StarBuilder Product Brochure - Construction Project ... integrated job costing and accounting system...

StarBuilder, a part of the AEC family of products from Geac, is a completely integrated construction accounting system designed to grow your company. In today’s fast paced environment, you have to respond quickly to rising costs, activity at the job site or changes in the marketplace. StarBuilder gives you accurate information that you need to manage your business more efficiently. business for software architects engineers contractors

Transcript of StarBuilder Product Brochure - Construction Project ... integrated job costing and accounting system...

Page 1: StarBuilder Product Brochure - Construction Project ... integrated job costing and accounting system Easily handle the demands of a construction payroll Utilize comprehensive job reporting

���������, a part of the AEC family of products from Geac,

is a completely ������� construction accounting system

designed to grow your company. In today’s fast paced environment,

you have to � ����������� to rising costs, activity at the job

site or changes in the marketplace. StarBuilder gives you accurate

information that you need to ����� your business

more efficiently.

b u s i n e s s


s o f t w a r e architectsengineerscontractors

Page 2: StarBuilder Product Brochure - Construction Project ... integrated job costing and accounting system Easily handle the demands of a construction payroll Utilize comprehensive job reporting

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If you currently use Windows®-based products, StarBuilder will be easy

to learn and implement. Designed using the latest available technology,

StarBuilder allows you to control every aspect of each job and efficiently

manage your business. Since your valuable company information is

maintained in an industry-standard database structure, it is easy to access

and satisfy the specialized needs of your company. Take advantage of

true client/server technology by using Microsoft SQL Server to ensure you

never outgrow StarBuilder.

StarBuilder is a complete job cost and financial control system

designed for the construction industry. It provides all the information you

need about your contracts, labor and material costs, subcontractors’

performance and cash position. Plus, it offers you greater flexibility in how

you use that information. There are more than 150 reports available

throughout the system that can be viewed on-screen or printed.

Executive inquiries let you examine your jobs and company costs in

summary or detail. Quickly “step-down” a level to see the actual items

that made up each cost. StarBuilder keeps a complete history of every

transaction for every job, for the life of the job. You will always know what

was behind a decision or a result.

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StarBuilder can be accessed by project managers, estimators, accounting

personnel and owners to obtain information for effective decision making.

As your business grows, so does StarBuilder; computers can be networked

to access your business information, which is stored in one location.

Assigning people rights to add, modify, delete and view information

associated with their job description controls access to valuable

information. Additionally, job-level security is available to limit access to

specific jobs by specific people.

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CPAs are tough to please, but StarBuilder is the cost accounting system

that your CPA will like. Sound accounting controls and practices are built

into the entire system to ensure accuracy and integrity of your accounting

records. A complete history of every General Ledger transaction is kept

on the system for easy auditing.

Your valuable company

����������� is maintained

in an ��� ���� �����

database structure - easy to access

������� needs of your


Page 3: StarBuilder Product Brochure - Construction Project ... integrated job costing and accounting system Easily handle the demands of a construction payroll Utilize comprehensive job reporting


Completely integrated job costing and accounting system

Easily handle the demands of a construction payroll

Utilize comprehensive job reporting to efficiently manage your jobs

Tailor and print financial statements to satisfy your business needs

Keep tight control of your cash flow by easily managing your customer

collections and vendor payments


Controlling job costs is the number-one reason most contractors

computerize their business. StarBuilder lets you keep a close eye on

costs and alerts you to potential problems while there is still time to take

action. The Job Cost application is a centralized repository for all job

information processed which is updated from all applications and is

available to help you manage every aspect of each job.

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Flexible cost coding by job, phase, cost code and cost type

Track labor productivity, analyze unit costs and manage

subcontract relationships

Control job cash flow

Control access to sensitive information with job level security

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StarBuilder allows you to track actual job costs and performance against your

estimates at a detailed level. Not only is the information you track useful for

managing the job, but it can be used to fine-tune future estimates.

��������� consists of

many modules, which can be

purchased in virtually

���� �����������.

StarBuilder also integrates with

many other complementary

products to satisfy specialized

business requirements.

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Page 4: StarBuilder Product Brochure - Construction Project ... integrated job costing and accounting system Easily handle the demands of a construction payroll Utilize comprehensive job reporting

Automatically copy the estimates from Geac’s integrated estimating

application or manually enter them to setup the job. Subcontract

performance, unit production and labor productivity calculations let you

manage your job from many different aspects and can also be used to

improve the accuracy of future bid proposals.

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Based upon information you enter, the system automatically calculates

percentage complete, cost to complete and projected cost at completion

for each cost breakdown. These forecasts can be based upon quantities,

hours or dollars you entered in the other applications. To increase

accuracy based upon actual job conditions, field reported percentage

complete and quantities installed can be used to project cost at

completion and ultimately, job profitability.

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Customer billings and cash receipts automatically update the job from

Accounts Receivable, as well as vendor invoices and cash payments from

Accounts Payable. This information is centralized in one place to provide

easy cash flow status on the job. When combined with reports from the

Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable applications, you can

effectively plan and control your cash flow.

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For many builders and contractors, the majority of job costs are paid to

subcontractors and suppliers. StarBuilder’s Accounts Payable module lets

you stay on top of your vendor payables and in control of your cash flow.

You can view cost, cash and contract

status of a job through the Status button

on the Income and Cost Summary tab of

the Job Cost Inquiry application.

Page 5: StarBuilder Product Brochure - Construction Project ... integrated job costing and accounting system Easily handle the demands of a construction payroll Utilize comprehensive job reporting

Schedule vendor payments by job if you

want to �������� only when you

have received payment from the customer

or ����������� by due

date or discount date to take advantage of

all vendor-offered discounts.

������ �������

Monitor certificate of insurance expirations

Control cash disbursements by selective payment of invoices by job,

due date, discount date, vendor or selecting specific invoices

Automatically withhold retainage and control its release

Maintain complete invoice history including all payments for each invoice

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Schedule vendor payments by job if you want to pay vendors only when

you have received payment from the customer. Alternatively, schedule

payments by due date or discount date to take advantage of all vendor-

offered discounts. You can even select to release payment by vendor or a

specific invoice. Choose to place the invoice on “Hold” to avoid accidental

payment of a disputed invoice. To maintain total control over the release

of retention, you must specifically select its full or partial release. (Not

automated by the system!)

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StarBuilder will automatically warn you, at invoice entry, if the vendors’

certificate of insurance or general liability insurance certificates have

expired. If you elect to cover them under your insurance policy, you can

also withhold a portion of their invoice for the premium. At calendar year-

end, fulfill federal tax requirements by reporting 1099 information for all

qualifying vendors.

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The management of receivables can have a significant impact on cash

flow and net profit. Comprehensive payment processing features and

extensive reporting options help you manage your collection efforts.

Complete customer history is also available to speed the collection


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Track contract retention, their billings and their payment

Generate invoices using a “free form” method of invoice entry

and printing

Utilize the Aged Trial Balance to speed collections

Send customers monthly statements

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An invoice to the customer can be quickly generated using the “free form”

billing method. Include information specific to individual customers on the

invoice. Specialized invoice billing methods are also available to satisfy

individual customer requirements.

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Aged Receivables by Job and Retainage reports keep you on top of all

your open receivables. You define the overdue aging periods on the Aged

Receivables report to complement your current collections program. Track

each invoice and each payment separately so you have all the detail

necessary to answer customer inquiries. The Retainage report allows you

to focus on retention amounts that have been invoiced and are awaiting

collection. Quickly see the status of all contract-related retention.

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Even though labor cost is the one variable that you have the most control

over, it can easily get out of control. StarBuilder gives you all the

information you need to stay on top of your labor costs.

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Support multi-state, multi-rate, multi-union and multi-job payrolls

Automatically handle workers’ compensation, general liability,

union benefits and deductions

Support 401k and Section 125 plans

Handle prevailing wage rate calculation and certified payroll reporting

With StarBuilder Accounts

Receivable, you can easily �����

contract �������, billings,

and payments as well as generate

invoices using a “free form” method

of invoice entry and printing.

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Page 7: StarBuilder Product Brochure - Construction Project ... integrated job costing and accounting system Easily handle the demands of a construction payroll Utilize comprehensive job reporting

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Time cards can be entered based upon how you do business: by job or

by employee. Based on system setup, the correct pay rates, union codes,

tax jurisdictions, worker’s compensation and general liability codes are

automatically used. To ensure accuracy, StarBuilder automatically keeps

your withholding tax tables updated, when the system performs all the

calculations for you. Quickly print certified payroll and minority utilization

reports for submittal to the customer. Easily print checks and perform the

one-step posting process, which automatically updates your jobs and

accounting records.

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Your true cost of labor is more than just employee gross wages.

StarBuilder updates your job reports with all employer burden amounts.

These amounts include: employer tax contributions to unemployment,

Social Security and Medicare, union benefits, company-sponsored

benefits such as 401k plans, worker’s compensation and general liability

insurance. An allocation for overhead can also be added.

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The comprehensive records kept by StarBuilder can help you reduce

workers’ compensation and general liability premiums. Each task

performed and the actual hours worked on each task are tracked by the

system to provide substantiation for lower insurance rates. Just assign

these codes to the job, cost code or employee craft and the system will do

the rest. You’ll never have to settle for averages or a higher classification


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Reports can be printed to satisfy federal, state and local tax jurisdiction

quarterly reporting requirements, or submit this information electronically.

At year-end, print W-2 forms and/or submit the information electronically.

Additionally, reports can be printed for tax jurisdiction regulated benefits/

deductions such as Section 125 or 401k plans.

Page 8: StarBuilder Product Brochure - Construction Project ... integrated job costing and accounting system Easily handle the demands of a construction payroll Utilize comprehensive job reporting

����� the complete

contractual relationship with each

������������ on each job

by tracking all the details of the

original contract including: scope

of work, insurance expirations,

date the contract was signed and,

in detail, its affect on the job

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Complete control can be maintained over your materials, suppliers and

subcontractors by implementing a purchasing system while tracking

all aspects of each subcontract relationship to manage costs and job

progress. Also, signed lien releases can be printed and tracked to

protect yourself against the potential of construction liens.

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Prepare and print purchase orders, subcontracts and change

orders using standard formats included with the system

Monitor purchase order and subcontract status using detailed reports

that track all invoices and payments

Print and track signed lien releases for your vendors

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Multiple-line purchase orders can be printed out with instructions to

confirm the purchase of materials at set prices. Receipts and invoices are

compared with the purchase order to ensure accuracy and the system

warns you if there are differences. When the invoice comes in, reports let

you know what materials have not been delivered so you can take

appropriate action.

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StarBuilder tracks committed costs by cost breakdown for each job-related

purchase order and incorporates these amounts in many job reports to

provide a more accurate view of your actual costs. This helps to manage

your job costs by displaying invoiced, committed balance and total cost


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Complete contractual relationship can be managed with each subcontractor

on each job by tracking all the details of the original contract including: scope

of work, insurance expirations, date the contract was signed and, in detail,

its affect on the job. Extensive reports are available that show you the status

of each subcontract including invoices and payments against them.

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Lien waivers are often the last item to manage on a timely and accurate

basis. Lien waivers are printed when you pay vendors and subcontractors

using formats you setup. You also can track when they have been signed

and returned, so you are protected against unnecessary legal action.

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All related contract information and associated invoice and payment

information can be tracked to effectively manage the customer

relationship. Specialized invoicing methods such as T & M Billing and

Progress Billing are available to satisfy customer-billing requirements.

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Track all customer contract related information

Quickly generate an invoice using the T & M / Cost Plus invoice method

Utilize the Progress Billing invoice method to generate a customer

invoice based upon percent complete or quantity complete

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Automatically generate T & M or Cost Plus invoices for your customer by

using job cost detail you entered through other applications. The system

will automatically calculate all necessary markups, sales taxes and


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If the customer requires progress billings on the job, you can create an

invoice based upon the contract schedule of values and through input of a

percentage complete or quantity complete, let the computer calculate the

work complete amounts and automatically generate an industry standard

AIA invoice. Stored materials tracking and retention calculation are also

integral parts of the progress billing method.

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Page 10: StarBuilder Product Brochure - Construction Project ... integrated job costing and accounting system Easily handle the demands of a construction payroll Utilize comprehensive job reporting


If you keep an inventory on trucks or in warehouses, StarBuilder can give

you better control of that investment. You can track inventory in multiple

locations and easily transfer materials back and forth between inventory

locations and job sites.


Include Inventory valuation methods: LIFO, FIFO and Average Cost

Transfer inventory to and from jobs and between locations

Automatically update item unit cost amounts from purchase orders

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Choose the inventory valuation method you want to use. Utilize the

Physical Count Worksheet to periodically conduct a physical count to

keep control of inventory. After adjustments are made, standard reports

print the valuation of each inventory item.

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Minimum reorder points can be tracked for each inventory item. By using

the Purchase Orders module, quantities ordered to replenish inventory

are automatically tracked. The Inventory Reorder report shows you the

quantity on hand, the quantity on order and the quantity needed to restore

inventory levels to their minimum. Additionally, quantities of specific

inventory items can be reserved for a specific job.

Manage the complete customer relationship by

tracking the original contract, each change order and

all invoices and payments against the contract to

provide comprehensive reporting. Contract retention

amounts are also tracked, reflecting amounts billed to

and paid by the customer.

If you keep an �������� on trucks

or in warehouses, StarBuilder can give

you better control of that investment.

The Inventory module was designed to

track inventory in multiple locations

and can � ��� transfer materials

back and forth between inventory

locations and job sites.

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Page 11: StarBuilder Product Brochure - Construction Project ... integrated job costing and accounting system Easily handle the demands of a construction payroll Utilize comprehensive job reporting

#������� �������

It is essential to keep accurate records of maintenance costs, revenues,

location and profitability of each piece of your expensive equipment.

Charge out the use of your equipment to the job and track its usage hours.

By keeping track of equipment use and repair, unexpected downtime can

be prevented, and as a result, jobs can be completed on schedule.

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Maintain serial numbers, purchase information, physical information

and warranty information for each piece of equipment

Collect maintenance and repair information for analysis

Track equipment usage, down time, fuel usage, repairs, labor,

productive time and location for all your equipment

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Track and quickly view the revenues generated and all costs associated

with each piece of equipment. By tracking productive equipment usage

on the job, you can periodically analyze the charge-out rates and adjust

as necessary. The charge-out rate is an important indicator as to whether

it would be cheaper to use your own equipment or rent.

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General Ledger is the collection point for all the accounting information in

your system. Every application posts information to the General Ledger,

and it is here that you can immediately access financial information for

auditing and reporting. Enter and post transactions to any current or

future fiscal period maintained on the system, consolidate accounting

information from several companies into one set of financial statements

and view all accounting detail on-screen or on a printed report.

Charge out the use of your

������������ to the job

and track its usage hours.

By keeping track of equipment use

and repair, unexpected downtime

can be prevented, and as a result,

jobs can be completed

��� ����.

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Create separate accounting for a virtually unlimited number

of companies

Produce departmental financial statements

Design your own financial statements

Maintain multiple years of transaction history

Choose to use a supplied chart of accounts or create your own

Generate recurring journal entries

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Keep separate accounting records for a virtually unlimited number of

companies and consolidate them for financial reporting purposes, if

desired. Each company can be setup with their own fiscal year,

accounting method and chart of accounts.

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A complete financial history for all your companies is maintained. You can

see the detail behind every transaction for as many accounting years as

you maintain on the system. Monthly and yearly closing entries are

automatically made.

Design your own balance sheet,

income statement and attachment

schedules. Create departmentalized

and/or consolidated company financial

statements. Choose to optionally

include budget comparisons and

comparisons with the previous year.

Reports will also include

key financial rations.

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Page 13: StarBuilder Product Brochure - Construction Project ... integrated job costing and accounting system Easily handle the demands of a construction payroll Utilize comprehensive job reporting


StarBuilder provides an application for producing MICR (Magnetic

Ink Character Recognition) checks. All checks printed in the United States

today incorporate a MICR line, the numbers and characters that are

across the bottom of the check. The MICR line then enables banks to read

those routing and account numbers to process checks more efficiently.

Using the MICR check application, StarBuilder users can create

MICR checks simply by using blank check forms and magnetic ink. There

is no longer a need to have preprinted check forms created for each

account. The MICR check application can be used when creating checks

for either Accounts Payable or Payroll. It even allows you to insert a

company logo and an electronic signature to print on the check.

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Payroll Security allows the StarBuilder administrator to set up the system to

prevent unauthorized users from viewing and modifying payroll rates and

amounts in Time Entry and on the Proof & Release reports. By setting the

user’s permissions in the User ID Code application, the administrator

establishes which users gain access to only the payroll rates and amounts

for employees within certain departments.

������ �������

All employees can now enjoy the benefit of having their payroll in the bank

on pay day instead of using their lunch time or your “on the clock time” for

going to the bank. The Direct Deposit system prepares a file that will be

transmitted to the bank so payroll amounts are directly deposited into

checking and/or savings accounts of their choice. The Geac Payroll system

will produce a deposit check stub for the employee’s records. After running

your normal Geac payroll, this system will enable you to produce the

download file on your personal computer for transmittal to your bank. Upon

installing this system, it will allow you to run a test transmittal to verify bank

account numbers before actually transferring funds.

MICR, Payroll Security and Direct

Deposit is a payroll enhancement

������ that’s designed to

easily create MICR checks, secure

your payroll process and prepare

the benefits of direct deposit.

Page 14: StarBuilder Product Brochure - Construction Project ... integrated job costing and accounting system Easily handle the demands of a construction payroll Utilize comprehensive job reporting


Schedules, productivity, quality and ultimately profitability are all affected by

your ability to accurately manage all aspects of the project. Projects are

highly variable processes that are approval regulated, require a lot of paper

handoff and meeting intensive. Use StarProject to efficiently record, store,

organize, report and inquire about virtually every construction related

activity. Integrated with StarBuilder, you can utilize important project related

accounting information to effectively manage all aspects of the project.


Maintain control of all aspects of the project

Standardization and accountability for all project management tasks

Reduce overhead by eliminating duplication of effort

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Field reported production quantities and percentages complete can be

utilized to update unit cost and cost at completion amounts on job reports.

The amounts you enter here immediately update the Job Cost module and

appear on a wide variety of job analysis reports. These amounts are also

utilized to generate customer invoices and subcontractor invoices.

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Create and track RFI, RFP and Change Request documents, as well as

owner and subcontractor contract documents, through the approval

process. Use pre-defined document formats or create your own to satisfy

your business needs.

From the Job Summary screen you can access

current and projected cost and job information.

The categories of information presented are:

job, contract, customer, contact, cost and profit.

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All the vital statistical information for the projec can be viewed on-screen.

Analyze project information in summary or detail. Since all project-related

amounts are retrieved directly from the accounting system, you can make

strategic project decisions using accurate information.


StarViewer is an information system specifically designed for company executives

and provides quick and easy access to all critical accounting related information.

Manage customer receivables, vendor invoices, purchase order and subcontract

commitments, and view project status in summary or detail.

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All project-related information from the accounting system is immediately

available in summary or detail. Analyze committed costs by viewing

outstanding purchase orders and subcontract commitments with all their

related historical information. Track and manage labor productivity by

task. Using field reported production information, also view projections

to complete and profitability.

������� ����� ����

Customer receivables and vendor payables information are all available on-

screen and in report format to assist you with managing and controlling your

cash flow on a project or company wide basis.

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Geac offers a wide range of complementary products to satisfy the specialized

estimating, service and project management needs of general, specialty,

highway heavy and utility contractors. These products interface and integrate

with StarBuilder to increase employee productivity, streamline information flow

and address the needs of the project at every stage.

������ &�������

Geac’s client services are an important part of your investment in our system.

Geac offers extensive training and support resources to help you and your

employees get the most from our system. Our staff of trainers, consultants,

programmers and support representatives is available to assist with training

Geac offers complementary products

to satisfy the �������

estimating, service and project

management needs of contractors.

These products ������� and

integrate with StarBuilder to increase

employee productivity

Page 16: StarBuilder Product Brochure - Construction Project ... integrated job costing and accounting system Easily handle the demands of a construction payroll Utilize comprehensive job reporting

and implementation, as well as answer any ongoing questions. Hands-on

training, telephone support, on-site services, custom programming, product

updates, newsletters, user groups and conferences all provide our clients

with expert, personalized service. We also have a network of authorized

resellers to assist you with your software needs. Geac’s expertise and

resources allow us to continually support and enhance our products.

You can be confident that you will always have the best construction

solution – now and in the future.

3150 Premier DriveSuite 128Irving, Texas 75063

Phone: 800/851-1115Fax: 972/714-9420