Steam and Sureal

Maurice Roth (order #3829273) 2



Transcript of Steam and Sureal

Maurice Roth (order #3829273)

Maurice Roth (order #3829273)



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A b b r e v i at i o n s

This list is a ready

reckoner for this book. It

contains a description of any abbreviated

term as it appears in the text. While

many of these are the same as those in

Ascendancy–Rogue Marshal, there are a

number unique to this book.

ABR Armour Bonus Rating

AMP Assea Manipulation Pool

AP Activity Pool

AR Activity Rating*

CAP Combat Activity Pool

CD Constitutional Degrading

CE Critical Effectiveness

CP Construction Points

CR Critical Rounds

CRS Control Response System

DAM Special Damage

IF Intrusion Factor

MA Mental Agility

MI Manifest Integrity

MP Movement Pool

PI Physical Integrity

PR Personal resonance

RR Resource Rating

RV Resource Value

SM Salvage Modifier

SR Spiritual Resonance

TDC Transfer Drain Cache

WBR Weapon Bonus Rating

WD Weapon Damage

WR Weave Rating

YF Yield Factor

*AR is also used for an object’s damage resistance, this is only used for AR/CD values.

Writing, Layout, Art and Design by Tim Westhaven. © Copyright 2012. All rights reserved.ISBN: 978-0-9872922-1-6Published under Broken Tower imprint

Editor: Lisa WesthavenDesign: Tim Westhaven

This book, rules and illustrations are a symbol of the support I have received from the game testing crew: Luke Carpenter, Scott Cherry, Matthew Rigby, Michael Rigby, Michael ‘Head-shot’ Berns, Sonja Ruetzel, Chris ‘Smarties’ Hal-pin, Iain Gray, Matthias Toth, Anthony Lewis, Brian ‘Owl Rider’, Jamie Denholm, Lisa West-haven, Friends, family and those who have advised me along the way.

SPECIAL THANKS GO TO:David Berg, the forum folks on the Forge and RPGnet for their feedback and support.And my wife, Lisa, for all her hard work.


A B O U T T H I S B O O KSteam and Steel is a source book

for FateStorm™ Ascendancy–Rogue

Marshal. The rules contained in this

book are supplementary. The book

deals with technologies, including

steam, clockwork, tools and magical

machines, as well as skills not cov-

ered in the core rule book, such as

mechanartis, the merging of

technology and magic.

Steam and Steel

C o n t e n t sT e c h n o l o g y i n T h e e n d l e s s c i T y 2Centres of Knowledge 3

Current developments 6

Illegal machines 9

Military machines 10


Master or Professor 12

Nuts and bolts 12

Prowess of the Adept 12

Aptitudes of note to the adept 13

Technoshaman 15

Esotechnics 15

ne w A d e p T A s s e T s 17New Prowess 17

New Talents 18

Allies 19

Possessions 19

Personalities 21

sT e p p i n g u p A g e A r 23GearHead 23

Inventor 24

MgIver specialist 24

Sapper 25

To o l up 26Miscellaneous 27

Weapons 27

M e c h A n A r T i s 33Design and manufacture 33

Cogmetichs 33

Biometichs 33

Asseametichs 33

Design Process 34

Manufacturing essentials 34

Chassis size 34

Power source 35

Functions 36

Intrusion Factor (IF) 38

IF penalty chart 38

Mechosis Symptoms 38

WarGear and Cogolems 39

WarGear/Cogolem design procedure 40

M e c h A n A r T i s o b j e c T s 4 6A d e p T we Av e s 49wA rg e A r p i l o T i n g 52WarGear Controls 52

WarGear model descriptions 53

i r o n jAw wA r g e A r s 5 4g l o s s A ry 56

Maurice Roth (order #3829273)




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technology in the endleSS city

In 1259EC, the Cabal Auchaus unveiled its

great gift to the city: the North Star. This gi-

ant steam train looked like a ship placed on a

track. Work began as a spectacle to take citizens

from the docks at Mareshead Pillar to the opera house and

nation square. Within two years the track was extended to

reach Torn Mount and used to transport troops and pro-

duce from the outer eastern reaches of the nation. In 1283,

the North Star’s sister ship, the Southern Star, was complet-

ed and track work to the southern edges of the city begun.

The North Star brought the steam engine into the public

consciousness, beginning a revolution throughout the city.

Half a century later the technology is still well beyond

the average citizen, those who can afford it are investing

in new steam, gas and clockwork technologies; whether

nazagh chain clocks, steam boiler heaters or pneumatic


The northern coastal marches did not

surpass the technology of medieval

Europe until the establishment of the Endless

city, by the survivors of the AvouSvar crusade. The

crusaders returned to Rhythlys with many technological and

esoteric advancements.

With the establishment of the cabals and the founding of

universities, colleges and schools, technological innovation

took off. This was a time of great exploration, study and

experimentation within the nation – both for good and ill.

As the nation grew, a great exhibition was arranged

in 1210EC to display the greatest technological, ar-

cane and mundane achievements. It was at this ex-

hibition that a young nazagh, Deph Quipst, be-

came obsessed with the thought of mechanical and

cogitative engines.

The nazagh had built steam technology and technology that

involved binary switches for centuries, but these were secret

tools that were closely guarded by the nazagh. Deph Quipst

saw the nation was not only on the verge of developing its

own advanced engines, but also the competition and energy

of its citizens was a catalyst for this growth. Deph left his clan

of Tyris Narg and moved to the Endless City.

In 1246EC, Deph showcased a clockwork puppet named ‘the

talented man’ that could play Murigca to a basic level against

a living opponent. Deph’s reputation as one of the foremost

mechanical geniuses in the Endless City was assured and be-

gan the study that was to found a new science: cogmetichs.

He established a new college, the Blue Cord, and began work-

ing on a project he called Gephon the nazagh word for ‘think-

ing’ or ‘thoughts’. Deph wanted his machines to think for

themselves and adapt to their surroundings.

Soon, the Ochre Guild was beginning to experiment with

hybrid objects, including lobe rings and biologically powered

machines. Gaining a number of Cabal patrons, the adepts

at the college were able to fuse machine and flesh –

biometichs. In 1244, after a number of horrific

incidents, biometichs was largely outlawed by

national order outside of Cabal territories.

Maurice Roth (order #3829273)



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S T D O M S WA R T U N I V E R S I T YAs part of the university, the School of Applied Forces and

Determined Results was created in direct competition with

the Blue Cord college.

The primary centre of study for the majority of trainee and

apprenticed adepts in the city, the university portrays itself as

the most progressive school the study of cogmetichs and for

biometichs. To this end, the university spent a fortune (much

from cabal interests) to purchase a nazagh difference engine.

Named ‘Rothyur’ by the nazagh, it dominates the central hall

of the school building on the university grounds, with floors

of offices, laboratories and lecture rooms facing off the central

hall. Because of power limitations placed on the engine by its

creators, Rothyur is powered by a team of three bezmethod in

a flywheel, yet is capable of defining a complex mathematical

equation up to the 29th digit; printing out results, creating an

embossed plate for use as a metal mould and, creating program

punch cards to use in other devices.

The School of Applied Forces and Determined Results main-

tains a strong alumni program and stresses that cabal and

individual loyalties should not interfere with school matters.

The school gains much of its funding from private and cabal

investment for research, as well as the development of new

punch card and metal pin-drum program templates.

p r e r e q u i s i T e s T o M e M b e r s h i p : Sci.Materialist 2, RR 3

benefiTs To MeMbership: Gain Ally: St Domswart University. May

be increased by the sacrifice of a RR point. At rating 1, a

university alumnus. At rating 2, the avatar will have open ac-

cess to libraries and laboratories within the university giving a

+2AP to any investigation or science action carried out

within the university. At rating 3, the avatar may

apply for a research grant that will give the ava-

tar a temporary +1 to RR for a period of three

C e n t r e s o f K n o w l e d g eThe following organisations are devoted to the

study of cogmetichs, biometichs and asseamet-

ichs. Each has a prerequisite for joining, benefits of

membership and penalties for breaking membership. An

avatar may only belong to one organisation at a time.

T H E B L U E C O R DEstablished by the legendary adept Deph Quipst in 1260,

the Blue Cord is a small college dedicated to the further-

ing of the science of cogmetichs, specifically self-regulating,

autonomous machines. The college is run by a Dean and

a board of eight engineers, each of which runs a school:

steam systems; cognition; cogwork and clockwork; springs

and levers; alternative energy sources; fluid systems; control

systems; and explorative materialism.

In 1310, on the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the

college, Deph retired as Dean and disappeared. He spoke

to colleagues and friends of leaving academia to complete

Gephon; saying he was, ‘close, very close indeed,’ to a ma-

chine with the thinking capacity of a young child. He has

remained in seclusion since.

The college has retained its reputation for the finest cogmet-

ichs education and research. Members of the college must

be adepts and passionate about their field of study. Accept-

ance into the college is based on interview and examples of

work – as well as a hefty entrance fee.

p r e r e q u i s i T e s T o M e M b e r s h i p : Sci.Cogitative 5, RR 4

b e n e f i T s T o M e M b e r s h i p : Able to purchase prowess

of Create Program

p e n A lT i e s f o r b r e A k i n g M e M b e r s h i p : -1 to RR

technology in the endleSS city

Maurice Roth (order #3829273)




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technology in the endleSS city

The guild house is a giant factory complex

in the public region of Fens Nook. It’s the

primary source of mercantile enterprise in the

region and the surrounding area has become a

paradise of junk yards, second-hand shops and bazaars.

Many of the older guild members have houses in the re-

gion, considered a sign of privilege and status within the

guild. The guild maintains a few private houses for guild

use and for lodging high-ranking guild members.

Membership in the guild is open to any adept willing to pay

the annual fee. There is a hierarchy of fees that give additional

privileges such as lectures, access to guild libraries, laborato-

ries, storerooms, merchants, lounges and even a restaurant.

Membership also affords discounts in some of Fens Nook’s

inns, taverns, merchants, brothels and boarding houses.

p r e r e q u i s i T e s T o M e M b e r s h i p : Sci.Cogitative 2 or, Tech.Ma-

terial 2, RR2

benefiTs To MeMbership: Gain Ally: Ochre Guild. Rating may

be increased by the sacrifice of a RR point. At rating 2, the

avatar will gain a +2AP to any investigation concerning the

study of mechanartis, owing to library access. At rating 3,

the avatar will gain +2AP to salvage carried out within Fens

Nook due to access to spare parts. At rating 4, the avatar

may add +1 to any acumen AP carried out within Fens

Nook or with another member of the guild. At rating 5,

the avatar may purchase any resource item as if it were one

point less than the stated RV and any salvage gained from

an item within the region of Fens Nook is one point higher

than stated when purchased or salvaged. This is in addition

to all other benefits of an ally.

p e n A lT i e s f o r b r e A k i n g M e M b e r s h i p : Loss of Ally Ochre

Guild. -2AP to any social interaction carried out within

Fens Nook or with a current member of the guild.

game sessions. The university will only give a

grant to a member who proposes the study of

a commercially viable product or discovery. At

rating 4, the avatar may apply to the school to make

use or Rothyur. There is a waiting period (determined by the

Fate). At rating 5, the avatar gains rooms in the school with

an office, adjacent study and laboratory for private practice.

In return, the avatar delivers lectures at the university and

engages in projects appointed by the university.

p e n A lT i e s f o r b r e A k i n g M e M b e r s h i p : Loss of ally gained

through membership and all associated benefits.


The five founding members of the Ochre Guild were adepts

and technoshamen who were denied entry into the Blue

Cord. Their studies and experiments were considered too,

eccentric, dangerous or downright mad to be allowed the

air of legitimacy that membership of the Blue Cord would

have granted them.

The guild is home to misfits, and mad geniuses. This repu-

tation does nothing to dissuade many from joining their

ranks – especially those youthful enough to feel

rebellion pulling them away from more con-

ventional organisations.

Maurice Roth (order #3829273)



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technology in the endleSS city

C A B A L U R I S I NCabal Urisin is renowned for its work in the field of asseamet-

ichs and biometichs – machines powered through the power of

magic and living things.

Most famous for their annual street parade, the Astaretare

Ves Tura or the ‘carnival of twisted light’, the cabal likes to

display its wares, from the simple magical motorised rotis-

serie to the frightful armoured cogolems powered by assea

flux field generators. Urisin cabalists are at the forefront of

hybrid technologies and, while only a small cabal, Urisin

has a lot of pull within the Proletariat.

p r e r e q u i s i T e s T o M e M b e r s h i p : Adept or cabalist vocation;

must be a member of Cabal Urisin.

b e n e f i T s T o M e M b e r s h i p : May ignore all acceptance accom-

plishments for the vocational paths leading from adept.

penAlTies for breAking MeMbership: Will lose the benefits of

membership as well as suffer a personality trait of cabal

traitor 1. Depending on the circumstances and vocational

level of the avatar, cabal Urisin may also decide that the

avatar poses a security threat or a threat to their superior-

ity in the field of mechanartis and seek to have the avatar

defamed or assassinated.

T H E S C H O O L O F G E A R S ( V E R D E N M N )This relative newcomer to the city was established by a dis-

graced Reich Count, Varlinos Verdenmu. His reputation for

intricate and meticulous work has gained him a strong following

of artisans, who call themselves Verdenmn. They are known

for the unparalleled quality of their work and champion their

namesake’s obsessive attention to detail and discipline.

The Verdenmn are sought after for their precision timepieces,

astonishingly durable and reliable mechanical systems and

machines that are even the envy of some nazagh. Their de-

sign work is considered avant-garde and the subject of almost

religious reverence from those who follow its trends. Their

designs focus on ‘quality, durability, simplicity and elegance

through intuitive engagement’.

Count Verdenmu is a very private man and, while he is

open to commissions, work is usually undertaken by one of

his fifty apprentices.

Membership to the Verdenmn can only be achieved

through an apprenticeship with a Verdenmn master crafts-

man. While there are no fees, the apprentices must be able

to support themselves as well as pay for their own tools

and materials.

p r e r e q u i s i T e s T o M e M b e r s h i p : Sci.Materialist 5 or, one of

the following Tech.Professional clockmaker, locksmith, en-

gineer, mechanic, artisan 5, RR 4

b e n e f i T s T o M e M b e r s h i p : Personality Perfectionist 3,

Able to purchase prowess of Intricate plans.

p e n A lT i e s f o r b r e A k i n g M e M b e r s h i p : -1 to RR

Maurice Roth (order #3829273)




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technology in the endleSS city

C u r r e n t d e v e l o p m e n t sMuch of the Endless City still uses pre-indus-

trial technology, but the growing knowledge of

steam, gas, assea and clockwork has had a profound

effect both on the city itself and upon its citizens.

Perhaps two of the most dramatic changes in the city have

been the introduction of gas lighting to the more affluent

regions and mechanised pumps that allow fresh water to

be pumped into buildings. With the introduction of steam

power, there is now a craze for hot public baths that do not

require natural hot springs.

In Templeport the Gazette spent a fortune on having a

mechanised printing press engineered and built. Capable

of printing over one thousand sheets a day, it has revolu-

tionised the newspaper and allowed it to not only place its

pages on noticeboards throughout the city, but also sell and

deliver individual copies to the more wealthy regions and


Many smaller clockwork devices are also finding their way

into use; from portable timepieces and spring-powered en-

gines to sensitive instruments that can adjust to input in a

predictable and precise manner (such as light meters, wind

turbines and multiple gear mechanisms).

Asseametichs has also become something of a known quan-

tity and, while many such items are considered illegal to

manufacture, the legality of such items once obtained is

rarely questioned. Mechanartis limbs are no longer the

realm of dreamers. Plenty of celebrity vigilantes and gladi-

ators have had limbs or organs replaced with mechanical

ones. Indeed, a select number of artisans’ biometich and

asseametich objects have become status symbols. The most

recent was a Verdenmn artist, Uily List Tyhn, who designed

a biometich eye that can be grafted onto a patient’s optical

nerve and directly powered by the recipient’s body.

T H E S O C I E T Y O F T H R E E R I N G SSuspected as revegaite technoshamen, adepts and asseath,

the society has been placed on a Kabar watch list with

Proletariat officers, Torc 24, dedicated to the investiga-

tion. However, members of the Three Rings have foiled all

infiltration attempts. While its teachings remain unknown,

it has been blamed for a number of illegal and terrorist

acts and has been outlawed by the Proletariat. Some believe

the society is a myth perpetrated by the nation’s security

forces in an attempt to hide their own misdeeds. There are

other rumours that say the Society of Three Rings is run by

Nethradii who seek to ‘build’ bodies for their spirits. If it

does exist, the society is militant in its security. Prospective

members are approached by the society to join, and ben-

efits to joining the society remains a mystery as none of its

members have ever been captured and lived to talk.

p r e r e q u i s i T e s T o M e M b e r s h i p : Must be a technoshaman and

approached by the society

benefiTs To MeMbership: Unknown (to be decided by the Fate)

p e n A lT i e s f o r b r e A k i n g M e M b e r s h i p : will be tracked down

and killed by remaining members.

Maurice Roth (order #3829273)



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technology in the endleSS city

A number of cabals are engaged in the devel-

opment of motorised transport, from personal

walking legs to ornithopters and steam engine

wagons. Many devices have been on show at the

great exhibitions or at private functions, but they are not

publically available.

Mass production is not yet a reality. While there are many

cabals looking at mechanisation of certain industries and

jobs, the money, technical requirements and will to pursue

such developments is lacking.

C O M M O N M A C H I N E SThese machines are not necessarily within the grasp of the

majority of the Endless City’s inhabitants, but their exist-

ence is common knowledge.

T R A N S P O R T A N D I N D U S T R YCabal Orica has teamed up with Cabal Auchaus

to produce a number of large steamboats, as well

as taking orders for the manufacture and delivery of

smaller steamboats to individuals. The large steamboats are

currently being used as river cruise ship: along the Gülol one

from Lutard’s Bridge to Ravensburgh; one from Mareshead

Pillar to Templeport; and a third running along the coast

from Templeport to Fort Dünn via Vispin Bay.

Cabal Auchaus has sold much of its steam technology to

Cabal Orica as it is far more interested in its ambitious

railway plans, which include expansion of the current three

lines to Lumar, Prestor Valley and past Rhombadsdhan to

the base of Karg Ranc.

T h e N o r t h S t a rThe North Star, along with her sister ships, the Southern Star and Pride of Corinellis, are the first form of heavy, overland, transport in the nation. Tak-ing passengers and cargo to the far reaches of the nation in steam-powered style. Each track-ship is powered by two giant burners producting enough power for the vehicle to reach up to 30km/hour. The vessels have a crew of twelve and can carry up to thirty passengers in berths to the rear of the ve-hicle. The track-ships make regular stops along their lines to refuel and take on water.

Maurice Roth (order #3829273)




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A R I T H M E T I C U L AT O RThis machine is small enough to sit on a desk,

but heavy enough to preclude mobility. It oper-

ates as a counting machine, calculator or progres-

sive accounts planner. Most large cabals have one and there

are a number in use in Kabar ministries, where there is a

need for large-scale accounts and projected accounts. It is

powered by a rotary handle turned by the operator.

C O G O L E M SThese anthropomorphic machines vary greatly in design, pur-

pose, manufacture and power source. Some are on wheels or

tracks, others are more human, animal or insectoid in appear-

ance. There are those that are about the size of a large dog

and others that stand as tall and wide as a giant.

Cogolems are usually made from metal, with additions in

wood, stone, crystal, glass or other more experimen-

tal materials. Powered by clockwork, steam, air,

water or assea; using combinations of cogwork,

clockwork, piston, pneumatics and arcane pro-

technology in the endleSS city

pulsion, the typical cogolem can move autono-

mously. Most are programmed to perform a

single task or a number of tasks, depending on

the particular control device; and have task specific

tools. Some are capable of undertaking tasks given to them on

an ad-hoc basis while others will require a new program card

or disk in order to complete a different task.

Many have been put to less-than-legitimate uses and have

fallen into the hands of organised gangs and criminals. There

have also been cases of cogolems going ‘wild’ against their

programming or even, some claim, becoming possessed.

D O C T O R A N D R I L A N K A ’ S F I N E S T W E AT H E R P R O D I G I N AT O RThis tall, unwieldy and uncomfortable-looking apparatus

is attached to the user’s head like a helmet and allows

the wearer to predict the weather for the following day.

It includes a kerosene lamp that heats up a separate glass

apparatus holding a copper sphere inside which is a rem-

oratz gland suspended in a proprietary liquid. Wire coils

link crystal sensors, lenses, water capture tubes, moisture

swabs and heat electrostatic plates to the copper sphere.

The accuracy of the machine’s forecasts has been hotly

debated within scientific circles, with user interpreta-

tion key to success. Initially, many devices were bought

by wealthy individuals in the city (especially those in-

volved in marine or agricultural pursuits); however, since

successful forecasting depends on user skill, demand has

lessened considerably.

D O C T O R I M P P H A ’ S B R E A K FA S T M A C H I N E ( C R A C K , P O P, S I Z Z L E , S L U R P ) This astounding machine takes up the space of three large

tables and consists of a small steam engine, a multitude of pul-

leys, winches, swings, arms, pinchers, forks, spatulas, and pots

and pans. While provided with an easy-to-interpret control panel,

unfamiliar users can easily, burn, scold, scorch, blind or

concuss themselves while using the machine.

Once loaded with the correct ingredients, it

Maurice Roth (order #3829273)



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technology in the endleSS city

S T E A M E N G I N EThe steam engine is becoming more and more

common, from running industrial machines

(such as spinning wheels) to the driving force be-

hind pumps, complex inventions (such as Doctor Imppha’s

break fast machine) and simple machines such as vat mixers

and lumber mill saws.

M A D A M E Z H I O A N ’ S A S T O U N D I N G S O U N D R E P U L S E RMadame Zhioan was a master adept and the one-time con-

sort of the Illiart of Cabal Taakiotochi. While working on

an invention for Cabal Taakiotochi to ward off sea mon-

sters, she created the Astounding Sound Repulser. This pe-

culiar device – which uses an electromagnetic generator, a

captured Shoake and amplification apparatus – can create a

range of sounds that will repel a particular creature. While

the exact sound to repulse a given creature is only found

through trial and error, those made for Cabal Taakiotochi

have included a preset dial for a number of sea creatures.

The Astounding Sound Repulser has been sold to cabals

and individuals. There are rumours of settings for the repul-

sion of all the races and many of Thear’s creatures.

I l l e g a l m a c h i n e s

P R O F E S S O R M O R AY ’ S E X I S T E N S I V E V O I TA L C A R R I A G EProfessor Ezexial Moray is one of the most wanted reve-

gaites the Endless City has produced. His ability to release

dozens of manifesicants from the outer spheres of existence

is broadcast on his wanted posters.

The most famous of these extra-dimensional incursions

was the summoning of a warp wyrm in the pit region

of Leavfearne in 1204. Moray worked within the region

undisturbed and unknown. He built, tested and perfected

the Existensive Voital Carriage: a voital gate constructed to

Moray’s own design, using intricate metal and crystal pillars

to frame the gate. Embedded in the pillars are a

number of moxcatha crystals that open and

maintain the portal, but the real genius of

can produce an adequate breakfast for up

to six people; consisting of dishes such as

crumpets, scones, toast, dumplings, waffles,

pancakes, omelette, scrambled, fried, boiled or

poached eggs, fruit juice, hot kava, milk and fried bacon or

other meats. There are additional modifications that add the

option for braised vegetables, fried beans or mushrooms,

cooked rigor legs and thinrounds (finger-width tuk steaks).

The machine has had a lot of publicity – not least due to its

inventor dying in a freak accident inside the machine’s work-

ings – but remains prohibitively expensive. There are only six

known to exist and these are used in some of the wealthier

boarding houses of the Endless City. Owners use the machine

as an attraction rather than as an effective catering tool.

D R E D G E P U M P While not the most exciting of tools, the ability to remove

large amounts of water and mud has transformed both

engineering and shipping in the Endless City. Regions of

the city once considered too swampy to build on are now

being looked at in a whole new light. There are currently

only a few dredge pumps in use, placed on barges. The

removed soil is used as fertiliser in other regions of the city.

There are concerns, however, that these engines may uncover

more than just new building ground. Many of the swampy areas

within the city limits were the sites of battles during the nation’s

birth and may contain secrets best left hidden in the mud.

G A S T O R C HThis instrument of industry has been modelled on the forcrist

staff. However, instead of being powered by crystals and used

as a weapon (although the thought has occurred to many),

the torch is connected to a supply of pressurised, concentrated

natural gas by a pipe and nozzle. Once ignited, the gas torch

produces intense temperatures and can be used to cut metal,

stone and other materials. Welding metal is a new method of

construction, with mixed results.

Maurice Roth (order #3829273)




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technology in the endleSS city

target’s assean may even be capable of

communicating with the user. The

target and observers remain un-

aware of the vision.

These devices are outlawed

under Order 1166. They

are considered a threat

to the target as accurately

describing the target’s asse-

an could lead to unbreak-

able weaves of compulsion

or estramancy.

There is a rumour that the asseptalobe is capable of dis-

playing the assean of manifesicants otherwise immune to

aura-divining weaves.

M i l i t a r y m a c h i n e s

T H E E A R T H S C R E WThis monstrous contraption was originally built by a small

independent company, J.B. Twist and Sons. First designed

as a mining and tunnelling vehicle for commercial use,

Grancastellan Cabal saw the military potential and bought

the patent and rights.

Powered by a steam engine, a giant iron screw at the front

of the vehicle drives into the earth and pushes the displaced

dirt and rock down gutters alongside the vehicle. Directly

behind the drill is the enginehouse and furnace. When in

use the internal temperature of the enginehouse can reach

up to 80°C and the engineers who drive the machine are

usually protected by arcane means against the intense heat.

Behind the engine and furnace are a number of cylindrical

carriages. These were originally for gathering and holding the

displaced soil and rock from the drill, to be sifted and graded

for precious metals and stones. When Grancastellan bought the

design it was retooled to act as a troop transporter. The

carriages are now fitted out with harness and

attachments for weapons. Each carriage can hold

up to twenty soldiers with full equipment. The

Moray lies in the engine he devised to gener-

ate the assea energy to power it.

The engine produces assea energy for the gate

through the destruction of matter. Reading Mo-

ray’s papers, obtained when his apartments were raided,

it is clear that he experimented with animal, mineral and

vegetable sacrifices. Mineral and vegetable fuel can open

the voital gate, but cannot keep it open. However, animals

and higher beings provide enough assea energy to provide

hours of use.

When Moray used the Existensive Voital Carriage to sum-

mon the warp wyrm in Leavfearne, a family of four were

murdered to power the carriage. The gate remained open

for more than twenty minutes, allowing a number of other

minor warp entities to pass through in addition to the warp

wyrm that went on to destroy the region.

During the incursion, Moray hid with the Existensive

Voital Carriage nearby in Avernsgrove. There he sat on

high ground, affording him a grand view across Leavfearne,

and enjoyed a lunch of cold crab and apple cider while he

watched the warp wyrm kill Leavfearne’s 270 inhabitants

and leave it in ruin.

Moray is in hiding. His Existensive Voital Carriage is thought

to be somewhere in the city, presumably in his possession.

A S S E P T A L O B EThe inventor of this contraption is unknown, although it is

most likely the work of a technoshaman. A plain-looking

wooden box; a lens, viewing hole and a number of wires and

vacuum tubes protrude from machine’s body. Activating the

box enables the user to see the target’s true assean through

the viewing hole. There is a brass fixture at the top of the

device that requires a few drops of the target’s fresh blood to

activate it. It is powered by a crank handle and an internal

generator and requires light to work.

This visual guide to the target’s assean is remarkable

in that it is easily read by the user appearing

as common symbolic and visual clues. When

viewing particularly strong individuals, the

Maurice Roth (order #3829273)



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technology in the endleSS city

are steel and are costly to manufacture.

Once delivered into the chamber the ball

bearings become highly charged through an

electric field. An alternating charge then forc-

es the ball bearing into a magnetic accelerator, which

projects it through the barrel of the weapon.

The gun is heavy and is mounted on two light artillery car-

riages, but VosHenki are trying to design a model for infan-

try. An acid battery provides the main source of power for the

charging capacitors. The weapon is prone to overheating, jam-

ming and breach explosions; however, in trials it has proven

a most formidable weapon. The manufacture and design is

closely guarded by the cabal, although the Kabar and ministry

of arms are keen to have the weapon and are pushing Cabal

VosHenki to release the weapon for field trials.

R E V O LV I N G H O W I T Z E RThis heavy artillery piece has been built to include a semicircular

magazine at its base that can be winched into place and further

manually cranked to load the weapon. It is breach loaded and

uses a firing cap to discharge the shell. The shells are manufac-

tured at one of the ministry of arms’ secret installations.

While a normal howitzer of this size requires a team of

eight bombardiers to man and arm, the revolving howitzer

or ‘crooked finger’, only requires a team of three once in

position. In addition, the weapon can be fired and reloaded

in half the time it would normally take. Only two of these

weapons have been commissioned by the ministry of arms

and are currently deployed: one in Julantii keep and the

other at the Flag gate fort outside of Templeport.

T A N K S , WA L K E R S , F L I E R S A N D F L O AT E R SThere have been a multitude of inventions that can be clas-

sified as military vehicles such as tanks, walkers, floaters

and fliers. These include steam-engine war wagons; giant

walking platforms; fliers using spring turbines; balloons and

airboats powered by gas or steam; ornithopters

under manual propulsion; and water-wheel-

propelled submersibles.

drill can easily pull three of these carriages fully

laden, more at a slower pace. On average, the

machine can drill through thirty metres an hour,

faster through loose material and slower through

solid stone.

Cabal Grancastellan’s idea is to use it as an assault and

siege engine. Capable of tunnelling far beneath the surface

through clay and rock, it is the perfect mining and assault

tool against fortresses and well-defended positions. So far

the vehicle has only been used for tests, but cabal officers

are keen to see it in combat.

The tunnel behind the vehicle needs to stay open to let the

fumes of the vehicle escape and give space for the disturbed

debris. This means that a team of engineers follows the

machine, propping up the tunnel with wooden supports.

If the vehicle becomes stuck, the furnace can last for thirty

minutes without air before becoming smothered. It should

be noted that, without an air supply, the crew will not fair

so well, especially if the engine remains in use.

M A N E AT E R M I N EThis simple spring-loaded device was first designed by a clock-

maker whose workshop was plagued by a colony of scarritt.

Similar to a bear trap, the mechanism responds to pressure

on a flat plate, but the result is a little more involved. Once

the trap is sprung jaws hold the prey, then further claws are

released that hook into the target and pull downward. The

result is a circular spring action that draws the captured prey

further into the mine. In the base of the mine, blades slice

through the target as it is dragged into the trap.

The mechanism of the mine often jams after a few moments

of mincing, but the damage inflicted is usually enough to

kill a small creature.

R AT T L E G U NThis is the most advanced and terrifying mundane weap-

on that has been developed. Created by Cabal

VosHenki, the rattlegun fires ball bearings at

a rate of a hundred per minute. The balls

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employed (see Ascendancy–Rogue Marshal,

page 157) the ebb and flow of HeroCycle can

grant the avatar a temporary increase in grounding

to continue on their desired path to professor. While

the advancement to scholar will bring with it the benefits of the

vocation, the increase in grounding is only temporary.

N u t s a n d b o lt s


ALCHEMYThe alchemy prowess is only available to the materialist voca-


The typical use of this prowess is in the creation of new sub-

stances and in the invention of substances that possess unique

attributes. This could be an ointment that when rubbed on

fingernails turns them as hard as steel (similar to the claw

weave) or a powder that when sprinkled over a target makes

the target indistinct (similar to the ignore weave).

The difference between this prowess and those available to

the other adept vocations is this prowess deals with sub-

stances rather than systems and tools. The materialists are

magicians of chemistry and science – they can perform

near-impossible feats of creation.

As the prowess may allow the adept to create materials that could

have destabilising effects upon a game, and indeed the world of

Ascendancy, the Fate should be careful of what the adept is al-

lowed to create. The player should also take responsibility for us-

ing this prowess in keeping with the spirit of the game.

One restriction the Fate may wish to put on an adept with

this prowess is to choose a single substance with which they

have perfected a manufacturing technique for each point

achieved in the prowess. All other substances remain prone

to decay, instability or limited application. This minimises the

possibility of a destabilising factor in the game, but still allows

the avatar their glory.

Some examples of new substances that could be

created by an avatar with the alchemy prowess

are: time-lapse adhesive, aura powder (similar

WheelS of ProgreSS

Adepts push the boundaries of science,

technology and even the Chords of Ex-

istence in an effort to explore the possibilities

of the material world.

This chapter expands on adepts and the vocations that the

adept can follow as given in Ascendancy–Rogue Marshal.

It covers planning a vocational path for a player’s adept,

the use of particular aptitudes as well as a detailed explana-

tion of certain prowess only available through the adept’s

vocational paths.

M a s t e r o r P r o f e s s o rThose adepts looking to achieve the vocations of either master

or professor will find it easier with a few essentials. The path

an adept should follow depends greatly not only on their

abilities, but also on the sort of adept they seek to become.

A master began as a mechanic, engineer or artisan. The

master path builds on technical and practical skills, with

time spent in a workshop or over a drafting table, drawing

up technical blueprints and calibrating tools for manufac-

turing tailored parts for the latest invention.

In order to reach master, the adept must achieve the following

vocational path as laid out in Ascendancy–Rogue Marshal:

A d e p T → A r M e c h i T u s → e n g i n e e r → M A s T e r

Adepts wishing to pursue the vocation of master must

possess an MA 4+. This is easiest to achieve during avatar

creation. All other requirements are fairly easy to achieve

through normal FatePoint expenditure.

The professor is an analytical, theoretical and academic adept.

That is not to say that those vocations leading to the professor

result in an adept limited to hypothesis and theory.

To reach professor the adept must follow this path:

A d e p T → M AT e r i A l i s T → sc h o l A r → p r o f e s s o r

The path to professor is marginally easier than that to mas-

ter, although in addition to MA the avatar’s grounding

attribute must be 3+ in order to progress to scholar.

While ratings in attributes can be purchased, their

cost (100 Fate Points x desired rating) is prohibi-

tive. However, if the FS Evolved rules are being

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WheelS of ProgreSS

CREATE PROGRAMThis prowess is only available to the master

vocation and members of the Blue Cord.

As described in Ascendancy–Rogue Marshal (page

140), this prowess allows the master to design and install a pro-

grammable control device into an advanced system. A master

could create a program to allow a machine to vary its functions

dependent on outside stimulus, thereby creating a semi-auton-

omous machine.

While the ability to program a machine to carry out multiple

tasks independent of an operator is a powerful ability, it is still

limited by the function of the machine it is applied to.

Perhaps the most dramatic appearance of this technology

within the world of Ascendancy comes in the form of the

cogolem: large metal and wooden robots with their own

power source and ability to move and interact with their

environment, based on the programs that their creators

have given them. There are myriad smaller robots that can

be seen operating around the Endless City; however, these

machines are rare, expensive and typically fragile, in need

of constant maintenance in order to keep them working.

INTRICATE WORKINGSThis prowess is only available to a Verdenmn artisan.

For every point in this prowess, the Verdenmn gains the

following benefits:

• Addthevalueoftheprowesstoadevice’schassis

size for determining construction points available.

• Decrease any intrusion factor of a device by the

value of the prowess to a minimum of 1.

• AddthevalueoftheprowesstoanyRVofadevice

designed using this prowess once manufactured. The

device is considered of expert manufacture.

A P T I T U D E S O F N O T E T O T H E A D E P TThere are certain aptitudes that form a key set of skills

and knowledge, allowing the adept to develop and

adapt their inventions. Whenever possible, the

Fate should allow a benefit to the develop-

to aura sight), impact foam (expands from a

liquid when exposed to air – dissolves in a

matter of minutes), sleeping gas (similar to cat-

atonia weave) and night vision eye drops (allows

normal vision in lowlight conditions for a limited time).

CREATE CONSTRUCTThis prowess is only available to the armechitus vocation.

Anyone can create a pivot or manufacture a lever; the create

construct prowess goes beyond these simple systems. It allows

the adept to design and build complex machines, with one

drawback, the machine - regardless of its purpose - requires

direct and immediate input from an operator in order for it to

work. A good example is a mechanical tin cutter: in order for

it to work an operator has to be present. Other constructs that

might be made using this prowess include: a pedal-powered

bicycle or pedal boat, spring-loaded harpoon, hand-cranked

printing press, hand -pump or a treadle sewing machine.

All such devices should remain rare and oddities, some may

not become popular due to ignorance or superstition, others

because they are dangerous to operate, expensive or include

rare and prohibitive components.

ADVANCED SYSTEMSThis prowess is only available to the engineer vocation.

It enables the avatar to attach a machine to an engine and a

control device. It gives the adept knowledge of designing and

building a complex machine that, under the direction of an

operator, can carry out a set task or a number of set tasks.

A machine capable of taking a loaf of bread, slicing it, toast-

ing the slices and spreading butter on the slices before gently

ejecting them two slices at a time is an advanced system.

An advanced system typically has a power source other than

the operator as well as a control device that may alter some

of the functions of the advanced system, without changing

the overall purpose of the machine itself.

This prowess needs to be carefully managed within a game so that

its use does not create an imbalance or a situation that

destroys the spirit of the game. The avatar should

feel free to attempt to create their own machines.

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Wheels of Progress

SCI.MATERIALClearly the most important aptitude for those

on the path to being a professor, this aptitude

still has major relevance to those becoming a mas-

ter. Knowledge of materials, their uses, characteristics and

flaws helps in the development of longer lasting inventions

and gives rise to the development of new materials for a

particular invention. This aptitude allows for the theoreti-

cal analysis of substances and also helps with identifying


SCI.MEDICINEWhile the knowledge of the physical body may not be of

particular use to an adept, when it comes to the more

complex designs used to create biometich devices (see page

33) and indeed esotechnic devices for the technoshaman

(see page 15), the understanding of the physical body and

its intimate workings become vital. Even though these two

studies rely heavily on magical intervention, there needs to

be a sound understanding of how a body works in order to

merge the mechanical and biological.

TECH.MATERIALTech.material is knowledge of substances, applying and creat-

ing them in a laboratory environment. This aptitude is fun-

damental to the success of any adept who deals with raw

components. Any task where the adept needs to take raw

materials, join, modify or manipulate them in order to create

the final product requires this aptitude. This is the practical

knowledge of dealing with various materials from wood to

uranium, iron, water, moxcatha crystals or dracomyr’s blood.

TECH.PROFESSIONAll adepts have a rating in this aptitude in their chosen

field as every adept has at some stage undertaken train-

ing, whether professional or private. Whether it is silver,

or goldsmithing, mining, wagoneering, sailing, clockmak-

ing, locksmithing, blacksmithing, sculpting or even

gambling, the field is for the player to decide.

Clearly, the adept’s professional training can

greatly influence their career.

ment of a new invention if the adept possesses

applicable cross-discipline aptitudes, for

example: a +2AP bonus to the development of a

speedometer if the avatar has the tech.professional

aptitude in clockmaker; or if the avatar is attempting to make

a time-release healing salve using tech.material and also has a

rating in the aptitude.

KNOWLEDGE.SPECIALITYAll adepts must choose a speciality knowledge when they

train to become an adept. The speciality is left up to the

player to decide.

A specialist knowledge should not interfere with one of the

other aptitudes. For example, knowledge of the biology of

birds would be covered by aptitude, although orni-

thology native to a particular region would be considered a

specialist knowledge. The adept’s specialist knowledge does

not have to be something that can inform or add to his or

her inventions – but it should reflect a personal interest.

SCI.COGITATIVEThis aptitude is essential for an adept following the vo-

cational path to master, allowing the adept to understand

complex systems, logic and to develop programs.

For the adept following the path to professor it can give benefits

to study and in combining material components with tools, ap-

plicators and coming up with new ways in which the adept’s

invented substances or sciences can be applied in the real world,

including their successful application and safe development.

SCI.LIFEThe life sciences may not at first appear particularly relevant

to an adept; however, the knowledge of anatomy, biology,

zoology, astronomy and meteorology can be of dramatic

benefit to the adept’s work. A cogolem built with knowl-

edge of anatomy will be sturdier and more capable than

one built without. The creation of a substance to subdue

and control an animal is easier with an understanding

of biology. A device designed to capture static

electricity as a power source may be developed

using the adept’s knowledge of meteorology.

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WheelS of ProgreSS

E S O T E C H N I C SThe prowess of esotechnics is the result of

years of study in two vocations. It allows the

technoshaman some leeway in generating an SR

rating for purposes of determining level of weave allowed to

be placed in the object. If the technoshaman is creating an

asseath object, using a physical object of their own manu-

facture, then they may add the rating of their esotechnic

prowess to their SR rating.

The majority of asseath objects only work when assea is

forced into them to activate the weaves within. Esotechnics

enables an asseath object to be powered either by mundane

means (such as a steam engine) or for one weave imbued in

an object to affect it before an additional weave takes effect

to create a system of weaves that work in a similar manner

to a machine. This usually requires a mundane means of

energy generation, using the attract assea weave to generate

assea, which is then used to fuel the asseath object’s weave

functions. For example, a hand-cranked drill, where the

turning of the wheel generates an attract assea weave to

power the drill bit that has the elemental disruption weave

within it.

The creation of an esotechnic device differs in a few fundamen-

tal ways from the creation of simple asseath objects as follows.

DESIGNFirstly the player, with the Fate’s agreement, creates a

detailed written description of the device, including its as-

sea weave abilities, how to execute the abilities, how the

abilities are powered and the physical qualities of the device

(AR/CD ratings).

From this description, the Fate decribes the process the technosha-

man needs to undertake to get the device ready and imbued with

assea. The first step is the successful design of the object. This relies

upon an understanding of the material components of the object

and how the object is constructed, how it will work and whether

the weave abilities work through a single component or

a working mechanical system generates the weave

abilities of the object.

T e c h n o s h a m a nThe technoshaman is one of the most elusive of

adepts: one who has embraced technology, but also

has a strong affinity for assea and the creativity to

bring the two together. Only technoshamen have the

skill to imbue an object, with intricately moving parts,

with assea. Technoshamen share no common code,

ethics, beliefs or tradition – what makes them what

they are is their ability to merge magic and technology

together seamlessly. The technoshaman is a bridge be-

tween the armechitus and one of the first-level asseath

vocations: thaumaturge, bonechimmer or magii.

Many great, and simple, asseath objects have survived

millennia because they are not easily broken. Although

asseath objects are no stronger than their mundane coun-

terpart and, with moving parts, the chance of malfunc-

tion or breakage increases. But this does not deter the

technoshaman from creating intricate or fragile asseath

machines. Technoshamen are notorious for their se-

crecy when it comes to their inventions.

The path the avatar has taken to reach technosha-

man will influence the sort of inventions they create.

A thaumaturge may seek to create a machine that is

powered by their own blood, a bonechimmer may cre-

ate a visual projector that can project an image of a

deceased creature, a magii may build a tool

that holds a being from one of the outer

spheres of existence.

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WheelS of ProgreSS

Depending upon the nature of the object, the

Fate may rule that the activity pool (AP) for

the avatar’s success is based on MA, SR or

PR. If it is an intricate and complex manufactur-

ing process MA, SR if the object has a strong personal

importance to the avatar, or PR if the object is to be a

personal affect of the technoshaman, prominent in all they

do and who others perceive them to be.

ENCHANTINGOnce the object has been made, it must be enchanted

with the required weaves. The rules for enchanting asseath

objects are used to determine

success. Technoshamen

can add their rating in

esotechnics to the

AP for determining

a successful enchantment

for an object that is a

complex system of their

own manufacture.

The Fate should ask questions such

as the following:

• Can the technoshamanbuild ormanufac-

ture all the physical components necessary?

• Does the technoshaman have all the required

weaves to imbue in the object; or do they need to

find an asseath who does?

• Withthetechnoshaman’scurrentResourceRating,

can they afford the required components (including

weave foci) to complete the task?

The Fate should also determine which of the aptitudes would

best suit the AR for designing the device. For example, a clock

imbued with the phantasm weave that alters the phantasm

projected dependent upon the time of day; the physical de-

sign of such an object would probably rely upon Sci.cognitive

rather than Sci.material, would be based off the avatar’s MA

rating and would gain benefit from the cognitive prowess,

with an additional bonus if the avatar’s tech.profession was

clockmaker, toymaker or similar.

AR modifiers for design of esotechnic devices:

• Componentsmanufacturedbysomeoneelse +2

• Technoshamandoesnotknowallweavestobeused+2

• Objectwillgenerateownassea+2

• Objectincludescomplexsystem+2

MANUFACTUREAlthough many technoshamen work tireless-

ly to gain the necessary skills to manufac-

ture any item they require themselves, that

still leaves the gathering of the necessary

materials, which can often include very rare or ex-

pensive metals, gems or weave components.

When manufacturing the components, the Fate deter-

mines which aptitude best suits the AR. Typically, this

is the ‘tech.’ aptitudes (material, armour, profession)

or part of the technoshaman’s specialist knowledge.

The technoshaman must then have the proper

workspace, tools and equipment necessary

to complete the making of the object.

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number of CAP pips being spent. Therefore, if

an RV2 object is broken, it costs an adept with a

rating 1 in combat repairs 5 pips of CAP to repair

it and the adept will need 5 points of salvage ready to

spend on repairing the item. After the combat has ended, the

object is again considered broken and must be fixed as normal.

Only manufactured objects can be repaired using this prowess

and only a technoshaman with this prowess can fix a broken

esotechnic or asseametich object. Asseath objects cannot be

fixed using this prowess as any weaves imbued into the object

dissipated when the object was damaged.

D E M O L I T I O NThere are two benefits of this prowess. The first is in the

manufacturing of explosives through the use of

tech.materialist. The second is in identifying the critical

weaknesses in a construction (whether building or machine)

in order to demolish it. The player may choose to limit any

explosion to just the object being demolished or to cause

damage to an area.

In dealing with the creation of explosives, every rating

in this prowess the avatar possesses grants the avatar the

ability to manufacture an explosive with an equal amount

of damage (DAM) to the rating. The amount of explo-

sive manufactured is equivalent to a handful (approxi-

mately 250g or 250ml of liquid). For every rating in this

prowess, the explosive created will have a blast radius equal

to 1B. For example, with a rating 3 in this prowess an adept

can create an explosive the size of a fist with a DAM of 3

and a blast radius of 3B. If explosives are combined in a

closely packed location the DAM rating of the explosion

is the combined sum of the explosive values. So, two lots

of 3DAM explosives in a wooden barrel result in a 6DAM

explosion with a blast radius of 6B. However, the adept can

limit the blast radius up to a factor equal to their rating

in this prowess. Therefore if, in the above example, the

adept limits the blast radius as much as possible

the total blast of 6DAM = 6B is divided by

the adept’s rating in this prowess (which is

neW adePt aSSetS



Applying elemental component SR Any

Combat repairs CE Water

Demolition MA Fire

Gadgetry MA Earth

Sabotage PR Fire

A P P LY I N G E L E M E N T A L C O M P O N E N TThis prowess allows the adept to create a device that makes

use of an elemental substance such as fire, smoke, steam,

water, air, gas, ice or crystal. The elemental component

applied cannot be assea. The method of addition and the

purpose is left up to the Fate and player to determine.

Examples of items that can be created include: a luminous

moss torch, a pair of gloves with a liquid ice component

to give freezing touch, a self-contained stove that uses solar

power rather than fire, or a water-powered bolt thrower.

For each rating in this prowess, the avatar receives +2 AP to

create the item and a benefit to the item itself.

C O M B AT R E PA I R SThis prowess is used by the adept to repair a machine during

combat. When in CR there is not normally enough time for an

avatar to deal with the intricacies of repairing an object. This

prowess allows the adept to attempt a temporary fix of a manu-

factured object during a CR. In such situations, the Fate gives

a number of CR during which time the adept must maintain

concentration in order to attempt a fix.

Any combat repair is only a temporary fix and any further damage

to the item (no matter how small) will result in it breaking again.

The number of discourse actions the adept must expend in

order to achieve the fix is equal to the item’s RV x 3. The adept

is entitled to subtract their rating in this prowess from the

total (but not below a minimum of 3 pips).

In addition, the adept must have available and

expend a number of salvage points equal to the

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neW adePt aSSetS



Geek MA Earth

Hacker PR Air

The Touch SR Water

G E E KThis talent is used to understand the workings of a machine

and how the machine can be operated. It will provide a +25%

bonus to any AP to operate a machine that the avatar has no

prior knowledge of. This bonus does not extend to esotechnic

or assemetich devices. Technoshamen, however, may use this

talent on esotechnic or assemetich devices. Adepts can add

+2 to their AP when salvaging a complex machine, owing to

their ability to identify important components as well as the

most efficient method of dismantling the machine.

H A C K E RThis talent allows the avatar to look at a program and

have a general understanding of its purpose and logic. In

order to understand the program, the avatar must spend a

number of CR equal to: MA+grounding+sci.cognitive,

against the AR the programmer used to make the program.

Once the program is understood, the adept can reroute,

subvert or corrupt the program. There are a number of pos-

sible outcomes the avatar can initiate:

• Stoponeactionoftheprogramfromworking

• Reversetheoutcomeofoneactionoftheprogram

• Modifyoneactionoftheprogram

• Addanactiontotheprogram

The modification to the program will work until removed and

any master adept will see evidence of tampering. Only one

action within a program can be modified using this talent.

T H E T O U C HThis talent is rare and those that possess it quickly be-

come known as gifted individuals. Just by thump-

ing, kissing, kicking, tapping, shouting or praying

3) resulting in an explosion with a modified

blast radius of 2B.

If explosives are packed in a container a greater

explosive potential will result in either increased

blast radius or DAM.

The avatar adds the rating in this prowess to their AP for

any demolition activity. The player can decide the direction

of the explosion, any fallout or attempt to weaken a struc-

ture until a later event brings it down. These details affect

the AR for the demolition to be successful.

G A D G E T R YThis prowess gives the ability to quickly manufacture an

object from salvage. While most objects can be created

through salvage given time, this prowess allows the build-

ing of objects in CRs or scenes. The salvage rules (see

Ascendancy–Rogue Marshall page 90) still apply, but the

time required is measured in CAP pips instead of minutes.

In addition, gadgetry allows the avatar to create new

objects. The Fate sets the AR to create the object, based on

the technical difficulty of the task. An object created using

gadgetry does not need to have existed before and can be

an idea solely of the player’s design.

S A B O T A G EThis prowess is the ability to quickly identify key aspects of

a machine or mechanism to effectively disable or damage it.

The avatar can also attempt to booby-trap the device. In order

to sabotage a device or set a booby-trap, the avatar will need

to pass an AR set by the Fate and using the following AP:

M A + Ac u M e n + s c i e n c e .c o g n i T i v e + c o g n i T i v e p r ow e s s .The adept can attempt to conceal the fact that the device has

been tampered with, adding +2 to the AR to succeed. The rat-

ing of the adept’s sabotage prowess is added to any AR for an

opponent to notice that the device has been tampered with or

the booby-trap set.

Maurice Roth (order #3829273)



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R AT I N G 4 A L LY – D I F F E R E N C E E N G I N E T E C H N I C I A NThe difference engine technician is entrusted

with maintenance and operation of a difference en-

gine. The technician is close enough to the avatar that they

are willing to ‘lend’ the avatar time on the engine, slipping

them into the schedule of computations. This is at personal

risk to the technician as, if they are discovered inserting the

avatar’s task into the roster of computations, the technician

will likely lose their job (or worse, depending on their pa-

tron). Access to the difference engine gives the avatar the

ability to increase any program or science.cogitative AP by

25%, as the machine increases the accuracy of any study.

It will also allow a master adept the ability to manufacture

a program on a pin-drum, punch card or whatever other

medium the adept requires.

R AT I N G 5 A L LY – S C H O O L C H U MThe avatar met this ally when they were studying, at a college,

university or during an apprenticeship. They formed a close

friendship, sharing many experiences that brought them to

the point they are now in their lives. They have a deep un-

derstanding of each other’s goals and working methods. They

are the perfect collaborators, trusting each other and willing to

take great personal risk for each other should the need arise.

P o s s e s s i o n s

R AT I N G 1 P O S S E S S I O N – G I A N T W R E N C HThis tool was probably given to the adept during train-

ing. Perhaps not immediately useful, it gives the adept a

sense of comfort and reminds them of where they’ve come

from. To anyone else it would be nothing more than an

old tool, but the adept has found it comes in handy in

a multitude of different situations. The giant wrench is

WBR 2, WD 3 and the adept will incur no CAP penalty

for using the wrench with a tech.combat rating

lower than the wrench’s WBR.

at a machine the avatar is able to make it work

when it has ceased to function (for almost any

reason, including running out of power). This effect

will last for a scene or a number of CR equal to the

adept’s PR+command+3. The machine will not necessarily func-

tion as new or at full capacity, but will function. Machines that

are affected by the touch to cure a minor fault or malfunction will

return to full working condition once the fault has been fixed. Ma-

chines that have been destroyed or are in need of major repair may

be unfixable and even unsalvageable at the end of the scene or CR.

A l l i e s

R AT I N G 1 A L LY – S C R A P C O L L E C T O RThe scrap collector wanders around the Endless City gath-

ering refuse. While not as discerning as an adept when it

comes to salvage, the scrap collector can be a godsend to

an adept when a few rare parts are needed. Let the scrap

collector know what is needed and they will diligently look

for it; in the case of a rare part, the scrap collector will take

some personal risk, if the rewards are high.

R AT I N G 2 A L LY – P R O F E S S O RThe professor ally may be the adept’s old teacher. An adept

may ask the professor to undertake an experiment or research

to aid their own work. Providing the adept is willing to cover

any costs involved and the professor has the time, the profes-

sor will attempt to complete the task requested.

R AT I N G 3 A L LY – T E C H N O S H A M A NThe avatar is lucky enough to know a technoshaman. The

technoshaman has enough respect for the avatar and their

future potential to see that helping them is of mutual ben-

efit. The technoshaman will assist the avatar to complete any

experiment or invention where esotechnic knowledge is re-

quired. The technoshaman will not risk personal injury or

loss for the avatar unless there are sufficient gains to

be made. The technoshaman requires some form

of reciprocal favour in return for assistance.

Maurice Roth (order #3829273)




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neW adePt aSSetS

charged power into whatever power source

is required by the object: steam, fire, wind,

sunlight, water etc.

For every CR the adept powers up the box, an

equal CR of power can be delivered to a machine. In addi-

tion, the gloves can be used to deliver a full charge as an

electrical attack with a DAM rating equal to the number

of CR the box has been charged with. The box can hold a

maximum amount of charge equal to 10CR; this will dis-

sipate at 1 point of charge per CR once powered.

While wearing the gloves, the adept is at -2AP for any

action that requires a delicate touch (such as legerdemain

tasks and tech.criminal tasks using the hands), but is still

able to use a melee weapon. Missile weapons are slightly

more difficult to use while wearing the gloves, incurring an

additional 2 discourse actions to reload and an additional

-1AP to fire.

The gloves act as ABR 1 and have ABR/AR/CD: 1/2/2. The

box is AR/CD: 2/3.

R AT I N G 5 P O S S E S S I O N – A B O TThis handy little device is a self-winding droid designed to

assist the adept in a particular tech or science aptitude. The

aBot can assist the avatar in a task, but cannot carry out a

task on its own. It is only capable of aiding in tasks that are

described by its particular aptitude and any commands to

do additional tasks will be ignored. The aBot will respond

to the avatar’s vocal commands. The aBot is built with a

multitude of tools, apparatus and manipulators all specially

designed for the aptitude it was designed to aid.

The aBot can assist the avatar in tech.combat and tech.

armour, if either of these aptitudes are chosen as the aBot’s

focus, although the use of such a valuable device in combat

is seen by most adepts as a waste as the aBot is neither ar-

moured nor capable of defending itself against attack.

Many aBots resemble insects, using legs to crawl and

jump, while some have been fitted with wings to

hover around the avatar while giving assistance.

The aBot grants the adept an additional +4AP

R AT I N G 2 P O S S E S S I O N – E VA N D E E R ’ S B O O K O F P R I N C I P L E S [ F I R S T E D I T I O N ]

This book, by the legendary adept Ghenter

Evandeer, contains her musings on alchemical

principles, physics, astronomy and even a treatise on the

possible scientific connections to estramancy. While it is

not very detailed, it is typically the first book an adept

seeks for their library. This is a first edition, of which

only fifty were produced, and contains tables of elements,

mathematical matrices and formulae. The book is indis-

pensable to the adept’s work and allows the adept to

quickly and more accurately produce results in the field.

It gives +1 to any science AP.

R AT I N G 3 P O S S E S S I O N – T R AV E L L A B O R AT O R YThis laboratory contains only the most essential of instru-

ments and apparatus. The equipment is contained in a stur-

dy wooden box, which opens up on both sides in a stepped

fashion to allow more storage space and provide a firm plat-

form on which the adept can carry out field experiments.

There is a selection of glass, copper, lead and steel appara-

tus as well as space for materials and samples. There is a

small burner, a magnifying glass, tongs, pipette and glass

vials. The travelling laboratory allows the adept to carry out

experiments in the field as if in a lab with a penalty of -3 to

the AP. The adept still requires a quiet and well-protected

place in which to carry out their experiments. AR/CD: 3/3

R AT I N G 4 P O S S E S S I O N – W I R E D G L O V E SThese asseametich gauntlets are leather with copper wire sewn

into the leather and insulated to protect the user. Designed by

an unknown technoshaman, the basic design has been copied

and refined by countless others for their own needs. The gloves

are connected to a small box, containing an operator-powered

electromagnetic generator, which charges an ingenious relay of

capacitors. The box must be powered up for the gloves to work.

Once the box is charged, the gloves have the ca-

pability to deliver the stored power to what-

ever they touch. The gloves transform the

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I N Q U I S I T I V EThe avatar has an innate need to discover the

unknown, leading the avatar to take many wrong

turns, but also to make great discoveries. The avatar

always seeks to understand new discoveries and finds it difficult

to draw back from not knowing as much as possible: all doors

must be opened, all boxes shaken, all buttons pressed and all

individuals asked pointed questions. This does not mean that

the avatar is rude, intrusive or prone to illegal behaviour, only

that if the opportunity presents itself for the avatar to make a

discovery, they will take the opportunity. Their thirst for knowl-

edge, can lead them to take risks both physically and socially

and may penalise their AP in diplomacy and stealth actions,

however, they can be awarded the personality as a bonus for

science and investigate actions.

R E C L U S EThe avatar has grown used to their own company and is

distrustful of sharing with others. When working alone they

excel, with potential benefits to any science or tech ac-

tion carried out in private. However, because the avatar

has withdrawn from society they can suffer a penalty when

interacting with others (diplomacy, acumen).

S H O W M A NThe showman revels in advertising their accomplishments.

Always ready with a sales pitch for their latest invention or

to show off their knowledge, the showman works to increase

their reputation by, for example, holding lectures on their latest

discoveries at the universities; bragging in the local tavern; or

bankrolling a roving circus dedicated to the avatar’s work, with

posters plastered on street corners and criers hired to spread the

word on the streets. This brash activity gains as many detractors

as it does admirers, but the showman knows there’s no such

thing as bad publicity. This personality can either add or detract

from a particular diplomacy or acumen action. The strength

of the personality can also be used as an indication

of the avatar’s infamy or fame.

when attempting a task with the aBot’s cho-

sen aptitude. AR/CD: 2/2. Most aBots have

a small luminous torch equivalent to a small

candle that can be commanded on or off.

P e r s o n a l i t i e s

FA N AT I CThe avatar is obsessed with some aspect of their work or

study. They are convinced of a particular theory, practice or

science and will react favourably or aggressively, depending

on the opinion of others on the subject. The particular slant

of the avatar’s fanaticism will work its way into everything

the avatar does and says; this is both conscious and uncon-

scious and is easily identified by those around the avatar.

If the avatar attempts to hide their fanaticism, the difficulty

to do so is determined by the strength of their personality.

While there are clearly many drawbacks to this personal-

ity, the benefit comes from the avatar’s unshakable

belief, which allows them to add this personality

to any AP where their fanatical focus can be

invoked .

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C O N T R O L F R E A KThe avatar needs to maintain tight control of their

work and life. Owing to their strong opinions, they

receive a bonus to command AP within duelled actions

where the avatar’s PR is greater than their opponent’s. While

they will make room for new friends, ambitions or

study, they have very strict rules about how

their lives should be conducted. The avatar is

not by definition anti-social, but others

can find their rules and limitations irri-

tating. Everything the avatar does must

be done to their rules and while collabo-

rative work can be initiated it will quickly

be abandoned or sabotaged if the avatar is

not able to maintain control. The avatar finds

it difficult to negotiate change and suffers a

penalty to any diplomacy or acumen AP that

involves negotiation.

P E R F E C T I O N I S TThe avatar is consumed with the need for perfec-

tion and does not accept anything less. The perfec-

tionist avoids anything that might negatively impact on their

work. The perfectionist suffers a penalty to any AP with

regard to their work. However, the Fate should award

a bonus to the results of their success: a higher AR/

CD rating of an object, an increase to any bonus

granted for an invention, or just a greater than

expected (achieved beyond the AR) result.

Perfectionists can wager on results to succeed when

they stand to lose large amounts of time, resources

or reputation (any other reason where failure in their

work could result in drastic personal loss). When fail-

ure occurs, the avatar typically destroys their work.

Most perfectionists develop a secondary

personality that reflects the sense

of loathing or depression

they experience when

they fail.

Maurice Roth (order #3829273)



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Listed here are new vocations that are

available to any adept who fulfils the

prerequisites and acceptance accomplishments

to enter the vocation. These vocations do not sit

within the two established vocational paths as detailed in

Ascendancy–Rogue Marshal. Taking one of these vocations

at any stage of the adept’s career will not disrupt their pro-

gress along their vo- cational path and can be taken

at any stage without incurring a penalty.

G e a r H e a dfp c o s T : 20AT T r i b u T e s : Navigation +1,

Pilot [WarGear] +2, Evasive

manoeuvre +1, Combat repairs

+1, Grounding +1

e q u i pM e n T : WarGear (see below)

p r e r e q u i s i T e s : MA2+, CE2+, Sci.-

Cogitative 2+ or; MA2+, RR5, Nous 2+

Ac c e p TA n c e Ac c o M p l i s h M e n T : Spend six

months with the Iron Jaws on combat trials.

The Iron Jaws are an elite corp that trains

in the use of WarGears for combat. Those

accepted into the Silver Citadel as Gear-

Heads are transported to Fort Dünn on the

western border opposite the Aquistus waste-

lands. Here the Ministry of Arms is con-

ducting secret trials of the WarGears.

While the WarGear trials are whis-

pered about among the cabals and

in many of the colleges and uni-

versities, the details are still

top secret. There are only two

ways of gaining admittance into

the trials: first, be accepted by the

Ministry of Arms as a com-

petent adept, mentally and physically suit-

ed to piloting a WarGear; second (listed

under the prerequisites subheading), have

StePPing uP a gear

enough money to purchase a WarGear from

the ministry and train as a commissioned

GearHead. A general entrant is issued a stand-

ard ‘Hound’ class WarGear when they are accepted

into the Iron Jaws. A commissioned GearHead has the op-

tion of personalising their WarGear before beginning train-

ing or having one built to specification. This ‘leniency’ on

the part of the Ministry is seen as an easy way of testing the

technology and exploring options without paying for it. Most

commissioned GearHeads are trained as

Hawk (reconnaissance), Ant (engineer)

or Gauntlet (assault) troops and can

be selected as officers if they show


aptitude. Adepts that

pay for a commission are re-

duced to a RR3 once they have

purchased a WarGear from the

ministry, any further modifica-

tions or personalisations must

then be paid for.

As part of the trials, the ministry

has ordered the Iron Jaws to carry

out sorties inside the Aquistus

wastelands. Many of the new

machines, and their pilots,

have already experienced


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StePPing uP a gear

M g I v e r s p e c i a l i s tfp c o s T : 20ATTribuTes: Diplomacy +1, Investigation +1, Leger-

demain +1, Nous +1, Salvage +1, Stealth +1, Sabotage

prowess, RigIt talent.

e q u i pM e n T : specialist’s utility tool

prerequisiTes: minimum vocation levels of armechitus and


Ac c e p TA n c e Ac c o M p l i s h M e n T : undertaken a special mission

for the Kabar; six months’ training with Troop 101.

Max MgIver was a legendary adjutant and spy for the Kabar.

Instrumental in a number of undercover operations against rogue

cabals, he was renowned for his ability to go into an operation

with nothing and manufacture whatever equipment he needed.

His legend increased with each mission he undertook: he escaped

from a deadly trap, managed to capture forty cabal shrike with

no injuries, build a flying machine out of salvage he obtained in

a hospital kitchen and create an air-powered cannon that brought

down a giant cogolem. He was the Kabar’s top specialist operative

for thirty years before retiring to train the now infamous Troop

101. He died at an old age and was given full military honours.

Those trained using the techniques MgIver developed now

carry his name and the rank of specialist. Their ability to

deal with people as well as machines makes them natural

all-rounders. MgIvers are sent on the most sensitive and secre-

tive of missions, typically to infiltrate cabal regions to gather

evidence of wrongdoing or abroad to gather intelligence.

RIGITThis talent is only available to the MgIver specialist vocation.

The training undertaken by the MgIver brings out their

natural creativity and lateral thinking. This is expressed in

the RigIt talent.

RigIt allows the specialist to create items from salvage at

half the price normally required. In addition, the MgIver is

not limited to their professional knowledge in creating

a technically complex object: if the MgIver needs

to create a clock they do not need the tech.

profession clockmaker.

I n v e n t o rfp c o s T : 10

AT T r i b u T e s : Investigation +1, Know.Speciality

+1, Nous +1, Salvage +1, Any 1 Science +1, Gadgetry

prowess, Personality: [Eccentric] 1

e q u i pM e n T : N/A

p r e r e q u i s i T e s : MA3+, Tech.Profession (Any) 2+

Acceptance accomplishment: design and build a gadget for

personal use.

The inventor usually works alone or with a select few close

associates who share the same passion and vision. The

inventor is always willing to break with convention, try what

is supposedly impossible, improbable, ridiculous or insane. All

inventors seem to acquire a reputation as eccentric.

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the spoils of war – but this usually means

they are in the first breach party of an assault

group; hence the first point.

StePPing uP a gear

SPECIALIST UTILITY TOOLEvery MgIver is issued a small multi purpose

utility tool that is small enough to hold con-

cealed in a fist. The tool contains a small blade,

2B of spooled wire, a fish-hook, a small round mirror, a

magnifying lens, a file and universal lock pick. It also has

a hard edge that can be used as a small lever and a manual

attachment that can cut tin. The outside of the tool has a

strip of flint for starting fires and a spring-loaded needle

to dispense poison. Every MgIver brags to their comrades

about what new use they have devised for the tool. Only

one tool is issued to each MgIver and it is a great dishonour

to lose the tool, which is said to have been designed by the

master himself.

S a p p e rfp c o s T : 10ATTribuTes: Athletics +1, Climbing +1, Nous +1, Sci.Material-

ist +1, Tech.Material +1, Demolition prowess, Grounding +1


Helmet (RV4, ABR 3), Satchel, Buckler (RV2, ABR1)

p r e r e q u i s i T e s : MA3+, CE3+, Tech.Materialist 3+, Tech.

Combat 3+, Tech.Armour 3+

Ac c e p TA n c e Ac c o M p l i s h M e n T : one year as a volunteer in the

armed forces in an Ant troop.

Sappers, combat engineers, are some of the first troops to

enter a combat zone and can also be the last to leave. They

are experts in siege warfare, demolition, breaching defences

and establishing the best defences.

Considered elite troops, owing to their specialist knowledge,

they are issued with specialist gear: a broad-rimmed steel

helmet; a thick-headed, sturdy, assault axe; and a leather

satchel for carrying tools and explosives (typically fused gre-

nades); and a buckler for personal defence in close quarters.

Sapper sergeants usually have a flintlock pistol, cutlass and

tower shield replacing the buckler and axe.

While life expectancy among sappers is some

of the lowest in the armed forces, they are

well treated and often get the first pick of

Maurice Roth (order #3829273)




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tool uP

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A S S E A D I S R U P T I O N E N G I N EThese engines have come from numerous

places and the exact science behind them has

yet to be discovered. Created by accident, their

effect on assea is a by-product of their primary function.

They range in size, but the result is the same: cached

assea ceases to be available. Aura detection has revealed

that assea in the surrounding area remains undisturbed,

although any attempt to TDC assea fails while the machine is

running. The area of effect typically ranges from 1 to 5B

around the machine. Only complex machines have created

this disruption and no clear connection between them has

been established.

A S S E A M E T E RThis small, handheld device looks simple, but is one of

the most complex mechanical devices ever made. Through

numerous, carefully calibrated wheels, gears and dials,

it takes samples from the environment and calculates

the amount of assea in the surrounding area. The meter

measures in alurims, a measurement defined by the

technoshaman Verity Lyrus. She developed the alurim after

a number of experiments in the Aquistus wasteland ‘dead

zones’. The meter will give a reading from -10 to 10 as an

indicator of the level of assea present in the environment

with 0 an average reading for a healthy environment -10 a

dead zone and 10 a raw assea source.

These devices are extremely rare. Their origin remains a

mystery and is a source of contention between adepts.

B L O O D O M E T E RThe bloodometer takes a sample of a patient’s blood and

analyses for known pathogens, optimal health conditions and

quantifiable illnesses. The patient incurs 1CD wound. Most

common poisons can be identified by the machine as well as

blood disorders, common illnesses and even a few magically

created conditions that have a physical effect. The

machine takes approximately one day to analyse

one sample of blood.

M i s c e l l a n e o u s

I t e m RV ( S M ) A R / C D N o t e s

Disruption engine - as per device -Assea meter 4(3) 1/4Bloodometer 4(3) 1/3Bonesetter’s gauntlet 4(4) 2/4Crystal armour na 2/3 +4AP MedicineDiving Helmet 3(3) 2/3Drugs: Collective na Know motive weave Ironblood na Fortitude Parniaseed na +2 Acumen Spiderweb na StabiliserEyestalk na 1/2 -3APFire Jumper Suit 4 4/6 ABR 2(suit)Flare 3 - 10B illuminationGyroharness 5(4) 2/3 Lithographic camera 4(3) 1/2Mineral Detector 4(2) 1/3Phantasm Projector 5(1) 1/1Rangefinder 4(3) 2/2Shatterbrac coat 2(2) 5/4Smelter’s helmet 3(2) 3/3Thermal bag 4(3) 2/3Thermal goggles 5(3) 1/3Trace powder 4 naTricorn copper hat 4(2) 2/2Condenser/distiller 4(4) 2/4Wire communicator 3(1) -/1

W e a p o n sI t e m RV ( S M ) W B R / R C R N G . W D N o t e s

Foot Mortar 4(3) -/8 80 -Grenade 3(3) - - 6Jackpole 4(4) 6 - 10DAMArcblade 5(3) 2 - var.Whistling spear 3(3) 4 100 8DAM

tool uP

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tool uP

in the armour and can replenish up to 6 points

of the wearer’s spent assea pool.

Extremely rare and expensive versions have

been made with weaves built in, powered by assea

stored in the armour. The armour has the same ABR as a

steel breastplate, but half any encumberance owing to its

lighter weight.

D I V I N G H E L M E TThese large, thick brass helmets act as breathing apparatus and

allow for underwater operations, provided there is a continu-

ous cycle of air through the thick rubber, tar and wire cables

connecting the helmet. Typically, the cables are connected to a

pump, either manually operated or run off a generator.

The helmet must stay upright as otherwise it will flood.

However, the air coming into the helmet will reverse this

situation if the helmet is righted. An operator can remain

underwater for as long as they are physically able and as

long as there is an air supply. However, the distance trav-

elled is limited by the length of the cables.

D R U G S Most drugs that are used by adepts are injected, usually

with a piston syringe. The following drugs take 3CR to

become effective and last a period of time described under

the individual drug’s description. Some of the drugs may

have side-effects either during use or after, any such effects

are listed under the drug’s description.

T i t l e D e s c r i p t i o n

Ironblood will grant the fortitude prowess

Spiderweb will stop secondary damage

Parnia seed will increase user’s acumen +2

Collective will grant the user know motive weave

E Y E S T A L KThis strange device looks like a mechanical eye extending

on a series of arms from a hand grip controller and

eyepiece. The operator places the eyepiece to

their eye and uses the controller to move the

This device is made up of various glass

apparatus, copper pipes, wooden control

boxes and brass levers. It can be moved on a

small trolley, but is too heavy, cumbersome and

fragile for one person to carry. The machine is complex

and to read the results, printed on cards, the operator must

have an understanding of medical terminology and standard

measurements (sci.medical). The training required to oper-

ate the machine takes a few hours, but the best readings are

taken by an experienced operator.

B O N E S E T T E R ’ S G A U N T L E TThis leather and metal gauntlet was originally designed for

an adept in laboratory use, but was adapted for use on the

battlefield by a bonesetter. The gauntlet has a number of

extendable metal arms, with pinchers and clamps at the ex-

tremities, that can be used to hold a wound open or closed

while the bonesetter works. In addition, the gauntlet can

be removed and act as a vice and winch to realign broken

or dislocated bones. The gauntlet has a number of tools in

sheaths along the sleeve and room for suturing material,

bandages and a small bottle of spirits. Some versions of this

tool have had weaves placed on them in order to increase

their effectiveness during healing.

AR/CD: 2/3, +4AP to Sci.Medicine, Tech.Medicine

C R Y S T A L A R M O U RThis armour is created through a secret patented process by

a private company: Cassenwerle Primaries. While it comes in

different versions, the most common is a cuirass breastplate

of crystal. The armour is often pale blue, but can be made in

other colours (ruby and emerald being particular favourites).

The armour is amazingly light and durable, equivalent to a

steel breastplate, but it is the crystal’s other properties that

make the armour so sought after. The crystal armour, once it

is calibrated to the wearer by their channelling of assea into

it, increases the wearer’s assea pool by 6 points. In

addition, up to 6 points of assea attack damage

can be absorbed. Any assea absorbed is stored

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tool uP

designed to explode and scatter the grape-

shot at speed. Flash grenades contain a large

powder explosive with an additional chemical

component to produce a bright and blinding flash.

Gas and smoke grenades contain a chemical core that, when

burnt, produces a cloud of vapour with harmful or visually

obscuring results. Grenades are usually heavy and rely on

ignition (fuse) to explode. Standard fuses last between 1

and 3 CR, although an experienced grenadier or sapper

carries additional wick, wax or tallow to extend the fuse. A

grenade explodes across a 10B radius and each grenade has

an individual effect over this area.

G Y R O H A R N E S SThe harness supports a large box, containing the machine, on the

user’s back. The box contains a number of minor machines that

take readings from a gyroscopic tumbler in the middle of the box.

These readings, once calibrated, allow the wearer to maintain a

greater sense of balance and centre of gravity. The encumbrance

caused by the box is negated by the harness: any encumbrance

suffered by the wearer is halved and actions involving agility, ac-

robatics, gymnastics and even some athletic actions gain a +2AP.

The only problem with the harness is its size, which prohibits

most other back-mounted devices or backpacks, and can cause

problems with vehicles. Riding or piloting a flying (or free diving)

vehicle while wearing a gyroharness is near-impossible as the har-

ness constantly tries to drag the wearer into a more stable position.

Any such action while wearing the harness will be at -6AP. The

harness can only support the weight and mass of the wearer, any

large burden (such as the wearer trying to carry a cannon) will

cause the full weight of encumbrance to be experienced by the

wearer and may result in injury (or death).

J A C K P O L E ( P N E U M AT I C S P E A R )This destructive tool is a large jackhammer powered by a

pump and generator, typically running off kerosene or coal.

The spear is so large and heavy that it takes four

people to hold in place while the generator builds

up enough pressure to deliver a single blow

mechanical eye. It is capable of a complete

180-degree span in three axes from the origin

of the operator and at a range up to 1B from

the operator’s position. The eyestalk is used to

see where the operator might be exposed to danger: some

asseath use it to look through voital gates before entering;

military forces and Proletariat spies use it for reconnaissance

and espionage; many private citizens have them installed in

their doors or walls to allow them to safely look beyond

their homes. The limited vision of the eyestalk reduces any

visual action while using the eyestalk by -3AP.

AR/CD: 1/2.

F I R E J U M P E R S U I TThese flameproof suits are manufactured by Cabal Eristera

who are famous not only for these suits but also their fear-

some shrike that wield forcrist staves, flamethrowers and

sticky-fire bombs.

The suits are made of a patented material of considerable com-

plexity and are hard enough to provide a measure of armour as

well as fire protection; this is at a cost to mobility, however, and

for encumbrance purposes the suit has an ABR4.

ABR/AR/CD: 2(suit)/4/6

F L A R EFlares will burn for up to 10CR, providing illumination

over an area of effect 5B in diameter. While able to be held,

thrown or laid on the ground safely, the flare can start a fire

in the presence of combustible fuel.

F O O T M O R T A RThis weapon was designed as an infantry-portable, support artil-

lery piece. It is a simple mortar using black powder primer to

fire a grenade placed inside the tube. The name comes from the

base plate that the operator stands on to stabilise the mortar.

G R E N A D E S Fragmentation, Flash, Gas/Smoke

The fragmentation grenade is a shell around

an explosive core and grapeshot payload,

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equivalent to 10DAM. The generator takes

5CR to build up enough pressure. For difficult

and enduring targets, a mounting bracket can be

moved into place. Both the bracket and the genera-

tor are usually transported on a wagon. Various tool heads

can be loaded onto the spear to allow specialist tasks.

Adepts frequently mount jackpoles on WarGear or cogolems.

L A S S I T E R ’ S A R C B L A D EThis device has a handle with two curved horns around a

stepped bulb. From the hilt a cord runs to a box that contains

a hand-wound generator delivering enough power to create

an electrical discharge in a blade-like arc from the horns.

The arcblade is wielded like a sabre. When touching a target,

the arc delivers electrical damage with a DAM rating equal

to an amount of discourse actions employed to charge the

arcblade. The generator must charge the hilt before it can be

used against a target. The capacitor of the arcblade can hold

a maximum of 10DAM indefinitely until used.

If the DAM of the attack is greater than the PI of the

target then the target will be stunned for a number of

CR equal to the amount of DAM exceeding their

PI. The target is allowed to modify the DAM

of the attack with any non-metallic armour

and any air elemental resistance.

tool uP

L I T H O G R A P H C A M E R AThis device, mounted on a stand or slung around

the chest, captures still images on lithographic

plates. The images are monotone in shades of sepia

and, while mostly accurate, are prone to distortion and artefacts

around the edges of the picture.

The lithographic plate must be protected from light and

removed to a processing room where an acid bath is used

to develop the picture. There is a reasonably long exposure

time in order for the plate to capture a complete and detailed

image. The photographer usually uses a flash of magnesium

or black powder in order to increase the amount of light and

gain additional exposure over a shorter period of time.

M I N E R A L D E T E C T O RA backpack-carried machine with a hand-held detector, the

machine can be set to register different densities of metal

within a few bounds. These devices have been used exten-

sively on Torn Mount and more than one prospector who

managed to purchase one has made a living from hiring

themselves out to other prospectors.

P H A N T A S M P R O J E C T O RThese globes record their surroundings, usually semi-transpar-

ent with a blurred image of the phantasm placed upon the

globe. They are activated by placing a light source (usually a tea

candle) within the globe to activate the phantasm, which fills the

visible area around the globe. The phantasm works as per the

weave of the same name with a WR7 and lasts as long as the

light source continues to illuminate the globe.

Rare versions of these globes can be repurposed through

assea infusion, the more common version is only able to

display one phantasm. The projector shows what surround-

ed the sphere on recording, including any phantasm and

illusions, allowing for a false vision to be recorded.

R A N G E F I N D E R ( B I N O C U L A R S )These bi-telescopic inventions give an accurate

reading of the range to a target at distance.

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tool uP

T H E R M A L G O G G L E SThese goggles give thermal vision up to 10B.

Powered by orist crystals, the goggles only work

for a limited time (approximately 20hrs of use) before

the crystal needs replacing. When in use, the goggles glow a

dim yellow in the visual spectrum and bright white in the

thermal spectrum. The goggles allow an operator to see in

total darkness as long as there are sources of heat (or cold)

within the range of the goggles. In places (such as the Warp

and the Ebb) where temperature does not follow the same

laws as in the Material sphere the goggles will be of limited

use. If suddenly exposed to large sources of heat, the goggles

may cause the operator to become disorientated or blind.

When this occurs the operator will suffer a -4AP.

T R A C E R P O W D E RThis white powder was developed under the patronage

of Huithber Canis Frurth. Huither was a vigilante in the

regions surrounding Grimms Pocket, famous for his cun-

ning and ingenuity in capturing and killing his prey. When

this powder is applied to an object it can be located by

using an orist crystal that has been synchronised with the

powder. As the crystal gets closer to the powder it glows a

warm yellow; the variance in luminosity indicating proxim-

ity to the target.

The powder can be sprinkled on a target or mixed with a

liquid to be applied as paint. At least a fistful of powder

must be applied in order to be strong enough for the crys-

tal to work at a reasonable distance. When preparing the

powder for use the crystal is immersed in the powder for at

least a day and warmed through; the most common method

is to place the powder in an iron pot, place the crystal in

the powder and then bury the pot in hot fire coals and ash.

The effects of the powder will last a number of days once ap-

plied to a target, although this is dependent upon the amount of

powder that remains on the target. The powder must be

placed on an external surface (ingestion will negate

the powder’s qualities and is harmless) and can

be washed or brushed off.

They are employed by cabal Dargendas’

artillery, who have had great success in battle

against mercenary forces in Lumar. Useless at

ranges under 100B, they give an accurate reading

of range beyond this to a tolerance of -3/+3B.

S H AT T E R B R A C C O ATThese coats were made by the Gourik’a, an elite cadre of

rangers that patrol the borders of nazagh clan lands. They

look and react as if made of slate, although the wearer suf-

fers no penalty to movement and only a minor impedance

to trying to move quietly (-1AP).

The coat provides ABR2 with +2 earth elemental resistance.

When worn in a mountainous or rocky environment, the

coat provides a +4AP to stealth actions to hide, but not to

move quietly. In addition, the coat gives a +2AP to avoid

grapple, hold and pin attacks.

S M E LT E R ’ S H E L M E TThis solid-steel helmet covers the entire head, face and neck and

has a thick transparent visor. The mask grants the wearer an

ABR of 6 to the head as well as a +1 resistance to fire, but the

wearer suffers a -4AP to investigation actions and a -2CAP. For

purposes of determining an ABR penalty, the helmet is ABR3.

T H E R M A L B A G / S A CThe cost of the research and development of the material to

make these bags led the cabal responsible to disband. The

material is a blend of wool, polymer fibre and illixit (a species

of giant spider) silk. The precise weave is still closely guarded

by the cabal that currently owns the patent.

A person sleeping in a thermal bag can avoid the ill effects of

sub-zero cold and get a comfortable rest. Cabal Jaigen are the

largest purchaser of these bags and have also paid for experi-

ments to see if the fabric could be adapted into a full suit.

The thermal bag will give +10 elemental protection against

cold conditions; however, the bag is a single sheath

and leaves little room for any activity other than


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tool uP

W H I S T L I N G S P E A RThe whistling spear is a black-powder rocket.

Fired from a stand mount along a rail to estab-

lish trajectory, the rocket has a shaped fuel payload

to give it a parabolic flight path. The angle of initial trajec-

tory determines distance and an experienced operator can

land the rocket within 2B of a target. The rocket has an

explosive head that is primed to explode at the end of the

rocket’s flight or on impact. Typically, the rocket causes an

8DAM explosion.

Whistling spears are typically used in batteries and deployed

on carriages or wagons. While light enough to be carried

by one person, they are too unwieldy to be used this way

in combat.

W I R E C O M M U N I C AT O RThis peculiar device was discovered by an adept who had

been carrying out experiments with insects. On noting that

many insects appeared to communicate by vibration, the

adept embarked on a number of experiments relating to

verbal communication using vibration over audial project-

ion. This resulted in the wire communicator. The device

consists of two metal bits that are connected by a thin

wire. The metal bits are placed between the clenched teeth

of two operators and the wire pulled taut between them.

When speaking without projecting the voice, the vibrations

are picked up by the metal bit and relayed along the wire.

Newer models forgo the two-bit operation to have a single

bit and a strange wire cage that sits over the ear of the

listener, carrying the vibrations to the ear canal. While the

device is not perfect (-2AP language actions) the results are

clear enough for good communication over a range up to

2B without any sound above a whisper. For every additional

bound an extra -3AP to language actions by the users in

order to correctly hear what is transferred along the wire.

These devices are heavily used by Shoughai and

Strumnarch troops, who practise in order to

lessen the device’s limitations.

A number of crystals can be used with a

single quantity of powder and recent versions

of this invention have seen the crystals increase

in warmth, rather than luminosity, to indicate prox-

imity to the target, allowing the tracker to remain incon-

spicuous. This is an innovation that Huithber would have

appreciated: he was killed when tracking an oscallion who

was alerted to his presence by the glowing crystal in his hand.

T R I C O R N C O P P E R H ATThe copper tricorn hat is shielded with rubber and felt.

Also known as a glory crown, it protects against ranged

electrical attacks and acts to power devices.

The hat has two insulated wires that run to a wooden

box encasing a liquid capacitor capable of holding an

electrical charge. Any ranged electrical attack that affects

the wearer diverts to the crown and is discharged into

the capacitor. The capacitor can hold up to 10CD of

electrical damage, after which the energy is discharged

by the hat glowing and crackling with static to protect

the wearer.

Once the capacitor has been charged, the energy within

it can be used to power external devices (such as an

arcblade); however, the capacitor is not fitted with a

variable resistor so it discharges all at once.

WAT E R C O N D E N S E R / D I S T I L L E RThis device, big enough to be transported on a wag-

on, is capable of gathering water from the air. The

condenser runs on wood, kerosene or oil, but can

be adapted to any power source by an armechitus or

greater adept. Running constantly, the condenser can

produce up to a litre of water per hour of operation.

Cabal Jaigen pioneered these machines and have de-

ployed them in the Aquistus wastelands powered by

combustion engines. Spies indicate that Cabal Jaigen

are working on designing smaller, more

portable wind-, solar- and assea-powered


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technology and arcane law. While a single

adept (with arcane knowledge) could manufac-

ture a biometich device on their own, it is more

usual for an adept and asseath to work together.

The asseath must be able to use the following weaves: bind,

heal, glue, mindlink, read aura, and poltergeist. In addition,

the asseath needs to have an assea fetish to expend in the

making of the device equal to an amount of each weave’s

WR. If the device is non-mechanical (such as a lobering)

then the poltergeist weave is not required.

The adept has a much easier task, needing only to de-

sign the device: When designing the device the adept’s

sci.materialist rating cannot exceed either the adept’s own

rating in tech.arcane or half the tech.arcane rating of an

advisor (usually an asseath).

Once the device is built, the asseath executes the weaves

to allow the device to interact with the wearer, the force

of each weave must equal or exceed the RV of the device.

A S S E A M E T I C H S Asseametichs is the perfect blending of assea and technol-

ogy granting the wearer total control over the device or to

create a living force within a technological device.

Only a technoshaman has the understanding of both the

technical and the mystical required to design and manufact-

ure an asseametich device. When designing a new asseamet-

ich device, a technoshaman can use either the tech.arcane or

sci.materialist aptitudes to determine the power source used by

the device. Using tech.arcane results in an assea-powered device.

Manufacturing an asseametich device requires both the

equipment and space to produce a normal cogmetich or

biometich device as well as the equipment and location

needed to create assea weaves or objects.

If the asseametich device is to be incorporated into a physi-

cal form, the technoshaman needs a sample of blood from

the being to bind the weaves of the device to the aura

of the user, fully integrating the device with the

user’s assean. Such devices cannot be used by

another once manufactured.


Mechanartis is the manufacture of devices

that fuse technology with living flesh

including those that act as if they were living flesh

when worn.

D e s i g n a n d m a n u f a c t u r e Mechanartis devices can be divided into three categories:

cogmetich, biometich and asseametich. Each category has

its own peculiarities, but all share similarities in how they

are designed and manufactured.

Biometich and asseametich objects, which are combined with a

living organism, can cause that organism a form of physical or

psychological trauma. This trauma is induced by a sense of loss

of the being’s original form. The intensity and nature of trauma

caused by a mechanartis device being fused with a living being

is described in terms of an intrusion factor (IF).

C O G M E T I C H S Cogmetichs are the most basic form of mechanartis, but

they are still rare, and costly to manufacture and maintain.

Cogmetichs involves little or no assea, using science and

technology instead. Nearly all cogmetich devices are exter-

nal and work via physical input and control. They do not

inflict IF, but are typically slow and cumbersome.

The design and manufacture of cogmetich devices requires

the create construct prowess. More advanced cogmetich de-

vices, which can be controlled remotely or complete a given

task, require the advanced system prowess. The design and

manufacture of cogmetich devices that can be programmed

requires the previous mentioned prowess as well as the

prowess create program.

B I O M E T I C H S Biometich devices bring together technology and a living

being. The device reads and follows the wearer’s mental

instructions, translated through their aura or nervous system,

and acts accordingly. Biometich devices require an

external power source. The design and manufac-

ture of biometichs requires knowledge of both

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M a n u f a c t u r i n g e s s e n t i a l s When designing and manufacturing a

mechanartis device, the following process should

be followed.

• Choosesizeofchassis(minimum-3,maximum10)

o Work out construction points (CP)

• Choosechassistype

o Modify available construction points

• Determineminimumyieldrequiredtopowerchassis

o This is achieved by multiplying the chassis

size by the power source yield factor.

• AllocateCPtopowersource

o The minimum CP needed for the power

source to power the chassis is equal to: (re-

quired minimum yield /power source yield

multiplier) with a minimum of 1.

• AllocateremainingCPtofunctions

• DetermineIFeffects

The chassis is acquired first as this is the core structure of

the design. Following this, the power source is purchased and

installed to leave an amount of space for functional devices.

Each piece of a device must be purchased separately and

then installed. The time taken to build a mechanartis device

is equal to a salvaged device of equal salvage modifier, pip

rating (cumulative) and modified as if for durable quality

(see Ascendancy–Rogue Marshall page 90). No part of a

mechanartis device can be made using salvage.

For mechanartis devices designed to be fused or used in

place of a body part, each region of the body can only sup-

port one chassis.

C H A S S I S S I Z EThe size of the chassis determines the number of CP that

are available to support any functions of the device.

The minimum size for a device is -3, the maximum is 10. If

a device is being designed for a particular user to be

worn then the size of the device should be no

less or greater than the user’s size by a factor

Asseametich devices that are external (such

as a hand-held weapon, gauntlet, helmet etc)

can be used by anyone, as long as they under-

stand how the device functions.

When manufacturing an asseametich device, the techno-shaman

needs the usual manufacturing AR followed by the weaves as for a

biometich device and, finally, esotechnics to infuse the device with an

assean of its own (see page 17). The assean assigned to an asseamet-

ich device is a cohesive link between the auras of the mechanics and

the weaves and is built into the device during manufacture.

D e s i g n P r o c e s sBefore a mechanartis object can be manufactured, the adept

needs to design it. If the adept succeeds in the design then

the manufacture of the device is a formality, given the

appropriate conditions and materials.

The AR for a given design is determined by using the

following table, adding any relevant modifiers together with

any others the Fate deems appropriate.

R e q u i r e m e n t A R M o d i f i e r

Cogmetich +2Biometich +4Asseametich +6Chassis +Chassis type AR modificationPowersource +Powersource RVFunctions + most expensive RV of all functions

The adept makes use of the following AP against the design AR

M A + g r o u n d i n g + A p p r o p r i AT e A p T i T u d e

With an addition for any relevant prowess. The appropriate apti-

tude is determined by the type of mechanartis device being made.

T y p e A p p r o p r i at e a p t i t u d e

Cogmetichs Sci.cogitative

Biometichs Sci.materialist (may not exceed Tech.arcane

of Asseath co-designer)

Asseametichs Tech.arcane

To design/manufacture a mechanartis device, the

adept requires access to all major components

as well as proper tools and workspace.

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P O W E R S O U R C E Every chassis must have a power source that

drives the attached device. The power avail-

able from a power source is described as the yield

factor (YF). There are four types of power sources: cogwork,

steamwork, material and asseametich.

The power source occupies a number of chassis CP, deter-

mined by the chassis size as shown on the table below.

Pow e r s o u r c e cP c o s t

si z e -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

t y P e y f r v

c o g w o r k 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 12 15

s t e a m w o r k 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

m a t e r i a l 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5

a s s e a m e t i c h 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3

COGWORK Cogwork power sources use wound springs to drive cog-

work. As such, cogwork engines must be rewound at reg-

ular intervals, depending upon the chassis used. This is

known as the wind time of the power source.

wi n d t i m e [cr ] = 3 x si z e

The rewind time, which is the length of time before the

engine needs rewinding is equal to:

rewind time = [3 – load] x scenes

The subtraction of load on rewind time is only necessary if

the load is directly applied to the chassis, such as in the case

of a cogolem or WarGear carrying additional encumbrance.

Cogwork engines suffer a -2AP penalty to acrobatics, athlet-

ics, diplomacy and stealth.

STEAMWORK Steamwork sources require regular fuel and water supply in

order to work correctly and need ‘feeding’ every few scenes.

The time between refuelling the engine is equal to:

r e f u e l r e q u i r e d [sc e n e s] = c h a s s i s si z e . Fuel is usually wood, coal or coke but may also be oil

or another combustive fuel. Most common fu-

els are RV 2. A large amount of water must

also be sourced in order to keep the engine

of 1. For every point in size above or below the

user’s size by a factor of 1 the user will incur a

-1AP when using the device.

The number of CP available to a device based on

the chassis size is equal to:

(c h a s s i s s i z e +4 )The RV(SM) for power sources and chassis only applies for

salvage and resource properties not for encumbrance. For

encumbrance purposes, the size of the chassis and power

source replace the RV as the encumbrance factor.

C H A S S I S T Y P E The material used to create the chassis decides its overall strength,

adds a modifier to the manufacturing AP and modifies the avail-

able CP. As well as determining the AR/CD for the chassis.


The AR/CD ratings for a chassis are equal to:

AR = Strength of chassis material.

CD = Chassis size - Chassis AP modifier.

M at e r i a l S t r / I F A P C P m o d . RV ( S M )

Wood 1 +3 +1 1(0)

Copper 2 +2 +2 1(1)

Bronze 3 +1 +3 2(1)

Iron 4 0 0 3(1)

Steel 5 -1 +1 4(2)

Alloy 5 -3 +2 5(3)

Crystal 4 -5 -1 6(3)

m at e r i a l : Material that the chassis is made from.

st r / i f : This is the strength of the material. It is also

the chassis PI, AR and chassis IF.

aP: The AP modifier for the successful design of a

mechanartis device.

cP mo d : Modified to the CP of the device due to size.

rv(sm ): This is the resource value of the material

used in the construction of the chassis.

The salvage modifier for the material

is listed in parenthesis.

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o Parasitic sourcing permenently lowers the

user’s assea rating by a number equal to

the number of functions while the device is

in use (this will be constant for biometich and

asseametich devices, optional for cogmetich). If the user

does not have a high enough assea rating to support the

device, then the device will not work.

o Permeation sourcing works through a runecircuit form-

ing a small voital to draw forth raw assea from one

of the other spheres of existence. There have been

occurrences of entities from the permeated sphere using

the power source as a voital gate to gain access to the

sphere of the Manifest–usually resulting in the death or

possession of the user of the device at the time.

F U N C T I O N S Functions come in four main forms: prowess functions imi-

tate the use of a prowess; talent functions mimic the use of a

talent; assea weave functions act as if the weave were bound

to the device; and merchant item functions make use of a

mundane item as part of the device.

Each function has a CP cost and an RV rating. Certain func-

tions also have other prerequisites or restrictions on where

and how they can be employed. This will be noted under the

function’s description. Prowess functions act as rated equal to

the number of times the function has been installed.


Assea functions take the same amount of time to execute as a

normal weave (with the wearer/user expending discourse actions

instead of AMP during CR) and only one assea function can be

used per CR, per device. Assea functions are only allowed to

those mechanartis devices using an asseametich power source.

The following weaves can be used as a device function. CP

will be equal to the weave force required while the RV is equal

to 3+WR of the weave function: anger of the elements, attract

assea, sphere of elemental repulsion, sphere of null,

assea shield, aura sight, create light, disarm trap,

forge aura, lock/pick, read aura, see the hidden,

running correctly. Steamwork power sources also

suffer an additional penalty of -4 to the following

aptitudes: acrobatics, athletics, diplomacy and stealth.

MATERIALMaterial power supplies make use of chemical and natural

sources of energy. These power sources are usually contained

within a case to create a battery. While many are large and

cumbersome, they generate efficient power. One of the major

drawbacks to material power sources is that they are costly

and hard to replace. The upside to this is that they don’t

require regular attention like cogwork or steamwork engines

and replacements can be carried and easily interchanged. The

following equation establishes the number of days a material

power source will last before needing to be replaced:

Bat t e ry l i f e [ m at e r i a l ] = 20 [ day s]/si z e

ASSEAMETICH Asseametich power sources are a strange mix of materi-

alist science and arcane technology; such as runecircuits

and assea batteries draining energy from other spheres

of existence (usually the Warp) to power the chassis

and devices. Asseametich devices are very quiet, at most

only issuing a quiet hum. Asseametich power sources

come in four different configurations:

o Bat t e r i e s are a container that holds an assea-retaining

substance (such as moxcatha crystals or similar fetish sub-

stances). The drain on the battery can be replenished at a

later date with the sacrifice of fetish that have an assea el-

emental affinity equal to the functions supported. A battery

only runs out if a catastrophe is applied against the user of

the device and the Fate determines that the catastrophe has

affected the device. Or following 10 or more scenes from

beginning of use.

o transference power is usually achieved through a rune-cir-

cuit ‘sink’, in a similar manner to an asseath taking assea

from the surrounding area. This does not have a negative

impact on the surroundings and still allows

for other asseath to acquire assea from the

environment without adverse effect.

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as damaging a normal object (see page 168

Ascendancy–Rogue Marshal).


New functions can be designed in agreement with the

Fate. In most instances if the function could feasibly be a prow-

ess then it could also be a function design. The IF and RV of a

new function is left up to the Fate to finalise.

FUNCTION DESCRIPTION LISTP r o w e s s f u n c t i o n s C P RV D e s c r i p t i o n

Agility 2 6 As per prowess. Torso chassis only.

Assea whip 1 8 As per prowess. Assea-metich powered only

Cognitive 1 8 As per prowess. Head chassis only

Elemental resistance 2 6 As per prowess. Applies to device, not to user/wearer.

Fortitude 3 7 As per prowess. Torso chassis only

Lightning reflexes 2 6 As per prowess. Torso chassis only

Precision attack 1 7 As per prowess. Head chassis only

Presence 1 6 As per prowess. Head chassis only

Punishing blow 2 6 As per prowess. Arm or leg chassis only

Strength 2 6 As per prowess. Arm chassis only

Talent functions CP RV Description

Assea sympathy 1 9 As per talent. User will suffer a -1 as-sea resistance.

Direction sense 1 6 As talent Fierce 1 6 As talent. Head chassisHeightened Instinct 2 8 As talent. Head chassis Ambidextrous 2 7 As talent. Head chassis Keen sense 1 7 As talent. Head chassis

no sixth sense.

silence, antigravity, assea armour, assea weapon,

speed. In all cases the weave will act as if the

wearer/device is the executing asseath as well as

the target for the weave except in the case of anger

of the elements, which can be targeted as normal. Other assea

functions such as lock/pick and disarm trap will work via touch.

The assea used to power a weave function comes from the assea-

metich engine and so cannot be augmented by the GearHead.


The CP required to install a merchant item is equal to the

items SM. The Fate has final say on whether a device can be

installed. Building a weapon into a device (such as a sword

or pistol) does not increase the weapon’s WBR or WD, nor

does it reduce reload times.

Some items (such as containers, sheaths and certain other

devices) allow additional functions to be awarded to a chas-

sis regardless of the total limit.



si z e -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

t y P e a Br rv

l e a t h e r 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 6

wo o d 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6

c o P P e r , B r a s s

3 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6

B r o n z e /i r o n

4 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6

s t e e l /a l l o y

5 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6

The above table gives the RV cost of placing armour on a

chassis determined by the armour’s material type and the

size of the chassis. The RV cost is per chassis armoured.

DAMAGING DEVICES. Apart from the merchant item, each with their own AR/CD rat-

ing, mechanartis chassis and power sources have AR/CD equal

to their PI/size. This does not take into consideration

any armour applied as a function of the chassis.

Damaging a mechanartis device is the same

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can choose the mechosis symptom suffered from

the following list. Each symptom of mechosis

can only be taken once, after which if another pen-

alty is suffered a different symptom must be chosen.


WRAITH This being has become distanced from other beings. Be-

cause of their modifications they have begun to see them-

selves as immortal. They feel disassociated from living crea-

tures around them. This is characterised by an attitude of

cold insensitivity, lack of empathy and care of others. The

wraith gains a personality trait wraith at a rating 3. This will

come into play whenever the wraith attempts to emotionally

connect with another being.

CORPORATIS The sufferer of corporatis despises their own flesh. They

see it as a decaying, disgusting form and will take eve-

ry opportunity to seek a mechanartis replacement for

their body. Most corporatis also self-mutilate to feel

in control of their body. Owing to this, the corporatis

sufferer gains a +1 to the fortitude prowess as they become

inured to physical pain, but suffer a -5 AP whenever dealing

with other beings socially. They also gain a personality: cor-

poratis at rating 3, which affects attempts to empathise with

a living, corporeal being or when someone is attempting to

force the corporatis to feel an emotion. This also adds resist-

ance to emote attacks on the sufferer.

SUBVERT The subvert views mechanartis as an abomination that should

be cleansed from the world. Subverts try to destroy other

mechanartis devices those capable of designing or building

the devices and users of such devices. The exception being

themselves; as they believe that they are a walking advertise-

ment for the horrors of mechanartis integration.

Whenever a subvert sees a user or wearer of a mechanar-

tis device they run the risk of launching into a rage

and attacking to destroy the device or user. The

I n t r u s i o n F a c t o r ( I F ) The IF for a device is based on its physical lo-

cation, its level of integration with the biological

form and opposing elemental affinities that negatively

impact on the user’s assean.

The base IF for location is as follows:

L o c at i o n I F

Head 5

Torso/abdomen 4

Legs/arms 2

Hands/feet 3

I N T R U S I O N I N F L U E N C E As the IF increases so too does the pressure on the avatar’s body to

maintain its innate state. An IF penalty is incurred for every pip of

IF over the avatar’s MI. The majority of penalties are mental or as-

sean in nature as these are the two aspects most affected when using

mechanartis devices. There is, however, a difference depending upon

whether the devices used are cogmetich biometich, or asseametich

in nature.


I F a d v. C o g / B i o m e t i c h A s s e a m e t i c h

1 -1 grounding -1 TDC

2 mechosis -1 assean

3 -1CD level mechosis

4 -1AP stealth/diplomacy assea pantera

5 mechosis mechosis

6 -1 grounding or acumen assea stench

7 mechosis mechosis

8 -1TDC -1 TDC

9 mechosis mechosis

10 mechosis mechosis

Penalties are cumulative–an avatar using a device with an

IF 3 higher than their MI suffers the following penalties:

-1 grounding, one form of mechosis (see below),

-1CD level.

When a mechosis penalty is indicated, the player

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This works in a similar manner to a drug de-

pendency (see page 178 Ascendancy–Rogue

Marshall). If the sufferer tries to overcome

their obsession they suffer in a similar manner to

drug withdrawal, becoming distracted and aggressive.

When attempting to carry out a task without the obses-

sion come into play, any advantage the personality trait for

the obsession has over the base rating for an aptitude or

personality trait acts as a penalty to any AP.

Wa r G e a r a n d C o g o l e m sThe cogolem and WarGear are considered by many to be

the highest and most complex forms of the mechanartis art.

For most adepts, the design, construction and development

of a cogolem or WarGear are lifetime achievements and

even once one has been created, there is always room for

perfection through experimentation and modification.

WA R G E A R / C O G O L E M D E S I G NWarGear and cogolems are built in a similar manner to

any other mechanartis device, with more than one chassis

employed and connected together to form the body of the

machine, typically sharing a single power source.


When thinking of designing a WarGear or cogolem the adept

must first decide upon a size class. Cogolems may have any size

rating, however, the minimum size for a WarGear is 3. (Any-

thing smaller could not support a pilot) The only exception to

this is a tailored WarGear with a taraen pilot, which may have

a size of 2.

When designing a WarGear/cogolem the adept will require

the same prowess and access to tools and a work room to

manufacture or repair any other mechanartis device. The

amount of CP available for WarGear/cogolem is the same

as other mechanartis chassis.

The construction of the WarGear/cogolem

should follow the following purchasing


AR to ignore this impulse is equal to the IF of

the device. If they manage to control their rage

they still want to see the device destroyed. Alterna-

tively, they want to have the device for themselves or

use it in addition to their other modifications.

A subvert’s rage is the same as enraged under the psy-

chology rules (see page 181 Ascendancy–Rogue Marshall).

Subverts are willing to make an exception for close friends

and family as long as they agree with the subvert’s almost

religious views on the evils of mechanartis.

PHOBIA This causes something in particular to become an object of

fear in the mind of the sufferer. Agreed by the Fate, the

chosen phobia should not be something so rare that the ava-

tar will never encounter it (a fear of pink elephants), but

also nothing so restrictive it would stop the avatar from be-

ing able to take part in the story (a fear of air, or humans

for example). When considering a phobia the player and the

Fate, should look at common phobias such as fear of spiders,

heights, snakes, water, cows, open spaces, enclosed spaces, etc.

When faced with a situation where the cause of the phobia

could be encountered, the sufferer becomes shaken. Should

the cause of their phobia becomes visible then they will

need to pass an AR or suffer from being panicked. If the

sufferer has to face the cause of their fear then they have to

pass an AR or suffer from terror.

OBSESSION The player must choose a subject of their obsession (agreed

by the Fate): an object, person, celebrity, particular quality

or manufacture of object, or condition of life. The obsession

takes the form of a personality trait that affects many of the

sufferer’s normal activities. Any aptitude or other personal-

ity trait that is lower than the obsession suffers from being

overpowered by the obsession.

The rating for the personality trait of the obsession be-

gins at an equal rating to the IF of the sufferer’s

mechanartis at the time the obsession is ac-


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WA R G E A R / C O G O L E M D E S I G N P R O C E D U R E1. Primary chassis

2. Primary power source

3. Cockpit (WarGear only)

4. CRS/CogNition

5. Limb chassis

6. Functions

7. Armour

8. Weapons



The primary chassis of the WarGear/cogolem

forms the internal structure and skeleton upon

which all else rests. The primary chassis, which is

thought of as the torso of the WarGear/cogolem, can sup-

port a number of limb chassis equal to the size rating of

the primary chassis +1. A head does not count as a limb for

this purpose despite a head attachment requiring a separate

chassis. The limbs attached to the primary chassis can not

be of a size rating larger than the primary chassis.

The size of a cogolem is much more instrumental in its

performance than that of a WarGear, which can rely upon

its pilot to do much of the work. The following table works

out a few of the Cogolem’s statistics based on its size rating,

modified by functions and programmes.

S i z e r at i n g C l a s s n a m e T R C E

-2 > 0 Whippet 1 0

1 > 2 Hound 2 1

3 > 5 Mastiff 3 2

6 > 9 Dread 4 4

10+ Maul 5 6

TR rating of a cogolem will indicate the maximum capacity

it is able to carry with regard to item RV.

CE rating of a Cogolem.


Next a power source is purchased and in-

stalled in the primary chassis. Enough yield is

required to power not only the primary chassis, but also the

chassis of any limbs added. However, the CP load of a pri-

mary power source can be offset among the attached limbs.

This takes into account the use of peripheral load devices

run off the central power source.

Cogolem and WarGear typically use a single power source

on which all their parts are run. As such, the total CP

for each body location of a cogolem or WarGear

are added together for a the total available CP

when determining a power source.

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A cogolem requires functions of automation

that the WarGear has an operator to take care

of. The space set aside for a cockpit in a WarGear

is replaced with the mechanisms of a CogNition device in

a cogolem.

COGNITION DEVICESCogNition comes in three forms: automated, programmed and

artificial intelligence. The prowess create automation is required to

build an automated CogNition unit while the prowess of create

programme will allow for the manufacturing of a programmable

CogNition unit. Only a technoshaman can create a CogNition

unit with artificial intelligence using the esotechnic prowess.

CogNition units take up the number of CP as shown on the table,

but can be distributed across the cogolem’s head or torso chassis.

C o g N i t i o n RV C P D e s c r i p t i o n

Automated 4 1 Can only carry out a single looped

task. This task may be altered at a

later time through manual alteration.

Programmed 5 2 Has a list of tasks that it is

capable of performing either when

asked or when a situation (as

stated within the CogNition

program) requires.

Artificial 6 3 Is capable of varied tasks and re-

acting for which it has been briefed

equal to MA 1.

CONTROL RESPONSE SYSTEMS [CRS]The CRS is the technology used within the WarGear to

translate the physical, verbal or mental commands of the

GearHead into action. Every WarGear must have a CRS.

A basic, manual CRS costs 3 CP and RV3 to install. This is

upgradable through the addition of WarGear functions (see

below). The basic CRS uses pedals, levers, buttons, pulleys,

cranks, winches, knobs and dials. A better CRS can be

built into a WarGear during construction at the

cost of a higher RV (Maximum 10).


One of the main differences between the

cogolem and the WarGear is the place-

ment of a cockpit for the GearHead. The

cockpit replaces the need for a CogNition device;

however, the WarGear is capable of having both manual

and automatic functions with programs used to carry out

common or repetitive tasks.

A cockpit must be purchased for a WarGear, giving the pilot

a place to sit and control the WarGear’s actions. There are

three types of WarGear cockpits, each costing an increasing

amount of CP, which must be deducted from the primary

chassis. The following table lists the types and costs.

C o c k p i t t y p e C P C o s t

Harness 1

Frame 2

Shell 3

HARNESSThis type of cockpit is merely a harness within the

WarGear’s chassis. The GearHead sits within this harness

to access the CRS. The harness has an AR/CD of 1/4.

FRAMEThe typical design of this cockpit includes a chair for the

GearHead positioned inside a frame to provide a modicum

of protection and comfort. The frame supports various con-

trols, readouts and provides easy access to function controls.

The frame has an AR/CD of 2/6.

SHELLThis cockpit is completely enclosed, usually having access

via a door, hatch or trapdoor. While not airtight the shell

cockpit can easily be converted to be fitted with a life-sup-

port, amphibious or submersible function. The shell cockpit

is fitted with viewing and listening portals if the WarGear

has no function to fulfil these tasks. The shell cockpit has

an ABR/AR/CD of 1/3/5.

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even made using a rare material (such as a

ceramic, alloy or crystal).

ADVANCED CONTROLSThe WarGear has been fitted with enhanced control

features that allow the GearHead greater control over the

WarGear’s common functions. The benefits of these modi-

fications grant a +2AP for piloting actions.

ADDITIONAL FUEL PAYLOADThe WarGear has been fitted with additional space for fuel

enabling the WarGear to carry twice the regular capacity

of fuel.

AUDIO SENSORSThe inclusion of sound filters, amplifiers and vibration sen-

sors grants the pilot increased audio perception resulting in

a +2AP bonus to any investigation actions.

BALLOON FLOATThe WarGear has been fitted with waterproof floatation

balloons that keep the WarGear afloat in water or a similar

liquid. This does not mean that the WarGear is waterproof

or immune to environmental hazards associated with be-

ing immersed in water. These floatation balloons were in-

vented purely to stop a WarGear from sinking. Any action

while floating in water suffers a -8AP penalty. The WarGear

can float with the aid of a single balloon that has an

AR/CD: 3/3. The balloon is destroyed then the WarGear

will sink.

CARGOBAYThe WarGear has been fitted with additional containers,

harness or boxes that allow for an increase in travelling RR

equal to the value of the cargobay installed.

COMBAT CODINGThe WarGear’s weapon systems and combat manoeuvres

have been hardwired into the its build. This enhances the

combat capabilities of the WarGear by +4CAP when the

WarGear employs a weapon built into its chassis.


The following aptitudes can be purchased as pro-

grams: any tech., athletics, climbing, investigation. The

maximum rating that can be programmed into a CogNition de-

vice is equal to the device’s RV rating. The program itself costs an

amount equal to the following equation:

p r o g r A M c o s T ( rv ) = r AT i n g o f p r o g r A M M e d A p T i T u d e + 1

While a cogolem may have the aptitude of investigation

the use of the aptitude is limited by the cogolem’s under-

standing of its surroundings and instructions based on its

programming or primary tasks. Cogolem’s with a rating in

tech.combat can be issued with a weapon that has a RV less

than the cogolem’s TR and also a WBR less than the co-

golem’s tech.combat. Only programmed and artificial Cog-

Nition units are capable of reloading a weapon. Automated

cogolems can use hand-held weapons or single-shot ranged

weapons that need manual reloading once fired.


Each limb supported by the primary chassis on a WarGear/co-

golem must be purchased and accounted for with regard to the

power source yield. The size of the primary chassis will determine

the maximum number of limbs that can be supported (not includ-

ing a head chassis) as well as the size the limb chassis can be. Each

chassis has a number of CP as per the normal rules for chassis

construction (see above). The construct must have at least two legs

in order to walk.


Cogolems use the functions common to mechanar-

tis objects. WarGear, however, have their own list of

functions that can be purchased using CP and RV.

ADVANCED ARMOURThe WarGear’s armour has been manufactured using an

advanced technique granting +2ABR per location

purchased. The armour might have been lay-

ered and spaced, additionally hardened or

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Wa r G e a r f u n c t i o n s

Function CP RV Notes

Advanced armour 1 4 additional +2ABR/location

Advanced controls 1 5 +2 pilot aptitude

Additional fuel 2 1 fuel capacity x2

Audio sensors 1 4 +2 Investigate sound

Balloon float 2 3 float on water

Cargobay 1-3 1 carry additional payload

Combat coding 4 5 +4CAP

Crane 2 2 crane for lifting and repairs

Dextrous manip. 2 4 acts as a hand

Ejector 1 3 GearHead emergency escape

Elemental armour 1 4 +2 elemental resistance

Enchanced fuel 1 4 increase in yield

Ground sensor 1 4 +2 investigate ground targets

Hardwired 3 5 +4AP piloting actions

Jack-links 4 5 interchangeable limbs

Jumpgear 2 3 allow the WarGear to jump

Life support 2 5 survival in hostile conditions

Loudhailer 1 1 as per resource description

Mining bit 1 2 7DAM crushing

Passenger seat 1 2 allows for a single passenger

Reinforced chassis 1 5 +2 function points to location

Reinforced cockpit 1 3 +2ABR (suit)

Repair arm 2 3 +2AP repair actions

Shielded cockpit 1 5 assea shield generator

Spotlight 1 2 spotlight

Sub/amphibious 3 3 function underwater

Targeting system 2 5 +3WBR

Thinking cap 1 5 see description (page

Traction spikes 1 1 +2 athletics

Weapon sync 1 4 multiple weapon attacks.

CRANEThe WarGear is fitted with a counterweighted

crane that can be used in construction or re-

pairing itself or another WarGear.

DEXTROUS MANIPULATORAnything from a claw to a fully articulated hand, this at-

tachment allows the WarGear to pick up, manipulate and

handle objects in a careful and dextrous manner. Any pen-

alties for size where manual dexterity is an issue are halved.

EJECTORThe WarGear is fitted with a manually operated emergency

ejection system for the GearHead: propelling the GearHead

either forward or behind the WarGear (depending upon

design) up to 10B. Ejectors can also be fitted to passenger


ELEMENTAL RESISTANT ARMOURThis function must be chosen per armoured section. Each

section reinforced with elemental resistance receives a +2

elemental resistance versus a single chosen element.

ENCHANCED FUEL SYSTEMThrough the addition of improved delivery systems and

engine improvements, the WarGear is capable of doubling

the engine’s yield.

GROUND SENSORThe WarGear has been fitted with vibration sensors that

can determine rough direction and range of movement of

anything heavier than a small dog (10kg). This will give a

+4AP to investigate or hunting actions against ground based


HARDWIREDThe WarGear’s systems have been hardwired with a li-

brary of typical piloting functions and manoeuvres, which

gives the GearHead +4AP to typical piloting actions.

Acrobatic manoeuvres and other actions that the.

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However, unless an additional cockpit is

allocated to a chassis location, the passenger

is external to the WarGear and exposed to any

hostile attack or effect. The passenger only gains

armour protection from the chassis location it is attached

to. The passenger must be unencumbered to make use of

the seat/harness.

REINFORCED CHASSISThe chassis in a chosen location has been reinforced to pro-

vide additional support. This allows for +2 function points

to the reinforced location.

REINFORCED COCKPITThe chosen cockpit has been reinforced with additional pro-

tection, rollcage and impact-absorbing crush points. This

grants the GearHead an additional +2ABR (suit) while in-

side the cockpit, even if the associated chassis is destroyed.

Only CD to the cockpit or a targeted attack against it

causes the cockpit damage. The cockpit is considered

ABR/AR/CD 2/3/4.

REPAIR ARMThe WarGear has been fitted with a posable arm and grip

that can be used to position repair parts, hold tools, vice

components and many other applications during repair

work. This grants a +2AP to repair actions.

SHIELDED COCKPITA small assea generator has been placed in the cock-

pit of the WarGear (typically under the GearHead’s

seat). Upon activation this creates an assea shield (as

the weave of the same name) around the cockpit. The

shield has a force 10. The GearHead must be capable of

transferring a single point of assea to activate the shield,

costing 2 discourse actions.

SPOTLIGHTThe WarGear is fitted with a spotlight that can

be activated by the GearHead in the cockpit.

JACK-LINKSThese specially machined links allow for the

WarGear’s limbs or members (hands/feet/head)

to be removed and exchanged with a different

version of comparable size/chassis and number of func-

tions. In order to change a jack-link, the WarGear must be

stationary and able to sit down or remain inactive for a

period of time. An adept changing a jack-link requires the

correct tools (RV3) and access either to a winch/crane or

jack (The repair arm or crane function will suffice–as long

as neither function are installed in the limb being inter-

changed). A frame or shell cockpit also be fitted with a

jack-link, making it interchangeable; some adepts use this

function to interchange a cockpit with a CogNition device,

to create a cogolem/WarGear hybrid.

JUMPGEARThe WarGear has been fitted with pneumatic jacks that allow

the WarGear to jump. The WarGear jumps as if it possessed

the strength prowess at a rating equal to its yield. A jump

costs the GearHead 6 discourse actions to employ.

LIFE SUPPORTThe cockpit of the WarGear has been fitted with a hermetic

seal and life-support system that consists primarily of air

and insulation. If the cockpit chassis remains undamaged

the GearHead gains +4AP versus elemental effects, is im-

mune to gas, suffocation, vacuum and drowning and is able

to survive in hostile environments for up to three hours.

After this time the air supply runs out and the GearHead

suffocates or drowns.

LOUDHAILERA loudhailer has been fitted to the WarGear +2 AP performance.

MINING BITThe WarGear has been fitted with a mining bit on a limb.

This tool delivers 7DAM crushing damage when engaged

in a melee attack.

PASSENGER SEAT/HARNESSThe WarGear has been fitted with an

additional seat or harness for a passenger.

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in an attack, the pilot makes, a single attack

is made. The target must then defend against

this attack and a number of similar attacks

equal to the number of weapons synchronised.

This function must be purchased for each weapon synchro-

nised. Only weapons mounted on the WarGear can be syn-

chronised and, when the feature is used, all synchronised

weapons must be free to attack the same target. A WarGear

with two arms each carrying a blade, synchronised together

could attack with each blade separately or use the synchro-

nised function to have both blades attack the same target,

however, the two arms must be free of any obstacle that

would stop one or both attacking the same target.


Armour can be added to a chassis of a cogolem/WarGear

as per the normal mechanartis design rules. There are ad-

ditional functions listed for WarGear armour that can alter

the nature or effectiveness of the armour.


Both cogolem and WarGear can mount and carry

weapons as per the mechanartis object rules

above as well as the normal

rules of combat.

SUBMERSIBLE/AMPHIBIOUSThe WarGear has been fitted with seals, filters,

valves and pumps, allowing it to be amphibious or

submersible for a period of time without adversely af-

fecting the WarGear. This system adjustment does not enable

blackpowder weapons to function while submerged or for the

GearHead to survive without air for longer than 10CR without

fresh air being flushed into the cockpit. If the engine is combustion

powered then the engine will only continue operation for a maxi-

mum of 10CR before needing oxygen to continue operations. As

part of the amphibious modifications to the WarGear, a snorkel is

included that can be raised or lowered as necessary. This enables

the WarGear to remain submersed over its height and maintain

engine operations as well as external air to the cockpit.

TARGETING SYSTEMThe WarGear has been fitted with a targeting system that

allows for more accuracy in delivering an attack via a

weapon mounted or carried by the WarGear. This will

translate into a +3WBR bonus.

THINKING CAPThe WarGear cockpit has been fitted with the most ad-

vanced control system including a thinking cap. The Gear-

Head’s thoughts are translated directly to the WarGear,

resulting in unprecedented control. The GearHead does not

suffer the control limitation of having aptitude ratings fixed

to the ceiling of their piloting aptitude (see WarGear Con-

trols). This allows the GearHead to use aptitudes other than

their piloting aptitude while within their WarGear.

TRACTION SPIKESThese spikes are typically retractable and act as studs on

the soles of the WarGear’s feet in order to give additional

traction to movement. Traction spikes give a +2AP bonus

on any action where the WarGear’s stability on its feet is

questioned or a factor of success.

WEAPON SYNCThe WarGear has more than one mounted

weapon linked to fire or attack at the same

time. When synchronised weapons are used

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T y p e RV ( S M ) A R / C D M o d .

Flare dampener 5(2) 1/2 +2AP vs

light attack

Low light 5(2) 1/2 +2AP low light,

-1AP in bright light

Thermal 5(2) 1/2 +2AP in dark, -2AP in

warm conditions

B I O M E T I C H N O S EThe biometich nose is usually a filter placed over the nose

(or the place where the nose was), typically meshed into

the user’s blood system and powered by the user’s body.

The biometich nose provides a normal sense of smell, but

it also has one of the following additional features: a toxin

filter, increased sensory perception or the ability to block

all sense of smell.

T y p e M o d i f i c at i o n

Filter +4AP vs inhaled

Heightened +4AP investigate smell

B R A I N C A N I S T E RThe primary functions of a brain canister are life support

to and interface with a disembodied brain. The brain floats

within an aemobolic fluid with wires attached to the lobes

of the brain to facilitate the transfer of electronic sensory

information and thoughts to the associated machinery.

Typically, machines such as a voice box, biometich eyes

and ears are attached to the brain canister, sometimes

even biometich arms and legs are added. The technology

that allows the brain to communicate is similar to that of

the thought cap, however, the life-support system of the

brain canister is unique and cannot be adapted for a full

organism. RV(SM) 6(5)

D E R M A L C A R A PA C EThis armour, fashioned from invented polymers and illixit silk,

can be embedded under the skin. The armour protects

the muscle, bone and organs from most damage,

greatly reducing the risk of critical damage and

These are just a few of the objects that

have been made with mechanartis

techniques and technology. They are rare and

costly to manufacture and, as such, not available

through normal mercantile channels.

A Q U A L U N GThis peculiar device is usually carried on the user’s back. It

contains pumps, chambers and valves that draw-in, separate

and store, oxygen for breathing. The aqualung is powered

by the movement of the wearer, but is less than efficient and

produces barely enough oxygen to sustain the user and the

physical activity required to continue to use the device. It only

sustains a user for a number of CR equal to 5x(PR+Fortitude)

after which the user takes 1CD(KO) damage per CR until

unconscious. If the wearer stops moving they have a number of

CR of air available to them equal to PR+Fortitude before they

start suffocating. RV(SM) 5(4) AR/CD: 3/4

B I O M E T I C H E A R S These devices replace a normal ear that has been damaged

or surgically removed. Biometich ears act as a regular ear

in addition to the particular special feature of the device.

Having both ears replaced with biometich ears doubles the

benefits, if the ears are of the same type.

T y p e RV ( S M ) A R / C D M o d i f i c at i o n

Dampener 5(2) 1/2 +2AP vs sound attacks

Clairaudience 5(2) 1/2 +2AP investigate sounds

B I O M E T I C H E Y E SBiometich eyes are typically made of steel and various

alloys. They can replace a lost or removed eye and grant

an equivalent level of sight to a normal eye, as well as

the additional special feature of the eye. Having both eyes

replaced with biometich eyes doubles the benefits, if the

eyes are of the same type.

mechanartiS objectS

Maurice Roth (order #3829273)



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O R A N I S G L O B EThis device comes in two parts: the first is

the oranis globe, a metallic globe surrounding a

moxcatha crystal core; the second is a mechanartis

device contained in a box with a harness.

The box is a conduit for storing and accessing assea weaves. The

globe controls the box and is held in one hand while active. The

wearer of the box can place a number of assea weaves, up to a

WR10, into storage. The oranis globe is placed on the funnel

attachment of the box while the weaves are cast into the box.

The weaves remain in the box until accessed.

Activating the globe, the user can execute the weaves one at

a time, at the cost of one discourse action per weave. The

force of each weave can be augmented with the user’s own

assea pool as normal. RV(SM) 6(4) AR/CD 2/3

P E R E N O R ’ S WAT C H E REffectively a remote-viewing device, a human eye (usually

not one of the user’s) is suspended within a metal-and-

glass ball. The ball, or watcher, is powered by a small

asseametich engine to create an anti-gravity field

and enable the remote viewing function.

The watcher is controlled by a handle.

damage from piercing and bludgeoning weapons

(-50% critical damage), but does not negate

blood loss. The armour can only be purchased as

cuirass or a helmet. It is considered natural armour

ABR2 and can add to damage reduction from externally worn

armour. The flexibility and adaptability of the armour means

that it will not encumber the wearer. RV(SM) 5(1)

F O R G E S H E L LForgeshells are magically created metal bodies that can replace

the skin of the user. Created by technoshaman metalsmiths,

these skins are rare and expensive. The process to ‘grow’ these

shells over the user’s body is long, arduous and potentially fatal.

The user has their skin slowly removed in a bath of special

amniotic fluid while the small individual plates of alloy are

magically fused with their muscles. Few can survive this process

and, of those who do, many suffer lasting mental trauma. Once

attached, the metal skin is as flexible as real skin, bending and

creasing, feeling warm to the touch. Typically silver is the metal

used, although it can be made to look chromatic, gold, brass or

copper. It is also usually smoothed to a mirror finish, but there

have been cases of textured forgeshells.

It takes weeks to manufacture and attach a forgeshell,

during which time the user is incapacitated. The difficulty

of the procedure and the IF penalty that the user incurs is

determined by the size of the forgeshell being applied. RV 7

H A N D B L A D E SThese weapons are embedded in spring-loaded sheaths within

the bones of the arm(s). The blades, the length of a dagger, do

more damage owing to the added strength the blades gain from

their bone mounting. The blades can be activated by vibration,

buttons or a vigorous thrust. The wielder is immune to disarm

attacks against the handblades. Handblades have the following

statistics: WBR2 WD3. When attacking with the blades from

an open hand (not wielding a weapon), the blades give the

lightning strike prowess. A single handblade will take

a day of surgery to install and a week of recovery

time before it can be used. RV(SM) 5(2)

mechanartiS objectS

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T H I N K I N G C A PThis strange device looks like a brass bowl, with

bolts, vacuum tubes, wires and antennae sticking

out. Worn as a helmet, it is capable of translating

thoughts to or from analogue media. It is what allows a

GearHead to pilot a WarGear by thought alone. It has also

been used by master craftsmen to record the process necessary

to complete a technical task and then relay it to someone who

is completely untrained, enabling them to also complete the

task. The cap is uncomfortable and cumbersome, but simple

to operate. It can be powered by a variety of power sources.

There are various programs available, but all only allow a

single technical skill to be employed. This adds +4 to any

AP involving the tech.aptitude. The discomfort of wearing

the cap incurs a -1 penalty to investigate and nous actions

and a -1 encumbrance penalty. RV(SM) 6(4) AR/CD 2/4

V O I C E M I M I C B OXThis device is a small box that is held in both hands. It records

a voice, but also allows the user’s voice to be modulated to

match that of the most recent recorded voice. Voices are

recorded on fragile wax plates that can be removed and

stored for later use. Each voice recorded requires a new

plate. The device can be hooked up to a power source, but

most are manually operated via a crank handle (the noise

of which can impair the quality of the recording) each plate

typically holds approximately 10 minutes of sound. When

used to mimic a voice, the box gives a +4AP to language

actions to impersonate another person’s voice; however, in

order to use the box, it must be held up to the mouth of the

operator – which usually proves conspicuous.

The user tilts the handle to point the ball in

the direction they wish the watcher to move.

Holding the handle transfers the image of what

the watcher sees to the user’s mind. The watcher

hovers at the same height as the handle and, when not in

use, hovers near the handle and follows it about.

The range of the watcher is approximately 30B. Using the

watcher takes some concentration as well as causing mixed

images, if the user is also looking through their own eyes at

the same time. This double vision gives -3AP to any visual

activities. If a user focuses and concentrates on their own vision,

images from the watcher can be ignored; the brain does this

automatically during times of stress or intense concentration

(such as combat).RV(SM) 6(3) AR/CD 1/2

P N E U M AT I C A R M S / L E G SThese limbs are fully machine-worked replacements, each

fitted with pneumatic systems. Preparing the limbs for use

requires 10CR, resetting the limbs after use costs 3 discourse

actions. Pneumatic arms can deliver a strike equivalent

to the powerful blow prowess attack. Pneumatic legs can

be used for athletic, gymnastic and acrobatic actions as if

carried out with the strength prowess. Pneumatic limbs

cause the loss of 1 point in assea per limb. RV(SM) 6(3)

T E L E S C O P I C A R M S , L E G S , W R I S T , N E C KThese telescopic attachments are normally fitted between

joints, enabling either side of the joint to be partitioned off

from the telescopic component. The muscles are wired into

the telescopic attachment and connected via rubber-and-

chain muscle replacements. Powered by the user’s blood

and assea, the limbs are largely maintenance free. The

typical length of a telescopic attachment is 1B, as any longer

than this causes dangerous stress on the patient’s heart and

vital system as well as placing stress on the telescopic links.

Implanting a telescopic attachment is a difficult and time-consuming

operation, taking up to three days, with three weeks of

recovery and adjustment. The patient loses a point

in assea permanently per limb. RV(SM) 5(3)

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C O M M A N D M A C H I N Ew r : 3 A f f i l i AT i o n : A i r c l A s s : sp o n TA n e o u s

i n f l u e n c e :This weave influences a single machine spoken to by the

asseath. The voice of the asseath must be audible around

the machine although language is no barrier.

This weave can be executed a number of times on the same

machine in order to achieve a more complex combination

of tasks, as long as the machine is capable of them.

d e s c r i p T i o n: This weave allows the asseath to verbally command a ma-

chine to carry out a single task. To succeed, the verbal

command must match a primary function of the machine;

otherwise the weave has no effect. The command should

consist of a single word or short sentence.

Once the command has been obeyed the weave’s influence

ceases and the machine returns to its normal operating pattern.

M A C H I N E P O S S E S S I O Nw r : 4 A f f i l i AT i o n : wAT e r c l A s s : sp o n TA n e o u s

i n f l u e n c e :A single machine (or manufactured object) touched by the

asseath at execution. The machine can be simple or complex.

d e s c r i p T i o n: Machine possession can be used to give movement to

an inanimate object, even when that object has

no means of locomotion, such as candlestick

moving about a room or a sword fighting as

A N I M AT E S H I E L Dw r : vA r . A f f i l i AT i o n : e A r T h c l A s s : sp o n TA n e o u s

i n f l u e n c e :A single shield touched at execution.

d e s c r i p T i o n:This weave was originally devised by anasseath who was

looking for added protection during combat. The weave

animates a normal shield to block any incoming attacks,

whether melee or missile. Many asseath have found the

shield also gets in the way of their targeting. Adepts, how-

ever, have found this weave to be extremely effective in

protecting them while they carry out technical actions.

F o r c e o f w e av e S i z e o f S h i e l d

1-2 Buckler

3-5 Small shield

6-9 Medium shield

10 Large shield

11+ Tower shield

The shield moves to block any incoming melee or missile

attack (visible or invisible); however, it cannot block an

attack that is purely elemental or assea in nature. When

the shield blocks an attack it takes the full damage; as

such, most shields do not last very long. Only one ani-

mated shield can be deployed at a time. The size of the

shield that can be deployed is dependent upon

the force of the weave at the time of execution.

adePt WeaveS

W e av e D e s c r i p t i o n s Name WR Aff . Class . Descr ipt ion

Animate shield var. E S Animate a shield to create an animated barrier for protection.

Command machine 3 A S Verbally command a machine to carry out a single task.

Machine possession 4 W S Possess a simple or complex machine.

Overclock 1 F S Increase the yield output of an engine or machine.

Seizure 2 F S Cause a machine with moveable parts to jam, fuse or break.

Spirit mark 5 W R Forces a spirit to possess an object.

Understand machine 1 A S Gain comprehension of a machine’s purpose.

Maurice Roth (order #3829273)




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S E I Z U R Ew r : 2 A f f i l i AT i o n : f i r e c l A s s : sp o n TA n e o u s

i n f l u e n c e :A single machine touched by the asseath at execution.

d e s c r i p T i o n:When executed against a machine with moveable parts, the

parts of the machine seem to jam, fuse or break. No actual

damage occurs to the machine from the weave and once the

weave has expired the machine restarts or is capable of working.

S P I R I T M A R Kw r : 5 A f f i l i AT i o n : wAT e r c l A s s : r i T u A l

i n f l u e n c e :A single object or machine on which the ritual is performed.

d e s c r i p T i o n:This weave is only available to technoshamen. The tech-

noshaman, through considerable study, has contained a spirit

within a rune. This rune can be placed on an object, including

complex machines, allowing the spirit to imbue the object or

machine in a conscious manner. Granting the spirit control

and comprehension over any of the objects moveable parts as

well as secondary functions (such as a calculator being able to

carry out mathematical calculations). The types of spirits used

to possess objects varies greatly as do their abilities (such as

audible communication or telepathy).

Most technoshamen who attain this level of knowledge

of the Chords of Existence baulk at a spirit mark

being placed on a simple inanimate object

(such as a sword). Most would much rather

place the mark on a more sophisticated

if wielded by the asseath. Complex machines

can also be possessed and their functions made

available to the possessing asseath, regardless of

whether the asseath has any understanding of the

technology or purpose of the machine.

While possessing a machine, the asseath is separated from

their corporal form and remains completely unaware of

their body. If the asseath’s body dies while the anima is

absent then the asseath’s anima remains trapped inside

the object/machine until divorced and banished. The as-

seath’s anima within the object/machine is fully aware of

its surroundings and senses, but is immune to any adverse

effects of this condition. The object/machine takes on

the descriptors, attributes and knowledge (aptitudes) of

the asseath, is able to move an equivalent speed to the

asseath’s original MP as well as take advantage of any

functions, locomotion or tools (including weapons) the

object machine has.

Once the weave has expired, the asseath’s anima returns

to the body and the machine stops any action initiated

by the asseath while in possession of the object/machine.

O V E R C L O C Kw r : 1 A f f i l i AT i o n : f i r e c l A s s : sp o n TA n e o u s

i n f l u e n c e :A single machine touched by the asseath during execution.

d e s c r i p T i o n:This weave increases the output of a machine by an

amount equal to 10% x force of the weave. The effects

of this weave can include an increase in power yield, a

faster response time or an increase in the efficiency of the

action performed by the machine. The effects last for the

duration of the weave.

adePt WeaveS

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machine (such as a cogolem) and

allow the spirit to infuse the ma-

chine with its own personality, ani-

mation and intelligence. This is a danger-

ous proposition, as spirits can be fickle, but

grants the spirit the most freedom to act as a

tool for the technoshaman.

Once the mark is placed on the object (usually

prominently) and the ritual performed, the spirit

enters the object/machine. The technoshaman

must negotiate with the spirit for its coopera-

tion. Most spirits do not ask for much in return,

perhaps an amount of assea. As long as there

is the promise of eventual release and payment,

most will cooperate. However, some spirits are

naturally malicious and may only pretend to co-


Within the nation of Nebezzenatt it is not illegal to own or

possess a spirit-marked object/machine, but it is illegal to

create one, as the ritual is considered a revegaite act.

U N D E R S T A N D M A C H I N Ew r : 1 A f f i l i AT i o n : A i r c l A s s : sp o n TA n e o u s

i n f l u e n c e :A single machine within line of sight

d e s c r i p T i o n:With this weave, the asseath can learn the purpose and

functions a machine. The AR to operate the machine is

equal to the force of the weave with the force of the weave

takes precedence over any aptitude rating that would nor-

mally be used to operate the machine.

When the weave ends so does the ability to use the

machine, but the asseath can retain the knowledge of what

the machine has been designed to do. However, simple de-

vices can be operated on common principles (nous, knowl-

edge) once the purpose of the device has been revealed.

adePt WeaveS

Maurice Roth (order #3829273)




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P r o w e s s D e s c r i p t i o n

Agility The rating of this prowess

may be added to the Gear-

Head’s pilot aptitude.

Dirty fighting Works as normal

Evasive manoeuvre Works as normal

Feint attack Works with -2AP

Lightning reflexes Will not work while in a WarGear.

Lightning strike Works as normal.

Precision attack May only be used against targets equal

to or greater in size.

Punishing blow Will not work while in a WarGear.

Reverse strike Will not work while in a WarGear.

Sacrifice strike Works as normal.

Superior defence Will not work while in a WarGear.

A S S E A A N D W E AV E E X E C U T I O N W H I L E P I L O T I N G A WA R G E A RWhile the use of assea, and assea weaves, while piloting a

WarGear is possible, the cramped conditions, uncomfortable

surroundings and limited sensory awareness make these tasks

difficult. Any TDC activity carried out while inside a WarGear

means that the GearHead must achieve an AP higher than

the yield of the WarGear using the following AP:

sr+g r o u n d i n g+M e d i TAT i o n*-2*subject to WarGear Control limitations except CRS.

In addition, the construction of the WarGear makes it

difficult for the GearHead to focus, causing a -2AP to any medi-

tation or investigation activity and a -2 foci penalty to any weave

force. No fetish can be expended while piloting a WarGear and

any foci will only grant half (round down) the usual bonus.

Weaves requiring sight, touch, speech or other means of

direct targeting will not work unless the WarGear has

installed functions that would mimic the GearHeads normal

physical abilities (sight, sound, speech).

Only spontaneous weaves may be executed within

the confines of a WarGear.

Wargear Piloting

Wa r G e a r C o n t r o l sMost WarGear have manual controls, and

unless an automatic control system has been

installed all actions by the WarGear are considered man-

ually operated by the GearHead pilot. When an automatic pi-

lot function is installed in a WarGear, switching from manual

to automatic pilot or vice versa is a discourse action.

When a GearHead attempts an action while piloting a

WarGear they are restricted by the WarGear’s Control

Response System (CRS), the WarGear’s size and the Gear-

Head’s pilot WarGear aptitude rating.

The following limitations apply in all cases:

• AGearHead’spilotaptitudeoranotheraptitudecannot

exceed the CRS rating of the WarGear for AP creation

purposes while piloting the WarGear.

• Anyactionthatnormallyusesanaptitudeotherthan

the GearHead’s pilot aptitude, cannot exceed the pilot

WarGear aptitude rating.

• Anyphysicalactivitythatrequiresameasureoffinesse(ac-

robatics, legerdemain, tech.criminal, stealth) is penalised by

an amount equal to the WarGear’s size modifier (positive

or negative, therefore a +3 or -3 is a 3 point penalty).

A C T I O N S P E R F O R M E D O N A U T O M AT E D O P E R AT I O NActions performed while operating on automatic pilot rely

on the programs aptitude rating and use the following AP:

d e s c r i p T o r + AT T r i b u T e + p r o g r A M A p T i T u d e r AT i n g

The descriptor and attribute ratings used remain those of

the GearHead piloting the WarGear.

C O M B ATThe CAP of the GearHead while piloting a WarGear suffers

the normal limitations of piloting mentioned above in WarGear

Controls. A GearHead’s base CAP remains the same.


Many of the combat prowess work differently in

combat when piloting a WarGear. Alterations

to individual prowess are noted below.

Maurice Roth (order #3829273)



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Wargear Piloting

ent on whether the system is manual

or mental, as well as the complexity

of the control system and mechanics

within the WarGear. The CRS is the maxi-

mum base CAP allowed by the GearHead in control-

ling the WarGear

yield The yield of the WarGear is determined by the

power source and the material used to build the

chassis. This is then modified by any excess weight.

pi The PI of the WarGear is dependent upon the

material used for the chassis.

T r This is the travelling resource value of the

WarGear: the ability of the WarGear to carry a

certain amount of cargo, it determines encum-

brance for the WarGear.

M p Determines the speed of the WarGear

M/A Manual/Auto. This describes whether the WarGear has

an automated control system that can override the need

for the GearHead to control certain systems, such as

locomotion, targeting, athletics, combat. All WarGear

have manual controls, but those with automated con-

trols allow the GearHead to make use of the WarGear’s

aptitude ratings instead of their own. This means that

the GearHead has no influence over the action that has

been automated while automatic pilot is turned on (a

discourse action to activate/deactivate).

f u n c . This is the modification threshold of the WarGear

model. This is the amount of function points that

can be removed and swapped for alternative func-

tion choices.



While most offensive weaves can target a

WarGear as normal, it is near impossible to target

a GearHead while they are piloting a WarGear. Damage

or effects from weaves targeted at the WarGear work as

normal. A GearHead’s elemental resistance still applies

while piloting, but is not be conveyed to the WarGear.

CRYSTAL CHASSISThe WarGear crystal chassis was designed to allow asseath

to pilot WarGear without loss of their arcane abilities. The

crystal chassis aids the GearHead with assea manipulation,

allowing a GearHead to perform TDC actions without limi-

tation on the piloting aptitude rating. A crystal chassis also

allows the GearHead’s natural elemental resistance to be

passed on to the WarGear.

Wa r G e a r m o d e l d e s c r i p t i o n sThe following chassis models have been designed and built

by the Kabar and benefit from the highest standards in

manufacturing. This affords them a number of benefits that

tailormade WarGear do not have. Each has a number of

function points that indicate the model’s capacity for modi-

fication. Current functions can be swapped for alternative

functions up to this threshold value.

C l a s s S i z e C r s Y i e l d P I T R M P M / A F u n c .

Blooded scarritt 3 5 3 3 3 10 M 3

Raging tuk 4 4 5 6 5 4 A 4

Striking ryphat 4 6 4 5 3 5 M 5

Screaming drac 5 7 7 7 5 8 M 6

size The size of the WarGear is both a description of the

physical size as well as the WarGear’s manoeuvra-

bility and profile. It is not a direct reflection of the

WarGear’s sturdiness, although it is a good indicator.

crs This value dictates how quickly the sys-

tems of the WarGear responds to the

GearHead’s control. This is depend-

Maurice Roth (order #3829273)




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ironjaW WargearS


Size 3


Yield 3

PI 3

TR 3

MP 10


Func.pts 3


Size 4


Yield 5

PI 6

TR 5

MP 4


Func.pts 4

d e s i g n: Shell Cockpit AR/CD: 2/3, Asseametich engine

we A p o n s : Blade WBR3 WD4, Traction spikes WBR2 WD2

C h a s s i s A B R A R C D F u n c t i o n s / N o t e s

Head 2 2 Binoculars

Torso 1 2 2 Cockpit, Jumpgear

Left arm 1 2 2 Dextrous manip.

Right arm 1 2 2 Dextrous manip.

Left leg 3 3 2 Traction spikes, Adv.Armour,

Weapon sync.

Right leg 3 3 2 Traction spikes, Adv.Armour,

Weapon sync.

The blooded vasroo is a scouting WarGear, designed for

speed and stealth. It has a manual control system and

advanced control features with a small assea engine for

added stealth.

Not designed for combat, the blooded scarritt can only sup-

port light loads and suffers from lower strength loading.

The chassis is mostly constructed of brass with copper fix-

tures. Many GearHeads who pilot the blooded vasroo opt

for advanced armour, hardwired, jumpgear, reinforced chas-

sis or cockpit and a shielded cockpit.

The blooded vasroo’s main offensive capability is

to charge using a jump, landing on the target

with synchronised leg attacks.

d e s i g n: Shell Cockpit ABR/AR/CD: 1/3/5, Steam-

work engine, Iron chassis

we A p o n s : Cestus (gauntlets) WBR2 WD6

C h a s s i s A B R A R C D F u n c t i o n s / N o t e s

Head 3 6 Reinforced chassis, Combat coding

Torso 1 3 7 Thinking cap, Audio sensor, Ad-

vanced controls, Advanced armour,

Cockpit, Engine

Left arm 1 3 8 Dextrous manip., Targeting sys.

Right arm 1 3 8 Dextrous manip., Targeting sys.

Left leg 1 3 6 Traction spikes, Ground sensor

Right leg 1 3 6 Traction spikes, Cargo bay (1)

The raging tuk is the brute of the Ironjaw’s WarGears.

Designed for close quarters assault and siege work the

raging tuk has been designed to hit hard and stand and

fight. The chassis is made of iron and has brass fixtures.

The large steam boilder set to the rear of the WarGear will

need feeding every 3 scenes.

Raging tuk GearHeads favour upgrades of advanced ar-

mour, additional fuel, enhanced fuel, hardwired, shielded

cockpit or weapon synchronisation.

Most GearHeads piloting a raging tuk favour large

cleaving or bludgeoning weapons in both hands

or a weapon/tower shield combination.

Maurice Roth (order #3829273)



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Size 3


Yield 4

PI 5

TR 3

MP 5


Func.pts 5


Size 6


Yield 7

PI 7

TR 5

MP 8


Func.pts 6

d e s i g n: Shell Cockpit ABR/AR/CD: 1/3/5, Asseamet-

ich engine, Crystal chassis

we A p o n s : 2xShort swords WBR2 WD3

C h a s s i s A B R A R C D F u n c t i o n s / N o t e s

Head 4 7 Reinforced chassis, Loudhailer

Torso 1 4 7 Thinking cap, Audio sensor, Ejec-

tor, Elemental armour (Fire),

Shielded cockpit, Cockpit, Engine

Left arm 1 4 7 Dextrous manip., Elemental ar-

mour (Fire), Adv. armour, Assea

armour (force 5, used as a shield)

Right arm 1 4 7 Dextrous manip., Elemental ar-

mour (Fire), Adv. armour, Anger

of the elements (fire, force 3)

Left leg 1 4 7 Ground sensor, Adv. armour,

Loudhailer, Speed (force 3)

Right leg 1 4 7 Ground sensor, Adv. armour,

Loudhailer, Speed (force 3)

The screaming drac is a specialist WarGear designed for

asseaths supporting combat troops. It is the only as-

seath friendly WarGear currently in service with the Iron

jaws and the only one using the crystal chassis.

Most asseath GearHeads piloting screaming drac

will remain outside combat and give asseath suppot

d e s i g n: Shell Cockpit ABR/AR/CD: 1/3/5, Steam-

work engine, Steel chassis

we A p o n s : Howling cannon RC9, RNG.40, 9DAM

C h a s s i s A B R A R C D F u n c t i o n s / N o t e s

Head 3 5 7 Reinforced chassis, Loudhailer,

Combat coding, Targeting system

Torso 4 5 7 Adv. armour, Audio sensor, Think-

ing cap, Hardwired, Reinforced

cockpit, Engine

Left arm 2 5 7 Dextrous manip., Adv. armour,

Cargobay (3, stores black powder

and wadding for cannon), ignitor

and ramrod.

Right arm 2 5 7 Dextrous manip., Adv. armour,

Howling cannon,

Left leg 2 5 7 Ground sensor, Adv. armour,

Traction spikes

Right leg 2 5 7 Ground sensor, Adv. armour,

Traction spikes

The striking ryphat is the heaviest WarGear avail-

able to the nation. This is an officer’s version with

enhanced combat capabilities and howling cannon.

The common version lacks combat coding,

thinking cap, cargo bay and cannon.

ironjaW WargearS

Maurice Roth (order #3829273)




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manifesicants — beings from the outer spheres of existence.mechanartis — the merging of technology and magic.mechosis — mental sickness caused by a high intrusion factor.MgIver, Max — the most famous adept Kabar special agent from Torc 101.Moray, Professor Ezexial — one of the most wanted criminals in the nation.moxcatha — crystals that can hold and release assea energy.Murigca — a strategic board game for two to four players.

nNazagh — one of the five eohlythid races.Nethradii — the title given to natives of the Nether outer sphere of existence.North Star, the — name of the first track ship.

oOchre Guild, the — a guild for inventors and adepts who are denied entry into the major colleges or universities.Orica, Cabal — cabal specialising in steam powered water transport.orist — crystals that can absorb and expel thermal energy.ornithopters — aerial vehicles that can mimic a birds flight.oscallion — title given to criminals who have obsessions with famous individuals.

pPrestor Valley — pastoral region south of Lumar.

qQuipst, Deph — famous adept and founding father of cogmetichs.

rrevegaite — offenders of order 1166, who practise voitancy, estramancy and soultaming.RigIt — the product of special training given to MgIver specialists.Rhythlys — the name of the continent.Rhombadsdhan — regional lumber town.Rothyur — name given to the university of Saint Domswart difference engine.

sscarritt — giant feral rabbits that inhabit the Endless City in a similar manner to rats.School of Applied Forces and Determined Results, the — part of the University of St Domswart.School of Gears, the (Verdenmn) — adept artisans specialising in highly detailed engineer-ing and design.Shatterbrac coat — coat worn by Gourik’a rangers.Shrike — general title given to para-military cabal troops.Skrill — and organism produced from a psuedogyth which produces a syrum used for vari-ous medical and technological devices.Society of the Three Rings, the — secretive organisation outlawed by the Kabar.Sturmnarch — Stormtroopers of the Kabar. Elite special forces.

TTaakiotochi, Cabal — given the office of national defender of the oceans.technoshaman — specialist vocation merging asseath and adept.Templeport — the largest and major nation port.thaumaturge — a second level asseath vocation.Torc 24 — an elite para-military government unit. Torn Mount — an extinct volcanoe which produces the majority of mineral production for the nation.Tyhn, Uily List — designer of a fashional bionic eye.

uUrisin, Cabal — industrial cabal renown for their developments in asseametichs and biometichs.

vVerdenmu, Varlinos — a disgraced aristocrat from the Reiche kingdom who moved to Ashend-rya and established himself as a cogmetichs artisan. Founder of the Verdenmn artisans.Voital — extradimensional portal.VosHenki, Cabal — industrial cabal

wWarGear — mechanical construct, piloted platform.Warp — outer sphere of existence, thought to be the essence of the Chords of existence.warp wyrm

xyzZhioan, Madame — a master adept.

AaBot — a self-winding droid designed to assist an adept. Alurims — a measurement of assea invented by Verity Lyrus.

Aquistus — the land to the west of Nebezzenatt which was destroyed during the War of Five Stones.

Arithmeticulator — a manual machine for mathematical calculations.Armechitus — second level adept vocation.

asseametichs — the fusing of assea and mechanics.Assean — the description of an individual’s Archetype and Ruling Sign.asseath — the term referring to those capable of manipulating assea and objects which harness assea.Asseptalobe — a device which can visually identify a target’s assean.Astaretare Ves Tura — the ‘carnival of twisted light’, annual street parade of Cabal Urisin.Auchaus, Cabal — major cabal developing steam and cogwork technology.Avernsgrove — region of AshendryaAvouSvar — the name given to the crusade against Shiok.

bbiometichs — the merging of flesh and technology.Blue Cord, the — small college dedicated to cogmetichs and autonomous machines.Bonechimmer — second level asseath vocation.bound (B) — the game measurement of movement.

cCassenwerle Primaries — the developers of crystal armour. Cogolem — mechanical, semi-autonomous, construct.Cogmetichs — the science of cog and clockwork mechanics

dDAM — special damage, ignoring armour.Dargendas, cabal — one of the foremost weapon manufacturers in the Endless City.

eEarthscrew — military siege engine capable of drilling through earth and rock.Ebb — this sphere of existence exhibits the reality of dreams.Eristera, cabal — specialists in fire fighting and thermal weaponry.estramancy — the manipulation of another being’s assean.esotechnics — the fusing of an assean into an object.Evandeer, Ghenter — legendary adept.Existensive Voital Carriage — Professor Ezexial Moray invented a portable voital gate with an assea sacrificial engine.

fforcrist staff — thermal weapon.Frurth, Huithber Canis — famous vigilante who pioneered the use of tracing powder.

gGephon — Deph Quispt’s project to create an artificial intelligence.Gourik’a — elite cadre of Nazagh rangers.Grimms Pocket — one of the oldest and most famous regions of the Endless City.Gülol — the river that runs through the nation and Ashendrya.

hiillixit — a giant tarantula like creature with wings. Imppha, Doctor — famous inventor.Intrusion, intrusion factor — the psychological and physical trauma caused by mechanartis devices.

jJaigen, cabal — specialists in exploration and adverse environmental equipment.Julantii Keep — the eastern borders main stronghold.

kKabar — the nation’s ruling organisation.Karg Ranc — one of the major peaks of the Rhikmatta High atlas mountains.

l Leavfearne — region of the Endless City destroyed by a warp worm.

Lumar — pastural region to the east of Julantii Keep. Lutard’s Bridge — major regional market town in the center of the nation.

Lyrus, Verity — inventor of the assea meter and the alurim measurement.

MMagii — second level asseath vocation.


Maurice Roth (order #3829273)