REVIEW OF ELABORATIONS, EXECUTED FOR INDUSTRY’S ENTERPRISES BY STATE ENTERISE “KOLORAN” OF INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY NAMED BY L.V. PISARZHEVSKIY, ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF UKRAINE Institute of physical chemistry named by L.V. Pisarzhevskiy has a large experience of works on an atomic subject. Already in 1939 under the guidance of academic A.I. Brodskiy technology of receipt of heavy water was developed. The results and specimen of D 2 O were successfully used at creation of domestic nuclear industry. Continueing these traditions SE “KOLORAN”, from 1984 executes works on creation and production of facilities and technologies of non-destructive control, repair and defence of NPP equipment. 1. Non-destructive control and diagnostics. 1.1. Elaboration and organization of ecologically clean material’s production for the “dye” penetrant control. Work is executed by order “Prometheus” Institute in connection with the necessity of leadthrough of non-destructive control of the weld-fabricated connections into the compartments of atomic submarine boats and high toxicness of applied penetrants. As a result we synthesized dye “basic raspberry”, unique properties of which allowed to develop a gamut of fully harmless, easily reutilizable “penetrants”. These materials are entered in the “Compatible methodic of control of basic materials, weld-fabricated connections of equipment and pipelines of NPP. Capillary control (PNAE G-7-018-89) (fig.2)” Государственный комитет СССР по надзору за безопасным ведением работ в атомной энергетике УНИФИЦИРОВАННА МЕТОДИКА КОНТРОЛЯ ОСНОВНЫХ МАТЕРИАЛОВ (ПОЛУФАБРИКАТОВ) СВАРНЫХ СОЕДИНЕНИЙ И НАПЛАВКИ ОБОРУДОВАНИЯ И ТРУБОПРОВОДОВ АЭУ КАПИЛЛЯРНЫЙ КОНТРОЛЬ ПНАЭ Г-7-018-89 Москва 1990 ПЕРЕЧЕНЬ РЕАКТИВОВ И МАТЕРИАЛОВ, ПРИМЕНЯЕМЫХ ДЛЯ КАПИЛЛЯРНОГО КОНТРОЛЯ Материал (реактив) Нормативный документ Керосин осветительный из сернистых нефтей Бензин Б-70 для промышленно-технических целей. Технические условия. Бензин Нефрас-050/170” Скипидар живичный. Ксилол Ацетон Спирт этиловый реактификованный Спирт этиловый реактификованный, технический Спирт этиловый технический Масло трансформаторное Каолин, обогащенный для парфюмерной промышленности, сорт 1 Каолин для фарфоровой промышленности Краситель жирорастворимый темно-красный 5С Краситель жирорастворимый темно-красный ЖЛюминофор Нориол АКраска Мпроявляющая белая Жидкость Ккрасная проникающая Натрия карбонат безводный Сода кальцинированная Ткани хлопчатобумажные бязевой группы Марля медицинская Перчатки резиновые хирургические Набор дефектоскопических материалов ИФХ-КОЛОР-4 АК - 2Ц ДАК – 3Ц ГОСТ 11128-65 ТУ 38-101913-82 ГОСТ 8505-80 ГОСТ 1571-82 ГОСТ 9940-76 ГОСТ 2603-79 ГОСТ 5962-67 ГОСТ 18300-72 ГОСТ 17299-78 ГОСТ 982-80 ГОСТ 21285-75 ГОСТ 19608-84 ТУ 6-14-922-80 по 1 категории качества ТУ 6-14-37-80 ТУ 88ГССР 01-78 ТУ 6-10-749-79 ТУ 6-10-750-79 ГОСТ 33-79 ГОСТ 10689-75 ГОСТ 11680-76 ГОСТ 9412-77 ГОСТ 3-75 ТУ 88УССР 206-39-8 ТУ 6-15-904-79 ТУ 6-15-1360-82 Применение. В случае применения дефектоскопических материало по другим стандартам и техническим условиям это должно быт согласовано с головной отраслевой материаловедческо организацией или авторами методики. (fig.2) PDF created with pdfFactory trial version



REVIEW OF ELABORATIONS, EXECUTED FOR INDUSTRY’S ENTERPRISES BY STATE ENTERISE “KOLORAN” OF INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY NAMED BY L.V. PISARZHEVSKIY, ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF UKRAINE Institute of physical chemistry named by L.V. Pisarzhevskiy has a large experience of works on an atomic subject. Already in 1939 under the guidance of academic A.I. Brodskiy technology of receipt of heavy water was developed. The results and specimen of D2O were successfully used at creation of domestic nuclear industry. Continueing these traditions SE “KOLORAN”, from 1984 executes works on creation and production of facilities and technologies of non-destructive control, repair and defence of NPP equipment. 1. Non-destructive control and diagnostics.

1.1. Elaboration and organization of ecologically clean material’s production for the “dye” penetrant control.

Work is executed by order “Prometheus” Institute in connection with the necessity of leadthrough of non-destructive control of the weld-fabricated connections into the compartments of atomic submarine boats and high toxicness of applied penetrants. As a result we synthesized dye “basic raspberry”, unique properties of which allowed to develop a gamut of fully harmless, easily reutilizable “penetrants”. These materials are entered in the “Compatible methodic of control of basic materials, weld-fabricated connections of equipment and pipelines of NPP. Capillary control (PNAE G-7-018-89) (fig.2)”

Государственный комитет СССР

по надзору за безопасным ведением работ в атомной энергетике




ПНАЭ Г-7-018-89

Москва 1990



Материал (реактив)

Нормативный документ

Керосин осветительный из сернистых нефтей Бензин Б-70 для промышленно-технических целей. Технические условия. Бензин “Нефрас-050/170” Скипидар живичный. Ксилол Ацетон Спирт этиловый реактификованный Спирт этиловый реактификованный, технический Спирт этиловый технический Масло трансформаторное Каолин, обогащенный для парфюмерной промышленности, сорт 1 Каолин для фарфоровой промышленности Краситель жирорастворимый темно-красный 5С Краситель жирорастворимый темно-красный “Ж” Люминофор “Нориол А” Краска “М” проявляющая белая Жидкость “К” красная проникающая Натрия карбонат безводный Сода кальцинированная Ткани хлопчатобумажные бязевой группы Марля медицинская Перчатки резиновые хирургические Набор дефектоскопических материалов ИФХ-КОЛОР-4 АК - 2Ц ДАК – 3Ц

ГОСТ 11128-65 ТУ 38-101913-82 ГОСТ 8505-80 ГОСТ 1571-82 ГОСТ 9940-76 ГОСТ 2603-79 ГОСТ 5962-67 ГОСТ 18300-72 ГОСТ 17299-78 ГОСТ 982-80 ГОСТ 21285-75 ГОСТ 19608-84 ТУ 6-14-922-80 по 1 категории качества ТУ 6-14-37-80 ТУ 88ГССР 01-78 ТУ 6-10-749-79 ТУ 6-10-750-79 ГОСТ 33-79 ГОСТ 10689-75 ГОСТ 11680-76 ГОСТ 9412-77 ГОСТ 3-75 ТУ 88УССР 206-39-87ТУ 6-15-904-79 ТУ 6-15-1360-82

Применение. В случае применения дефектоскопических материалов по другим стандартам и техническим условиям это должно быть согласовано с головной отраслевой материаловедческой организацией или авторами методики.


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The nature of dye allowed to construct penetrants, which includes such opposite on the properties komponents, as water and kerosene, lubricants and alcohol et cetera. Materials and technology of finding out microflaws of submicrometer sizes are as a result developed including on the rough surfaces (fig.4). The specialists of “NIKIMT” are set high radiation firmness of penetrant “PC-KOLOR”, that allowed him to use it for distance televisional non-destructive control of elements of the 1st contour of nuclear reactors systems. In SE “KOLORAN” the production of dye penetrans “PC-KOLOR” is organized, which during 20 years apply on domestic and foreign NPP.

Harmlessness and ecological safety of penetrants “PC-KOLOR” is confirmed the sanitary-hygenic conclusion of Ministry of helth safety of Ukraine, in obedience to which they can be applied including in food industry (fig.3).

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1.2. Development of high temperature dye penetrants. It was executed within the framework of project “SHOYAT” (System of storage of exhaust nuclear fuel) with the purpose of leadthrough of capillary control of the weld-fabricated container for storage of exhaust nuclear fuel (fig.5).



In accordance with developed in welding Institute, named by E.O. Paton technology of assembling the lid of such container is welded on in a few passage-ways, after each check up the hot welding by capillary method. Therefore SE “KOLORAN” elaborated materials and technology of the high temperature dye penetrant control , which are also produced by our enterprise. All park of containers, set to the present on Zaporozhia NPP, passed non-destructive control with the use of high temperature “PC-KOLOR” dye penetrant (fig.6).

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1.3. Development of means for leakage revealing in the “tank for keeping of boric acid solution”. One of elements of the system of safety of NPP is the so-called “tank of boron”. It is intended for storage of plenty of water solution of boric acid, applied in an emergency situation for stopping out nuclear reaction. A “tank of boron” is a hall, facing by stainless steel with 8-10 mm thickuess. In connection with the use of the hand welding ther quality of the weld-fabricated connections, as a rule, is unsatisfactorily. And the considerable losses of solution of boric acid which gets in the drainage system appear because of presence of large number of through defects, and then it comes outside of the station. Thereby there is radiation contamination of environment. Thus possible norms on losses from the system of the coniferous “tank-boron” arrive at hundreds of litres per a day. Therefore the task to develop effective and simple method leakaze revealing of “tank of boron” was put before SE “KOLORAN”. This task we succeeded to decide within the framework of capillary method of non-destructive control, developing compositions, chemically reactive on water solution of boric acid. Such “developer” is inflicted on the weld-fabricated joints into a tank after removal of solution and drying of surface. Penetrant-solution of boric acid takes out by developer from defects. The painted indicator “trace,”, appears as a result of chemical reaction and defect could be find out. The offered method is comfortable and practically does not influence on the technology of exploitation and repair and is not expensive. During the row of years it is used on Zaporozhia NPP in the process of the planned repair of “tank boron”.


1.4. Development of facilities of magneto particles inspection (MPI). From 1989 our enterprise together with the department NDT of the Institute of welding, named by E.O. Paton, is engaged in creation of new technologies, rigging and materials for MPI. We produce modernized devices on permanent magnets, which are completed with standard specimens the calibrated defects and materials for MPI. Many years they used on NPP during exploitation and repair.

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1.5.Application of thermography for control of internal corrosion and thickness of pipelines. All examples of works described higher, executed SE “KOLORAN” for non-destructive control of systems of NPP, are based on visual registration of defects with the use of different materials and devices. Therefore fully appropriately, that for control of wear of pipelines NPP we applied a IR apparatus, allowing to register the thermal field of object. Presently the basic method measure of walls thickness of pipelines because of corrosive-erosive wear is ultrasonic method. It is supposed by the contact of sensor with the surface of pipeline, I.e. local sampling test, that reduces his productivity sharply.


In conditions of OP “Zaporozhia NPP” pipelines, tested earlier by UT melhod, were inspected. Application of thermography confirmed thickness lost of wall of pipelines confidently (fig.9). By IR-thermografhic control it is possible to find out corrosive shells and thickness lost of walls a depth more than 40 % of wall thicknesses, I.e. it is confirme that sensitiveness IR thermografhic control is higher of sizes of defects, possible for secure work of pipes.

(fig.9) In the letter of SE NAEK “Energyatom” is confirmed expedience of further works on application of thermography with the purpose of exposure of corrosive-erosive damages and prognostication of remaining resource of equipment and pipelines of NPP.

This failing allows to remove application of IR method. In process, executed jointly with the Kharkov National university of radioelectronics, the specimen of imperfect pipelines, cut out during repair of constructions OP “Yuzhno-Ukrainian NPP, were investigatied” (fig.8). The got results confirm the conclusion of foreign researchers about perspective of application of thermography for non-destructive control of erosive-corrosive shells and lost thickness of pipeline’s walls.

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1.6. Finding out flows in the system of pumpings aggregates of GNC- 195 M. Impermeability of many aggregates and systems of NPP is a necessary for their normal operating condition. A prime example, confirmative it, is the system of cooling of engine of VASES – 215 pumpings aggregates. From bad quality of welding of pipelines and loss of cooling liquid –lubricant repeatedly there was a situation, fraught a fire at the station. In this connection before SE “KOLORAN” the task of timely discovery of losses of heat exchage material from the system of cooling of engine of pumpings aggregates OP “Yuzhno-Ukrainian NPP” was put. For the decision of task of verification of impermeability of the systems of cooling of electric motor we use the method of luminescent penetrants. A luminofor , which will well dissolve in lubricant and possesses a quantum output near to one, was synthesized. The offered luminofor and penetrant on it basis behaves to the IV class of toxic substances (ГОСТ 12.1.005-88). Addition in an amount 1-3 grammes of luminofor on the litre of lubricant provides visual registration of leakade with a high sensitiveness (PNAE G-7-019-89 the “Compatible methodic of control of basic materials, weld-fabricated connections equipment and pipelines of NPP. Control of impermeability), that allows in shot time to find out the losses of lubricant from the system of cooling of electric motor and eliminate possibility of origin of fire. 1.7. Non-destructive control of pipes of NPP heat changers. A question about a discovery and repair of through defects gets up during exploitation of NPP heat exchange apparatuses (condensers, air cooling et cetera). So during work of turbine steam is condensed on heat-exchange tubes, which, form a cooling surface that divides steam and aquatic parts of condenser. During exploitation due to corrosion and erosion the thin-walled tubes maden from a copper-nickeliferous alloy are easily damaged and the “bouquet” of admixtures, presented in cooling technical water, contaminates info a runback. Thermophysical descriptions of steamgenerator get worse as a result. Yet more sharply the question of control of impermeability stands during exploitation of MCP (main circulation pump). The electric motor of pump cools down by air. Air cools down in air cooling by technical water from a pond-cooler. Under influence of erosive-corrosive processes in pipe walls through defects form (fig.10, 11). As a result water gets on the puttee of electric motor, that results in a short circuit.

(fig.10, 11)

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Therefore extraordinarily important for providing of effective work of heat changers is an exposure of the initial stages of forming of through defects. To that aim SE “KOLORAN” and NPP department of Welding Institute, named by E.O. Paton, offered equipment and technology, allowing to conduct monitoring of the state of art of heat-exchange tubes and timely discovery of mikroleakages in tubes walls. For this purpose we use complex apporoach of NDT by:

– “Acoustic Eye” defectoscope (fig. 12,13), which allows to detect such defects as pitting, erosion, leaks, blockages and so on. Inspection time of one tube independently of it’s longitude and diameter is about 30 second due to computer programme,

– virtual Eddy current defectoscope “Wirlwind” (fig.14), which allows to confirm defect’s presence and was elaborated with special computer programme,

– examination of defects by use in addition an endoscope, which produced by ourselves (fig.15,16). By such device it can be examined inside wall of the tube, during Eddy current testing,

– define leaks by“pipe leaktester” (fig.17. 18), which is based on manomentry method. Such complex intends for quick testing of heatexchager with exact definition of defect’s type

(fig. 12) (fig. 13)


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(fig.15) (fig.16)

(fig. 17) (fig. 18) 2. Repair of imperfect heat-exchange tubes. For the removal of defects of tubes constructions State Enterprise “KOLORAN” offered the followings non-standard technologies. 2.1 Repair of through defects by the method of soludering. The method of soldering of defects found application mainly for repair oil and gas pipelines without their stop. It is suggested to use this method by us for repair of heat-exchange tubes in the case when access is impossible to the outward surface. A mikroheating element is for this purpose constructed combined with a device for causing of low temperature solder (<1000 C), such instrument allows to conduct the removal of flows inside tubes. 2.2.Repair of through defects with the use of anaerobic sealants. Many repair tasks, arising up in the process of exploitation of equipment NPP, can be decided with the use of polymeric anaerobic compositions. These materials widely use in an aviation and rocket production, on a railway transport, in shipbuilding et cetera. Liquid in the initial state polymeric compositions harden in absence of air, for example, in through defects (flows), in screw-thread connections et cetera Thereby, for example, they can be used and as effective glue. In connection with that at tubes repair access to the surface is possible only from the side of pipe board, we are offer technology of repair of through defects in the walls of tubes by imposition on the area of defect from within a compression, fixed on-the-spot anaerobic glue. For realization of such technology we developed a device, pinning and gluing pressure-sealing material to the internal surface of tube (fig.19).

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(fig. 19) (fig. 20) As a result of setting of experimental party of compressions on tubes defects of condenser TG K-1000-60 OP “Zaporozhia NPP” was confirmed perspective of this method of repair of through defects of heat-exchange tubes. 2.3. Application of electrochemical coverages for anticorrosive and antierosive defence and repair of constructions of NPP. It was suggested by us for protecting from erosion to inflict on an internal surface electrochemical coverage, containing nanoparticles of diamond. Technology of causing of such coverage is developed for an internal tubes surface. On fig.20 the sight of tube is presented with the protective coverage. At the thickness from 10 to 30 mkm protective cover possesses mechanical durability, which exceeds durability of tubes alloy. The results of researches of physical and chemical properties of protective cover are below resulted. Research objects: 8 metal-backer coverages on the standards of alloy of СUNIVE and electric copper, differentiating between itself by terms of causing, closeness of current, temperature of electrolyte, composition of electrolyte, lining type and presence of antifactious additions. Research methods: Physical and chemical descriptions of the presented standards were tested in a laboratory on development of paint and composition materials of firm ISI by a personnel, passing the special preparation for work on an equipment, answering the standard of ASTM. Description of exclusive methods is resulted in protocol of tests and in an appendix with description of methods and applied devices. The results of tests are resulted in the enclosed protocol.

PROTOCOL of tests of standards of sheeting on copper plate.

Methods of tests. [1] – Thickness of coverage is measured the electronic gaugemeter of DUALSCOPE MP 40 with the measuring head of ED of firm Helmut Fischer Gmbh+co.KG in the mode of Nc/nf (cover on unmagnetic conducting plate). Note. The unevenness of thickness of coverage exceeds 100%. In the table of results the thickness of area of coverages is indicated on which a test was conducted on elasticity. [2] – Adgeziya of coverage to copper plate is measured on ASTM D 3359-02 Standart Test Methods for Measuring Adhesion to by Tare Test. (Higher index – 5 marks correspond an index 1.1 for GOST, a worst index is 0 marks). A

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test is conducted with the use of device of Cross-cut-tester Model 5120 firms of BYK- Gardner and ribbons of Scotch 898. [3] – Hardness of coverage is measured on ASTM D 3363-00 Standart Test Methods for Film Hardness by Pencil Test with the use of set of slate-pencils of PH 5802 firms Byk-gardner. Hardness of Scratch is indicated in the table of results of tests (marings). [4] – Elasticity of coverage at squeezing out is measured on the method of firm Erichsen GMBH with the use of device of Erichsen Midel 202 C. By character * results are indicated where destruction of copper plate had happened. [5] – Firmness of coverage to the abrasive wear by means of bombardment a shot is tested on the method of firm Erichsen GMBH on the device of Stone Hammer Blow Testing Instrument Model 508. The scale of estimation includes 10 degrees from 0-1 (higher estimation) to 5 (the worst result). In a table the results of estimation of degree of damage of coverage after bombardment of 1 kg of cast-iron shot are indicated during 20 with at accelerating pressure of 2 Barins. Results of tests.

Index Method Values of indexes for the standards of coverages 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Thickness of coverage, mkm

[1] 10,2 28,4 17,6 18,6 19,4 20,1 29,5 19,9

Agdeziya of coverage, mark

[2] 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Hardness on a graphite scale

[3] Higher 10Н

Higher 10Н

Higher 10Н

Higher 10Н

Higher 10Н

Higher 10Н

Higher 10Н


Elasticity at squeezing out, mm

[4] 9,4 6,9 8,2 2,3* 3,8* 7,9* 6,3* 8,9

Firmness to the abrasive wear,

mark the

[5] 1-2 1 1 1 1-2 1-2 1 1-2

Abrasive wear in a water environment

[6] 2 1-2 1-2 1-2 2 2 1 2

The tests showed stability of sheeting by 5 % Nacl during 120 hours. Conclusions: On the basis of the got results, most preferable to application pilot-scale, there is a standard of coverage 7, rotining the greatest ball at the tests of abrasive firmness in a liquid environment, here possessing mechanical durability higher than durability of alloy. Thereby causing of the developed electrochemical coverage provides the assured defence of metal of heat-exchange tubes. Corrosion and erosion protection of equipment NPP. Along with development of the new high-efficiency means of anticorrosion defence our enterprise produces and supplies customers on NPP with exclusive paints, including radiation-proof coverages and protective materials of the special purpose. As an example it is possible to point materials for preservation of the weld-fabricated connections on the period between repairs. On existent technology before the leadthrough of the planned non-destructive control of the weld-fabricated connections one must conduct their mechanical cleaning. Thus you damage the roller of strengthening of the weld-fabricated connections. On a task the laboratory of metals SD “Zaporozhia NPP” by our enterprise was developed technology of preservation of the weld-fabricated connection on the period between repairs. For this purpose after the leadthrough of next cycle of non-destructive control the weld-fabricated sutures protectes by heat-resistant (to 3500 C), moisture-proof coverage, which guarantees a corrosion protection up to next repair (on 1-4 years). To form such cover we form special heat-resistent defence, which is firmed in radiation’s conditions.

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(fig. 21) All described works demand for the realization fundamental testing and metrology base. In this connection at SE “KOLORAN” was created and accreditated testing laboratory (fig. 22), and also attestation of SE “KOLORAN” was conducted as the Head metrology service the National academy of sciences of Ukraine (Certificate ¹ 2T – AN from 17.03.2008 fig. 23).

(fig.22) (fig.23) Conclusions:

1. The results of works, executed by State Enterprise of “KOLORAN” IPC NAN of Ukraine on the requests of enterprises of atomic industry, resulted in a report are inserted to a branch documents (Universal methodice PNAE G-7-18-89, PNAE G-7-19-89) and used in the process of exploitation of NPP.

During 20 year state enterprise “KOLORAN” is the leader of Ukraine in elaboration and рroduction of different means for Non-destructive testing, repaire and defence of NPP constructions.

Before next repair a “cocoon” easily retires (fig.21) and control is conducted without mechanical cleaning. Such technology, guarding the weld-fabricated sutures, got a high estimation on Zaporozhia NPP. Anticorrosion defence of weld-fabricated connections was applied during several years in industrial condition. At the working temperature of the weld-fabricated sutures less than 1000 C we suggest to use for preservation between repair’s period heat-shrinkage tapes.

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2. In obedience to the letter of the 1th Vice-president of State Enterprise NAEK

“Energyatom” expedience of continuation of works of SE “KOLORAN” is confirmed on development of the systems of diagnostics and monitoring of the state of equipment and pipelines of NPP with the use of thermography and interest in their introduction in subdivisions of NAEK “Energyatom”.

3. Developed by SE “KOLORAN” technical decisions in area of diagnostics of the state, repair and defence of heat-exchange tubes of condensers and cooling systems of NPP got the positive estimation of the World association of organizations, which use the atomic stations. In the decision of Seminar of specialists of VAO NPP from 25.11.2009 (Odessa) perspective of the offered solutions is marked for the corrosion and erosion protection of heat transfer surfaces of condensers of turbines.

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