~~~STAFF~~~ Dr. K. Daniel Dawsey, Pastor/Teacher · P A G E 2 RESURRECTION MONTH 14—Palm Sunday...

~~~STAFF~~~ Dr. K. Daniel Dawsey, Pastor/Teacher Rebecca Mungin-Editor Joselyn Miller-Jackson-Layout ~Photographers~ Mi’Kiel Gray Reverend Kuumba Rashidi VaQuan Wright ~Special Reporters~ Heidi M. Gregg Minister Anthony “AJ” Williams Elevate My Commitment Resurrection Month – He Is Risen In Luke Chapter 24 we read the story of two disciples who encountered Jesus on the road to Emmaus after the resurrection. They thought Jesus was dead and all they had hoped for was dead. They thought all was lost! They were on the way back to their old lives, but once they realized they were talking to the resurrected Christ – Jesus in the flesh, they turned back toward Jerusalem. They found the other disciples and said, we can’t stop now, let’s elevate our commitment to serve. The Resurrection changed everything for those early disciples, and it should also change everything for us. Because Jesus is alive, He is calling us to go into all the world and tell people the Good News of God’s redemptive plan. As we see the signs all around us that this age is coming to a close and Christ’s return could be imminent; we must ELEVATE our COMMITMENT! In fact, as we see the signs of the times and understand what we’re seeing we should be motivated to renew our COMMITMENT to the urgent mission of spreading the Gospel and living for Him. It’s all because of the Resurrection! Throughout the month of April I will post encouraging messages on the passion of Christ and the difference His death and resurrection should make in our own lives. Detours Bible Study – Sign Up Today The difference between a successful person living out his or her destiny and a person aimlessly checking off each day can often be found in how that person views their life experiences. Life has a way of serving up many different situations. Some are good; Some are bad; And some are bitter. Successful people view their life experiences through the lens of purpose. Even the detours! Because what we consider to be “detours” in our lives aren’t always detours in God’s overarching plan. Join us for this uplifting and encouraging study about how God sometimes sends us through or allows us to experience detours in our lives in order to get us to our God given destiny. Classes begin April 21 and end May 22. Classes will be each Wednesday at Noon and 7:00 p.m. Contact the Church office to get your study guide. I pray every blessing of this Easter season on each of you individually and on the Central Union Church family as a whole. Remain focused on our theme: 2019 – A Year of Elevation. This month’s focus is on Elevating Our Commitment! In His Service, Pastor Dawsey

Transcript of ~~~STAFF~~~ Dr. K. Daniel Dawsey, Pastor/Teacher · P A G E 2 RESURRECTION MONTH 14—Palm Sunday...

Page 1: ~~~STAFF~~~ Dr. K. Daniel Dawsey, Pastor/Teacher · P A G E 2 RESURRECTION MONTH 14—Palm Sunday 19—Good Friday 20—Easter Egg Hunt— 11 AM 21—EASTER Sunrise Service—6:30

~~~STAFF~~~ Dr. K. Daniel Dawsey, Pastor/Teacher

Rebecca Mungin-Editor Joselyn Miller-Jackson-Layout

~Photographers~ Mi’Kiel Gray

Reverend Kuumba Rashidi VaQuan Wright

~Special Reporters~ Heidi M. Gregg

Minister Anthony “AJ” Williams

Elevate My Commitment

Resurrection Month – He Is Risen In Luke Chapter 24 we read the story of two disciples who encountered Jesus on the road to Emmaus after the resurrection. They thought Jesus was dead and all they had hoped for was dead. They thought all was lost! They were on the way back to their old lives, but once they realized they were talking to the resurrected Christ – Jesus in the flesh, they turned back

toward Jerusalem. They found the other disciples and said, we can’t stop now, let’s elevate our commitment to serve.

The Resurrection changed everything for those early disciples, and it should also change everything for us. Because Jesus is alive, He is calling us to go into all the world and tell people the Good News of God’s redemptive plan. As we see the signs all around us that this age is coming to a close and Christ’s return could be imminent; we must ELEVATE our COMMITMENT! In fact, as we see the signs of the times and understand what we’re seeing we should be motivated to renew our COMMITMENT to the urgent mission of spreading the Gospel and living for Him. It’s all because of the Resurrection! Throughout the month of April I will post encouraging messages on the passion of Christ and the difference His death and resurrection should make in our own lives.

Detours Bible Study – Sign Up Today The difference between a successful person living out his or her destiny and a person aimlessly checking off each day can often be found in how that person views their life experiences. Life has a way of serving up many different situations. Some are good; Some are bad; And some are bitter. Successful people view their life experiences through the lens of purpose. Even the detours! Because what we consider to be “detours” in our lives aren’t always detours in God’s overarching plan.

Join us for this uplifting and encouraging study about how God sometimes sends us through or allows us to experience detours in our lives in order to get us to our God given destiny. Classes begin April 21 and end May 22. Classes will be each Wednesday at Noon and 7:00 p.m. Contact the Church office to get your study guide.

I pray every blessing of this Easter season on each of you individually and on the Central Union Church family as a whole. Remain focused on our theme: 2019 – A Year of Elevation. This month’s focus is on Elevating Our Commitment!

In His Service, Pastor Dawsey

Page 2: ~~~STAFF~~~ Dr. K. Daniel Dawsey, Pastor/Teacher · P A G E 2 RESURRECTION MONTH 14—Palm Sunday 19—Good Friday 20—Easter Egg Hunt— 11 AM 21—EASTER Sunrise Service—6:30

P A G E 2


14—Palm Sunday 19—Good Friday 20—Easter Egg Hunt—


Sunrise Service—6:30 AM at Shiloh Baptist Church

Easter Program—9 AM 22—EARTH DAY 26—Arbor Day 27—Last Day of Passover

2 Willie Mae Hunter

Portia Nottingham

5 Lisa Everett

Eddie Mae Keen

8 Erica Plant

14 Elizabeth White

16 Annie Corbin

Sidney Reid

17 Clara Thomas

19 Pastor K. Daniel Dawsey

20 Najzmah Wright

21 Makeda Rashidi

22 Aryelle Jackson

Detra Simmons

25 Velda Williams

26 Roy Owens

28 A. D. Lucas

29 Octavius Hall

The REAL Story of Easter



April 21, 2019 at

9:00 AM.


Page 3: ~~~STAFF~~~ Dr. K. Daniel Dawsey, Pastor/Teacher · P A G E 2 RESURRECTION MONTH 14—Palm Sunday 19—Good Friday 20—Easter Egg Hunt— 11 AM 21—EASTER Sunrise Service—6:30

P A G E 3

In 1987, Congress declared March

as National Women's History

Month. The National Women’s

History Theme for 2019 is

Visionary Women: Champions

of Peace & Nonviolence. The Historical Archival Ministry

of Central Union celebrated

National Women’s History Month

by Honoring “Visionary Women”

who are members of our church.

These women have impacted the

lives of many youths in Fort Valley,

Georgia by working through

peaceful means and non-violence

to accomplish their goals. Their

goals were to make sure youth,

first and foremost, received both a

quality Christian and secular

education. These visionaries served

as teachers, counselors, mentors,

politicians, civil rights activists, child

advocates, and as volunteers who

taught Sunday School, Vacation

Bible School, Bible Study, Church

Etiquette and other youth

ministries in the church. On the

other hand, in the secular world,

these women wanted the youth in

our community to have a better

standard of living than they had.

Therefore, they fought against

segregation and obstacles that kept

African Americans from voting. We

are so grateful that these “Visionaries” cared enough to

make a difference in the lives of the

youth in our community. The

honorees were:

Sister Evangeline Carson

Sister Maude Lumpkin

Sister Edna Murray

Sister Mary Murray

Sister Annette Plant

Sister Sharia Stripling

Sister Clara Thomas

Sister Sara Towns

Sister Cordie Walker

Sister Elizabeth White

Sister Barbara Williams

Sister Rena Williams and

Sister Annie Wright Not only were we joined by

family and friends as we honored

our “Visionary Women”, but, we also

were entertained by the gospel recording duo, “Immeasurable”. They

shared their story of how they

decided to put their trust in God

rather than sign a lucrative

contract worth $1,000,000 to sing

secular music. They put their trust

in God and today they are

successful gospel recording artists.

They urged the youth to trust God

for everything that you need

because, “He will never leave you

or forsake you.” On the fourth Sunday, our special

guest, Elder Elizabeth Yates, a

visionary woman from Jacksonville,

Florida, challenged us to “Elevate

our Thinking” by Releasing the

Spirit of Infirmity. She directed us to

Luke 13:11-13 (NIV) as example of

a spiritual infirmity “and a woman

was there who had been crippled

by a spirit for eighteen years. She

was bent over and could not

straighten up at all. When Jesus

saw her, he called her forward and

said to her, “Woman, you are set

free from your infirmity.” Then he

put his hands on her, and

immediately she straightened up

and praised God.” A key point in

her message to us was we cannot

elevate our thinking, our

commitment and our service (our

theme for 2019) if we don’t release

the spirit of infirmity.

Finally, the celebration ended

with the hilarious, yet thought-

provoking skit, The Gospel Train,

performed by members of Central

Union under the direction of Sister

Joselyn Miller-Jackson. It was a

pleasure to have our Men’s Choir

delight us in song as we culminated

our Women’s Day activities.

We would like to extend a special

“Thank You” to Brother Robert

Ross for your photographic


Women’s History Month 2019 Visionary Women: Champions of Peace & Nonviolence

Page 4: ~~~STAFF~~~ Dr. K. Daniel Dawsey, Pastor/Teacher · P A G E 2 RESURRECTION MONTH 14—Palm Sunday 19—Good Friday 20—Easter Egg Hunt— 11 AM 21—EASTER Sunrise Service—6:30

performances, tracks for background music and other events.

As the needs are always changing, the members are attempting to keep up with the demands of their commitment by continuously honing their skills.

The Ministry is also responsible for such things as social media, publicity, the church website, and the church newsletter. DVD’s are also available after events held at the church with very short turn-around time at a very low cost.

M i n i s t e r W i l l i a m s maintains the social media accounts at: Facebook (CentralUnionMB), Instagram (@CentralUnionMB Twitter (@CentralUnionMB), and YouTube (CentralUnionMedia)

“The Union” has weekly worship services and limited other events that can be viewed live as well in stored files. Archived programs, sermons, and other events are collected on those sources as well as at centralunion.co, the church website.

This ministry is passionately committed to serving, and is more than willing to assist in whatever capacities that will allow us to more

efficiently praise and worship Him. To request use of any of the services of the Media Ministry, a request form must be submitted at least three days prior to the day of the event. The forms are available upon request from the Church Office.

On some occasions, there are compatibility issues with C D ’ s , P o w e r P o i n t presentations, and other streaming devices, therefore, it is imperative that the ministry is allowed the opportunity to perform their test–run to ensure a successful outcome.

This ministry is hard at work training and keeping abreast of the many technological trends that become available daily. The new upgrades to the equipment are just a small part of what is to come as Central Union strives for excellence in Kingdom Service.

P A G E 4

Have you ever wondered who is upstairs in the balcony each Sunday and during any program or function at Central Union? What is going on up there, on the monitors, and who is making the experience possible?

The volunteers participating in the Central Union Media Marketing Ministry are: R e v e r e n d K u u m b a

Rashidi—Coordinator; Minister Anthony “AJ”

Williams—Social Media/Webmaster;

Sister Michelle Bell—Easy Worship and Video;

Sister Danielle Dawsey—Video;

B r o t h e r J a m e s E . Ja c k s o n — S o u n d a n d Logistics, and

Sister Cynthia Rumph—Easy Worship.

When you see the lyrics during the singing, the scriptures, order of service, announcements, and other presentations on the monitors, that is the handiwork of Easy Worship, created by Sisters Bell and Rumph.

Sisters Bell and Dawsey are the power behind the images and texts on the monitors. They are also responsible for the finished products archived as master copies and made available to the public.

The sound engineer, Brother Jackson, is responsible for the e l ec t ron ic sounds and enhancements from the choir and pulpit. He is also responsible for the recorded music used during dance


Page 5: ~~~STAFF~~~ Dr. K. Daniel Dawsey, Pastor/Teacher · P A G E 2 RESURRECTION MONTH 14—Palm Sunday 19—Good Friday 20—Easter Egg Hunt— 11 AM 21—EASTER Sunrise Service—6:30

P A G E 5

Immeasurable, did their sound

c h e c k t h a t S a t u r d ay

afternoon as practical

experience for the ongoing

training on the new


As with anything new, there

were minor glitches. They

would allow the ministry

members to critique the

modifications and access any

necessary needs.

There are still a number of

improvements to come in

UPGRADE 2K19, however,

this phase of the Audio Visual

enhancements will allow the

Central Union family and

fr iends to enjoy the

experiences at The Union

while at home or through the

utilization of social media.

Using our accounts at

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,

and YouTube. Central Union

can be viewe d live as well as

access programs, sermons, and

other events stored in the

archives on those sources as

well as at centralunion.co, the

church website.

As we ELEVATE our

thinking, commitment, and

service in this present age, we

are well on the way.

the sanctuary and in the

Pastor’s office have been

upgraded with 85” and 32” HD

monitors respectively.

All of these advances mean

nothing without the equipment

and personnel, so, the Ministry

proudly accepted the challenge

of training on the new

equipment that was installed in

the balcony, the home of the

ministry. This equipment

includes all new camera,

camera switching system, two

display monitors, IMac

computer for live streaming,

DVD recorder, DVD duplicator,

and two audio amplifiers.

Media Ministry 2K19 made its

debut during the Women’s Day

Observances on the third

Sunday, however, the guest duo

gospel performing artists,

On Sunday, March 17,

2019, the congregation

walked into the church that

had a slightly different look

and the efforts geared towards

the Media Ministry were the

source of the that look.

The sanctuary is now

illuminated by five custom

recessed lights above the choir

and pulpit. Two chandeliers

were removed and two have

been raised to accommodate

the new camera setup which

includes three robotic

cameras. New 85 inch

monitors were installed on

either side of the baptismal

pool and the sound system has

been greatly improved with

the addition of two mounted

speakers strategically located

high on the walls of the

sanctuary and two speakers

located in the pulpit.

The monitors in the back of

UPGRADE 2K19: CU Media Ministry

Page 6: ~~~STAFF~~~ Dr. K. Daniel Dawsey, Pastor/Teacher · P A G E 2 RESURRECTION MONTH 14—Palm Sunday 19—Good Friday 20—Easter Egg Hunt— 11 AM 21—EASTER Sunrise Service—6:30

P A G E 6



Sis. Betty Causey Sis. Willie Mae Clark

Sis. Terry Green Sis. Annie Hicks

Bro. Liggen and Sis. Margaret Harvey Sis. Eddie Mae Keen—Augusta, GA

Sis. Bernice Kemp Sis. Willie Mae Martin

Sis. Angela Mason Sis. Gwen Ross Sis. Lisa Safford

Bro. Sammie Smith – Warner Robins


Brother George Floyd on your retirement from Robins AFB on 27 March 2019. With his active duty military years and his work at the Robins AFB Postal PSC as the Lead Mail Clerk Bro. Floyd will have a combined 40 years of Government service!

~Praise God from whom all Blessings flow!~


Sister Miracle Rumph who will reign as Miss Old Gold for the Delta Delta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated for the 2019—2020 school year. Miracle is an Albany State University Ram and proud member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated.


to Sister Tiana Anderson As you take on the role of

Assistant Principal of Discipline at Perdue

Elementary/ Primary schools for the 2019-2020

school year.


Mr. and Mrs. Allen and Kiofa Thomas as you continue on your new journey as one in

Christ. Family and friends were blessed to witness the union of the blissful couple on Saturday,

March 23rd.

Page 7: ~~~STAFF~~~ Dr. K. Daniel Dawsey, Pastor/Teacher · P A G E 2 RESURRECTION MONTH 14—Palm Sunday 19—Good Friday 20—Easter Egg Hunt— 11 AM 21—EASTER Sunrise Service—6:30

P A G E 7

APRIL 2019 April 1– April 7 April 8 - April 14 April 15 - April 21 April 22– April 28 April 29 - May 5


Jeremiah 1:4-10 Jeremiah, Prophet

To the Nations

Exodus 12:1-14 The Original Passover


John 11:17-27 I Am the Resurrection

And the Life

Isaiah 2:1-4 A Place of Renewal

Ecclesiastes 3:9-17 God Given Task

For Workers

T Acts 9:10-19

Ananias Welcomes and Baptizes Saul

Luke 16:19-31 Care for the Poor

Matthew 27:3-10 Judas Returns the

Money, Hangs Himself

1 Corinthians 12:13 Body Building for Baptized Believers

John 10:11-18 The Shepherd Lays

Down His Life

W Acts 16:6-10

Paul Called by A Vision

John 12:1-8 Mary Anoints Jesus’

Body for Burial

Matthew 27:32-44 Jesus Is Crucified

Acts 16:11-15 Lydia and Household


Romans 7:7-12 The Value of

The Law

T Mark 6:7-13

Jesus Sends Out The Twelve

John 11:45-53 One Must Die for

The Nation

Matthew 27:62-66 Guards Secure the Tomb

Acts 16:25-34 Jailer and Household


Galatians 3:1-8 God is Faithful

And Fair

F Matthew: 9:35-38

A Great Harvest But Few Workers

Matthew 26:14-16 Judas Negotiates the Handover of Jesus

John 20:11-18 Mary Meets Jesus Outside the Tomb

Acts 18:5-11 Reaching New People

Romans 3:1-8 God is Faithful

And Fair

S Matthew 10:16-25

Handling and Surviving Persecution

Matthew 26:17-29 Jesus Celebrates the Last Passover Meal

Revelation 20:1-6 Mary Meets Jesus Outside the Tomb

Acts 1:12-17, 21-26 Chosen to Replace


Romans 3:9-20 Jesus Brings True Justice


Matthew 10:1-15 The Twelve Chosen And Commissioned

Matthew 26:1-13 Jesus Defends the

Woman’s Beautiful Action

Matthew 28:1-15 “Meet Me in


Matthew 28:16-20 Acts 1:6-8

Disciples Called and Commissioned

Romans 3:21-31 All Called to





















Page 8: ~~~STAFF~~~ Dr. K. Daniel Dawsey, Pastor/Teacher · P A G E 2 RESURRECTION MONTH 14—Palm Sunday 19—Good Friday 20—Easter Egg Hunt— 11 AM 21—EASTER Sunrise Service—6:30


Glance at

4—Leadership Development Day 5—Cinqo de Mayo 6—Ramadan 12—Mother’s Day 18—Armed Forces Day 27—Memorial Day

Thank you for your input as we continue to “serve

this present age” with our eCUC.

CU Connectors are archived at centralunion.co/newsletter.

It is not too late to request your copy by email by sending us

an email or by signing up at the link at centralunion.co. The

service is FREE and you DO NOT have to be member of

“The Union” to become a subscriber.

If you have other information that you would like to submit for

consideration, please, send it to [email protected]

or bring it to the Church Office by 5:00 PM on Wednesday,

April 17, 2019.


C.U.T.E. NUGGETS The time is drawing

near...yes, school is almost at

an end for the 2018-19 year

and the time is winding down

on the due dates for

scholarships, financial aid

applications, internship

opportunities and other

academic initiatives. There

are a few opportunities right

here at “The Union” that

require your immediate


The Central Union

Scholarship Application

due date is April 15th.

You can obtain a copy in the

Church Office or download it

at centralunion.co.


REMEMBER...if you don’t

ask, you have ZERO

chance of receiving.

Director - Ms. Heidi M. Gregg

If you stumble, get back up.

What happened yesterday no longer

matters. Today is another day so get back on track and move closer to

your dreams and goals.