STAR?WJiDNKSDAY, Francis X. Is Crew Air Bushman · Plane Prepare* to Attack One with glasses...

Francis X. Bushman The Man Who Was Voted the World*. Most Popular Photoplayer, Offers His Latest Success, THE PLUM TREE A Thrilling, Soul-Stirring Mystery Drama Bod, Bill and the Waiter A Riot of Fun in a Restaurant HEARST- SELIG NEWS Wallace & Pipe Organ CLEMMER 10c-Seattle'sßest Photoplay House-lOc PHOTO PLAYS FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN IS AT the Clemmer In hia latest dramatic ?acoeea. "Ths PI am Tree." This U ? fascinating story of mjiterj, rail of thrill* and with plenty of excite- ment. Mr. Bushman waa recently voted the world'* mott popular photoplay actor, and he la a de- cided favorite wherever motion pic- tures are shown. Other good cms. CHAPLIN AGAIN in another 2-reel KEYSTONE "Special" Comedy "His Prehistoric Past" BLANCHE SWEET In "The Little Country Mouse" Majestic Drama. Margarita Fischer In "WHEN QUEENIE CAME BACK" Beauty Comedy Drama. A study of BIRDS IN NATURAL COLORS A Bathe. Ballard at the Piano Wed., Thur., Frl., Sat 5c ADMISSION thin** on today'* change of pro- gram Include the Hearst Hoi!* New* and a comedy, "Bud, Dill and the Walter." ? ? ? AN ENTIRE ENGLISH VIL- Isge wa* built by Kalem during the filming of Sheridan* famous comedy. "The School for Scandal" Alice Joyce. Kalem'* beautiful ?tar, appear* a* Lady Teaile ? ? ? MARC MDERMOTT. OF THE Kdtaon company, I* the star In "The Pine* of Lorry," the two- part drama that heart* today * new *hnw at the Melbourne. Miriam Nenblt support* him. ? ? ? ANNA LITTLE IS THE CHO rua girl. In the twopart Hex drama. "The Chorus Girl's Thanks- giving." A fugitive from Justice climb* Into her room Ju*t after the landlady had ordered her out for non-payment. A price I* on hi* head- It will bring her back to health. He doea all he can do? ?acrlflces liberty?and win*. Thl* la one of the y lnt headllner* at the New Circuit today. ? ? ? "THE WALLS OF JERICHO." at the Colonial, I* a atory of the gold mines. e ? ? Climmtr Until Baturdsy Night "The Plum Tree." Eeeanay dra- ma; "Bud. Bill and thi» Walter," comedy; "Hearst-Sellg News." ? ? ? Alaska Until Saturday Night "The Circus Man." drama; "Bathe*' Picture News" and a comedy. ? ? ? Class A Until Saturday Night "His Prehistoric Past." two-part Keystone, with Cha*. Chaplin; "The Little Country Mouse," drama, with Blanche Sweet; "When Queenle Came Hack.'' oom- edy drama, with Margarita Fischer. ? ? ? Grand Until BJturday Night "The Ms*ter Key," a aerial, and two other picture*. ? ? ? Melbourne Until Saturday Night The I'lnea of Lorry," twopart Kdlsoti drama; "The Wasp" rtrama; "The Fable of the Club Otrl* and the Four Times Vet- eran." a Oeorge Arte comedy. ? ? ? Colonial Until Saturday Ight "The Wall* of Jericho," drama ? ? ? Liberty Until Saturday Night "The Fortune Hunter," »l*part comedy-drama. ? ? ?. Mission Until Saturday Night "Aristocracy," drama. ? ? ? Alhsmbra Until Wednesday Night "Terence O'Bourke'* Art ven- tures," "Animated Weekly," "Those Were the Happy Day*." two-part Nealor comedy; "A* We Jouruey Through Life," drama. ? ? ? I RESIDENCE THEATRES I \u2666 ? At the Home Until Friday "The Trey o' Heart*," No. 16, three part*; "The Higher Law," two-part drama; "A Dramatic Mistake," comedy. ? ? ? At the Pleasant Hour Until Friday "The Trey o' Heart*." No. 7, two parts; "Ah Fate Willed," two- part drama; "The Hand That ltules the World," comedy. 11. J. Phillip*. mrrHtnaikm la Ihr ] ?**«* l«r I'fcr Sl*r «uil It* alairr W r r*. wm rar.lrd la imil a mrrtrm "' alwrlra r>a the Ikrat hrrn alttrlra ataliat'lr (rum rat It rmstrt. Ihp una p.ibllahrd t..,tar U l:a«lat,a". I. Iraara, Huaala aad llel- |Um Mill Ulluw. Special Correspondence BAItI>. Nov IS Moyer la rather i a poorly fitting name for a hero Moyer hlmaef would not Imprrn* j you as heroic If, perchance, you were strolling up Piccadilly and he I hailed you with. "Keb, sir?" or| "Tpil. sir?" lie came from somewhere over: In the edge of the Wbltechapel die- [ I trlct of l.ondon snd arose to the eminence of a Job In a garage By aud by he drove a taxi through *tre«>fs. The young man who employed him a* mechanician grew weary of i'he auto racing, and. to g<-t more ! thrills, went Into areoplane driving Enllits In Flying Corps Moyer loved the motera of aero- plane* even more than he did those of automobiles. He understood them. When the war came, he went serosa the channel to France a* Artificer Moyer. attached to one ofi the big military alrshlpa of the Royal Hying corps. All the others were heroes, Moyer wa* on!y a mechan.clsn On September 19 the dirigible airship to the care of which Moyer devoted hla time waa Bent from a point near Ostend to scout over the line* of (Hermans preaslng for- i ward. The trip wa* a success and the; airship waa returning Shell* the Germans had fired up- ward had missed. All wss well, when suddenly there was a shiver thst shook the airship from end to end. Propeller Blade Snaps The thin steel alloy blade* of the propeller snapped?-one blado flew against the has bag. There wa* another shock that threw the 12 member* of the crew to the floor of the hanging cabin; Ito shut their eyes, expecting the great bag momentarily to collapse, dropping them 3,000 feet to ( manglod maaae* of dead men In the bay fields. ' The blade had not punctured th J bag The heroe* aroused themaelve* and gaxed at each other, fac«s I blanched with horror at the thought lof the death they had narrowly ea- ' caped Then they realized they w©ro In a terrible position. Drift Over Enemy's Line* The airship, without Its propeller, waa helpless and drifting rapidly In the wind straight back over the German line* With glasaes they In the cabin could see the haze hanging over i the world's greatest battlefield. Artificer Moyer was bu*y. There wa* an extra propeller, FISH MEN GATHER IN SMITH BUILDING A* Seattle Is the center of the salmon packing and fishing Indus- try of the f'aclflc coast, *o is the j L Smith building becoming the renter of the Industry In Seattle. It wa* announced yesterday that the Northwest Fisheries, Carlisle Backing company. Deep Sea Salmon company, I*l liar Bay Backing com- pany. I'aclflc Coa*t & Ntjrway 1 Backing company, Llndenberger Backing company and T. ('. Mc- Hilgh have leased offices and moved Into Ihe new 42-story struc- ture The A**oclatlon of Baclfic Fish erle* ha* selected the Smith build Ing a* its headquarters. It* i office* are in charge of the secre- tary, J. J Reynold*. The Halmori packer* have an nounced that they are extremely optimistic as to better business generally In lit 15. With the war In Europe and the opening of the Panama canal, better prices and cheaper deliveries will combine to bring to Seattle and the Northwest several million* of dol lara. Own your own home. It'i, j easy. Read the offerings in j STAR WANT ADS ? then! 1 choose. I STAR?WJiDNKSDAY, DkC. 2, IVI4. PAUL J. Five Best Hero Stories of the War! Here Is the First: Hero in Overalls Saves the Lives of Balloon Crew Dangling in Air "Without a Word Moytr Crjwied Out That Rod to tha End." and. the other* worn discuss- ing their danger. he had found this propeller snd was making hi* *sy back through the airship Sticking out from the *tern lb feet behind the cabin wa* a thin rod ?a rod of *teel two and a half Incbe* thick At the end of that thin rod the broken end* of the propeller blade* were fastened by bolts. Hang* Ov#r Spacs Without a word Moyer rrawled out that rod to the end With legs wrapped around the rod. holding only by the Jagged ends of the pro- peller blades, he worked with wrench until the bo!ts were loos- ened and he hurled the rest of the propeller downward Then he slid backward alone the rod. aecured the new propeller and, sgain clinging by leg* and hands, he crawled bark and drew the new propeller blade* orer the end o Good-bye Dyspepsia No More Gurgly Brash, "Lump of Lead," Bad Digestion, Heartburn or Stomach Troublea Quick Relief. Coata Nothing to Try The man who ran't help making face* at hi* *toma<-h, the man or woman with a grouchy dlge*tlon. or with downright dyspepsia need fret no morn over atomach trou- ble*. The heaviest, rlrheat dinners, the moat unapeakable quick Itinchea. all can be taken care of without Imposing on the stomarh. A aclentlflc digestive ran do the digesting, where the atomach elth er did not do It before, or did It very Imperfectly. Beauty and Good Digestion Go Hand In Hand. Stuart's Dys- pepsia Tablets Insure Both When you take one of Stnsrt's Dyspepsia Tablets after a meal, the food Is digested by the tablet even better than your own stom- ach can do It. Thla Is why the use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet* have become so universal among those who suffer from any kind of stomach trouble* Take one of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets after yonr next meal and If you are given to belching, sour risings, fermentation, heavy, lumpy feeling In the stomach, In- digestion, dyspepsia, loss of appe- tite or any other stomarh derange- ment, you will find at once a re- rnnrkable Improvement. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet* are the most wonderful tablet* on eirth for any. kind of stomach trouble. They enrich the gastrin Julcea and give the stotniich the rent It needs before It can agalu be healthy and strong. Try one after your next meal, no matter what you ent You'll find your appetite return for meal after and you will feel flue after eating. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tahlet* are for sale at all druggists at E>oc a box. Send coupon below today and we will at once send you by mull ii sample free. Free Trial Coupon F. A. Stuart Co., 201 Btuart Bld(|., Marshall, Mich. Send me at once by return mnll, a free trial package of Ktuurt'a Dya- pepala Tableta. Maine Street City State | the shaft For more than two hours Moyer worked while the airship floated usurer and nearer to the Oermun llnea. 3.000 feet In the air. The dozen men In the cabin were watching. one lnatant Moyer at hla ta*k; the neit the country ahead Plane Prepare* to Attack One with glasses reported that a German war plane wan being pre- pared to rt»e and attack finally. Moyer finished the Job and crept stiffly backward, almost paralyzed by the strain. The men In the cabin seized hi* leg* and drew him Into the ahtp He reeled, but. (landing straight, saluted and said: "lleadj. cap- tain" An Instant later the motors were wblrrlag. the airship described a wide arc and, turning southward, ffled with gathering speed GIRLS ARE USED AS COLLECTORS BY SWINDLER There's a thief operating In Se- attle In the guise of a charity worker. Watch for him. He claims to be soliciting funds for the Bel- gian relief fund. i'ntll Tuesday, at lenst. he had i a lot of Innocent women unwitting i ly siding him. His methods were disclosed to A**l*tant Secretary Hadley of the Chamber of Commerce Tuenday, when a girl called at his office and made Inquiries She had answered: nn sd In one of the pspers. calling; for girl* to collect fund* When she met the man, he agreed to give her 10 per cent of all funds solicited. He *ald the money was for the Belglsn*. and that he was working from the Chamber of Commerce. He agreed to telephone her again In half an hour. When he failed to do so. sho went to the chamber for information. Football la such a strong rival to war In England thst the war authorities sre up In nrms Perhaps the people pre- fer real danger and excitement. Big shipment of Dsnlah butter arrive* in Philadelphia, retailing at 40 centa a pound. Thin Folks Who Would Be Fat Increase In Weight Ten Pounds or More A I'hjtlrlsa'* Adtlrw "I'd esrtslnly give moat anything to hs able to fat up a few pound* and stay that way." declar** every es-eselvely thin man or woman Much a raault la not Im paaalMe iwpttt peat failaraa Tfcta paa pla art vl« tlma of mal nutrition, a con dttlon which prevents the fatty elements of food from Ulng takan up bv tha blood s? thay aia whan tha powers of nutrition ara norms! Inatead of getting Into tha bi'»od. all tha fat and flash producing sle men's stay In tha Intestlnoa until they pae* from tha body aa waste To correct thla condition and to produce a healthy, normal amount of f>«f. thai nutrit|\a proensaes muat »>e artificially I supplied with tha power which nature has' drnled them Thla can beat he arcotn pllahed by aatlng a Bargol tablet with evary meal Rargol la a a< lent I fit* com- bination of sis of the beat strength giving, fat producing slsments known to tha me<! leal profession Taken with meals. It m I tea with the food and turns the susars and stamhea Into rich, ripe nourlahment for the tlaauea and blood, and Ita rapid effect la remarkable Reported s«lna of from 10 to poutida In a single month are by no meana Infrequent Yet Its ac- tion la perfectly natural and absolutely barm In*a Hargol la aoltj by Hartell Drug 4Hwlft'a Pharmacy and other good drugglata everywhere, and every package contain* n guarantee of weight Increaae I or money back Caution i While flargol has produced remarkable results In me trestmant of nervoua Indignation and general atomach disorders. It should not, owing to Its rs tnatkable flesh producing effect, he used by those who ara not willing to Increaan their weight 10 pounds or mors Adver | t|«#>mi>nt STILWAKT HOVSt *0 Hlowart HI. N'Mr I'lUr I'uhllr Mnrkft Modern Klnjln Hnom» fur*#. Outald* Rooms for <>n« or Two. 10c % AMI* Minnowft r*M>r fti>i» Mrrailrut, ,1 to ?I t»i« )«?»« ftol Ilk for >nr«l, hut I for n w li«»I »? ymill. limit, 3 ;nrii«. BARGAINS THURSDAY BARGAINS FOR STAR READERS 19c V *II llov*»«n Ntrt|>ri, l'l«M«, Per- HlMtia, lirMnUim, nil *vf<l»i SBo null 4in- tal«M liovvlf sty Ira. ft|pr«'lNl lf»«*. 98c Waists 98c Waists of Unusual Merit 20 do/rn Waists that arc selling right if >w at $1.25, $1 50, $1 75, and fully worth the price Lingerie in most dainty de- signs; Tailored Flannel Waists, Roman stripe, Swiss ami Si>iesrtte. Sites Q .V( to 44. On sale Thursday.... t/OC ENORMOUS REDUCTIONS In Children's and Misses' Coats To Make Room for Our Toy Display 127 Misses' am! Children's Coats, which represent values from $4.50 to $16.00, (in sale Thursday at the following prices: Dress Skirts $2.98 and $3.98 50 excellent Skirts, made of fine, all-wool serge#, good mixtures, che< ks, stripes. In Black, Navy, Tan, Gray, Granite and Brown. Selling regularly for $3.98, $5.00 and J/ifX). Thursday, your choice, $2.98 and $3.98. 40 Children's Coats, QQ 10 to 14 years, each .\7 Children's Coats, QQ 10 to 14 yea r>, each UpTTei/O C" A Ifip A A ff rt Bring the children in to see what Santa has for J Sell I #? l«l »SK Ithem in Dolls, Mechanical Toys, Engines, Guns, \u25a0 e tc., etc. 30 Misses' Coats, A/» *7(5 15 to 19 years, each $Oe # 9 20 Misses' Coats, Cft 15 to 19 years, each <PvtOU EXTRA! Unmatchable Bargains « AO Children's Warm V 1 * * O Flannel and Cor- duroy Coats; agea 2 to 6; special. 91.48. J- _ Imported Hair Nets, OC with or without elaa tic; all colors; special be. OP Children's Wash uOC Drtaaea; age* I to 12 years; on Thursday, all day, 36c. Or _ Warm Cashmere «OC Gloves, for women and children; lined; special 26c. OJJ Lamb's-wool Stock- «OC Inge for women and children; regular Ssc grades. JIM EDIE TRIED A LITTLE FLIRTATION (Copyright, 1914, by the Newspaper Enterprise Association.) I started, little book, to tell you last night about the club dance and ran off on other tangents, but you vhould know of the dance, for It was a Jolly experience, and through It I learned many things both for tuyaelf and others. First, when we got Into the taxi, I>lck Insisted on riding on the back ?eat with Kitty and me, "because I am sn Invalid, you great, hulking cave man," he said to Jim. As soon as we were comfortably settled, I)lck put his well arm about inn and snuggled me up to him. "1 want you to teach me some of the new steps, Margte," he whis- pered. "Hut I don't know them, dear." "You can pick them up easily. Voti are the most graceful dancer I ever saw, with the possible excep- tion of Bleanor Fatrlow. I think she dances as well as you." "Will she be at th* club tonlghtf" "I don't think so. Eleanor doesn't have as much attention ns 1 would think she would have. She Is s beautiful creature, and radl:<tes personality." "You don't know the reason why. Master Dick," broke In Jim, scorn- fully. "Six years ago Bleanor Fnlr- low had every one of us at her feet, but when you came on and copped her out. wo dropped off. one by one, nil thinking we would be lnvltod to your wedding soon. Then, to every one's surprise, you sprung Margie on ns. Most of us have tried to go back to Kleanor, hut for some rea son she has hung back, is she still wearing the willow?" "Jim. you don't know what you are talking about," answered Dick, with a ring of annoyance In. his voice. "Of course. I liked Kleanor and she liked nie, but we were nev- er engaged and 1 was free to marry whom I should choose, and she could do the same. I am still very fond of Kleanor, hut for me she can never be of the every-day charm of Mnrgle." At last I had gotten to the rent story, I thought, as Jim said: "Well. 1 don't blame you, old man, for Mnrgle charms me every dny more thnn Kleanor, and 1 hope she will charm me with about four dances tonight. You know, girls, I'm not 1 going to dance with any one but you. Underwear Specials OP Women's heavy faOC Fleeced Shirt* and Drawers; pure white; all sizes. CQ. Women's Union OJ/C Suits; extra fine grade; $1.00 values; special C»c. - < r _ Children'* Vests snd IOC Pants; sites up to 22; sises to 28, 25c. elzea to li. lie. AQf% M, sses" Union Suits; fleeced; fine grade; all sizes; special 4»c. 1 Q _ Union Sulta for ehll- Ic/C dren, age* I to 12 years, drop seat; special l#c. Holiday Slippers Jait opened, hundreds of dosens of Slipper*. which make acceptable Holi- day rifts for any of the family. QQ Ladle*' fur and ribbon trim- J/OC med Felt Slipper*, In Brown, Blue, Gray and Wine; worth lI.JS. QQ Ladles' fur trimmed Felt Slipper*, In Cardinal, Wine. Gray. Brown. Sites 2V4 to 8. Worth $1.60. 1 A Q Ladle*' extra quality fur V 1 trimmed Juliet*, with fancy bocklea. In Purple, Lavender, Baby Blue, Tan and Gray. These hare leather soles. 81ie* 2 H to 8. Ladlea' "Rest Rite" or VI "Comfy" Slipper*, with soft leather soles. In Brown, Light Blue and Old Rose. Sliea 2)4 to 7. Children's Felt Slippers KJch colors. In plain and far trimmed, " 69c 75c to 98c I'm going to show every one that I think the women in our little party are the belles of the ball. Come along. Kitty; the first turkey trot is ours." This was said as we drove np to the door, and Kitty and I hurried to the dree*lng-room to divest our- selves of our wraps. Dick took posaesslon of me as soon as I entered the big dance room, and we went gsyly trotting about. It waa astonishing how well be guided me with only one arm. When we had finished, I gsve the next dance to Jim. and Dick took Kitty. "Margie, I'm going to say some- thing if you kill me." whispered Jim. "You are by far tha prettlegt woman In the room. You should always wesr white. With your sparkling eyes, your tempting mouth and that tantalizing, burnished copper hair of yours, you are simply Irresist- ible." "I,ook here, Jim! I am perfectly content for you to try yonr compli- ments upon me before saying them to some other woman who is unat- tached and fancy free, but I warn you thnt I shall compare notes with Kitty, and I'll wager you said the same things to her " "Ask her what I said and yon will find out that I did not, Howerer, Kitty la a Rood sport, and I've a mind to so down there and wake op that 'dry bones of a husband of her* until be can appreciate what he hu got" I lunched ao loud I waa afraid I drew attention to us. Waa there erer a male flirt who did not think he understood all women, and, if he were married, does he not always deplore that his wife waa a good woman, but she did not understand him? (To Be Continued Tomorrow.) BUY YOUR BLANK BOOKS FROM Morey Stationery Co. 71* firm Av». Near (nlumhiN if. /-FOUNTAIN PENS , An ld*al present Waterman, 149*1. ConkJln. Parkar, and Moort'a art tha bwrt. My stock la com pi at a. MENI>ENHALI., THR PE> MAN 117 Madlano. After Other Doctors Fail Dr. Jordan Cures the Worst Cases of Tuberculosis Cured Patients Testify as to the Merits of His Glandular Remedies May It, 1913. Almost a year ago I begun to rough, and my health began to give way, but I <1M not know the cause. Three doctors disagreed as to the cause, on* doctor In I>ort Orchard, one In Bremerton and one In Seattle. I began to treat with a doctor In Soap l.uke, who told me that I hud tuberculosis, and he could do nothing. During all that time my son was very low with tuberculosis, and ho baa since died. Two doc- tors In Bremerton made a microscopic test and pronounced It tuber- culosis. I was very low when I began to treat with Doctor Jordan; could hardly stand up and could not walk upstairs. Had no breath left In m.v body. This has been just three months ago, and I have gained about 2t> pounds since that time. My cough has greatly Im- proved, my appetite lias got to be fine, and 1 feel like a new man with fresh hope and new life I certainly would huve followed my son If It had not been for Doctor Jordan. < Signed) S S. FINNEY. 868- E. First St., Tacoma. I hnve been giving practical demonstrations of the merits of my System right here In Seattle for the past 30 years and hundreds of sinned testimonials on file In my office, written by grateful patients whom I have cured, will attest Its wonder*. Cures of Asthma, Anae- mia. Blindness, Chronic Inflammation of the Bladder, Deafness from paralysis of the Auditory Ner*es, Diabetes, Prolapsus Uteri, Dropsy, (lironio Dyspepsia, Epilepsy, Chronic Erysipelas, Chronic Oastralgla, Hard Dumps in the Breast, Heart Disease (Including Heart leaUuge), Hip Disease, Infantile Paralysis, Locomotor Ataxia, Sciatica, Senile Gangrene, Jaundice, Rheumatism. Meningitis, Neu- ralgia. Pnralysls, Spinal Curvature, CJoltre, Strabismus. St. Vitus' Dance and most of the other so-called Incurable diseases. There being a number of I>octors Jordan In Seattle, it Is well to bear In mind the full name and address of I>octor J. Kugetie Jordan. tiliD-S hirst Ave., Seattle. Office hours, 9a. m. to 8 p. tu.; Sundays from 2 p. in. to 6p. m. Consultation free. Correspondence solicited Watch each Wednesday Star for remarkable cures

Transcript of STAR?WJiDNKSDAY, Francis X. Is Crew Air Bushman · Plane Prepare* to Attack One with glasses...

Page 1: STAR?WJiDNKSDAY, Francis X. Is Crew Air Bushman · Plane Prepare* to Attack One with glasses reported that German war plane wan being pre-pared to rt»e and attack finally. Moyer

Francis X.BushmanThe Man Who Was Voted the World*. Most

Popular Photoplayer, Offers His LatestSuccess,


A Thrilling, Soul-Stirring Mystery Drama

Bod, Billand theWaiter

ARiot of Fun in aRestaurant


Wallace & Pipe Organ

CLEMMER10c-Seattle'sßest Photoplay House-lOc


the Clemmer In hia latest dramatic?acoeea. "Ths PI am Tree." This U? fascinating story of mjiterj, railof thrill* and with plenty of excite-

ment. Mr. Bushman waa recently

voted the world'* mott popularphotoplay actor, and he la a de-cided favorite wherever motion pic-tures are shown. Other good


AGAINin another 2-reel

KEYSTONE"Special" Comedy

"His Prehistoric Past"


"The Little CountryMouse"

Majestic Drama.

Margarita FischerIn


Beauty Comedy Drama.

A study of


A Bathe.

Ballard at the Piano

Wed., Thur., Frl., Sat


thin** on today'* change of pro-gram Include the Hearst Hoi!* New*and a comedy, "Bud, Dill and theWalter."

? ? ?

AN ENTIRE ENGLISH VIL-Isge wa* built by Kalem during

the filming of Sheridan* famouscomedy. "The School for Scandal"

Alice Joyce. Kalem'* beautiful?tar, appear* a* Lady Teaile

? ? ?

MARC MDERMOTT. OF THEKdtaon company, I* the star In"The Pine* of Lorry," the two-part drama that heart* today * new*hnw at the Melbourne. MiriamNenblt support* him.

? ? ?

ANNA LITTLE IS THE CHOrua girl. In the twopart Hexdrama. "The Chorus Girl's Thanks-giving." A fugitive from Justiceclimb* Into her room Ju*t afterthe landlady had ordered her outfor non-payment. A price I* onhi* head- It will bring her back tohealth. He doea all he can do?

?acrlflces liberty?and win*. Thl*la one of the y lnt headllner* atthe New Circuit today.

? ? ?

"THE WALLS OF JERICHO."at the Colonial, I* a atory of thegold mines.

e ? ?

Climmtr Until Baturdsy Night

"The Plum Tree." Eeeanay dra-ma; "Bud. Bill and thi» Walter,"comedy; "Hearst-Sellg News."

? ? ?

Alaska Until Saturday Night"The Circus Man." drama;

"Bathe*' Picture News" and acomedy.

? ? ?

Class A Until Saturday Night

"His Prehistoric Past." two-part

Keystone, with Cha*. Chaplin;"The Little Country Mouse,"drama, with Blanche Sweet;"When Queenle Came Hack.'' oom-edy drama, with Margarita Fischer.

? ? ?

Grand Until BJturday Night"The Ms*ter Key," a aerial,

and two other picture*.? ? ?

Melbourne Until Saturday NightThe I'lnea of Lorry," twopart

Kdlsoti drama; "The Wasp"rtrama; "The Fable of the ClubOtrl* and the Four Times Vet-eran." a Oeorge Arte comedy.

? ? ?

Colonial Until Saturday Ight"The Wall* of Jericho," drama

? ? ?

Liberty Until Saturday Night"The Fortune Hunter," »l*part

comedy-drama.? ? ?.

Mission Until Saturday Night"Aristocracy," drama.

? ? ?

Alhsmbra Until Wednesday Night

"Terence O'Bourke'* Art ven-

tures," "Animated Weekly," "ThoseWere the Happy Day*." two-part

Nealor comedy; "A* We JourueyThrough Life," drama.

? ? ?


At the Home Until Friday"The Trey o' Heart*," No. 16,

three part*; "The Higher Law,"two-part drama; "A DramaticMistake," comedy.

? ? ?

At the Pleasant Hour Until Friday

"The Trey o' Heart*." No. 7,

two parts; "Ah Fate Willed," two-part drama; "The Hand Thatltules the World," comedy.

11. J. Phillip*. mrrHtnaikm la Ihr ]?**«* l«r I'fcr Sl*r «uil It* alairr

Wr r*. wm rar.lrd la imil a mrrtrm"' alwrlra r>a the Ikrat hrrn alttrlraataliat'lr (rum rat It rmstrt. Ihpuna p.ibllahrd t..,tar U l:a«lat,a".

I. Iraara, Huaala aad llel-|Um Mill Ulluw.

Special CorrespondenceBAItI>. Nov IS Moyer la rather

i a poorly fitting name for a heroMoyer hlmaef would not Imprrn*

j you as heroic If, perchance, youwere strolling up Piccadilly and he

I hailed you with. "Keb, sir?" or|"Tpil. sir?"

lie came from somewhere over:In the edge of the Wbltechapel die- [I trlct of l.ondon snd arose to theeminence of a Job In a garage

By aud by he drove a taxithrough *tre«>fs.

The young man who employedhim a* mechanician grew weary ofi'he auto racing, and. to g<-t more! thrills, went Into areoplane driving

Enllits In Flying CorpsMoyer loved the motera of aero-

plane* even more than he did thoseof automobiles. He understoodthem.

When the war came, he wentserosa the channel to France a*Artificer Moyer. attached to one ofithe big military alrshlpa of theRoyal Hying corps.

All the others were heroes,Moyer wa* on!y a mechan.clsnOn September 19 the dirigible

airship to the care of which Moyerdevoted hla time waa Bent froma point near Ostend to scout overthe line* of (Hermans preaslng for- iward.

The trip wa* a success and the;airship waa returning

Shell* the Germans had fired up-ward had missed.

All wss well, when suddenlythere was a shiver thst shook theairship from end to end.

Propeller Blade Snaps

The thin steel alloy blade* of thepropeller snapped?-one blado flewagainst the has bag.

There wa* another shock thatthrew the 12 member* of the crewto the floor of the hanging cabin;

Ito shut their eyes, expecting thegreat bag momentarily to collapse,dropping them 3,000 feet to (manglod maaae* of dead men In thebay fields. '

The blade had not punctured th Jbag

The heroe* aroused themaelve*and gaxed at each other, fac«s

I blanched with horror at the thought

lof the death they had narrowly ea-' caped

Then they realized they w©ro Ina terrible position.

Drift Over Enemy's Line*The airship, without Its propeller,

waa helpless and drifting rapidly Inthe wind straight back over theGerman line*

With glasaes they In the cabincould see the haze hanging over

i the world's greatest battlefield.Artificer Moyer was bu*y.There wa* an extra propeller,


A* Seattle Is the center of thesalmon packing and fishing Indus-try of the f'aclflc coast, *o is the jL Smith building becoming therenter of the Industry In Seattle.

It wa* announced yesterday thatthe Northwest Fisheries, CarlisleBacking company. Deep Sea Salmoncompany, I*lliar Bay Backing com-pany. I'aclflc Coa*t & Ntjrway

1Backing company, LlndenbergerBacking company and T. ('. Mc-Hilgh have leased offices andmoved Into Ihe new 42-story struc-ture

The A**oclatlon of Baclfic Fisherle* ha* selected the Smith buildIng a* its headquarters. It*ioffice* are in charge of the secre-tary, J. J Reynold*.

The Halmori packer* have announced that they are extremelyoptimistic as to better businessgenerally In lit15.

With the war In Europe and theopening of the Panama canal, betterprices and cheaper deliveries willcombine to bring to Seattle and theNorthwest several million* of dollara.

Own your own home. It'i, jeasy. Read the offerings in jSTAR WANT ADS ? then!

1choose. I


Five Best Hero Stories of the War! HereIs the First: Hero in Overalls Saves the

Lives of Balloon Crew Dangling in Air

"Without a Word Moytr Crjwied Out That Rod to tha End."

and. the other* worn discuss-ing their danger. he had found thispropeller snd was making hi* *sy

back through the airship Stickingout from the *tern lb feet behindthe cabin wa* a thin rod ?a rod of*teel two and a half Incbe* thick

At the end of that thin rod thebroken end* of the propeller blade*were fastened by bolts.

Hang* Ov#r Spacs

Without a word Moyer rrawledout that rod to the end With legswrapped around the rod. holdingonly by the Jagged ends of the pro-peller blades, he worked withwrench until the bo!ts were loos-ened and he hurled the rest of thepropeller downward

Then he slid backward alone therod. aecured the new propeller and,sgain clinging by leg* and hands,he crawled bark and drew the newpropeller blade* orer the end o


No More Gurgly Brash, "Lump ofLead," Bad Digestion, Heartburn

or Stomach Troublea

Quick Relief. Coata Nothing to TryThe man who ran't help making

face* at hi* *toma<-h, the man orwoman with a grouchy dlge*tlon.

or with downright dyspepsia needfret no morn over atomach trou-ble*.

The heaviest, rlrheat dinners,the moat unapeakable quickItinchea. all can be taken care ofwithout Imposing on the stomarh.A aclentlflc digestive ran do thedigesting, where the atomach elther did not do It before, or did Itvery Imperfectly.

Beauty and Good Digestion GoHand In Hand. Stuart's Dys-

pepsia Tablets Insure Both

When you take one of Stnsrt'sDyspepsia Tablets after a meal,the food Is digested by the tableteven better than your own stom-ach can do It.

Thla Is why the use of Stuart'sDyspepsia Tablet* have become souniversal among those who sufferfrom any kind of stomach trouble*

Take one of Stuart's DyspepsiaTablets after yonr next meal andIf you are given to belching, sourrisings, fermentation, heavy,lumpy feeling In the stomach, In-digestion, dyspepsia, loss of appe-tite or any other stomarh derange-ment, you will find at once a re-rnnrkable Improvement.

Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet* arethe most wonderful tablet* oneirth for any. kind of stomachtrouble.

They enrich the gastrin Julceaand give the stotniich the rent Itneeds before It can agalu behealthy and strong.

Try one after your next meal,no matter what you ent You'llfind your appetite return formeal after and you will feel flueafter eating.

Stuart's Dyspepsia Tahlet* arefor sale at all druggists at E>oc abox.

Send coupon below today andwe will at once send you by mullii sample free.

Free Trial CouponF. A. Stuart Co., 201 Btuart

Bld(|., Marshall, Mich. Send meat once by return mnll, a freetrial package of Ktuurt'a Dya-pepala Tableta.



City State

| the shaftFor more than two hours Moyer

worked while the airship floatedusurer and nearer to the Oermun

llnea. 3.000 feet In the air.

The dozen men In the cabin werewatching. one lnatant Moyer at hlata*k; the neit the country ahead

Plane Prepare* to AttackOne with glasses reported that a

German war plane wan being pre-pared to rt»e and attack

finally. Moyer finished the Joband crept stiffly backward, almostparalyzed by the strain.

The men In the cabin seized hi*leg* and drew him Into the ahtp

He reeled, but. (landing straight,

saluted and said: "lleadj. cap-tain"

An Instant later the motors werewblrrlag. the airship described awide arc and, turning southward,

ffled with gathering speed


BY SWINDLERThere's a thief operating In Se-

attle In the guise of a charity

worker. Watch for him. He claimsto be soliciting funds for the Bel-gian relief fund.

i'ntll Tuesday, at lenst. he had ia lot of Innocent women unwitting

i ly siding him.His methods were disclosed to

A**l*tant Secretary Hadley of theChamber of Commerce Tuenday,

when a girl called at his office andmade Inquiries She had answered:nn sd In one of the pspers. calling;for girl* to collect fund*

When she met the man, he agreedto give her 10 per cent of all fundssolicited. He *ald the money wasfor the Belglsn*. and that he wasworking from the Chamber ofCommerce. He agreed to telephoneher again In half an hour. Whenhe failed to do so. sho went to thechamber for information.

Football la such a strongrival to war In England thstthe war authorities sre up Innrms Perhaps the people pre-fer real danger and excitement.

Big shipment of Dsnlah butter

arrive* in Philadelphia, retailing at40 centa a pound.

Thin Folks WhoWould Be Fat

Increase In Weight Ten Pounds orMore

A I'hjtlrlsa'* Adtlrw

"I'd esrtslnly give moat anything tohs able to fat up a few pound* and staythat way." declar** every es-eselvely thinman or woman Much a raault la not ImpaaalMe iwpttt peat failaraa Tfcta paapla art vl« tlma of mal nutrition, a condttlon which prevents the fatty elementsof food from Ulng takan up bv tha bloods? thay aia whan tha powers of nutritionara norms! Inatead of getting Into thabi'»od. all tha fat and flash producing slemen's stay In tha Intestlnoa until theypae* from tha body aa waste

To correct thla condition and to producea healthy, normal amount of f>«f. thainutrit|\a proensaes muat »>e artificially Isupplied with tha power which nature has'drnled them Thla can beat he arcotnpllahed by aatlng a Bargol tablet withevary meal Rargol la a a< lent I fit* com-bination of sis of the beat strength giving,fat producing slsments known to tha me<!leal profession Taken with meals. Itm Itea with the food and turns the susarsand stamhea Into rich, ripe nourlahmentfor the tlaauea and blood, and Ita rapideffect la remarkable Reported s«lna offrom 10 to poutida In a single monthare by no meana Infrequent Yet Its ac-tion la perfectly natural and absolutelybarm In*a Hargol la aoltj by Hartell Drug4Hwlft'a Pharmacy and other gooddrugglata everywhere, and every packagecontain* n guarantee of weight Increaae Ior money back

Caution i While flargol has producedremarkable results In me trestmant ofnervoua Indignation and general atomachdisorders. It should not, owing to Its rstnatkable flesh producing effect, he usedby those who ara not willing to Increaantheir weight 10 pounds or mors Adver |t|«#>mi>nt


N'Mr I'lUr I'uhllr MnrkftModern Klnjln Hnom»

fur*#. Outald* Rooms for<>n« or Two.

10c% AMI*

Minnowftr*M>r fti>i»

Mrrailrut, ,1 to?I t»i« )«?»«

ftol Ilk for>nr«l, hut Ifor n w li«»I »?

ymill. limit, 3;nrii«.


19cV *IIl»

llov*»«n Ntrt|>ri,

l'l«M«, Per-HlMtia, lirMnUim,

nil *vf<l»i SBonull 4in- tal«Mliovvlf sty Ira.ft|pr«'lNl lf»«*.

98c Waists 98cWaists of Unusual Merit

20 do/rn Waists that arc selling rightif>w at $1.25, $1 50, $1 75, and fully worththe price Lingerie in most dainty de-signs; Tailored Flannel Waists, Romanstripe, Swiss ami Si>iesrtte. Sites Q.V( to 44. On sale Thursday.... t/OC

ENORMOUS REDUCTIONSIn Children's and Misses' Coats

To Make Room for Our Toy Display127 Misses' am! Children's Coats, which represent values from $4.50 to $16.00,

(in sale Thursday at the following prices:

Dress Skirts$2.98 and $3.98

50 excellent Skirts, made of fine, all-woolserge#, good mixtures, che< ks, stripes. InBlack, Navy, Tan, Gray, Granite andBrown. Selling regularly for $3.98, $5.00and J/ifX). Thursday, your choice, $2.98and $3.98.

40 Children's Coats, QQ10 to 14 years, each

.\7 Children's Coats, QQ10 to 14 yea r>, each UpTTei/O

C" A Ifip A A ffrt Bring the children in to see what Santa has forJ Sell I #? l«l »SK Ithem in Dolls, Mechanical Toys, Engines, Guns,

\u25a0 e tc., etc.

30 Misses' Coats, A/» *7(515 to 19 years, each $Oe # 9

20 Misses' Coats, Cft15 to 19 years, each <PvtOU


Bargains« AO Children's Warm

V 1 * * O Flannel and Cor-duroy Coats; agea 2 to 6;special. 91.48.

J- _

Imported Hair Nets,

OC with or without elaatic; all colors; special be.

OP Children's WashuOC Drtaaea; age* I to12 years; on Thursday, allday, 36c.


Warm Cashmere«OC Gloves, for womenand children; lined; special26c.

OJJ Lamb's-wool Stock-«OC Inge for women andchildren; regular Ssc grades.


(Copyright, 1914, by the NewspaperEnterprise Association.)

I started, little book, to tell youlast night about the club dance andran off on other tangents, but youvhould know of the dance, for Itwas a Jolly experience, and throughIt I learned many things both fortuyaelf and others.

First, when we got Into the taxi,I>lck Insisted on riding on the back?eat with Kitty and me, "becauseI am sn Invalid, you great, hulkingcave man," he said to Jim.

As soon as we were comfortablysettled, I)lck put his well armabout inn and snuggled me up tohim.

"1 want you to teach me some ofthe new steps, Margte," he whis-pered.

"Hut I don't know them, dear.""You can pick them up easily.

Voti are the most graceful dancerI ever saw, with the possible excep-tion of Bleanor Fatrlow. I thinkshe dances as well as you."

"Will she be at th* club tonlghtf""I don't think so. Eleanor

doesn't have as much attention ns 1would think she would have. She Iss beautiful creature, and radl:<tespersonality."

"You don't know the reason why.Master Dick," broke In Jim, scorn-fully. "Six years ago Bleanor Fnlr-low had every one of us at her feet,but when you came on and coppedher out. wo dropped off. one by one,nil thinking we would be lnvltod toyour wedding soon. Then, to everyone's surprise, you sprung Margieon ns. Most of us have tried to goback to Kleanor, hut for some reason she has hung back, is she stillwearing the willow?"

"Jim. you don't know what youare talking about," answered Dick,with a ring of annoyance In. hisvoice. "Of course. I liked Kleanorand she liked nie, but we were nev-er engaged and 1 was free to marrywhom I should choose, and shecould do the same. I am still veryfond of Kleanor, hut for me she cannever be of the every-day charm ofMnrgle."

At last I had gotten to the rentstory, I thought, as Jim said: "Well.1 don't blame you, old man, forMnrgle charms me every dny morethnn Kleanor, and 1 hope she willcharm me with about four dancestonight. You know, girls, I'm not

1going to dance with any one but you.


OP Women's heavyfaOC Fleeced Shirt* andDrawers; pure white; allsizes.

CQ. Women's UnionOJ/C Suits; extra finegrade; $1.00 values; specialC»c. -

< r_ Children'* Vests snd

IOC Pants; sites up to22; sises to 28, 25c. elzea toli. lie.

AQf% M,sses" Union Suits;fleeced; fine grade;

all sizes; special 4»c.

1 Q _ Union Sulta for ehll-Ic/C dren, age* I to 12years, drop seat; special l#c.

Holiday SlippersJait opened, hundreds of dosens of

Slipper*. which make acceptable Holi-day rifts for any of the family.

QQ Ladle*' fur and ribbon trim-J/OC med Felt Slipper*, In Brown,Blue, Gray and Wine; worth lI.JS.

QQ Ladles' fur trimmed FeltSlipper*, In Cardinal,

Wine. Gray. Brown. Sites 2V4 to 8.Worth $1.60.

1 A Q Ladle*' extra quality furV 1 trimmed Juliet*, withfancy bocklea. In Purple, Lavender,Baby Blue, Tan and Gray. These hareleather soles. 81ie* 2 H to 8.

Ladlea' "Rest Rite" orVI "Comfy" Slipper*, withsoft leather soles. In Brown, LightBlue and Old Rose. Sliea 2)4 to 7.

Children's Felt SlippersKJch colors. In plain and far trimmed,"

69c 75c to 98c

I'm going to show every one that Ithink the women in our little party

are the belles of the ball. Comealong. Kitty; the first turkey trotis ours."

This was said as we drove np tothe door, and Kitty and I hurried tothe dree*lng-room to divest our-selves of our wraps.

Dick took posaesslon of me assoon as I entered the big danceroom, and we went gsyly trottingabout.

It waa astonishing how well beguided me with only one arm.

When we had finished, I gsve thenext dance to Jim. and Dick tookKitty.

"Margie, I'm going to say some-thing if you kill me." whispered Jim."You are by far tha prettlegt womanIn the room. You should alwayswesr white. With your sparklingeyes, your tempting mouth and thattantalizing, burnished copper hairof yours, you are simply Irresist-ible."

"I,ook here, Jim! I am perfectlycontent for you to try yonr compli-ments upon me before saying themto some other woman who is unat-tached and fancy free, but I warnyou thnt I shall compare notes withKitty, and I'll wager you said the

same things to her "

"Ask her what I said and yon willfind out that I did not, Howerer,Kitty la a Rood sport, and I've amind to so down there and wake opthat 'dry bones of a husband of her*until be can appreciate what he hugot"

I lunched ao loud I waa afraid Idrew attention to us. Waa thereerer a male flirt who did not thinkhe understood all women, and, ifhe were married, does he not alwaysdeplore that his wife waa a goodwoman, but she did not understandhim?

(To Be Continued Tomorrow.)



Morey Stationery Co.71* firm Av». Near (nlumhiN if.


An ld*al present Waterman, 149*1.ConkJln. Parkar, and Moort'aart tha bwrt. My stock la com pi at a.


AfterOther Doctors Fail Dr.Jordan Cures the Worst

Cases of TuberculosisCured Patients Testify as to the

Merits of His GlandularRemedies

May It, 1913.Almost a year ago I begun to rough, and my health began to give

way, but I <1M not know the cause. Three doctors disagreed as tothe cause, on* doctor In I>ort Orchard, one In Bremerton and one InSeattle. I began to treat with a doctor In Soap l.uke, who told me thatI hud tuberculosis, and he could do nothing. During all that time myson was very low with tuberculosis, and ho baa since died. Two doc-tors In Bremerton made a microscopic test and pronounced It tuber-culosis. I was very low when I began to treat with Doctor Jordan;could hardly stand up and could not walk upstairs. Had no breathleft In m.v body. This has been just three months ago, and I havegained about 2t> pounds since that time. My cough has greatly Im-proved, my appetite lias got to be fine, and 1 feel like a new manwith fresh hope and new life I certainly would huve followed myson If It had not been for Doctor Jordan. < Signed) S S. FINNEY.

868- E. First St., Tacoma.

I hnve been giving practical demonstrations of the merits of mySystem right here In Seattle for the past 30 years and hundreds ofsinned testimonials on file In my office, written by grateful patientswhom I have cured, will attest Its wonder*. Cures of Asthma, Anae-mia. Blindness, Chronic Inflammation of the Bladder, Deafnessfrom paralysis of the Auditory Ner*es, Diabetes, Prolapsus Uteri,Dropsy, (lironio Dyspepsia, Epilepsy, Chronic Erysipelas, ChronicOastralgla, Hard Dumps in the Breast, Heart Disease (IncludingHeart leaUuge), Hip Disease, Infantile Paralysis, Locomotor Ataxia,Sciatica, Senile Gangrene, Jaundice, Rheumatism. Meningitis, Neu-ralgia. Pnralysls, Spinal Curvature, CJoltre, Strabismus. St. Vitus'Dance and most of the other so-called Incurable diseases.

There being a number of I>octors Jordan In Seattle, it Is well tobear In mind the full name and address of I>octor J. Kugetie Jordan.tiliD-S hirst Ave., Seattle. Office hours, 9a. m. to 8 p. tu.; Sundaysfrom 2 p. in. to 6p. m. Consultation free. Correspondence solicitedWatch each Wednesday Star for remarkable cures