Staples Case Study

Jennifer Diaz MAN 2021 September 14, 2014 Staples Case Study 1. Staples is nothing without its employees. If it’s not the customers holding it together it’s the employees. I think what would make the company more successful would be to let the employees know when they are going to change the system, announce new positions, policies and procedures, and new assessments. It might give them motivation to make sales and increase revenue, which is what every company’s goal is. It would also save the concern and discomfort to the store managers going to train their employees. 2. In my opinion I think staples shouldn’t make so many stores. Just like the numerous Walgreens and CVS pharmacies, they are always empty. Companies are just paying their employees to stand there and do nothing. But take a look at Wal-mart, they have two huge stores in Kendall, the next one is in Doral and the next one is in Hialeah. Wal-mart is always filled with people because they pick one busy specific location not just any other corner! 3. I honestly think that in one staples store there should be more than just one general manager and two assistant managers. I think it should balance. Two general managers and two assistant managers is the way to go. 4. Back to school is a really big deal to many parents and students. Staples should have sales on the week prior to school. They can have “Buy one get one free!” or “Buy 2 get the third one free” or even better “all composition books 99 cents!” Customers go crazy for sales like that and will buy more than necessary. 5. Inventory reports were a good idea but instead of being checked daily, they should be checked every 4 hours at the least. Because sometimes the store does not have the items in stock and a customer needs what the tag says but it is not there. Then they have to bug an employee that might be busy to go get it from the back and if it’s not in the back


Case study

Transcript of Staples Case Study

Jennifer DiazMAN 2021September 14, 2014

Staples Case Study

1. Staples is nothing without its employees. If its not the customers holding it together its the employees. I think what would make the company more successful would be to let the employees know when they are going to change the system, announce new positions, policies and procedures, and new assessments. It might give them motivation to make sales and increase revenue, which is what every companys goal is. It would also save the concern and discomfort to the store managers going to train their employees.2. In my opinion I think staples shouldnt make so many stores. Just like the numerous Walgreens and CVS pharmacies, they are always empty. Companies are just paying their employees to stand there and do nothing. But take a look at Wal-mart, they have two huge stores in Kendall, the next one is in Doral and the next one is in Hialeah. Wal-mart is always filled with people because they pick one busy specific location not just any other corner!3. I honestly think that in one staples store there should be more than just one general manager and two assistant managers. I think it should balance. Two general managers and two assistant managers is the way to go.4. Back to school is a really big deal to many parents and students. Staples should have sales on the week prior to school. They can have Buy one get one free! or Buy 2 get the third one free or even better all composition books 99 cents! Customers go crazy for sales like that and will buy more than necessary. 5. Inventory reports were a good idea but instead of being checked daily, they should be checked every 4 hours at the least. Because sometimes the store does not have the items in stock and a customer needs what the tag says but it is not there. Then they have to bug an employee that might be busy to go get it from the back and if its not in the back it can lead to an upset customer complaining to an even busier manager or just and upset customer leaving empty handed and possibly not even thinking about returning.6. Most stores dont even know how their CEO looks like. The CEO should at least visit some stores in disguise and see how things run. Maybe sometimes even give calls to see how employees answer. Whatever he or she doesnt like they can address it in the next meeting. That would make a big difference in customer satisfaction because employees act the part when managers are there but when theyre not around they turn into someone completely different.7. Lastly I think their best employee should get the most hours. I know it might not seem fair but and its probably not the best solutions but employees really start seeing that they need to give their job their best and if they want more hours which leads to more money, they would put in their best effort into their work.