Star Wars RPG Book Errata 2006

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  • 7/31/2019 Star Wars RPG Book Errata 2006


    Revised Core Rulebook

    ErrataUpdated 05-25-2006

    By Gary M. Sarli

  • 7/31/2019 Star Wars RPG Book Errata 2006






    The Star Wars Roleplaying GameRevised Core Rulebookwasfirst published in May 2002, and many of its errors and typoswere corrected in its second printing. Still, some mistakes wentunnoticed, and this document brings both the first and secondprintings of the Revised Core Rulebookup to date for all knownerrata as of May 2006.

    Corrections that apply only to the first printing are noted byred text. Unfortunately, the small print of the second printing

    doesnt identify it as such. So how can you tell if you have thefirst printing or the second printing? Simpleif your Revised CoreRulebookcontains any of the errata highlighted in red, its themore current second printing.

    In either case, be sure to keep these improvements handy soyoull know what information has changed.

    The RevisionsPage 30Under Quarren species traits, add Low-Light Vision: Quarren cansee twice as far as a Human in dim light (such as moonlight orunderwater). They retain the ability to distinguish color and detaiunder these circumstances.

    Page 33Under the Wookiee Rage ability, Expertise should be CombatExpertise. At the end of the ability description, add A Wookieecannot enter a rage while fatigued.

    Page 38Gaining Experience and Levels: Under Ability Score, change thelast sentence in the second paragraph so that it reads If theConstitution score increases, vitality points and wound pointsincrease accordingly.

    Page 46Under the scoundrels Class Skills list, the key ability for GatherInformation should be Cha, not Int.

    Page 51Under the soldiers Bonus Feats list, Expertise should be CombatExpertise, and add Advanced Martial Arts to the list.

    Pages 5253Under the tech specialists Class Skills, change skill points to (6 +Int modifier) at 1st level and (6 + Int modifier) at each additionalevel. Under Tech Specialty, third paragraph in Mastercraftersection, change the first sentence to read, In addition to the costof raw materials, the tech specialist must also pay a number ofexperience points based on the mastercraft bonus being applied:40 XP for a +1 bonus, 160 XP for a +2 bonus, and 360 XP for a+3 bonus.

    Add the following to Class Features:

    Bonus FeatAt 6th, 12th, and 18th level, the tech specialist gets a bonusfeat. This feat must be drawn from the following list, andthe tech specialist must meet any prerequisites:

    Armor Proficiency (heavy), Armor Proficiency (light),Armor Proficiency (medium), Cautious, Dodge, Gearhead,Lightning Reflexes, Low Profile, Sharp-Eyed, Spacer,Starship Dodge, Starship Operation, Steady, Surgery,Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistols), Zero-G Training

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    Page 58Under the Jedi consulars Bonus Feats list, Expertise should beCombat Expertise.

    Pages 59 and 62Replace the Jedi consulars and Jedi guardians Block ability withthe following: This is a modified version of deflect that allows the

    Jedi to deflect a ranged attack without the use of a lightsaber. Ifthe Jedi does not have some sort of protective gear (such as anarmored gauntlet), or an item that can withstand the rangedattack (such as an energy shield or suitably dense material), theJedi must spend a Force Point to use this ability. (Force Pointsspent in this way do not add the usual bonus dice to d20 rollsthat the Jedi makes in the subsequent round.) Block doesnt allowthe Jedi to extend the defense beyond the Jedis position, and allother rules concerning deflect (defense) and deflect (attack)apply. If character gains deflect (defense) at a total bonus of +2or more, he immediately acquires the block ability.

    Page 64The entire section titled Starting Feats should be deleted.

    Page 65In Adding a Second Class, the bulleted line Starting feats(select only one of the starting feats) should be deleted.

    Page 65In the section titled How Multiclassing Works, third paragraph,the line She selects one of the soldiers starting feats; receivingall of a classs starting feats is a benefit reserved for beginningcharacters only should be replaced with She gets all of thesoldiers starting feats.

    Page 77Balance skill description: Change Time entry to read: None. ABalance check doesnt require an action; it is made as part ofanother action or as a reaction to a situation.

    Page 79Climb skill description: Change the Time entry to read:

    Climbing is a part of movement, so its generally part of a moveaction (and may be combined with other types of movement in amove action). Each move action that includes any climbingrequires a separate Climb check. Catching yourself when fallingdoesnt take an action.

    Page 85Enhance Ability skill description: Taking 20 on an Enhance Abilitycheck costs 60 vitality points (not 40 vitality points, as indicated).

    Page 85Enhance Senses skill description: Taking 20 on an EnhanceSenses check costs 60 vitality points (not 40 vitality points, asindicated).

    Page 87Force Grip skill description: In the Special section, remove thesentence, Using this skill gives the character a Dark Side Point.Replace it with, Unlike other dark side Force skills, Force Gripdoes not automatically give the character a Dark Side Point.

    Add the following at the end of the Check section:

    Force Choke: In addition to the normal effects of ForceGrip, you have the possibility of dazing your target by usingForce Choke to cut off his airway. If the target fails hissaving throw, he is dazed for 1 round in addition to takingfull damage. This costs 6 vitality points (instead of thenormal 4), but it otherwise functions as a normal Force Grip.

    Page 87Replace the Force Lightning skill description with the following:

    Force Lightning (Int)Dark Side Force Skill; requires the Force-Sensitive and Alterfeats.You can call upon the Force to blast a target with bolts ofenergy.

    Check: First, make a Force Lightning skill check (DC15). If successful, make a ranged attack. If the attack hits,the target suffers 3d8 points of damage and must attempt aFortitude save (DC determined by your check result). On afailed save, the target is dazed for 1 round. If the save failsby 10 or more, the target is instead dazed for 1d4+1 roundsand falls prone.

    Result DC14 or less No effect15-19 1520-29 2030+ 25

    Special: Force Lighting has a range of 10 meters.You can take 10 on this skill but not take 20.Because Force Lightning utilizes an attack roll, the

    attack has a threat range (a roll of 20 on a d20) and can bedeflected as per the Jedi class ability.

    Time: Force Lightning is an Attack Action.Vitality Point Cost: 6.

    Page 88Force Strike skill description: In the Special section, remove thesentence that reads Using this skill against a living target givesthe character a Dark Side Point. Add the following at the end ofthe Check section:

    Force Push: You can physically shove your target inaddition to Force Strikes normal effects. By spending 4vitality points (instead of the normal 2 vitality point cost ofForce Strike), your target is pushed 2 meters directly awayfrom you and knocked prone on a failed Reflex save. Forevery 5 ranks you have in Move Object, the target may bepushed back an additional 2 meters. In addition, the targetgets a +4 bonus to its Reflex save for every size categorygreater than Medium, a 4 penalty to its Reflex save for

    every size category smaller, and a +4 bonus to its Reflexsave if it has more than two legs or is otherwise more stablethan a normal humanoid. In all other respects, Force Pushfunctions the same as a normal use of Force Strike.

    The pushed character moves in a straight line directlyaway from you and takes 1d6 damage (no save) if he hitsan obstacle. The obstacle takes damage as if the pushedcharacter were a hurled object (see Move Object, page 94).If the obstacle is a character, he may make a Reflex save(DC 15 or as listed in Move Object table, whichever ishigher) to take half damage.

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    Page 89Friendship skill description: Under Check, add the followingafter the first full paragraph:

    The result of a Friendship check sets the DC for the targetsWill save.

    Result Will Saving Throw DCUp to 4 55-14 1015-24 1525-34 2035+ 25

    A successful saving throw means that Friendship has noeffect on the target.

    Page 89Gamble skill description: After the table for playing against thehouse, add the following:

    When you play against the house, you take a penalty to

    your Gamble check based on the amount of your wager:

    Wager Penaltyup to 49 None50 to 199 5200 to 999 101,000 to 4,999 155,000 to 19,999 2020,000 or more 25

    When you play a game of pure chance, the Gamble skillnever comes into play at all; simply roll 1d20 and consultthe chart below:

    d20 Result Outcomeup to 15 Lose entire stake

    16 Break even17 Win stake x1.518 Win stake x219 Win stake x520 Win stake x10

    Page 91Heal Another skill description: A result of 2024 on the HealAnother check restores 1d4+1 wound points (not 1d4+12, asindicated).

    Page 92The Hide skill header should be black, not pink (its not a Forceskill). Add the following to the end of the Check section:

    Sniping: If youve already successfully hidden at least4 meters from your target, you can make one ranged attack(your target will lose his Dexterity bonus for being attackedby an unseen foe, but just for this one attack), thenimmediately hide again. You take a 20 penalty on yourHide check to conceal yourself after the shot.

    Change Time entry to read: Usually none. Normally, you makea Hide check as a part of movement, so it doesnt take a separateaction. However, hiding after making an attack (see Sniping,above) is a move action.

    Page 92Illusion skill description: The line that says A successful savingthrow against a Force illusion reveals it to be false, but does notdispel the illusion should be changed to A successful savingthrow against a Force illusion reveals it to be false and dispels theillusion.

    Page 93Jump skill description: The last line should read as follows:

    Time: None. A Jump check is included in your movement, so it isa part of a move action. If you run out of movement mid-jump,your next action (either on this turn or, if necessary, on your nexturn) must be a move action to complete the jump.

    Pages 9495Replace the Move Object skill description with the following:

    Move ObjectForce skill; Requires the Force-Sensitive and Alter featsYou can move objects and living beings using the Force.

    Check: A Move Object check allows you to pick up andmove an object or creature from a distance using the Force.You must be able to see the target object or creature to bemoved, and it must be within 10 meters of your position to

    initially gather it up in the Force.Moving an Object: Lifting or moving an object is a

    simple task; the maximum weight and size of object thatyou can move is determined by your check result, as shownon the table. You may move the object 4 meters, doublingthe distance for every 5 points by which your check exceedsthe roll necessary for an object of that size. For example, ifyou want to move a Medium-sized object and your MoveObject check result is 31, you may move it up to 8 meters.(You may voluntarily lower your check result to reduce thevitality point cost.) You can continue to move the object onsubsequent rounds by continuing to make successful checksand spending vitality points. If you fail a check in anysubsequent round while attempting to move an object, the

    Move Object Checks



    Will SaveDC

    Reflex SaveDC

    Hurled ObjectDamage

    Vitality PointCost

    10-14 5 kg Tiny 10 n/a 1d3 115-19 50 kg Small 15 n/a 1d4 220-24 500 kg Medium 15 n/a 1d6 325-29 5 tons Large 20 20 2d6 430-34 50 tons Huge 20 25 4d6 535-39 500 tons Gargantuan 20 30 8d6 640-44 5,000 tons Colossal 20 35 10d6 7+5 x10 +1 category 20 +5 +2d6 +1

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    object falls to the ground.If two Force-users are contesting control of an object,

    use opposed Move Object checks. The Force-user who rollsthe higher result gains control for that round. If the targetobject is in the possession of another character (i.e., carriedon their person), that character may make a Will saveagainst the listed DC to negate the effect. If you move an

    object and then drop it on another character, resolve usingthe rules for Hurling Objects (below). In the case of aphysical obstruction, such as a ship stuck in the mud orcaught under a fallen tree, the GM applies a penalty to yourMove Object check using these guidelines: 5 for a slightobstruction, 10 for a moderate obstruction, and 15 for asevere obstruction.

    Moving a Character: Using the Move Object skill on acharacter (i.e. living being or droid) allows it a Will savingthrow against the listed DC. If the target fails its save, treatit as an object for purposes of determining distance moved.If the target succeeds, the skill has no effect and you stillexpend the vitality point cost. A target can willingly forgo itssaving throw. A character can move himself with MoveObject, albeit at a 10 penalty to his Move Object check.

    Moving a Vehicle: Using the Move Object skill on avehicle or starship that is being piloted is more difficult thanmoving an inert object. The driver can make an opposedPilot check as a reaction, adding a +4 bonus to his Pilotcheck for every size his vehicle is above Medium. If yourMove Object result beats the opposed check and if yourMove Object check is sufficient for the normal DC of anobject of the vehicles size and weight, you may move thevehicle normally.

    Hurl Object: Move Object can be used to attack bythrowing objects or characters. If your check result is highenough for the objects size or weight (whichever isgreater), you may hurl the object up to 4 meters to strikeanother target. If you exceed this result by 5 or morepoints, the distance you can move the hurled object doubles

    (as above) and it inflicts extra damage because you arehurling it with more energy.

    Hurling an object requires a ranged attack roll to hityour target; treat it as a weapon with a range increment of10 meters, a threat range of 20, and no maximum range(although your check result will set an effective maximum).When hurling an object of up to Medium size, you must beatthe targets Defense as per a normal ranged attack. Whenhurling an object of Large or greater size, treat the hurledobject as a grenadelike weapon (no threat range). Anyonein the square(s) the hurled object lands in can make aReflex save against the listed DC to take half damage. Beingstruck by a Large or greater size hurled object is otherwisetreated as being struck by a falling object, possibly pinningthe target or moving it to an unoccupied square (see page289).

    If using Move Object to lift and drop an object as anattack, both the object and the target take normal fallingdamage instead of the damage listed on the table above;however, you must still make a ranged attack roll to hit yourintended target. Calculate your range penalty based on therange to your target or the distance the object is dropped,whichever is greater.

    If the hurled object is a vehicle or character, the checkis either resisted by a Will save or opposed by a Pilot check,

    as described above. A hurled vehicle or character takes thelisted damage according to the Move Object check result (nosave allowed).

    Time: Moving an unattended object is a move action.Hurling an object, making an opposed Move Object check,or moving an attended object, resisting character, or pilotedvehicle is a full-round action.

    Vitality Point Cost: 1 or more (see above).

    Page 95Move Silently skill description: Change Time entry to read:

    None. A Move Silently check is included in your movement orother activity, so it is part of another action.

    Page 101Tumble skill description: Change Time entry to read: None.Tumbling is a part of movement, so a Tumble check is a part of amove action.

    Page 106Burst of Speed feat description: Change the last sentence toread, Using this feat requires a free action and the expenditure

    of 5 vitality points; you can only activate this feat at thebeginning of your turn, and once activated you may only use theactions Move, Run, Withdraw, or any free action until your nextturn.

    Page 106Combat Reflexes feat description: Under Benefits, change the lastsentence of the first paragraph to read, You still only make oneattack of opportunity per opportunity.

    Page 107Dissipate Energy feat description: The DC for the Fortitude saveshould be 10 + the amount of damage inflicted. If the save issuccessful, you dont take any damage and you gain 1 vitalitypoint for every 2 points of wound damage (note the specification

    of wound damage).

    Page 108Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat: Delete the prerequisite of baseattack bonus +1.

    Page 109Force Speed feat description: Change the last sentence to read,

    Using this feat requires a free action and the expenditure of 8vitality points; you can only activate this feat at the beginning ofyour turn, and once activated you may only use the actionsMove, Run, Withdraw, or any free action until your next turn.

    Page 111Improved Force Mind feat description: Add Force Mind to theprerequisites.

    Page 112Knight Speed feat description: Change the last sentence to read,

    Using this feat requires a free action and the expenditure of 8vitality points; you can only activate this feat at the beginning ofyour turn, and once activated you may only use the actionsMove, Run, Withdraw, or any free action until your next turn.

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    Page 113Master Speed feat description: Change the last sentence to read,

    Using this feat requires a free action and the expenditure of 12vitality points; you can only activate this feat at the beginning ofyour turn, and once activated you may only use the actionsMove, Run, Withdraw, or any free action until your next turn.

    Page 114Rage feat description: At the end of the Benefit section, add Youcannot activate this feat while fatigued.

    Page 114Add the following to the end of the Power Attack feat description:

    Special: If you attack with a two-handed weapon, orwith a one-handed weapon wielded in two hands, insteadadd twice the number subtracted from your attack rolls. Youcant add the bonus from Power Attack to the damage dealtwith a light weapon (except with unarmed strikes or naturalweapon attacks), even though the penalty on attack rollsstill applies. (Normally, you treat a double weapon as a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. If you choose to use a

    double weapon like a two-handed weapon, attacking withonly one end of it in a round, you treat it as a two-handedweapon.)

    Page 115Shot on the Run feat: Under Benefit, delete the last sentence thatreads Moving in this way does not provoke an attack ofopportunity from the defender you are attacking.

    Page 121

    Replace Table 65: Height and Weight for Heroic Characters withthe table below.

    Page 132In Table 72: Weapons, change knife to Weight: 0.5 kg, Size:Tiny. Change Blaster, E-Web repeating to Size: Huge.

    Add the following entry to Melee Weapons:

    Lightsaber, short; Cost: 2,500 credits; Damage: 2d6;Critical: 1920; Range Increment: --; Weight: 0.8 kg; Stun

    Fort DC: --; Type: Energy; Size: Small; Group: Exotic.

    Page 133Replace the Setting Weapons on Stun sidebar with the following:

    Setting Weapons on StunAny weapon that has a stun setting can be set to dealnonlethal damage as a free action; Table 72: Weapons tellswhether or not a specific type of weapon has a stun setting.When a character is hit by a successful attack from aweapon set to stun (or a stun-only weapon such as a stungrenade or stun baton), the character must make aFortitude saving throw (see Table 72: Weapons for DC) todetermine the effect of the attack:

    Fortitude Save Result Effect on CharacterSucceeds by 5 or more NoneSucceeds by 04 Stunned for 1 roundFails by 15 Knocked out for 1d4+1 roundsFails by 6 or more Unconscious for 2d6 rounds

    Stun attacks using a ranged weapon are limited to a rangeof 4 meters; you cant stun a target beyond that range. Aweapon set on stun cannot be used in multifire or autofiremodes and is incapable of scoring a critical hit.

    Table 65: Height and Weight for Heroic CharactersSpecies Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier*Human, male 1.50 m +2d10 2.5cm 55 kg x (2d4) 0.4kgHuman, female 1.35 m +2d10 2.5cm 39 kg x (1d4+1) 0.4kgBothan 1.20 m +2d12 2.5cm 40 kg x (1d6) 0.4kgCerean, male 1.65 m +2d6 2.5cm 58 kg x (2d4) 0.4kgCerean, female 1.50 m +2d6 2.5cm 42 kg x (1d4+1) 0.4kgDuros 1.40 m +2d10 2.5cm 45 kg x (1d4+1) 0.4kgEwok 0.90 m +1d10 2.5cm 35 kg x (1d4) 0.4kgGamorrean 1.50 m +1d20 2.5cm 70 kg x (1d4+3) 0.4kgGungan 1.50 m +3d10 2.5cm 48 kg x (1d4) 0.4kgIthorian 1.70 m +2d12 2.5cm 58 kg x (1d6+1) 0.4kgKel Dor 1.50 m +2d10 2.5cm 50 kg x (1d4+1) 0.4kgMon Calamari 1.50 m +2d6 2.5cm 42 kg x (1d2+2) 0.4kgQuarren 1.45 m +1d20 2.5cm 42 kg x (1d2+2) 0.4kg

    Rodian 1.45 m +2d6 2.5cm 40 kg x (1d4+2) 0.4kgSullustan 1.25 m +2d10 2.5cm 42 kg x (1d4) 0.4kgTrandoshan 1.65 m +2d10 2.5cm 60 kg x (1d4+4) 0.4kgTwi'lek, male 1.65 m +2d12 2.5cm 60 kg x (1d2+1) 0.4kgTwi'lek, female 1.35 m +2d12 2.5cm 40 kg x (1d4) 0.4kgWookiee, male 1.95 m +2d6 2.5cm 70 kg x (2d4+1) 0.4kgWookiee, female 1.80 m +2d6 2.5cm 57 kg x (2d4+1) 0.4kgZabrak 1.65 m +2d10 2.5cm 50 kg x (2d4+1) 0.4kg* To calculate weight, multiply the dice result from the height modifier by the dice result from the weight modifier, then multiply by 0.4 kgand add the result to the base weight. For example, if a Human male rolled 10 on 2d10 for the height modifier (1.75 cm) and then rolled 6on 2d4 for the weight modifier, he would have a weight of 55 + (10 6 0.4) kg, or 79 kg.

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    Page 133In the Lightsabers and Damage Reduction sidebar, insert theword personal in front of the word armor in the first line, sothat it says: Lightsabers ignore the damage reduction of anobject and the damage reduction of personal armor when dealingdamage.

    Page 133Lightsaber description: Add the following to the end of the lastparagraph: Activating a lightsaber is a free action that does notprovoke an attack of opportunity; however, a lightsaber may notbe activated or deactivated between the attacks of a full attackaction.

    Page 134Double-bladed lightsaber description: At the end of the firstparagraph, add, A double-bladed lightsaber with one bladeignited is Medium-size and can be wielded without penalty if youhave the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber) feat. A double-bladed lightsaber with both blades ignited is Large and can bewielded without penalty if you have the Exotic WeaponProficiency (double-bladed lightsaber) feat. A double-bladed

    lightsaber always requires two hands to use, even with one bladeignited.

    Page 134Insert the following entry:

    Lightsaber, ShortPreferred by some Small-sized Jedi, a short lightsaberfollows all the rules of a standard lightsaber except as notedin Table 72: Weapons. It can be wielded without penalty ifyou have the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber) feat.

    Page 134Add the following to the end of the first paragraph of the BlasterCarbine entry: Some blaster carbines, such as the E-5 used by

    B1 battle droids, have a retractable stock. When collapsed, theblaster carbine is treated as if it were in the blaster pistols group(allowing it to be wielded in one hand) and its range increment iscut in half. Extending or collapsing a retractable stock is a moveaction.

    Page 135Replace the Blaster, E-Web Repeating entry with the following:

    Blaster, E-Web RepeatingThe E-Web repeating blaster provides good fire support forinfantry, but requires a two-man crew to operate effectively.E-Web blasters are strictly regulated for military use. Ateam of stormtroopers on Hoth used an E-Web in TheEmpire Strikes Back.

    The E-Web repeating blaster only operates in multifireor autofire mode. When mounted on a tripod, it is treatedone size smaller for purposes of being wielded (allowing aMedium-size character to operate it with two hands). If theweapon has a second crew member spending a full-roundaction to regulate power, the firer can use a special firecontrol system: Divide range by two before calculatingrange penalties for Spot checks and attack (although themaximum range does not change), low-light vision,darkvision. The firer must give up his Dex bonus to Defense

    in order to use this fire control system. If the weapon doesnot have a second crew member, the fire control systemdoes not function and the weapon can overheat easily: Onevery round of autofire after the first, roll 1d20 and add +1per round of continuous fire, and on a roll of 10 or higherthe weapon overheats and becomes inoperable for 1d6rounds.

    An E-Web repeating blaster requires a power generatorto operate. The power generator provides nearly unlimitedfirepower, but even with a second crew member it must beallowed to cool down for 1d4 rounds after 500 shots or so.

    Page 134Add the following to end of the first paragraph of the Blaster Rifleentry: Some blaster carbines, such as the E-11 used bystormtroopers, have a retractable stock. When collapsed, theblaster rifle is treated as if it were in the blaster pistols group(allowing it to be wielded in one hand) and its range increment iscut in half. Extending or collapsing a retractable stock is a moveaction.

    Page 137

    Under slugthrower description, add A clip of 10 slugs costs 5credits and weighs 0.1 kg.

    Page 156Attacking with Two Weapons: Delete the last sentence thatbegins, Note that you can use two blasters . . . Replace it withthe following: If you use multifire or autofire (page 165) withmore than one weapon, the multifire or autofire penalties stackfor all attacks you make that round. (The Multishot feat reducesthe penalty for each weapon separately.)

    Page 165Under Autofire, add the following:

    Autofire generates a lot of recoil, making the weapon very

    hard to control if not braced. When using autofire, increasethe autofire penalty by 2 if the weapon is not wielded intwo hands (unless the weapon is at least two sizes smallerthan the wielders size) and an additional 2 if the weapon isnot in the blaster rifles group or mounted on a tripod (orequivalent support). These penalties are cumulative, so ifboth conditions are true, the base autofire penalty would be10.

    Furthermore, multifire/autofire-only weapons (such asrepeating blasters) apply these penalties when usingmultifire as well as autofire. For example, using a heavyrepeating blaster without a tripod increases the multifire andautofire penalties to 6 and 8, respectively.

    Page 165Under Grenadelike Weapon Attacks, second paragraph: Changethe second sentence to begin, The square has an effectiveDefense of 5 . . .

    Page 165Under Multifire, add the following:

    Multifire generates a lot of recoil, making the weapon veryhard to control if not braced. When using multifire, increasethe multifire penalty by 2 if the weapon is not wielded in

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    two hands. (Ignore this penalty for weapons at least twosizes smaller than the wielder.)

    Page 169In the Disarm description, replace the first sentence with thefollowing: As a melee attack, you may attempt to disarm anopponent. If youre attempting to disarm a melee weapon, follow

    the steps below. You provoke an attack of opportunity from thetarget you are trying to disarm. If the defenders attack ofopportunity deals any damage, your disarm attempt fails.

    Replace the second paragraph with the following: If theitem you are attempting to disarm isnt a melee weapon (forinstance, a blaster or a comlink), the defender may still opposeyou with an attack roll as described above, but he takes a 4penalty and cant attempt to disarm you in return if your attemptfails.

    Page 187In the Vehicle Combat Actions sidebar, add the following at theend of Move Actions: If the pilot performs a move action otherthan piloting the vehicle (such as drawing a weapon), the vehiclecontinues along its last vector at its last declared speed.

    Add the following at the end of Attack Actions: If the pilotperforms an attack action, the vehicle continues along its lastvector at its last declared speed.

    Change the first sentence of the second paragraph of Full-Round Actions to read: If the pilot performs a full-round actionother than all-out movement, the vehicle continues along its lastvector at twice its last declared speed.

    Page 188Replace Table 103: Vehicle Speeds with the table below.

    Page 190Ion Weapons section: At the end of the paragraph, add Vehiclesare immune to ion damage from any personal weapons otherthan a heavy weapon. Similarly, starships are immune to ion

    damage from vehicle weapons that are not heavy weapons.

    Page 191Replace Vehicle Speed section with the following:

    Speed CategoriesAt the beginning of her move action, a pilot must declareher vehicles speed. The pilot can choose for her vehicle tobe stationary or to move at cautious, cruising, high, or topspeed. The pilot can choose to go one category faster orslower than the vehicles final speed in the last round. Thepilot does not need to specify at the beginning of her moveaction the exact number of squares her vehicle is moving,only the vehicles speed category. The pilot can then moveas many or as few squares as that speed category allows,up to the maximum speed for that vehicle. (As a full-round

    action, the pilot can use all-out movement to move up tofour times the vehicles speed, but the pilot cannot performany simple maneuvers or stunts when doing so.)

    Table 103: Vehicle Speeds shows how many squaresa vehicle can move (as a move action) based on its speedcategory. The vehicles speed category modifies its Defense,the crews attack rolls and skill checks, and how far the

    vehicle moves if the pilot loses control (see Failed Stunts,below). A vehicle can change speed only at the beginning ofa pilots turn.

    At the beginning of a combat, the GM must decide howquickly GM-controlled vehicles are moving. The default isthe maximum speed of the slowest vehicle in the group(assuming they are in a group).

    Page 19245-Degree Turn description: Change the second sentence toread, Before a vehicle can turn, it must move forward aminimum of 1 square at cautious speed, 2 squares at cruisingspeed, 4 squares at high speed, and 8 squares at top speed; astationary vehicle can perform a 45-degree turn as a move actionwithout expending 1 square of movement.

    Page 192Add the following to the Stunts section:

    DashBefore finishing movement, a pilot can attempt to increasehis speed one category (from Cruising to High speed, forinstance) from his declared speed with a successful Pilotcheck (DC 15).

    Hard BrakeBefore finishing movement, a pilot can attempt to lower hisspeed one category (from Top to High speed, for instance)from his declared speed with a successful Pilot check (DC15). The new speed category cannot provide fewer

    movement points than the ship has already spent thisaction.

    Page 193Ramming and Collisions sidebar, Table 106: Collision Damageby Speed: In Highest Speed column, replace current entries withCautious speed (d4), Cruising speed (d8), High speed (d10), andTop speed (d12).

    Add the following to the end of the last paragraph of thesidebar: If one of the targets involved in the collision is acharacter or creature with vitality points, some special rulesapply. First, apply the collision damage to the characters vitalitypoints. If there is any damage remaining after exhausting thecharacters vitality, the rest is applied to the characters woundsand the vehicles hull points (or shields, if applicable), subtractingdamage reduction normally. Next, if the vehicle would physically

    Table 103: Vehicle SpeedsSpeed Category Squares per Action* Meters per Action* Defense Modifier Roll/Check ModifierStationary 0 0 +0 +0**Cautious speed 120 240 +0 +0Cruising speed 2150 41100 +1 1High speed 51150 101300 +2 2Top speed 151+ 301+ +4 4* If using all-out movement (a full-round action), calculate modifiers based on half the total speed for the round.** The pilot of a stationary vehicle cannot make Pilot checks to perform stunts.

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    fill the characters entire square, you should handle it as perfalling objects (page 289) move the character to the nearestunoccupied square. Note, however, that many vehicles wontrequire this sort of reaction movement at all. For example, acharacter can evade repulsorlift vehicles simply by crouching orlaying prone (as Qui-Gon and Jar Jar did when overrun by an MTTon Naboo), and a character can safely occupy the same space as

    a walker by standing between its legs.

    Page 197AT-ST stat block: Change Speed to 38 m, and change Hull Pointsto 120.

    Page 197AT-AT stat block: Change Speed to 26 m, and change Hull Pointsto 360.

    Page 197AT-TE stat block: Change Speed to 26 m, and change Hull Pointsto 320.

    Page 198

    SoroSuub X-34 Landspeeder stat block: Change Speed to 140 m,and change Hull Points to 32.

    Page 199Flash Speeder stat block: Change Speed to 84 m, and changeHull Points to 36.

    Page 200Chariot command speeder stat block: Change Speed to 42 m,and change Hull Points to 80.

    Page 200Ikas-Ando 22-B Nightfalcon stat block: Change Speed to 170 m,and change Hull Points to 32.

    Page 201Ubrikkian luxury sail barge stat block: Change Speed to 42 m,change Max Velocity to 100 km/h, and change Hull Points to 120.

    Page 201Ubrikkian SuperHaul Model II skiff stat block: Change Speed to84 m, and change Hull Points to 40.

    Page 201Armored Assault Tank description: At the end of the firstparagraph, add However, its electrical systems are almostcompletely unshielded, making it particularly vulnerable to iondamage (such as from a Gungan energy catapult). If an AATtakes 21 or more points of ion damage in a single hit, it isimmediately shut down (treat as catastrophic ionization, RepairDC 30).

    Page 201Replace AAT-1 stat block with the following:

    Baktoid Armor Workshop AAT-1Class: Speeder [Ground] Crew: 4 (Normal +2)Size: Gargantuan (9.75

    m long)Initiative: 2 (4 size, +2


    Passengers: 6(handholds) Maneuver: 2 (4 size, +2crew)Cargo Capacity: 500 kg Defense: 16* (4 size,

    +10 armor)Speed: 22 m Shield Points: 0Max Velocity: 55 km/h Hull Points: 240 (DR 15)Cost: Not available for sale* Provides full cover to crew, no cover to passengers

    Weapon: Heavy laser cannon; Fire Arc: Turret;Attack Bonus: +2 (4 size, +0 crew, +6 fire control);Damage: 5d10; Range Increment: 300 m.

    Weapon: Repeating laser cannons (2 fire-linked);Fire Arc: Front; Attack Bonus: +0 (4 size, +0 crew,+4 fire control) or 2/2 (multifire) or 4/4/4(autofire); Damage: 3d10; Range Increment: 100 m.

    Weapon: Light blaster cannon (2 fire-linked); FireArc: Front; Attack Bonus: +0 (4 size, +0 crew, +4fire control); Damage: 2d10; Range Increment: 40 m.

    Weapon: Shell launchers (6); Fire Arc: Front;Attack Bonus: 4 (4 size, +0 crew, +0 fire control);Damage: 6d6+3; Range Increment: 30 m (6-meterburst radius).

    Page 201MTT stat block: Change Speed to 14 m, change Hull Points to240, and change Blaster cannon damage to 5d10.

    Page 206In Table 113: Hyperspace Travel Time, divide base travel timesby three.

    Page 210In the Sensors section, delete the maximum ranges from eachsensor mode.

    Page 210On Table 115: Starship Sensor Detection, replace the TargetRange table with the following:

    Target Range Distance in Squares DC ModifierPoint blank 010 2Short 1120 +0Medium 2140 +2Long 4180 +4Extreme* 81160* +6*

    * Beyond extreme range, add +2 to the DC modifier for eachdoubling of range.

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    Page 211In the Starship Combat Actions sidebar, add the following at theend of Move Actions: If the pilot performs a move action otherthan piloting the ship (such as angling the shields), the starshipcontinues along its last vector at its last declared speed.

    Add the following at the end of Attack Actions: If the pilotperforms an attack action, the starship continues along its last

    vector at its last declared speed.Change the first sentence of the second paragraph of Full-Round Actions to read: If the pilot performs a full-round action,the starship continues along its last vector at twice its lastdeclared speed.

    Page 214Under Range, replace Table 118: Starship Range Modifiers withthe following:

    Range to Target Range Modifier to Attack Roll*Point blank (010 squares) +0Short (1120 squares) 2Medium (2140 squares) 4Long (4180 squares) 6

    * Ships separated by more than 80 squares cant fire at oneanother.

    Remove the Point Blank Range subsection, and add the followingsubsection:

    Atmospheric RangeStarship weapons in atmosphere have a range incrementbased on their maximum range in space, as shown in thetable below.

    Maximum Range(in Space)

    Range Increment(in Atmosphere)

    Point blank 50 metersShort 250 metersMedium 500 metersLong 1,000 meters

    When acquiring a missile lock (see below), missileshave a range increment of 1,000 meters for purposes ofrange penalties. Missile weapons in atmosphere have aspeed of 26 squares per move (1,560 km/h). Because of thepresence of atmosphere, missile weapons also have a burstradius: 50 meters for assault concussion missiles, and 20meters for all other concussion missiles, proton torpedoes,and energy torpedoes.

    Page 214Replace the Firing into a Dogfight section with the following:

    DogfightsWhen two ships are in dogfight range (01 squares apart),some special rules apply:

    Capital ships: Capital ships have difficulty bringingtheir weapons to bear on small targets within dogfightrange. They can target no more than one-quarter theirweapons at any single Medium-size or Small-size starshipand no more than one-tenth at any single Tiny, Diminutive,or Fine starship. Round fractional values down, to aminimum of one weapon.

    Firing into a Dogfight: In dogfights, one must becareful not to fire upon or damage allies by mistake. Apply a4 penalty to the attack roll when firing at a ship that iswithin dogfight range of an ally. The penalty assumes thatthe attacker is trying to avoid hitting the nearby allied ship.

    Page 214

    In the Firing into a Dogfight section, change references to pointblank range with dogfight range.

    Page 214In the Point-Defense Weapons section, first paragraph: Changelast sentence to read, Point-defense guns cannot target a ship atgreater than point blank range (more than 10 squares away).

    Page 214Replace the Firing a Missile Weapon section with the following:

    Establishing and Breaking a Missile LockA pilot or gunner can attempt to establish a missile lockagainst any target up to long range (see Table 118:Starship Range Modifiers for penalties based on the firing

    ships range to target). To establish a missile lock, theattacker makes an attack roll as an attack action (themissile is not fired as part of this action). The charactertrying for a missile lock gains a +2 synergy bonus to this rolif he has 5 or more ranks of Computer Use. If the attack rolsucceeds, a missile lock is established, giving the attacker areadied action to fire the missile at any point later in thecombat.

    The missile lock remains established until the missileweapon is fired (unless the target ship moves a rangecategory farther away or leaves the missile launchers firearc). The pilot or gunner can execute his readied action tofire the missile at any time.

    A missile always moves 15 squares each action andcannot adjust its velocity for any reason. It takes the most

    direct route to its target and stops only when it hits itstarget, runs out of fuel (see below), or explodes. A missileacts on the same initiative count as when it was launchedand begins acting as soon as it is fired. A missile follows thesame movement rules as starships, except that it cannotperform any stunt except Avoid Hazard.

    Page 215Avoiding Missile Attacks, first paragraph: Change the secondsentence to read, All missile weapons have a Defense of 22 (thisincludes modifiers for size and speed) and 10 hull points, with noshields or damage reduction.

    Page 218In Speed Categories, first paragraph: After the second sentence,add The pilot can choose to go one category faster or slowerthan the starships final speed in the last round. At the end ofthe last sentence, add up to the maximum speed for thatstarship.

    Under Cruising Speed, change the second sentence so itreads, This is the maximum speed for starships and spacestations larger than Colossal size, such as Darth Vaders SuperStar Destroyer, Executor.

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    Under Attack Speed, add This is the maximum speed forstarships larger than Small size, such as a Corellian corvette orImperial star destroyer.

    Replace Table 1113: Starship Speeds with the table above.

    Page 21945-Degree Turn description: Change the second sentence toread, Before it can turn, a starship must move forward aminimum of 1 square at docking speed, 2 squares at cruisingspeed, 4 squares at attack speed, and 8 squares at rammingspeed; a stationary starship can perform a 45-degree turn as amove action without expending 1 square of movement. Deletethe last sentence that begins, Turning completely around . . .

    Page 219

    Delete the Loop simple maneuver entry.

    Page 220Add the following to the Stunts section:

    AfterburnBefore finishing movement, a pilot can attempt to increasehis speed one category (from Cruising to Attack speed, forinstance) from his declared speed with a successful Pilotcheck (DC 15).

    Hard BrakeBefore finishing movement, a pilot can attempt to lower hisspeed one category (from Ramming to Attack speed, forinstance) from his declared speed with a successful Pilotcheck (DC 15). The new speed category cannot providefewer movement points than the ship has already spent thisaction.

    Page 223Pursuit stunt description, first paragraph: Change third sentenceto read, A pilot cannot establish pursuit if the target ship hasntmoved since the pilots last turn.

    Page 227X-wing stat block: Change DR to 10, and change Maximum Speedin Space to Ramming (9 squares/action). Replace laser cannonsrange modifiers entry with Maximum Range: Short.

    Page 228Y-wing stat block: Change DR to 10. Replace laser cannons andion cannons range modifiers entry with Maximum Range: Short.

    Page 228TIE Fighter stat block: Change DR to 10. Replace laser cannonsrange modifiers entry with Maximum Range: Short.

    Page 228Z-95 stat block: Change DR to 10. Replace triple blasters rangemodifiers entry with Maximum Range: Short.

    Page 229Droid starfighter stat block: Change Hull Points to 30 (DR 10).Replace laser cannons range modifiers entry with MaximumRange: Short.

    Page 229N-1 starfighter stat block: Change DR to 10. Replace lasercannons range modifiers entry with Maximum Range: Short.

    Page 229Delta-7Aethersprite stat block: Change DR to 10. Replace lasercannons range modifiers entry with Maximum Range: Short.

    Page 230

    YT-1300 stat block: Change DR to 20, change Initiative to +1 (+1size), and change Maximum Speed in Space to Cruising (4squares/action). Replace laser cannon range modifiers entry with

    Maximum Range: Short.

    Page 230Millennium Falcon stat block: Change DR to 20, change Initiativeto +1 (+1 size), and change Maximum Speed in Space to Attack(8 squares/action). Replace quad laser cannon range modifiersentry with Maximum Range: Short. Remove range modifiersentry from blaster cannon (retractable).

    Page 230Firespray-31 stat block: Change DR to 20, change Initiative to +1(+1 size), and change blaster cannons damage to 4d10x2.Replace blaster cannons and tractor beam projector rangemodifiers entry with Maximum Range: Short.

    Page 231Slave Istat block: Change DR to 20, and change Initiative to +1(+1 size). Replace blaster cannons and ion cannon rangemodifiers entry with Maximum Range: Short.

    Page 232Guardian-class light cruiser stat block: Change DR to 20, andchange Initiative to +1 (+1 size). Replace laser cannons rangemodifiers entry with Maximum Range: Short.

    Page 232

    Imperial Star Destroyer stat block: Change DR to 60, changeInitiative to 8 (8 size), change Maximum Speed in Space toAttack (6 squares/action), and change Point laser cannons attackbonus to +14 (+0 size, +2 crew, +8 fire control, +4 battery fire).Replace turbolaser range modifiers entry with Maximum Range:Long. Replace ion cannons range modifiers entry with MaximumRange: Medium. Replace point laser cannons range modifiersentry with Maximum Range: Point Blank.

    Table 1113: Starship SpeedsSpeed Category Squares per Action (Space) Squares per Action (Atmosphere) Defense Modifier Roll/Check ModifierStationary 0 0 +0 +0*Docking 1 1 +0 +0Cruising 24 2 +1 1Attack 58 36 +2 2Ramming 9+ 7+ +4 4

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    Page 233Mon Calamari cruiser stat block: Change DR to 60, and changeInitiative to 8 (8 size). Replace turbolaser range modifiersentry with Maximum Range: Long. Replace ion cannons rangemodifiers entry with Maximum Range: Medium. Replace tractorbeam projectors range modifiers entry with Maximum Range:Short.

    Page 233Nebulon-B frigate stat block: Change DR to 40, and changeInitiative to 2 (2 size). Replace turbolaser range modifiersentry with Maximum Range: Long. Replace laser cannon andtractor beam projectors range modifiers entry with MaximumRange: Short.

    Page 233Corellian corvette stat block: Change DR to 40, and changeInitiative to 1 (1 size). Replace double turbolaser cannon rangemodifiers entry with Maximum Range: Long.

    Page 234Corellian cruiser stat block: Change DR to 40, and change

    Initiative to 1 (1 size). Replace medium turbolaser rangemodifiers entry with Maximum Range: Long.

    Page 234Trade Federation battleship stat block: Change DR to 60, changeInitiative to 8 (8 size), and change Atmospheric Speed to 500km/h (8 squares/action, core ship only). Replace quadlaser rangemodifiers entry with Maximum Range: Long.

    Page 234Republic assault ship stat block: Change DR to 50, changeInitiative to 4 (4 size), and change point laser cannon attackbonus to +7 (+0 size, +2 crew, +2 fire control, +3 battery fire).Replace turbo quadlaser range modifiers entry with MaximumRange: Short. Replace point laser cannons range modifiers entry

    with Maximum Range: Point Blank.

    Page 235Coruscant air taxi stat block: Change Hull Points to 40.

    Page 235T-47 airspeeder stat block: Change Hull Points to 40.

    Page 235Snowspeeder stat block: Change Size to Huge (5.3 meters long),change Atmospheric Speed to 1,100 km/h (18 squares/action),and change Hull Points to 60.

    Page 235Shadow V combat airspeeder stat block: Change Hull Points to80.

    Page 236Koro-2 airspeeder stat block: Change Hull Points to 48.

    Page 236LAAT/I attack gunship stat block: Change Hull Points to 160.

    Page 237STAP stat block: Change Atmospheric Speed to 400 km/h (7squares/action), and change Hull Points to 20.

    Page 237Storm IV cloud car stat block: Change Atmospheric Speed to1,500 km/h (25 squares/action), and change Hull Points to 80.

    Page 268Dark Side Devotee prestige class: Add Intimidate (Cha) to thedark side devotees list of Class Skills.

    Page 270Dark Side Marauder prestige class: Add Advanced Martial Artsand Improved Martial Arts to the bonus feat list.

    Page 272In the elite troopers Weapon Specialization class feature, deletethe last sentence of the paragraph. Weapon Specialization worksat any range.

    Page 274

    Jedi Investigator prestige class: Add Search (Int) to the Jediinvestigators list of Class Skills.

    Page 280Starship Ace: Under Requirements, a starship ace needs 9 ranksof Pilot, not 10 as indicated.

    Under class features, change the first sentence of Familiarityfrom The starship ace gains a bonus on Pilot and Repair checks .. . to The starship ace gains a competence bonus on Pilot andRepair checks . . .

    Page 289Remove the second and third sentences from the first paragraphin the Falling entry so that it reads, A character takes 1d6 pointsof damage for every 4 meters of a fall, to a maximum of 20d6

    points. If the character has no vitality points, the damage isautomatically applied to wound points.

    Page 289Replace the third paragraph under Falling Objects with thefollowing: If the character has no vitality points, the damage isautomatically applied to wound points. A successful Reflex saveallows the character to take half normal damage.

    Add the following to the end of the fourth paragraph: In thecase of Large or greater-size falling objects that would fill theentire square, a character who is not pinned under the fallingobject is physically moved to the nearest unoccupied squareadjacent to the object (determine randomly if multiple squaresare equally close). Any distance moved is counted against thatcharacters movement next round.

    Page 291Table 1226: Acid Damage should be changed as follows:

    Mild acid deals 1d6 points of damage (attack) or 2d6points of damage (total immersion).

    Potent acid deals 2d6 points of damage (attack) or 4d6points of damage (total immersion).

    Concentrated acid deals 3d6 points of damage (attack)or 6d6 points of damage (total immersion).

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    Page 307Chewbacca stat blocks: In beginning of Episode IV stat block,increase Astrogate and Computer Use to +8. In end of Episode VIstat block, increase Astrogate and Computer Use to +10.

    Page 310

    Yoda stat block: Change melee attack to +20/+15/+10/+5*melee (2d6+4d81/1920, short lightsaber), and replacelightsaber with short lightsaber in equipment list.

    Page 336Bantha stat block: Under SQ, add DR 5.

    Page 337Under Gundark special qualities, omit and a +4 species bonus onsaves against the Force skill Fear from the Fearlessnessdescription.

    Page 338Rancor stat block: Under SQ, add DR 5.

    Page 339Reek stat block: Under SQ, add DR 5.

    Page 340Battle Droid description: The second sentence currently reads:

    However, more expensive versions with improved targetingcapabilities can be procured for double and triple the normal price(1,600 credits for the mid-level model and 2,400 credits for thehigh-level model). These prices should be changed to 3,600(mid-level) and 5,400 (high-level), respectively.

    Page 345346Doctor stat blocks:

    For the low-level doctor, add Knowledge (chemistry) +9,Knowledge (genetics) +9, and Skill Emphasis (Profession

    [doctor]); change Profession (doctor) to +12.For the mid-level doctor, add Knowledge (chemistry) +13

    and Knowledge (genetics) +13.For the high-level doctor, add Knowledge (chemistry) +17,

    Knowledge (genetics) +17, Sense Motive +5, and Sharp-Eyed;change Search to +17.

    Page 352Slicer stat blocks:

    For the low-level slicer, add Forgery +5, Knowledge(streetwise) +9, and Skill Emphasis (Repair); change Repair to+14.

    For the mid-level slicer, add Forgery +11, Knowledge(streetwise) +14, and Skill Emphasis (Forgery); remove Fame;change Reputation to +2, Knowledge (technology) to +12, andProfession (computer programmer) to +13.

    For the high-level slicer, add Forgery +13, Knowledge(streetwise) +18, Skill Emphasis (Forgery), and Weapon GroupProficiency (blaster pistols); remove Fame; change Reputation to+3, Computer Use to +26, Disable Device to +23, Knowledge(technology) to +18, Profession (computer programmer) to +17,Repair to +20, and Search to +21.

    Page 354Stormtrooper stat blocks:

    A low-level stormtrooper should have Defense 12 (+2class).

    A mid-level stormtrooper should have Defense 14 (+3 class,+1 Dex).

    Page 357Yuuzhan Vong Equipment sidebar: Under the razorbugdescription, references to the Deflect Blasters feat should bereplaced with deflect special ability.

    Page 362Under Droid Limitations, add Force Grip to the list of Alter skillsthat affect droids.

    Page 366Under Droid Repair: The last sentence of the Shutdowndescription currently reads as follows: Shutting down anunwilling droidan opponent in combat, for exampleis notpossible. Replace this sentence with the following: Shuttingdown an unwilling droidan opponent in combat, for example

    first requires a successful unarmed attack roll, then a successfulRepair check (DC 10). This can only be attempted against a droidwith no vitality points or shields, or if your attack roll is a cr iticalhit. (You do not inflict damage in any event.)

    Page 369In Table 156: Droid Accessories, change the DR for shieldgenerators to DR 5 (5,000 credits), DR 10 (10,000 credits), andDR 15 (15,000 credits).

    Page 370Shield Generator description: Change the DR listed to 5, 10, and15, respectively. Add the following text to the end of the entry:

    Shield generators require massive amounts of power to operate,but they can be maintained for a number of rounds equal to the

    droids Constitution score without any trouble. To maintain themfor another round, the droid must make a Constitution check (DC10). The droid must check again each round it continues tooperate its shields, and the DC of this check increases by 1 foreach previous check the droid has made. When the droid fails thischeck, or when the droid drops its shields any time afteroperating them for a number of rounds greater than itsConstitution score, the droids shields overheat and cannot bereactivated for 1 minute (10 rounds). Raising or dropping shieldsis a free action, but you cannot raise and drop shields in thesame round.

    Page 373Baktoid Combat Automata B2 Series stat block: Change rangedattack to +2 ranged (3d8/1920, double blaster rifle) or 2/2ranged (3d8/1920, double blaster rifle with multifire) or 4/4/4 ranged (3d8/1920, double blaster rifle with autofire). UnderEquipment, remove blaster rifle and replace it with double blasterrifle and stabilized weapon mount.

    Page 373Droideka Series description: At the end of the second paragraph,add A droideka cannot operate its shields or make any attackactions when in wheel mode. Switching between wheel mode andwalking mode is a move action.

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    Page 373In Destroyer Droids & Autofire sidebar, replace the table with thefollowing:



    Rapid Shot +9/+9/+9/+4/1 plus autofire +7/+7/+7/+7/+2/3 plus second blaster

    (multifire)+1/+1/+1/+1/4/9 +1/+1

    plus second blaster(autofire)

    1/1/1/1/6/11 1/1/1

    Page 374Droideka Series stat block: Change Spd (wheel mode) to 24 m,VP/WP to 0/18, and ranged attack to +11/+11/+6/+1 ranged(4d8/1920, heavy repeating blaster, multifire). UnderEquipment, change shields to DR 15, replace remote processorwith remote receiver, and add stabilized weapon mount (2).Under Skills, change Listen to +2, change Spot to +2, and addSpeak Binary. Under feats, replace Weapon Group Proficiency(blaster pistols) with Toughness.

    About the AuthorGary M. Sarli is a freelance writer and editor whose creditsinclude Ultimate Adversaries (Star Wars Roleplaying Game),Heroes of Battle, City of Splendors: Waterdeep, and Power ofFaern (Dungeons & Dragons). He also moderates on theWizards.COMmunity message boards as WizO the Hutt, cheerfullyfeeding Code of Conduct violators to the Sarlacc. Gary still worksas a staff member for SWRPGNetwork, three-time ENnie Awardwinner in the Best Fan Website category and host of the StarWars RPG Frequently Asked Questions.