Stars in the Marble Mountains

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  • 7/27/2019 Stars in the Marble Mountains


    From Sacred Ground: Ley Lines and Vortices of the American West

    Download the complete book here:


    by Lorae Ireland

    This series of stars within stars was shown me by Spirit Teachers. They told me to look for a

    configuration of stars on a Forest Service map of the Klamath National Forest. After getting that map, I

    marked all the larger mountains with red dots. I stayed up quite late that night trying to see the patternof the stars but finally went to bed in defeat. However, the next morning I immediately "followed the

    dots," bringing out a series of stars within stars, described below.

    A large, almost-perfect six-pointed star encircles a smaller six-pointed star which encloses a five-

    pointed star with a triangle in the center. This five-pointed star is within yet another perfect six-pointed

    star formed by the indent points of the first two. The Indians were aware of this configuration, given

    the names of "Medicine" mountain and Big and Little Medicine Creeks in the very core. MedicineMountain is sacred to the Karuk Indians.

    A message from Spirit Teachers:

    "We come to tell you of the wonders of the Earth you live on, wonders forgotten by the race of

    man long, long ago. We come to remind you of who you truly are. You are not yet prepared to

    receive that knowledge in full, and we will begin gently, slowly, carefully: Know that this Earth of

    yours is a marvel, and that you are one with Her. As the configurations of the surface hint at

    larger realities, so your very physiology is an amazing living communications instrument, an

    instrument long unused.

    The woman writing this has pledged herself to service to us and to all mankind. This instrument

    was put to partial use to bring this old, forgotten knowledge to the consciousness of humans now

    on Earth: We speak now of the Stars in the Marble Mountain Wilderness of Northern California.

    This is, indeed, a sacred area, the portals of, as you would say, the Gods. The five-pointed star is

    man, the six, the cosmos. Know that five and twelve are here for you to know, see, feel and use.

    We ask that mathematicians, the highest philosophers, meditate upon these symbols embodied in

    the mountains, and understand that of which we have shown thee.

    We also hope that young people, and older people who are young--those with open minds and

    pure, open bodies--explore this area and ask to communicate with us, for this area is, indeed, the

    greatest Portal of all on Earth, and many wonders have been and will be in this place.

    That is all."

    From my journal, April, 1992:

    Spirit Teachers: "The Stars in the Marble Mountain Wilderness ARE THE KEY TO


    Me: "If so, I ask for your protection."
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    "We have always been with thee."

    "Thank you. How are they the key?"

    For you to know the truth.

    They are our portal for transportation and communication. You, also, can leave the Earththrough this portal."

    VISION QUEST into the center of the Stars in the Marble Mountains

    For the fall equinox of 1994, I hiked into the center triangle with my friend, R. [Rodney Michael Carr-

    Smith - you can read some of his writing here:'d met Rodney briefly at the Unity Gathering earlier. See URL next post

    It's a 17-mile hike, one way, from the trailhead to the center of the "Stars". His friend K had driven all

    the way from Massachusetts to make this "Priestly Journey into The Stars in the Marble Mountains".

    Before we started, as we were putting our gear in the car at Takelma across the Oregon border, we saw

    the smoke clouds boiling up over the mountains to the south. We drove over the pass and stopped at theHappy Camp Ranger Station to ask about the fires.

    The lady at the ranger station told us that three fires had sprung up with 100 foot-high walls of flame.When we looked at the map, each appeared to be just outside the three sides of the center triangle of the

    Stars. Nevertheless we drove on down to Somme's Bar to the trailhead.

    In the trailhead parking lot, we hesitated in confusion. K. said that because of the fires, he wasn't goingin, but R. intrepidly began packing his backpack for a quick hike in and out. He told us that if he wasn't

    back by four days to expect him to be on the top of Medicine Mountain. I half-heartedly decided that

    the least I could do would be to hike with him as far as camp that night to give some moral support. Itold K. that if I didn't come out the next day to know that I had gone on in with R. So we set out and

    hiked until well after dark.

    The next morning was fine and the trail easy. I felt safe and it didn't seem too difficult a thing to

    continue on into the center. We hiked twelve miles that day on good trail that repeatedly climbed above

    the creek several hundred feet, then dipped down to climb again. With the anxiety to get there by theequinox at eleven that night, I got very tired climbing and hiking in the heat.

    In late afternoon we came upon a camp of exhausted Karuk Indian firefighters. They were all sound

    asleep, with their boots still on and sticking out of their tents. We tiptoed past their camp and continued.About eight p.m. we arrived at the mouth of Medicine Creek and collapsed into our sleeping bags on

    the rocks.

    We slept like the dead, and woke up about 10 in the morning. When R. first stood up he looked like a

    transparent blue cutout, then my eyes saw him in a normal way. We swam in the creek, crossed it and

    hiked a short distance into the Center Triangle.

    At a high point where the trail changed direction we did a short ceremony, planted some crystals, said

    some prayers and invoked LIBERATION. We didn't stay much longer than half an hour because R.
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    pointed out that those white flakes floating down were notsnowflakes. We hiked five miles back to an

    old cabin where the trial forked to Medicine Mountain. At that place we made camp early because we

    were both still quite tired.

    The next day we came out at the trailhead about three in the afternoon. Amazingly, K. was waiting for

    us. He told us that the area had been evacuated because of the fires and that hed planned to send a

    search party for us if we didnt show up by nightfall. No wonder wed had the trail all to ourselves! Wewent to a cafe in Happy Camp and had the best hamburgers and cokes ever. Then we drove up the

    Klamath and back to Takilma.

    K. left for Sedona and on to Egypt the next morning and R. and I for the Puget Sound Area where he

    lives in his artist studio near Chief Seattle's grave. We got there two days later after a leisurely wander

    up the coast. I went to visit my sisters and parents in Sequim, Washington.

    Late that night I got a phone call from K., who had already called R. He asked if I had seen the papers.

    I told him "No," and he said that the night after we came out at the trailhead, a huge green "meteor" had

    screamed in from the east and landed in the Marble Mountains. People as far south as the Bay Area sawit. As excited as a child, I yelled, "We did it!"

    For your quest: Before you go, get maps of the Klamath National Forest and the Marble MountainWilderness from the Forest Service at Happy Camp, California. Plot out the pattern of the Stars on both

    maps. Be sure to fix the position of the center triangle on the Wilderness map, because you'll need that

    information to know when you're there. From Somme's Bar on the Klamath River it's a two-daybackpack into the center of the Stars, four days round-trp. Of course, tell someone where you're going

    and when you plan to get back. Horse packers are available if contacted a week or so in advance--the

    Forest Service has a list.

    Plan to arrive in the triangle at a new moon, a full moon, or some special time of the year. Weather

    permitting, in the summer you can take a side trip up to the top of Medicine Mountain from the cabin

    on the creek--allow at least another two days. I wouldn't plan to go up there when there's a possibilityof snow. Be careful, be sober, be mindful, and act from a centered state of integrity--this can be tricky

    business. And, at all times, pay special attention to the animals and birds that you see.

    Aside from the side trip up Medicine Mountain, the main trail stays at a fairly low altitude all the wayin.

    After a seventeen-mile walk on good trail along the creek, you'll come to the big creek that drains BigMedicine Creek and Little Medicine Creek. Cross it and camp on the other side. Carry old tennis shoes

    with you to wade it--it's no fun barefoot. It's very good to fully immerse your unclothed body in the

    water at the ford because that place contains water from both Big and Little Medicine Creeks.

    At your camp on the other side, hang food where brother bear can't get into it--there are lots of black

    bears in the area. (By the way, you're less likely to be bothered by them if you carry no meat with you.)

    Then go on into the triangle and plan to fast in the triangle for three days. You might get a little chillywhile fasting so bring a tent, a good sleeping bag and warm clothes. Drink the water from the creek -

    this will align you with the energies there. You'll fall into an extremely pleasant lethargy in that place,

    and will almost feel as if you were on drugs. Don't be lured into staying there longer than three days.After that, break camp and cross back over the creek, then stop and eat. Take your time hiking out.

    When you get home, write what happened in a journal, but don't immediately talk about your trip to

    others - keep the energy within you.

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    To see an enlarged map, go to: https://reader009.{domain}/reader009/html5/0403/5ac39b2b30fb8/5ac39b2dclick on the map, then click + to enlarge.

    Plot out this series of stars-within-stars on a US Forest Service map of the Klamath National Forest.

    There is a meridian line through the center, so some of the Range and Townships are on one side of it

    and others are on the other side. This configuration stands alone, and is not connected to other vortices.

    Largest Six-Pointed Star

    Outward Points Indent Points1. Slate Creek Butte, T11N, R4E, Sec 14 1.Irving Mountain, T13N, R7E, Sec 25

    2.Bear Peak, T15N, R5E, Sec 14 2. Tickner Mountain, T14N, R7E, Sec 253.Evans Mountain, T46N, R5W, Sec 17 3. Black Marble Mountain, T43N, R4W,Sec 14/15

    4.Quartz Hill, T43N, R2W, Sec 7 4. Bear Wallow Peak, T42N, R3W, Sec 28

    5. Mount of the Cross, T40N, R2W, Sec 30 5. English Peak Lookout, T41N, R4W, Sec. 17

    6. Youngs Peak, T9N, R7E, Sec 23 6. Tom Payne Peak, T11N, R7E, Sec 3

    SMALLER SIX-POINTED STAR WITHIN THE ABOVE, using the same indent points

    Outer points1. Bald Mountain, T12N, R5E, Sec 35

    2. Ukonom Mountain, T14N, R6E, Sec 22

    3. Huckleberry Mountain, T44N, R5W, Sec 64. Boulder Peak R3W, T43N, Sec 15

    5. Yellow Dog Peak, T41N, R3W, Sec 24

    6. FORKS of Salmon River, T10N, R7E, Sec 13


    Draw a line from each mountain to the next:

    1. English Peak2. Black Marble Mountain

    3. Tickner

    4. Irving Mountain5. Tom Payne Peak


    Triangle one: Tickner, Bear Wallow Peak, Tom Payne Peak

    Triangle two: Irving Mountain, Black Marble Mountain, English Peak

    The center of the two above triangles, and the very center of the series of six-pointed stars, is betweenthe mouths of Big Medicine Creek and Little Medicine Creek.

    Medicine Mountain is found at T13N, R7E, sec 25. Find Big Medicine Creek at R12, T13 and LittleMedicine Creek at Sec 30 & 29.

    Triangle: Tickner to English Peak Lookout

    Tom Payne to Black Marble MountainIrving to Bear Wallow--drawing these lines creates a triangle in Sec 19 R5W, T42N

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    Big Medicine Creek and Little Medicine Creek are the two blue lines in the center of the "Stars". Wecamped near the mouth of the southernmost one the second night.