Step by Step

1 Thomas Bontoft Step By Step Screenshot Instructions Right click on table 1 as shown and click save. When the dialog box appears rename, it ‘CD Product’ and then click OK. Go to the create tab and choose table. Once this table has been created rename it to Orders by saving it like before. By renaming the two tables it makes them easier to identify when using the database. To import the data from the text file. Go to the external data tab and click the import text file button as shown.



Transcript of Step by Step

Thomas BontoftStep By Step



Right click on table 1 as shown and click save. When the dialog box appears rename, it CD Product and then click OK.

Go to the create tab and choose table. Once this table has been created rename it to Orders by saving it like before. By renaming the two tables it makes them easier to identify when using the database.

To import the data from the text file. Go to the external data tab and click the import text file button as shown.

Once the import window appears click the browse button to find the CD Order text file, select it and then click open. Click ok on the next window. This feature allows the user to import data that has previously been saved to a different format.

Click next on the following window.

Click the First Row Contains Field Names box and then click next.

Click next on this window.

Click next on this window.

Rename the table CD Orders Data and click finish. Renaming it makes it easy to identify. Once it has imported a new table will be created named CD Orders Data containing all the Orders.

Go to the CD Product table. Right click on the table and go to design view.

Now in design view change the ID Field to a text field and rename it to CD Number

Add two more fields as shown and title the CD Title and Artist

Go to the orders table in design view and change the ID Field to text and rename it Order Number.

Now add the fields shown in the picture all with the data types as shown.

Go to the create tab and click query design.

Select the CD Orders Data and click add then close the window.

Double click the CD Number, CD Title and artist. This will open them in the table below.

Click the append button as shown.

Select the CD Product table from the drop down box and click OK.

Ensure that the append to row is as shown. If its not use the drop down box to select the correct fields.

Now click run. This inserts the relevant data to the CD Product table.

On the CD Product table all the data will be inserted into the relevant fields.

I then created another query to append the data from to the Orders table. The fields I appended are shown. I then ran the query like before.

On the Orders table all the data should be in the fields as shown.

I opened the two tables in the relationship tools and dragged the Cd Number from product to the Cd product on Orders. This then opened a window where I ticked the boxes as shown. Once you have done this click create.

Once the relationship has been created there should now be a link as shown. Close the tab and click save.

Go the orders table in design view and change the field size of the First Name and Last Name to 15 as shown. Change the Address Line 1 field size to 30. The town and county to 20.

In the Post code I typed >"L?09 0LL". This ensures that the post code is typed in the correct format. I also typed Enter a valid postcode into the validation text which will be displayed if the format is incorrect.

On the Card type I changed the data type to Lookup Wizard which allowed me to create a drop down menu of pre-set card types as shown. I chose to type in my own values for the menu. The ones I included are: VISTA, Francard, Mister Card, Socket and Armenian Express.

For the card number I changed the input mask to 12 zeros. This means that only 12 characters can be entered and they can only be numbers between 0-9

On the CD Product table change the input mask for the CD Number to LLLL000000. This means only a CD Number with the correct format can be entered.

I created a new query using the query design. I was able to choose which tables I wanted to be included. I then double click the desired fields from the table to choose the ones I wanted. In the criteria box for the Artist field I typed [Enter the name of an artist]. This means that when the query is ran it allows the user to enter their chosen parameters in a dialog box as shown.

I created a second query like before but with the orders table. I selected all the fields and entered the criteria for the last name field as [Enter last name]

I created my Third and final query on the orders table again. This query allows the user to search for records that have been paid for using a certain card type. I only selected the following fields:

Order Number

First Name

Last Name

Card Type

Card Number

Expiry Date

This again means that a dialog box appears allowing the user to enter their desired parameters for the search.

I ran the artist query which allowed me to enter my desired parameters into a dialog box. For this example I entered Lime Light. This showed me the records that match these parameters as shown.

I then clicked the report button under the create tab. This creates a report that shows all the results of a certain query.

I then created reports for the other two queries by entering Vista for the Card type query. And Moore for the last name query.

I opened the artist query and added two text boxes as shown. I entered the =Count(Artist) formula which counts the number of artists in the report. The box to the left I typed Number of Artists: to make it clear what the formula is showing. The image is an example of what the report will look like after adding the formula.