
Embryonic Stem Cells By John A. Rhude By John A. Rhude Figure 1. Secretary of health and human Services Tommy Thompson at Promega Corporation in Madison, Wisconsin announcing the release of federal funds for stem cell research at UW Madison ( Figure 2. Nerve cells developed from embryonic stem cells (www.) Figure 3. The first human cells coaxed from embryonic stem cells, red blood cell colony. The ability to make human blood may augment or replace the need for blood banks


Embryonic stem cells, found on Vadlo

Transcript of Stemcell

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Embryonic Stem CellsBy John A. RhudeBy John A. Rhude



Figure 1. Secretary of health and human Services Tommy Thompson at Promega Corporation in Madison, Wisconsin announcing the release of federal funds for stem cell research at UW Madison (

Figure 2. Nerve cells developed from embryonic stem cells (www.)

Figure 3. The first human cells coaxed from embryonic stem cells, red blood cell colony. The ability to make human blood may augment or replace the need for blood banks (

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Embryonic Stem Cells

What are embryonic stem (E.S.) cells?What are embryonic stem (E.S.) cells? Where do e.s. cells come from?Where do e.s. cells come from? What practical applications do e.s. cells What practical applications do e.s. cells

havehave E.s. cells versus adult stem cellsE.s. cells versus adult stem cells Private versus federal fundingPrivate versus federal funding Ethical considerations Ethical considerations

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I. Stem Cells: What are they?

Undifferentiated cells that have the ability Undifferentiated cells that have the ability to form any adult cell. I.e. Heart cells, liver to form any adult cell. I.e. Heart cells, liver cells, pancreatic cells, skin cells, nerve cells cells, pancreatic cells, skin cells, nerve cells etc.etc.

Figure 4. Embryo three days after fertilization (

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Background Information

After fertilization the zygote undergoes equal After fertilization the zygote undergoes equal divisions to create two, four, eight cells etc. divisions to create two, four, eight cells etc. These cells are considered These cells are considered totipotenttotipotent (Cells (Cells that have the ability to form an entire new that have the ability to form an entire new organism. Such as twins, quadruplets etc.)organism. Such as twins, quadruplets etc.)

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Figure 5. Development of zygote into an individual organism.(

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Approximately four days after fertilization and Approximately four days after fertilization and several mitotic divisions the totipotent cells several mitotic divisions the totipotent cells begin to specialize, forming a hollow sphere of begin to specialize, forming a hollow sphere of cells, called a cells, called a blastocystblastocyst. An outer layer . An outer layer develops which will eventually become the develops which will eventually become the placenta and other supporting tissues. An inner placenta and other supporting tissues. An inner cell mass develops which will eventually form cell mass develops which will eventually form every type of cell found in the human body. every type of cell found in the human body. These cells are considered These cells are considered PluripotentPluripotent – they – they can give rise to many types of cells but not all can give rise to many types of cells but not all types necessary for fetal development. types necessary for fetal development.

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Figure 6. Totipotent cells differentiate into pluripotent which will differentiate into Multipotent and

then all types of tissues in the body (, June 11, 2002)

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II. Where do stem cells come from

A. The inner cell mass of human A. The inner cell mass of human blastocysts that were produced through in blastocysts that were produced through in vitro fertilization (IVF) and donated for vitro fertilization (IVF) and donated for research purposes. Keep in mind the research purposes. Keep in mind the embryos were not made for research embryos were not made for research purposes, but for purposes of reproduction. purposes, but for purposes of reproduction. The embyos Dr. Thomson used were extras The embyos Dr. Thomson used were extras from IVF clinics and informed consent was from IVF clinics and informed consent was obtained from donor couples. obtained from donor couples.

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A. Dr. Thomson’s technique

Pluripotent stem cells were isolated from Pluripotent stem cells were isolated from the inner cell mass of human embryos at the inner cell mass of human embryos at the blastocyst stage. These were then the blastocyst stage. These were then cultured in vitro. These cells have the cultured in vitro. These cells have the ability to continually divide and maintain ability to continually divide and maintain the pluripotent state.the pluripotent state.

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Figure 7. Extraction of embryonic stem cells from a human embryo (www.

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B. Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT)

The nucleus (containing the entire genome) is The nucleus (containing the entire genome) is removed from an egg cell (zygote). A removed from an egg cell (zygote). A somatic somatic cellcell, any cell other than an egg or sperm cell, is , any cell other than an egg or sperm cell, is placed next to the egg from which the nucleus placed next to the egg from which the nucleus was removed. The two cells are fused. The was removed. The two cells are fused. The resulting cell has the full potential (resulting cell has the full potential (totipotenttotipotent) to ) to be an entire new organism (Dolly the sheep). be an entire new organism (Dolly the sheep). This cell will form the blastocyst with the outer This cell will form the blastocyst with the outer and inner cell mass, and the pluripotent stem and inner cell mass, and the pluripotent stem cells can be extracted from the inner mass. cells can be extracted from the inner mass.

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Figure 8. Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer techique to develop pluripotent stem cells (

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Who isolated these cells?

Dr. James Thomson Dr. James Thomson and a group of U.W. and a group of U.W. Madison Madison developmental developmental biologists established biologists established five independent stem five independent stem cell lines in cell lines in November, 1998.November, 1998.



Figure 9. Dr. James Thomson, U.W.Madison Dep. of Anatomy


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Figure 10. Method used for stem cell cultivation by Dr. James Thomson (

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III. Potential Applications for Stem Cells

Help researchers understand the complex events Help researchers understand the complex events that occur during embryonic development, that occur during embryonic development, especially the factors that turn genes on and off. especially the factors that turn genes on and off. This could lead to understanding cancers and This could lead to understanding cancers and mutations.mutations.

Stem cells could change the way pharmaceutical Stem cells could change the way pharmaceutical companies and researchers develop and test drugs. companies and researchers develop and test drugs.

““Cell therapies”Cell therapies”

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Cell Therapies

Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Spinal Cord InjurySpinal Cord Injury Muscular DystrophyMuscular Dystrophy Multiple SclerosisMultiple Sclerosis DiabetesDiabetes Heart DiseaseHeart Disease StrokeStroke BurnsBurns ArthritisArthritis

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Figure 11. Schematic of potential applications for embryonic stem cells (

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IV. Why Not Use Adult Stem Cell Lines?

Adult stem cells (multipotent) have not been Adult stem cells (multipotent) have not been isolated for all types of tissue. The most common isolated for all types of tissue. The most common known is the hemopoetic stem cell.known is the hemopoetic stem cell.

Adult stem cells have a destiny. Therefore they Adult stem cells have a destiny. Therefore they cannot be coaxed to form any particular tissuecannot be coaxed to form any particular tissue

Adult stem cells exist in very small quantities and Adult stem cells exist in very small quantities and their numbers decrease with age.their numbers decrease with age.

Adult stem cells cannot be cultured for long Adult stem cells cannot be cultured for long periods of time in vitro at this juncture.periods of time in vitro at this juncture.

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Discussion Topic““Technology has made it possible to Technology has made it possible to unravel our own biology, so that we unravel our own biology, so that we

will be able to manipulate it, alter it.”will be able to manipulate it, alter it.”

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Embryonic screening for genetic mutations Blood TestsBlood Tests AmniocentesisAmniocentesis In-Vitro Screening 100 diseases including Tay-In-Vitro Screening 100 diseases including Tay-

Sachs, cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, Huntington’s, Sachs, cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, Huntington’s, Alzheimer’s, . . . Alzheimer’s, . . .

CloningCloning What do you do with the results? Should we have What do you do with the results? Should we have

a choice?a choice? When is action or alteration warranted?When is action or alteration warranted?

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Child/Adult Disease Alteration

Do we really want to know?Do we really want to know? Should we have the right to change the Should we have the right to change the

course of destiny?course of destiny?

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Should stem cell research continue? Religious vs. pragmatic viewsReligious vs. pragmatic views Funding (public vs. private)Funding (public vs. private) Should health insurance companies have Should health insurance companies have

access to genetic testing information?access to genetic testing information?

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Bibliography Stem Cells: A PrimerStem Cells: A Primer. Retrieved June 12, 2002, from . Retrieved June 12, 2002, from Are Stem Cells the Answer?Are Stem Cells the Answer? Retrieved June 14, 2002, from Retrieved June 14, 2002, from Government Gives $3.5 million in Stem Cell Research Grants.Government Gives $3.5 million in Stem Cell Research Grants.

Retrieved June 11, 2002, from Retrieved June 11, 2002, from

Stem Cell Muscular Dystrophy PromiseStem Cell Muscular Dystrophy Promise. Retrieved June 15, 2002, . Retrieved June 15, 2002, from from