Stcart^d In M a rg a re tv ille I T o th e V oters o f D elaw are C...

MargaretviUe, N. Y., Friday, October 31. 19M CATSKILL MOTJNXAiiy NEWS Stcart^d In M argaretville A llen K om Takes Executive Post In South Jersey D epartm ent Store Allen Korn, son of Mrs. Sadye#- Kom of his village, keeps climb- ing in the mercantile world. A few years ago he was manager for Buffalo Qppenheim-Collins. From Buffalo he went to Quebec, Canada, to be promotion manager of Pollidc’s Department store. Ten MCS Students Try Scholarship Test New York state regents scholar- ship examinati(^ were tried on Oct. 15 and 16 by ten MCS seniqrs. . I To the Voters of Delaware County: The fallowing is a true and correct list of all nominations of candidates for offices to be filled at the General Election to be held Nc^ember 4, 1958, certified to us or filed in our office pursuant to provisions of the Election Laws. Mr. Kom has recently accepted, They were Arthur Ballard, Frank a place as manager with Snellen-! DiDonato, Natalie Duboveck, Ann buigh-Blatt in Atlantic City. The ' Glendenning, Norman Maender, Atlantic Q ly Press says: “Thirty-six-year-old Allen Kom Sullivan. Steve Miller. Elizabeth' Sanford, Muriel Scott, Sandra Stange, jobs apprentice in the small retail stores his family operated in Mar- These examinations included special tests for those interested garetville, N. Y., to the t<^ ex- ^ nursing education, i*ysics, excutive post in South Jersey's cb®mistry, and mathematics, largest department store. 1 Natalie Duboveck took the ex- Kom was bom in Margaret- ville, a town in the Catskill moun- tains, and was educated in the town’s public schools. He says he ‘grew up’ in the four «mall stores amination in nursing education and Elizabeth Sanford and Nor- man Maender took the examina- tions in mathematics and science. Twenty regents and two nurs- his parents operated in that area. education awards are alloted nf Delaware county youth, as ifrell ^ share of ^ ^ts in engineering which are distributed Students in New York 2 “f* .. , before his first year was out, he ■ ^ yearns group Francis J. was in the Army in an officer-1 awarded a regents training program. scholarship. Candidates Nominated by The Republican Party Name of Candidate NELSON A. SOCEEFELLER MALCOLM WILSON .....____ JAMES A. LUITDY ............. LOUIS J. LEFKOWITZ ...... MARVIN R. DYE ________ In S^ent Band Seoond-semester junior students ' vwU be given an opportunity next injury put Kom on limited April 28 to try-the National Merit service, and he spent the remain- scholarship exams. This corpora- / der of his Army career as a mem-1 tion will distribute some $5,000,000 ber of the cadre at a camp in worth of four-year scholarships South Carolina. j during 1959-1960 to students all "After being discharged, he en- over the United States who prove rtdled in the Business Adminis- ttemselves intellectually promis- tration School of the University of “ &- Alabama, playing saxophone and clarinet in a student band to earn extra money. He was elected to Beta Gamma Sigma, the Phi Beta- Kappa of business administration, and at commencement was award- i Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lawrence ed a gold cup as the most out- visited their son-in-law and daugh- Kelly G>mers Kelly Comers, Oct. 21 standing student in the class. ter, Mr. and Mrs. Qayton Rob- “With his yeftrs of practical ex- daughters at Ithaca re- perience stUl outweighing, his ®®” tly* a c a ^ c ba(*groimds Kom en- and Mrs. Melvin Rockwell rolled at the New York u^ersity of Syracuse spent the weekend graduate school and eamed a mas- ter’s degree in retailing. He was elected to Beta Mu Pi, again the visiting Mrs. W. Grant Kelly, Mrs. Wilbur Johnson, Misses equivalent of Phi Beta Kappa, Frances Beck and Patty Hobkins and earned a serond award as spent the weekend in Newport, ‘outstanding student’ Vt. Woiiced In Canada "His first job was with the In- terstate Department Stores in its, New York ciy home office. A fter j don Morse, spending three years as a buying and merchandising executive with that chain, he joined Oppenheim- Collins in New York. Four years later he was made manager of the Buffato Ow>enheim - Qdlins, Harry Morse of Liberty visited his mother here and took her to Andes to visit Mr. and Mrs. Wel- Mr^ and Mrs. Wilbur Johnson Jr. enjoyed Sunday with friends in Millerton. Mrs. May Van Bramer and son, J ^ i Hillfidsde and Mrs. Karl Md q»mt _&ree yfew in that, post Van of Kin^tnn, also ^^ore. moylBg to Quebec Q ty in'M rs. Jennie Stahl visited Mr. and Canada as sales promotion mana- ger of the merchandise division of Pollock’s Department store. “ When presented the chance to retiim to a position in United States, Kom snapped it up. ‘iT acquired valuable experience,’ he says, *but you don’t begin to ap- preciate your country until you leave i t ’ "Kom and his wife, the former Ruth Goldberg of Utica, N. Y., have selected 22 East Dr., Mar- gate, as their home here. Tliey have ^ o daughters, Jody Kim and Lindy Sue, five and seven, and a pet boxer, Cindy Lou.” Library Adds Books Fleischmanns, O ct 22.—The fol- lowing new books have been re- cently received and put on the shelves for circulation at the SkeneMemorial librkry; Non-fiction: “History of Eng* lish Spealdng People,” Winston Churchill; "Inside Russia Today,” John Gunther; “Be'M y Guest” Conrad Hilton; "Eleanor the Quen and Others,” Norah Lofts; "Ele- ments of Radio,” A. and W. Mar- cus; ‘Tisroel,” Jose;^ Leftovitch; “Outline of History,” two vol- umes, H. G. Wells; “Can You Top niis,” Ed Ford. Fiction: "Northern Lig^it” A. J. Cronin; “Ice Palace,” Edna Ferber; "Ginger Man,” J. P. Don- leavy; "Wind In the Forest” Inglis Fletcher; "North Fnm ilome,” Helen Mac Innes; "Amt- <any of a Murder,” Robert Traver; “Home From the HiU,” William Humphrey; "Winthrop Woman,' Anya Seton. Youth; “Teddy Roosevelt,” Edd W. Parks; "Clara Barton,” Au- gusta Stevenson; "James Feni- more Cooper,” Gertrude H. Wind- ers; “Luther Buii>ank,” Olive, W. Burt; “Susan Anthony,” H^en A. Mansell; “Zeb Kke,” Augusta Stevenson; "Jim Thorpe,” Guern- sey Van Riper Jr.; “Nancy Hanks,” Augusta Stevenson; “William 'Henry Harrison,” Howard Peck- ham; "Robert Fulton,” Margue- rite Henry; “Secrets of Life,” Walt Disney; “Stepping Stones to Light” Richard Bii^op; "I^wn theMississippi,” Clyde Robert Bulla; "Mountain Courage,” Quail Hawkins; "Two Little Gardners," Margaret Brown; “Night Before Christmas," Clement Moore. Children’is books: “Train ^ Timbuctoo,” Margajret Wise Brown; “little Indian,” Margaret W. Brown; "Five Little Firemen,” Margaret W. Brown; “Little Fir Tree,” Margaret W. Brown; “Eagle Feathers,” Robert Bulla; "Anasi, Spider Man,” PhDip Sher^ lode; "On Indian Trails W ith Daniel Boone,” E ^d Meadowcraft; "And Now Sfiguel,” Joseph Krum- gold; "Man-Made Moons,” Irv- ing Adler; “Papjpy Seeds,” Robert BuDa; ‘«toiy of a Bad Boy," 'nianias B ^ey AldridL Mrs. vraiiam Valk Bimday. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Northrup iand daughter, Donna, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Northrup of Walton were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emest Hall and daughter, Joy. Mrs. Mary Gerken and Mrs. George Clum visited Mrs. Charles Smith and Mrs. William Smith at Jefferson Saturday. Candlelight M et, Elected Officers Roxbury, Oct. 21.—^The Vega- Denver 4-H girls held initiation Friday evening at their meeting at the home of the leader, Mrs. Amold Cartwright. One candi- date, Beth Hewitt was initiated. The candlelight ceremony was held. Officers were elects for the year as foDows: President, Naincy Eignor; vice-preiddent Beth Hewitt; secretary. Merry Eignor; treasurer, Gloria Rutu- lante; song and cheer leaders, Rhoda Paul and Carol Cart- wright; news reporter, Judy Townsend. It was decided to hold a Hal- loween party O ct 25. Refresh- ments of chocolate milk and cookies were served. Sive Visited M any Commuidties . The Democratic candidate for Congress from Orange, Sullivan, Delaware add Rockland cauntira is not running for office so much as he is w&lking. David Stve of Pearl River, tbe Democratic choice to represent the 28tta district of New York in Washington, estimated that he covered nearly 1,000 miles in the district during last week. All of this was not on foot of course. It only seemed that way. In his determined “store to store” campaign, the young attor-> ney trod the streets of Monticello, Roscoe, Downsville, Walton, Sid- ney Center, Sidney, Middletown, Andes, Clarkstown, Goshen, Pine Island and Ladenton. Plan Service On V e t e r a n s ’ D a y Phoenicia, Oct. 28.—The Father Ginet Council of the Knights of Columbus made final plans at their regular meeting for the seccmd aimual memcHrial service on Veterans’ day. The service will be held Simday evening, Nov. 9. The Phoenicia post and th6 Olive post the A m ^can Legion will be invited as well as the gra- eral public. VMt IM hi Hoqdtal The onnmittee investigating the project of establishing a ho^ pital visited Delhi to observe' a 24-bed hospital whidi opened thCTe S x m ^ . KENNETH B. KEATING .. KATHARINE ST. GEORGE E, OGDEN BUSH ....... ......... EDWYN E. MASON ... WILBUR S. OLES ......... RICHARD H. FARLEY LESTER E. WOOLSEY C. RAY HUGGINS ...... HAROLD W. JAYNE .. Title of Office Governor ............ ............................ Lieutenant Govemor....... ............. Comptrpller ................................... Attomey General .................... ....... Associate Judge of C t of United States Senator............... Representative in Congress ...... State Senator ............ ....... ......... Member of Assembly..................... County C le rk ................................. District Attomey ............. ............ Coroner ............................. ....... ...... Coroner ................ ............. ............ Coroner ! ..................................... Place of Residence Tarrytown, N. Y.......... .............. .... Yonkers, N. Y. .... ............ .......... Long Island City, N. Y................. New York, N. Y.............. ................. Rochester, N. Y............... ................ Rochester, N. Y . .......... .................. Tuxedo Park, N. Y . ......................... Delancey, N. Y................................ Hobart, N. Y.................... ............... Delhi, N. Y.......... ..... ................. . Delhi, N. Y......................... ........... Hancock, N. Y........... .............. ...... Margaretville, N. Y. ........... ....... Sidney, N. Y. ........ ....................... Place of Business Tarrytown, N. Y .............. Yonkers, N. Y ............... Long Island City, N. Y. Albany, N. Y .................. Albany, N. Y. ________ Rochester, N. Y. ...... Tuxedo Park, N. Y .... Walton, N. Y. ......... Delhi, N. Y ............. Delhi, N. Y ......... Delhi, N. Y ............. Hancock, N, Y ......... Margaretville, N. Y. Sidney, N. Y. ......... Emblem Chosen to Bep mstinsnUh the th* Bepobllcmn Party. Candidates Nominated by The Democratic Party Name of Candidate AVERELL HARRIMAN ...... ...... GEORGE B. DeLUCA ................ ARTHUR LEVITT .... ________ PETER J. CROTTY ................... MARVIN R. DYE __________ FRANK S. HOGAN ......... ......... DAVID SIVE _____ ______ HARRIET ALLEN KERR ____ FRED S. SM ITH ........................ JAMES F. SKELLY ____ FRANCIS R. PATERNOSTER .. PHILIP J. HUST ......... ............ F. DICKSON BROWN ................ Title of Office Govemor ................................ ...... . Lieutenant Governor....................... Comptroller............. .................... Attomey General ............................ Associate Judge of Ct. of Appeals United States Senator ________ Representative in Congress .......... State Senator-------- Member of Assembly County C le rk ............ District Attomey ......... Coroner ....... ...... ........... Coroner .......................... Place of Residence Central Valley, N. Y. .. Bronx, N. Y .................. Brooklyn, N. Y. ____ Buffalo, N. Y ........ ..... Rochester, N. Y ........... New York, N. Y . .......... Pearl River, N. Y. .... Margaretville, N. Y. .. Sidney, N. Y . ........ Walibn, N. Y. . ........ Sidney, N. Y. ............ Hobart, N. Y. ............ Place of Business Albany, N. Y . ... Albany, N. Y .......... Albany, N. Y .......... Buffalo, N. Y .......... Albany, N^ Y ......... New York; il. Y. New York, N. Y. New £^tz,.N..Y> Margaretville, N. Y. Sidney, N. Y. ____ Walton, N. Y ......... Sidney, N. Y .......... Hobart, N. Y .......... KniMem Chosen to Bepreeeol Dtottncidda the flie Demoonflo PUI 7 . Candidates Nominated by tbe Liberal Party Name of Candidate Title of Office Placie of Residence Place of Business Emblem Chosen to Bepreaent rasttnciddi the CaadUates • flie Uberal Party. AVERELL HARRIMAN __ ____ GE0;RGE B. DeLUCA ________ ARTHUR LEVITT _____ EDWARD GOODELL ________ MARVIN R. DYE J..___ ___________ FRANK S. HOGAN _____ ____ IRVING ASTROW ___________ Govemor !....................................... Central VaUey, N. Y ....................... Bronx, N. Y __________ ________ Brooklyn, N. Y . ........_____ _____ New York, N, Y ........................ ...... Rochester, N. Y ____ _________ New York, N. Y. _____________.... Newburgh, N. Y . .................. ......... Albany, N V / A Lieutenant Govemor...................... Comptroller___ ......______ _____ Attomey General ------------------— Associate Judge of Ct. of Appeals United States Senator -------- -------- Representative in Congress .. Albany, N. Y. _______ ..... ______ _ Albany, N. Y. New York, N. Y : .......... ...... Albany, N. Y ....... ......... ....... ........ New York, N. Y .......................... . Newburgh, N. V, HARRIET ALLEN KERR .....__ HYMAN MOSKOWITZ______ State Senator ................. ................ Member of Assembly ..................... \ ■ . 1 New Paltz, N. Y .______________ HalcottviUe, N. Y ........................... New Paltz, N. Y . ....... ............ ........ HalcottviUe, N. Y. ____________ Candidates Nomiinated by the Independent-Socialist Party Name of C^didate Title of Office Place of Residence Place of Business X Emhlwn dpMen to UnpreMBt m INatbisniah Om CMkMrt— a JOHN T. MfJffANUS______ _ ANNETTE T. RUBINSTEIN ___ HUGH N. M U L ^ C __________ _ SCOTT K. GRAY, Jr___ _______ CORLISS LAMONT ............ ........ Govemor____________________ Lieutenant Govemor----------------- ComplaroUer--------------------- ------- Attomey General -------------- --------- United States Senator__________ Montrose, New Y o rk ___ _______ 59 West 71st S t, New York City 106-61 Ruscoe St., Jamaica^ N. Y. Stuyvesant, N. Y . ..................... . 450 Riverside Dr., New Yoftk City Montrose, New Y o rk _________ _ 59 West 71st S t, New York Oity 106-61 Ru^eoe St., Jamaica, I^. Y . Stuyvestimt, N. Y . ______________ 450 Riverside Dr., New York City / Dated at Delhi, N. Y., October 23, 1958. Commissioners of EleeHons.

Transcript of Stcart^d In M a rg a re tv ille I T o th e V oters o f D elaw are C...

Page 1: Stcart^d In M a rg a re tv ille I T o th e V oters o f D elaw are C · Mrs. May Van Bramer and son, J ^ i

M argaretviUe, N. Y., Friday, October 31. 19M CATSKILL MOTJNXAiiy NEWS

Stcart^d In M a r g a r e t v i l le

A l l e n K o m T a k e s E x e c u t i v e P o s t

I n S o u t h J e r s e y D e p a r t m e n t S t o r eAllen Korn, son of Mrs. Sadye#-

K om of his village, keeps climb­ing in the mercantile world. A few years ago he was m anager fo r Buffalo Qppenheim-Collins. From Buffalo he went to Quebec, Canada, to be promotion manager of Pollidc’s Departm ent store.

T e n M C S S t u d e n t s

T r y S c h o l a r s h i p T e s t

New York sta te regents scholar­ship exam inati(^ were tried on Oct. 15 and 16 by ten MCS seniqrs.

. I

T o th e V o te r s o f D e la w a re C o u n ty :

T h e f a l l o w i n g i s a t r u e a n d c o r r e c t l i s t o f a l l n o m i n a t i o n s o f c a n d i d a t e s f o r o f f i c e s t o b e f i l l e d a t t h e G e n e r a l E l e c t i o n t o b e h e l d

N c ^ e m b e r 4 , 1 9 5 8 , c e r t i f i e d t o u s o r f i l e d i n o u r o f f i c e p u r s u a n t t o p r o v i s i o n s o f t h e E l e c t i o n L a w s .

Mr. Kom has recently accepted, They were A rthur Ballard, Frank a place as m anager with Snellen-! DiDonato, N atalie Duboveck, Ann buigh-B latt in A tlantic City. T h e ' Glendenning, Norman Maender,A tlantic Q ly Press says:

“Thirty-six-year-old Allen Kom Sullivan.

Steve Miller. E lizabeth ' Sanford, Muriel Scott, Sandra Stange,

jobs apprentice in the small retail stores his family operated in Mar-

These examinations included special tests for those interested

garetville, N. Y., to the t<^ ex- ^ nursing education, i*ysics, excutive post in South Jersey's cb®mistry, and mathematics, largest departm ent store. 1 N atalie Duboveck took the ex-

Kom was bom in M argaret­ville, a town in the Catskill moun­tains, and was educated in the town’s public schools. He says he ‘grew up’ in the four «m all stores

amination in nursing education and Elizabeth Sanford and Nor­man Maender took the examina­tions in mathem atics and science.

Twenty regents and two nurs-his parents operated in th a t area. education awards are alloted• nf Delaware county youth, as ifrell

^ share of ^ ^ t s inengineering which are distributed

Students in New York

2 “ f * .. ,before his first year was out, he ■ ^ yearns group Francis J. was in the Army in an officer-1 awarded a regentstraining program. scholarship.

Candidates Nominated by The Republican Party

Name of Candidate



JAMES A. LUITDY .............


MARVIN R. DYE ________

In S ^ e n t B andSeoond-semester junior students

' vwU be given an opportunity next injury put Kom on limited April 28 to try -the National M erit

service, and he spent the remain- scholarship exams. This corpora- / der of his Army career as a mem-1 tion will distribute some $5,000,000

ber of the cadre a t a camp in worth of four-year scholarships South Carolina. j during 1959-1960 to students all

"A fter being discharged, he en- over the United States who prove rtdled in the Business Adminis- ttem selves intellectually promis- tration School of the University of “ &- Alabama, playing saxophone and clarinet in a student band to earn ex tra money. He was elected to B eta Gamma Sigma, the Phi Beta- Kappa of business administration, and a t commencement was award- i Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lawrence ed a gold cup as the most out- visited their son-in-law and daugh-

K e l l y G > m e r sK elly Comers, Oct. 21

standing student in the class. ter, Mr. and Mrs. Q ayton Rob-“W ith his yeftrs of practical ex- daughters a t Ithaca re-

perience stUl outweighing, his ®®”tly*a c a ^ c ba(*groimds Kom en- and Mrs. Melvin Rockwellrolled a t the New York u ^ e r s i ty of Syracuse spent the weekendgraduate school and eam ed a mas­te r’s degree in retailing. He was elected to Beta Mu Pi, again the

visiting Mrs. W. G rant Kelly,

Mrs. W ilbur Johnson, Missesequivalent of Phi B eta Kappa, Frances Beck and P atty Hobkins and earned a serond award as spent the weekend in Newport, ‘outstanding studen t’ Vt.

W oiiced In C anada"His first job was with the In­

te rsta te Departm ent Stores in i t s ,New York ciy home office. A fter j don Morse, spending three years as a buying and merchandising executive with th a t chain, he joined Oppenheim- Collins in New York. Four years la te r he was made m anager of the Buffato Ow>enheim - Qdlins,

H arry Morse of Liberty visited his m other here and took her to Andes to visit Mr. and Mrs. Wel-

Mr and Mrs. W ilbur Johnson Jr. enjoyed Sunday with friends in Millerton.

Mrs. May Van Bram er and son, J i Hillfidsde and Mrs. K arl

M d q»m t _&ree yfew in that, post Van of Kin^ tn n , also^ ^ o re . moylBg to Quebec Q ty in 'M rs. Jennie S tahl visited Mr. and Canada as sales promotion mana­ger of the merchandise division of Pollock’s Departm ent store.

“ When presented the chance to retiim to a position in United S tates, Kom snapped it up. ‘iT acquired valuable experience,’ he says, *but you don’t begin to ap­preciate your country until you leave i t ’

"Kom and his wife, the form er R uth Goldberg of Utica, N. Y., have selected 22 E ast Dr., M ar­gate, as their home here. Tliey have ^ o daughters, Jody Kim and Lindy Sue, five and seven, and a pet boxer, Cindy Lou.”

L i b r a r y A d d s B o o k s

Fleischmanns, O ct 22.—The fol­lowing new books have been re­cently received and put on the shelves for circulation a t the SkeneMemorial librkry;

Non-fiction: “History of Eng* lish Spealdng People,” Winston Churchill; "Inside Russia Today,” John Gunther; “B e 'M y G uest” Conrad Hilton; "Eleanor the Quen and Others,” Norah Lofts; "Ele­ments of Radio,” A. and W. M ar­cus; ‘T isroel,” Jose;^ Leftovitch; “Outline of History,” two vol­umes, H. G. Wells; “Can You Top n iis ,” Ed Ford.

Fiction: "Northern Lig^it” A. J . Cronin; “Ice Palace,” Edna Ferber; "Ginger Man,” J . P. Don- leavy; "Wind In the F o re st” Inglis Fletcher; "N orth F n milome,” Helen Mac Innes; "A m t- <any of a Murder,” Robert Traver; “Home From the HiU,” WilliamHumphrey; "W inthrop Woman,' Anya Seton.

Youth; “Teddy Roosevelt,” Edd W. Parks; "C lara Barton,” Au­gusta Stevenson; "James Feni- m ore Cooper,” Gertrude H. Wind­ers; “Luther Buii>ank,” Olive, W. B urt; “Susan Anthony,” H ^en A. Mansell; “Zeb K ke,” Augusta Stevenson; "Jim Thorpe,” Guern­sey Van Riper Jr.; “Nancy Hanks,” Augusta Stevenson; “William

'H enry Harrison,” Howard Peck- ham ; "Robert Fulton,” Margue­rite Henry; “Secrets of Life,” W alt Disney; “Stepping Stones to L igh t” Richard Bii^op; "I^w n theMississippi,” Clyde Robert Bulla; "M ountain Courage,” Quail Hawkins; "Two L ittle Gardners," M argaret Brown; “N ight Before Christmas," Clement Moore.

Children’is books: “Train ^ Timbuctoo,” M a r g a j r e t Wise Brown; “l i t t le Indian,” M argaret W. Brown; "Five L ittle Firemen,” M argaret W. Brown; “L ittle F ir Tree,” M argaret W. Brown; “Eagle Feathers,” Robert Bulla; "Anasi, Spider Man,” PhDip Sher^ lode; "On Indian Trails W ith Daniel Boone,” E ^ d M eadowcraft; "And Now Sfiguel,” Joseph Krum- gold; "Man-Made Moons,” Irv ­ing Adler; “Papjpy Seeds,” Robert BuDa; ‘« to iy of a Bad Boy," 'nianias B ^ e y AldridL

Mrs. vraiiam Valk Bimday.

Mr. and Mrs. Neil Northrup iand daughter, Donna, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Northrup of W alton were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E m est Hall and daughter, Joy.

Mrs. M ary Gerken and Mrs. George Clum visited Mrs. Charles Smith and Mrs. William Smith a t Jefferson Saturday.

C a n d l e l i g h t M e t ,

E l e c t e d O f f i c e r s

Roxbury, Oct. 21.—^The Vega- Denver 4-H girls held initiation Friday evening a t their meeting a t the home of the leader, Mrs. Amold Cartwright. One candi­date, Beth H ew itt was initiated.

The candlelight ceremony was held. Officers were e le c ts for the year as foDows: President, Naincy Eignor; vice-preiddent B eth H ew itt; secretary. M erry Eignor; treasurer, Gloria Rutu- lante; song and cheer leaders, Rhoda Paul and Carol C art­w right; news reporter, Judy Townsend.

I t was decided to hold a Hal­loween party O c t 25. Refresh­m ents of chocolate milk and cookies were served.

S i v e V i s i t e d

M a n y C o m m u i d t i e s

. The Democratic candidate for Congress from Orange, Sullivan, Delaware add Rockland cauntira is n o t running for office so much as he is w&lking.

David Stve of Pearl River, tbe Democratic choice to represent the 28tta district of New York in Washington, estim ated th a t he covered nearly 1,000 miles in the d istrict during last week. All of this was not on fo o t of course. I t only seemed th a t way.

In his determined “store to store” campaign, the young attor-> ney trod the streets of Monticello, Roscoe, Downsville, W alton, Sid­ney Center, Sidney, Middletown, Andes, Clarkstown, Goshen, Pine Island and Ladenton.

P l a n S e r v i c e

O n V e t e r a n s ’ D a yPhoenicia, Oct. 28.—The Father

Ginet Council of the Knights of Columbus made final plans at their regular meeting for the seccmd aimual memcHrial service on Veterans’ day. The service will be held Simday evening, Nov. 9. The Phoenicia post and th6 Olive post the A m ^ can Legion will be invited as well as the gra- eral public.

V M t IM h i H o q d ta lThe onnm ittee investigating

the project of establishing a h o ^ pital visited Delhi to observe' a 24-bed hospital w hidi opened thCTe S x m ^ .




WILBUR S. OLES .........





Title of Office

Governor ........................................

Lieutenant Govemor....... .............

Comptrpller ...................................

Attomey General...........................

Associate Judge of C t of

United States Senator...............

Representative in Congress ......

State Senator ............ ....... .........

Member of Assembly.....................

County C lerk.................................

District Attomey .........................

Coroner ............................. .............

Coroner ................ ............. ............

Coroner !.....................................

Place of Residence

Tarrytown, N. Y.......... .............. ....

Yonkers, N. Y. .... ............ ..........

Long Island City, N. Y.................

New York, N. Y...............................

Rochester, N. Y............... ................

Rochester, N. Y ........... ..................

Tuxedo Park, N. Y ..........................

Delancey, N. Y................................

Hobart, N. Y.................... ...............

Delhi, N. Y............... ................. .

Delhi, N. Y....................................

Hancock, N. Y........... .............. ......

Margaretville, N. Y. ........... .......

Sidney, N. Y. ...............................

Place of Business

Tarrytown, N. Y..............

Yonkers, N. Y ...............

Long Island City, N. Y.

Albany, N. Y ..................

Albany, N. Y. ________

Rochester, N. Y. ......

Tuxedo Park, N. Y ....

Walton, N. Y. .........

Delhi, N. Y .............

Delhi, N. Y.........

Delhi, N. Y.............

Hancock, N, Y .........

Margaretville, N. Y.

Sidney, N. Y. .........

Em blem Chosen to Bep m stin snU h th e th* Bepobllcmn P arty .

Candidates Nominated by The Democratic Party

Name of Candidate


GEORGE B. DeLUCA ................

ARTHUR LEVITT ....________

PETER J. CROTTY...................

MARVIN R. D Y E __________

FRANK S. HOGAN ......... .........

DAVID SIVE _____ ______

HARRIET ALLEN K E R R ____FRED S. S M IT H ........................


FRANCIS R. PATERNOSTER ..PH ILIP J. HUST ......... ............

F. DICKSON BROWN ................

Title of Office

Govemor ................................ .......

Lieutenant Governor.......................


Attomey General............................

Associate Judge of Ct. of Appeals

United States Senator ________

Representative in Congress ..........

State Senator--------

Member of Assembly

County C lerk............

District Attomey .........

Coroner ....... .................

Coroner ..........................

Place of Residence

Central Valley, N. Y. ..

Bronx, N. Y ..................

Brooklyn, N. Y. ____

Buffalo, N. Y........ .....

Rochester, N. Y...........

New York, N. Y. ..........

Pearl River, N. Y. ....

Margaretville, N. Y. ..Sidney, N. Y. ........

Walibn, N. Y. . ........

Sidney, N. Y. ............

Hobart, N. Y. ............

Place of Business

Albany, N. Y. ...

Albany, N. Y ..........

Albany, N. Y ..........

Buffalo, N. Y ..........

Albany, N Y .........

New York; il. Y.

New York, N. Y.

New £^tz,.N..Y>

Margaretville, N. Y.

Sidney, N. Y. ____

Walton, N. Y .........

Sidney, N. Y ..........

Hobart, N. Y ..........

KniMem Chosen to B epreeeol D tottncidda th e flie D em oonflo P U I7 .

Candidates Nominated by tbe Liberal Party

Name of Candidate Title of Office Placie of Residence Place of BusinessEmblem Chosen to Bepreaent

rasttnciddi the CaadUates • flie Uberal Party.


GE0;RGE B. DeLUCA ________



MARVIN R. DYE J..___ ___________

FRANK S. HOGAN _____ ____

IRVING ASTROW___________

Govemor !....................................... Central VaUey, N. Y .......................

Bronx, N. Y __________________

Brooklyn, N. Y. ........__________

New York, N, Y ........................ ......

Rochester, N. Y____ _________

New York, N. Y. _____________....

Newburgh, N. Y ................... .........

Albany, N V /


Lieutenant Govemor......................

Comptroller___ ......______ _____

Attomey General------------------—

Associate Judge of Ct. of Appeals

United States Senator -------- --------

Representative in Congress ..

Albany, N. Y. _______ .....______ _Albany, N. Y.

New York, N. Y :.......... ......

Albany, N. Y ....... ......... ....... ........

New York, N. Y ...........................Newburgh, N. V,



State Senator ................. ................

Member of Assembly .....................\

■ . 1

New Paltz, N. Y .______________

HalcottviUe, N. Y ...........................New Paltz, N. Y ........ ............ ........

HalcottviUe, N. Y. ____________

Candidates Nomiinated by the Independent-Socialist Party

Name of C^didate Title of Office Place of Residence Place of BusinessX

Emhlwn dpMen to UnpreMBt m INatbisniah Om CMkMrt— a

JOHN T. MfJffANUS______ _


HUGH N. M U L ^ C ___________

SCOTT K. GRAY, Jr___ _______

CORLISS LAMONT ....................


Lieutenant Govemor-----------------


Attomey General-------------- ---------

United States Senator__________

Montrose, New Y o rk___ _______

59 West 71st S t, New York City

106-61 Ruscoe St., Jamaica N. Y.

Stuyvesant, N. Y ...................... .

450 Riverside Dr., New Yoftk City

Montrose, New Y o rk_________ _

59 West 71st S t, New York Oity

106-61 Ru^eoe St., Jamaica, I . Y.

Stuyvestimt, N. Y .______________

450 Riverside Dr., New York City/

D a te d a t D e lh i, N . Y ., O c to b e r 2 3 , 1 9 5 8 .

Commissioners o f EleeHons.