Starting a home business with $0 capital

Starting a Home Business With $0 Capital Investment About The Author Jesse Paz is a professional network marketer and has been doing internet marketing since 2001. He loves helping people build successful and profitable home based businesses online. MyEzStartUpPage.Com /About


Four step guide to starting online home business with $0 capital investment.

Transcript of Starting a home business with $0 capital

Page 1: Starting a home business with $0 capital

Starting a Home Business With $0 Capital Investment

About The AuthorJesse Paz is a professional network marketer and has been doing internet marketing since 2001. He loves helping people build successful and profitable home based businesses online.


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I often meet new internet marketers on various forums that aspire to earn the big bucks. Many of them are not willing or able to invest startup capital.

Here is a rough guide on how to build an internet business starting with $0.

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MyEzStartUpPage.Com is a very good example of this. I didn’t have to start with $0. Before getting involve in network marketing I was very successful in offline Network Marketing (MLM). I got into internet marketing in 2001 with enough capital to do anything I wanted to, but here is how I did it with $0 capital.

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The first and most important thing to do is to list all your skills. It is vital to list down skills or knowledge that you have and might be in demand elsewhere. For example, you love fly-fishing and you do it every day after work. You may build your internet business upon this. An instructional guide for example.

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If you have no money to start off your online home business, earn some capital using your already existing skills or knowledge. You can give tuition to students on your dominant subject in college, teach your hobby to others, or write guides on knowledge or skills not found in theoretical books.

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Can't think of any skills or knowledge that people might be interested in? Then you can locate a workable business model and focus on that alone.

You can obtain almost everything you need through bartering, web hosting, or domain name, in exchange for your product (if you own one) or services like copywriting, ghostwriting and website designs.

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Here step by step, in a shorten form, is the guide on how MyEZStartUpPage came to be starting with $0. I must confess it was very hard pretending I didn't have the money. It takes a lot more work doing it all yourself. But, any legal profitable home business takes work, focus, and above all action.

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Step 1: (September 9, 2009) I imagined my new business idea in my mind from startup to finish product. Every day for about an hour I would sit alone in my home office and picture the end product, but I wrote nothing down. After two weeks I wrote it down.

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Step 2: (October 5, 2009) Here is where most people go wrong. They want to market their business idea without doing market research. Big mistake! I learned that the hard way. How do you expect to make money if your idea is not selling? You might want to read Chapter Two in the members‘ section of MyEzStartUpPage.

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I wanted MyEzStartUpPage to be a membership site that can help anyone willing to focus and take action in building a profitable home based business and make it as simple as possible at low cost. I am the 'doitsimple' guy. I sold one of my first websites, for $2,500.00. I don't know what it has become of the site, but it's still around.

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I pretended to have no internet access in my home and a full time job. I have not had a job in over 15 years! I started using the public library in the evenings. September 5th,2009 I finished my market research. (During this time I also spend about an hour on my action plan and design of my website)

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Step 3: (November 12, 2009) Cleared my mind and started thinking about the website and how I was going to launch it with $0. I decided to call a good friend of mine who has a freight business. I asked him if he had a website for his business. No, but had been thinking about it. Talk about timing!

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I have become pretty good at designing websites. His first question, how much? Apparently he had asked about building a website through a web design company and he had been quoted $15,000.00. He almost hit the floor when I told him I would do it for $1,000.00!

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The arrangement was that he would pay me $500 up front and $500 when I finished. He also would have to pay for any software or special web tools to run his website. I would also have to work in his office using one of his computers. I started working on my friends website the next day November 13, 2009.

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On Tuesday of the following week, after working on his website most of the day, my friend said he needed a part time dispatcher to work on Tuesdays and Thursdays 1 PM to 5 PM, if I was interested he would pay me $50 a week!

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November 16 thru December 4, 2009 went into my friend's office, work on his website 2 to 3 hours, worked on my website 2 to 3 hours and got paid $50 a week to do it! Good horse trading, ha. I still go to his office on Tuesdays and Thursdays and get $50 a week!

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The work involved takes about 10 to 15 minutes of every hour up til 5 PM, so I spend most of the day doing my internet marketing business on his computer. I really enjoy working with my friend or actually working in my friend's office on my internet marketing businesses. Sometimes things just fall into place very nicely :-)

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What if things had not happen the way they did? Would I have been able to start my new internet business with $0. Yes, luckly you can find a lot of free stuff on the internet that can help you with your new internet business and I had lots of time to search. Here is what I did:

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1) Found free web hosting and build a website to promote an affiliated product, sign up for it was free. During October and November I sold 7 for a take home profit of $259 dollars. I used free traffic exchanges and free list builders to promote the website.

2) I was not experience with membership site software so I needed practice before launching my site. I found free membership site software and installed it on my free hosting account. I now use the paid upgraded version on MyEZStartUpPage.

3) I found essential marketing tools, like auto responder, ad tracker, list builder, and more all for free on one website.

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Step 4: (December 14, 2009)

MyEZStartUpPage is born, and it's one of my son's birthday!

Good cause to celebrate!

Remember, I now had $1,000.00 and $50 a week to invest in my new internet business. Here is the kicker, I have not spend a penny of this money yet!

MyEzStartUpPage has evolve over the past 14

months. And YES we can help you start a home

business with $0 capital!

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I have invested $188.16 of the $259.00 I made with the affiliated product, in hosting for 24 months for MyEZStartUpPage. The website is now paying for itself and generating a profit!

So you see, you can start an internet business with $0. Just decide to do it and get it done! There is always some mundane job that people don't want to do, and you can do that for those people in exchange for things you need. You just need to ask for it! Thanks for watching this presentation as a reward we have a special offer for you. Go To:
