member (User Role defined with 800xA Config Wizard)


Supervisor The Supervisor has the right to block and force AI and DI signals and to change H1/L1 limits.

IndustrialIT CNabbSPV

Everyone Operator

User can change password

Place a security definition aspect

in the control structure and give this user

Supervise permission

IndustrialITUser Engineer The Application Engineer has the right to add and modify controller application and process displays.

IndustrialIT CNabbENG

Everyone Operator

Application Engineer

User can change password

IndustrialITUser SystemEngineer The System Engineer has the right to make changes in the Aspect System such as changing security, adding users etc. In addition he has all the right of an Engineer.

IndustrialIT CNabbSENG

Everyone Operator

Application Engineer System Engineer

User can change password

Section 7 System Maintenance This chapter describes the required maintenance procedures, for an Industrial IT 800xA System. We distinguish between:

� System Startup / Shutdown and Workplace Reboot (e.g. after a power failure, or unexpected PC failure)

� Periodic Maintenance, e.g. checking the Servers and Networks (time req. approx. 10 min.)

� On Request Maintenance, e.g. backup if parts of the application have changed

� Emergency Maintenance, e.g. if a non redundant, important component fails.

7.1 System Startup

Normally 800xA system is equipped with a fully redundant 800xA system. The minimum

requirements for a running system are:

1 out of 2 Aspect / Connectivity Servers (AS1 / CS1 or AS2 / CS2) running

7.1.1 Recommended System Startup Procedure

The following system start up sequence shall be followed after a complete or partial power down, for

detail procedures see chapter “Periodic Maintenance”:

1. Start Domain Server DC1 / DC2

2. Start AS1 / CS1, AS2 / CS2

Page 78: Step-By-Step Guide 800xA System Installation

3. Monitor the system start up with the ABB System Supervisor and/or the Task Manager.

4. When the ABB System Supervisor shows “System Status: Running” wait for a few minutes,

then a workplace on any of the servers (e.g. AS1) and select the System Supervision Display

to verify that all services are running. If at least 1oo2 Connectivity server and 1oo2 Aspect

Servers are running the clients can be started as well.

7.1.1 Recommended System Shut down Procedure

Under normal conditions the system will never be shut down completely, usually only one by one server

has to be rebooted to do maintenance etc. In the case a complete shut down is required, first bring the

plant into a safe condition, then stop the system in the following order.

1. Shut down all the clients.

2. Shut down the Aspect / Connectivity servers. e.g. AS1 / CS1

3. Shut down Domain servers

7.2 Backup of Aspect System

The Aspect System backup can be done with the backup tool of Operate IT. Use the AS1 to create a

backup and store it under the specific directory.

Section 8 Reference Manual 3BSE034678R4101_Sys_Install, 800xA System V4.1 Install Instruction;

3BSE034678R5001_Sys_Install, 800xA System V5.0 Install Instruction;

3BSE034679R5001_Sys_AutoInstall, 800xA System V5.0 Auto installation.