Standing at a Critical Point

8/7/2019 Standing at a Critical Point 1/3 1 Standing At the Critical Point By Paula Matthews From my early days, God has always spoken to me in terms of math and science. My expertise became quantifying social trends and resource planning agendas into precise numerical formulas, to be easily manipulated to forecast trend analyses for industry. It was a sense of accomplishment to be able to define any and all real world situations by a series of simultaneous differential equations. And back in the day, we wrote our own source code in machine language to come up with variable solutions that software packages can easily producing today. Most people called us geeks and pencil pushers, but I saw the genius of God at work. I saw how our earthly system is so ingeniously designed that anything could be identified by a series of numerical relationships, whether strictly mathematics or in the arts or social or physical sciences; its all about A, B, C and 1, 2, 3; whether we are defining light, or sound or any movement about us, there are different dimensions and interpolations, but the origins are the same. What makes it all the same is the spiritual force that created them: the creator God. God is spirit, and everything he created contains his DNA. And what I am about to share is how God used a mathematical concept to identify in the world, and in my life specifically, a new impetus that will define events to come. Since the beginning of the year I have been inundated with demographics, and financial statistics trying to construct a world-wide philanthropic budget in areas remotely known to me. To say the least, it is a project well beyond my capabilities, yet I work and do as God commands me to do. Recently, I tried to get God to see why I deserved to have certain things done for me, given all the pain, suffering and sacrifice Ive experienced. Much to my surprise, rather than giving me the sympathetic ear I so desired, God told me to get back to work on the project and dig further into the demographics of people and poverty in the world. Of course, I put my selfish desires aside and obeyed God. The Lord kept bringing up conditions in Africa and the Middle East, which are the main places outside of the US where God wants me to concentrate my efforts. As I was astounded by the figures; unusually high unemployment, high population growth rates and even higher infant mortality rates; God had me praying for solutions for these people because although high birth and growth are positive signs, infant deaths and poverty are signs of an even greater issue. I was looking at numbers and figures and trying to attack problems from the vantage point of statistics, yet the statics are a miniscule reflection of the human conditions that they represent. The issue of poverty and lack, according to God, is spiritual. Even if I had gathered all the natural reasons for poverty and lack, God said that my reasons and numbers would not be enough. He said that no trend analysis or forecasting method would be adequate to determine projections for the future. What we did in the past will no longer work. He said that the world is at a CRITICAL POINT in its operational theories. My years of math, I knew that the critical point was the point at which certain values within an equation would cause the equation to become null and void. As I pondered this explanation from God, he turned the conversation to me and my apparent lack of what I needed to get this project off and running. Not only was I at a critical point, but when God revealed to me what the issue was. It stunned me, yet I should have not been surprised. You see, the money to begin the project was supposed to begin with an overflow of funds out of my own house. In fact, the funds were supposed to have been here back in 2007. People and things were suppose to happen back then yet nothing that God promised me actually happened. It was because of my remembering these unfulfilled promises that God sent me back to the not-for - profit project. Unbeknownst to me, God was about to parallel my reason for lack with that which existed in the world.

Transcript of Standing at a Critical Point

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Standing At the Critical Point By Paula Matthews

From my early days, God has always spoken to me in terms of math and science. My expertise became quantifying

social trends and resource planning agendas into precise numerical formulas, to be easily manipulated to forecast

trend analyses for industry. It was a sense of accomplishment to be able to define any and all real world situations

by a series of simultaneous differential equations. And back in the day, we wrote our own source code in machine

language to come up with variable solutions that software packages can easily producing today. Most people

called us geeks and pencil pushers, but I saw the genius of God at work. I saw how our earthly system is so

ingeniously designed that anything could be identified by a series of numerical relationships, whether strictly

mathematics or in the arts or social or physical sciences; its all about A, B, C and 1, 2, 3; whether we are defining

light, or sound or any movement about us, there are different dimensions and interpolations, but the origins are

the same. What makes it all the same is the spiritual force that created them: the creator God. God is spirit, and

everything he created contains his DNA. And what I am about to share is how God used a mathematical concept

to identify in the world, and in my life specifically, a new impetus that will define events to come.

Since the beginning of the year I have been inundated with demographics, and financial statistics trying to

construct a world-wide philanthropic budget in areas remotely known to me. To say the least, it is a project well

beyond my capabilities, yet I work and do as God commands me to do. Recently, I tried to get God to see why I

deserved to have certain things done for me, given all the pain, suffering and sacrifice Ive experienced. Much to

my surprise, rather than giving me the sympathetic ear I so desired, God told me to get back to work on the project

and dig further into the demographics of people and poverty in the world. Of course, I put my selfish desires aside

and obeyed God.

The Lord kept bringing up conditions in Africa and the Middle East, which are the main places outside of the US

where God wants me to concentrate my efforts. As I was astounded by the figures; unusually high unemployment,

high population growth rates and even higher infant mortality rates; God had me praying for solutions for these

people because although high birth and growth are positive signs, infant deaths and poverty are signs of an even

greater issue. I was looking at numbers and figures and trying to attack problems from the vantage point of 

statistics, yet the statics are a miniscule reflection of the human conditions that they represent. The issue of 

poverty and lack, according to God, is spiritual. Even if I had gathered all the natural reasons for poverty and lack,

God said that my reasons and numbers would not be enough. He said that no trend analysis or forecasting

method would be adequate to determine projections for the future. What we did in the past will no longer work.

He said that the world is at a CRITICAL POINT in its operational theories. My years of math, I knew that the critical

point was the point at which certain values within an equation would cause the equation to become null and void.

As I pondered this explanation from God, he turned the conversation to me and my apparent lack of what I needed

to get this project off and running. Not only was I at a critical point, but when God revealed to me what the issuewas. It stunned me, yet I should have not been surprised. You see, the money to begin the project was supposed

to begin with an overflow of funds out of my own house. In fact, the funds were supposed to have been here back

in 2007. People and things were suppose to happen back then yet nothing that God promised me actually

happened. It was because of my remembering these unfulfilled promises that God sent me back to the not-for -

profit project. Unbeknownst to me, God was about to parallel my reason for lack with that which existed in the


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He gives me a vision of my being in a big house, waiting for people and things to come through the door, but the

door was closed. He questioned why I wouldnt have kept the door open if I was expecting guests. My answer was

quip, If it were a real house, I would never leave my door open, so why would I do the same in this spiritual

house? Besides, the door is closed. Its not like I locked it or bolted it shut. If something or someone wants to

come in bad enough, they can just open the door and come in. This response was evident that my stubbornness

was exalting itself in the matter, but when I heard what came out of my spirit; tears welled up from my heartbecause I was convicted. Here I was at a critical point arguing with God! Not realizing that at this point in time, my

attitude alone was creating a null value in the equation of my life; which not only included resources, but

relationships with people, and all that was necessary to complete this project. My problem was part fear; but

mostly a feeling of entitlement to not do certain things because it does not make sense to me. I dont understand

why things have to be this way. But, God was telling me that this is the plan, its my purpose, whether I

understand why it is, or not . . . this is it! Take it or leave it! Here it is! This is a CRITICAL POINT, not a fork in the

road where there are several roads to choose in hopes of getting to the right destination. NO! I have two choices:

I can either obey or not obey. And if I want to fulfill his purpose, which is both physical and spiritual in nature, my

house has to be aligned with his will. My equation for living must operate within Gods constraints.

The conversation picks up with God showing how the people in Africa and around the world are lacking for the

same reason. They are not aligned with his plans and purposes for their lives. People are striving with one another

to obtain entitlements that God alone can give. Brother is fighting brother for control of money and power and

the physical resources they need: all doing what is right in their own eyes. God created the wealth and set it

within the earth, yet men dont respect him nor consider him as the source of all they need. So the humanitarian

project God gave me is a gesture of love and compassion to those who dont know God. And the Lord let me know

that the languages are different, the cultures and customs are different, but his love and provision is available for

all who would receive from him. This is a mission of good will to convert people to love. And when they receive

from the project they will come to know that God is love. I was also warned that just like I had attitudes that

operate against God, so will those that I encounter around the world. And as I wept and repented for my

selfishness, I sowed my actions as a seed to reap similar acts of repentance from those whom I encounter; may

God move upon their hearts as he did mine.

So how this story ends, I know not, but I can tell you that my lifes equation has a new interpolation and is

producing new results. Immediately after I repented, it was instantaneous, God showed in a vision, that the door

to my house opened as soon as the words left my spirit. I heard no knock at the door, there was no ringing of the

doorbell. Not a sound was heard, but a man walked through the door. It happened so fast, that I had to ask God,

Did I miss something? I didnt hear a knock or a bell or anyone calling. It was then that he reminded me of my

words saying that if someone wanted to come in bad enough they could just walk in, and that is exactly what this

man did. Now, in the same vision, God shows the man opening the door, stepping inside the threshold as his head

peered around the door and then around the front room, as if he expected to see me near the door. He steps in

the house and closes the door behind him. I am nowhere in sight. Then God showed me sitting on a folding chair

in a big room in the middle of the house observing this mans actions. The Lord asked, Are you going sit there and

make this man walk throughout the entire house looking for you? I said, No, tell him where I am and if he is

interested, he will come. That vision ended. But I learned something else about myself that day. Because of all

the people who have paraded in and out of my life over the years, I am hesitant about letting anyone else inside.

But since the vision, God has been helping me open up more to outsiders. In fact, he has been showing me that

this man would be able to assemble an army of Black men, who would participate in this project and take it around

the world. And then I got my next instruction.

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God told that we would need trillions of dollars for this project to run successfully. Years ago, he told me that it

would take trillions of dollars but God was never specific in how many trillions it would take. So, he told me to go

to a local church and give all I had in my wallet into the offering plate, this would start the flow of the trillions of 

dollars into the project. Now, before some of you get excited that I gave everything, you have to understand that I

was down to my last dollar, and 85 cents of that was in my bank account. In my wallet was about 15 cents in

pennies and a safety pin that held the button that fell off my coat and the miniature keys to my luggage. But,

there is no shame in my game, I obeyed God. I got an offering envelope and shook out every penny I could find in

my wallet. I stuck my finger in every corner of my change purse making sure nothing was left but that safety pin,

the button and the keys. Then I wrote in big letters on the envelope, the name of the organization and TRILLIONS

OF DOLLARS. The pastor of that church and said the God told him to get people ready. God was about to pour

out the finances for his ordained purposes in the earth, and we needed to be prepared for what was about to

happen. This confirmed everything God had told me, and I was pleased that things were about to take off.

Later God took me back to the statistical trends I had calculated for the organization and explained that trends

could not begin to forecast where he is taking the world in the days, months and years to come. God described a

CRITICAL POINT where trends have become unreliable. He said that is exactly where things are aligned in the

spirit. He said that anomalies and outliers wont exist as we know it. His new trend will produce only anomalies

and outliers for anything outside of Gods kingdom order. What we know of the world is about to be toppled, only

what God purposes will remain. But even then, like the wind, we wont be able to detect where it starts or where

it begins; only that it is God moving upon the earth.

Even as I am writing this article God is showing me that he is putting together people and places around the world

for every purpose he has designed. Each person being a complex multivariate equation of Gods gifts, talents and

promises operating in the earth, and when we work together we form an even more complex infinite variable

equation resembles God himself. In mathematics when multivariate equations combine with others the

interpolations are no longer simple lines in space. They appear to be a collection of outliers and anomalies for an

ordinary linear curve, but in reality they are a series of points in time and space acting in relation to their own set.What appears to be random order to the human mind often appears over time and space to form multiple

tetrahedral formations called meshes. Today, similar theories are used in computer aided designed, necessary for

both the automotive and aerospace industries, as well as in computer animations and special effects. All of this

from computer generated linear interpolations of number series as they exist in time and space. But what God is

designing through his people is far more complex and beautiful. He is taking people who would be considered

human anomalies; the eccentric, misfits and other anachronisms and putting them in relationship with each other,

thereby masterminding the most powerful group of trailblazers and innovators this world has ever seen. Their

path across the world will look like a beautiful crystal; even as a ray of refracted light cuts through a precious

diamond. And so it is: Jesus is the Light of the world and if he could band together twelve misfits who turned the

world upside down, how much more could we do in our modern world of technology, combined resources,

ingenuity and obedience to the call. Its all about A, B, C and 1, 2, 3; He is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and

the End. Oh, what a beautiful end it will be!

Paula Matthews invites readers to join her in Thinking Outside of the Box at 

©2011 Paula Mathews