
Kaitlin Knoff 12/2/2012 17.28 a.) x=114.9 s= 9.3 n= 27 members of placebo group u=114.9+t* (1.79) tdf=26=2.060 at 95% confidence level u= 114.9+ (2.060)(1.79) u= 114.9+3.69 111.22 <u<118.58 at 95% confidence level N Mean StDev SE Mean 95% CI 27 114.90 9.30 1.79 (111.22, 118.58) b.) I had to find t* to find my total outcome and I used the t*/degree of freedom to do my procedure. 17.30a.) Stem-and-leaf of heat conductivity N = 11 Leaf Unit = 0.010 2 10 77 4 10 88 (2) 11 11 5 11 22 3 11 3 11 3 11 888



Transcript of Stats

Kaitlin Knoff 12/2/2012 17.28 a.) x=114.9 s= 9.3 n= 27 members of placebo group u=114.9+t* (1.79) tdf=26=2.060 at 95% confidence level u= 114.9+ (2.060)(1.79) u= 114.9+3.69 111.22