Standard Form For Members of the LeQislature .Jtvv/J'U.AI ...

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. Standard Form For Members of the LeQislature Name of Representative . .J tvv/J'U.AI l Senator ____ _ .... J'A,I0 &, -/, J.7>rJ 2. Marriage (s) date pl ace -- I ' I •I 3. Significant events for example: A. Business ·, 1. '1 ,,. Ar.-& .. u 1 ... B . civic res pons ibi lit i e s 1- !:::: ' ...:... ' _' .. -r I: j; .. 1 /i, t J jr; l / - I I I 4. Church . c 1 r r"li> /.' _ 5. Sess1ons served ..._);..{_ _) J 19'11 !9J] 6. Public Offices B. State ____________________________________ ____ ___ - C. National ___________________ ____________________________ __ 7. Death J. Z/Ju,! F/5 'l /; u?-t.· "'-!/ , 8. Children _o, ..... 1.. t, c) C.· '41 1._ . ( :.1 cf.. J 9. Names of parents ), I I )J I .J ,• '•tf./!t' /' (J

Transcript of Standard Form For Members of the LeQislature .Jtvv/J'U.AI ...

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Standard Form For Members of the LeQislature

Name of Representative . .Jtvv/J'U.AI -/1..-:~ l Senator ____ _

~ .... ~~~-- ~J J'A,I0 &, -/, J.7>rJ

2. Marriage (s) date pl ace

--I ' I ~-. ~j •I

3. Significant events for example:

A. Business ~' ·, 1. '1 ,,. Ar.-& .. u 1 ... •

B . civic res pons ibi lit i e s ---'..t...:..l.~~~.l......!:~.!:.-7___.:~~~~·~~ 1-!::::' ...:...' _' ~~~!!..:: .. :...i'~"'::.__..:._A.c..::;/2-r"'~«' --~ J:,~ -r I: j; /;~.~ .. 1 ~ ~~~-~ /i, t J jr; l /

/~ - I I I

4. Church membership_~/·~- ~- ~A·~-~~------------------------------. c 1 ~1.. r r"li> ~ /.' _

5. Sess1ons served ..._);..{_ _) J ~~~LI{,-.../t._._./ 19'11 !9J]

6 . Public Offices

B. State ____________________________________ ____ ___

-C. National ___________________ ____________________________ __

7. Death J.Z/Ju,! F/5 'l /;u?-t.· "'-!/ • ,

8. Children _o, ..... 1.. t, c) C.· ~})I '41 1._ . 'lf4~ ( :.1 cf.. •


9. Names of parents ), I I

a~,,-~ )J I /(ILk~ , ~(fbA _.,~ .J ~A&~ ·' ,• '•tf./!t'

/ ' (J

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


11 . Degrees

t - 1 wt --,e,. 4~" ~~~ & 7:t:Lt u.~ ~,

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Sources Log For Legislation Bntries


Applicable Information obtained

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

.... -k.

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11al¥erD •natalia· Grim.

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W 11t · :ltln1t!!~~-- 1JJrailrr · · Mill~ounty's Home Newspaper .Since 1875 ·


Malvern enlors Receive D plomas

Malvern Sales Up $lightly, County Down for Quarter

New Youth Asst. Hired for Mills

Ri<bard AI<Ciure ol Stolo• l'•·n· err was hirNI as >'OUlh :.nblaut in .Mills <'Ounty .. whtn I he C'OUnty Eat•nsion Council ho•ld II• ro~o:utar meotioc last week. Mct'lur~ will b\•

Assessment Increased., . .

Homes1uilt Since '50 It )'ou'r" the.• o"'""r df 1 home

buall• an lhlls C"ount)· iint"e 1 G~ )'uLI tan t'XJK.'<'t il •~ takt• on an ln· t"rt.':t.:lfit \'alue.

Slraight arrou the bQord the lloll• <Uunty boord ul equaliutiun rois<.'d a llat U per cent • U · uasm<nt un all hu~ bultP'•in«' 18!10. •

Tbla woo probably tho vruto•t rhan11o the board oll«ted lwlor~ It <l•••d ll• dollboratlon• thl• W\'t'k .

In buuilin1: the IIStu rnrnt un new borneo the board f•lt thot then• home a had been · undr r ·

Award Judgment of$5,000toSkahlll in Accident Claim

The D•y w .. Busy with Holid•y Pre!Mr•tiona

t 'rxinl: hair and prollylnc·up for the Memorial nay bolhlay waw tho urd.r ol tho day al Niihna t:ollo~o

~~Jc.''"'"· Marvin M001 sessor, liaid.

Al1o, tho boord tO<• or the alte uf towna. • ..... mentl. They I< tuwn• alone, lnr-rt-UC' U t'}UIJic .t otbcn, a. •trr" nn the <Uunly

M•Nrrc ••i4 the bo amull towns hacf ~· c•tl 1n rumparlaon wh A 11ruperty that prob brine muro than 18,01· o ornull tuwn would a krt lor $12,000 h Muoro ••l•lalned.

The town• tho boo t•n<•c to In lcovlnc alo ina:~ . l'at'illr Junetlo1 4lnd llcntlt•fli.On. M1h t•ra~un wer" ii laid "untlcl'>aueaa~" Glt· more than tho reJt.

In anothor action, veroed Alaeaaor Moo ... ed for an •-• 000 on tho Platlln They raiJed the brld, only $:10,000.

•toorc baa .,ked • ol ~.000 on the B• Nlll brldJIO, IDd J> wao modo. Tho r•lln• h hkln~ tho mall Moure 11ld.

Allo~ethor, the b. 10 day• but had DO persons In to opmpl •r••rncnh•. ·

light Paste! Chosen in 5 Redecoratia

hrrc Widnesday. The li~ht hues _,, New patients at the home In· •ummer ond lho Dt

elude IA'm Bi.'llwood, Aln. Ralph mond lll""del hu .. Wrbon ol . Wt£1oy _Chapel, ll rt. atore rodO<:oraUal~l Mitchell of Silver Crty, Mrt. Mil· common lcr ol Platlamoutb, Neb., aad 11111 Tbe.l~tcrlor of 11 lrwla of Malvonr. wbo came from ln1 redecorated wiU Jlaod hospitAl, Sbeaaadu.b. Orlo of Iiebi paatela. WJ, Ry~n · haa .retumtd from the veter· the entire main roo• ana bo.sp1tal. . will have takrn on

.A new cmpluye Is Mro. Lcii• Tho rtdeeoraliac "hmo. Improve the Jigblln•

130 AHend Local Bible School

"''w bnkerounds t• appropriately with di<pi•Y•· - --SaysYouthl Farmer's Nt

J:,raduatCd with a th·grt't 10 anim1l l>i•lr v•t"ation Uiblr Khool UJK'ft· hu•bandry from Iowa State C'OI· • t-d ·• londay with opproxirnatoly 130 lce:e - Jn June- and pla nJ to ~~~~ng JK'Qplr at t ~nding. The­has new work bert' Junt.• 20. ' 'UUrM' (or this year <",··nt~rs prt·

u . has had . ;, .. , r••,. ••peri- rnorily on th•,. not only '" to Nine Cht t'Dce in 4·11 and was a D\t.•mb<•r uf the U01tW Slatt•j. but throughout · . tho• campus 4-11 dub, lie alsu. wu tht• world. A IJI.ytar-()ld p1, tho luwa d<l•g•t• to tho Notronol Each session during the two· h iHh •thwl junior 111 4J,l (.'lub. Cun~otrt••s four year• ag(). wet.•k tK'hool be~ins at 9 a . m. and ift"i cuitody alleaedl

d lsmi;so·• at II :30 o. m . . To ell· l'hN•kl within the nHUl th(! Jt'huol, lihari n~ 1•ro,::rom• Shl•rlfT lffln Jthodc:n urt• •n:ht·duh••• fur tht laltt'r part Tho check• were ' : u( Ut<Ml V.'t• t•k • . Molhcrl will he In• (:h•nwuod blink, Ill YllNJ to 01 :.t.·>slvn uf tht.• •dtuul tu forKNI tht nMme of . ubKt'rn• tht• .,ruJ.!n$s nuutc lty tht• cat.•nwuud. Jl~ had u· t•hilctn·n. narnt.· in ,,lat'e ur h1

Herdsm•n Hit by C•r Avoiding C•Hie

A (flt•nwootl htrdsRJan. Uun Smith, u.'""'¥ttt•d Injury about tl a . m .• Tut.•sday whtn he wat ilruck by • <"lr nt-ar the 111te Khoul at tarnwood. .

The ah•rill'a olliet uld Smith Wlj ¥trut"k by thr tar tlrtvrn by llud Juhnson who took to the 1ldr uf the road tu avoid atr ik1na: r.-t· tie ~ing drivrn by Smith. 1

Johnsun o w tht rautr •• hr wt-nt over a hall. Ue lust NntrUt uf th~ C"lr whton he turnf'(l uut. Thto t"ar rolled uv('r and in thr- pr•»tt'u of tht- accident taking pharc Smith wa.s litrurk. John~un Witl nut hurt.

t 'urt)' rhildrrn are t'nrollt'fl in pa)'t-e. thr tJrhnury tlcpar11f't'RI 111 t h~ t 'our rhr<kl were , l 'n••hyh.•r&.n thurt'h. untlt•r Supt. wood twt~ In Ntbn Mn: Kt'nnelh t:va.n.s. Thc.•y havt• kt in l h:llrvut. onr In ·, Wt-dnt-lday mornang a1ltlc for the- tn Ah•lvrrn. progrom. - ---

AI tb... Methodist <burch Supt. l.ln .. Kenneth Scotl .:announc~ a d cputmt.•nt of 00 li~t. ~t.·t"ond and third Jr.:r»tft•rs. Sharing day w1ll be t 'ridoy. J um· 1. Th•• children w1ll ~o:u tn lht• llbr.1ry thnt nuun fur n 1•icnic uck lunch.

..-hlrty Jun•ur-. wttl (ll'l1••1n t llll'lr

Omaha Ort Scheduled f Benefit Da11

H d C • t•N~otram. Mlao on t'rull:l)' mornin~. en erson arr1er undt•r th• olrr•~·tion ul Supt. llrv.

Diplom.. ... ... awarded to 2( Gets Safety Award memben of the Uatvun Clan uf .

t:lt-un •:mrncr1.

Sund•y f•rewell Dinner Pl•nned for Beebouts

SINIIrlu't ¥1a·tllt"C"e On1uha 1:. ~du•d ulc:-d ht•nt•fil cl ;,nl'c h• the l'umll, Muwo1u, un nuunC't:d t 'air Sf.crc· Knop.

'.57 t'riday ~\·cnlnJ at 8 u'cl~k llontu ('. Tnytur: rural .. &arrlt•r tf'n•monitos in the Cun1munlh' , .. ,,t. · . ,. ,. .. .. · .. , h•tl!tt1r.v _,,.,t"' r: ~tt~ ·" •

Th• puhlir i• In• • ,. (' .. " t' .~,.. ~

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

1)rovemeDtL ..

a·ra ~Turner .. .. R.ItH· .. ·.·_ ·. · ·-· H.·.· : ... :I ... d.· ·, ··w· ···:;..::: .... ;• . .. ... sa.:,:· .... ,· ~. ··'· · ... , .. ~. .. e . : .... ne · v . · t

• , \. • ~1 • . • . .. . • • • , :

, Ptineral JJ8nieea · were ·held WedneBday at 2 P~ m, .from the t: Methodist Church tu ·Malvern for a a prominent Mills County resJ- h dent, lra L. Turner. 2

He was 7 c years of age nt the time ot his death at his ·home 11orth ot Malvern Monday morn- I tn.:.. Mr TUrner was active in 1 community affairs. " member of tho Methodist Church, the Masons aDd Rotarians, He ·bad serv6(1 as p a Representative in our State p Legtalatu re.

SnrvJvors include Mrs Turner; li Qne daughter, Mrs John Leader t1 of Atlantic; tour sons. Orville o·t d Avocn, Mervin of. Hastings; Mbx n of Red Oak and Ned or Malvern; P 14: grandchtldrenr two great- c1 grandchildren:. two brothers and three sisters of Red Oa.k.

Ci The Reverend John L. Beabout offJclated at the services, and a !nterment was p1ado in the Mal- e vern Ce1netery wJth Mansfield n

h :Funeral !lome Jn ehnrgo. C

GOC A wards Meeting To Be Held June 6 c

I -

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.





Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

ALBERT WRIGHT TURNER Great Grandpa Albert came to the United

States in 1853 aboard the SS Indian with his mother and some of the children. They landed in New Orleans and went north to join his father who had evidently, with the other children, came about two years earlier, settling in Mills County.

Albert Turner Famlly Albert Wrlaht Turner, seated; Georae Walter Turner, standing, far right.

His mother, Elizabeth Neal Turner, died in 1853/54. His father, George Freelove Turner, then married a German woman, Sophia. They had two sons, George and Charles. He died prior to February 1857, the date of sale of his property by Sophia to Peter Sarpy, husband of Albert's older sister Ann.

Albert was born in Grimsby, Lincolnshire, England August 21, 1843. He lived in Mill'> County from 1853 to 1862. He left St. Mary's Township and bitched up with a Mormon oxen team commanded by Captain Canfield and went to Salt Lake City in 1862.

The 1870 census shows him in Mills County again. He married Serena Gowens, daughter of James Gowens and Luvisa Jackson Gowens, December 31, 1871. Nine of their eleven chil­dren lived. Oliver Freelove, Lewis Collier, James Albert (child), George Walter (mine), Clarenct Calvin (infant), Fredrick Fletcher, Alfred Cleve­land, William Clyde, Augusta Adelia and Stella Luella (twins) and Anne Elizabeth. My grand fa. ther, the fourth chi.ld, was born in Glenwood, December 13, 1877.

Many wonderful stories have been passed down from children to grandchildren. My favor­ite is about how his children, when he was up in a$e. could throw a coin into the air and be woulc.t hit it with one shot. I would say that is pretty good.

My cousin, Frances Gorman Osler of Councii Bluffs, says she can just see the redheaded imp driving a stagecoach across the plains, hair flyinM in the wind, with a violin over his back, a bottle of whiskey beside him and a song in his heart.

Possess1veness and quick temper was evident when, at his son's dance hall in Nebraska, he knocked a man down a flight of stairs for asking his wife to dance. I wonder what else the man said.

The Gowens girls were very pretty as the TUi'· ner boys noticed and three of them married three of the girls. Daniel married Susan, Freelove mar­ried Elizabeth and Albert married Serena. Smart move by the boys.

Being proud of my heritage (which incudes farmers, merchants, carpenters and clerks) I am including seven generations of my di.rect lineage. Edward Turner b? married Isabella Freelove, George Freelove Turner born 1801, married Elizabeth Neal, Albert Wright Turner bom 1843, married Serena Gowens, George Walter Turner born 1877, married Hester May Beving­ton, Earl Albert Turner born 1905, married Ora Avis Mathews, Walter Earl Turner (me) born 1932, married Margaret Katherine Harlan and Walter Eugene Turner (my son), born 1965.

Albert Wright Turner IS loved by all of his descendants and remembered with great respect. Submitted by Walter Earl Turner


TURNER-GOWENS-DOSH George Freelove Turner was born December

3, 1801 at Wrangle, England. He grew up, met, and married Elizabeth (Neal) Turner on October 19, 1823. Elizabeth was born on January 7, 1809.

FreeloYe Turner

George and Elizabeth and their family came to Mills County, Iowa, about 1853 by way of New Orleans and settled in St. Mary's. Some of the children stayed in England. Those that came were: William, Daniel, Frederick, Alford, Albert and Freelove. Elizabeth died soon after and George married a German girl named Sophia by 1855. George soon passed away as he died intes­tate in July, I 856. They had lived in Section 13, Township 73, Range 44. He was a farmer most of his life. Their gravemarkers have long since been washed away by the Missouri River.

Freelove Turner was born November 10, 1839 at Grimsby, England. He married Elizabeth Ellen (Gowens) Turner at Glenwood on Novem­ber 19, 1859. Elizabeth was born on March 17, 1838 in Gallitan County, Kentucky. Her parents were James and Maryan Gowens. James was born June 9, 18 I 0 and Maryan was born Decem­ber II , 18 I 6. Their birth places are unknown. Other children of James and Mary an were Alii sa, Suanna, Lavinna and George James. Maryan died and James married Luvica (Jackson) Gowens about 1844. James moved his family to Mills County about I 856 as he bought land in Section 28, Township 73, Range 43 by the mid­dle of that year. James and Luvica had several children including, who married Freelove's brother, Albert.

Freelove and Elizabeth had eight children in all: Mary Francis, Freelove, Dora Luvica, George William, Clara Romana, Alice Suanna, Carl James and Eva Loreign. Most of them were born in Mills County. Freelove moved his family to Plattsmouth, Nebraska Territory, at the start of the Civil War and enlisted in the Nebraska Volunteers, 2nd Cavalry Regiment, Company H on November 3, 1862 and served until Decem­ber 8, 1863. After his service he moved back to Mills County where he bought land in 1869 in Section 33, Township 73, Range 43 and settled. In 1880, Elizabeth Ellen and son George William died of typhoid fever. Elizabeth died on Septem­ber 27, 1880 and both are buried at the Gowens/Turner Cemetery located in Section 28, Township 73, Range 43.

Mary Francis Turner was born March 8, 1861 in Oak Township. She was married on February 7, 1881 to Ebenezer Netherton Dosh in Glen­wood. Ebenezer was born August 10, 1859 in Cass County, Nebraska Territory. His parents were Joseph and Lucy Ann Dosh.

Joseph Dosh was born April I 4, 1816 at Strausburg, Germany. He came to this country as a stowaway, made way from Pennsylvania to Indiana where he met and married Lucy. Lucy was born April6, 1825 in Oark County, Indiana. Their children born in Indiana were· Isaac, George, Lyman, Thomas and Lillie. Joseph moved his family to Mills County about I 859. Their children born in Mills County were Adelia, Albert and Otheo. Joseph was a farmer and also the First United Brethren minister in the area.

He bought land in 1871 in Section 2 Township 73, Range 40 and also. in Section 30: Townshi 72, Range41. Josephd1edsometimeabout 187j Lucy died January 19, 1908. Both are buried somewhere in Mills County.

Ebenezer and Mary soon moved down to Cole­man County, Texas, along with a couple of her si~ters an~ their grandfather, J~es Gowens, his w1fe Luvtca and several ofthe1r children.

Freelove Turner remarried after Elizabeth Ellen's death. He married Mary Baker Gowens They had one known son, Benjermin. Freelove stayed near Mills County, living with his son in Council Bluffs his remaming years. He died on December 29, I 922 and is buried in the Glen­wood Cemetery. Submitted by Greg Bennatt

IRA AND ALLIE TURNER Ira L. Turner was born in Washington Town­

ship, Pottawattamie County, Iowa on October I 3, 1882. He was the oldest of ten children born to J.H. Turner and Mary M. Cleveland. His father was the first white child born in Washing­ton Township. He was educated in the rural sc.hools of Pot~awattamie County aJ?d Capital City Commerc1al College of Des Momes. Prior to 1905 lived with parents on the farm.

Back Row: Orl.iUe,lra, Allie. Front Row: Merna, Ned, Max,Leaty.

On March 15, I 905 he married Allie M. Thomas .. To this union five children were born.

Orville F. 'fume~ was born March 25, 1906. He marrjed Ethel Carse on February 5, I 930. They have one daughter.

Leafy M. Turner was born August 30, 1907. She married John Leader on February I 2, 1930. They have one son deceased and one daughter and one .son.

Mervin E. Turner (deceased) was born April 30, 1909. He married Leona Leu on October 10, I 941. They have th.ree daughters and two sons.

Max L. Turner was born March 9, 1911. He married. Harriett Clites on February 21, 1938. They hav.e two sons and one daughter.

Ned H. Turner was born August I, 1913. He married Eloise Olson on October 3, 1935. They have sons.

He farmed near Oakland from 1905 untill9 l 8 then moved to Mills County where be was a stockman and cattle feeder, feeding IOOheaHd of cattle a year. He was a member of the Com· og Program, Mills County Committeeman two years. In . I 9 I 6 he started the Little Acorns Cod .1· umn for. the Oakland Acorn newspaper an 10

1918 started Farm Furrows Column for the Glenwood Opinion newspaper. During World War II was a member of the Council ofDe~ense on bond and ARC drives. He served three tlmes as presiaent of Mills County Farm BureCbau. ~: was a 'school board member, Methodist . ur trustee for 20 years, Sunday School su~nnt';k dent. He was president of Producer's .Ltv~b. es Commission Co. for several years. His bo 1 a were travel and soil conservation. He was d member of the Masonic Lodge, Eastern Star a~n Rotary Club. He served one term (1947-.1948) 1

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

the Iowa Legislature as representative from Mills County.

He retired from fanming in !at~r years but con­tinued to Jive on the famn until hts death on May 21 19S1. He is buried in the Malvern, Iowa ee'metery. Submittedlby Max Turner


Mervin Edward Tmrner was born April 30, 1909 at Oakland, Iowa to Ira and Allie (Thomas) Turner. They moved 10 Mills County in 1918. He graduated from Hastings School.

Back, L-R: Lynn, Rosalie, Ronald. Front, L-R: LeGna, Mervin, Sharon, Geraldi•e.

Leona Valentine Leu was born February 14, 1918, the third of five children of Oscar Albert Leu and Louise Olga (Menschel) Leu. She attended Golden Hill School.

Mervin and Leona were married October 10, 1940 at St. John's Lutheran parsonage. We lived with his folks over a year, then moved to a farm northwest of Malvern.. Due to Mervin's health we moved to Hastings. where he served as may­or, Mills County Depl.lly Sheriff and on the draft board 19 years.

In 19S6 be worked for Henningsen Foods; we moved to Malvern where he continued to work as. project engineer. He served as mayo~ here until his death May 4. 1968 and was buned at Malvern.

Leona cooked at tbe Hastings School, then worked at the Malvern Egg Plant. After Mervin's death Leona worked at the Glenwood State School, retiring December, 1982. . .

Mervin and Leona were blessed wtth five chtl­dren, Ronald Lee, Rosalie Kay, Sharon Jean, Geraldine Ann and Lynn Mervm.

Ronald born July 26, 194 1, married Paula Kean Carroll, Iowa December 13, 1972, they have two sons, Ross Daniel and Bradley James. They live in Littleton, Colorado and he works for Grief Brothers Corporation, Denver. Paula has a cottage business, she makes window s~ades.

Rosalie born August 31, 1944, marned Lowell McMillen, August 29. I ~64. J:le has a Doctor's degree in Aerospace Engmeenng and works for Sparta, LaGuna Hills, California. Rose. keeps busy with volunteer work, basketball coach, teacher's helper, room mother, Little League, Sunday School and Bible Class. Their children are Theodore Lynn and Jill Renee. They live in Westminster, California.

Sharon born April l9, 1947, married Jon Lar­son, Emerson, March 2, 1969. Jon is employed at Boone Hospital as Executive Director of Food Services. Sharon works as claim's adjuster for Shelter Insurance Company. Their family was blessed with two sons, Christopher Jon and Ben­jamin Scott, all reside in Columbia, M~ssouri ..

Geraldine, born June 9, 1948, mamed Cratg Mann

1 Minooka, Illinois, August 29, 1970. He is

an asststant vice president ofMarsh and Mclen­nan Insurance Company in Chicago. works two days a week teaching music in a paro­chial ·school in Aurora. Their family consists of three sons· Michael James, David Clinton and Joseph Cnlig. They live on Craig's family farm.

Lynn born December 26, 19SO. Graduated from Malvern High School •. att.end~d North~est Missouri State College, maJonng tn marketmg, and is employed as assistant manager of Botna Valley Grain Company, Malvern.

Our family attended Sundlay School, studied catechism and became faitlt1ful members of St. John's Lutheran Church.

My family is very close, every year we get together for a week, gatheringiin each one's home on a rotating basis. Everyomc looks forward to this gathering, including the meighbors. Submit­ted by Leona Turner

ROBERT AND MARIAN TYLER Marian Laura Benton was born near Malvern,

Iowa, November 10, 1917. Her parents were Laura June Ranne and Edwrin Upson Benton. She has one brother, Robert Edwin Benton, who is two years older. Her parent5lived on the same farm for 4S years and Marialll lived th~re u!ltil she was married. Ed and Laur.a spent thetr retire­ment in a home they built on !Marion Avenue, in Malvern, Iowa.

Robert and Mariaa Tyler

While attending high scfaool Marian was interested in 4H and showed a calf one year at the fair. She also enjoyed needlework and reading.

After graduatmg from high school in 193S, she attended college at Ames ooe year, and then graduated from Simpson witb a teaching degree. She taught third grade at Tabor, Iowa and later taught at Corpus Christie, Tctas.

While at Simpson, Marian met her husband, Robert E. Tyler, son of Mr_ and M~. Henry Tyler of Villisca, Iowa. They were mamed Janu­ary 18 1941. Robert served ia the U.S. Navy for three years where he installed radar training equipment.

In 1946 Marian and Robert moved to Shen­andoah Iowa where they tive at the present time. He is in the bottling business and he and his brother have plants in Nebraska and Texas, where they bottle Coca Cola. 7-Up, Dr. Pepper, and other products. . . .

Two children were born to thts famtly: Ltnda Louise born August 4, 1944, and Richard Eugen~. born February 4, 1947 . . Linda attended Simpson College, and later mamed Robert Cro­well. They have a daughter, Tiffany, who is.12 years old. They live on an acreage, four mtles west of Shenandoah, and raise and show quarter­horses. Richard received a !Fine Arts Degree from Fort Collins Colorado, and a Master's Degree from Iowa City, Ic:>wa.. ~e is an ar~hitect and resides in Denver, wnh b ts son, Justtn, age 12. .

Marian and Robert have kept busy helptng with civic affairs Eastern Star, P.E.O., Church, Shrine and othe; organizatioos. They both love to tra~el and have traveled extensively. They have spent the last three win~ in Tucson, J\n­zona, enjoying the sun. Submitted by Manan Tyler

JOHN AND GLADYS ULM John William Ulm was born 4 October, 1889

in Wabash County, Illinois to George Willia'!' and Emma Lavina Fischer Ulm. He spent hts youth in Illinois and came to Iowa in his early twenties to find employment..

On 24 December 1916 Jobn married Gladys Pauline See~er in Harrison County, Iowa. Glad­ys was born tn Harrison County on II November 1900 to Gustave Charles and Virginia Caroline Estes Seeger. John and Gladys lived on the farm where Gladys had been born and raised, Gladys'

John and Gladys Ulm

parents having moved to Sioux City, for four years. In 1920 they moved to Glenwood and then to Council Bluffs tn 1922 where John worked for a dairy. In 1938 they moved to a farm 71h miles south ofGienwood(which Gladys still owns). On 20 February 1949 John died of a heart attack while out checking cattle.

Gladys and her son, Don, moved to Tabor shortly after John's death where Gladys held down several joQs. In 19SO their home was van­dalized and almost everything was destroyed including family records and pictures. In June of 19S2 Gladys and Don moved to Iowa City where Don attended the University of Iowa. Gladys worked in a hardware store until September of 19S3 when she went to work as a diettcian at the Veterans' Hospital in Iowa City. She worked there until 20 November 196S when she moved back to Glenwood where she still resides at this time.

John and Gladys had four children; Naomi Pauline, 21 July 1918, died 17 October 1965, married Donald Deitchler, 18 October 191 7, died I July 1983. They have two sons, Lloyd and Ronald (see Donald Deitchler story).

Margery Louise, born 27 June 1922, married Rolfe Stiles, Jr., born 27 November 1922, they have three children, Michele, Douglas and Lau­rel.

Virginia Lavina Ann, born 26 September 1926 married James George born 16 November 1925. They have four sons: James, Jr., Harry, John and David.

Donald William, born 28 November 1934 married Ruth Ann Graham born 27 July 1935. They have two daughters; Debi and Kathy.

John Ulm adored his children and devoted his life to his family. Gladys worked hard all of her life caring for her family, sewing all their clothes, always raising a large garden and canning, etc. Besides her own children she helped care for 30 others during her lifetime. Now Gladys enjoys crocheting and is active in the First Christian Church where she had been a lifetime member. Submitted by Merri/ee Deitchler


Addison Utterback was born 2 January, 1843 at Whitestown, Boone County, Indiana, to Fiel­ding Utterback ( 1809-1881) and Sarah Terhune (1814-! 896). In 1856, the family moved to Story

Front Row: Maude (Garrett) Wolfe Addison Utter­back, Darrell Wolfe, Eliza Ann (Rains) Utterback. Back Row: Martha Evelyn (Utterback) Garrett, Franklin Oli­ver Utterback, Estella Allee (Utterback) Sawyers, Emma (Utterback) Kesterson.


Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.



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JOU.RNAL . '.• ;



·• . .

Ccm~ JcmuaiY 12. 1959 ~ . . .

Ad.Jo111Deci May.7. 1958 .

• . : . : ..

HEBSCHEL c. toV'ELES.S. Govemor

EDWAlU> J. McMANUS. President of the Senate VEIIM LISLE. Spea:kar of th. Houae .

) '•t. :· :,

#1 :r 6 s · · · .·· , Compl:led Under Dlr9C1ion of

S. E. T~t. , . ,··. . . .

Supe<rintendent af .":b'ling

hbllalaed ·~ ... : . STATE OF IOWA.


. ..

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


Then;fo·re, Be It Resolral by the Ho11sc of Reprcscntat i.,•c;: of Utll Fifty­eighth Gene1·al Asse-mbly ol /ot1 •n : That in the passing of the Honorable William Treimer the pE':Qple of O'Brien county and the entire state of Iowa have sustained a great loss and the House expresses its appre­ciation of his character and public service and tenders, by this resolution, its sineere and heartfelt sympathy to his beloved family in. their great son·ow and loss.

Be It Fu1·the·r Resolved: Thai: a copy of this resolution be spread upon the Journal of the House and that the Chief Clerk be directed to forward an enrolled copy to the family of the deceased.




MR. SPEAKER: Your committee, appointed to prepare a suitable reso­lution commemorating the life, character and public service of the late Honorable Ira L. Turner, begs leave to submit the following memorial:

Ira L. Turner was born at Oakland, Iowa, October 18, 1882, and passed away at Malvern, Iowa, May 27, 1957.

On March 15, 1905, he married Allie M. Thomas. To this union five children were born: Orville F., Avoca, Iowa; Leafy Leader, Atlantic, Iowa; Mervin E., Malvern; Iowa; Max L., Elliott, Iowa, and Ned H., Malvern, Iowa.

Mr. Turner was educated in the rural schools and Capital City Com­mercial College.

He served two terms in the Iowa General Assembly as Representative from Mills county in the Fifty-second and Fifty-fifth sessions.

He was a member of the Masonic lodge, Order of the Eastern Star, Malvern Rotary Club of which he was a past president, and Methodist church. He was a trustee of the Hastings Methodist church for twenty years, and past Sunday school superintendent there. He was a member of Mills County Farm Bureau and past president. He was vice-president of Producers Live Stock Market ing Association at the time of his death.

Mr. Turner owned and operated a three hundred twenty acre farm north of Malvern and fed from one hundred to two hundred head of cattle each year.

The?·efrn·e, Be It Reso!ved by the House of Representatives of the Fifty­eighth Geneml Assembly of Iowa : That in the passing of the Honorable Ira L. Turner, the people of Mills county and the entire state of Iowa have sustained a great loss, and the House expresses its appreciation of his character and public service and tenders, by this resolution, its sin­cere and heartfelt sympathy to his family in their sorrow.

Be It Further Resolved: That a copy of this resolution be spread upon the Journal of the House and that the Chief Clerk be direded to forward an enrolled copy to the family of the deceased.



Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

1900 United States Federal Census-

ancestry You searched for Ira L. Turner in Iowa

1900 United States Federal Census

Name: Ira L Turner

Home in 1900: Washington, Pottawattamie, Iowa

[Pottawattomie, Iowa]

AF;c: 17

Hirth Datt•: Oct 1882

Bi11hplace: Iowa

Race: White

Gender: Male

Relationship to Son

Head of House:

Fa ther\ Iowa


Mother's Illinois


Marita l Sta tus: Single

Residence : Washington Township, Pottawattamie, Iowa

Occupation: View on Image

Neighbors: View others on page

Household Name

Members: Ira L Turner

Source Citation: Yt>:lr: 190u: Ct'nsu:> Plac.·..-: v.·uslrington. Pmwu .. '<ltUnHie. IOU'<': Roll Tb:!3 ~50: P~tjl.e: DA: Enumt-ration l)i!'tl;c·t: Jtit.

Source In formation: AIH'<'"tr)".c.Vm. 19<)0 ( 'nited States Federal Census (databast' on·lin\']. Provo. Ll. LSA: Anl·t>~try.<."tun Opt>rations Inc:.-. :l004. Originctl data: L'nitt>cl St<tlt':-.of .\mt"lit•a. 6ur'(':lu ot tht• C(·n~u~. 1\l,·eljtll Census of the l'nitt!d States. IQ()O. Washington. 0.<.:.: '\ational l.rc.·hi\'(·~ .tnd Rt'<'Oid~ Arlmini:'.tr-~Hion. 1900. T62:J. 18:H rolb.'r ip tion:



lhis dntaha:-;e- i~ an indt>' to lndi\idtt(t!-, t"Otunt•ratt·d in th~· 1900 lnih·d Statt><:. Ft'rit>ral Ct-n:o>u!'. tht• T"dfth Ct•n:iiuS of the Cnitt>d !'tatt·!'. Cen..;1 1~ takt> l~ n.•rordc.•d man.\ dNttil!' indudingt•ac.·h JX·r~on·~ nanw. aridrt>~s. relation:-;hip to the.• ht.:ad of houM·hohl. r·olvrvr r(lct•. S('X. month <.lncl Yl'al' ofUirth. <lgr at la-.t hirthdrly. marital -.tatu<:,, numhf'r of }'t:'ctrs: marrit>d. tht• tOt I'll numbt•r of c·hild l\~n bornofth(• motht>r. tht• numbt>r of tho ... t> <.·hildrt"n li\ ing.IJirthplt\Ct". b irthpl:u·t: of fatlw• .tnfi rnoth••r. ifthl' indi\ irl•M1 Wfl:oo foN'i~n horn. the• yt>al' of immigration and tht• nnmbtrof )'t'<lN.

in th11 t;nitt>ci Statt•.:.. th<' C'itizt>n:-hip :'.latu~ of fort>ign-born indi"iduab owr ~lgt• twt'nly-otw. OC'l,lp<Hion. and mort> .. -\dditionally. thl• n;.Hnt'" ofthu:oo~ li~tC'ci on ttw populAtion sc·ht>ctult> 31't'

JinJwd to <tM.u:ll imilgt·s o( th<' IQOO F<-'dt>ral U·n~u~. Lenrn mort" ...

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

1920 United States Federal Census-


You searched for Ira L. Turner in Iowa

1920 United States Federal Census

Name: Ira L Turner [Ira L Lerner]

Home in 1920: Indian Creek, Mills, Iowa

Age: 37 years

~~~timatl'd birth abt 1883


Birthplace: Iowa

Rdation to Head Head

of House:

Spouse's nanw: Allie M

Father's Birth Iowa


Mother's Hi11h Kansas


Marital Status: Married

Race: White

Sex: Male

Home owned: Rent

Ahlt to read: Yes

Able to Write: Yes

Image: 869

Neighbors: View others on page

Household Name

l\olcmhcrs: Ira LTurner

Allie M Turner


Lesly Turner

Men·in Turner

Max Turner

Ned Turner

Source Citat ion: 'r~u: JQ20;Cc•no;.us Pl<tt.,•: huliW1 Creek . . \IilLo;, lou·a: Roll T625 ,:;02: P~tg~·: sA: Enum~·ration Distri<'l: 101~ lmagt•: 869.

Source Information: \nrt.''Om. 1<}20 l'nit~d Swtes h'tltroiCeu .. •ms frl.:nal.xt-.t·on-lint'f. Provo. L'T. l,;~.\; \nl'~·.;,tn .<·om 0Vt'ration!' Inc;. 200<). rltMgt•., n~prodt!C\'d b~ Famii.\St.~an·h.









Od~inal data: Fourtt•tnth Ct-nsu' of the t:nit<-d ~t<llt.'!i, 1920: C\ation<tl ,\rdlht'" \1krofilm Public-ation TO:!.~. 2076 n')lt.;.): Rt•(·ords o(tht• Btu't't'IU of tht> Cen~n~. Rt>rord Group 29: ~~tiona! \n·hht'!'. \\<t!-hinx,wn.n.c.

ncsc ription: '('hi-. cfataht~'t' i-. an inde'~ to inch\iduC'b t-numelatPd in tht' 1920 L'nitt•d'" f,•dt•lal Ct·n~n ... th<• 1-'nurtt•t.•nth Q•nsu-. of lht• L! nitt·d $t.'th':o.. It inrlucft>f. all statt.•s and lt'rritorit•:.-. a:- \\dl a' \lilitM:t. and :'\;.l\':11 For('(>$. the \'i~in b,lf\nct... Pu<'fto Riro •. -\merican Samoa. Guam •• llld lht• P:mama (;anal i'J)n(.•. Thr C'("tl'u" prmiclt•s mc~m dt•totib tlhout inrliviciutlls and f.tmilit"s inrlucfin~: nanw. gt•ru1t•r, tl~t' . birthplaC('. yl'ttl ufimmi!I,Httion. motht>r ton¥,ut•. <tnd part>nt< birthpl<lC't"~. In addition. tht• IMmt•s Qfthos.t' li~i(•d on tht• populluion -.<,'hfdut,• art·linkt·cl to actual imil~t''" t1fth,• 1920 l·"t·dt"'ral Cl·n .. us. Le·arn rnorr ...

http:/ /search. ancestry .cornlcgi-bin/sse.dll ?indiv= 1 &db= 1920usfedcen%2c&rank=0&=%2c ...

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

1930 United States Federal Census-

ancestry You searched for Ira L. Turner in Iowa

1930 United States Federal Census

Name: Iva TTurner (Ira L. Turner]

Homl.'in t 9:~o: Indian Creek, Mills, Iowa

View Ma p

Age: 48

K'timatcd birth abt 1882


Birthplace: Iowa

Relation to Head Head

of House:

Spousc"s name: AllieM

Race: White

Occupation: Education:

MilitarY ~er.icc: View image R<'nt/homc ,·alnc:

A~c at. first 1 arn agc: . Parynts'

btrthp ace:

Neighbors: View others on page

House holt! Name Age

Members: Iva TTurner

Allie M Turner

Max LTurncr

Qlrl H Turner

Source Cilation: 't.•ar: 1930: Cen~ns l'l<ll't': Indian (h.'l'k, \I ill:;, lnu:a: Roll 6bQ: Pa~t.· : ;{JJ; t-:nnmt•r<~tion l>islli(.•t: 12: tmagt•: ,111.0.

Source Information: ·\nt'\'l-try.rom. 1930 l 'nitecl States Fed(•ral rensus I databCISt' on·linr J, PrO\ o. vr. l'$A: \nn•:'tl) .Mm Opt' ration~ Jnr. 2002. Original d.Ha: l-nih•d Stah"~ of \mt>ril·a. 6urt•au oftlw Cl'n!'us. 1-lftc<.rnth Cc:nsu.'i oftht• ( .'nitt.-d Stutes, 1930. Wa~hington. D.C.: :\ational Ar<'hiH•:- .tnd N:~·r<1rd~ \dmini~tr.ltion. tQ30. ·r6"J.6. :.t.667 roll:-..

Descri ption : Containing rt'corch for dpproxim;:~tel~ t2.'3 million Amc.·ri(';u)<· 19:JO l'nih'<l Stall'!<- 1-'~·<l~·r<tl C\·n~u:- i-. th(' lfl~t'~t n•n:-u::-1\"lt>.t~t"d to dale nnrl i~ the mo~t rt>et>nt <."en~us .;n llilablt" for pnblk a('(·fL~. Tht> ct'nsu~ ght·~ us a glimp:o.<' into thl' liw.s ur ,\mt•ri<'tllb in 19:~o. and contain.; inforrnalil'ln <1hout a housthold's f<lfnil~ IY'I\'tnbl•rs an<l ()('('U!Mnts indudin~: birthpla<'t"s. <XTttJMtic,n:o:.. \mmigr.1tlon. dtiunship. <tnd mi1itar\ ~·t,i<.'('.111~' nam~·:-. nf thn:-.t•li.:.h·li in tht• <'t·n~us art> linkl•rl to ;:t<.1ual im:lgl'" oftl-w t<>:!O Ct• Lc·arn mort> ...

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918-

ancestry You searched for Ira L. Turner in Iowa

World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918

Namt•: Ira L Turner

County: Mills

State: Iowa

Birth Date: 18 Oct 1882

Ra<.:c : White

FHL Roll Numbrr: 1643186

DraftBoard: o

Age: Occupation:

Nearest Relati,·c: Height/Build:

\'iew image

E)J-m~~m Signature:

Source Citation: R .. ·gi ... tration l..o<'ation: ,\fills County. lotco: H.oll 1043t80: Oraft Rcmrd: <>.

Source Information: \nt.·t>:-.""tl').com. B(w/d u·ar I l>roft Kegisu·oticm Canis, 191- J91H(ch\ttlh:tst"CJn-lint"). l'ro'o. CT. l'S \ : \nC't·sii).C:Onl 0Jh'r:ttlon.-:; lnr. 2005. Otigin.1l d.tta: L:nitt"d Stalt>~. Sc•lf"rthe $l'r\i('(· .s_.,.,lt'm. H'nrld lrar I Selectiu? St.•rdre Systl'111 Draft Regit>trotiun (Q,.ds. rqr··t9t8. \\ <l'lhington. D.C.: ~<~tion<tl .\r(·hi't'.' and R~··~:orch.Adrninistnllion. ~I ISO(}. ·l-582 rolb. lma~t-d from Famih Uiston LibraJ) mkrofilm.

Description: 'r11bd<tl.abast <'Ontaim an indt•\ and imag..-s ol World\\ M I rlraft rt.•gbtration <'ar<ts romplt~tt>d h.' aJlproximately 2-.J million mE"n lh·ing in tht' t.:.S. in 1917<md IQ18.Jnformation that m,ty l>f' found for an individual indu(k~..: namt•. plaC't' or rt~~id,•nr('. dttlt" and pl.t<'t' of birth. r.tC'\". rount0 of dtil"4'nship. O<"t·upation. and t>mplo~rr. Lram more-...

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918

anccst rr YOtt Mf' he-r~ Search > MltltJry Records > Wor1d War I Draft Regtsvatton <:ards, 2917·1918 > lowa > Mtlls County > 0 > Draft Card T

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Ira L Turner- Overview-

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Ira L Turner Brrth 13 OCT 1882 in WaShrngton Twp (l'ottawatamie) Iowa

Death 27 MAY 1957

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Timehne ( V•ew deti:til-s )

Birth Washington Twp (Pottawatam1e) fowa

1905 1.') ~lar

Age: 22

Marriage to Allie M Thomas

1957 Death

~- \Ia'

Age: 74

Burial Malvern Cemetert Malvern (Mil~) Iowa


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J H Turner

Mary M Cleveland

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Allie M Thomas


Living Turner

Orville F Turner 1906-

leafy M Turner 1907-

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Mervin Edw:Jrd Tumer 1909- 1968

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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Ira L. Turner Buth 18 Oct 1882 in Iowa

Death 27 May 1957

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Ttmelme ( v.e-.... <letMs )

1882 ttiCkl

Birth low a


""' Age: 22

Marriage to Allie M. Thomas row a

1957 Death

:!- ,\l;t.\

Age: 7 4


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John Hiram "HarTy" Tun1er ISSS- 1933

Mary Melvina "Mollie• Cleveland 1865- 1950

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Allie M. Thomas 1883-

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l iving Turner

Orville Turner 1907-

LeilfeTumer 1908-

Mervin Turner 1910-

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