
Charles Pak Wai Tsang


by Charles Pak Wai Tsang

A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate

Studies and Research in partial fulfilment of

the requirements for the degree of

Master of Science

Department of Investigative Medicine

McGill University, Montreal. August, 1965


I wish to express my deepest appreciation to Professor

J. s. L. Browne for his interest, advice and encouragement in

this work, and for supplying the laboratory facilities in the

Department of Investigative Medicine.

I wish to express my profound gratitude to Dr. A. Carballeira

for his continued interest, criticism and guidance throughout

this study.

I would like to thank Dr. c. J. P. Giroud and Dr. J. Stachenko

for their valuable advice, suggestions, and gift of llp-oH-proges•


I am also grateful to Dr. W. Klyne from whom I obtained llp­

OH-progesterone for crystallization etudies.

I aœ thankful for the very kind help which I have received

from my fellow students and staff members in this laboratory. In

particular I wish to thank Mrs. R. Lucis, Mr. A. Kehdi, and Mr.

D. MeKillan for technical assistance. I also wiah to thank Mr.

H. Triller, Mr. M. Leong, and Mr. A. Mehdi for reading this manus­


My gratitude is due to my wife who has helped typing the

initial manuscript.

I would like to express my appreciation to Miss B. Wagmann

who bas skillfully typed this thesis.

Lastly, but not leest, I am much indebted to the late Mr.

v. Kazmin for his guidance in analytical procedures.

To My





for their

Love and Kindness




1. Important Steroids iao1ated from the Mammalien Adrena1 Cortex

2. J'unctional Zonation

3. Lack of 17a-hydroxylated Steroids in the &at Adrenals

4. llp-OH-Progesterone as a potentia1ly important Intermediate Metabolite in Steroid Biosynthesis


Some Reactions involved in the Biosynthesis of Adrenocortical Steroids

1. Isomerization of ~5-3p-ol to ~4-3-keto

2. Steroid Hyd.roxylation










a) Location of Enzymes 9

b) Oxygen Requirement 10

c) MDPH &equirement 11

d) NADPH-generating Systems 12

e) Mechanism of Steroid Hydroxylation 13

f) Effects of Freezing on Tissue Response to NADPH 13

Origin of the present Study


1. Materials

2. Incubation Procedure

3. Extraction of Steroids







4. Paper Chroœatography for the Separation of Steroids 19

S. Detection of Steroids on Chroœatograms 21

6. Blution of Steroids from the Paper Strips 22

7. Quantitative Determination of Steroids 22

8. Systemetic Separation of Steroids 23

9. Characterization of Corticosterone, Cortisol, and llp-oH-Progesterone 24

Acetylation 25

Oxidation 26

Crystallization of llp-oH-Progesterone 26

Test for a.ketol group 27

Test for the dihydroxy-acetone aide-chain 27




1. Incubation with Labe11ed Progesterone

2. Co-factor aequirementa

3. Incubation with Labelled Pregnenolone

4. Incubation with Labelled Cholesterol

5. Conclusion drawn from Section A


1. Bffect of Time on Pre-incubation

2. Bffect of Temperature on Pre-incubation











SlcriON C SS

Tissue versus PIM SS


Characterization of the aajor Radioactive Conversion Products from Labelled Substrates by the Bovine or &at Adrenal PIM 60

(I) llP-OB-Progesterone (froa rat adrenal PI!O

(II) Cortisol and Corticosterone (froœ bovine adrenal PI!O

(III) Tentative Corticosterone isolated frou the rat adrenal PIM, and progesterone froa the bovine adrenal PIM


v. s UMM&.R.Y







Trivial or Abbreviated Naœe


Cortisol (Compound F)


Cortisone (Compound E)



11-deoxy-cortiaol (Compound S)

Corticosterone (Compound B)



11-deoxycorticosterone (DOC)




Systematic N-.e
















~ •

e e

Other Abbreviationa

A cm Adrenocorticotropic hormone

G·6-P Glucose 6-phosphate

NAD Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (oxidized form)

NADP Nicotinaœide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (oxidized form)

NAD PH Nicotinaaide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (reduced form)

PIM Pre-incubation medium or media

c.p.m. counta per minute

<Cl •



The bioayntheais of adrenocortical ateroids has been intensively

studied in the last decade or so. Comprehensive reviewa have appeared

covering aultiple aspects of the proceasea involved in the elaboration

of the cortical aecretory products under varioua expertœental condi­

tions (1, 2, 3, 3a). ln this theais, attention vas focuaed in review­

ing those aspects of the !2 vitro ateroid biosynthesis more connected

to the present experimental work. ln the first part of the review, a

brief survey of the more important corticoids of the C-21 series pro­

duced by the mammalian adrenal cortex will be given. The site of syn­

thesia of these steroids within the cortex will also be discussed.

More emphasia will be made on the 0·21 steroids synthesized and se­

creted by the beef and rat adrenals, becauae most of the present studies

have been done on the former species, with two exper~ents also carried

out on the latter. Within tais part of the review, a short paragraph

is also devoted to llP-OH·progesterone, which bas been of some interest

to us.

The second part of the review will deal mainly vith the enzymatic

reactions involved in the transformation, and certain hydroxylations

of the steroid molecule. ln connection vith this, the aasociated

enzyme systems, co-factor requireaents, and affect of temperature will

be discussed. A brief description of the origin of this atudy will be

given at the end of the review.



1. Imeortant Steroids ieolated from the Mammalien Adrenel Cortex

Cortisol and corticosterone are quantitatively and qualita­

tively the most important glucocorticoids synthesized and released

by the mammalien adrenal cortex. In .an (4, 5), the monkey (6, 7),

the guinee pig (6, 8), and the cattle (9), cortisol ia produced in

much higher concentration then corticosterone. In the rat (10, 11,

12, 13), the rabbit (14, 15), and the mouse (16, 17), corticosterone

is, however, the major secretory product. &ecently, Birmingham and

Ward (18), and Peron (19, 20) have, independently, identified 18-

hydroxy-11-deoxycorticoaterone (18-oB-DOC) as the second most abun­

dant steroid of the rat adrenal. Peron (19, 20) bas also isolated

18-hydroxycorticosterone (18~-B) in the seme species. Sandor and

Lanthier (21) bave reported the isolation of 18-0B-B from the zona

g1omeru1oaa of the beef adrenal.

Aldosterone is the chief mineralcorticoid of probebly all the

mammalien apecies. Bowever, it is aynthesized in very amall con·

centrations in the adrenel cortex. This hormone waa first iaolated

by Simpson and Tait in 1952 (22).

2. Functionel Zonation

Tbus far we have been diacussing the isolation of a few important

corticoids from the adrenal cortex without particularly pointing out

(with the exception of 18-oB-B) the sites of syntbesis of these compounds

in the cortex. In general, in the few species investigated, cortisol


is produced pri .. rily in the inner zones or zona fasciculata-reticu­

larie (Z.F.), aldosterone in the outer zone or zona glomeruloaa (Z.G.),

and corticosterone in all zones. This vas first demonstrated by Ayres

et al. (25) who incubated the separated Z.G. and Z.F. of the bovine

adrenal cortex. St.ultaneously, Giroud et al. (26) showed that aldo­

sterone waa produced mainly in the Z.G. of the rat adrenals. These

findings have been well confirmed (27-31), including evidence obtained

fraa the huœan adrenal cortex (32).

Bovever, the original concept of functional zonation, i.e. dif­

ferent zones may produce different steroids with different biological

actions, must be credited to Dean and Greep (23, 24) who obaerved that

following hypophysectomy, the inner zones of the adrenal cortex atrophied

with an accompanying disorder in carbohydrate metabolism, whereas in

sodium deficient rats hypertrophy of the Z.G. occured.

We have thus far reviewed briefly some of the important steroids

of interest produced in the different zones of the adrenal cortex.

Now a summary of the principal C-21 steroids isolated from the dif­

ferent zones in the beef or rat adrenal cortex is tabulated below:

!&· !:!.· Aldosterone

Corticosterone Cor ti cos ter one




Z,G. hl•


Corticosterone Corticosterone



The adrenal cortex also synthesizes and secretes the C-19 steroids.

However, these compound& are not the concern of this thesis.

3. Lack of 1~-hydrolylated Steroids in the Rat Adrenals

Since there have been some conflicting resulta as to whether the

17a-bydroxylated steroids are synthesized in the rat adrenal or not,

it seeme appropriate to insert a few lines to discuss this point.

In the earlier works of Beard et al. (35), Eisenstein (36), Bof­

mann (37), and recently Brownell et al. (38), these authors bave re­

ported to bave detected 17a-hydroxylated compound& in the rat adrenals.

The criteria for identification are invariably based on a positive

Porter-Silber reaction, and similar mobility with the authentic com­

pound& in some chromatographie systems. However, Birmingham et al.

(39) and Ward and Birmingham (40), and lately Laplante (41) have pre­

sented no evidence for the presence of 1~-hydroxylated steroid in

this species. Further, Birmingham and Ward (18), and Ward and Birming­

ham (42), and independently Peron (19) have isolated 2o-18 hemiketal

of 18-0H-DOC from the rat adrenal. This compound reacts with Porter­

Silber reagent, but does not reduce tetrazoliuœ chloride (42).

It is now generally accepted that the rat adrenal does not

produce 17a-hydroxylated steroids.

4. 118-oH-P as a potentia11y important Intermediate Metabolite in

Steroid Biosznthesis

We bave been particu1arly interested in this steroid compound not

only because of its association with our work, as has been explained


earlier, but also because there has been increasing evidence to suggest

that this may be an important interœeàiate metabolite in steroid bio­


The earlier work of Levy et al. (43) showed that the beef adrenal

did not œetabolize 11~-0H-progesterone, even though small amounts of

this steroid were obtained by perfusing the gland with progesterone.

Eichhorn and Hechter (44) found that homogenates of beef adrenals

hydroxylated llp-oH-progesterone at a slower rate than progesterone

or DOC. On the basis of these findings, the above mentioned authors

concluded that 11~-oB-progesterone was not an important intermediate

metabolite in the beef adrenals. On the other band, Brownie et al.

(45) demonstrated that beef aitochondria readily converted proges­

terone to ll~·OH-progesterone. Giroud and Stachenko et al. (46) showed

that beef gloaerulosa slices metabolized ll~·OH-progesterone as easily

as corticosterone or DOC to aldosterone. More recently, Stachenko and

Giroud (31) showed that 11,-oB-progesterone was readily coaverteè to

cortisol by the beef fasciculata sliees. (Ro comparison was made witb

17a-oH-progesterone). Roberts et al. (47) indicated that rat adrensl

bomogenate bydroxylated significant amounts of labelled progesterone

to 11~-0H-progesterone in the presence of cyclic 3',5'-adenosine mono­

phosphate (eyclic AMP).

Kraulis and Birmingham (48) reported that the rat and the frog ad­

renal quartera ~ vitro converted stable llp-oH-progesterone to corti­

costerone more efficiently than added deoxycorticosterone. Oertel and

Eik-Res have isolated and identified llp-oR-progesterone, and 11-keto­

progesterone in the canine adrenal vein blood (49). Sandor et al.(50) have


tentatively identified labelled llp-OB·progeaterone froœ the duck

and pullet adrenal slices incubated with labelled pregnenolone or

progesterone. Very recently, Kittinger (51) with the use of gas

chromatography has been able to identify 11~-0B•progesterone froœ

the rat adrenal tissue. Thus, there is accumulating evidence that

11~-0B-progesterone may be an important interaediate metabolite in

steroid bioayntheais of the adrenal cortex.


Some Reactions involved in the Bioaratheaia of Adrenocortical Steroids

The biosynthesia of adrenocortical steroids starts with acetate.

The sequences of reactions involved are not fully known. Those wbich

are most generally accepted today are based on the work of Bechter

et al. (52) with the perfused ox adrenal gland. The work of others

bas resulted in modification of the original scheme, and additions

to it, but without any drastic alteration. Theae changes were re­

viewed by Grant (2). There is reason to believe that the asme or

very similar sequences are followed. in man (53, 54, 55).

A schema of the more important stepa in the synthesis is given

on page 7.

Bovever, in this review, our interest is in the enzyme systems

involved in the later part of the syntheaia, atamting from pregnen­

olone, i.e. the isomerization and hydroxylation of the steroid mole­



A Scheae of the Bios79thesis of Adreaocortical Steroids

Acetate---~ Mevalonic acid--·r Squalene '

A ~ 2oa-hydroxycholesterol ~---·Cholesterol

1 B ~ 'il 'lj

2oa,22B·dihydroxycholesterol Cholesterol esters ! ,c y





Progesterone·-·t Corticoids

A: "2oa-hydroxylase11 (56)

1: 11 22-hydroxylase11 (57)

C: 1120,22-desaolase" (58)

D: A5-3p-bydroxysteroid. debydrogenase (59)

B: Isomerase-·transfers double bond froa carbone S and. 6 to carbone 4 and. S (60)

F: llfS, 17a, 21, ••• etc. steroid hydroxylases (Reference given in text).


1. Isomerization of~S.Jp-ol to~4-3-keto

The coaversiou of pregneaoloae to progesterone consista of at

least two operatioaa as is indicated in the scheme of page 7. These

reactions are: dehydrogenation of the 3p-hydroxyl group, and shifting

of the double bond froœ carbone 5 and 6 to carbone 4 and 5. At least

two enzymes or enzyme systems are involved, the ~5-3p-bydroxysteroid

dehydrogenase (59) and isomerase (60). In practice, the two enzymes

or enzyme systems are difficult to separate and are studied together

under the name of the former, wbich we shall be discussing.

The ~5-Jp-bydroxysteroid dehydrogenase is now known to be present

in all steroid producing tissues, for exemple, the corpus luteua and

the testis (59), and lately it bas also been demonatrated to be present

also in the liver and kidney (61). Its presence in the adrenal cortex

waa first demonstrated by Saœuels et al. (59), who at the seme t~

showed that RAD st~lated this reaction by acting as a hydrogen acceptor.

Tbese findings were confirmed by Byer and Samuels (62), and also Balkerston

et al. (63) froa aicrosoœal etudies of the beef adrenals. The latter

authors fouad that there was a losa of activity of this enzyme after

mild dialysis, and that the activity could be restored by the addition

of RAD. Lately, Kowal et al. {64, 65) from etudies of the acetone

powder preparations of the corpus luteu. and the adrenal cortex, found

that NAD was the preferred co-factor of this reaction and that NADP

could replace NAD with less tban 501 of the activity. NADH, however,

inhibits this reaction which can be overcome by adding excess NAD. This

reaction is also inhibited by the C-19-~4·3-ketoateroids and progesterone


according to the seme authora. Of particular interest ia their

observation that their preparations could not utilize cholesterol

or 20-deoxypregnenolone suggesting that an oxygen function at the

C-20 position is necessary for the activity of the dehydrogenase.

Kistochemical etudies by Baille et al. (66) seem to indicate

that the enzyme is present mainly in the Z.G. Bowever, Levy and

aubin (67) have evidence that the enzyme is present in all zones

of the rat adrenal cortex. ln the human adrenal cortex, the enzyme

is also found in all zones {68). Sub-cellularly, this enzyme is

found in the microsomal fraction {62).

2. Steroid Htdroxylation

Kydroxylation of the steroid molecule, at least at the 11, 17

and 21 positions, require the specifie hydroxylating enzymes (bydrox­

ylases), molecular oxygen, and NADPB as co-factor. We sball make

a brief survey of the locations of the different enzymes, the oxygen

and co-factor requirements, generation of the co-factor NADPH, and

finally a brief mentioning of the mecbanism of bydroxylation which

is, at present, virtually speculative.

a) Location of Bnzyœes

llp-hxdro!Ylase: This enzyme is present in all zones of the

cortex (see page 102 of reference 1) and bas been most intensive1y

studied. lt is located in the mitochondrie (69, 70). A soluble

fraction of it bas been prepared by Grant (71), Tomkins et al. (72)

and Sharma et al. (73). Tomkins et al. (72, 74) claimed tbat they


have obtained, from the calf adrenal acetone powder extracts» tbree

distinct enzymes, and one beat-stable co-enzyme, all of wbicb were

required to catalyse llp-hydroxylation, besides o2 and NADPB. The

beat-stable co-factor was obtained fra. an aqueous extract of rabbie

liver acetone powder. Sweat (75) bas partially purlfied certain

fractions iDvolved in llp-hydroxylation by .aans of ammoniua-sulphate

precipitation. Tbere ia evidence for the exiatence of at least two

llp-hydroxylases: one ia specifie to progesterone and is present ln

Z.G.; the otber to DOC and 1a present throughout the cortex. (See

page 102 of reference 1).


The enzyme is found throughout the cortex, Plager and Saœuels

(76) designated this enzyme as the 'soluble fraction', on the ground

that after centrifuging the hoaogenate at 20,000 g for half an hour,

the enzyme reaained in the aupernatant. Later, Ryan and Bngel (77)

showed that the 20»000 g supernatant fraction was sedimented at

105,000 g for balf an hour, and deaignated the 105,000 g sediments

as the 'aicrosoaal fraction'.


17a-hydroxylase is present pr~rily ln the zona fasciculata, and

sub-cellularly, in the aicrosoaal fraction (78). For this reason, it

is difficult to separate 17a-hydroxylase from 21-hydroxylase by centri­

fugation alone, since both enzyaes are in the microsomal fraction.

b) O!Y&en Requirement

Hayano and Dorfman (70, 79) noted that o2 waa utillsed by the


beef homogenates. and Saffran and Bayliss (80) observed that the

rat adrenals failed to produce corticoids when o2 was replaced by

N2• Direct evidence that molecular oxygen is involved in llp-hy­

droxylation was obtained from the work of Hayano et al. (81. 82, 83),

18 . 18 using o2, D2o and H2 o. This was later confirœed by Sweat et

al. (84). Involvement of molecular oxygen in 1~ and 21 hydroxyla-

tion was similarly elucidated by Hayano et al. {85) from etudies

on micro-organism. Ryan and Bngel (86) also obtained s~ilar find-

inga with 17a-bydroxylation from the beef adrenal microsomal studies.

c) NADPB &eguirement

Saffran and Bayliss (80) observed no corticoid production in

rat homogenates incubated alone. Hayano and Dorfman {87) noted

that the 11-·hydroxylation of DOC with washed adrenal homogenate

required the addition of fuaaarate and magnesium ions (Mg*). ATP

and NAD were also needed in the case of aged or acetone powder pre-

parations. NADP alone could replace all these additives (87. as.

89) • Wben NADP was used, the requirement for Hg++ vas no longer

present, indicating the transformation of NAD in the presence of

ATP and Ma++ to NADP.

However, it was Sweat and Lipcomb (90) who demonstrated that

NADPH was the actual co-factor required for the hydroxylation.

These authors also pointed out that the di- and tri-carboxylic acide

of the Krebs cycle, which stimulated the hydroxylation, did so by

acting as substrates for the generation of NADPB, for instance, iso-

citrate + NADP' )oxalosuccinate + NADPH. These findings were


confirmed by Grant (71). &yan and Engel (86) have shawn that 21-hy­

droxylation is also HADPH-dependent.

The specificity of 1~-hydroxylase for RADPH bas alao been demon­

strated in the testis (91, 92), and this ia implicated in the adrenal

(34, 93). It ia also well establisbed tbat RADPB or RADPH-generating

systems atimulate steroid production 1! vitro (94, 95, 96). It ia

now generally accepted that ateroid hydroxylation is RADPH-dependent.

Lately, Halkerston et al. (63) and Constantopoulos et al. (97) have

demonatrated tbat NADPH is alao required for the cleavage of the cho­

lesterol aide chain. Whether this is associated with the bydroxylation

at the 20 and 22 positions is not yet clear.

d) R&DPH•senerating Systems

We just discussed the importance of RADPH in ateroid hydroxylation.

It will be informative to know the generation of this co-factor in the


Glock and McLean (98), and Kelly et al. (99) have found that the

adrenal cortex containa a higb levet of G-6-P debydrogenaae, and 6-P­

gluconic debydrogenase. aecently, McKerna (lOO) bas made a syatematic

study of the dehydrogenaaes in the beef adrenal cortex, and the rat ad­

renale. He bas found that in botb species G-6-P debydrogenaae bas the

bigbest activity. Next come 6-phospbogluconic debydrogenase, iaocitric

dehydrogenase and matie dehydrogenase in decreasing order of activity.

It will be clear that the source of hydrogen atoas must be froœ the

aubatrates of the specifie dehydrogenaaes. Ultimately, these substrates

aust be derived froœ glucose. Gordon (101) bas shawn that the adrenal

cortex readily metabolizea glucose which stbaalatea glycolysia ander


both aerobic and anaerobie conditions. However, the oxidative pathway

is stiœulated to a much greater extent. Respiration without glucose

declines over the 3-hour period, but with glucose it remaina constant

during that period. Aeeording to Haynes' hypothesis (94), the stimu­

lating effeet of ACTH on cortieoid synthesis is, in essence, to increase

the breakdown of glycogen to G-6-P, which is then oxidized, produeing

more NADPH as a result. However, Gordon (101) bas evidence that the

adrenal gland does not store much glycogen, and would depend in large

measure on the rapid rate of oxidation of the eirculating glucose.

e) Mechanism of Steroid Hydroxylation

The mechanism for steroid hydroxylation is not clear. It is

postulated (102) that the process involved activation of moleeular

oxygen and the substrate before transfer of the oxygen atom can take

place. The nature of the role of NADPH in the process is not known.

It is speculated that some metal ions, and certain catalytic proteine

may play a part in the activation mechanism. Lately, a new eytochrome

(P-450) found in the adrenal mitochondrie seems also to be involved

in the activation (102a).

f) Bffects of Freezin& on Tissue Response to NADPH

Most interesting and relevant to the present etudies is the ob­

servation first made by Raines (120) that freezing increases the corti­

steroid yield in hog adrenals. Koritz and Peron (95) found that freez­

ing of the adrenal tissue before incubation inereases the response to

G-6-P and NADP stimulation. The latter authors (96) have also noted

that freezing bas the same effeet on the rat adrenal homogenates in the


presence of NADP and G-6-P. More recently, Hall and Koritz (103)

have provided evidence that freezing of the adrenal homogenates

causes a greater increase in conversion of la-labelled cholesterol

than of endogenous precursors to corticosterone in the presence of

the above additives. The mechanism of stimulation by freezing is

not known.

Origin of the present Study

In the beginning of his study, the author was doing adrensl

incubations in connection with the affects of Angiotensin on aldo·

sterone secretion. In the course of these experimenta, he was

attracted by one observation, i.e., the incubation medium alwsys

turns turbid after incubation with the tissue. He was interested

to know if this turbidity could be caused by the presence of enzymes

or particles containing the enzymes, sinee these partieles are

sufficiently big to obstruct light.

He has sinee been involved in this study, without realizing

for some time that Schtinbaum et al. (104), in 1959, has already

detected NADP-dependent dehydrogenase activity in the incubation or

pre-incubation medium from the rat adrenal quartera.

The main findings are contained in this thesis.



1. Materials

a) Baffer Solution (KIBG)

Xrebs-Ringer-bicarbouate solution (pB 7.4) containing 200 -a 1

glucose, saturated with 951 o2-S% co2 (lOS).

b) Additives (per al incubation aediuœ)

i) NAD

ii) NADP

. •


0.39 p.1110le

0.83 IJ.DlOle

iii) G-6-P : 2.53 ~ole

T'beee ch811lical8 were purchaaed frœ the Sipua Cheaical Company

in their sodium salta (except NAD) and were readily soluble in the

buffer solution at pB 7.4. T'bey were prepared and added t.mediately

prior to incubations.

c) Labelled Steroid Substrates

14c-labelled progesterone, and/or 14c- or la-tabelled pregneuolone

have been uaed as steroid precursora. T'beee compound& were obtained

from New England Nuclear Corp. The purity of the compouuda was eatab-

lished either before or sûaultaneoualy with the experiaeats. The radio-

active .aterials vere diluted with the noa-radioactive standards so that

the specifie activitiea were uaually within the range of 4-8 x 106 c.p.a.

/p.mole. The aaounts of suhstratea uaed varied slightly la the neighbor-

hood of 0.17 p.mole per l.S g tissue per 15 ml incubation medium. The

aaounts of tissue and the incubation volumes were always kept constant

unlesa otherwise atated.

d) Vials and Glassware

All glaasware and vials were clean and free of radioactivity before


use. Vials for radioaetivity eounts were used ouly ouce.

Glassware after use was thoroaghly rinaed vith methanol and vater,

kept in ehroaiaa aulfurie eleauiug solution for two daya, and rinsed

again for several hours vith tap vater. The final rinsing was doue

vith distilled vater.

2. Incubation Procedure

a) &eaaon for Choiee of Tissue

For the purpose of preparing the pre-incubation aedi• (PIM),

bovine adrenal cortical allees vere used moat of the t~e. Rat adrenal

tissue waa used only twiee, the first t~ being the pilot experiœent.

The reaaon for this is that theae expert-enta, as it haa been explained

before, branehed out froa the original exper~ents vith Angiotenain,

whieh requtred good separation of the zona gloaerulosa, the bovine

adrenal being a suitable gland for this purpoee.

b) Bovine Adrenal Slieea

Bovine adrenals vere obtained froa a local alaaghter-bouse. The

glands vere kept ehilled until pre-incubation whieb vas started about

two hours after receiving the glands. Pat was removed frOID the glands.

The method of Stachenko and Giroud (30) vas followed cloaely to separate

the zona glomerulosa from the zona fascieulata; sliees vere made by

cutting the gland parallel to its surface vith the Stadie-Riggs micro­

tome (106). The first alice was taken as the gloœeruloaa tissue. The

second was diaearded. The third was taken as the fascieulata. The

glomerulosa and the faaciculata slicea can be usually differentiated

by the naked eye, the former being light yellowish, and the latter


brownish. When slices of the whole cortex were needed. the gland vas

eut at right angles to ita surface; the aedullary tissue vas removed.

In all cases. slices vere about 0.3 mm thick. and 15 mm long.

c) Jlat Adrenal Tissue

llat adrenals vere obtained frOil lUlle Sprague-Dawley rats, veigh·

ing 150-180 g. These aniiiUlla vere anesthetized vith Neahutal (0.3 mlfanimal

intraperitoneally). Bach adreual vas cleaned free of fat. Quartered

or whole aclrenals vere ueed. The adreual tissue was kept cold in

IIBG until ueed.

d) Preparation of Pre-incubation Media. (PI!Q

Bovine cortical alices or rat adrenals (vbole or quartered) were

vashed three timea vith 10 ml KIBG just before blottiug and veigbing.

1.5 g of bovine cortical slicea or 400-750 ag of whole or quartered

rat adrenals vere weighed out on an electrical or aicrotoraion balance

and placed in a lOO al beaker containing 15 al IBIG. In any one ex-

periment, there were uaually 2·8 auch pre-incubations depending on the

design of the experiment. The beakers were incubated in a Dubnoff

Metabolic lncubator, shaking at 65 cycles per ainute under 951 o2-51

oo2 at 38° C (unlesa otberwise atated) for 1 hour. At the end of the

pre-incubation period, after allowing the tissue to settle, the pre­

incubation aedia (the term being uaed after Saffran and Baylias (80),

who vere the firat to introduce pre-incubation) fraa all the beakers

were pooled into a 250 al flask and gently swirled to euaure unifora


c) Incubation of PIM with Steroid Precursors

Tbrougbout the exper1ments, attention vas focused on the couver•


sion producta froa the pre-incubation media. However, in one expert-

ment, coapariaons vere aade between the PIM, and the tissue in con­

verting added labelled progesterone. ln this case, the tissue vas

alao used after pre-incubation. Steroid precursors dissolved in

ethanol were introduced into lOO ml incubation beakers. The ethanol

was evaporated by gentle waraing. Co-factors vere added as desired.

15 ml (except otherwise stated) of PIM were finally pipetted into the

beakers, which vere then incubated in the Dubnoff Metabolic Incubator

for 3 hours under the saœe conditions as described for the pre-ineu-


3. Extraction of Steroids

At the end of the three-hour incubation period, the media were

extracted three timea with two volumes (30 ml) of freahly distilled

ehloroform-ethyl acetate (1:1). The extracts were dehydrated over

anhydrous sodium sulfate, filtered, and taken to drynesa under redueed

pressure at 50° c. The reaidue vas redisaolved in 10 ml distilled

methanol, from whieh a 0.1 ml aliquot (i.e., 11) was transferred to a

vial for radioactivity meaaurement. (The method will be described

later). Prom the values obtained in c.p.m., the total radioaetivity

recovered at this stage wae ealeulated.

The extraction of steroids in the tissue was as follows:

The tissue was homogenized vith S ml KRBG and extracted witb 3 volumes

0 of diatilled acetone over-nigbt at 4 C, during which period the protein

was alao preeipitated. The precipitate was filtered off and washed 3

timea with 10 ml of fresh acetone. The acetone vas evaporated under


0 reduced pressure at 35 C leaving behind only the aqueous residue.

Bereafter, the extraction of the steroids from the aqueous solution

vas the saœe as described for the media. before, with one addition:

the extract was vashed once each vith 1/2 volume of IN NaOB, IN HCl,

and finally distilled water in order to remove soae of the fat froœ

the extract.

4. Paper Chromatol!aPh7 for the Separation of Steroids

a) Preparation of Paper

Whatman No. 1 chromatography papers, 56 ca long and 17 ca vide,

vere washed in a Soxhlet apparatua with methanol-benzene (1:1) for 3

days. The papers vere huns in the dark to dry and then stored in a

folder to protect them from dust. The washed paper vas eut along

the le~gth to form strips, 1.5- 2 cœwide, 43 ca long, attached to

a coœmon head 13 ca long. The line of application (starting line)

vas 2 ca from the common head.

b) Application of Steroids

Concentrated steroid extracts were quantitatively transferred

to a 15 ml centrifuge tube and evaporated to dryness under a stream

0 of nitrogen in a vater-bath, kept under 50 c. The residue was dis-

solved vith 2 drops of methanol-benzene (1:1) and applied to the paper

along the starting line by means of a capillary pipette. The solvant

mixture vas evaporated vith a dry stream of air. The wbole operation

was repeated twice to ensure complete transfer.

c) Solvent Szstems uaed

The solvant systems of Bush (107) and of Zaffaroni and Burton


(108) vere useô. The systems require an equilibration perioô of

froa 3/4 to 12 hours before the addition of the mobile phase. In the

latter systems impregnation of the paper before application of ateroiôa

is necessary: the paper was wetteô by passing through the stationary

phase ôiluteô with an equal volume of methanol. The paper was blotted

between clean sheets of Whataan No. 2 filter paper and hung up for 3 ain.

before application. After application the paper waa run right away in

a chromatography jar without equilibration. All chromatogr ... vere de­

velopeô by the descending aetbod in a constant te111Perature room at 2f c.

The systeme used are listed below:

1) The Bush Solvent Szstell8

Names and Ref. Mobile Pbaae/Stationarz Phase

(10 7) Benzene/aetbanol :water 100 50 : 50

Bush C (107) Toluene:ethylacetate/methanol:water 90 : 10 50 : 50

Bush A (107) Petroleum ether/methanol:water lOO 80 : 20

(109) Iao-octane/n-butanol:water lOO 50 : 90

ii) Zaffaroni SiatellS

Equilibration Time

45 ain.

45 min.

45 min.

12 hra ..

The mobile ana atationary phases are mutually saturated with respect

to each other (exception: T.B.G.)

Na.ea and &ef. Mobile Phase/Stationarz Phase

T.E.G. (llO)

L.P .G. (111)

T.P .G. (112)

Toluene/ethylene glycol

Ligroin/propylene glycol

Toluene/propylene glycol



s. Detection of Steroids on Chromatosr ...

After development of the chromatogra., the paper vas dried (3 ain.

- 12 hrs.) at room ta.perature. Areas containing ateroida on the strips

were located by~ a) ultraviolet absorption and/or, b) radioactivity


a) Ultraviolet Ligbt Absorption

Steroids poasessing an a-p unsaturatei ketone group absorb ultra­

violet light at 238-240 mp.

The paper waa exposed to ultraviolet light source using a Corning

filter no. 9863. The areas of absorption would appaar as dark spots

(sensitivity: 2 ~g steroid(s)jca2). The positions of the spots were

either aarked with a pencil or photographei on the Kodak standarè

contact photographie paper.

b) ladioactivity Detection

Radioactive conversion products derived froa 14c. or la-labelled

precursors were detected by, (i) radioautography and/or, (ii) radio­

chr0118togra scanner.

1) Bx &adioautographx

The chromatograa was covered with a no sereen Kodak sensitivity

X-ray fila in a light-tight standard X-ray cassette for 3 days. The

fila was then developed by standard X-ray fila developing techni4ues.

&adioactivity of 2,000-3,000 disintegration per ainute of 14c could

be detected on the film after a 3-day exposure. The filawas not

sensitive to la-labelled compound& under these conditions.

ii) By bdiochromatogra Scanner (Packard Model 7200)

Tbe paper was scanned on the apparatus at the desired sensitivity


and speed. the scanner can detect both 14c. and Ja-tabelled materiel.

6. Blution of Steroida froœ the Paper Strips

Areas on the etripa containing the steroids were eut out and

eluted with 30 al of ketone-free, 3-times distilled ethanol fra. a

30-al syringe uaing a 22-gauge needle, especially prepared (bent at

right angles) for this purpose. At the end of the elution, the

ethanol solution vas evaporated in a flash avaporator under 5~ c.

7. guantitative Deteraination of Steroids

The ~4-3-keto steroids were deterained quantitatively by (a)

the ultraviolet light absorption method and (b) radioactivity measure­

ment. The foraer measured both the endogenous production as well as

conversion products froa added radioactive steroid precursors, whereas

the latter aeasured only the conversion products.

a) Ultraviolet Lis!t Absorption Method

The steroid was dissolved in a known voluae of ethanol (3-5 al),

and transferred to a silica cell (3 ml capacity). The solution vas

measured at 240 ~ (teated aax~l absorption for these compound&) in

Beckman DU Spectrophotometer against the paper blank (derived from

the blank incubation which contained only the buffer solution). The

paper blank vas also aeasured against the reagent blank (ethanol) to

check its cleanliness. The light source was B2 lamp. A standard

curve relating the optical density (O.D.), and the concentration (in

~g/al) of the corresponding authentic compound waa made. This is a

linear function within limita of concentrations. Once the O.D. vas

known, the amounts of steroid in solution could be deterained froa



the standard curve.

Individuel ateroids were measured at least after two paper chro-

matographic purifications. Biah paper blank absorption at 240 ~ was

seldom encountered (O.D. range: 0.05-0.15). It was therefore con­

sidered unaeceaaary to apply the Allen (113) correction. aince in

theae experimenta, relative. rather than absolute values vere of


b) ladioactivitX Measurement

Radioactivity of 14c- or la-labelled compound& vas measured in

a Packard liquid scintillation spectrometer. Materiels were counted

twice. A blank and radioactive standard vere included in a set. Ali­

quota representing 1/100 to 1/30 of the total aample were transferred

in methanol to the counting vials. The methanol vas evaporated in air

or under a strea. of nitrogen and redissolved in 5 ml of scintillation

phosphor (toluene pbosphor containing 0.31 of 2,5-diphenyloxazole, and

0.01% of p-bis 1,2(5 phenyloxazolyl) 1-benzene). The efficiency for

14c and 3a eounts was 701 and 371 respectively, with an aceuracy of

± 21.

8. Sxstematic Separation of Steroida

Tbe paper chromatographie systems used bave been described in

detail. A systematic separation of the steroids of interest will now

be given.

The initial separation of the steroids froa the incubation extracta

was carried out in the Bush a5 system for 3 hours. In order of de­

creasing polarity, the fractions located parallel to authentic 18-0B-


corticosterone, cortisol, aldosterone, cortisone and progesterone

(the solvent-front fraction) were eluted. The fractions in the

regions of cortisol, aldosterone and cortisone were re-chromato­

graphed in the Bush C system for 3 hours. (In this system, aldo­

sterone separates vell from cortisone). The fraction in the region

of corticosterone was re-chromatographed in the B2B system for 5

hours. (In this system, 11-deoxycortisol will be separated from

corticosterone). The solvent-front fraction was re-cbromatographed

in the LPG system for either 8 or 50 hours. In the 8-hour run,

pregnenolone, progesterone, or cholesterol would be well separated

from the more polar steroids, e.g., tl--OB-progesterone, 17a-OB­

progesterone, 11-deoxycorticosterone, and 11-keto-progesterone.

These compound& would still be poorly or not separated at all. In

the 50-hour run, pregnenolone, progesterone, or cholesterol would

have run off the paper, being collected over this period in a flask.

The more polar steroids, as mentioned above, would be well separated.

All quantitative measurements of the coœpounds (unless otherwise

stated) were measured after purification by two systems of paper

chromatography described above.

9. Characterization of Corticosterone1 Cortisol, and ll@-Bydroxy-


A number of conversion products were obtained when the PIM from

the beef or rat adrenal tissue vas incubated with labelled pregneno­

lone or progesterone. However, only the ones of interest to us vere

partially characterized. They vere: Corticosterone and/or Cortisol


fro. the beef or rat adrenal PIK and 11~-0H-progeaterone from the rat


ln general~ proof of identity of the respective compounds waa

baaed on the fo11owing criteria:

1) ldentical aobility of the radioactive tentative compound with that

of the non-radioactive authentic carrier in at leaat ~o paper chro­

matographie systems before acetylation or oxidation~ and in one

paper systea after acetylation or oxidation.

2) Maintenance of constant specifie activity in the ayateas run througb

as deacribed in (1) above~ and after successive cryatallization.

(This waa perforaed only on 11~-oH-progeaterone).

3) Max~um u.v. absorption in the region between 238-242 ~·

4) Tests of functional groups with,

(a) Tetrazolium derivative M and B 1767, and

(b) Porter-Silber reagent.

The paper chromatographie systems uaed for the partial character­

ization of the individual compound& will be indicated in "aeaults."

Present1y, the methoda for acetylation, oxidation, cryatallization,

and tests on functional groupa of the steroida will be given.


The method described by Bush (114) was followed. The steroid

(30-80 ~g) waa diaaolved in a aixture of pyridine (0.1 ml) and acetic

anhydride (0.4 ml), and heated at 60P C for 15 min. Under these con­

ditions, the 21-hydroxyl group of ateroid a-ketols is completely es­

sterified, and the 18-hydroxyl group of aldosterone (hemiacetal fora)


is only esterified to 15X. The reagenta were tben reaoved by a stream

0 of aitrogen at 50 c. The ateroid (acetylated or not) could be directly

applied to paper.


The ateroid (30-80 ~8) waa disaolved in 1 al of glacial acetic

acid, and an aqueous solution of 0.5 ml chromic acid (2X chroatua

trioxide) was added. The tube waa shaken gently, atoppered and left

in the dark for 10 min. Under these conditions, the 11~- and 11a-

hydroxyl groups of the typical C-19 and C-21 steroida are oxidized

coapletely, while the side chain of the C-21 steroids remains intact.

At the end of 10 min., the solution was diluted with 5 volumes of

distilled water and extracted 4 tiRes with an equal voluae of athyl-

acetate-chloroforœ. The organic phase was washed with 1 ml saturated

sodium bicarbonate and water, dried over Na2so4, filtered and evap­


Crystallization of 11@-oH-Proaesterone

A saall fraction (5-7 ~8) of the isolated radioactive product

was mixed with approximately 10 mg of non-radioactive authentic coa-

pound (kind1y given by Dr. W. Klyne), and disaovled in sufficient

quantity of acetone. The solution was filtered through a sintered

glass funnel to remove contaminants (mainly fibre) froa the paper

chromatograms. The filtrate was evaporated to dryness. Crystalli-

zation waa carried out in a small tube using three different solvant

mixtures: (a) acetone-methanol, (b) acetone-benzene, and (c)

acetone-ethanol. The steroid or steroid mixutre was diasolved in a


minimal volume of wara acetone, the 'good' solvent in wbich the steroid

dissolves well. About half volume of a second solvent (methanol, benzene

or ethanol) was added, in which the steroid is only sparingly soluble.

Upon gentle heating over a steam-water bath, acetone being more volatile,

would be evaporated first. When acetone was almost completely evaporated,

crystal& would appear. Occasional cooling and standing was sometiœes

necessary. After crystallizatian was completed, the mother liquor was

withdrawn vith an ultra-fine, transfer pipette. Samples of

crystals and mother liquor were dried, weighed and taken for radioactivity


Test for a-ketol sroup

c-21 steroids having a a-ketol group in the side chain reduce

tetrazolium salts (116).

2 mg of the tetrazolium derivative M and B 1767 (2:5-diphenyl-3·

(4-styrylpbenol)-tetrazolium chloride) was dissolved in 2 ml of 95~

ethanol and 5 ml of 2.5 N NaOH (123).

1/2-cm strips containing about 5 ~g of the isolated steroids were

passed through the solution, washed once with distilled water and

blotted in between two sheets of filter paper. A reference strip con­

taining 2 ~g corticosterone gave a purple color tœœediately, while 6 ~g

of authentic progesterone did not.

Test for the dihydrO!X•acetone aide chain

The Porter-Silber reagent (117, 118) reacts with the 17, 21-di·

hydroxy-20-keto-steroids, as we11 as 21-hydroxysteroids with a 20-18

hemiketal linkage (except those with a hydroxyl group at c-11 (119) •

Paper strips containing the steroids were passed through the


Porter-Silber reagent. A reference strip containing 3 ~~ of cortisol

would give a yellow color in 1/2 hour at 60P c •




Resulta are expreased qualitatively and quantitatively. The

quantitative data are expreased in ~oles, specifie activities,

and/or per cent conversion of the labelled precursors. The per

cent conversion is based on the total radioactivity recovered froœ

the incubation medium with ethylacetate-chloroforœ, and not based

on the radioactivity initially added. This method of expression is

warranted from the following considerations: (a) Extractions of

known amounts of progesterone, corticosterone, and cortisol with

ethylacetate-chloroform were reaaonably high and close to each other

(85~-96~), with progesterone having the highest percent recovery.

Resulta froœ a control experiment are ahown below:

CO!!Pouncla Adele cl

(c.p ••• x 105)

Progesterone-4-14c (52 J18) 4.37

.. 4.36

CO!IJ?ounds Acldecl


Il 30

Cortisol 30

n 30


(c.p ••• x 105)








~ &ecovery



~ aecovery





(b) From the actuel experimenta it had been observed that the re•

coveries of radioactivity from a set of incubations remained remark-

ably constant whether or not there had been conversion of the added

precursor. This can only be true if the recoveriea of the conver-

sion products and the added precursor are st.ilar. The fo11owing

figures taken from two experimenta will illustrate the point. lach

figure representa a single incubation;

Total ladioactivitX &ecovered

Experimenta Precursor No Conversion Good Conversion

X•7 Progesterone 6 1.48 X 10 c.p.m. 1.43 x 106 c.p.m.

" 1.47 x 106 c.p.m.

" 1.37 x 106 c.p.a.

X-12 Progesterone 6.95 X 106 c.p.a. 6.55 x 106 c.p.a.

" 7.15 x 106 c.p.m.

" 6.96 x 106 c.p.m.

!hua, on the grounds that the recoveriea of the compound& are

high and similar to each other. it is conaidered justified to base

the per cent conversion on the total radioactivity recovered from

the extraction of the incubation mediuœ, aince the relative values

obtained under this condition will remain unaltered.

Th~ alternative way of expression, baaed on the radioactivity

added, auffers from the following inconveniences or disadvantages:

i) It necessitates the counting of an extra saœple to estab1iah

• the actuel activity added •


ii} The percentage calculated under this condition will be lover

than the other, since the tosses occurring during extractions

are not compenaated.


Under this section, it will be sbovn tbat the pre-incubation

media contain a number of enzymes involved in steroid metabolism,

and the conditions under which this can be demonstrated. It should

be emphasized that the resulta obtained here do not indicate whether

the enzymes exist in the free state or are contained in the sub­

cellular particles.

1. Incubation with Labelled Progesterone

Pigure 1, (Page 32} shows the resulta of a pilot axperiment in

which labelled progesterone was incubated with the PIM prepared from

the rat ~uartered adrenals in the absence or presence of NADP and

G-6-P (collectively called 'co-factors' in Pig. 1). The initial

separation of the conversion products in the Bush Bs system are shovn

on the left. The re-chromatography of the solvent-front fraction

from the Bush B5 system to the LPG system ia indicated on the right.

To the left of each coluœn are the ultraviolet photocopies, and to

the right, the corresponding radioautograms. The ultraviolet photo­

copies show, indiscriminately, the products released to the PIM from

the tissue during the pre-incubation period, as well as the conversion

products derived froœ the labelled precursor during the period of

incubation. The radioautograu show exclusively the conversion


CoDversion of Progesterone-4-14c by PIK

(llat Adrenal Quartera)


( Rat Adrenal Quarters)

no PIM PIM alone PIM +


Bush 8 5 3 hrs.






PIM alone PIM +


L PG 30hrs.



Compound a

up .. oa-P




Conversion of Progesterone-4-14c by PIM

(Rat Adrenal Quartera)

~ Conversionl3 hra. Yieldl3 hra.~Qmo1el

c.p.a. /incubation /incubation

4.5 x 105 23.1 0.040

3.6 x 105 18.9 0.033

Incubation aixture contained: Progesterone·4-14c (0.189 ~le or 59.4

~g) with a total radioactivity of 1.95 x 106 c.p.a.;

NADP (0.38 J.llllOle/DÜ); G-6-P (2.53 J.liDOle/al); PIM (15 DÜ), prepared

froa an equivalent of 450 œg rat adrenal quartera pre-incuhated for 1



products from the labelled precursor. Fig. 1 is intended to show

the following:

i) The purity of the labelled precuraor used, by chromatographie

standard (first column, Bush Bs)•

ii) The inability of the PIM to convert labelled progesterone with­

out the addition of co-factors. (Two small radioactive banda

can be aeen on the firat column of the LPG system. However,

quantitatively, these are too amall to be of any significance).

iii) The capacity of the PIM to couvert labelled progesterone in the

presence of the added co-factors (third column, Bush Bs, and

second column, LPG). More than two radioactive fractions were

detected, with the conspicuous absence of aldosterone. However,

interest was focused only on two main fractions: (a) the frac­

tion in the region of authentic corticosterone, and, (b) frac­

tion X in the region of authentic lltJ-OH-progesterone, which is,

however, not on the standard strip in Fig. 1 because this com­

pound was not available at the time of this experiment. Both

fractions in the respective regions mentioned bave been partially

characterized as corticosterone and 11~-0H-progesterone respec­

tively (see Section D). Table 1, (Page 33) gives the quantitative

analysis of the two main fractions after each bas been run through

two systems of paper chromatography as described under 1Methods'.

lt will be aeen that under these conditions, !l-B-OH-progesterone

was produced in slightly larger amounts than corticosterone.

From here on, except in one case, all the experimental resulta are from

the bovine adrenal PIM incubations. As will be clear from Pig. 2,



Conversion Products from Progesterone-4-14c by PIM

(Bovine Adrenals)




G-6-P NADP G-6-P

(Bovine Ad renais)






Bush B5


G-6-P NADP G-6-P



Aldosterone Cortisone









Ccapound S



Conversion of Progeaterone-4•14c by PIM

{Bovine Adrenala)

Yieldl3 hrs.~~aole) ~ Converaionl3 hrs.

/incubation c.e.m. /incubation

(Z .. P.) 0.033 2.4 x 105 17.52

{Z.G.) 0.034 2. 7 x 105 18.53

(Z.P .) 0.041 1.9 x 105 14.10

(Z.G.) 1.1 x 104 0.76

(Z.P .) 0.019 1.2 x to5 8.75

Bach incubation mixture contained: Progeaterone-4-14c (0.181 ~ole or

56.8 ~g) with a total radioactivity of 1.42 x 106 e.p.m.; RADP (0.83

~le/ml); G-6-P {2.53 ~le/ml); PIK (15 ml) prepared froa 1.5 g tis­

sue pre-in.cubated for one hour.

Z.G. • zona glo.eruloaa

z.r. - zona fasciculata


(Page 35) no less than six or seven radioactive conversion products

vere always obtained, when labelled progesterone was used as the

precursor. However, it is beyond the scope of this study, nor are

there enough authentic materiels to analyse each of these fractions.

Rather, relatively detailed qualitative and quantitative studies

vere concentrated on the two main fractions in the regions of authentic

cortisol and corticosterone initially isolated in the Bush Bs systea.

lt is thought that this approach will throw soae ligbt on soae of the

facts about the PIM.

Fig. 2 shows the distribution of the various radioactive frac­

tions in the Bush B5 systea from a comparative study in which the PIM

prepared froa the isolated glomerulosa and fasciculata vere incubated

with labelled progesterone. More detailed quantitative resulta will be

shown in Table Il, (Page 36) after re-chroaatography of the main frac­

tions in the appropriate systema as bas been indicated under '~thods."

However, it will suffice to point out that no radioactive materiel in

the region of authentic aldosterone was detected under various incu­

bation conditions froa the PIM, including the one prepared froa the

gloaerulosa tissue. It will also be noted froa Fig. 2 that G-6-P

added by itself did not activate the enzyae activities. Table Il

shows clearly that althougb the radioactive fraction in the region of

standard corticosterone was produced in about equal quantity by the

PIM from both zones, the radioactive products in the regions of cor­

tisol and compound S vere obtained almost exclusively froa the fas­

ciculata•PIM incubate. Tbese findings are in agreement vith the known

fact that the l~hydroxylating enzyme is located mainly in the


Z.F., as it has been discuased in the'aeview of Literature'.

2. Co-factor Reguirements

It bas been indicated in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 on Page 32 and

Page 35 respectively, that the demonstration of enzyme activities

in the PIM requires the supplementation of both NADP and G-6-P,

and that the latter by itaelf is ineffective. The object of the

next two experimenta was to find out whether NADP was the actuel

co-factor required, or that both additives were needed. The PIM

from the Z.G. were incubated with labelled progesterone in the pre­

sence of either or both additives. The resulte of the two experi­

menta vere tabulated separately in Tables Ilia, (Page 39) and IIIb,

(Page 40), because the specifie activitiea of progesterone used in

the two cases were different, and in one experiment (Table Ilia)

double the uaual amounts of PIM were uaed (30 ml). The resulta in

both Tables give the counts and percentage of all the radioactive

fractions aeparated in the Bush B5 system in order to give a better

account of the over-all conversions. On the other band, the sub­

fractions further isolated from the main fraction in the region of

corticosterone, and from the aolvent-front fraction were not listed

separately, because individually, theae are quantitatively insignifi­

cant. However, it should be stated that the fraction in the region

of corticosterone in the Bush 15 system contains more than 601 of the

compound, and the solvant-front fraction contains well over 95~ of

unconverted progesterone. With this as the background, the resulta

sbown in Tables Ilia and IIIb can be interpreted witb more accuracy.

e e


Co-factor Requirements

(A) (B) (C) G-6-P HADP G-6-P + NADP

Restons in Bush B5 ~·.P~ m. x 10 6 l Qf_total c.p.~ 10 6 ~ of total C_tl)elll• X 10 6 t. of total

18-0B•B * 0 0 0.01 0.83 0.02 1.82

Cortisol 0 0 o.o1 0.83 o.o4 3.63

19-0R•DOC ** 0 0 0.03 2.50 o.o3 2.73

Corticosterone 0 0 0.36 30.00 0.58 52.72

- - - - -Total conversion 0 0 0.41 34.16 0.67 60.90

Unconverted Progesterone 1.10 91.66 0.50 41.60 0.20 18.18

- - -Total recovery from paper 1.10 91.66 0.91 75.76 0.87 79.08

Total activity in mediua 1.2 --- 1.2 --- 1.1

Bach incubated mixture contained: Progesterone-4-14c (0.198 pmole or 62 ~g); PIM (30 ml) prepared from an equivalent of 3 g glomeruloaa tisaue of bovine adrena1 cortex pre-incubated for 1 hr. Por concentrations of additives, see Table 11.

* Based only on chromatographie mobility.

** This position corresponds with that of a band characterized in this Departœent as 19-0R•DOC by Lucia, a. et al. (121).

• w \0 1

e e


Co-factor aequirementa

(A) (B) ·(c) G-6-P NADP G-6-P + NADP

Regions in Bush Bs ç~p.a., li: l.Q 5 l of total c.p.a. x 10 5 %. of total c.J!.aa. x 105 1 of total

Sum of severa! fractions more polar than Corti-coster one 0 0 0.354 2.40 0.714 5.02

Corticosterone 0 0 2.130 14.48 4.380 30.63

- -Total conversion 0 0 2.484 16.88 5.o94 35.65

Unconverted Progesterone 14.6 98.6 11.400 77.60 8.600 60.13 1 g 1 -

Total recovery from paper 14.6 98.6 13.884 94.48 13.694 95.78

Total activity in medium 14.8 -- 14.7 -- 14.3 --14 Bach incubation mixture contained: Progesterone-4- C (0.181 1J.180le or 56.8 Jlg); PIM (15 ml) prepared

froa 1.5 g glomerulosa tissue of bovine adrenal cortext pre-incubated for 1 hr. For concentrations of

additives, see Table II.


It will be noted that in both experimenta, no conversion was

observed when only G-6-P was added. The recoveries of unconverted

progesterone under this condition were 91.66~ and 98.6X reapectively

in the two experimente. The average recovery was within the l~it

of wbat is expected from any elution of standard progesterone. It

can therefore be concluded that there was no conversion in the pre­

sence of G-6-P.

Wben NADP was added, the conversion observed, both totally,

and in the main fraction were about half of those in which both NADP

and G-6-P were present (Tables Ilia and IIIb). The corresponding

unconverted progesterone recovered was also given. Total recovery

froœ the papergram was given in each case. It will be seen that the

recovery was lover when there was conversion than when there was no

conversion. This can be explained by the fact that some of the con­

version products may be more difficult to elute, and also, the more

the number of elutions, the greater will be the chances of losses.

From the findings of these two experimenta, it can be concluded

that NADP is the only exogenous co-factor required to activate the

enzymes present in the PIM. G-6-P by itself is totally ineffective,

but its addition to NADP will further enhance the enzyme activities.

3. Incubation with Labelled Preggenolone

In the foregoing experimenta we have seen that the pre-incubation

media contain enzymes capable of transforming progesterone to a number

of its metabolites. The purpose of the next two experimente is to

find out whether the PIM also have the capacity to transform pregneno-


lone~ a C-21-45·38-ol steroid~ to other ateroida possesaing a

~4-3-keto structure~ or, more specifically, to see, if ~5-JB.

hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase is also present in the PIH. At the

saœe time, the effect of HADP, NAD, or a combination of the two

were alao investigated. Sufficient amounts (more than 0.16 ~le

or 50 ~g) of labelled pregnenolone were added, so that should there

be any reaaonable transformation of the precursor to some of its

~4-3-keto metabolites, the latter could be detected on the paper­

graœ by ultraviolet light. ( ~5-38-ol steroids do not absorb ultra­

violet ligbt with maximum absorption at 240 ~~ whereaa ~4-3-keto

steroids do.)

In the first experiment, 15 ml of the PIM from the bovine

adrenal cortex (glomerulosa and fasciculata) were incuhated with

pregnenolone-7a-3a in the absence or presence of NAD. The resulta

are shawn in Table IVa, (Page 43). It will be seen that, without

NAD, the only product detected was in the region of progesterone

(6.61) in the LPG system. With NAD present, by far the largest

conversion product was located in the region of progesterone (63.91).

This region was clearly u.v. absorption positive. A small radio•

active fraction was also detected in the region of 17a-oH-progester­

one and DOC (not separated) in the LPG system (5 hrs.), but the con­

version to this fraction was only 3.71.

In the second experiœent, the PIM from the glomerulosa of the

bovine adrenal cortex was incubated with 14c-labelled pregnenolone

in the presence of NAD, NADP, or the combination of the two. In

all cases, G-6-P was added. The conversion products can be seen



Conversion of Pregneno1one-~3H by PIM

(Bovine Adreual Cortex)



17a.OB•P and DOC

Unconverted Pregnenolone

Total recavery frOID two papers

No Additive

umple 1 of total ymole % of total

o.oot 6.6 o.to5 63.9

o.o o.o 3.7

11.9 8.1

78.5 15.7

3 Bach incubation mixture contained: Pregnenoloue-7a- H (0.161 ~mole)

witb a total radioactivity of 75.7 x 105 c.p.a.; PIM (15 al). NAD

(if added) : 0.39 ~le.



Conversion of Pregnenolone-4-14c by PIM

(Bovine Adrenal Glomerulosa)


Res ions ~le '1 total y.mole '%. total y.mo1e '1 total

Corticosterone o.os 0.019 11.40 0.019 11.3

Progesterone .os 51.50 0.016 9.90 .025 15.0

Cortisol o.oo 0.59 0.54

17a-oH-P +DOC 7.90 o.o o.oo

Sum 59.48 21.89 26.84

14 Bach incubation mixture contained: Pregnenolone-4- C (0.167 ~ole or

53 ~g) vith a total radioactivity of 5.98 x 105 c.p.m.;

PIM (15 ml.) For concentrations of additives. see Page 29 in 'Methode'.



Conversion of Pregaenolone-4-14c by PIH

(Glomerulosa: Bovine Adrenala}


CONVERSION of PREGNENOLONE - 4 - 14C by P 1 M ( Glomerulosa : Bovine Adrenals)



Pregnen­olone Proges­terone

.. DOC ...... .


Bush B5 3 hrs.

A' B' C' STD


LPG 4hrs.


( Pregnenolone)




in Fig. 3, Page 45, and the quantitative resQlta in Table IVb, Page

44. The first part of the experiment (Table IVb) confirmed the re-

sulta obtained in the previous expert-eut, that is, in the presence

of NAD alone, tbe transformation of pregnenolone vas liaited aostly

to tentative progesterone. A fraction in the region of 17a-ou-P and

DOC was also obtained (7.91) but was not investigated. RADP vith

G-6-P waa also effective in activating the ~5-JB-ol steroid dehydro-

genese. The conversion products were tentative progesterone (9.9%)

and corticoaterone (11.4%) again indicating the importance of exogenoQ&

NADP in certain steroid hydroxylation reactions. The addition of RAD

to NADP st~ulate the transformation of pregnenolone to tentative

progesterone (15%), bQt not to corticosterone (11.3%). This would

&Qggest tbat NAD has little effect on the hydroxylation reactiona.

Resulta in Table IVb also indicate that the over-all conversiona in

the presence of NAD, RADP, and G-6-P were not as great as in the pre-

sence of NAD and G-6-P, suggesting inhibition by the addition of NADP.

Tbese resulta agree well with the recent findings of laval,

Forchielli and Dorfman (64) that NADP can replace NAD as the co-factor

of ~5-3p-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenaae with about lesa than 50% of the

activity. These aQthors have also found that NADH inhibits the isomeri-

zation reaction, which can be partially overcome by excessive NAD. If

this is the case, then this aay explain our resulta why addition of

NADP to NAD seeœed to inhibit the reaction, since it is obvious that

at least parts of the NADP added vith G-6-P were reduced to NADPH which

in turn might reduce parts of the NAD to NADB.



Pailure of the PIM to convert Cboleatero1·4-14c

(A) (1) No Additive NADP + G-6-P

Total radioactivity s s froaa aedia 8.04 x 10 9.1S x 10

Activity of labelled Cholesterol after

6.93 x lOS 8.12 x lOS two paper systems

'1 recovery of label led Cholesterol s6.r' 88.7'1

14 Bach incubation contained: Cholesterol-'+• C (0.11 ~le or 43 ~g)

PIM (30 ml). For the concentration of additives, see Table I.


4. Incubation with Labelled Cholesterol

Carballeira et al. (122) have obaerved that the bovine adrenal

cortical tissue alices aeem to utilize choleaterol-4-14c only when

aupplemented by the NADPH-generating system. It would therefore be

of intereat to know if the PIM from the bovine adrenal cortex could

metaboliae labelled cholesterol. Double the usuel amounts (30 ml

inatead of 15 ml) of PIM from the glomeruloaa were incubated with

cholesterol-4-14c (0.11 ~mole or 43 ~g) under the following conditions:

(a) witbout additives, and, (b) with NADP and G-6-P. The resulta are

shown in Table Y, (Page 47). No radioactive conversion product was

obaerved under both incubation conditions. The recoveries of un­

converted labelled cholesterol after the two paper chromatographie

systems Bush 15 and LPG were 86.11 in (a) and 88. 71. in (b). Tbus,

from the negative finding of radioactive conversion products, the

high and aimilar recoveries of uncooverted cholesterol (after two

systems of paper chromatography) under both incubation conditions as

stated above, it waa concluded that the PIM did not utiliae the added

labelled cholesterol to any appreciable extent even in the presence

of HADP and G-6-P.

S. Conclusion drawn from Section A

In the light of all the experimental evidence obtained in this

section, the following main pointa ean be stated:

1) The PIM from the bovine adrenal cortex, when supplemented with

the proper co-enzymes, bas the capacity to tranaform added labelled

preguenolone or progesterone to a number of metabolites. Of theae


tentative progesterone froa pregnenolone, as well as cortico­

sterone and cortisol froa added progesterone have been partially

characterized, as will be seen in Section D. On the basis of

these findings, it can be establiahed that the bovine adrenal

PIM contains the following enzymes: (1) the ~5-3p-hydroxy­

steroid dehydrogenase, (ii) the llp, 17a and 21 steroid hydrox­

ylases, and (iii) the NADP·dependent dehydrogenase, wbich reduce

NADP to NADPB. AIDOng these, G-6-phosphate dehydrogenase muet be

present since the addition of G-6-P greatly sttmulatea the

hydroxylation reactions.

2) Froœ the pilot expertœents, llP and 21 steroid hydroxylase acti­

vities were also detected, and there is good resson to believe

that all the other enzyme activities {with the exception of 17a­

hydroxylase) detected in the bovine adrenal PIK are also present

ln the rat adrenal PIM.

Sch~nbaum et al. (104) have already reported the detection of

NADP-dependent dehydrogenase activities in the PIM froa the rat

quartered adrenals.


1. Bffect of Tiœe on Pre-incubation

In Section A, evidence has been presented for the presence of a

number of enzymes in the pre-incubation media. lt was aasuœed that

the enzymes, in wbatever for.a, were released into the aedia froœ the

tissue during the period of pre-incubation. !be next expertment re­

presents an attempt to test the above asaumption. Tissue allees from


the adrenal cortex were prepared and washed exactly as deacribed be­

fore, and pre•incubated for an increasing period of time: 2, 20, 40,

and 60 minutes. At the end of the pre-incubation period, the respec­

tive PIM were incubated with labelled progesterone, HADP and Q-6-P for

3 hrs. at 38° C as before. Isolated radioactive corticoaterone and

cortisol were used as the parameters, since these two steroids would

reflect the activities of the three major hydroxylating enzymes (llB,

17a, 21). &esults are indicated in Fig. 4, (Page 51). It is clear

from Fig. 4, that there were little or no enzyme activities in the PIM

in the beginning of pre-incubation, inèicating that the slices had

been thoroughly waahed. As the pre-incubation period waa lengtheneè,

the enzyme activities in the meèia also increased. This ia strong

evidence that the enzymes or particles containing the enzymes were

released into the PIM daring pre-incubation and not before, thua,

ruling out the possibility of contaminations prior to pre-incubation.

It will be noted from Fig. 4, that the curve for cortisol (heavy line)

is roughly linear, suggesting that the rate of inereaae of enzyme

aetivities is proportional to the time of pre-incubation. On the other

hand, the eurve for eorticoaterone (dotted line) tenda to level off,

indicating that the rate of increaae of enzyme aetivities tends to de­

cresse slightly with time of pre-incubation.

The author cannot explain this diserepancy in the two carves

except for apeeulating that the relatively high yield of corticoater­

one in the mediua might inhibit further formation. Birmingham and

Kurlents (123) have ahown that cortieoids liberated, or cortisol and

corticoaterone added into the medium have an inhibitory effect on

further corticoid production by the rat quartered adrenals.



Effect of Tüne on Pre-incubation



-• 15 c: 0 ...... o .. .,. ... • .,..,. .... .,..,. ,.... • _,.till' 0 ,o -0 u ,, • - ,, .... ·-... .. 10

,, 11.0

.. 0 ,, 0 u ,,

c.J - ,o -. , ·~·o.a ., , . .. , • s:. , .. , 0.6 .s:.

rtl ,

-~ ,

' 5 , ' c: , c: 0

, 0.4 ·- , 0 • , ·-.. 0~

• .. • 0.2 • > > c: c 0 • 0 u 0 0.0 u ~ 2 20 40 60

~ • Ti me of pre- incubation .

minutes • an


The low yield of cortisol in this expert.ent ia not typical of

the PIM froa the bovine adrenal cortex, but bas been encountered oc-

casionally, suggesting the instability of probably the 17a-bydroxylase.

2. Effect of Teœperature on Pre-incubation

After establishing that the enzymes or particles containing the

enzymes vere released into the media froœ the tissue during the period

of pre-incubation, the author thought it vould be of interest to know

if this 1release' or 'leakage' of enzymes could be prevented by low

temperature pre-incubation, since it is a general practice that tissues

are kept cold before the experimente in order to prevent or retard the

process of degeneration. For this purpose, separated glomerulosa (Bxpt.

A) or whole cortical slices (Bxpt. B) of the bovine adrenal, or whole

0 c 0 (uncut) rat adrenals (Expt. C) were pre-incubated at 4, 10, or 38 C.

The pre-incubation period for the bovine adrenal slices was 1 br., and

for the rat adrenals vas 1 1/2 br. At the end of the pre-incubation 0

period, the respective PIMwere incubated under usual conditions (38 C,

3 hrs., 951 o2 - 51 co2 ), vith labelled progesterone, HADP, and G-6-P.

The resulta of the three experimenta are shown in Table VI, (Page 53).

Only the major isolated conversion product or products for each experi-

ment vere cbosen as the parameters, since theae would represent over

801 of the over-all conversion. Froœ Table VI 1 under 11 Conversion'

and 'yield' it can be seen that pre-incubation at 12° C increases the

enzyme activities in the PIM about 1 1/2 times, and at 4° C about 3

times as compared vith pre-incubation at 38° c.



Bffect of Temperature on Pre-incubation

Temperature Experiment Compounds oc

(A) Z.G. Corticosterone 38 (Bovine Adrenal) 4

(B) Bntire Cortex Corticosterone 38 (Bovine Adrena1) 12

(C) Wbole Adrenal Cortieosterone 38 Gland (rat) 4

ll~·OH-P 38 4

Yield/3 hrs. f.lmole

0.034 0.099

0.075 0.101


*s.A. c.p.m. c.p.m./JJ'}'AOle

2. 7 x lOS 7.8 x 106 1.0 x 105 7.1 x 106

1.9 x 10; 6 2.5 x 106 2.8 x 10 2.8 x 10

o.o -5.5 x 103 -4.4 x 103 -4.4 x to4 -

1 Conversion /3 brs.

18.5 51.4

27.5 40.7

o.o 0.86

0.69 6.90

Bach incubation mixture contained: Progesterone-4-14c: Bxpt. A - (0.181 f.Lmole; 8.0 x 106 c.p.m./~le

Bxpt. B - (0.170 f.llll01e; 4.1 x 106 c.p.m./J.1Dl0le

Bxpt. C- (0.170 J.1Dl0le; 3.7 x 106 c.p.m./f.lmole

PIM from the rat adrenal waa prepared by pre-incubating 400 mg who1e uncut adrenal with 15 ml buffer for 1 1/2 hours. PIM froœ bovine adrenal: saœe as in Table Il.

*s.A. • specifie activities.


1 1,1'1 w •


Of some interest is the observation that very little enzyme

activities were detected in the PIM from the whole (uncut) rat adrenal

0 gland pre-incubated at 38 C (llp-OB-progesterone 0.691), whereas in

the PIM pre-incubated at 4° C the enzyme activities were increased

more than 10 times,with llp-oB-progesterone being the predominant con-

version product (6.91). Bowever, the yields in these cases vere too

low for an accurate ultraviolet light absorption measurement.

A comparison of the specifie activities of the isolated compound&

shows that the products obtained from the law-temperature pre-incubated

PIM were not more diluted than the corresponding ones from the 3aP c-

preincubated PIM. This indicates that lov-temerpature pre-incubation

does not st~ulate the release of the endogenous steroid precursor which

might contribute to the increased prodution of the isolated compound&.

Tbus it can be concluded that law-temperature pre-incubation in-

creases the enzyme activities in the PIM. These findings are similar

to the observation that freezing the adrenal tissue or homogeaates prior

to incubation enhances the enzyme activities (95, 96, 103, 120). Recently

it has been reported (124) that the hydroxylase and dehydrogenase acti­

vities in tissue rapidly frozen to - 160° C are markedly increased,

even though the cytochrome-C-oxidase activity is decreased.

The mechanism by which extremely low temperature apparant1y sti-

mu1ates certain enzyme activities is not clear. It is known that freez-

ing causes damages to cella (124). However, Pincus has mentioned in

'Discussion• in the paper by Haines (120) that freezing is one of the

beat ways to preserve the mitochondrie or tissue. In the case of the


0 PIM, since pre-incubation of the tissue was never done below 4 C,

destruction of celle was probably not likely. Prevention of enzymes

from destruction may explain in parts the apparent increase in enzyme



The final set of incubation was designed to compare the capacity

of the adrenal cortical tissue, and the pre-incubation medium to meta-

bolize labelled progesterone under. the stated conditions. Tissue

slices (1.5 g) were pre-incubated as before for one hour with 15 ml

buffer to prepare the PIM. The pre-incubated tissue (1.5 g in 15 ml

fresh buffer) and the PIMwere then separately incubated with labelled

progesterone (0.214 pmole or 67.2 ~g) for three hours in the presence

or absence of NADP and G-6-P. The resulta of a duplicate incubation

of each type will be shown in Tables VIla and VIIb on Pages 58 and 59

respectively. Table VIla shows the conversion of the added labelled

progesterone to the various fractions of interest to us. Table VIIb

deals with the total production of steroids, that is, the conversion

of the added substrate as well as the endogenous production. A few

points should be clarified before discussing the resulta: 1) The

values obtained from the tissue incubation represent the sua of the

steroids released into the medium and those extracted from the tissue

itself after incubation. 2) The total recovery of the radioactivity

from the tissue incubation (55.1 x 104 c.p.œ.) was slightly less than

that from the PIM (66.1 x to4 c.p.m.). Therefore, the per cent con-

version was caleulated on the respective total reeoveries. 3) The


specifie activities of the conversion proâucts in the PIMwere cal­

culateâ after correction for the secretory products into the medium

âuring pre-incubation.

Results: First let us compare the conversion of aââed labelled

progesterone by the PIM (alvays fortified vith NADP and G-6-P) with

that by the tissue ineubated vithout the additives (Table VIla). The

conversion to corticosterone, compound S, and !~-OB-progesterone

(mostly) by the PIMwaa either equal to or superior to that by the

tissue. Bowever, the accumulation of abnoraally large amounta of

tentative 17a-ou-progesterone is not typical of the PIM. The usuel

major end-products are corttcosterone and cortisol. The reason for the

abnormality is not known, and tnctêentally would explain the low yield

in corticosterone and cortisol as coapared to the previous experimenta.

The conversion to cortisol and cortisone by the PIM was much lower

that that by the tissue. Aaain, this may not be typical. There vas

no detectâble conversion to aldosterone and 18-0B-eorticosterone (18-0B-8),

and this is the outstandina qualitative difference between the tissue

and the PIM. When the tissue vas fortifieâ vith HADP and G-6-P the

couversion of labelleâ progesterone to most of the fractions was in­

ereased, but not very considerably. This may be due to exhaustion of

the added precursor. The conversion to tentative aldosterone and

18-0B-B was either not affected or even decreased by NADP and G-6-P.

Generally, the aâdition of NADP and G-6-P to the tissue incubation

seems to affect more (in these experimenta) the endogenous productions

than the utilisation of the adâed labelled progesterone. This can be


seen (Table VIIb) from the fall in the specifie activities of the com-

pounds listed. Again this may be due to addition of insufficient

labelled precursor~ because the tissue has a great capacity to convert

added progesterone to various fractions including many unidentified

regions. For example, the fraction in the region of corticosterone

in the Bush B5 system from tissue incubates contains at least 401 of

unidentified materiels which are not included in the Tables.

On the whole, the isolated products from the tissue incubates had

lower specifie activities than the corresponding ones from the PIM.

This is due to dilution by the endogenous production. In fact, the

specifie activities of the isolated products in the PIM were either

approaching or equal to that of the added precursor (310 c.p.m. x 104/

~mole) within experimental errors, indicating that the bulk of the

products were derived from the labelled substrate. Regarding total

conversion, the PIM (in these experimenta) had about 40-451 of that

of the tissue. This is significant when one considera that the PIM

contains only a minute fraction of the enzymes in the tissue. The

relatively great capacity of the PIM to utilize the added labelled

substrate is at least partly due to laek of competition from endog-

enous steroid precursors.

- e


Conversion of Labelled Progesterone by Bovine Adrenal Cortical Tissue and PIM

Tissue Slices PIM No Additive NA'DP + G•6•P NADP + G-6-P

Coœ.p()undf c.p.m.. x 10 3 1 of total c.p.m.. x 10 3 '%. of total ..Ë!!•m.• x 10 3 1 of total

Compound B 32.0 5.80 43.6 7.91 31.3 4. 73 42.0 7.60 51.5 9.34 32.2 4.89

Cortisol 27.3 4.95 52.3 9.49 8.6 1.3 42.6 7.70 58.1 10.54 9.5 1.4

Cortisone 59.5 10.79 48.7 8.88 0.87 0.13 37.8 6.86 28.9 5.25 1.5 0.3

Compound S s.9 1.07 7.1 1.29 20.9 3.2 ' VI co 9.5 1.73 19.6 3.55 22.7 3.4 1

Aldosterone 4.3 o. 78 10.4 1.88 o.o o.o 4.4 0.80 4.8 0.85 o.o o.o

18-0H·B 30.9 5.60 26.1 4. 73 o.o o.o 43.9 7.79 22.1 4.03 o.o o.o

Mixture of 170MOB-prog. 21.5 3.90 19.8 3.55 104.0 15.74 and DOC 21.4 3.80 23.9 4.32

Unconverted Progesterone 13.1 2.37 11.9 2.15 397.0 60.00 6.0 1.09 o.o o.oo

e e


Conversion of Labelled Progesterone by Bovine Adrenal Cortical Tissue and PIM

Tissue S11cea PIM No Additive NADP + G·6-P NADP + G-6-P

c.p,a, x 104 c,p.m. x 10 4 ~···x 10


Co!!pounds l,l!!!Ole /eo1e ymole /tele mte /».mD1e

18-0B.-P 0.018 172 0.018 145 - .. 0.037 119 0.025 88 -

Cortisol 0.0127 210 0.028 187 0.0028 307 0.0745 57 0.108 54 0.0030 316

Corticosterone 0.012 250 0.017 256 o.o1 313 0.023 183 0,028 184 o.o1 322 • VI


17a-OB-Progesterone - 0.-03 287 • - - -0,03 265



Characterization of the major Radioactive Conversion Products from

Labelled Subatrates by the Bovine or Rat Adrenal PIM

The methode usee for the partial characterization of the radio­

active conversion products have been fully described in 'Methode.•

In all cases, the isolated products were first purified by aoing

through two appropriate paper chromatographie syatema before the

tests were begun. Insufficient materia1s prevented the use of in­

frared spectroscopie etudies of these products.

(1) 118-0H-Progesterone: A major radioactive product from the rat

PIM. The oriainal fraction was obtained from fraction X in

the LPG systeœ, Fig. 1, Paae 32.

The criteria for characterization vere:

1. ldentical Mobility with Authentic 118-0H-Progesterone

(a) About 5 pg of the isolated radioactive product were œixed vith

approximately 30 ~~ of the non-radioactive authentic 11~-oB­

progesterone (kind1y aiven by Dr. C. J. P. Giroud). ldentical

mobi1ity was established with the authentic compound in the

two paper chromatographie systems, Bush A (S hrs.), and LPG

(72 hrs.), shown in Columns A and B respectively of Figure 5,

(Pase 62). Radioautographs are on the right and ultraviolet

photocopies on the left.

(b) The materiel eluted from the last mentioned paper (LPG) vas

subjected to selective oxidation of the llJ-hydroxyl group (115).


ldentical mobility with the oxidation derivative of the authentic

compound waa again established in the same two systems, Bush A

(3 hrs.), and LPG (31 hrs.), shawn in Columna C and D respectively

of Figure S. The tracinga on the left repreaent the radioactivity

&canning. The correaponding ultraviolet photocopies are in the

middle. The standard strip (StD) of Column c shows authentic 11-

keto-progesterone. The ultraviolet light absorption areas at the

tips of Column C represent the solvent-fronts. The standard atrip

(STD) of Column D shows authentic ll,·OH-progesterone and 11-keto­

progesterone in decreasing order of polarity.

2. Constant specifie Activity after Paper Chromatoseaphy

Specifie activity was not tested in the above two systems before

oxidation because of lack of sufficient authentic materiel to set up

the standard curve at that time. However, constant specifie activity

was tested and established in the above mentioned systems after oxi­

dation, as will be indicated in Table VIII, (Page 63).

3. Constant specifie Activiti after repeated Crystallization with the

Authentic Compound

Approximately 10 mg of non-radioactive authentic llp-OH-progester­

one (kindly given by Dr. W. Klyne) were mixed vith minute amounts of

the isolated radioactive product. The 'mixture' waa aubjected to re­

peated crystallization. Resulta are shown in Table IX, (Page 63).

4. Other Properties of the lsolated Product

(i) Absorbed ultraviolet light maximally at 241 ~ indicating

• ~


~ . • }

. •


... •. . .

!i"1 ~ ~ _,-, ;-_ ~ -------+---H -


-+-Ji -: '" ----' - -,..--+- -+--j -+ 1 j - -~ .- -- - f-+--' 0

~~-\- -1: :- t-_.: 1 ·- x 3

~-1 L - -t ~ ~ ~ 1 --~~~ \ +- Il - -+-J - ~"1 t t

~~ t~==t &

t _j ~ f-+ --4 -- - --.--+--!--+-. . ~ s s 0 0 ,_o -~-r-~ - - · -l-- ... -~+-+- T-

s s . . . ~ , o 0 0 0

-~ r- ,..., " -+--~~ . " --t t- -t · r-L I 1 ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 1 .

'- . .




Characterization of tbe.Cr03 Oxidation Product of llp-oB-Progesterone


Bush A











Crysta1lization of llp-oH-Progesterone


Crystallization Sol vents Crysta1s Mother Liquors

Pirst Acetone-methanol 11.98 x 10 3 8.42 x 10 3

Second Acetone-benzene x 103 11.95 x 103

Third Acetone-ethanol 12.22 x 103 11.95 x 103


the presence of a 6 4-3-keto struction.

(ii) Could not be acetylated by the method (114) selective

for the 21-hydroxyl group, thus auggesting lack of this

function group.

(iii) Did not reduce tetrazolium chloride, indicating the lack

of an a-ketol structure in the aide-chain.

(iv) Did not react with the Porter-Silber reagent, indicating

the lack of a dihydroxy-acetone aide-chain.

All the above evidence strongly indicates that the steroid in

question is 11~-oB-progesterone, although a co.plete characterization,

including an infrared study, was lacking.

(II) Cortisol and Corticosterone: As major conversion products iso­

lated from the bovine adrenal cortical PIM. Both tentative com•

pound& were initially isolated in the Bush B5 system. Chracteri­

zation includea (a) establishment of identical mobility, as well

as attainment of constant specifie activity with the respective

authentic non-radioactive carriers in the appropriate paper chro­

matographie systems (as will be indicated in Tables X and XI)

before and after acetylation, and (b) tests of functional groups,

including ultraviolet light absorption, reduction of tetrazolium

chloride and Porter-Silber reaction. The resulta are tabulated

in Tables X and XI on Pages 66 and 67 respectively.

(III) Tentative Corticosterone iaolated from the lat Adrenal PIM, and

Froges ter one from the Bovine Adrenal PIM: These compounds were


charaeterized lesa vigorously, i.e. without the measurement of

specifie aetivity or aeetylation.

Tentative corticosterone from the rat adrenal PIM was found:

(a) to have identieal mobility with the authentic compound in the

systems of Bush B5, TBG, and E2B;

(b) to reduce tetrazolium chloride but to have no reaction with

the Porter-Silber reagent, and

(c) to absorb ultraviolet light maximally at 240 ~·

Tentative progesterone as a conversion produet from labelled

pregnenolone was shown:

(a) to have identieal mobility with the authentic compound in the

LPG system;

(b) to have no reaction with both tetrazolium chloride and Porter­

Silber reagent, and

(c) to absorb ultraviolet light maximally at 240 ~·



Characterization of Cortisol

(a) Paper Chromatographie Systems

Chemical Treatment System c.p.m../v.s




* Max. u.v. ab.

240 ~


Bush C


(b) Other Tests

Porter-Silber Reaction


1.01 x 103

1.00 x 103

1.00 x 103

Reduction of Tetrazolium.


* The m.aterial in ethanol waa m.easured in the Beckman DU

Spectrophotom.eter against its blank solution. The wave·

length range waa 230•260 op. (See also page 22).



Characterization of Corticosterone

(a) Paper Chromatographie Systems

Chemical Treatment System




Max. u.v. ab.

240 ~


(b) Other Tests

Porter-s il ber Reaction

2.42 x 103

2.78 x 103

2. 77 x 103

Reduction of Tetrazolium




A short discussion bas usually been given at the end of each

set of experimenta. ln this section, we intend to diseuse only those

aspects of the expertœents which have some general interest or im-


lt is not the first t1me that enzyme activities have been de­

tected in the pre-incubation media from adrenal tissue incubation.

SchBnbaum, Davidson, and Casselman {104) have earlier reported the

detection of NADP•dependent dehydrogenase activities in the incubation

and the pre-incubation media in which rat quartered adrenals have been

incubated. The present study not only confirma the observation of

the above mentioned authors, but provides further evidence for the

presence of a number of other enzyme activities in the PIM. These

enzyme activities are those of;

(i) The ~?-3p-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, and

(ii) the llp, 17a, and 21-hydroxylase.

The capacity of these enzyme activities will be appreciated by mention­

ing that as much as 50-601 of the added labelled pregnenolone (50 ~g)

or progesterone (50-60 ~g) may be metabolized within three hours by the

PIM in the presence of the appropriate co-factors, (NAD for isomeri­

zation of ~?-3p-ol to b~-3-keto; NADP and G-6-P for hydroxylation

reactions). This loss of considerable enzyme activities to the pre­

incubation mediumwould explain at ·least partly the observation first

made by Saffran and Bayliss (80) that the adrenal tissue produces lesa


corticoids after pre-incubation. At the present time it is not cer­

tain whether these enzymes in the PIM are contained in the sub-cellular

particles or exist as the soluble fraction in the buffer medium.

In the beginning of this writing, a preliminary experbaent was

done in which the PIMwas subjected to ultracentrifugation at 105,000

x g for 1 hour, and the sediments and supernatant were tested separately

for enzyme activities. Very little activities were found in the super­

natant after this treatment. However, the activities in the sedbaents

were not more than 151 of the control, i.e. PIM with no ultracentrifu­

gation. The possibility exista that some parts of the enzyme systems

might have been sedimented, and other parts have reaained in the super­

natant and that both fractions are necessary for full enzyme activities.

However, much further work is required to clarify this point.

Of some interest is the consistent failure to observe any conversion

of added labelled progesterone to radioactive aldosterone in the pre­

sence of NADP and G-6-P. Concoaitantly, the conversion to the fraction

in the region of 18-oB-B was either detected in very minute amounts

(less than 1%) or not detected at all. These findings may indicate

that 18-hydroxylation, one of the presumed final steps in the bio­

synthesis of aldosterone, may not be NADPH-dependent. This view is

supported by the observation tbat the addition of HADP and G-6-P ~

vitro did not increase the conversion of added labelled progesterone

to tentative aldosterone or 18-0B-B by the tissue slices. (See Table

VIIb, Page 59). It also did not st~ulate the endogenous production of

aldosterone, or 18-0B-B. In support of this view is also the general


observation that aldosterone biosyntheais appeara to be independent

of the action of ACTR. This would aeem logical if one accepta the

theory of Haynes (94), wbich states, in essence, that the action of

ACTH is to increase the availability of HADPH.

Alternatively, it is also possible that the 18-hydroxylase and the

18-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (1) are very labile, and that their

destruction in the PIM may be the cause of the failure of aldosterone

foraation froa the added precursor. For instance, an enzyme molecule

containing an SB functional group is very susceptible to oxidation unless

properly protected. All this should provide a good opportunity for

further etudies. Not observed is also the'20,22-desmolase'activity

which splits the cholesterol molecule between carbone 20 and 22 to

form the C-21 steroids. However, evidence is obtained only from one

incubation, and the negative finding may be attributed to the relatively

law specifie activity of the labelled cholesterol used (7.8 x 106 c.p.m.

per ~le), although recovery of the radioactivity of unconverted cho­

lesterol as compared to the control, does not support this view. Lately,

Kowal, Forchielli, and Dorfman (64, 65) have observed no evidence that

acetone powder preparations of the adrenal cortex can utilize labelled

cholesterol in the presence of NAD or NADP, although tbe same preparations

can readily metabolize pregnenolone under similar conditions. Bowever,

without further experimental evidence it is not beneficiai to speculate upon

the inability of the PIM to utilize cholesterol. The accuaulation of

llp-oH-progeaterone as a radioactive conversion product from labelled

progesterone incubated with the PIM froœ the rat quartered adrenals

• -71-

was rather unexpected and interesting. Until very recently~ this

intermediate metabolite bas not been found in rat adrenal tissue in­

cubations. However, Kittinger (51) bas been able to detect this

compound in the rat adrenal at very small concentration, with the

use of gas chromatography. Roberts et al. (47) bas tentatively

detected this steroid from the rat adrena1 hoœogenates incubated with

label1ed progesterone in the presence of 3',5'-cyc1ic AMP. These

authors observed that 11~-hydroxylase activity vas greatly stt.ulated

by the cyclic AMP. In our case, further investigation as to the cause

of the accumulation of this intermediate metabolite under our incu­

bation conditions bas not been taken. However, aensitivity of llp­

bydroxylase of the rat adrenal to NADPH stimulation is strongly sus­

pected, aince the amounts of NADP and G-6-P added to the PIM were con­

siderable (12.5 mg and 12.0 -a respectively). Whatever the cause of

the accumulation, the isolation of llp-oH-progesterone froa the rat

adrenal preparation (PI~ supports the views of Kraulis and Birmingham

(48), and of Stachenko and Giroud (31) that llp-OH-progesterone might

be an fœportant intermediate metabolite in the steroid biosyntbesis of

the normal adrenal cortex, on the ground that the rat and the frog,

as well as the bovine adrenal, respectively, can readily metabolize

this compound. The extremely low concentration of this steroid in the

adrenal tissue (Sl) may be due to its rapid turnover rate as it bas been

suggested by Kraulis and Birmingham (48).

Technically, incubation of the pre-incubation aediua aay be a

convenient vay for the study of corticoid biosynthesis. It bas many


of the functions of the homogenate incubations, with certain additional

advantagea. For instance, the PIM is remarkably free of fat, which

is always present in homogenates, and interferes with the extraction

(foaming) as well as application to paper.

Witb the use of this œethod of incubation, we have been able to

confirœ the work of Samuels et al. (59), and lately the work of Kowal

et al. (64) that NAD is the preferred co-factor for nS.Jp-hydroxy­

ateroid dehydrogenase, and that NADP can replace NAD vith about SOl

of the activity. We have alao confirmed indirectly that NADPB is

esaential for certain ateroid hydroxylationa.



1. A number of enzyme activities were detected in the pre-incubation

medium (PIM) from the rat quartered adrenals or bovine adrenal

cortical slices.

2. NADP was the only exogenous co-factor required for the hydroxyla­

tion at the llp, 17a, and 21 positions of the steroid molecule.

G-6-P by itself bad no effect, but greatly stimulated the hydrox­

ylating activities when added with NADP; this strongly suggests

the presence of G-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity.

3. Labelled progesterone was hydroxylated mainly to corticosterone

and cortisol by the bovine adrenal PIM, or to 11~-0B-progesterone

and corticosterone by the rat quartered adrenal PIM. aadioactive

aldosterone was not observed in either case.

4. The ~5-3~-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity was markedly

stimulated by the addition of NAD, and to a lesser degree by NADP.

Transformation of added labelled pregnenolone in the presence of

NAD alone was lLmited to a fraction having the properties of pro­


s. Enzyme activities in the PIM increased with time of pre-incubation.

6. Law-temperature pre-incubation enhanced enzyme activities in the



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