Star Ads Are Genuine. I'll'I II I«v I II They Mean The^...

111 I«v II I'll"'I ¦¦ I II in n 11 I'MII II m. IllII' II'I II .1111 Ijin HJ.I II. I"1..1 Star "Want" Ads" Are Genuine. They Mean What The^ Say STAR BRANCH OFFICES, If not convenient to call at The Ftnr office, 11th street and Pennsyl¬ vania avenue, leave your advertise* ment at any of the following lira rich Office®: N0RTJTWTE8T BRANCHES: CJfnfnrr'« Hni| Store. 14th sod tt at*. Epf»Iey'« Drug Store, 14th and Welllnir pL PortumiTi [>r3( Sttrv, 14th and B. I. are. Lupton's Druff Store. Vermont are. and S St. Klng'a I»ru* Rtore. 15th and I st». law's News Stand, 1705 Pa. are. IIf»rbat'9 Drag Stor*. 25th and Pa. are. Crlswell's Drag Store, 7th and T sts. Postal Telegraph Office, 112« Coon. are. P'^stftl Telegraph Office. 012 Penna. are. PoVal Telegraph Office. At* and B sts. Postal Te'egrupb Office. Penn. B.B. Station, ft Kann A Sons. Information Bureau. Woodward St Lothrop, Information Bnremtt. Interior IN p.. 8th A F at*., Telegraph OfBee. Jenifer hldg.. 7»h A D at*.. Telegraph Office. Commercial Xlnnk bldg.. Telegraph Office. CorriiSfr I*. S. Capitol. Shaffer's Pharmacy, Pth and New York are. Goldcnberg'a Department Store, 012-28 7tb at.. Iturean Information The HutchIns- Ktimer Drug Co.. 17th A Qtie. Butler A Field, Drugglata, 3d A Indiana are. Louis I). Csatell. PharmacJat. 3100 lltb *t- GEORGETOWN: O'DonneU's Orng Store. 32d and M sts. O'Donnell's Drug Store. 32d and O sta. A»lam* Kxpreaa Office. 1222 32d at. Pride's Pharmacy. 2Sth and P sta. NORTHEAST: K*ncaly'a Pharmacy. N. Capitol and I ats. Haley's Pharmacy. 11th and F. Capitol ats. Mflhurn's Pharmacy. 13th nnd II sta. Cutler's Pharmacy. 4th and Stanton place. SOUTHEAST: IJrndlcy's Drug Store, 8th and E ats. O'DonelTs Drug Store. 3d and Pa. are. SOUTHWEST: Sulllvan'a Drug Store. 7th and D sts. E'fveiith Street Wharf. O'Brien A IlalL t'has. S Walter, 901 4^ at. ANACOSTIA: C. G. Lohr, 25 Monroe at. ALEXANDRIA: A. S Doniphan, 727 King at. BRIGHTWOOD, D. C.! V.'m. Thomas, lirlghtwood ave. and Long¬ fellow at. TENLEYTOWN. D. a: Andrew Dur^a. Druggist. WANTED.AGENTS. WANTED HUSTLERS rM VXfQOI FBOPOSl- 11'.»: . stalillah your own buslines; largo Income; ve tak»» ail risk; references and small capital re- qnlird. cliaiiee of life time; only on* man ap- l*»inf» lu each city, *«t you should write Imme¬ diately si I Ml VIA N CO.. 15 Dover at., New York. v\ PUOVB AGKNTB MAKI fSOO moiithl) jelling our newly patented household ajwelalty. WtHM.PKHI.NK (X)., Pittsburg. 1'a. Je#-3t* WANTED.HELP. ii' cm a word /or IS words. MALE. WANTED TWELVE OlEICES AND OVER ?.3u. p.... |.l. nicn<ed In pi mi t if iiigh-grudc uien In l>o- .itl-mri i.av!n« ll.mai J-5,iM»>; write for tKHiklet. HAPG' a His. 111<> 1 Vnu-iy 1 va nia bldfj., l"hlladrl- phla. W A N TKI ." V WHITE BOY. AGED ABOUT 10. Apply IM'YLKR'S. 12tl> and K J.-2 ."It.exS* WANTED BRIGHT Vul'XIi MAX Full HAR'D work <-n MB0in out of city; Wiigps 1 .%>¦ >ral; steady employment; di-iHisit required. Address Box 2*57. Star ..rtl v. WANTED GOOD COLORED MAN TO WORK around liar am: atttumi r Harden. Apply 1000 Ttla at a.w. WANTED MEN. EVERYAVHEiiE. GOOI> FAY. t" distribute circulars. adv niitte-r. tack signs, et in cainasMtn*. .NATIONAL ADV BU¬ REAU. Chicago. wa n tei> bov rii i.i:ar.n tuadis of print- Inc Box 270. Star ottlcc. Je2-*t wavFui agents for the sale op obn- ulne m lianlrs" hand aoap. Box 28. Rust Falls dinrcb. Va. WAVTFIi TWO (21 ELEVATOR MKN" AND TWO |2. VII n colored. Inquire at the OKTICF. Ot THK FORTNER. l.">th and U fts. li.w. Je2 2t \yAMTEI > E\I'EIUE.M"EI> MAN AS PORTER !N drii* atole F. R. IUt'HARI>30n A CO.. 3d and Pa ave. n.w. WANTED A Vol"NO COLORED MAN To AT- ten.l lMrara anil drlre wagon. Apply to 302 IS. Cap. at. WANTED ST ONCE. A GOOD ARCHITKrTTKAL draftaaiau for geueral oillcc work. Address, ^tat. Iiil' .->i» leu.e, salary, etc., JOHN S. .SIBBKRT, t'liinU-ilsiMl. Md. Je2-2t* W 4 VI K11 ( UHTLAU and SA MIM.K DISTRIH- nt*i* .*rciywhere; uo eanvasalng; good t u- OTKKA-nVK ADV ro., N V WANTED \ I>I: XFTS.M A.N- FOB SIjrPl.K f VT- eut Uice Ilr:inli«s; »l.5i) p,-r Address L. 1! Star oltice. W.» N'l KD VOI NG MAN lti 1>I is jT) uTS" kiiirii ii: niacliliie; imist furnish g'n-1 iefereu<<-» Address II D M., »,ar oflJce. WANTED ExT'EKIENCKD BI'.NDLE wltAPPEE" !rj" penimnetit ixwitlou. Apply to S. MAUI, Soperlnteudent, I.atishnrgli * Bro 4>n wanted a boy in grocery store 12211 *th »'¦ - 'v Je2 3f wanted at once a yofng man ap aale<iu. n In large piano house; must of good hf lilts and cliaracfc and willing to work; a root "PI .¦unity for advancement Address uivlnu iig- references, etc. "I'UN'O SALESMAN" _"r :,:n!'r lei 3t w A N'l liAKHR'S IlKl.FEH: SOME EXPErT- en*v In hakery re.|iilred. Bit H h at. s.e. Jel-f.t ¦WANTED SKl.HSMAN TO SELL hoisehold .: .«; ue»Hle«l In every homo. Call at I!»)4 Jenifer Iddg. Jel-3t* WANTED FIRST <1,ASS ONION OAEINICF- inaK- 1: l unholsterers Annly to J{ 11 STREKNS, ?*.*rw»*en H and in i. lock s.m ,it W Ii M --¦« J, Suum' Furniture Factory, llth nd 11 '*'*¦ " " Jel-3t VNTED 2(1 Fl IIST-C1.ASS COAT HANDS. AP ply GEO. T. KEEN. Tailor. 1310 F at. Jel-3t AN AOODCNTANT, THOROI'GHLY ">kkee|:lj g, for one week. hT*>N !. LhIGH «'«n KT PHI g STORE. Jel 2t« ^^i!' POUTER. APPLY WOOD'S DRFQ 1. _|_Ll' wonrielgb Court. Jel-2t* AN n-.l> IN LAW OFFICE, BOY ABOl'T 20 y'n h ,vlrh f,referred; salary. per . ^eek ti. start, lim 2tu>. .Star office. jeJ at* WV«^TKm n!y-:yKU MKS TO HANG AWN- In** M (. COPKLAND COMPANY. 409 llth ¦ "1 my31-3t* WANTED A YOFNG MAN WITH .SOMH EXPfci- rien In wnll paper store. VJdresa own hand- ro 3l"f; 0|,X,IUiK PL1TT. ;i2T 7;k St. » w. WAN I ED M AN AS COACHMAN AND WORK ON r"? wtf' <i" *'l"'dry, refirenoe re- niy.MJt* "'¦ lorwr nnJ Elu. area. \VavTED MEN AND BOVB tJUBN PUIMMMl i'llhlnr iSli kU;rl"ff; lal uffer. life schoi- -«»/ paju,eia., p-jsltlou snd union K, .iW. J'V "'"'"irue. COYNE BROS." «'>¦» 300^ iork. Chicago, St. U.uls. WANTED JEWELRY SALESMAN*.ONLY Ul~8- !' r, *lTla* '"'"id «nd ahle to .i.rtd t.«»l ti ade. mail slile 10 make J2o lo $. a v. i-.-k 1, i he kind we want Apiilr M-iu «ger. CASTELBEJtG'S, 03ft pt ,ve n>Ji3" f,w,n,w,tf So MK8TIC, " wanted i white waiter, i mi ""er. gaal «ag..« MFIM^ON, lujj jj. Y. ore if ave WANTED V NEAT. . \PABUJ BOY TO WAIT on I II.,.- aud make himself useful around the "" '-Ml I alnuont St. Jel-3t MALE OR FEMALE. VklTii" "J'X'KK »10R RIBBONS PERfCM DRDOGI8T ^PNDfUPS <vcit t laK \THICH tkHXJB AND FANCY le* .>. 1 "WARD BIRD A CO, * BALTIMORE. Md. W >NI KD-"-HKVKKAL MKN "and.wi.vtt-v-.=i ,Ua' (14,483 co , WANTED » DAILY CANIHTevRN^JTr?~T^; cr--u« WANTED-DO TOI" WANT A CX>Mi'BTENT~STE. ii-«^ra{»ljer or b<K)kke<kper? Apply STR\YR»'<* Bl SIN l-:ss <"OLLEi;E nth snd I- sts if w ^ l*-*e Ms In 3MO. aeflj- t* ' female. V;-*,1"';" TOONO lady TO HELP IN office" f.dd clreolam, etc »3 to atart. B. X. L.' Star WANTKD.LADIES WITH ARTISTIC FORmS-ro piwe. », 2 auiall or 2 large Box 274. S:ar of. -fi_ jeS-2t» >.A WUJTE GIRL roll I.IGHT HOLSE: «ork lu New Jork state. Addrea* J. D i. lom 14th St. B.W.. or rati hetwevn 3«ud « p.m.' TOPXO WOMAN AB B»)OKK^Ep: "^CV mOT> Stat., V.-TteJEr*6 1ussr Trt t^a.r work WANTKl*.SAIJCRLADIES IN DRt'G STORES .t I lU'ltaln p^i department. sa?s\f, £ ireek^^ Mart Addrea. SUNSHINE. Star ,,<ni WAFTED.HELP. WANTED-YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER AND typewriter Id patent attorney's offlce. CHAN- Di,M£ A < *H .Q> PUCE. PU6 F at. WANTED.INTELLIGENT WOMAN PAST 30 to» r«-sponslble service, offerIdj good remunera- tl<Hi and adranrement to capable person. Aa- drens Box «. Star office. WANTED.LADY WITH PLEASING MANNERS to Oil vacancy with wholesale house; state age and business experience. If any. Address Box 21. Stsr office. WANTED.YOl NO LADY STENOGRAPHER snd tjpewrlter; applj by letter firing experi¬ ence and compensation expected. P. O. Box 832. Je2-3t WANTED.LADY CLERK; CALL MONDAY after 8 o'clock. G33 15th st. n.w.. Room 512. WANTED.AT ONCE GOOD SEAMSTRESS AT 129 Md. ave. n.e. $3.W per week. References. WANTED LA DM98; CAPABLE, REFINED, thoroughly responsible. Address DEMONSTRA¬ TE i»R. Stsr office. Je2-2t WANTED-A GOVBRNG88 FOR THE SIMMER months. Address, giving references. Box 1, Star oltice. Je2-3t* wT.NTKD.EXPERIENCED WAIST TBI MM ERS aikl helpers. Apply 2327 Pa. are. Jel-3t WANTED.LADY WISHES TO HAVE HOME summer dresses and wa lata made at once by competent dretastaker: references required. Ad- di-ess Box 258, Star office. Jel-2t* WANTED.OFFICE ASSISTANTS; Ml'ST HAVE exj>erteuce and understand double-entry bookkeep¬ ing salary. $8 per week. Address, giving refer¬ ence, Box 257, Star office. Jel-2t* WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES; wages, $5 and $0 per week; aprons furnished and laundered free. 010 9th st. n.w. my31-3t* WANTED.TWO NEAT. CAPABLE GIRLS. OBR- preferred, for ahaui|>oolng aud manicuring; small salary until coiupettut. with Increase after¬ ward. Address H. F. B.. Star office. my31-4t* WANTED.WAIST. SKIRT HAND9 AND HKLP- era. 14«»9 It. L ave. my31-3t DOMESTIC. WANTED.C<JLORED WOMAN TO COOK. LAlTf- der; smn.l family. Apply 1883 13th st. n.w. WA NTED.NHAT YOUNCi COLORED GIRL FOR f»\v hours' llpht work each morning from U:30 to 12:30. X*all 8 Grafton St.. Chevy Ghase. W.\\TEi7-<>)MPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL btriisework; no washing; mast be g«>od cook; per¬ manent position; good wages. Address 1372 21st n.w. WANTED--GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK in family of three adults. Mrs. G. H. CHAND- LEK. Lenox St., Ohevy Oiase. Jr2-7t* WANTED.WAITRESS; EX I'EUIKNCE N1CCES- sary; good pay; short hours; linen free; at once. 1008 Pa. ave. . Je2-3t* W'ANTED.GIRL FOR LIGH T HOUSEKEEPING; no cooking; good home and $0 a month. 108 Que st. n.w. WANTED"-. LaT NDREsS" CO« >K. WAITRESS, chambermaid; Mountain Lake Park und this city; fates. ..El'REKA," 1011 N. Y. ave. WANTED.A CAPABLE, OBLIG1ING WOMAN to so north for summer, who can cook and will wait ou table and assist with ironing; good wages. Apply 1423 Douglass St., Columbia Heights. Je2-2t* WANTED.CHAMBERMAID; Ml ST DO THE washing; bring reference. Call 031 Eye st. n.w. W A NTED.A RESPECTA BI.E COLORED GIRL as nurse; references. 031 Eye st. n.w. WANTED-COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework: no washiu# and Ironing; also ex- perlenced nurse; stay nights; references. 3232 13th st. n.w. WANTED- -WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; family small; good pay. Gail 024 G st. n.e. Je2-2f WANTED- WOMAN TO COOK AND LATNDER for small family; *i>eud summer seashore; refer¬ ence required; wages, $20. 17IS itftli st. n.w. Je-2t* WANTED.A WOMAN FOlt GENERAL HOUSE- work. private family: no cooking; must have good recommendations; applv Immediately to 018 19th st. n.w. Je2-3t* WANTED-WHITE GIRL FOR BABY lfe YEARS old. 1223 Fla. ave. n.e. W A NTED.AN EXPERIENCED WHITE WOMAN working h.>usek<>eper in small family; no washing or ironing; generous wages; permanent aud kwhI home to right party. Call Monday 1317 B st. n.w. J''2-2t wanted first-glass general hocse- worker; v\ ag«»s $18. 1790 I-anler place, one block north of 18th aud Columbia road. WANTED.NURSE FOR SMALL CHILD; ALSO iict as chambermaid. Apply 7w 5th st. n.w. ;el-2t W A NTED EXPEIU EN< ED WOMAN TO COOK, and Iron; also seeoud girl. 1745 18fb ft. n.w. jel 2t* WANTED COOK. SMALL FAMILY; REFKIt- ences. Apartment No. 2. The Wyoming. Jel,-2t* Vr ANTED A GOOD PLAIN COOK- MI ST I'N- derstand how to make nice bread Apply at once, with references, at 1530 22d st. jel-2t* WANTED.WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE, work; small family; can stay nights. 214 9th s.w. Jel-0t WANTED-OOI/ORED WOMAN TO <^>OK. WASH and iron; must go home nights. 1129 17th n.w. Jel-2t* WANTED COLORED GIRL AS HOUSEMAID; stay night If desire. Apply 1851 Mintwood place . near Columbia road and ISth st.) Jel-2t* WANTEIV- AT ONCe! EXPERIENCED WHITE waitress for dining room of handsome apartment house; comfortable rooms furnished. Apply 0*>0. Westmoreland. Jel-3t* WANTED.IMMEDIATELY THOROl'GHI.Y <'<>\I petent general house worker; must come well rec¬ ommended; small family. 1230 Columbia road. J*l-3t W A NTED. \\(>M VN FOR GENERAL HOUSE work in suburbs. Apply 31. Home Life building, l'.th and G st*. ca>29-5t WANTED COLORED GIRL TO IX) GENERAL housework; family of three. Oil II st. n.w. jafSt-Sf WANTED.SITUATIONS. One cent a word foi 15 words. MALE. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED MAN DESIRES Posi¬ tion of trust. Is reliable, temperalc and well educated. Understands architectural and engi¬ neer! ug work. aud Is practical mechanic. I-Jn give references for hoil-'Ht, faithful aervi'e In ppst. Aitdresi Box 270, Star office. Je2-2l* WANTED HY <.>VmT"KTKNT WORKMAN, PAPKlt- hanging wtth reliable firm, either real estate or pai«?rhang"r«i; piecework or contracts. Attdr^sa H. 1«. M.. Star office. Je2-Sl WANTKD OKK1C.E POSITION BY COMd'ElKNT, reliable mau; d.c tmokkeeper, ai-couoaut. auditor or --ashler. Box 259, Star office. J"1,2,4* "i)U MKSTIC. WA.NTBD-BY JAPANESE H<Jt'SKMAN, STItKT- \y honest. |»>altlt>n fn small family w (p'ntlemaii's place. Adilreea E. V. O., Star office. j«2 2t* wantfii m young man. position as driver, footman or houseman. Call or write. 2223) Mth n.w. Je2-2t* " MALE OK PEMALE V, \.NTED.BY MAN AND WIFE, CARE Or liouae for use of few rooms or willing to pay small rent; A No. 1 Washington reference*. Address K. L. M., Star office. W A NT Kl >.SflTl' ATI' >NS FOB CAPABLE REC- ommended waitress, nurse and houseman; willing go reaort. "EUREKA." 1011 N Y, are. FEMALE. WANTED.OBSTETRIC NITRJHNO BY AN EX- nerlenced nurse or care of an Invalid. Mrs. 8., No. GO Randolph place n.w. WANTED BY A TEACHER. TO CHAPERONE girls, from 12 to 18, for July and August in a girls' camp In Maine or New Hampshire, wbera rowing, tennis and all outdoor sports are taught hjr able Instructor*. Reference# exchanged. Ad- dresa C. C. 3., Star office, J<-2 2t* WANTED-BY STRONO OOMPETENT WOMAN, poaltlon In "borne" as matron, companion or nurse to eklerly lady or gentleman In country; best reference*. Address Box 261, Star office. )el <t» DOMESTIC. WANTED WASHING TO DO AT HOME. OE day's work 712 Lamont St. n.w. WANTED -PLACE BY AN EXPERIENCED. RE- llable white lufant's nurse to take entire charge of Infant or young child; ref. Box 2T8. Star office Jc2 Jt' WANTED.LAUNDRY WORK TO DO AT HOME and cleaning by the day. 3rtVi Decatur at. n.e. WANTED.BY HONEST OOI»ftKD WOMAN, SIT- uatlon for general housework; can ve good ref- erenctv JDIJA, 1118 1st at. n.w Sd floor WANTED.BT COI.OHKD WOMAN. WAS1IINO and Ironing out. 412 Kranklln at. n.w. WANTED.BY TWO NEAT COLORED G1RIJ!. one for geueral housework and one for a cham¬ bermaid. 1411 L st. n.w. Je2-2t* WANTED.IF YOU ARE PARTICULAR ABOUT your chamherwork please call 2007 Vermont ave. If you want It don* properly. N. HERBERT. WANTED BY A FIRST CLASS LAUNDRESS, washing home and darning; references. 1IMG M at- n.w. WANTED.BY RELIABLE WOMAN, PLACE TO cook; first das*. 2023 M st. vT\ NT EI »-~V7kSTTx A8S LAI'N 1>M E8S, wash'- lug and Ironing to do at home. I. st. n.w. WANTED-BY (HWB. HONEST WHITE WOMAN, quick worker; boors B to 4. Georgetown preferred; best references. Address SAM, care O'Donnell, :i2d and O SJS. >e2 2t WANTED.BY COLORED WOMAN. PLACI TO cook mornings or evenings; first-class cook. Ad dress 2546 l&th st. n.w. jm§T WANTED-GOOD COOK DESIRES PERMANENT place; reference* furnished. Call or send 1T» Q at. n.w. WANTKD.BY W1UTB GIRL. PLACE A8 WAIT- res* or nurse to children bet. 2 and . year* old: to go to aMsfaare; wage*. 9M. Address M. L, Star o<Mr. JlW wasted.situations. POMMTIC. WANTED.BY NKAT COLORED WOMAN. LAUN dry to uto bow. 17M florid* are. WANTED.SITUATIONS.RECOMMENDED CWOK. chambermalda, lime, laundraas, |Hmtl worker; city. away. EXCHANGE, lgl 10th »t. WANTED.BY COLORED GIRL. TO HELP round the house. Call at XIM 8»h »t. B.w. WANTED.BY THOROUGHLY COMPESKNT Wo¬ man, place aa cook or day's work. 2119 #th at. n.w. WANTED.BY WHITE WOMAN. PLACE COOK- lnj, general housework, la city or country. llEw 11th at. b.w. WANTED.BY FIRST-CLASS TOOK. PLACE FOB Bummer, willing to leave city. Addres* 008 30th at. , jel-lit* WASTED.MISCELIAHEOTJS. " One cent a word each time for lg wonls 3 tlmO. WANTED.TO BUY OLD FEATHER BEDS. Wnen rolling why not drop postal to an old re- liable firm T II. MARKS. 307 Tth. opposite Haka*. or 'phone Main 1803. }»2-Sfit WANTED.FURNITURE, CARPETS. Ac. BCYWG contents of liooaea s specialty; liberal spot cash prices: Ball orders gives prompt a tteotlon. LEVI'S FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 410 10th at. B.w. Je2tf WANTED.CASH PAID FOB FURNITURE. CAB- pets, office and store fixtures of all klBds. Furul- tnre storea, packed and shipped. Addiess BAUM, 812 Pa. are. n.w. 'Phone Msln 1254. J< 2-tf WANTEI>. H1GH EST CASH-PlTlCES PAID" EOH CAST OFF CLOTHES. LADIES' OR GENTLE¬ MEN'S. ADDRESS POSTAL. 1 WILL CALL. .Phone North 1755. W RICE, 1332 7th at. n.w. Je2-17t* WANTED . SECOND - HAND CANOE: STATE make and price. Address APARTMENT C. 201 E. Cap. st. Jel-3t* WANTED- HIGHEST CASH PRICES PA ID FOR WORN GARMENTS. LADIES' GENTLEMEN'S A CHILDREN'S SHOES A HATS. ANY AMOUNT. ADDRESS POSTAL. I WILL CAI-L ANY HOUR. J TARSHE8. 1308 7T1I N.W. Phone North »09. Jel-12f WANTED.TO TAKE CARE OF A PIANO WITH- out dwi. K> HOME. Star office. Jel-3t WANTED.UPRIGHT PIANOS BOUGHT FOR cash. WORCH'S, !)23 F. Squares and organs taken In exchange. my31-tf WANTED.TO BUY A COMBINATION TRANSIT anil level. Apply to O. II. ZANTZ1NGER. 214 McGlil I'lilg. mv31-tf WANTED.ALI. THE OLD. USELESS GOLD AND silver l.Tlng idle about the house. Coral*. dia¬ monds, cameos. Jewelry and silverware bought. C. K. K A RR, Jeweler, 018 13th, bet. F and G sts. iny3o-d,eSu,4 WANTED.IIIOHEST PRICES PAID~FOR ~L£ DIES' AND CENTS' WORN GARMENTS. DROP POSTAL; WILL CALL. m; 27 iK)t BURNSTEIN'S. 603-613 615 D ST^ WA.VI ED.EA.STERN~FEATHER COMPANY." THIS month.50.000 lbs. old feathers; highest cash price. Also furniture, ladlea* and gents' clothea. Send postal; will call at once. 213 7th at. n.w. my28-30t* WANTED.1 BUY ANYTHING UNDER THE 8UN .Contents of bouses, offices, merchandise, any quantity. Diamonds, watches, etc. See me be¬ fore you buy or sell. LANE, 8th and F. n.w. _my22-90t WANTED-SPOT CASH PAID FOR GOOD SBC- cm! hand upright pianos. O. J. DeMOLL & OO., 1231 G st. my 18-tf WANTED.I AM THE MAN THAT PAYS THB highest prices for iron and metals, radiators and pipes of all kinds. J. DREIFLS Sc SONS. s.w. cor 11th and C sts. n.w. my8 90t.4 WANTED-WILL STORE YOUR FURNITURE IN my fine building, 426 9th st. n.w., for 11 per load per month; will haul ssme for |1.23 per load, and you can hare 12 months In which to pay for same. Call Main 5171. MARCUS NOTES, 428 nth st. n.w. ap30-tf WANTED-CONSULT ME BEFORE YOU 8RLL. I pay highest prices for Iron, brass, copper, lead, paper stock and all kinds machinery. H. BERN- HEIMER. 928 C n.w. 'Phone 2275. sp20-90t* WANTED-OLD CARPETS WOVEN INTO FINK srt rugs; only wearing concern here. WASHINGTON RUG CO.. 931 5th B.w. 'Phone M. 4325. splU-tf.4 WANTED.CASH PAID FOR PAWN TICKETS; money to loan; old gold, sliver and diamonda, etc.. bought. LOUIS ABRAHAMS, 433 Oth St. n.w. sp7-d,eSu-4 WANTED.IF YOU HAVE ANY KIND OF FUR- nlture yon want to buy or sell It will pay yon to consult 11. ROSENBERG, 618 8th st. n.w. Telephone Main 3966. mh29-tf WANTED- FURNITURE AND STOVES OF~ALL kinds; contents of private booses a specialty; sell your goods to the man that gives you the most money. HOPWOOD, 8th and K. mh6-90t WANTED.WE WANT TO BUY YOUR 1I0U8& bold furniture, as well your office, store fixtures, and pay yon best prices possible Honest deal- lnip. TAYLOR & OWENS, 429 9rh st. n w. 'I*tione Main 5137. mh2G-90t BIG MONKEY PAID FOR DRHIRARLE FURN1- ture. carpets, office furniture and household goods of all kinds; contents especially. D. NOTES, 625 Louisiana ave. 'Phone M. 3006. mhl6-90t,4 WANTED.HATS RENOVATED EQUAL TO NEW. Straw and Panama bat bleaching a specialty. KANDEL'S, 721 7th n.w. and 902 14th n.w. ti 24 WA.VTRD.IF YOU ARE GIVING UP HOUSE- keeping and wish to sell part or nil of your fur¬ niture, send for the man who has the reputation of 20 years' fair dealing. MARCUS NOTES, 426 Dth St. n.w.; 'phone M.iln 5171. fe3-tf WANTED l-ARCE LIBRARIES OR SMALL LOTS of books; purchased for cash. JAMES MEEXJAN, se29-f,s,Sn,ly 438 9th st. n.w. WANTED THE OLD AND PRESENT STOCK holders of t 1)0 First (kj-Operal Ive liullding Asso¬ ciation to know that subscription books are stilt open. From $2.50 to Jfi.OOO taken on deiioslt. Four per cent Interest paid. This as»oc atlon has been established for a quarter of a century. Come to office, 1320 32d st. n.w., for partlculms. sol2tf LOST AND FOUND. * One Cent a Word Each Time for 13 Words 3 Times. LOST.ON MAY 30, AT Tlllf GENTRY SHOW, child's tan coat. Liberal reward if returned to 935 French st. n.w. LOST-MAY 30. AT LUNA PARK. I.ADY'S purse, containing a ten and live-dollar bill and 4 pennies. Same found by gentleman. Reward If returned to Mrs. I(R(X)KS. 463 Fla. ave. LOST.ON 7TII ST, SAT. MORNING. BLACK pocket book; mosey and key. Reward If re¬ turned Intact to Star office. Jr<2-3t* LOST.THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1906, ON OTH ST. car. Iiet. patent office and Penn. station. Land satchel containing pocketbook. purse anil papers valuable Smly to owner. Return to Room 333. Patent Office. MIhs LUCY DYER. LOST.FRIDAY. LADIES' SMALL UMBRELLA: knoli handle, amethyst setting. Reward. 1413 R. I. ave. n.w. Je2 3t* a. LOST-WEDNESDAY, POCKETBOOK 0ONTA1N- Ing sum of money and cards of owner, bet. Cabin John and city. Liberal reward ou returning same to 1901 I st. n.w. jo2 3t* LOST-SMALL CHATELAINE GOLD WATCH. Initials M. F. C., between 9th and D and Acad¬ emy Theater, May 31, between 8 and 11 p.c Reward. Return 812 9th n.e. Jel-lrt* LOST.ON MAY 30, WHITE POODLE. NAMED "Oris;" tag 585. Reward If returned to 1002 224 st. Jel-3t» LOST-BICYCLE; LEFT IN ALLEY BETWEEN 11th and l^th and B ami E. Cap. sts. n.e. Re- ward If returned to 1126 E. Cap, st. jel-3t* LnffT-POfTltY, VICINITY MILLS BUILDING; Daniel L. Reed, San Antonio, Texas, up]>er right hend corner. Reward. DANIEL L. REED, Navy Department, Room 287. jel 3t* I/«8T-TUESDAY EVENING. PROBABLY ON 15th and You sts., while boarding 7th st. car en route to Washington barracks, large cameo pin. Leave at Washington barracks fate and get reward. Jel-3t* LOST-AT LUNA PARK. MAY 80, A LADY'S gold hunting case watch, engraved M. L. H-; black silk fob. round locket, with chip diamond In center. Reward If returned to OWNER at 455 II s.w. Jel-8t WILL THE PARTY WHO CALLED AT 806 F ST. (Baltic bldf.) and got collie dog. on or atiout May 18, communicate with N. B. CHASE, Drnmmoad, M.1 (Bethesda P. P.. Md.)T Jel-8t« LOST.ONE PEARL BROOCH BET. M AND G sts. on 7th at. OU at 620 Park road and re- celre reward. my31-Sf LOST.POCKETBOO ix CONTAINING $8. l'EJt- son la known who picked It up. If not returned party will be prosecuted. Return to MISS ECLA L. ROSE, 1945 Vt. ave. n. .v. myj.-3t« LOST- NECKLACE.GOLD AND PEARL, WITH lMndant, Sunday, In Mount Pleasant. Reward U returned to 1443 Falrmount St. my31-St* LOST-MAY 80, GOING FROM JZD ST. AND PA. ave. to Marshall Hall wharf, via boat to Mar¬ shall Hall, an oval-ahaped gold breast pin, in¬ laid with black enamel. liberal reward If re¬ lumed to H. J. G-. 918 F st. r-w. my31-St» IvOST-DOWN TOWN OR ON 14TH AND OOff coran sts.. a breast pin, bird made of feathers. Liberal reward If left at 1760 N St. n.w. my81-3t LOST- BLACK FRENCH POODLE NAMED Boris. C-oHar has name "McCammoo Chevy Chase." 'Phone or return to Mr. McCUamoo at Bond building (M. 1270), or Chevy Chase (0. C. 71). Reward. my».tf DOGS, PETS, ETC. Ops cent a word each tlm» for 16 worts 8 tlms*. RIVERSIDE BOARDING KENNKIJS.DOOS AMD eats properly cared for In the country; water. ihida hath «vwl f/w< ¦»'* POE &EST.ROOMS. One cent a word for 18 wards. 122® 1TTH ST. N.W.-N1CKLY FURNISHED ball room. $5 per month Je2-tt* ON* NICELY FCRNUSIKD BOOM AT Q*raun apartment. car. 12th aid L. Ajylj^w DOiaORt RATES.lHTLIOHTFUL LOCATION. 1372 bamrd at. n.w.; second-story room; Mr tto« nt lines. jf2-4t* FOR RENT.FUR.. 2 PLEASANT. COOL ROOMS; private bath and porch; one. fU par'mo.. $7 per mo. 1318 Harvard at. FOB RENT.TWO PLEASANT BOOMS, PARTLY (ur.- private bath; porch; housekeeping permit- ted; >18 per mo. 1818 Harvard at. PARLOR 'FLOOR.THKEE BEAUTIFUL ROOMS. alao dining room and the kitchen. 1109 13th at. n.«r. JeJMft* BACHELOR SI! ITE.SUITABLE FOR ONE OR two gentlemen; bath adjoining; \ery exclusive. 1807 H at. n.w. 1343 OIRARD ST..LARGE) ROOMS: NICELY furnished; cool; beat location Ool. Heights. Je23t« 1138 12TH ST. N.W-LARGE COMFORTABLY furniabed rooms; low ralea to adulta; porcelain bath. COOL AND PLEASANT ROOMS OVERLOOKING Capitol grounds; summer rates; convenient to all oar lines. 10 B st. n.e. j«2-3t* FOR BENT.TWO "ELEGANTLY FURNISHED rooms; bath. 803 The Farragut. Call Monday 8 to 12. Je2-2t EXCEPTIONA1.LY DESIRABLE. COOL ROOM8, with all conveniences; light housekeeping per¬ mitted; reasonable; adults. 210 C st. n.w. Je2-tf NICELY FURXCHIED SECOND-FLOOR FRONT room, IC.OO; also third-floor front; 88.00. 1011 12th at. n.w. Je2-2t,eSu EXCELLENT ROOMS FOR GENTLEMEN, IN new house; all modem Improvements; Columbia Heights; private family; one block from cafe and 14th st. cars. 1461 Chapiti st. Je2-2t* COMFORTABIjf ROOM~FOR TWoTIN PRIVATE family, near Chevy Chase cars; good table; terms moderate. Address C. R. F.. Star office. FOR RENT LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED front room, suitable for two; convenient to cars. 50 Randolph place n.w. JeSS-Ht* FOR R ENT- F1' RN13 H ED LA UGE, OOMMUNI- catlng s< ut I:-front rooms; facing park; rent ro- docrd. 42u Stanton place iC at ) u.e. Je2-2t* 1430 FAIRMONT N.W., COLUMBIA HEIGHTS- For Kent .Nicely furnished. cool room, southern exposure; lurge porch. Je2-3t* WANTED.RENT 4 PARTLY FURNISHED rooms, private house, responsible party; abso¬ lute cleanliness essential; no children; terms moderate; call Sunday. 1412 North Capitol at. Jel'-2f FINELY FURNISHED ROOMS. FIELDS Al'ART- ments. 717 13tb; week or month; southern ex- iwsure; summer prices; housekeeping. Ju2-2t* NICE SECOND-STORYFRONTROOM AND HALL room; reaaoliable. 1)10 L st. n.w. Je2-2t* | FOR RENT- I-jfeoE. PLEASANT ROOMS, WITH good board; also hall room; moderate; tran¬ sients. 913 H st. n.w. Je!!-2t FOR RENT--NH"ELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR gentleman only; reasoua-ble. 1342 Glrard St., Columbia Heights. je2-2t OXB LAKliK, MCEI.Y FCltXISLIBD, 8BCOXD- floor front room; eaateru exposure. 0\VXEItf 1510 X. Cai>. st. Jel-'jt* CEXTKAJy.1305 II ST. X.W.- LARGE FRONT rtom for two; also stugle one. jel-2t* FOR RENT TO MARRIED COUPLE. 2D STORY front room, with privilege of house during ab¬ sence from city. 1842 M n.w. Jcl -t* PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT TO gentleman. Inquire VAN NESS. Flat 3. 704 M st. n.w. ]>>l-3a A SECOND STORY FRONT ROOM; LIGHT housekeeping; gas range, prlvste lx'11, letter box, sjieaklng tube and door opener; electric-gas lighted. 907 O st. Jcl-2t I COOL THIRD-STORY FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE for two; also large hall room. 1722 Corcoran St. n.w. my31-3t* FOR RENT.NICELY FURN1 SHED ROOMS. SIN- glo or en suite. 1219 Ey» st. n.w. my31-3t* *8 PER MONTH-LARGE, NICE. CO')!.. CLEAN r>o<n. 304 C st. ii.w. . my31-3t* FOR RENT . THREE N EATLY FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping; good nelghliorhood; central location. 200 F St. n.w. my31-3t LARGE FRONT ROOM. WITH ALOOVE;"NicELY furnished; bath same floor; l.h.k. If desired; 2d floor. Also front ball room. 1323 Que st. n.w. niySl -3a . j COOL. PLEASANT ROOMS. AT 1328 MASS. AVE. Rates reasonable. my30.Jel,2-3t* I PRETTY NEWLY FURNISHED LARGE ZD-STORY rooms; hot-water beat; gas; elegant bath; tele¬ phone; $lo, $12 and $18. 1753 Tea st. n.w. my27-7t* FU KM SHED OR DNFDBNISHEO. 1725 DE~SALES ST.-LARUE, COOL SECONO- rliory rooms, single or eu suite; furnished or un- fg ft rnlshed. Je2-3t* THREE NEWLY PAPERED UNFURNISHED rooms; I, h. k.; one large furnished room; two beds; suitable for gentleman. 710 8th st. n.w. roy31 3t* | 500 H ST. N. E. 2 UR 3 COMMUNICATING 2D floor rooms; fufnlshed or unfurnished; beat. gas. bath; young couple preferred. Cheap. my31-3t* UNFURNISHED. FLAT OF 4 ROOMS. 2D FLOOR; GAS RANGE; porcelain bath; heat and sras; $25 per mo.: uo children. OWNER, 1503 8th ah n.w. Je2-2t* SECOND FLOOR -THREE LARGE ROOMS; 1IUI- water heat. 1835 13rh st. n.w. je2-2t* FOR RENT 3 LARGE ROOMS, BATH, POiRCH; private entrance; l.h.k. 10«)2 Lawrence st., Brookland. FOR RENT.THREE LARGE. NEWLY PAPERED rooms. Second floor; three-story duelling; south¬ ern exposure; light housekeeping; gas for cook¬ ing; delightfully cool; well heated In winter; porcelain bath; private family; near Capitol and Library; fine neighborhood; closets. At (be very reasonable rate of $10 year round. 120 C »t. s.e. References. FOR HKXT3 ROOMS. SECOND FLOOR, FOR light housekeeping. 234st. n.w. FOR RENT- A FLAT OF TOREE BRIGHT. airy rooms. 1412 !)th st. n.w. FOR RENT.2 UNFURNIRHExTZD-STORY LARGE rooivs; -Hie front room on 1st floor; heat and gas; neai bureau of engraving and agriculture; no cbll- dren. 22) 12th gt. FOR RENT.THREE COMMUNICATING It'KJMS; overlooking reservation; reasonable. 110-1 I, st. n.w. Je2-3t* FOR RENT 3D FLOOR 2 COMMUNICATING rooms." 58 M st. n.w. Je2-3t* 2-3 BRIGHT UNFURNISHED ROOMS, ID FLOOR; bath; gas; cheap. 37 I st. n.e. Je2-3t* A LARGE UVt'URNWHBIl ROOM. REAR OF 1011 12th: suitable for storage. Je2-2t THREE OR FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS, ON 2d floor, for l.h.k.; convenient to cars. 1906 3d n.w Je2-3t* FOR RENT BEAUTIFUL FLAT OF 4 ROOMS, 2J floor; bath; large. 3-story corner bouse; lawn and porches; no children. 520 B st. n.e. FOR RENT 733 22D N.W. LARGE UNFOR- plslied purlor. $7 per month. 506 B S.E..TWO UNFDR. ROOMS; CONVEN- lences; l.h.k.; gas; bath; $10. Jel-8t* THREE LARGE. HANDSOME ROOMS. AIJ. .KAC- lng street; rent cheap for summer. 050 9 st. n.w. Jal 3t* UNFURNISHED. FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. 4 very desirable rooms; south front; gas range; porcelain bath, etc.; terms moderate to right party. Address OWNER OF HOUSE. Star olBee Jel-3t" ENTIRE THIRD FLOOR, FOUR UNFURNISHED mom, mm ' *- ' ' able. 1503 VERMONT AVE., FACING IOWA CIRCLE, six unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; single or cn suite; summer rates. Jel4t* 1818 N. CAP. ST. N.E..4 OR 5 UNFURNISHED rooms for l.b.k. my31-4t* FOR RENT-THREE BOOMS, UNFURNISHED. 1848 W st. n.w. . my31-St* FOR RENT.2 EXCELLENT COMMUNICATING rooms; second floor. 1010 8th n.w. my31-8t* TWO OR 8 UNFURNISHED ROOMS ON SECOND floor, newly papered and painted, with bath and gaa. 12 Eye st. n.w. m>31-3t» FOR RENT.FIRST AND SECOND FLOOR: suitable for dressmaking. Apply list 17th ft. _ n-w. m/2»-7t« WANTED.BOOMS. One cent a word for 15 words. WANTED.ROOMS FOR SUMMER FOR THREE adults; nominal rest. A. W. DUNN, Star build¬ ing. Ie2-*f WANTED.BY MAN, WIFE AND DAVOHTEB (eight years), southern exposure room west of l£lh St.; give price. Box 3, Star office. je2-2t* WANTED.BY GENTLEMAN AND WIFE. BOOM and board with small family of refinement; quiet surroundings are essential; satisfactory rafarences are desired, with terms. Address Q. K. B., Star office- k2-2t* WANTED.IRVING 8T.-GENTLEMAN WANTS room vlelttlty Irving and 14th atl. n.w. Box 200, Star office. Jel-2t* WANTED.HOME FOB TWO YOUNG PERSONS, In a cultured Jewish family; board optional; chll- draa no objection; prefer lit. Pleasant; pile*(60- 960, but congenial SBvlnooment lot cost deter- iM lne. iniOU r rooma; gas for light housekeeping; very reaaon- 1313 11th at. n.w. Jel-2t» mining factor; ample references. Box 250, Star oato. . jel-at* ACCOTJUTAirrS. BOOMS AID BOABB. <>»» eet a wort for U wuras. WiWBH GENTLEMEN BOARDERS, UKUK ""M. I»»l *«nl; corner houee.IMS U«- reece »i.. Brookland. LAEOE ALCOVE 3D-FLOOB FRONT ROOM; Hfw. exposure; scar bath; large closet; good 2. ' *?<.«.«« mr ears. Two pMple, $*S. 3008 O n.w. ^33t COOL, DBUQUTFUU.Y SITUATH1> FU RNISHED room*, with or without board. 1528 Que st. n.w. Irantlenta acrommoristed Je2-7t* *"*5?^ PEASANT ROOM. WITH GOOD BOARD; .too hall room; moderate; transients. »1S II «t. LARGE 21)-FLOOR FURNISHED FRONT AND ajuatler room. with t*ard. 13M Fairmont at.. Oo- lanbla Heights. . Je2 3t* LA RGB FURNISHED KRONTIiOOM WITH At- eo*» and board; two gentlemen preferred. 1716 >tH at. n.w. Je2 3t* COLUMBIA H"GHT8 VERY DESIRABI.R m*FS of two ot three rooms, private bath; also single room; laljle board; private family Address H. F., Mar office. BOARD . FURNISHED OR~ UNFURNISHED room; special rale to couple; private fsuiiiy. 1UOO aUt nxr- Jel3t* REFINED HOME KOK TWu GENTLEMEN WITH private family. 624 K si. n.w. my31-3t* 1816 L.DBSiRAlsl E. WKLL-FUltNlSHED SIN- gle and double rooms; 2 and 4 windows; modern, nicely kept, thoroughly screened hoiue; 3 baiha; choice board oi without; transients taken. mysy-nt* IT<*, *" ST. N.W..PLEASANT ROOMS; GOOD table; boiled water; piano and telephone; {south¬ ern family; terma moderate. inj-26-tf SPECIAL.FINE ROOM, WITH THREE 25 CENT meala dally, $26 month: beat part or city; U3 SiJSSf t'anstenta accommodated. THE NEW jAADQLPH HOTEL. 1304 Q >t aw. mj4-tf BOABDIHG. ' One Cent c Word for IS Words. 2026 G ST. N. W.- ROOM AND BOAJtDING~ Je2-2t* WASTED.BOOMS AND BOARD. One Cent a Word for Ifl Words. WANTED.BY DEPARTMENT GENTLEMAN, IS small family; south exposure; quietly disposed, easily suited; hungry for a home; terms and full particulars. Address G. H. K., Star office. WANTED.ROOM AND HOARD IN STRICTLY private family. Terms reasonable. Give full particulars. In suburbs, Box 'MS, Star office. Je2-2t* WANTED BY GENTLEMAN. RO AND board in private family. In northwest or north¬ east; have telephone; will allow family free use of same. Box 271, Star office. Je2-2t COBNTBY BOABD. = A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL TAKK .* FEW. TO room and board; large lawn and trees; near car. . Mrs. F. O. THOMPSON, North Chevy Chase. WANTED FEW UEKIN-ED BOARDERS ON splendid farm In Shenandoah valley, acce»sible by Bluemont branch or 11. & o. to Berryvllle¦ refs. exchanged. Mrs. E. P. DORSEY, R. F D. No. 3. Berryvllle, Ya. je2-2t WANTED- TO BOARD FOR SUMMER TWO adults: ladles preferred; large, cool ro*rai; g>>od table; small family. Address Miss AMELIA P. HK.GINS. Rockvllle, Md. Je2-3t,efiu* IN THE MOUNTaTxS;-FINE AIR; SHADkTcOm"- fortable rtiorus; good table; children taken. Mrs. ROBERT A. MARSHALL, Delaplaue Fauquier Co - V" je2-2t* PLEASANT GROVE.OPEN JUNK 15; BATH: hot and cold water; Kockvllle electric cars pass the grove. Address FRANK IUflPP. Ibx-kvllie. Md. It. F. I).. No. 3. je2-15t SUMMER BOARDERS WANTBD.BLUB RIDGE: nigh, healthy; l>eautlful views; large rooms porches; pure air, spring water, shade, good ta¬ ble, milk, butter, eggs, chickens, vegetables- ft mile from station. Mrs. ROLAND GRADY (Grand View), JJnden, Va. .K MAPLBS; PLEASANT COUNTRY PLACE for boarders: large shady lawn; plenty vegetables, chickens, milk, eggs; terms nitnerate; near Dunn Lorlng station. Mrs. It. s. POUTER. Metrltlc d, Je2 3t* WANT EI >.B< >A It I >HRS o\ a FARM; "FRUIT Ice. milk, fresh vegetables; shade; terms. *4 per r, A'l<iresN Mrs. A. I>. 11HOMAS, Knoxvllle, Md. R. F. I>. No. VZ. Je2-2t' B2u?»SPS W;^NTKIJ.MIN. WALK-FROS ritr.Tir r*r\« i>"reh; b«th r°°m ««i telephone Mrs. KATE M. LATIMER. Johnson je2 3t" Phone Ifyatts. 6.R. L,^'(}.i*V,-VT- B^Ll-lKUrXY SITUATED ON Ohoptank rivoT; 20-acre lawn; shade; spring water; goo<l tafcle; liome comforts; steamt>oat wharf on farm; boa tin*: bathln*; m«-»dHrate Je2-3f . ALTEU HARRISON, Neavltt, Md. 8 F1£OM WASII » ON CHEsTu'KAKE BKACH; Lerry station 5 minutes' walk; trains con- venlenr for officeholders; lar^e ro-jms; line shade and water: pood table. Address MISS R B BERRY. Ritchie, Prince George county Md je2-3t* . X. SUMMIT PARK HOTP^, Galthersburg. Md. Open June 1 under new management: refitted nn-i renovated; cool and shady: 20 mhes west o) Washington on B. A O. railroad; nice place for families or others; moderate rates Until June 1 applv 307 B st n e Jel-7t* Mrs. OHARLES CULLEV. Manager. RJOIlT AT FAUQUIER WHITE SULPHUR Springs, \a., first-class country board only to per week. Special rates for families or several In party. Apply J. W. HANBACK. my3i;!t* Mm«JRh0SR »SCII<i9,V~A DELIGHTFUL 8uiT k?Q1M f <jfllI<lren ln tbe most healthful £2 J ' no ''ndles from Jnno 16 to H^ltnpvr ri rt, ,u' v'P^nte- Address Miss HAUDEi. Clarksvllle. Md. my2-S2t,eS« ??0I.-EST, SPOT IN TUB DISTRICT IS THE Washington College, :id and T sts. n.e.; ten acres l8«n; shade. Open to summer boarders June 1 Rates, friu and up per month. apl9-6ut PAEONIAN HOUSE.LARGE, "shaDy" UffV inodern Improvements: 175 ft. porches; 200 yds from station; b^t water In the world? 3 daily mails; from six To eight dollars per week: guests to aUrnlsh their own towels. A C VAXDP n,y20T30tR- V^UlaU ^ FRUITLAND.OPEN JUNE lj 1 >/. MILE FROM Round Hill station: with large. Shady lawn ex¬ tended porches; good water; abundance of fruit- ..It? room and home comforts. Apply WM LE- \ IN POWELL. Round Hill, Ix>udoun Co Va niy!9 s&w-to Jyl SUMMER BOARDERS WANTED IN PLEASANT country home; large, shady lawn; table' refined surroundings; convenient to Washington' The Misses PENDLETON, Delaplane, Fauquier county, Va. myl8,19,a6,je,S,a THE HILLS OF MARYLAND, "PRESTWOULD " one of the most beautiful places In Carrol) county; one mile from New Windsor; will open June 1; conveniences. Address I Kh:-n WOULD, New Windsor, Md. my4-80t FOB BENT.STOBES. ~ F0>H» RENT -A NEW STORE WITH UP-TO-DATE fixtures: location the best; cor. Mt. Pleasant and Lamont sts. n.w. Apply on prlmlses. Je2-2t» FOR RENT.FINE BUSINESS PROPERTY- V corner: n.e. cor. 3d and Penna. ave. s.e.; large store on one of the best business blocks ln the southeast: rent $40 per month JAMES F. SHEA. 3^2-tf 643 L^. aye, n.w. FOR RENT.D. D. THOMPSON & CO., 1335T~STr Basement, suitable tot plumber's shop, tin shop or general storage purposes; room 22x70. 616 La are.; >15.50 mo. jel-tf.eftu ' FOR RENT.A CORNER GROCERY STORE, WITH dwelling rooms. Apply 1528 H st. s.w. Jel-8t FOE RENT- On Penna. ave., OLe of the best stands for soda water, fruit and cigars. my2»-7t» Apply 487 Pa. ave. n.i FOB BEBT.OFFICES. 4; 3t,»1.00; 1 wk..»2.33: lmo »7» FOR RENT-1303 V ST. N.W., SECOND FLOOR* HANDSOME OOTICE ROOMS, ADMIRABLY ADAPTED FOR DENTIST OR ARCHITECT, Ac In excellent! repair; inodern conveniences; heated Very reasonable rent. I.IBBKRMANN A HAiWN, 1303 F at. FOR RENT-TWO LARGE. BRIOHT ROOMS ON 2d floo, of No. 1328 N. Y. ,Te . healed by SS water; »3B. Apply DAVID MOORS, 1328 New Yorfc ava. n.w. FOR RENT.508 UTH 8T. N.W. A COUPLE OF rwms; very cheap rent; centrally located. See H2-i.rn.w-at MOORE A HILL ring.). 717 14th. FOR RENT.OFFICE; WELL FURNISHED; GOOD safe; typewriter; desks; nicely carpeted- first floor; two large rooms, with toflet attached. HARMON * CO., 828 18th st. n.w. FOB BEST.HALLS. 4 lines. It.50c:; 1 wk..12.38: 1 mo.. 87.J#. FOB RENT . OARBOLL INSTITUTE HtrrjT XOth and K sts. n.w. The moat com pieU and thoroughly eqnlpped balls In the elty ret aocleties banqnets entertainmenU and receptions. Terma reasonable. Apply at hall. nog-tf FOB BENT.WAREHOUSES. " FOR RENT.THE LARGE WAREHOUSE 3208 K or Water st. n.w. Suitable for heavy storage or for fatten. Rent. $20 per month. Inquire of JOHN H. BRENT. 181fl H St. a w myl7-S0t DBESSMAKING. TAILOR-MADE SUITS AND SKIRTS, prices for a abort Q°* t i wort aaci: tlroa for 16 worti I .' *7^,1 M KRC U A xdise~ a vu gTSiES KS'SSS in!? Ishment. For particular* IWx w JcMt+ HAVING EXPERIENCE ANT) OAP- Srfy SSEtS ^T,1 root* nun Him iWfly situated who d«»»lre« to >nn» In .. tate httolzif«8, or wonld par<'bAM Interest In established realty Orm. .. Wtwi^TS bo attention paid. Add«a MALT^lJ*.? of "*. Je* 3t" Bi?^AflVlrJ2.N,'T« ,17B ^»a-ooN-n»T« or ^7h £L J!**' co^^" 'or housekeeping. WKJ mootb, uee of new upright piano free- JJ5? J*J- o®Jr $20.80; location beautiful; algh few da!*A ill? *.pl<'n*1'd open only a &Tb3Pa. , uT'" n>m*d","x p ° FOR HALE.OX ONE OH" THB BISST BUSINESS 'axsm^f srvsa. ¦¦Jr1 «¦«. <«.".«. «a HMO. *1,000, »2.000, TRUST NOTES TeoFrq7<7v 52.? "^rb*n *11 a, .mi M dlaioont. Add remi Box 2. Star oglce. Je2-.1t* orF>cK» IN m Nrm .WtieScT'aJd JSf&SL?1* F0"11 »«">ln«ia 5iv» ten thousand dollars would *^r" Patten with a Waahington e<irpora d^s^o^A "UbU^ >«.'"«. <Wern. *?d. Box 254. $tar office. w,2in'?ai« yf"'°8 ANU FANCY orikkkt 215.1 tb* ®g?"k."t ¦ *ery tempting price Par frFst. TAYT'OR'S- 13» *.» York m n.w »AKSHY. CONFECTIONERY AND ICECREAM T the best money maker* In city «2«W TA^rV^ Wvto fmyr. Jci3t* ®» *228 New \ork are. n.w. SOMETHING VERY ATTRACTIVE IX DAIRY Imioh. colnln£ iDoney; price correct. TAYLOR'S Idj* New > ork are, n.w. j,l ;it SALOON; A BIG WINNER; OWXeFrkt7r I\,7 want«d T A YIJtR'S '?S: "" "«** je*°1t TATLORS- 1328 New York are. n.w. ESTABLISHED 1896.TO SEl.I. YOUR HI SINESS «!i» ' ,rJ"j wl" Bet «»<1 ijulck re- suits. I )a< ««8 sold In the past few days- Grocery and notion store. 950 R «t Grocwy, 75 N at. Housefurnlshlng business. 1422 7th at Rooming U<»uae. N. J. ave. and O st Grocery. 14th and C sis. Grocery and sotloo. 181fi fith at. x-^SF- tt* 9K t^'low if you wish to buy NBW YORK Bl SINESS BROKERS. 611 F Jel.1t.eSu CAFE ANI) DAIRY LUNCH, PA. AVE. LOCA- tlon; monthly bnslueas. $1,600; well locsie,| J; price. $2,50); terma. NEW YORK Bl SINF-SS BROKERS. 611 F. jel-.1t.eSu cigar. Fool room and newsstand, clear. Ing $5 day: prominent atreet; onlr »300: cotue IA NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS. 611 F> Jel St.eSu CORNER GROGERY SOT THEAST; DAILY 8ALE8 $25; rent, $27, Including living rooms; rare «t »e00. NEW YORK BUSINESS BR0 KERS, 611 F. . Jel-3t.e«u FOR SALE -GROCERY. OON'PBOnOXRHY AND notion store; living rooms attached. Address G. R. O., Star office. jel-3t FOR RUNT.APARTMENT WITH P1'RIJC D1N- lng rooms well patronised with monfMy board¬ ers. Want some person as manaj^r cf the house Must be capable .and give best of s rvice. Lfr cation near Capitol. Address Box 24 2. Star of flce- FOR SALE.ONE 6 ROOM BRICK: A ISO TWPM boantiful lots; sacrifice; lovely view; eaay terma Address OWNER E., S-tar office. iny31-8t* A PENSION ATTORNEY WILL SELL ALL HIS pension claima that have accumulated in 17 yeare' practice. Address Bop 286, City Post Of- flg*- myat-St* "'S,00, (;ENERA- COLLECTIXO. BRING SUITS File claims against bankrupts. No charge with¬ out collection. FULLER AGENCY my28-6f 717 12th J, w. -iBB YOU LOOKING FOR A PLACE TO HAVE YOUR MACHINE WORK DONE PROMTT'.Y ANi> WELL? TRY THE MACHINIST. 616 K 8T. N.W. 'PHONE MAIN 6420. my!&)-9ot ORRIS. THE PERFUMED ROOT USED IN MAK- a-' face, tooth and perfamed powder*- S2 0»X1 00& worth Orris i.rodncta sold yearly; demand: wonderfully productive, hardy Interest ing. (towering plant for fleld or garde a; marreious- ly profitable, producing $1,000 an acre each year easy of cultivation; quick results; $10 will start you; full instructions free how to grow It Write to GRANITE HILL FARM. LouiaVa my!9-lnw St P0R RENT-ONE MISCELLANEOUS STALL IN iV«» market. Apply at offloe. apl6-tf PEESONAL " ? lines. It. 60c.; 1 wk.. $2.62: 1 mo. $7.20 YOU CAN T BLAME THE MAN WhTT IS PIJT^ thig up the atove for hitting the pipe. 8top enough to drop ua a postal to call for those men s worn garments, aboes, hats, shirts We aro prompt. JTJSTH'S OLD STAND. 61!) i>. Je£-tf,3 BRADFORD'S DETBCTIVE AGENOT SUITEeT OOLOBABO BUILDING nth and G. Private detective aervice at any hour. Reliable and confidential; anv rause- all sections. 'Phone Main 2fi2S. Arter .111 p m 1 i-au be consulted at my reaidence 3002 11th at cor. of Columbia road. MORGAN BRADFORD Ir" Superintendent. mv.11 -Sf ft ' ROOMS PAPERED AT I.OW ISPECIAL PSirioi from May 15 to 1st August; yi.u can save u.,.ne"v by having your work done at this time and aet better satisfaction than in busy aeason; estimates cheerfully furnlshedfl Drop postal; will tall FRANK FOER, 1327 14th at n w I'lione North 1002. my1C-.10t-7 A HANDSOME TEA SET GIVEN AWAY FREE after buying 20 lbs. of our celebrated Mocha and ^ Ib' WASHINGTON OOFFEB CO..^H' ~t'i st. n.w. my 10-301* ESTABLISHED 10 YEARS. WE ht Y AXD^ELL all kinds of Billable second-hand furniture Phon« North 2270. We will give you prompt service. DICKINSON'S. S and 7ih att a w my9-90t,4 THINK ABOUT PCRE ICK CREAM. The 1* rlendal.lp Ice Cream Factory makes noti¬ ng but the best; It Is delicious aidTf^sMng. ".£ou °,Ply ,8'Te ". « ,r'al you won't want any other. Special rates to churches and festival/ i>ac.ory. 1939 14th n.w. 'Phone North 817 Branch office, 2104 14th n.w. 'Phone North iuy9-30t,8 WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOB gents worn garments, musical Instruments guis &wwm r r^rv7"si,un,;,"u'^ m.v6-90r ' " SPECIAL ATTENTION-LADIES. BRI\(i Ynra old suit and have It made new ln ,he' neweat .'"V J !;*' for ooe-1"1" <l>e actual c«t. Dror postal; will cai j. SHCIJ4AN my6-30t,6 1410 Eye at. n.w.. Ladles Tailor. I AM THE ONLY MAN THAT PAYS THE HIGH. Sm\ Vl! n [V Clothing R. "old. -«tl w" postal and I will . apl -90t JOHN TONKIN. EXPERT MASSEUR S. WEIR MITCHELL SYSTEM .i*Hge trc»'nients, all kinds. Good rer.r.r.~ ml,6-90;' 1509 N. Capitol st. -Pho^x 6^T*- n. /iRS W'N8LOW's SOOTHING 8YRUP Hat been used for over SIXTY YFatiq k. ¥8£&gF882 WrfK gfsHMfx?^ks^N»c^D^^ Erases, r, «P^aafu,^W8 8°OTU.° ^rm^ent huU. .ur.. mVbaLDW 3^ . ~ _ Bol Utl. Chleaio._ PROPOSALS. " 4 lines. It. 60c. «t.$1.20; 1 wk..«2 Bg. 1 mn. f120 ^^P06Al5l FOR si'RBIj OONSTRlW*rti"w " Ofllce of Building for Nations; atwJo Congress. Washington. D. C.. May 31 proposals tor steel construction for the f5£"th2l\/ti««l1'V. *Dd 7°' of ttl" Dew '"'Hdlng Tor the National Museum, in this citv will fw thlTe?«th '¦?'* °®ce nntU 2 o'clock MONDAY tl» l^th day of June, 1906, and then imhlielv In'orm,tkm furalihed rfnwt^ thla office. BERKARD k r£iNlk1' ^SI'PPLIES FOR C. S MARINE Headquarters U. 3 Marina Coma Oii.rtUT Z'Airo^'ri ^"Martne'^'^SrS WW,n5hWs'mMps^£ "h? wear, anoes, caps, gloves, trumpets, flairs brushes . mT'.s"!'''¦ miT '7' Peeking U>xes! ^»«Yh^ri.^^r^.P0^,'.bnttOTls- thread, 4c Pro- an!f.i.f^i...i ln format Ion can be obtained. fl£e !2S rt."*?p,e" examined, at this of- 1um * *!"-**'*? °[ the Aaalstant Quartermaster. 1M» South Broad street, Philadelphia, Pa., and the v5^t°v S8 Qu«rteriuaster. Marina Barracks nr°°*L'^'. N. Y. Thto office reserves *o reject any or all bids and to waive In- fie ft fl' Colonel, Quartermaa- tet. P. 8. Marina Oorpa. my26 law 2t OFFICE Off BUILDING *OB LIBRARY Of OOX- f."' Washington. D. C.. May 8. 1906 -Pro- PpMla will he received at thia office until 9 o clock p.m. Jtina 5, 1808, and then publicly opened, to furniah the annual (applies of Cost, }"¦ lo'Andeacent Lamps. Hardware and Plumb¬ s'' _5oa*rk.e«Plng, Painting Materiala. and for Removing Ashe* and Washing Towels. Blank H^S*. Information furnished 00 ap- Irt-Chtton. BERNARD B. GREEN, Superlntena- CTt- myo.6,S.81 Jel.2 TYPEWRITERS. BBXT A WELLINGTON TYPEWRITER. OSLY rental applies 00 pur- vk(hl« ¦ I'ltM FOB SALE.MISCELLANEOUS. Q»e Owt » Wort Each Tim* for IS Woeda * Tlmae. FOB SALE *VELL MOTOR OTCUC: 1'RIU Hl'T conditio®; I1UU. Apply C. A SKI I int. 112 ftti, *.?. j"2 ai.^su* for salem.vKTiN guitar, «*7T7N»*r~iiir U^VTAH"^ $ir' A'1'ir-" POR 8AI«E.GIVING CP HOI'MQ FOR AiTvt Win »«II at fraction of n*t furnttur» .,f an kinds. folding and Iron bed*. mattre.*- ro- kere oil iMlotlnp, blue fl«inf «.!! .1 ovr, g«» rtiifi- mid *». water heater (new). fruit Jars. «¦;. \l«o closed carriage. M34 New V-rfc «» j 2 It* FOR 8ALK WF.BSTBB S IN T ER.N ATION A1 /fTi~ i.?ry».,1B0B brand new U STRI'TII- 211 r " w- Jrt .1t* erything you nepu> in tiih hT "xl ¦*««"». tor T"fr offloo can tao atock. MAlTfg. Ml2 Pa are. mn2ftl«>t.4 (?A.^K, ' POUELB BAES TUBBEE. M A 1X8 .1efi-St* GOLDSMITH. I) na (Ali- -FlH It THOUSAND XfW III up . idoor frttiM an-l door; augment iiv|u>ii molding* complete; fancy pipe T-nclo* two *1"??* P*<>«ec»ors. A < ft. A. M., «88. corner Uwl ami K «.w. J*t-3t L»1ESIBAEI.E .SODA FoTjT 1m , d <4r,«"«"w» »t low prices and reiaw able term,, also eTCTylhlng |U the line of .on. fvctlonera and e»Ja fountalu eupplloa nunufac terera prices guerantecd uunurtc- .Paj'T a8t BUBCH ft KLH'S, aiB «,b at. n w. JOB HXIX TWO HUNDRED SI IAREA iiapTl 5IJ* i,D ' '"ompauy: cheap. A J lrvaa X T \ l'®*- J*2 2t h Add^g^oT/,'1 %:t fe,f j&v F?«ka fALB Btil.TU'CL UPRIGHT PIANO «."-?23r gjgt *~~T IPSSSS SAX^-HixTttN nr \dr15V kJF.vwTTh* kindling wood delivered to any address In th w w i'u,kkk' FOB SALE-.DRES8 SriT; TTXEfiil ?<)AT iv, kSm!;ni>T:^Uj. 1*^ ki^cw'tuiT. EH.MA.N. National H,»tel lol-jit* ' m«fcA^NijfTrC "^"B ANT, JO iioiXS 2-^. Star oli)re. ^ ,l- A^rT"" Mo,: 7r~.. Jflnl.fflU "ANO bargaw . tvi> u^u SoL°'*r, "»rrr»!l, uag.1, »;«« o,k Shi. , V''r ght- .*''.*> T*" other bar- KXl lf7ri&' r'U"°* fur r""'- "'»« ir... . hpgo worcb «2a f ssgg !!l'gA.S5S5, t-" S^nfat' <>Ji>dult and Foihal! r »,!». HoAfL.Knct*ab: sffpssr £S"t'1 aar f "I2' we. us: ==. myao«f rXaAk%^?s.:,tE' F0 We*«^ISLUJ£rtN^r V ARIOP8 MAKFX tie Plan.. we |,f,l , "t2rk ,"f th* of fboae tliat we h.,7 Id anj of w,.r. Vou ,-.n l1,hk'd«;<"r;!.;«u.t,a%"?JU";: ^^^?,n^.r/,%r^f«rrt °-W s5*?UJ " '.."'fully U.«I (Ilka new,. >./« KS.'I"G"V. ^ ssxngz H^n'" i'«' Vaae : i.rK,.,t "ew ""°Jltlou J«" Ukff E"r I'prlBhV- iar*e ataai" UV«t' atTla ImM r,'rj "u«»,tly «."! Special |a&> hi. i- n T! ,"ri*b'- m> rH«, ' * £°:11Lp!' 'rb,: Ur*,> ,lte Diabogany ir? ^r7 u-»'l Sw.-lal *,K,d H.!1M>Tk.,!'.,,r,ghlJ ."ise; ilj Bjiim- dld coodltliin. Special. ,IV1 Sijuaie I'laooe. Jlo lg e«»y terua! . WM KNARK .V CO.. my27-if.28 1218-20 F Str.-..t. KUU SAI,E- " l'I*BJGHT riANO.GBKAT SArBIFJCi: mahojany upright, medium niie, beautiful, rich tone; has all the beat Improve, ttienta one of the test makes; only ue. | . »., rt ' b-T f*reful party, who mu.t uo» aell .r quick cash. Only $175, cost regularly for luuic uue to Milan un Call at once. mj23-tf. 12 aR,MES ,,IANOi57?pR; »200 $2t>0 fr.j 1212 F lit. fob S AUt.BIGG EST Ul'RIUHT PIANO BAB- ,1<W' *1.10 <,D<5 *11» Warranted new upright pianos at low price* $J monthly par- menu fr. W. HEIJi.Q, 1742 7ft a" mj lf tt 4 POK SALB.GO-CARTO, SI.98* DROP RTDR couch $2.98; metal folding ^ oil atovea and refrlgera tora. $1 per week Call rSw-U?«sS*- Bi£,,i?ONU. 311and «« uj, F9?. °LD MAHOGANY FURNITURE TU'() Chlppenilale nldeboarda, one claw-foot aldeboard. two aofaa, three card tablea, one Grandfather'a iiTiS.J'*? chMter genuine old plecea. 1131 i th at. n.w. mh2l »0t~ FOB SALE.CA8II REGISTERS. NEW NATIONALS FROM *25 DP nil r ?D\°rr>ol'P*'1STK1 w AT A SACRIFICE *SEv' »iISKI) NATIONALS FULLY GUARANTEED EXCEI'TIONaL 1IARGAIV8 AND ON F.ASll PAYMENTS. WE 8FI1 »fr ONI) HANI) CASH REGISTERS OF ALI KlNTfi A\VAhK?iPnD IN BETTE1t CONDITION TH AM THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER OO my^WH* 617 »TH gT N W. FURNITIKE STOVES. BEFBIGKBAT0B8 AND . large collection of used fumliure at special reduced prlcea; aome very deairable plecea be found here. mhS-Wt-g CABNEAL. B and 7th n w. FOR SALE-2 CARLOADS WINDOW SCREENS and door acraena. 1214c. up; doora, 81c. up; ex¬ tra wide doora carried In atock; acreeua made ta order, 75c.: koock-dowo framea, 25c ; wire 114c 813. ft. KLEEBLATT'S, 11th and H ata o e ap30-90t FOB 8ALE-GOOO) QUALITY OPAQUE SHADE* fitted to your wlndowa. only 25c ; the beat qual! lty oil opaque ahadea, 50c hung free Will call wltb samples. KLEEBLATT'S, 11th & II ita n e my29-tf STORAGE. 4 llnea. lt.SOe »t. tl 2Q. lwt .H IB 1 mo »7 » HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS. ETC." Stored at reasonable rate*. ADAM A. WESCHI.EB, Auctioneer ¦ny26 30t B20 Pa. ave. n.w. 'I*boue 12K2. CENTRAL STORAGE ROOMS. 1««8 n ST N wT New building, deao. light and well veotllated' low ratea We pack and ahlp to all polata! BROWN ft TOLSO>, Aucta., Proprletora. Fbona 2820. my22 SOt FIDELITY STORAGE CO., 1420 Yon at. Indeatractlble. Store yoar bouaehoid gooda In the new building, free from germa. Ruga and carpeta cleaned. Let our estimator call. If wa don't get roar bnalneaa ir.ylS-tf WE BOTH I^B MONEY. 100 SEPARATE STORAGE RCHKMS; STORAOB by the load; packing, hauling and ahlpplng Hba ua before storing. THOMAS DOWLINQ ft no Auctioneers, 612 E at. n.w 'Phooa Main BIS ' Ja>0-tf GOUUTEY FEOPEBTY. 4 llnca. lt.50r; »t,|100; 1 I no.. 97 20. FOR HALE.ABM. 83 MlNUTKfl FROM WASH- lngtun, tft Francouia Station, on new double track B.. F. ft P. Bwy.; 100 or 125 acres; all necessary bulldlna; beautiful lawn; excellent water; location high and healthy; $45 pet icra. Addreaa B. F. THOMAS, Garfield Va w HENBY G. THOMAS. Fendall Lllg Waahlngton. FOB BENT.FOUR MONTHS FROM JUKE l7 delightful country borne near Warrenton. Vlr. f;1'!*. 9-rooai honae; aerrleea of gardener In. clndad; Are aciaa. aplendld garden; fresh cow. Inquire of THE F. rf. SMITH COMPANY, .. . 1*08 New York avenue n.w., n»7»-tf Waahlngtoa. P. t!. fOB SALE-VIENNA, VA IB MILES FROM Waahlngton; high and healthy; ateain and elec¬ tric car*; property of all klode. all a'.aei ,u ETtu?' |!*r*mlr* 1" colonial estate*. CHARLES HINE. "j«pna. Va. nihl'd ttoi . EEAL ESTi^E FOE SALE. FOR 8ALK-A BUSINESS PROPERTY ON ;7^i7 street. 00 the bnaleat aqnare; rent. 880 a month price. $6,000. Lot 40H3M to 10-foot alley . _ R- A. 0A8ILEAR ft CO.. 1828 32d at. ATLANTIC CITY EEAL ESTATE. OMTftOM AND BOARP1MQ HOUSBS: BEACH fn*1! *30000 to t8B«.oo. apoiy SHEAL ESTATE IMJ'ROVHMKNT COMPANY, raxetwte at., pfcllMelphU. or No. 3 lUnothlft ife., Atlantic City.

Transcript of Star Ads Are Genuine. I'll'I II I«v I II They Mean The^...

111I«vIII'll"'I ¦¦ I II in n 11 I'MII II m. IllII' II'I-¦II.1111IjinHJ.I II. I"1..1

Star "Want" Ads" Are Genuine. They Mean What The^ SaySTAR BRANCH OFFICES,

If not convenient to call at TheFtnr office, 11th street and Pennsyl¬vania avenue, leave your advertise*ment at any of the followinglira rich Office®:

N0RTJTWTE8T BRANCHES:CJfnfnrr'« Hni| Store. 14th sod tt at*.Epf»Iey'« Drug Store, 14th and Welllnir pLPortumiTi [>r3( Sttrv, 14th and B. I. are.

Lupton's Druff Store. Vermont are. and S St.Klng'a I»ru* Rtore. 15th and I st».

law's News Stand, 1705 Pa. are.IIf»rbat'9 Drag Stor*. 25th and Pa. are.Crlswell's Drag Store, 7th and T sts.Postal Telegraph Office, 112« Coon. are.P'^stftl Telegraph Office. 012 Penna. are.PoVal Telegraph Office. At* and B sts.Postal Te'egrupb Office. Penn. B.B. Station,ft Kann A Sons. Information Bureau.Woodward St Lothrop, Information Bnremtt.Interior IN p.. 8th A F at*., Telegraph OfBee.Jenifer hldg.. 7»h A D at*.. Telegraph Office.Commercial Xlnnk bldg.. Telegraph Office.CorriiSfr I*. S. Capitol.Shaffer's Pharmacy, Pth and New York are.Goldcnberg'a Department Store, 012-28 7tb

at.. Iturean InformationThe HutchIns-Ktimer Drug Co.. 17th A Qtie.Butler A Field, Drugglata, 3d A Indiana are.

Louis I). Csatell. PharmacJat. 3100 lltb *t-

GEORGETOWN:O'DonneU's Orng Store. 32d and M sts.O'Donnell's Drug Store. 32d and O sta.A»lam* Kxpreaa Office. 1222 32d at.Pride's Pharmacy. 2Sth and P sta.

NORTHEAST:K*ncaly'a Pharmacy. N. Capitol and I ats.Haley's Pharmacy. 11th and F. Capitol ats.Mflhurn's Pharmacy. 13th nnd II sta.Cutler's Pharmacy. 4th and Stanton place.

SOUTHEAST:IJrndlcy's Drug Store, 8th and E ats.O'DonelTs Drug Store. 3d and Pa. are.

SOUTHWEST:Sulllvan'a Drug Store. 7th and D sts.E'fveiith Street Wharf. O'Brien A IlalLt'has. S Walter, 901 4^ at.

ANACOSTIA:C. G. Lohr, 25 Monroe at.

ALEXANDRIA:A. S Doniphan, 727 King at.

BRIGHTWOOD, D. C.!V.'m. Thomas, lirlghtwood ave. and Long¬fellow at.

TENLEYTOWN. D. a:Andrew Dur^a. Druggist.


11'.»: . stalillah your own buslines; largo Income;ve tak»» ail risk; references and small capital re-

qnlird. cliaiiee of life time; only on* man ap-l*»inf» lu each city, *«t you should write Imme¬diately si I Ml VIA N CO.. 15 Dover at., NewYork.

v\ PUOVB AGKNTB MAKI fSOOmoiithl) jelling our newly patented householdajwelalty. WtHM.PKHI.NK (X)., Pittsburg. 1'a.Je#-3t*

WANTED.HELP.ii' cm a word /or IS words.


p.... |.l. nicn<ed In pi mi t if iiigh-grudc uien In l>o-.itl-mri i.av!n« ll.mai J-5,iM»>; write for tKHiklet.HAPG' a His. 111<> 1 Vnu-iy 1va nia bldfj., l"hlladrl-phla.W A N TKI ." V WHITE BOY. AGED ABOUT 10.Apply IM'YLKR'S. 12tl> and K J.-2 ."It.exS*

WANTED BRIGHT Vul'XIi MAX Full HAR'Dwork <-n MB0in out of city; Wiigps 1 .%>¦ >ral; steadyemployment; di-iHisit required. Address Box 2*57.Star ..rtl v.

WANTED GOOD COLORED MAN TO WORKaround liar am: atttumi r Harden. Apply 1000 Ttlaat a.w.

WANTED MEN. EVERYAVHEiiE. GOOI> FAY.t" distribute circulars. adv niitte-r. tack signs,et in cainasMtn*. .NATIONAL ADV BU¬REAU. Chicago.wa n tei> bov rii i.i:ar.n tuadis of print-Inc Box 270. Star ottlcc. Je2-*twavFui agents for the sale op obn-ulne m lianlrs" hand aoap. Box 28. Rust Fallsdinrcb. Va.

WAVTFIi TWO (21 ELEVATOR MKN" AND TWO|2. VII n colored. Inquire at the OKTICF. OtTHK FORTNER. l.">th and U fts. li.w. Je2 2t

\yAMTEI > E\I'EIUE.M"EI> MAN AS PORTER !Ndrii* atole F. R. IUt'HARI>30n A CO.. 3d andPa ave. n.w.

WANTED A Vol"NO COLORED MAN To AT-ten.l lMrara anil drlre wagon. Apply to 302 IS.Cap. at.

WANTED ST ONCE. A GOOD ARCHITKrTTKALdraftaaiau for geueral oillcc work. Address, ^tat.Iiil' .->i» leu.e, salary, etc., JOHN S. .SIBBKRT,t'liinU-ilsiMl. Md.Je2-2t*W 4 VI K11 ( UHTLAU and SA MIM.K DISTRIH-nt*i* .*rciywhere; uo eanvasalng; good t u-OTKKA-nVK ADV ro., N V

WANTED \ I>I: XFTS.M A.N- FOB SIjrPl.K f VT-eut Uice Ilr:inli«s; »l.5i) p,-r Address L.1! Star oltice.

W.» N'l KD VOI NG MAN lti 1>I is jT) uTS"kiiirii ii: niacliliie; imist furnish g'n-1 iefereu<<-»Address II D M., »,ar oflJce.

WANTED ExT'EKIENCKD BI'.NDLE wltAPPEE"!rj" penimnetit ixwitlou. Apply to S.

MAUI, Soperlnteudent, I.atishnrgli * Bro 4>n

wanted a boy in grocery store 12211*th »'¦ - 'v Je2 3fwanted at once a yofng man apaale<iu. n In large piano house; must h» of goodhf lilts and cliaracfc and willing to work; a root"PI .¦unity for advancement Address uivlnuiig- references, etc. "I'UN'O SALESMAN"_"r :,:n!'r lei 3t

w A N'l liAKHR'S IlKl.FEH: SOME EXPErT-en*v In hakery re.|iilred. Bit H h at. s.e. Jel-f.t

¦WANTED SKl.HSMAN TO SELL hoisehold.: .«; ue»Hle«l In every homo. Call at I!»)4

Jenifer Iddg. Jel-3t*WANTED FIRST <1,ASS ONION OAEINICF-inaK- 1: l unholsterers Annly to J{ 11STREKNS, ?*.*rw»*en H and in i. lock s.m ,it WIi M --¦« J, Suum' Furniture Factory, llth nd 11'*'*¦ " " Jel-3tVNTED 2(1 Fl IIST-C1.ASS COAT HANDS. AP

ply GEO. T. KEEN. Tailor. 1310 F at. Jel-3tAN AOODCNTANT, THOROI'GHLY

">kkee|:lj g, for one week.hT*>N !. LhIGH «'«n KT PHI g STORE. Jel 2t«

^^i!' POUTER. APPLY WOOD'S DRFQ1. _|_Ll' wonrielgb Court. Jel-2t*AN n-.l> IN LAW OFFICE, BOY ABOl'T 20y'n h ,vlrh f,referred; salary. per .

^eek ti. start, lim 2tu>. .Star office. jeJ at*


¦ "1 my31-3t*WANTED A YOFNG MAN WITH .SOMH EXPfci-rien In wnll paper store. VJdresa own hand-

ro 3l"f; 0|,X,IUiK PL1TT. ;i2T 7;k St. » w.

WAN I ED M AN AS COACHMAN AND WORK ONr"? wtf' <i" *'l"'dry, refirenoe re-

niy.MJt*"'¦ lorwr nnJ Elu. area.

\VavTED MEN AND BOVB tJUBN PUIMMMli'llhlnr iSli kU;rl"ff; lal uffer. life schoi-

-«»/ paju,eia., p-jsltlou snd unionK,.iW.J'V "'"'"irue. COYNE BROS."

«'>¦»300^ iork. Chicago, St. U.uls.

WANTED JEWELRY SALESMAN*.ONLY Ul~8-!' r, *lTla* '"'"id «nd ahle

to .i.rtd t.«»l ti ade. mail slile 10 make J2o lo$. a v. i-.-k 1, i he kind we want Apiilr M-iu«ger. CASTELBEJtG'S, 03ft pt ,ven>Ji3" f,w,n,w,tf


wanted i white waiter, i mi""er. gaal «ag..« MFIM^ON, lujj jj. Y.ore if


WANTED V NEAT. . \PABUJ BOY TO WAITon I II.,.- aud make himself useful around the"" '-Ml I alnuont St. Jel-3t



le* .>.1 "WARD BIRD A CO,


W >NI KD-"-HKVKKAL MKN "and.wi.vtt-v-.=i,Ua' (14,483 co



WANTED-DO TOI" WANT A CX>Mi'BTENT~STE.ii-«^ra{»ljer or b<K)kke<kper? Apply STR\YR»'<*Bl SIN l-:ss <"OLLEi;E nth snd I- sts ifw ^l*-*e Ms In 3MO. aeflj- t* '


V;-*,1"';" TOONO lady TO HELP IN office"f.dd clreolam, etc »3 to atart. B. X. L.' Star

WANTKD.LADIES WITH ARTISTIC FORmS-ropiwe. », 2 auiall or 2 large Box 274. S:ar of.

-fi_ jeS-2t»>.A WUJTE GIRL roll I.IGHT HOLSE:

«ork lu New Jork state. Addrea* J. D i. lom14th St. B.W.. or rati hetwevn 3«ud « p.m.'


V.-TteJEr*6 1ussrTrt t^a.r work

WANTKl*.SAIJCRLADIES IN DRt'G STORES.t I lU'ltaln p^i department. sa?s\f, £ireek^^ Mart Addrea. SUNSHINE. Star ,,<ni


WANTED-YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER ANDtypewriter Id patent attorney's offlce. CHAN-Di,M£ A < *H .Q>PUCE. PU6 F at.

WANTED.INTELLIGENT WOMAN PAST 30to» r«-sponslble service, offerIdj good remunera-tl<Hi and adranrement to capable person. Aa-drens Box «. Star office.

WANTED.LADY WITH PLEASING MANNERSto Oil vacancy with wholesale house; state ageand business experience. If any. Address Box21. Stsr office.

WANTED.YOl NO LADY STENOGRAPHERsnd tjpewrlter; applj by letter firing experi¬ence and compensation expected. P. O. Box

832. Je2-3tWANTED.LADY CLERK; CALL MONDAYafter 8 o'clock. G33 15th st. n.w.. Room 512.WANTED.AT ONCE GOOD SEAMSTRESS AT129 Md. ave. n.e. $3.W per week. References.

WANTED LADM98; CAPABLE, REFINED,thoroughly responsible. Address DEMONSTRA¬TE i»R. Stsr office. Je2-2tWANTED-A GOVBRNG88 FOR THE SIMMERmonths. Address, giving references. Box 1, Staroltice. Je2-3t*

wT.NTKD.EXPERIENCED WAIST TBIMMERSaikl helpers. Apply 2327 Pa. are. Jel-3t

WANTED.LADY WISHES TO HAVE HOMEsummer dresses and wa lata made at once bycompetent dretastaker: references required. Ad-di-ess Box 258, Star office. Jel-2t*WANTED.OFFICE ASSISTANTS; Ml'ST HAVEexj>erteuce and understand double-entry bookkeep¬ing salary. $8 per week. Address, giving refer¬ence, Box 257, Star office. Jel-2t*WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES;wages, $5 and $0 per week; aprons furnished andlaundered free. 010 9th st. n.w. my31-3t*

WANTED.TWO NEAT. CAPABLE GIRLS. preferred, for ahaui|>oolng aud manicuring;small salary until coiupettut. with Increase after¬ward. Address H. F. B.. Star office. my31-4t*

WANTED.WAIST. SKIRT HAND9 AND HKLP-era. 14«»9 It. L ave. my31-3t

DOMESTIC.WANTED.C<JLORED WOMAN TO COOK. LAlTf-der; smn.l family. Apply 1883 13th st. n.w.

WANTED.NHAT YOUNCi COLORED GIRL FORf»\v hours' llpht work each morning from U:30 to12:30. X*all 8 Grafton St.. Chevy Ghase.

W.\\TEi7-<>)MPETENT GIRL FOR GENERALbtriisework; no washing; mast be g«>od cook; per¬manent position; good wages. Address 1372 21stn.w.

WANTED--GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORKin family of three adults. Mrs. G. H. CHAND-LEK. t» Lenox St., Ohevy Oiase. Jr2-7t*

WANTED.WAITRESS; EX I'EUIKNCE N1CCES-sary; good pay; short hours; linen free; at once.1008 Pa. ave. .Je2-3t*

W'ANTED.GIRL FOR LIGH T HOUSEKEEPING;no cooking; good home and $0 a month. 108 Quest. n.w.

WANTED"-. LaT NDREsS" CO« >K. WAITRESS,chambermaid; Mountain Lake Park und this city;fates. ..El'REKA," 1011 N. Y. ave.

WANTED.A CAPABLE, OBLIG1ING WOMANto so north for summer, who can cook and willwait ou table and assist with ironing; goodwages. Apply 1423 Douglass St., ColumbiaHeights. Je2-2t*

WANTED.CHAMBERMAID; Ml ST DO THEwashing; bring reference. Call 031 Eye st. n.w.

WANTED.A RESPECTA BI.E COLORED GIRLas nurse; references. 031 Eye st. n.w.

WANTED-COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERALhousework: no washiu# and Ironing; also ex-

perlenced nurse; stay nights; references. 323213th st. n.w.

WANTED- -WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work; family small; good pay. Gail 024 G st.

n.e. Je2-2fWANTED- WOMAN TO COOK AND LATNDERfor small family; *i>eud summer seashore; refer¬ence required; wages, $20. 17IS itftli st. n.w.

Je-2t*WANTED.A WOMAN FOlt GENERAL HOUSE-work. private family: no cooking; must have goodrecommendations; applv Immediately to 018 19thst. n.w. Je2-3t*

WANTED-WHITE GIRL FOR BABY lfe YEARSold. 1223 Fla. ave. n.e.

WANTED.AN EXPERIENCED WHITE WOMANa« working h.>usek<>eper in small family; nowashing or ironing; generous wages; permanentaud kwhI home to right party. Call Monday 1317B st. n.w. J''2-2t

wanted first-glass general hocse-worker; v\ ag«»s $18. 1790 I-anler place, one blocknorth of 18th aud Columbia road.WANTED.NURSE FOR SMALL CHILD; ALSO

iict as chambermaid. Apply 7w 5th st. n.w.;el-2tW A NTED EXPEIU EN< ED WOMAN TO COOK, and Iron; also seeoud girl. 1745 18fb ft.n.w. jel 2t*

WANTED COOK. SMALL FAMILY; REFKIt-ences. Apartment No. 2. The Wyoming. Jel,-2t*

Vr ANTED A GOOD PLAIN COOK- MI ST I'N-derstand how to make nice bread Apply atonce, with references, at 1530 22d st. jel-2t*

WANTED.WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE,work; small family; can stay nights. 214 9th s.w.Jel-0t

WANTED-OOI/ORED WOMAN TO <^>OK. WASHand iron; must go home nights. 1129 17th n.w.Jel-2t*

WANTED COLORED GIRL AS HOUSEMAID;stay night If desire. Apply 1851 Mintwood place. near Columbia road and ISth st.) Jel-2t*

WANTEIV- AT ONCe! EXPERIENCED WHITEwaitress for dining room of handsome apartmenthouse; comfortable rooms furnished. Apply 0*>0.Westmoreland. Jel-3t*

WANTED.IMMEDIATELY THOROl'GHI.Y <'<>\Ipetent general house worker; must come well rec¬ommended; small family. 1230 Columbia road.J*l-3tW ANTED. \\(>M VN FOR GENERAL HOUSEwork in suburbs. Apply 31. Home Life building,l'.th and G st*. ca>29-5t

WANTED COLORED GIRL TO IX) GENERALhousework; family of three. Oil II st. n.w.

jafSt-SfWANTED.SITUATIONS.One cent a word foi 15 words.

MALE.WANTED MIDDLE-AGED MAN DESIRES Posi¬tion of trust. Is reliable, temperalc and welleducated. Understands architectural and engi¬neer!ug work. aud Is practical mechanic. I-Jngive references for hoil-'Ht, faithful aervi'e Inppst. Aitdresi Box 270, Star office. Je2-2l*

WANTED HY <.>VmT"KTKNT WORKMAN, PAPKlt-hanging wtth reliable firm, either real estate orpai«?rhang"r«i; piecework or contracts. Attdr^saH. 1«. M.. Star office. Je2-SlWANTKD OKK1C.E POSITION BY COMd'ElKNT,reliable mau; d.c tmokkeeper, ai-couoaut. auditoror --ashler. Box 259, Star office. J"1,2,4*

"i)UMKSTIC.WA.NTBD-BY JAPANESE H<Jt'SKMAN, STItKT-\y honest. |»>altlt>n fn small family w (p'ntlemaii'splace. Adilreea E. V. O., Star office. j«2 2t*wantfii m young man. position asdriver, footman or houseman. Call or write.2223) Mth n.w. Je2-2t*"

MALE OK PEMALEV, \.NTED.BY MAN AND WIFE, CARE Orliouae for use of few rooms or willing to pay smallrent; A No. 1 Washington reference*. AddressK. L. M., Star office.WANTKl >.SflTl' ATI' >NS FOB CAPABLE REC-ommended waitress, nurse and houseman; willinggo reaort. "EUREKA." 1011 N Y, are.

FEMALE.WANTED.OBSTETRIC NITRJHNO BY AN EX-nerlenced nurse or care of an Invalid. Mrs. 8.,No. GO Randolph place n.w.WANTED BY A TEACHER. TO CHAPERONEgirls, from 12 to 18, for July and August in a

girls' camp In Maine or New Hampshire, wberarowing, tennis and all outdoor sports are taughthjr able Instructor*. Reference# exchanged. Ad-dresa C. C. 3., Star office, J<-2 2t*WANTED-BY STRONO OOMPETENT WOMAN,poaltlon In "borne" as matron, companion ornurse to eklerly lady or gentleman In country;best reference*. Address Box 261, Star office.)el <t»

DOMESTIC.WANTED WASHING TO DO AT HOME. OEday's work 712 Lamont St. n.w.

WANTED -PLACE BY AN EXPERIENCED. RE-llable white lufant's nurse to take entire chargeof Infant or young child; ref. Box 2T8. Staroffice Jc2 Jt'

WANTED.LAUNDRY WORK TO DO AT HOMEand cleaning by the day. 3rtVi Decatur at. n.e.

WANTED.BY HONEST OOI»ftKD WOMAN, SIT-uatlon for general housework; can ve good ref-erenctv JDIJA, 1118 1st at. n.w Sd floorWANTED.BT COI.OHKD WOMAN. WAS1IINOand Ironing out. 412 Kranklln at. n.w.WANTED.BY TWO NEAT COLORED G1RIJ!.one for geueral housework and one for a cham¬bermaid. 1411 L st. n.w. Je2-2t*WANTED.IF YOU ARE PARTICULAR ABOUTyour chamherwork please call 2007 Vermont ave.If you want It don* properly. l» N. HERBERT.WANTED BY A FIRST CLASS LAUNDRESS,washing home and darning; references. 1IMG Mat- n.w.

WANTED.BY RELIABLE WOMAN, PLACE TOcook; first das*. 2023 M st.vT\NTEI»-~V7kSTTxA8S LAI'N 1>M E8S, wash'-lug and Ironing to do at home. I. st. n.w.WANTED-BY (HWB. HONEST WHITE WOMAN,quick worker; boors B to 4. Georgetown preferred;best references. Address SAM, care O'Donnell,:i2d and O SJS. >e2 2tWANTED.BY COLORED WOMAN. PLACI TOcook mornings or evenings; first-class cook. Address 2546 l&th st. n.w. jm§TWANTED-GOOD COOK DESIRES PERMANENTplace; reference* furnished. Call or send1T» Q at. n.w.

WANTKD.BY W1UTB GIRL. PLACE A8 WAIT-res* or nurse to children bet. 2 and . year* old:to go to aMsfaare; wage*. 9M. Address M. L,Star o<Mr. JlW


POMMTIC.WANTED.BY NKAT COLORED WOMAN. LAUNdry to uto bow. 17M florid* are.

WANTED.SITUATIONS.RECOMMENDED CWOK.chambermalda, lime, laundraas, |Hmtl worker;city. away. EXCHANGE, lgl 10th »t.

WANTED.BY COLORED GIRL. TO HELPround the house. Call at XIM 8»h »t. B.w.

WANTED.BY THOROUGHLY COMPESKNT Wo¬man, place aa cook or day's work. 2119 #th at.n.w.

WANTED.BY WHITE WOMAN. PLACE COOK-lnj, general housework, la city or country. llEw11th at. b.w.

WANTED.BY FIRST-CLASS TOOK. PLACE FOBBummer, willing to leave city. Addres* 008 30th

at., jel-lit*


One cent a word each time for lg wonls 3 tlmO.WANTED.TO BUY OLD FEATHER BEDS.Wnen rolling why not drop postal to an old re-liable firm T II. MARKS. 307 Tth. opposite Haka*.or 'phone Main 1803. }»2-Sfit

WANTED.FURNITURE, CARPETS. Ac. BCYWGcontents of liooaea s specialty; liberal spot cashprices: Ball orders gives prompt a tteotlon. LEVI'SFURNITURE EXCHANGE. 410 10th at. B.w.Je2tfWANTED.CASH PAID FOB FURNITURE. CAB-pets, office and store fixtures of all klBds. Furul-tnre storea, packed and shipped. Addiess BAUM,812 Pa. are. n.w. 'Phone Msln 1254. J< 2-tf



WANTED.TO TAKE CARE OF A PIANO WITH-out dwi. K> HOME. Star office. Jel-3tWANTED.UPRIGHT PIANOS BOUGHT FORcash. WORCH'S, !)23 F. Squares and organstaken In exchange. my31-tf

WANTED.TO BUY A COMBINATION TRANSITanil level. Apply to O. II. ZANTZ1NGER. 214McGlil I'lilg. mv31-tf

WANTED.ALI. THE OLD. USELESS GOLD ANDsilver l.Tlng idle about the house. Coral*. dia¬monds, cameos. Jewelry and silverware bought.C. K. KARR, Jeweler, 018 13th, bet. F and G sts.iny3o-d,eSu,4


WA.VI ED.EA.STERN~FEATHER COMPANY."THISmonth.50.000 lbs. old feathers; highest cashprice. Also furniture, ladlea* and gents' clothea.Send postal; will call at once. 213 7th at. n.w.my28-30t*

WANTED.1 BUY ANYTHING UNDER THE 8UN.Contents of bouses, offices, merchandise, anyquantity. Diamonds, watches, etc. See me be¬fore you buy or sell. LANE, 8th and F. n.w.

_my22-90tWANTED-SPOT CASH PAID FOR GOOD SBC-cm! hand upright pianos. O. J. DeMOLL & OO.,1231 G st. my 18-tf

WANTED.I AM THE MAN THAT PAYS THBhighest prices for iron and metals, radiators andpipes of all kinds. J. DREIFLS Sc SONS. s.w.cor 11th and C sts. n.w. my8 90t.4

WANTED-WILL STORE YOUR FURNITURE INmy fine building, 426 9th st. n.w., for 11 perload per month; will haul ssme for |1.23 perload, and you can hare 12 months In which topay for same. Call Main 5171. MARCUS NOTES,428 nth st. n.w. ap30-tfWANTED-CONSULT ME BEFORE YOU 8RLL.I pay highest prices for Iron, brass, copper, lead,paper stock and all kinds machinery. H. BERN-HEIMER. 928 C n.w. 'Phone 2275. sp20-90t*

WANTED-OLD CARPETS WOVEN INTO FINKsrt rugs; only wearing concern here.

WASHINGTON RUG CO.. 931 5th B.w.'Phone M. 4325. splU-tf.4WANTED.CASH PAID FOR PAWN TICKETS;money to loan; old gold, sliver and diamonda,etc.. bought.

LOUIS ABRAHAMS, 433 Oth St. n.w.sp7-d,eSu-4

WANTED.IF YOU HAVE ANY KIND OF FUR-nlture yon want to buy or sell It will pay yonto consult 11. ROSENBERG, 618 8th st. n.w.Telephone Main 3966. mh29-tf

WANTED- FURNITURE AND STOVES OF~ALLkinds; contents of private booses a specialty;sell your goods to the man that gives you themost money. HOPWOOD, 8th and K. mh6-90tWANTED.WE WANT TO BUY YOUR 1I0U8&bold furniture, as well your office, store fixtures,and pay yon best prices possible Honest deal-lnip. TAYLOR & OWENS, 429 9rh st. n w.'I*tione Main 5137. mh2G-90t

BIG MONKEY PAID FOR DRHIRARLE FURN1-ture. carpets, office furniture and householdgoods of all kinds; contents especially. D.NOTES, 625 Louisiana ave. 'Phone M. 3006.mhl6-90t,4

WANTED.HATS RENOVATED EQUAL TO NEW.Straw and Panama bat bleaching a specialty.

KANDEL'S, 721 7th n.w. and 902 14th n.w.ti 24

WA.VTRD.IF YOU ARE GIVING UP HOUSE-keeping and wish to sell part or nil of your fur¬niture, send for the man who has the reputationof 20 years' fair dealing. MARCUS NOTES, 426Dth St. n.w.; 'phone M.iln 5171. fe3-tf

WANTED l-ARCE LIBRARIES OR SMALL LOTSof books; purchased for cash.

JAMES MEEXJAN,se29-f,s,Sn,ly 438 9th st. n.w.

WANTED THE OLD AND PRESENT STOCKholders of t 1)0 First (kj-Operal Ive liullding Asso¬ciation to know that subscription books are stiltopen. From $2.50 to Jfi.OOO taken on deiioslt.Four per cent Interest paid. This as»oc atlon hasbeen established for a quarter of a century. Cometo office, 1320 32d st. n.w., for partlculms.sol2tf


One Cent a Word Each Time for 13 Words 3 Times.LOST.ON MAY 30, AT Tlllf GENTRY SHOW,child's tan coat. Liberal reward if returned to935 French st. n.w.

LOST-MAY 30. AT LUNA PARK. I.ADY'Spurse, containing a ten and live-dollar bill and4 pennies. Same found by gentleman. RewardIf returned to Mrs. I(R(X)KS. 463 Fla. ave.

LOST.ON 7TII ST, SAT. MORNING. BLACKpocket book; mosey and key. Reward If re¬turned Intact to Star office. Jr<2-3t*

LOST.THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1906, ON OTH Iiet. patent office and Penn. station. Landsatchel containing pocketbook. purse anil papersvaluable Smly to owner. Return to Room 333.Patent Office. MIhs LUCY DYER.

LOST.FRIDAY. LADIES' SMALL UMBRELLA:knoli handle, amethyst setting. Reward. 1413R. I. ave. n.w. Je2 3t*a.

LOST-WEDNESDAY, POCKETBOOK 0ONTA1N-Ing sum of money and cards of owner, bet. CabinJohn and city. Liberal reward ou returning sameto 1901 I st. n.w. jo2 3t*

LOST-SMALL CHATELAINE GOLD WATCH.Initials M. F. C., between 9th and D and Acad¬emy Theater, May 31, between 8 and 11 p.cReward. Return 812 9th n.e. Jel-lrt*

LOST.ON MAY 30, WHITE POODLE. NAMED"Oris;" tag 585. Reward If returned to 1002

224 st. Jel-3t»LOST-BICYCLE; LEFT IN ALLEY BETWEEN11th and l^th and B ami E. Cap. sts. n.e. Re-ward If returned to 1126 E. Cap, st. jel-3t*

LnffT-POfTltY, VICINITY MILLS BUILDING;Daniel L. Reed, San Antonio, Texas, up]>er righthend corner. Reward. DANIEL L. REED,Navy Department, Room 287. jel 3t*

I/«8T-TUESDAY EVENING. PROBABLY ON15th and You sts., while boarding 7th st. caren route to Washington barracks, large cameopin. Leave at Washington barracks fate and getreward. Jel-3t*

LOST-AT LUNA PARK. MAY 80, A LADY'Sgold hunting case watch, engraved M. L. H-;black silk fob. round locket, with chip diamondIn center. Reward If returned to OWNER at455 II s.w. Jel-8t

WILL THE PARTY WHO CALLED AT 806 F ST.(Baltic bldf.) and got collie dog. on or atiout May18, communicate with N. B. CHASE, Drnmmoad,M.1 (Bethesda P. P.. Md.)T Jel-8t«

LOST.ONE PEARL BROOCH BET. M AND Gsts. on 7th at. OU at 620 Park road and re-celre reward. my31-Sf

LOST.POCKETBOOix CONTAINING $8. l'EJt-son la known who picked It up. If not returnedparty will be prosecuted. Return to MISS ECLAL. ROSE, 1945 Vt. ave. n. .v. myj.-3t«

LOST- NECKLACE.GOLD AND PEARL, WITHlMndant, Sunday, In Mount Pleasant. Reward Ureturned to 1443 Falrmount St. my31-St*

LOST-MAY 80, GOING FROM JZD ST. AND PA.ave. to Marshall Hall wharf, via boat to Mar¬shall Hall, an oval-ahaped gold breast pin, in¬laid with black enamel. liberal reward If re¬lumed to H. J. G-. 918 F st. r-w. my31-St»

IvOST-DOWN TOWN OR ON 14TH AND OOffcoran sts.. a breast pin, bird made of feathers.Liberal reward If left at 1760 N St. n.w.my81-3t

LOST-BLACK FRENCH POODLE NAMEDBoris. C-oHar has name "McCammoo ChevyChase." 'Phone or return to Mr. McCUamoo atBond building (M. 1270), or Chevy Chase(0. C. 71). Reward. my».tf

DOGS, PETS, ETC.Ops cent a word each tlm» for 16 worts 8 tlms*.RIVERSIDE BOARDING KENNKIJS.DOOS AMDeats properly cared for In the country; water.ihida hath «vwl f/w< ¦»'*

POE &EST.ROOMS.One cent a word for 18 wards.

122® 1TTH ST. N.W.-N1CKLY FURNISHEDball room. $5 per month Je2-tt*

ON* NICELY FCRNUSIKD BOOM ATQ*raun apartment. car. 12th aid L. Ajylj^w

DOiaORt RATES.lHTLIOHTFUL LOCATION.1372 bamrd at. n.w.; second-story room; Mrtto« nt lines. jf2-4t*

FOR RENT.FUR.. 2 PLEASANT. COOL ROOMS;private bath and porch; one. fU par'mo.. $7 permo. 1318 Harvard at.

FOB RENT.TWO PLEASANT BOOMS, PARTLY(ur.- private bath; porch; housekeeping permit-ted; >18 per mo. 1818 Harvard at.

PARLOR 'FLOOR.THKEE BEAUTIFUL ROOMS.alao dining room and the kitchen. 1109 13th at.n.«r. JeJMft*

BACHELOR SI!ITE.SUITABLE FOR ONE ORtwo gentlemen; bath adjoining; \ery exclusive.1807 H at. n.w.

1343 OIRARD ST..LARGE) ROOMS: NICELYfurnished; cool; beat location Ool. Heights.Je23t«

1138 12TH ST. N.W-LARGE COMFORTABLYfurniabed rooms; low ralea to adulta; porcelainbath.

COOL AND PLEASANT ROOMS OVERLOOKINGCapitol grounds; summer rates; convenient to alloar lines. 10 B st. n.e. j«2-3t*

FOR BENT.TWO "ELEGANTLY FURNISHEDrooms; bath. 803 The Farragut. Call Monday8 to12. Je2-2t

EXCEPTIONA1.LY DESIRABLE. COOL ROOM8,with all conveniences; light housekeeping per¬mitted; reasonable; adults. 210 C st. n.w.Je2-tf

NICELY FURXCHIED SECOND-FLOOR FRONTroom, IC.OO; also third-floor front; 88.00. 101112th at. n.w. Je2-2t,eSu

EXCELLENT ROOMS FOR GENTLEMEN, INnew house; all modem Improvements; ColumbiaHeights; private family; one block from cafeand 14th st. cars. 1461 Chapiti st. Je2-2t*

COMFORTABIjfROOM~FOR TWoTIN PRIVATEfamily, near Chevy Chase cars; good table;terms moderate. Address C. R. F.. Star office.

FOR RENT LARGE. NICELY FURNISHEDfront room, suitable for two; convenient to cars.50 Randolph place n.w. JeSS-Ht*

FOR RENT-F1'RN13HED LAUGE, OOMMUNI-catlng s< utI:-front rooms; facing park; rent ro-docrd. 42u Stanton place iC at ) u.e. Je2-2t*

1430 FAIRMONT N.W., COLUMBIA HEIGHTS-For Kent .Nicely furnished. cool room, southernexposure; lurge porch. Je2-3t*WANTED.RENT 4 PARTLY FURNISHEDrooms, private house, responsible party; abso¬lute cleanliness essential; no children; termsmoderate; call Sunday. 1412 North Capitol at.Jel'-2f

FINELY FURNISHED ROOMS. FIELDS Al'ART-ments. 717 13tb; week or month; southern ex-iwsure; summer prices; housekeeping. Ju2-2t*

NICE SECOND-STORYFRONTROOM AND HALLroom; reaaoliable. 1)10 L st. n.w. Je2-2t*

| FOR RENT- I-jfeoE. PLEASANT ROOMS, WITHgood board; also hall room; moderate; tran¬sients. 913 H st. n.w. Je!!-2t

FOR RENT--NH"ELY FURNISHED ROOM FORgentleman only; reasoua-ble. 1342 Glrard St.,Columbia Heights. je2-2t

OXB LAKliK, MCEI.Y FCltXISLIBD, 8BCOXD-floor front room; eaateru exposure. 0\VXEItf1510 X. Cai>. st. Jel-'jt*

CEXTKAJy.1305 II ST. X.W.- LARGE FRONTrtom for two; also stugle one. jel-2t*

FOR RENT TO MARRIED COUPLE. 2D STORYfront room, with privilege of house during ab¬sence from city. 1842 M n.w. Jcl -t*

PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT TOgentleman. Inquire VAN NESS. Flat 3. 704 Mst. n.w. ]>>l-3a

A SECOND STORY FRONT ROOM; LIGHThousekeeping; gas range, prlvste lx'11, letter box,sjieaklng tube and door opener; electric-gaslighted. 907 O st. Jcl-2t

I COOL THIRD-STORY FRONT ROOM. SUITABLEfor two; also large hall room. 1722 Corcoran St.

n.w. my31-3t*FOR RENT.NICELY FURN1SHED ROOMS. SIN-glo or en suite. 1219 Ey» st. n.w. my31-3t*

*8 PER MONTH-LARGE, NICE. CO')!.. CLEANr>o<n. 304 C st. ii.w. . my31-3t*

FOR RENT . THREE N EATLY FURNISHEDrooms for light housekeeping; good nelghliorhood;central location. 200 F St. n.w. my31-3t

LARGE FRONT ROOM. WITH ALOOVE;"NicELYfurnished; bath same floor; l.h.k. If desired; 2dfloor. Also front ball room. 1323 Que st. n.w.niySl -3a .

j COOL. PLEASANT ROOMS. AT 1328 MASS. AVE.Rates reasonable. my30.Jel,2-3t*

I PRETTY NEWLY FURNISHED LARGE ZD-STORYrooms; hot-water beat; gas; elegant bath; tele¬phone; $lo, $12 and $18. 1753 Tea st. n.w.my27-7t*FUKMSHED OR DNFDBNISHEO.

1725 DE~SALES ST.-LARUE, COOL SECONO-rliory rooms, single or eu suite; furnished or un-

fg ft rnlshed. Je2-3t*THREE NEWLY PAPERED UNFURNISHEDrooms; I, h. k.; one large furnished room; twobeds; suitable for gentleman. 710 8th st. n.w.roy31 3t*

| 500 H ST. N. E. 2 UR 3 COMMUNICATING 2Dfloor rooms; fufnlshed or unfurnished; beat. gas.bath; young couple preferred. Cheap. my31-3t*

UNFURNISHED.FLAT OF 4 ROOMS. 2D FLOOR; GAS RANGE;porcelain bath; heat and sras; $25 per mo.: uochildren. OWNER, 1503 8th ah n.w. Je2-2t*

SECOND FLOOR -THREE LARGE ROOMS; 1IUI-water heat. 1835 13rh st. n.w. je2-2t*

FOR RENT 3 LARGE ROOMS, BATH, POiRCH;private entrance; l.h.k. 10«)2 Lawrence st.,Brookland.

FOR RENT.THREE LARGE. NEWLY PAPEREDrooms. Second floor; three-story duelling; south¬ern exposure; light housekeeping; gas for cook¬ing; delightfully cool; well heated In winter;porcelain bath; private family; near Capitol andLibrary; fine neighborhood; closets. At (be veryreasonable rate of $10 year round. 120 C »t.s.e. References.

FOR HKXT3 ROOMS. SECOND FLOOR, FORlight housekeeping. 234st. n.w.

FOR RENT- A FLAT OF TOREE BRIGHT.airy rooms. 1412 !)th st. n.w.

FOR RENT.2 UNFURNIRHExTZD-STORY LARGErooivs; -Hie front room on 1st floor; heat and gas;neai bureau of engraving and agriculture; no cbll-dren. 22) 12th gt.

FOR RENT.THREE COMMUNICATING It'KJMS;overlooking reservation; reasonable. 110-1 I, st.

n.w. Je2-3t*FOR RENT 3D FLOOR 2 COMMUNICATINGrooms." 58 M st. n.w. Je2-3t*

2-3 BRIGHT UNFURNISHED ROOMS, ID FLOOR;bath; gas; cheap. 37 I st. n.e. Je2-3t*

A LARGE UVt'URNWHBIl ROOM. REAR OF1011 12th: suitable for storage. Je2-2t

THREE OR FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS, ON2d floor, for l.h.k.; convenient to cars. 1906

3d n.w Je2-3t*FOR RENT BEAUTIFUL FLAT OF 4 ROOMS,2J floor; bath; large. 3-story corner bouse; lawnand porches; no children. 520 B st. n.e.

FOR RENT 733 22D N.W. LARGE UNFOR-plslied purlor. $7 per month.

506 B S.E..TWO UNFDR. ROOMS; CONVEN-lences; l.h.k.; gas; bath; $10. Jel-8t*

THREE LARGE. HANDSOME ROOMS. AIJ. .KAC-lng street; rent cheap for summer. 050 9 st. n.w.Jal 3t*

UNFURNISHED. FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING.4 very desirable rooms; south front; gas range;porcelain bath, etc.; terms moderate to rightparty. Address OWNER OF HOUSE. Star olBeeJel-3t"



six unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping;single or cn suite; summer rates. Jel4t*1818 N. CAP. ST. N.E..4 OR 5 UNFURNISHEDrooms for l.b.k. my31-4t*

FOR RENT-THREE BOOMS, UNFURNISHED.1848 W st. n.w. . my31-St*FOR RENT.2 EXCELLENT COMMUNICATINGrooms; second floor. 1010 8th n.w. my31-8t*

TWO OR 8 UNFURNISHED ROOMS ON SECONDfloor, newly papered and painted, with bath andgaa. 12 Eye st. n.w. m>31-3t»

FOR RENT.FIRST AND SECOND FLOOR:suitable for dressmaking. Apply list 17th ft.


n-w. m/2»-7t«

WANTED.BOOMS.One cent a word for 15 words.

WANTED.ROOMS FOR SUMMER FOR THREEadults; nominal rest. A. W. DUNN, Star build¬


(eight years), southern exposure room west ofl£lh St.; give price. Box 3, Star office. je2-2t*WANTED.BY GENTLEMAN AND WIFE. BOOMand board with small family of refinement; quietsurroundings are essential; satisfactory rafarencesare desired, with terms. Address Q. K. B., Staroffice- k2-2t*WANTED.IRVING 8T.-GENTLEMAN WANTSroom vlelttlty Irving and 14th atl. n.w. Box 200,Star office. Jel-2t*

WANTED.HOME FOB TWO YOUNG PERSONS,In a cultured Jewish family; board optional; chll-draa no objection; prefer lit. Pleasant; pile*(60-960, but congenial SBvlnooment lot cost deter-

iM lne. iniOU r

rooma; gas for light housekeeping; very reaaon-1313 11th at. n.w. Jel-2t»

mining factor; ample references. Box 250, Staroato. . jel-at*


BOOMS AID BOABB.<>»» eet a wort for U wuras.

WiWBH GENTLEMEN BOARDERS, UKUK""M. I»»l *«nl; corner houee.IMS U«-reece »i.. Brookland.

LAEOE ALCOVE 3D-FLOOB FRONT ROOM;Hfw. exposure; scar bath; large closet; good2. ' *?<.«.«« mr ears. Two pMple,$*S. 3008 O n.w. ^33t

COOL, DBUQUTFUU.Y SITUATH1> FURNISHEDroom*, with or without board. 1528 Que st. n.w.Irantlenta acrommoristed Je2-7t*

*"*5?^ PEASANT ROOM. WITH GOOD BOARD;.too hall room; moderate; transients. »1S II «t.

LARGE 21)-FLOOR FURNISHED FRONT ANDajuatler room. with t*ard. 13M Fairmont at.. Oo-lanbla Heights. . Je2 3t*

LARGB FURNISHED KRONTIiOOM WITH At-eo*» and board; two gentlemen preferred. 1716>tH at. n.w. Je2 3t*

COLUMBIA H"GHT8 VERY DESIRABI.R m*FSof two ot three rooms, private bath; also singleroom; laljle board; private family Address H.F., Mar office.

BOARD . FURNISHED OR~ UNFURNISHEDroom; special rale to couple; private fsuiiiy. 1UOOaUt nxr- Jel3t*

REFINED HOME KOK TWu GENTLEMEN WITHprivate family. 624 K si. n.w. my31-3t*

1816 L.DBSiRAlsl E. WKLL-FUltNlSHED SIN-gle and double rooms; 2 and 4 windows; modern,nicely kept, thoroughly screened hoiue; 3 baiha;choice board oi without; transients taken.mysy-nt*

IT<*, *" ST. N.W..PLEASANT ROOMS; GOODtable; boiled water; piano and telephone; {south¬ern family; terma moderate. inj-26-tf

SPECIAL.FINE ROOM, WITH THREE 25 CENTmeala dally, $26 month: beat part or city; U3SiJSSf t'anstenta accommodated. THE NEWjAADQLPH HOTEL. 1304 Q >t aw. mj4-tf


One Cent c Word for IS Words.2026 G ST. N. W.- ROOM AND BOAJtDING~


WASTED.BOOMS AND BOARD.One Cent a Word for Ifl Words.

WANTED.BY DEPARTMENT GENTLEMAN, ISsmall family; south exposure; quietly disposed,easily suited; hungry for a home; terms and fullparticulars. Address G. H. K., Star office.

WANTED.ROOM AND HOARD IN STRICTLYprivate family. Terms reasonable. Give fullparticulars. In suburbs, Box 'MS, Star office.Je2-2t*

WANTED BY GENTLEMAN. RO ANDboard in private family. In northwest or north¬east; have telephone; will allow family free useof same. Box 271, Star office. Je2-2t


A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL TAKK .* FEW. TOroom and board; large lawn and trees; near car.

. Mrs. F. O. THOMPSON,North Chevy Chase.

WANTED FEW UEKIN-ED BOARDERS ONsplendid farm In Shenandoah valley, acce»sibleby Bluemont branch or 11. & o. to Berryvllle¦refs. exchanged. Mrs. E. P. DORSEY, R. F D.No. 3. Berryvllle, Ya. je2-2t

WANTED- TO BOARD FOR SUMMER TWOadults: ladles preferred; large, cool ro*rai; g>>odtable; small family. Address Miss AMELIA P.HK.GINS. Rockvllle, Md. Je2-3t,efiu*

IN THE MOUNTaTxS;-FINE AIR; SHADkTcOm"-fortable rtiorus; good table; children taken. Mrs.ROBERT A. MARSHALL, Delaplaue Fauquier

Co - V" je2-2t*PLEASANT GROVE.OPEN JUNK 15; BATH:hot and cold water; Kockvllle electric cars passthe grove. Address FRANK IUflPP. Ibx-kvllie.Md. It. F. I).. No. 3. je2-15t

SUMMER BOARDERS WANTBD.BLUB RIDGE:nigh, healthy; l>eautlful views; large roomsporches; pure air, spring water, shade, good ta¬ble, milk, butter, eggs, chickens, vegetables- ftmile from station. Mrs. ROLAND GRADY(Grand View), JJnden, Va..K MAPLBS; PLEASANT COUNTRY PLACEfor boarders: large shady lawn; plenty vegetables,chickens, milk, eggs; terms nitnerate; near DunnLorlng station. Mrs. It. s. POUTER. Metrltlc d,

Je2 3t*WANTEI>.B<>A It I >HRS o\ a FARM; "FRUIT

Ice. milk, fresh vegetables; shade; terms. *4 per

r,A'l<iresN Mrs. A. I>. 11HOMAS, Knoxvllle,

Md. R. F. I>. No. VZ. Je2-2t'

B2u?»SPS W;^NTKIJ.MIN. WALK-FROSritr.Tir r*r\« i>"reh; b«th r°°m ««itelephone Mrs. KATE M. LATIMER. Johnson

je2 3t"Phone Ifyatts. 6.R.

L,^'(}.i*V,-VT- B^Ll-lKUrXY SITUATED ONOhoptank rivoT; 20-acre lawn; shade; springwater; goo<l tafcle; liome comforts; steamt>oatwharf on farm; boa tin*: bathln*; m«-»dHrate

Je2-3f .ALTEU HARRISON, Neavltt, Md.

8 F1£OM WASII » ON CHEsTu'KAKE; Lerry station 5 minutes' walk; trains con-venlenr for officeholders; lar^e ro-jms; line shadeand water: pood table. Address MISS R BBERRY. Ritchie, Prince George county Mdje2-3t*. X.

SUMMIT PARK HOTP^,Galthersburg. Md.

Open June 1 under new management: refitted nn-irenovated; cool and shady: 20 mhes west o)Washington on B. A O. railroad; nice place forfamilies or others; moderate ratesUntil June 1 applv 307 B st n e

Jel-7t* Mrs. OHARLES CULLEV. Manager.RJOIlT AT FAUQUIER WHITE SULPHURSprings, \a., first-class country board only toper week. Special rates for families or severalIn party. Apply J. W. HANBACK. my3i;!t*

Mm«JRh0SR »SCII<i9,V~A DELIGHTFUL 8uiTk?Q1M f <jfllI<lren ln tbe most healthful

£2 J ' no ''ndles from Jnno 16 to

H^ltnpvr ri rt, ,u' v'P^nte- Address MissHAUDEi. Clarksvllle. Md. my2-S2t,eS«

??0I.-EST, SPOT IN TUB DISTRICT IS THEWashington College, :id and T sts. n.e.; ten acresl8«n; shade. Open to summer boarders June 1Rates, friu and up per month. apl9-6ut

PAEONIAN HOUSE.LARGE, "shaDy" UffVinodern Improvements: 175 ft. porches; 200 ydsfrom station; b^t water In the world? 3 dailymails; from six To eight dollars per week: gueststo aUrnlsh their own towels. A C VAXDP

n,y20T30tR- V^UlaU

FRUITLAND.OPEN JUNE lj 1 >/. MILE FROMRound Hill station: with large. Shady lawn ex¬tended porches; good water; abundance of fruit-..It? room and home comforts. Apply WM LE-\ IN POWELL. Round Hill, Ix>udoun Co Vaniy!9 s&w-to Jyl

SUMMER BOARDERS WANTED IN PLEASANTcountry home; large, shady lawn; table'refined surroundings; convenient to Washington'The Misses PENDLETON, Delaplane, Fauquiercounty, Va. myl8,19,a6,je,S,a


one of the most beautiful places In Carrol)county; one mile from New Windsor; will open

June 1; conveniences. AddressI Kh:-n WOULD, New Windsor, Md. my4-80t


F0>H» RENT -A NEW STORE WITH UP-TO-DATEfixtures: location the best; cor. Mt. Pleasant andLamont sts. n.w. Apply on prlmlses. Je2-2t»

FOR RENT.FINE BUSINESS PROPERTY- Vcorner: n.e. cor. 3d and Penna. ave. s.e.; largestore on one of the best business blocks ln thesoutheast: rent $40 per month

JAMES F. SHEA.3^2-tf 643 L^. aye, n.w.

FOR RENT.D. D. THOMPSON & CO., 1335T~STrBasement, suitable tot plumber's shop, tin shop orgeneral storage purposes; room 22x70. 616 Laare.; >15.50 mo. jel-tf.eftu


FOR RENT.A CORNER GROCERY STORE, WITHdwelling rooms. Apply 1528 H st. s.w. Jel-8tFOE RENT-

On Penna. ave., OLe of the best stands for sodawater, fruit and cigars.my2»-7t» Apply 487 Pa. ave. n.i

FOB BEBT.OFFICES.4; 3t,»1.00; 1 wk..»2.33: lmo »7»FOR RENT-1303 V ST. N.W., SECOND FLOOR*


FOR DENTIST OR ARCHITECT, AcIn excellent! repair; inodern conveniences; heated

Very reasonable rent.I.IBBKRMANN A HAiWN, 1303 F at.

FOR RENT-TWO LARGE. BRIOHT ROOMS ON2d floo, of No. 1328 N. Y. ,Te . healed by SSwater; »3B. Apply DAVID MOORS,

1328 New Yorfc ava. n.w.

FOR RENT.508 UTH 8T. N.W. A COUPLE OFrwms; very cheap rent; centrally located. See

H2-i.rn.w-at MOORE A HILL ring.). 717 14th.FOR RENT.OFFICE; WELL FURNISHED; GOODsafe; typewriter; desks; nicely carpeted- firstfloor; two large rooms, with toflet attached.

HARMON * CO., 828 18th st. n.w.

FOB BEST.HALLS.4 lines. It.50c:; 1 wk..12.38: 1 mo.. 87.J#.FOB RENT . OARBOLL INSTITUTE HtrrjTXOth and K sts. n.w. The moat compieU andthoroughly eqnlpped balls In the elty ret aocletiesbanqnets entertainmenU and receptions. Termareasonable. Apply at hall. nog-tf


FOR RENT.THE LARGE WAREHOUSE 3208 Kor Water st. n.w. Suitable for heavy storageor for fatten. Rent. $20 per month. Inquire ofJOHN H. BRENT. 181fl H St. a w myl7-S0t


prices for a abort

Q°* t i wort aaci: tlroa for 16 worti I .'

*7^,1 MKRCUA xdise~ avu

gTSiESKS'SSSin!? Ishment. For particular* IWx


Srfy SSEtS ^T,1 root* nun HimiWfly situated who d«»»lre« to >nn» In ..

tate httolzif«8, or wonld par<'bAM InterestIn established realty Orm. .. Wtwi^TSbo attention paid. Add«a MALT^lJ*.? of

"*. Je* 3t"

Bi?^AflVlrJ2.N,'T« ,17B ^»a-ooN-n»T« or^7h £L J!**' co^^" 'or housekeeping.WKJ t« mootb, uee of new upright piano free-

JJ5? J*J- o®Jr $20.80; location beautiful; alghfew da!*A ill? *.pl<'n*1'd open only a

&Tb3Pa. , uT'" n>m*d","x p °


'axsm^fsrvsa. ¦¦Jr1 «¦«. <«.".«.«aHMO. *1,000, »2.000, TRUST NOTES TeoFrq7<7v52.? "^rb*n *11 a, .miMdlaioont. Addremi Box 2. Star oglce. Je2-.1t*

orF>cK» IN m Nrm.WtieScT'aJd JSf&SL?1* F0"11 »«">ln«ia

5iv» ten thousand dollars would!£ *^r" Patten with a Waahington e<irporad^s^o^A "UbU^ >«.'"«. <Wern. *?d.Box 254. $tar office.

w,2in'?ai« yf"'°8 ANU FANCY orikkkt215.1 tb* ®g?"k."t ¦ *ery tempting price Par

frFst. TAYT'OR'S- 13» *.» York m n.w

»AKSHY. CONFECTIONERY AND ICECREAMT the best money maker* In city

«2«W TA^rV^ Wvto fmyr.Jci3t* ®» *228 New \ork are. n.w.

SOMETHING VERY ATTRACTIVE IX DAIRYImioh. colnln£ iDoney; price correct. TAYLOR'SIdj* New > ork are, n.w. j,l ;it

SALOON; A BIG WINNER; OWXeFrkt7r I\,7want«d TAYIJtR'S '?S: """«**je*°1t TATLORS- 1328 New York are. n.w.

ESTABLISHED 1896.TO SEl.I. YOUR HI SINESS«!i» ' ,rJ"j wl" Bet «»<1 ijulck re-suits. I )a< ««8 sold In the past few days-Grocery and notion store. 950 R «tGrocwy, 75 N at.Housefurnlshlng business. 1422 7th atRooming U<»uae. N. J. ave. and O stGrocery. 14th and C sis.Grocery and sotloo. 181fi fith at.

x-^SF- tt* 9K t^'low if you wish to buy NBWYORK Bl SINESS BROKERS. 611 F Jel.1t.eSu

CAFE ANI) DAIRY LUNCH, PA. AVE. LOCA-tlon; monthly bnslueas. $1,600; well locsie,|

J; price. $2,50); terma. NEW YORKBl SINF-SS BROKERS. 611 F. jel-.1t.eSu

cigar. Fool room and newsstand, clear.Ing $5 day: prominent atreet; onlr »300: cotue


CORNER GROGERY SOT THEAST; DAILY 8ALE8$25; rent, $27, Including living rooms; rare

«t »e00. NEW YORK BUSINESS BR0KERS, 611 F. . Jel-3t.e«u

FOR SALE -GROCERY. OON'PBOnOXRHY ANDnotion store; living rooms attached. Address G.R. O., Star office. jel-3t

FOR RUNT.APARTMENT WITH P1'RIJC D1N-lng rooms well patronised with monfMy board¬ers. Want some person as manaj^r cf the houseMust be capable .and give best of s rvice. Lfrcation near Capitol. Address Box 24 2. Star offlce-

FOR SALE.ONE 6 ROOM BRICK: A ISO TWPMboantiful lots; sacrifice; lovely view; eaay termaAddress OWNER E., S-tar office. iny31-8t*

A PENSION ATTORNEY WILL SELL ALL HISpension claima that have accumulated in 17yeare' practice. Address Bop 286, City Post Of-

flg*- myat-St*

"'S,00, (;ENERA- COLLECTIXO. BRING SUITSFile claims against bankrupts. No charge with¬out collection. FULLER AGENCYmy28-6f 717 12th J, w.


ORRIS. THE PERFUMED ROOT USED IN MAK-a-' face, tooth and perfamed powder*- S2 0»X100& worth Orris i.rodncta sold yearly;

demand: wonderfully productive, hardy Interesting. (towering plant for fleld or garde a; marreious-ly profitable, producing $1,000 an acre each yeareasy of cultivation; quick results; $10 will startyou; full instructions free how to grow It Writeto GRANITE HILL FARM. LouiaVamy!9-lnw St

P0R RENT-ONE MISCELLANEOUS STALL INiV«» market. Apply at offloe. apl6-tf


? lines. It. 60c.; 1 wk.. $2.62: 1 mo. $7.20YOU CAN T BLAME THE MAN WhTT IS PIJT^thig up the atove for hitting the pipe. 8top h.ngenough to drop ua a postal to call for thosemen s worn garments, aboes, hats, shirts Wearo prompt. JTJSTH'S OLD STAND. 61!) i>.Je£-tf,3


nth and G. Private detective aervice at anyhour. Reliable and confidential; anv rause- allsections. 'Phone Main 2fi2S. Arter .111 p m 1i-au be consulted at my reaidence 3002 11th atcor. of Columbia road. MORGAN BRADFORD Ir"Superintendent. mv.11 -Sf ft


ROOMS PAPERED AT I.OW ISPECIAL PSirioifrom May 15 to 1st August; yi.u can save u.,.ne"vby having your work done at this time and aetbetter satisfaction than in busy aeason; estimatescheerfully furnlshedfl Drop postal; will tall

FRANK FOER, 1327 14th at n wI'lione North 1002. my1C-.10t-7

A HANDSOME TEA SET GIVEN AWAY FREEafter buying 20 lbs. of our celebrated Mocha and

^ Ib' WASHINGTON OOFFEBCO..^H' ~t'i st. n.w. my 10-301*

ESTABLISHED 10 YEARS. WE ht Y AXD^ELLall kinds of Billable second-hand furniturePhon« North 2270. We will give you promptservice. DICKINSON'S. S and 7ih att a wmy9-90t,4

THINK ABOUT PCRE ICK CREAM.The 1* rlendal.lp Ice Cream Factory makes noti¬ng but the best; It Is delicious aidTf^sMng.".£ou °,Ply ,8'Te ". « ,r'al you won't want anyother. Special rates to churches and festival/i>ac.ory. 1939 14th n.w. 'Phone North 817Branch office, 2104 14th n.w. 'Phone North

iuy9-30t,8WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOBgents worn garments, musical Instruments guis

&wwm r r^rv7"si,un,;,"u'^m.v6-90r

' "

SPECIAL ATTENTION-LADIES. BRI\(i Ynraold suit and have It made new ln ,he' neweat.'"V J !;*' for ooe-1"1" <l>e actual c«t. Drorpostal; will cai j. SHCIJ4ANmy6-30t,6 1410 Eye at. n.w.. Ladles Tailor.

I AM THE ONLY MAN THAT PAYS THE HIGH.Sm\ Vl! n [V Clothing R. "old.

-«tlw" postal and I will


S. WEIR MITCHELL SYSTEM.i*Hge trc»'nients, all kinds. Good rer.r.r.~

ml,6-90;' 1509 N. Capitol st. -Pho^x 6^T*-n. /iRS W'N8LOW's SOOTHING 8YRUPHat been used for over SIXTY YFatiq k.

¥8£&gF882WrfKgfsHMfx?^ks^N»c^D^^Erases, r,«P^aafu,^W8 8°OTU.°

^rm^ent huU. .ur.. mVbaLDW 3^.~ _

Bol Utl. Chleaio._PROPOSALS.


4 lines. It. 60c. «t.$1.20; 1 wk..«2 Bg. 1 mn. f120^^P06Al5l FOR si'RBIj OONSTRlW*rti"w "

Ofllce of Building for Nations; atwJoCongress. Washington. D. C.. May 31proposals tor steel construction for the

f5£"th2l\/ti««l1'V. *Dd 7°' of ttl" Dew '"'HdlngTor the National Museum, in this citv will fw

thlTe?«th '¦?'* °®ce nntU 2 o'clock MONDAYtl» l^th day of June, 1906, and then imhlielvIn'orm,tkm furalihedrfnwt^ thla office. BERKARD k

r£iNlk1' ^SI'PPLIES FOR C. S MARINEHeadquarters U. 3 Marina Coma Oii.rtUTZ'Airo^'ri

^"Martne'^'^SrSWW,n5hWs'mMps^£"h?wear, anoes, caps, gloves, trumpets, flairs brushes. mT'.s"!'''¦ miT '7' Peeking U>xes!^»«Yh^ri.^^r^.P0^,'.bnttOTls- thread, 4c Pro-an!f.i.f^i...i lnformat Ion can be obtained.fl£e !2S rt."*?p,e" examined, at this of-1um

* *!"-**'*? °[ the Aaalstant Quartermaster.1M» South Broad street, Philadelphia, Pa., and thev5^t°v S8 Qu«rteriuaster. Marina Barracks

nr°°*L'^'. N. Y. Thto office reserves*o reject any or all bids and to waive In-

fie ftfl' Colonel, Quartermaa-tet. P. 8. Marina Oorpa. my26 law 2tOFFICE Off BUILDING *OB LIBRARY Of OOX-f."' Washington. D. C.. May 8. 1906 -Pro-PpMla will he received at thia office until 9o clock p.m. Jtina 5, 1808, and then publiclyopened, to furniah the annual (applies of Cost,}"¦ lo'Andeacent Lamps. Hardware and Plumb¬s'' _5oa*rk.e«Plng, Painting Materiala. and forRemoving Ashe* and Washing Towels. BlankH^S*. Information furnished 00 ap-Irt-Chtton. BERNARD B. GREEN, Superlntena-

CTt- myo.6,S.81 Jel.2


rental applies 00 pur-vk(hl« ¦ I'ltM

FOB SALE.MISCELLANEOUS.Q»e Owt » Wort Each Tim* for IS Woeda * Tlmae.FOB SALE *VELL MOTOR OTCUC: 1'RIU Hl'Tconditio®; I1UU. Apply C. A SKI Iint. 112 ftti,

"¦ *.?. j"2 ai.^su*for salem.vKTiN guitar, «*7T7N»*r~iiirU^VTAH"^ $ir' A'1'ir-"

POR 8AI«E.GIVING CP HOI'MQ FOR AiTvtWin »«II at fraction of n*t furnttur» .,f ankinds. folding and Iron bed*. mattre.*- ro- kereoil iMlotlnp, blue fl«inf «.!! .1ovr, g«» rtiifi- mid*». water heater (new). fruit Jars. «¦;. \l«oclosed carriage. M34 New V-rfc «» j 2 It*

FOR 8ALK WF.BSTBB S INTER.NATION A1/fTi~i.?ry».,1B0B brand new U STRI'TII-

211 r " w- Jrt .1t*erything you nepu> in tiihhT "xl ¦*««"». tor T"fr offloo can

tao atock. MAlTfg. Ml2 Pa are. mn2ftl«>t.4



. idoor frttiM an-l door; augment iiv|u>iimolding* complete; fancy pipe T-nclo* two

*1"??* P*<>«ec»ors. A <tdr.esft. A. M., «88. corner Uwl ami K «.w. J*t-3t

L»1ESIBAEI.E .SODA FoTjT1m ,d <4r,«"«"w» »t low prices and reiawable term,, also eTCTylhlng |U the line of .on.fvctlonera and e»Ja fountalu eupplloa nunufacterera prices guerantecd


.Paj'T a8t BUBCH ft KLH'S, aiB «,b at. n w.JOB HXIX TWO HUNDRED SIIAREA iiapTl5IJ* i,D ' '"ompauy: cheap. A J lrvaa X T \l'®*- J*2 2t h

Add^g^oT/,'1 %:t fe,f j&vF?«ka fALB Btil.TU'CL UPRIGHT PIANO«."-?23r gjgt*~~TIPSSSS

SAX^-HixTttN nr\dr15V kJF.vwTTh*kindling wood delivered to any address In thw w i'u,kkk'

FOB SALE-.DRES8 SriT; TTXEfiil ?<)AT iv,

kSm!;ni>T:^Uj. 1*^ ki^cw'tuiT.EH.MA.N. National H,»tel lol-jit*' m«fcA^NijfTrC "^"B ANT, JO iioiXS

2-^. Star oli)re. ^ ,l- A^rT"" Mo,:7r~.. Jflnl.fflU

"ANO bargaw.

tvi> u^u SoL°'*r, "»rrr»!l, uag.1, »;«« o,kShi. , V''r ght- .*''.*> T*" other bar-KXl lf7ri&' r'U"°* fur r""'- "'»«

ir... .hpgo worcb «2a fssgg !!l'gA.S5S5, t-"

S^nfat' <>Ji>dult and Foihal! r »,!».

HoAfL.Knct*ab:sffpssr £S"t'1aar }® f"I2' we. us:

==. myao«frXaAk%^?s.:,tE'

F0 We*«^ISLUJ£rtN^r V ARIOP8 MAKFXtie Plan.. we |,f,l , "t2rk ,"f th* offboae tliat we h.,7 Id anj of

w,.r. Vou ,-.n l1,hk'd«;<"r;!.;«u.t,a%"?JU";:^^^?,n^.r/,%r^f«rrt °-W

s5*?UJ " '.."'fully U.«I (Ilka new,.

>./« KS.'I"G"V.^ssxngzH^n'" i'«' Vaae : i.rK,.,t

"ew ""°Jltlou J«" Ukff

E"r I'prlBhV- iar*e ataai" UV«t' atTlaImM r,'rj "u«»,tly «."! Special |a&>hi. i- n T! ,"ri*b'- m> rH«,

' * £°:11Lp!' 'rb,: Ur*,> ,lte Diaboganyir? ^r7 u-»'l Sw.-lal


H.!1M>Tk.,!'.,,r,ghlJ ."ise; ilj Bjiim-dld coodltliin. Special. ,IV1Sijuaie I'laooe. Jlo lg e«»y terua!.

WM KNARK .V CO..my27-if.28 1218-20 F Str.-..t.KUU SAI,E-


l'I*BJGHT riANO.GBKAT SArBIFJCi:mahojany upright, medium niie,beautiful, rich tone; has all the beat Improve,

ttienta one of the test makes; only ue. | . »., rt' "® b-T f*reful party, who mu.t uo» aell .rquick cash.

Only $175, cost regularlyfor luuic uue to Milan un

Call at once.

mj23-tf.12aR,MES ,,IANOi57?pR;




1212 F lit.

fob SAUt.BIGGEST Ul'RIUHT PIANO BAB-,1<W' *1.10 <,D<5 *11» Warranted newupright pianos at low price* $J monthly par-

menu fr. W. HEIJi.Q, 1742 7ft a" mj lf tt 4POK SALB.GO-CARTO, SI.98* DROP RTDRcouch $2.98; metal folding^oil atovea and refrlgera tora. $1 per week Call

rSw-U?«sS*- Bi£,,i?ONU. 311and «« uj,

F9?. °LD MAHOGANY FURNITURE TU'()Chlppenilale nldeboarda, one claw-foot aldeboard.two aofaa, three card tablea, one Grandfather'aiiTiS.J'*? chMter genuine old plecea.1131 i th at. n.w. mh2l »0t~





FURNITIKE STOVES. BEFBIGKBAT0B8 AND. large collection of used fumliure at specialreduced prlcea; aome very deairable plecea t»be found here.mhS-Wt-g CABNEAL. B and 7th n w.

FOR SALE-2 CARLOADS WINDOW SCREENSand door acraena. 1214c. up; doora, 81c. up; ex¬tra wide doora carried In atock; acreeua made taorder, 75c.: koock-dowo framea, 25c ; wire 114c813. ft. KLEEBLATT'S, 11th and H ata o eap30-90t

FOB 8ALE-GOOO) QUALITY OPAQUE SHADE*fitted to your wlndowa. only 25c ; the beat qual!lty oil opaque ahadea, 50c hung free Will callwltb samples. KLEEBLATT'S, 11th & II ita n e


4 llnea. lt.SOe »t. tl 2Q. lwt .H IB 1 mo »7 »HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS. ETC."

Stored at reasonable rate*.ADAM A. WESCHI.EB, Auctioneer

¦ny26 30t B20 Pa. ave. n.w. 'I*boue 12K2.

CENTRAL STORAGE ROOMS. 1««8 n ST N wTNew building, deao. light and well veotllated'low ratea We pack and ahlp to all polata!BROWN ft TOLSO>, Aucta., Proprletora. Fbona


1420 Yon at.Indeatractlble.

Store yoar bouaehoid gooda In the newbuilding, free from

germa.Ruga and carpeta cleaned.Let our estimator call.

If wa don't get roar bnalneaair.ylS-tf WE BOTH I^B MONEY.100 SEPARATE STORAGE RCHKMS; STORAOBby the load; packing, hauling and ahlpplng Hbaua before storing. THOMAS DOWLINQ ft noAuctioneers, 612 E at. n.w 'Phooa Main BIS



4 llnca. lt.50r; »t,|100; 1 I no.. 97 20.FOR HALE.ABM. 83 MlNUTKfl FROM WASH-lngtun, tft Francouia Station, on new doubletrack B.. F. ft P. Bwy.; 100 or 125 acres; allnecessary bulldlna; beautiful lawn; excellentwater; location high and healthy; $45 pet icra.Addreaa B. F. THOMAS, Garfield Va w

HENBY G. THOMAS.Fendall Lllg Waahlngton.

FOB BENT.FOUR MONTHS FROM JUKE l7delightful country borne near Warrenton. Vlr.f;1'!*. 9-rooai honae; aerrleea of gardener In.clndad; Are aciaa. aplendld garden; fresh cow.Inquire of THE F. rf. SMITH COMPANY,

.. .1*08 New York avenue n.w.,

n»7»-tfWaahlngtoa. P. t!.fOB SALE-VIENNA, VA IB MILES FROMWaahlngton; high and healthy; ateain and elec¬tric car*; property of all klode. all a'.aei ,uETtu?' |!*r*mlr* 1" colonial estate*. CHARLESHINE. "j«pna. Va. nihl'd ttoi .

EEAL ESTi^E FOE SALE.FOR 8ALK-A BUSINESS PROPERTY ON ;7^i7street. 00 the bnaleat aqnare; rent. 880 a monthprice. $6,000. Lot 40H3M to 10-foot alley. _

R- A. 0A8ILEAR ft CO..1828 32d at.


raxetwte at., pfcllMelphU. or No. 3lUnothlft ife., Atlantic City.