Standing Order By Issuing Unit 99/94 29/11 ... - Delhi

Standing Order No. Issue Date Issued By Issuing Unit 99/94 29/11/1994 DCP/HQ(II) Police Head Quarters Subject: FUNCTIONING OF DISTRICT WOMEN CELLS Contents STANDINGORDERNO. 99 Issuing Branch C&T FUNCTIONINGOF DISTRICT WOMENCELLS There will be nine District women cells (DWC) functioning in the nine police districts of Delhi. Each cell will be headed by an ACP. The cells will be under the control of DCP/Districts. DCP/CAWCwill coordinate the working of the cells and provide general guidelines on professional matters but the day-to-day functioning of the cell will be looked after by the District DCsP. Duties: (a) The DWCwill investigate all cases of murder for dowry and death of women where dowry is the motive behind the crime. This would include offences u/s 304B and 306 IPC. (b) The DWCwill investigate the cases of rape of women. (c) The DWCmay investigate other cases of crimes against women and when they are marked to them by DCP/Districts or DCP/CAWCor Addl.CP Ranges or Add1.CP/Crime. (d) The OWCwill enquire into complaints received by it and submit it to the DCP of the concerned Distt. for registration and investigation of cases which may arise out of such enquiries. However, the OWCshall not enquire into complaints which have already been dealt with by CAWCell of the Crime Branch or any of the other OWCunless specifically directed to do so. This is necessary to stop the practice of complainants going from cell to cell when the enquiry in a particular cell does not favour them. (e) The DWCwill look into every case of unnatural deaths of married women in their districts and submit a report on the prescribed proforma (Annexure A) to Distt. DCPwith a copy to DCP/CAWCwithin 48 hours. (f) OWCs will conduct anti-eve-teasing drives in their 'respective districts. (g) OWCwill also organize training in un-armed combat for school/college girls. Procedure for transfer of cases All cases of dowry deaths and rape will automatically be transferred to the DWCas soon as a case falling in the above categories is reported in any Police Station. The Duty officer of the P.S. shall immediately inform the ACP/OWCon telephone and wireless and record a DO entry to that effect. The ACP/OWC will immediately assign the case/s to an 1.0 . who shall visit the police station, discuss the cases with SHO/I.O. of the police station who had done the initial enquiry and take up the case immediately. In case there is some

Transcript of Standing Order By Issuing Unit 99/94 29/11 ... - Delhi

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Standing Order

No. Issue Date Issued By Issuing Unit99/94 29/11/1994 DCP/HQ(II) Police Head QuartersSubject: FUNCTIONING OF DISTRICT WOMEN CELLSContentsSTANDINGORDERNO. 99

Issuing BranchC&T


There will be nine District women cells (DWC) functioning in the ninepolice districts of Delhi. Each cell will be headed by an ACP. The cellswill be under the control of DCP/Districts. DCP/CAWCwill coordinate theworking of the cells and provide general guidelines on professional mattersbut the day-to-day functioning of the cell will be looked after by theDistrict DCsP.


(a) The DWCwill investigate all cases of murder for dowry and death ofwomen where dowry is the motive behind the crime. This would includeoffences u/s 304B and 306 IPC.(b) The DWCwill investigate the cases of rape of women.(c) The DWCmay investigate other cases of crimes against women and whenthey are marked to them by DCP/Districts or DCP/CAWCor Addl.CP Ranges orAdd1.CP/Crime.(d) The OWCwill enquire into complaints received by it and submit it tothe DCP of the concerned Distt. for registration and investigation of caseswhich may arise out of such enquiries. However, the OWCshall not enquireinto complaints which have already been dealt with by CAWCell of the CrimeBranch or any of the other OWCunless specifically directed to do so. Thisis necessary to stop the practice of complainants going from cell to cellwhen the enquiry in a particular cell does not favour them.(e) The DWCwill look into every case of unnatural deaths of married womenin their districts and submit a report on the prescribed proforma (AnnexureA) to Distt. DCP with a copy to DCP/CAWCwithin 48 hours.(f) OWCs will conduct anti-eve-teasing drives in their 'respectivedistricts.(g) OWCwill also organize training in un-armed combat for school/collegegirls.

Procedure for transfer of cases

All cases of dowry deaths and rape will automatically be transferredto the DWCas soon as a case falling in the above categories is reported inany Police Station.

The Duty officer of the P.S. shall immediately inform the ACP/OWContelephone and wireless and record a DO entry to that effect. The ACP/OWCwill immediately assign the case/s to an 1.0 . who shall visit the policestation, discuss the cases with SHO/I.O. of the police station who had donethe initial enquiry and take up the case immediately. In case there is some

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delay due to unavoidable reason the case shall be transferred to the DWC'safter the first case diary.

Records to be maintained by District CAWCs

(a) Crime Register Each 1.0. will maintain a Crime Register on theprescribed proforma as is being done by the SHOs of Police Station.ACP/District Women Cell will maintain a separate Crime Register.

(b) Special Report Files: All files investigated by District Women Cellwould be treated as Special Report Cases. A special report file will bemaintained in respect of every case. Special Reports will be sent by ACP inthe same manner as is being done in S.R. Cases by ACP I/C/ Sub. Division.Copies of the ISRs and CSRs shall be sent to DCP/CAWC as well as DistrictDCsP by the ACP/DWCs. The ISRs and CSRs will incorporate the information asper proforma at Annexure '8'.

(c) Diary Despatch Register: As per Rules.

(a) Pairvi Register:cases under trial wouldmaintain the record andOrder on the subject.

A separate register for monitoring the 'Pairvi' ofbe maintained. The District Women Cells will

conduct \Pairvi' in accordance with the Standing

Training: All officers on posting to the DWC will undergo_ a basicOrientation Course for 3 days to be organized by DCP/CAWC in Nanakpura.Thereafter, they shall attend course periodically as and when organized byDCP/CAWC. They will also attend other professional courses as and when

-conducted by or nominated by the District DCsP. Howe ve r, the specializedcourses conducted by DCP/CAWC will have precedence in case the timing of bothcoincide.

Close supervision by supervisory officers

ACP DWC will discuss the case with the 10 at the first opportunity andguide him in chalking out the plan of investigation. Similarly, after theinvestigation has been completed but before the challan is prepared anothermeeting will be held between the 10 and the ACP DWC wherein the ACP willevaluate the evidence on record and give further directions wherevernecessary. Specific mention about both these discussions will be made in theCrime Registers of the 10 and the ACP.

DCP/CAWC will hold meetings with all the officers of District womencells every month. The progress of enquiry into the complaints andinvestigation of cases will be reviewed in this meeting. DCP/CAWC willforward his/her observation to Distt. DCP who will take suitable action. Theover all supervision of DWC will that of Distt. DCP.

Special Intimation the Complainant

ACP DWC will send an intimation to the complainant on Annexure C aboutthe investigation having been taken over by the cell. During the course ofinvestigation the 10 must maintain contact with the complainant and keep herinformed about the important developments in the case. After thefinalization of the case, the result of investigation will be intimated tothe complainant on Annexure D.

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Reports to be send by the District CAWCs to DCP/CAWC.

1. Weekly report on unnatural deaths of women and action taken thereon.2. Monthly report containing details of cases taken up for investigationby District CAWCs (details like case FIR No.,PS and section of law)3. Monthly report of disposal of cases.4. Monthly report of disposal of complaint.5. Monthly report of Anti-eve-teasing drive by Lhe CAWCs.

The reports shall be sent on the proforma to be finalized by DCP/CAWC.


No. XXII/107/SPL/31064-144/C&T(AC-II) DATED 29.11.1994.