St. Viator College Newspaper, 1933-04-15

I EXAMS ···- Ninforinu L MAY 22 ] VOL. L. BO URBON NAI S, ILLINOIS, SA' l' Uit D AY , AP RI L 15, 1933 NO. 13 Ret:reat: Ends Holy Sat:urday R -E - v. -J. -P - . ==::;:=;r sTuoENT -s DEPART ANNUAL HOLY WEEK STUDENT RETREAT AFTER SERVICES Positive Holiness Emphasized In Stirring Conferences; Rev. T. E. Shea Unable To Fulfill Engagement Due to unfo r eseen and necess ar y tasks during Holy W eek, Rev. T. E. Shea, pastor of St. Mar y's Pontiac, alumnu s of St. Viator, '16, was un- GLEE CLUB MAKES FINAL BROADCAST able to fulfill his engagement to Pr esen ts Varied Pr og r am; \ VCFL, pr each th e annual student retr eat at Ap ril 30 th e College. Though it was a great disappointement tha t this great or - The third and final broad cas t of thP. ator could not give the confe rence, St. Viator Glee Clu b over s tation the anno uncement that Re v. Joseph \¥CFL will take pl ace at eight o'clock P. O'Mahoney, C. S. V., Provincal of Sunday evening, April 30. The pre- the Chicago Province of th e Viato r ian cedi ng presentations of thi s popular order, had graci ously offe red his ser- organization have been so well re- vices for the occasion w as a g reat ceived and the r equ es ts for ano ther co nsolation, for Fr. O'Maboney is broadcast so numerous that the in- noted for his ability as an orator. vilation of the stat ion has been ac- The first exercise of the Re treat cepted for this final appearance over was the confe r ence, W ed n esday night , the e th er. April 12. The next morning the In the sho rt tim e of it s existence services of lioly Thursday were held the Glee Club has made seve ral sue- with Rev. J. w. R. Maguir e, c. S. v., cessful public appearances, as a most as celebrant of the Mass, R ev . John important part of the Christmas play. E. Williams, C. S. V. , deacon, Rev. And forms the Chorus of the Mikoda. Franci s J. Harbauer, c. S. V., s ub- It has been most capably directed by deacon. The Master of Ceremonies :Miss H arriet Gi ll ette whos e ceaseless was R ev. William J. Cracl{nell, C. S. activity in its advancement has met V. The seniors in cap and gown, the with the hearty cooperati on of all aco l ytes with lighted candles a nd two th e members in form in g an inter est - littl e flower g irls led th e procession ing and useful or ganization. of the Blessed Sacrament while the Program choir chanted the "Pange Lin ga". Th e The program of April 30 is com- confer en ces during the day while t he po.sed of so me exceptionally beauti- Blessed Sac rament was in the repos i- ful number s. Among them are "The tory cons tantly guarded by s tudents Bubbl e'' , from the Mu sical Farce appointed for the task of honor , were "High Jink s'', by Rudolf Friml and of a pos itive natu re that se rved to turn the mi nd to the achievement of holiness beyond mere avoidance of mortal sin s trett i ng the importance of good works. They were stirring orations. Go od Fri day The sad services of Good F ri day, mir r oring the so rr ow of the Fait hf ul at the exti ngu ishing of th e "ligh t of the wor ld" fo r a ti me, however shor t, and the Mass of t he Presanc tified were preformed by th e same ce le- brant and deaco ns. The al t ars were lef t b are , the doo'r of th e tabernacl e was open. The clouds were lower ing and th e rain beat upon the windows , but the words of the retreat master were those of hope and reconcili- ation. Holy Saturday The last conferen ce of the Re treat was given Friday eveni n g. The con - fessions were heard and th e Coll ege pre pared for the significant cere- monies of the next day. Following the joyful se rvices, Fr. O'Mahoney spoke briefl y ,but his words we re those of the leader about to reent er the bat tl e. The b at tl e cry was "Forward"! There was to be no look- ing b ack on the p as t, excep t to re· m ember i ts folly, to learn wis dom from it and f rom th e experience of o thers. Pr onouncing the apostolic, t his dis tinguis hed Viatorian sent for th each stud en t wi th renew- ed sp i ritual a:nd men tal . vi gor , o ut into the b rill iant sunsh ine of hope and happiness. arranged by Wallingford Riegger; "In Th e Luxembourg Gard en s" by K ath leen Manning, arranged by Rieg - ger. A double quartet composed of Ge orge Fleming, Vivian R eve ll, first ten ors; Edward H unt , James Fooh ey, second t enor s; Charl es Byron and K enne th Bush man, baritones; Don An - der s on, James Mc Nalll y , basses, will sing the eve r p opular "Home On Th e Range" composed by David W. Guion, likewi se arranged by Riegger, and "Tally-Ho", a rousing hunting song by Franco L eon i and ar r anged by Frede ri c Lord. The f ine old me lody which is so often associated with the so ut and, in general, with th e Vic- torian age, "' Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes", th e words of which arc a love ly poem by Ben Johnson, is an- other of tbe chorus nu mbers. F RESHMAN FROLIC TO BE HELD MAY 12 Co untr y Club Is S<:ene; Orch es tr a F al et ti The Freshman Frolic which feat - ures the p ost E ast er social ac tivity of t he Coll ege this yea r p ro mi ses to be the mos t su ccessful becau se it is the mos t car ef ull y planned dance of the year. Th e Preside nt of the class, J oseph W. Mahoney, is chai r man of the committee composed _of No r be rt Ellis and Willi am Phel an wh ic h is in char ge of th e a rrange men ts. T hes e ver ycapable men are making every effort to provide the upperclB.!Ismen and f riends wi th the beat tn dancing J oseph Torri and Bourke Monah an , ente rtainme nt . '32. and Ke nneth Bushman April 8 =============== tqok the K. of C. Scholar ship exam. ( Continued On Page Six) Vacation End s Tuesday Ev enin g, April 18 In th e presen ce of veiled statu e:"!, with words that have been utt e red through the ages, th e "new fire" is kindled and th e services of Holy Sat- urday are b egu n. Ceremony followJ sign ifi cant ceremony. The Paschal cand le-symbolic of the body of the ri sen Ch ri st - is lighted. Th en the bells are ringing once more. Th e rich tones of the organ join those of the choristers chan ting "Alleluias" .Stat - ues are unveiled. The rays of the glorious s un are shining through sta in ed g lass windows. The most wonderfu l feast of th e year. Easter. is inaugurated. Aposto Uc B less ing The long and beautiful service e nds . The Apostolic Blessing is bestowed on the students who are finishing th e ir annual r et r eat. A new spint - t;al life is begun. Each individual re turn s to his mundane affairs with a new vigor. Breakfast must be undergone in haste, for there are those ea rly trains to be or, perhaps, Dad and Mother will be here soon. And out on the highway, students are already forming a line on eithe r- side of pass - ing motors-goi ng south. north, east and west. The sunshine after rain is more charming than eve r this morning. Nature seems rejoicing with her children in the r etu rn of spring and happiness . VERY REV. J. P. O' MAHONEY, C. S. V. Stu den ts Remai n VIA TORIAN JOINS NATIO N Al PEACE MOVEMENT: TO ASK STUDENT OPINION But not eve ry one will be so for- tun ate as to go home for this great feast. Distance and time forbid it. for the vacation en ds Tuesday even - in g. Fo r th em ther e will be the b eau ty of High Mass celebrated in th e College chapel at a flower deck- ed altar, the priest vested in joyful white, the exultant Gregorian chant of the choir, ri s ing and fallin G rhythmi cal ly carrying the s pirit heavenward. Inte rco ll eg iate Di sar mame nt Council Sponsors Poll To Submit To President On P arti cipation In War In r c:ponse to a nat ion wide move- ment under t he leadership of the In - ter-collegiate Disarmament Council THE VIA TORIAN will hold a poll during th e n ex t fo r tnight to determine t he attitude of the s tud e nt body to· ward participation in war for their cou ntry. The pu rpose of th e po ll is explain- ed in th e following words of J ames Fred erick Green, chai r man of th e Council : In view of the i mmin ent danger of war in Europe and the Far East, promi s ing a degr ee of d es truction and concomitan t suffer ing unknown even in th e World War , I believe tha t it is imp e rative fo r Ame ric an st udents to speal{ their mi nd s at this time. Undergraduates at Oxford and in oth er British uni vers iti es are giving thei r gove rnmen t du e warning that they will "under no circumstances fight fo r King and Count r y". A sim- ilar declaration by our present co ll ege generation will comp el the Ame rican governme nt to consider twi ce any ac- tion liabl e to involve the co untry in war, especially in view of its obliga- tions unde r the P aris Pact. The Intercoll egiate Disarmament Council national poll on "Participation in War" is c ir c ulating some 600 col - leges, four of which, Columbia, Brown Princeton and Yale are already en- thusiastically carryi ng on their locH.! polls. The peti ti on is phrased so that both the r adic al and the mode r- ate pacif ist may s ig n , in BE RG IN DEBATERS WIN FR OM ROSARY View Large Co ll ect io n Of Ra re Art Tr eas llr es co lumns . Whether they ple dg e them- Th e Bergin Debating So ciet y, r ep re- sc lves "not to participate in any way, se.nted by th e manager, Rober t A. No- of what eve r origi n or natur e" or "ex- Ian, Gill Midd leton, and Ralph Hoo vt r cept in case of invasion of the main - uph eld the affirmative of the qu es - land of th e Un ited States", Ameri- tion: resolved: "That the Unit ed can students will be going far toward States sho uld cance l the Int e r-Alli ed preven ting a declar at io n of war by War Debts", in d eba te wifn Ro sa ry the Unit ed States. In or der to de- Coll ege of Rive r Forest. The d ec ision te r mi ne what p ropor tion of a gi ven was given to th e Be rgin Debaters. coll ege com unity has signed t he paci- Raymund G. Wenthe , a prominent fist pl edges, a third column is pro- and accompl ish ed debater acted as vid ed for signat ures to a stat ement driver for his fellow debaters, and wr..i ch r ep resents the traditional t es t also--as .critic. The t eam was ac- of citizens, willingness to participate compani"ed by th e coach, Very R ev . in any war consti t utionally dec lared J. W. R. Magu ire, C. S. V. Arriving by Congr ess. in t he evening t he deba t ers we re en · It will be noted that th e phrase "to tertain ed at dinner by t he College and participate tn war" is u sed by the later en joyed an inspection of the Inter - collegiate Disarmament Coun- rare art collec tion and tapest ri es of medieval and more modern Europe (Continued Oa Page Six) that Rosary possesses.


The Viatorian, Vol. L, No. 13

Transcript of St. Viator College Newspaper, 1933-04-15

Page 1: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1933-04-15

I EXAMS ···- Ninforinu L MAY •22 ]

VOL. L. BO URBON NAIS , ILLINOIS, SA'l' Uit D AY , AP RI L 15, 1933 NO. 13 ==============~==

Ret:reat: Ends Holy Sat:urday R-E-v.-J.-P-. o-,M-A-Ho-N-EY_P_R-EA_c_H_Es-~~P=RO=VI=N=CI=AL=G=IV=ES=R=ET=RE=A=T ==::;:=;rsTuoENT-s DEPART ANNUAL HOLY WEEK STUDENT RETREAT AFTER SERVICES Positive Holiness Emphasized In Stirring Conferences ;

Rev. T. E. Shea Unable To Fulfill Engagement

Due to unfo reseen and necessary tasks during Holy W eek, Rev. T . E. Shea, pastor of S t . Mar y's Pontiac , alumnus of St. Viator, '16, was un-


able to fulfill his engagement to P resen ts Vari e d P rogram; \VCFL, preach the annual student retreat at April 30 the College. Though it was a great disappointement that this great or- The third and final broadcast of thP. ator could not g ive the conferen ce, St. Viator Glee Club over s tation the announcement that Rev. Joseph \¥CFL will take place at eight o' clock P. O'Mahoney, C. S. V., Provincal of Sunday evening, April 30. The pre­the Chicago Province of the Viator ian cedi ng presentations of this popular order, had graciously offe red his ser- organization have been so well re ­vices for the occasion w as a g reat ceived and the requests for ano ther consolation, for Fr. O'Maboney is broadcast so numerous that the in-noted for his ability as an orator. vilation of the station has been ac-

The first exercise of the Retreat cepted for this final appearance over was the confer ence, W ednesday night, the e th er. April 12. The next morning the In the short tim e of its existence services of lioly Thursday were held the Glee Club has made sever a l s u e­with Rev. J. w. R. Maguire, c. S. v., cessful public appearances, as a most as celebrant of the Mass, R ev. John important part of the Christmas play. E. Williams, C. S. V. , deacon, Rev. And forms the Chorus of the Mikoda. Francis J. Harbauer, c. S. V., sub- It has been most capably directed by deacon. The Master of Ceremonies :Miss H arriet Gi ll ette whose ceaseless was R ev. William J . Cracl{nell, C. S. activity in its advancement has met V. The seniors in cap and gown, the with the hearty cooperation of all acolytes with lighted candles a nd two the members in form ing an interest­little flower g irls led the procession ing and useful or ganization. of the Blessed Sacrament while the Program choir chanted the "Pange Linga". The The program of April 30 is com-conferen ces during the day while t he po.sed of so m e exceptionally beauti­Blessed Sacrament was in th e reposi- ful numbers. Among them are "The tory con s tantly guarded by s tudents Bubble'' , from the Musical Farce appointed for the task of honor, were "High Jinks'', by Rudolf Friml and

of a pos itive natur e that served to turn the m ind to the achievement of holiness beyond mere avoidance of mortal sin s tretting the importance of good works. They were stirring orations.

Good Friday

The sad ser v ices of Good F rid a y , mirr oring th e sorrow of th e Faithful at the exting uishin g of the "light of the world" fo r a time, however short , and the Mass of t he Presanctified were preformed by the same cele­brant and deacons. The al tars wer e lef t bare, t h e doo'r of the t a bernacle was open. The clouds were lowering and the rain beat upon the windows, but the words of the retreat master were those of hope and reconcili­ation.

H oly Saturday

Th e last confer ence of t h e Retreat was given Friday evening. T he con­fessions were heard and the College pr epared for the significant cer e­monies of the next day. Following the joyful se rv ices, F r . O'Mahoney spoke briefl y ,but h is words wer e those of the leader about to reent er th e battle . The battle c r y was "Forward"! Ther e was to be no look ­ing back on the pas t , except to r e· member its folly, to learn wisdom from i t and f rom the experience of others. P r onouncing the apostolic, this dis tinguish ed Viatorian sent for th each student wi th renew­ed spiritual a:nd men tal . vi gor , out into the b rill iant sunshine of hope and happiness.

arranged by Wallingford Riegger; "In The Luxembourg Gardens" by K athleen Manning, arranged by R ieg­ger. A double quarte t composed of George Fleming, Vivian R evell, first tenors; Edward H unt, James Fooh ey, second tenor s; Charles Byron and K enneth B u sh man, baritones; Don An­derson, James M cNalll y , basses, will sing the ever popular "Home On The Range" composed by David W. Guion, likewise arranged by Riegge r , and "Tally-Ho", a rousing hunting song by Franco L eoni and arr anged by F r ed eri c Lord . The f ine o ld melody which is so often associated with t h e sout and, in general, with the Vic­torian age, "'Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes", the words of which arc a lovely poem by Ben Johnson , is an­other of tbe chorus n umber s.


Country Club Is S<:ene; Orc hestra

F ale t ti

The Freshman F rolic which feat­ures t he post E aste r socia l activity of the College this year p romises to be the most s uccessful because it is t h e most car efully planned dance of the year. The President of the c lass, J oseph W . Mahoney, is chair man of the committee composed _of Nor be r t Ellis and Willi am Phelan wh ich is in charge of the a rrangem en ts. T hese ver ycapable men are making every effort to provide the upperclB.!Ismen and f riends with the beat tn dancing

J oseph Torri and Bourke Monahan, entertainment. '32. and Kenneth Bushman April 8 =============== tqok the K. of C. Scholar ship exam. (Continued On Page S ix)

Vacation Ends Tuesday Evening, April 18

In th e presen ce of veiled statue:"!, with words that have been uttered through the ages, th e "new fire" is kindled and the services of Holy Sat­urday are begun. Ceremony followJ significant ceremony. The Paschal cand le-symbolic of the body of the ri sen Ch rist- is lighted. Then the bells a r e ringing once more. The rich tones of the organ join those of the choristers chan ting "Alleluias" .Stat­ues are unveiled. The rays of the glorious sun are shining through stained g lass windows. The most wonderful feast of the year. Easter. is inaugurated.

ApostoUc B lessing

The long and beautiful service ends . The Apostolic Blessing is bestowed on the students who are finishing their annual retr eat. A new spint-t;al life is begun. Each individual r e turns to his mundane affairs with a new vigor.

Breakfast must be undergone in

haste, for there are those early trains to be cau~ht, or , perhaps, Dad and Mother will be here soon. And out on the highway, students are already forming a line on either- side of pass­ing motors-going south. north, east and west. The sunshine after rain is more charming than ever this morning. Nature seems rejoicing with her children in the r eturn of spring and happiness.

VERY REV. J. P. O'MAHONEY, C. S. V. Students Remai n


But not ever y one will be so for­tunate as to go home for this great feast. Distance and time forbid it. for the vacation ends Tuesday even­ing. For them there will be t h e beauty of High Mass celebrated in the College chape l at a flower deck­ed altar, the priest vested in joyful white, the exultant Gregorian chant of the choir, ri sing and fallinG rhythmically carrying the spirit heavenward.

Intercollegiate Disarmament Council Sponsors Poll To Submit To P resident On P articipation In War

In r c:ponse to a nation wide move­ment under t he leadership of the In­ter-collegiate Disarmament Council THE VIA TORIAN will hold a poll during th e nex t fo r tnight to determine t he attitude of the s tudent body to· ward participat ion in war for their country.

The pu rpose of the poll is explain­ed in the following words of J ames Frederick Green, chai rman of the Council :

I n view of the imminen t danger of war in Europe and th e Far East, promising a degr ee of destruction and concomitant s uffer ing unknown even in the World War , I believe that it is imperative fo r Ame rican s t udents to speal{ their m inds at this time. Undergraduates at Oxford and in other British universities are giving thei r government due warning that they will "under no circumstances fight fo r King and Countr y". A sim­ilar declaration b y our present college generation will compel the American government to consider twice any ac­tion liable to involve the country in war , especially in view of its obliga­tions under the P aris Pact.

The Intercollegiate Disarmament Council national poll on "Participation in War" is circulating some 600 col­leges, four of which, Columbia, Brown Princeton and Yale are already en­thusiastically carrying on their locH.! polls. The peti tion is phrased so that both the r adical and the moder -ate pacifis t may s ig n , in designa~d


View Large Co llection Of Rare Art Tr easllres

columns. Whether they p ledge them- The Bergin Debating Socie ty, r ep re­sclves "not to participate in any way, se.nted by the manager, Robert A. No­of whatever origin or nature" or "ex- Ian, Gill Middleton, and Ralph Hoovtr cept in case of invasion of the main - uphe ld t he affirmative of the ques­land of the U n ited States", Ameri- tion: resolved: "That the United can students wi ll be going far toward States should cancel the Inter-Allied preventing a decla r ation of war by War Debts", in d ebate wifn Rosary the United States. I n or der to de- College of River Forest. The decis ion ter min e what proportion of a g iven was given to the B ergin Debaters.

college com unity has signed the paci- Raymund G. Wenthe, a prominent fist pledges, a third column is pro- and accomplish ed debater acted as vided for signatures to a stat ement driver for his fellow debaters, and wr..i ch r epresents the traditional tes t also--as .critic. The team was ac­of citizens, willingness to participate compani"ed by the coach, Very R ev. in any war consti tutionally declared J. W. R. Maguire, C. S. V. Arriving by Congr ess. in t he evening the debat ers were en·

It will be noted that th e phrase "to tertained at dinner by t he College and participate tn war " is used by the later enjoyed an inspection of the Inter-collegiate Disarmament Coun- rare art collec tion and tapest ries of

medieval and more modern Europe (Continued Oa Page Six) that Rosary possesses.

Page 2: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1933-04-15


I Published bi-weekly th~~:b~:?!~by !.he students of St. I Viator CoUege.


POLITICS -. . As this issue. goes to press an intensive municipal po

li tical campaign IS neanng a close in the neighboring city -of Ka nkakee. A g reat deal of mudslinging has been in

STAFF dulged in both by the Republicans and the Democrats ' E<lttor-tn-Cbtet J. Kenneth Bushman neither par t y being less bespattered than the other. One

Assistant Editor John Burn" ~roup controls and uses the town 's only daily paper a Mun a&rlng Editor UU !:l l N E !S:S Q!!;PA!t l'i\lt<; 'l' Kenneth Corco ran ItS mouthpieCe, While the minority party Spreads theii


Gerald sullivan James Hunt propaganda by means o:Z a weekly and by pamphlets. A John McGrath Joseph Spielberger one reads over the Items put forth by both f actions one is


Glen Abney Charles Peyton so r~ ly t empted to d~spair both of democracy and of the Enzel Wren "STAJ''F"' Earl O'Mara f ruits of our educatwnal system, for most of the charges Soctat E<ll tor . Mary P. cruise and counter char ges are both peurile and assinine - with sorority Edi tor Margaret Clancy few of them consti t uting real issues. In other' words Editorials John Cronlo th · d'd t h · · Sports Reporter Joseph Degnan evan can I a es ave given, m one respect at least


Sports Reporter Robert Sprletzer their t acit approval to methods for which Tammany and V•atorlana . .Charles Byron the Saloon age have been SO much COndemned.


g~';~~P~~~;rs c~~~:~ ~t~t: . ~or is the m~tropo!is of northeastern Illinois the only Feature Writer Gill Middleton City m the land m which the aforementioned election ~~!~~~= ~;~~;; Paui~:.'r~i!.Z~;~; abuses are so flagr ant. Our presidental campaigns of FeaLUre Writer Robert Nolan 1928 and 1932 give further proof as tO the Shady methods Feature Writer Wilham Clancy ~y which .we select the men who are to provide the work Entered as second class matter at the Post Office of Bourbonnais, Illinois. mg machmery . for government. lt can be pJain]y seen


under the Act of March ard, 1879 that unless something is done in the near f uture to re-Add r ess o. ll correspondence ref erring ei th er to advertis ing or sub::~cription to f h

The Viatorian, Bourbonnais, Illinois. orm OUr met od Of ChOOSing public Officers, we Can ACME PRLNTING co 121 souTH WASHINGTON AVE. ~ever ho~Je to approach the state of government formed ----- m th~ mmds of our American forefathers. The only

effective J?eans to remedy t he evils is by educating the students m our colleg~s and universities to apprecia te th~ ~mportance of attai.n~n_g to a public office, and by re­qm!·mg all embryo pohticians to be thoroughly ground­ed m the ethics and the administration of government.


One of the saddes t a spects of the whole situation is that a great percen~age of the general public seriously accepts th~ mutten~gs of these pseudo-political sages The educatwnal solutwn already 'mentioned could also be made to include projects f or the developing of a national sense of h_umor m order to .offset this phase of the pro­blem. Either we must tram our future administrators and electors, or we had better appoint a royal family and end the presen t farce forevermore. The student poll on P articipation In War t hat is to

be held during the next two weeks recalls to mind the g i·eat example set by Pres. John Adams, who, when SALES TAX President of the United States, risked his political future, Despite t~e fact that a do wnstate judge has issued an cast aside all hope fo r reelection, and saw his great party order preventmg the State's use of funds collected under of the Federalist s disintegrate r ather than involve in a the recently_ e~acted eme~·gency sales t ax law, the mer­war t hat would have meant its ruin the young republic. c~ants of Ilhno.Is are reqmred to collect a 3% fee on prac­It was his duty to protect and whose best interests it was tlcally a ll. reta1l .sales. Most of the citizens are cheer-



I I I . his greatest desire to forward. His courage and self- full y paymg the1r share of the tax but there are some

sacrifice for the cause of peace must not only be equal!- who claim t~at the whole measure is naught but a piece ! ed but surpassed by the citizens of the world today. The of Democratl.c ~reachery. In the interests of fair play l United States has become a mighty nation. It can die- we ~eel tha t It I~ our duty as non-partisan bystanders to date much of international policy. It stands alone, free remmd t.hese o):J.Jectors that both Republicans and Demo­from the entanglements that holds E urope in constant ~rats umted Wlt~ Governor H orner in enacting this law terror of another great war. It knows none of the fears m order to provide funds to take care of the State's un- J t hat lead the French people into greater and greater ap- employed, and to show the Reconstruction Finance Cor­propriations for armaments, none of the bitterness that poratwn that an effort was being f!!ade in Illinois in an [ Germany feels at her lowly position of today compared attempt to forestall further borrowmg for relief purpos-with that of a few years ago. Secure in the boundlesil ' es from the Federa l government. resources that exist within her boundariel:' of t he Paci­fic and Atlantic, the United States is free to lead the way to a new and better understanding of peace.

The ba lance of power was the dominant idea in the peace conference ending a gr eat war at the Congress of Vienna. A century passed. The conference that fo l­)owed a much great~r war in 1918 was dominated by the Ideals of an Amerc1an whose name will echo down the centuries as a great prophet. The ideals of Wilson had a tapgible result. He could not be shouted down by the selfish g rowls of self-seeking nations. America was be­hind him. And t he League of Nations stands as a corner­stone of his plan for world peace.

Canadian Viato rian In Visit Chicago Province

Th e Re v. Alphonse d e Grandpr e, C . S. V., Assi stant Provincial of the Viatorian order in Canada made a flyin g vis it to the Chicago Provine~ r ecently. H e was the guest of Rev. J. P. O'Mahoney. C. S. V., Provincial residen t a t the College. F a ther O'Mahoney took him to visit the p rincipal riouses of the Chicago Pro-vi nee.

vill e, Canada. Cong ratulations are ex­t ended him on the occa s ion of hi & e levation to this post of distinction.

The next meeting of the Social Sorority will be he ld at the home of M iss Yvonne La mbert, Bradley. i\<Ii s3

L a mbert is a t eacher in the p u blic >;rhools of Bradley.

AT RDAY. APRIL 15. 19!13

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Acme Printing Co. ,21 S. Wash. Ave.- Phone 14 U

Kankal<ee, Ill.

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A~nerica .is still leading the world in political thought and vnll contmue to do so as long as her people recognize th eir task as citizens of a gTeat I'epublic. They must demand of th.eir leaders that the ideals of democracy be not dragged m t he dust to forward the inter ests of the self-seeking. Sacrific~ is the keynote of democracy, and

T he Chicago Viatorians honored b y 1

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every cla ss must practice it. ' The voice of the students of America will be heard

in this po~l on Participation in War. 'The government of the Umted States cannot contradict the demands of its people. The futility of war as a means of interna­tional arbitration has been shown at a terrible cost. It must n~t .~e forgotte~. Who will dare to say that this

George A . Daira ult, a commerce s tudent a bout th irty year s a g o, is now mayor of his na ti ve town, Berthie r-

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A hearty welcome awaits the stu­d ents and fri r.nds of St. Viator

College was a c1v1hzed world m 1918? America points the way I'

to a new understanding of international relations. It is becoming civilized, for Wilson did not live in vain. :....------------=


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244 EAST MERCHANT ST. Telephone 406 Kankakee, llllnols

Page 3: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1933-04-15


beautiful evenings. Even the Editor before ... Better ask Meany for some I poundlilg all of the work that Ed had And have you heard about the editor

I CAMPUS BRIEFS I of thls Conservative Journal has fall- lessons in Technique Also ask done in Philosophy. Oh, yes, Jt also who was so interested in this s tudent en prey to the Intemperates ... Don' t him where he was the last night h e mentioned that Ed played Iootball publication that be remained at the

h to let any one, even Congress ,tell you was home and where he met Sullivan here . .. It looks like it was time College all during vacation just to Lucka day, what do we ave that the Beer is not intoxicating. Our . Baker is still consistent in his for a choosing between swp.van, the edit it? . Such devotion! . .Bu t

loose. (get the pun) Here are eome Bubble and Foam Investigating Com- phone calls, but why must you tell "Terrible Turk", and Cronin, "The then there was Gill Mldd.leton to con­ot the most portunate sha!ts of the mittee has just brought in their re- her that you are busy on some even- Strong Man of the Corridor''. Cronin sole him. No doubt, they read weak ready to speed on their way. port, and we know. Thanks for the lngs when you are NOT, Stu? had better let Sully get in a pew The High and Holy H oover seems to hard research work, Nolan .... An- Burns can really stand Mortification. when be wants to Did Father poetry through out the vacation · ·

. have hiB hands full with his Joss of other movie star has pepped up in He took all of his walklllg in the Maguire ever collect the money that Too bad "Bourbonnais Bill' Wenthe romance. It is too bad at that and our mldst in the person of a certain Village between conferences. No, he bet with Hoover over a sermon. has to spend all his evenings working such a sweet romance. Well, Herby, Sophomore co-ed of Bourbonnais he was not alone . . Why would I am willing to contribute to the to find a theses subjec t ... And now you can't go, around insulting our Boop, boop, adoop . .. The old per- he be ... . Fleming and Whalen of the next bet . Jack Comisky is still that spring is here, our student crit­BEAUTIFUL co-eds with impunity sonallty plus of James (the other) Third are out-Stooping the Stoopno- clicklllg in Kankakee .. Aren't ic may find the local Lotharios be­and expect to get away with it Hunt must be failing for he was crats in their inventions in their room those nuhses ever supposed to do any guillng the birds in the trees with Such a wonderful subject a..s Hoover stood up the other night. . . That's .. Rube Goldberg had better look work at all? . By the way how their songs of love .. Our own might a.s well stay for another round all right Jim ... we hear you can take to his Laurels ·· As Dugan would did Doc Meany get home for the Junior Romeo . . yes, we mean Bums o! dirt . . We would like to know it. . . Middleton is staying here at say the new Viatorian Beer Cheer Easter vacation . Spreitzer had ... is said to have most particular­what was in that Orange Juice that the College for the vacation and could well be, "Thr ee polnt two-poo! better stop throwing saw-dus t on ly dulcet tones, now, isn't love grand? the Debaters had at River Forest? there must be some reason. . . Jack poo! .. He would say that the head of our Treasurer. It isn't Dugan was unable to write this col­Just why did the Judge tell Herb Cronin is again r ega.ining his status Now is the time for the Co-eds to nice . .We have heard some more umn because he is hard at work on that be thought he was drunk? Fie, as a ladies man. And is he crazy have another sale in their rooms and news of the Hoover-Cruise rifht . hls modern opus of the Refectory, fie upon thee. .. Another Senior about that song, "Sweet Rosy 0- make it beer this time ... You must Wby were they talking in the dusk "Strange Innerfood" . If you do not is ready to run the gauntlet of pub- 'Grady". One thing, John, you had make that room popular at any cost of the College club-room the other like any of the digs in this column lic!ty, Ed. (Titwillow, to you) Hunt better stay away from the Bridge .. . There should be an attraction night .. .. Perhaps after all love wlll tell us and we will proceed to 'choose' 1..a getting all ready to elude the sher- near Beardsley Corner, or The Wes- in it . . .. There isn't now Not conquer . Have you beard all a- you and if we can't, then as cronin iff. He wlll take those books of the tray will thlllk that you are trying even one . . Byron and Eills are bou; Earl O'Mara's new song. It sald to Winterhalter. we will get month and then try to get away with to get in with Sue, and that would rather falling down in their mail from will make its first appearance on the some one that can. them. Show them that you can take be too bad for you . .. Now to a Joliet ... Just wait till the next air next week and will be slaughtered it, Eddie. Don't let them scare you. couple of the simple but Sincer e Dance comes around and then the by Husk O'Mara . .. They are off . They can't put you in jall for more Freshmen . .. Maguire mortified him- Postman will have to work overtime Gi bbsons tears off to Minonk to help than a year. Beer is back and self by not calling Therese up dur- ... Ed H unt, through the magna- with spring plowing and Chuck Pey­many a r e the Viatorians that gather ing Holy week, but at that she never minity of Orren Allen of the staff of ton is away to Ohio to take care of around the Festive Mohagany, these j wc..s at home when be did call there the Local Rag received a write-up ex- Mary Jane . . H eaven help her

the hy is

from the tobaccos



Chesterfield ? • 1fi

That's a very simple question to answer.

The stem in a tobacco leaf, like the stem

in most other plants, is "woody". It hasn' t

any of the flavor or the aroma that you

want when you smoke. And it doesn't

burn right.

So after tobacco has been properly aged,

one of the first things to do is to remove

the stems.

A Chapter Meeting of the Viator­ian Order was held at the College during the Easter vacation, Tuesday, April 18.

But what has this to do with your enjoy­

ment of Chesterfield cigarettes? Just this.

It means that we starr right when we make

Chesterfield-the right kind of leaf with

the stem removed, th e right manufacture

-everything that science knows that can

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cigarerce that tastes better.

T obacco used to be stemmed by hand-Now thi; mac!Jine stwlS 14,300 leaves every hour.

That's why people say "They Satisfy."

@ 19}}. t/GGBTT &. MYtU T OBACCO Co.

Page 4: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1933-04-15

When the subject of an intra-mural

0 A Y _ H Q p pI N G I track meet was brought up among the da y hops it was given a cool

I reception. And that"s one oi the

Einbeck's tudio Our pbo~p!!.O ..,.., lne..""<pen­l:iTe. yet trea.<Jured tOr their

..-ortll u UY\n~t portra.Ju. 163 North &ebuy1~r ve...

Things seem to be moving along mysteries o f life fo r there's always fairly well in the softball league a track meet in the study ball wi th the exception of the weather r:1an taking a bath most every day. The t u rnout of the day hops was bet­te r than expected, however . the r e is s till plenty of talent floating a round the study haJJ that should be out t.:Je r c chucking away. Pile out , day s tudents, and su pport your team; we can take that league.

Wei, aftur jo flunked th e coarse las simestir, yud l Crawley's "Anheiser-Buscher's" or think he's qwit, but that just gose to show that you dont the "A and B Specials" in their first no jo. he sined up again, on accoun.t of he sez h.e wonts I game steamed into Harding's lads

d · h t ld h ~ 1 :.:.nd eme rged with t hei r sai ls trim-to !ern. but now jo is in a qwan n- lS pop O lm a <P ,- med, but considering the margin of 000 000 wuz ahelluvalot, an when he told that to prof, he victory and the score of some of the got' plenti mad, so jo dont no wh~t to think. aft~r w~ile other games. the day hops have more jo razes his haand and asks prof if a fella can glt umsh- than an even chance to cop honors ed fur sum thin he hasn' t dun. "No", sez prof, uv coarse "' the standings.

Pb<me ~7 Knnk:>koe. lll. H eadlines of Other Days : Lester I Soucie, alias " no can Sooos'' -----------------------__; walks into study haJJ picking tile -------------------------­plaster out of his hair. H e was studyin g in th e library . . Dra.s.sler eats enough br eakfast . .. Sobol re - ! fuses second helplng . .. Walkowiak g ives barber a break ... Nothing new I a bout "Dangerous Dan" Devine though, doggonnit ... Heinle prefers 1

blonds, yes s ir.

Two m ember s and the di rec tor of the St. Viator Glee Club took part in the drama of ~.!onsignor Hu gh Benson "The Upper Room", present­ed by the Se nior class of St. J oseph S eminary, Kankakee in the schoool hall, April 6 and 7. Miss Gertrude


Ar eneau's niform BREAD



COLLEGE INN (Gymnasium)

not". J·o smiles an sez "Gee, thats kean, cuz i didn't d.o --d A nd about that 42 inning batt le be- and Miss Genevieve B edard were in that team you assined fur today". Well sir you cu eezl- tween the two study haJI nines. The the chorus of eighty five that were ly sea that prof WUZ getting pretty mad, S? figgerin to game progressed to a splendid finish, a part of the drama. and Miss Bar­ketch jo, he aSkS hi mto Spe) the pJureJ of hippopotamUS but the celebration following was not riet Gillette played the 'cello in the jo looked stumped and we awl thot prof had h1m there sc favorable for a certain chap. A orchestra.

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VICE ALWAY but fin ely he sez, "why thats very silly prof, cuz who'.d fair coed passing by during the heat -------

o' the scramble when the said chap PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS want moar than wun hippopotamus??' then prof sent JO was prancing around trouser-less was f rom therume but next day it started awl oviL when he..,rd to remarl< . "Why is that T . R .•

pi'Ofasked jo f~r a sentints with the wurd diad~'rn, an~ jo who would have ever thunk it?" who an sirs th at peeple who driv onto ralerode crossmgs w1th- said clothes don't make the man ? out looking, diadem site qwiker than ~hose .wh~ stop, look and lissen. well prof th1·ose an erasu· at JO, hke he gen­iraly duz and sez "allrite jo, qwo~e a scriptur. virse", an smiledeevily cuz he thot he ,~ad .JOkwat, but JO JUS puts on a board expreshun an sez Jud1s went out mto the gar­den an hanged himself". such w1zdum frum .10 sur sur­prised prof, but he sez reel meenly, "thats the nutz, JO now qwote anuther", an did he look f unny when JO sez "Go ye an do likewise".

But at that, Joe isn't so dumb. Until recently, one of the co-ed thought the Pied Piper was a dl'Unken plumber

Jus t as ce rtaln as the days a r e g rowing warme r. jus t so, the interest in t hat s tudy hall baseball nine is increasing. Prospects have been con­sider ed and a probable line up has been selected as foll ows: outfiled er s . l ang, Kir ts, Cobol. Brouilette, Clancy, C rawley, W a lkowiak and Richwine; firs t base, Burdick or Cooley ; sec: ond , Deslauriers; s hort , Smith ; third, Dr essler; catcher, O' Connell and for pitc her, Baron is th e only prospect tha l has yet turn ed up.

It is hoped that the day hops can Mother: "Whoever taught you to use that

wo rd ?" Small on : "The Easter rabbit, mother" Mother : "The Easter rabbit?" Son : "Yes, mother, when he fell over a chair

bedroom on Easter eve".

aVVfU} work in a few gaJTieS before vacation with Roy hall teams. That chall­e nge issued by the freshmen day mongrels to the upperc lassmen of the study ball fo r a baseball game

in my. in the near future has bee n duly ac-

"Isn't he fast, dear ?" asked the anxious mother.

"Yes mama" replied the girl, "but I don't think he will get ~way". '

J ack: "Darling, you have teeth like Pearls". She : "You flatter me".

cepted. A sui table date will be se-lected as soon as possible.


and DEALERS 362 E. Court St.

Tel. 995 Kankakee, Ul.

J ade "Oh, not so 'much. Have you seen hers?" '--------------------------7

The Scotchman stood on the street car platform argu­ing with the conductor over the price of the fare, the Scotchman holding out for five cents while the conducto r demanded seven cents. Finally in exasperation, the con­ductor eized the Scotchman's valise and threw it off the car, at the same time advising the Scotchman to follo w "Hoot man!" cried the Scotchman, "Fir t you try to over­charge me, and then you try to kill my little boy".

Spreitzer says he has no trouble studying while his roommate, Degnan is typing, he reads a chapter betweeen clicks.

Honest J ohn held f our queens, Sagebrush Pete, four kings, and Diamond Dick, four aces. J ohnny bets ten dollar , Pete bets twenty five, and Dick raises to fifty Johnny lays down his cards, Pete laughs and lays down his four kings. Johnny gets tough and beats him to the draw. Pete wasn't such a bad fello w. John turns to Dia­mond Dick and says "What have you got?" Replies Dick: "Oh, I was only bluffing".

"So you desire to become my son-in-law?" "No, I don't. But if I marry your daughter, sir, I don't

see how I can get out of it"

Small boy (saying his prayers): "And please make me not be kept after schooL By the way, I've mentioned th1s before".

Amedee T. Betourne



119 Court St., Kank.akee, lll.

With Compliments






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Vi a tor"


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- l.IIS

Page 5: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1933-04-15

1'Ulil Vlft'I'OltiAN

Spring Practice Begins ------------------------------------------


Captain Nolan, Shukes, Karr High Scorers In Last Game; Herscher 37, Indees 31; Church Tournament

"Don Juo.n '' Luffoy aJidln g Into ace· ond base, h o.v lng u ripping time; to bo xac t , ripping bls "o l' bluo cor ­d uroys" ln twaln.

Large Number Of Recruits Appear On Field; Members Of Regular Team Out In Full Strength

The Roy Hall Independent Baske t- ly s top those two boys, and the final Doc Meany, " tho Big Bam", sock - S C Due to the fl'>'treme ly wet w eather ba ll terun c losed its S"nson by pnrtl - score wa.s Roy Ho.ll 31 , HersCher 87. lng thut "npple" !or n cloao to per - • V. • SORORITY that we hove h ad ro far tb·Js spr:ing clpating In the Chu r ch Tournament Sauer bang up 15 ta llies , !llld Bower fee t average, and playing every day PARTY - APRIL 29 s pMng football has been delayed with which was r ecently held in til e Y · M. dropped ln tour fi eld goals. But tho 011 u diffe rent t eam. th e exceptloo of about five practices. C. A. gymnasium at Kanko.l<ee. Tho ti1Millng pbnse of this was U1 o Gus Harding ump!Mng moat of the Oar<h! And Dancing; At CoUeg o Alter the vacation the r eal work will r ecord es t ablished by thia y ear's t eam rema.rl<able spurt m ade by tho I odoes ga.mca, and de manding t ho resp ec t or &!octory beg in and both players and coach Is the best In recent years . In the d o. ll Involved, but ha rd ly ge ttin g s uch . Corcor"" are eagerly awatlng that fifteen gwnes played, t he Roy Hall ~etl:at~1~e q~c:r::rs~!o~11:tg~7°~oA~ Oh well ! Such is the li te ot a.n urn- Th e pe tltJon for permi ssion to hold time. ::a th ere ta not to be a base-boys were able to win twelve of these. agains t them. Less than lour min- p lre , Red . another or thei r popular card and ha ll team this year It will give Cor -One of their defeats coming in the utes after the third period s tarter , Max Ma r ek behind tb e p late fo r dancing parties on April 20 has been coran and b:Js men nearly a month of second round of the Church tourna- the score stood 22 to 21 agams t thorn . E d Hunt' s teo.m , prompting the um- su bmitted by t he SoclaJ Sorority to drilling in preparation tor the coming went at the Y. M. C. A. Statistics Again ,Captai n Nolan and Shukes led p lre and no b .. ck-talk either (by the the College Counci l. While the an- footba!l season. They lntend that show that the local squad rang up a the Viator team ; Nolan with elghl umpire). swcr has not yet been given It Is bard luck breaks are not going to de­total of points greatly in excess to points and Shukes With 12 points. Ch uck Peyton s tJll trying to per- probable that permission Is assu r ed. feat th em next season, as it clid this the sum of the opponents markers. There w as no d_isgrace in this defeat. fee t his throw from center fie ld to The party will be advertised on the year, lf pratfce and hard work means

Competition Strong- Our t eam made one of the finest the p late (and s till unsuccessfully). campus befor e the date assigned. anything. There were no set-ups to be !ound come-backs ever s taged by a g roup "Beak " Ruteckl accepting f ifteen Refec tory Scene New Comers

on the Indee's sechedule this year, and on the hardwood. Their s howing was chances to date a t third b~e. with As usual ,th e r efectory is chosen There are sever al newcomers trying among their opponents were some of praiseworthy; thei r r ecord envi a ble. a record ot fifte en errors. c.s th e place. The more approp riate out this spring, Gene Ryan of Chi-the finest independent groups in and We are proud of U1em ; to tl1e man , Max Marek is schedu led to act as size o! the dining hall makes it cago and Tommy McCarty of Rock about the city of Kankakee. Among and as a team. judge at som e loce.l boxing show In more favo rable fo r s uch a. party then l!Jand are candidates for guard pos-fuei r most prized victories w er e those U1e near future. Jack E lder , !ormer the gym and the fac1UUes of the ltlons, and Skedel of Joliet is an as-scored over St. Rose and St. Pat rick's PRESIDENT HOLDS Not re Dame s t ar, will oJ!Iclate lUI kitchen are lndlsp ensable. A large plrant fora quarterback job. Spring of Kankakee, both high ranking t eams referee at the bou ta. crowd is expec ted, and has never fall· football is a splendid chance for men in the C. Y. 0 . league in the Kan- TWO FARM MEETS ed to appear a t these functions ln who desire to do so to learn the Notre kakee district. They also scor ed de- Eme rson Dexter, t he grunt and the pasL They provide adequate en· Dame syst em, and the above Frosh cisive victories over strong squads Fr. Ma.~re Discusses Fnrm groan star of the campus, was un- tertalnment !or otherwise socially are to be congratulat ed for their zeal r ePresenting Chebanse, Stockton, H er- MeasUres successful In his opening bout In res tricted Saturday evenings. The in coming out. Coach Corcoran iss-scher, Ashkum, Bourbonnais, and St. Litt le Nlnet een competition r ecenUy. necessity of remaining on the cam- ues an invitation to anyone interested Stanislaus. Two of the three de- Deeply concerned because so funda- However, h e is not discouraged, and pus makes the resident students fair in football to appear for practice af. feats suffer ed by the Roy Hall squad mentally affec t ed by the new measur· welcomes anyone interested to work game for the designs which the t er tb.e hoUdays, everyone is wei· were administer ed by the Bradley C. es fo r farm r elief sponso red by Prest· ou t w i th him some afternoon at the Sorority bas on their nlckels and come w1Q, the exception of the coeds, Y. 0. team, who won the champion- den t Roosevelt, the r e Is a nation-wide gym. dimes. although Corcoran sometimes states ship in that organization in Kanka· movement on foot which farme r s are The admission to the car d games his beUef that the coeds would be kee this year. One of these losses sponsoring in an efl'ort tobetter th e ir Soucie, who played in the I ntra- and dancing with a lunch fo r good better groundgalners that Ws r egu-was by a single point. present unfor tunate condi tion so out Mura.l Basketball league, a lso played measure, is only a quarter of a dol- Iars.

Anderson Coaches Squad of keeping with their dignity as mem· in the Championship Grant P ark Jar. The price of admission is no "The Old Guard" At the beginning of the season the bers of the one industry fundemen t- team recently In the Church Tourna · indication of the r eal enjoyment these In Corcoran's spring line we see

team was in the hands of Ralph Karr. ally necessary to the support of lLfe. ment at the Y. M. c. A In Kankakee. affairs have provided in the past, and several well known faces. Dexter at But later it was taken over by Don the efforts of the President are be- And we noticed quHe a g r oup of the wblcb the nex t one i5 sure to afford Anderson who carried on the good ing supported for it is understood fair sex qulte enthused about "that in a fortnight from this evening. work where Karr had left off. Nolan, that he has the interest of the far mer litt le Soucie fellow on the Grant Park

center, Tackles K elly, Hiler, VVren, and Kunze, Ends "Cedric" Gibbons, Bomba and Peyton. The guard posi­tions are open but it i3 expected that Roach who turned in ver y good ba11 for Corcoran las t year will fill one

who capt nlned the t eam, played fine thoroughly a t heart, realizing that un- teo.m". ball, and was especially outstanding less the status of the farmer is 1m-during play in the tournament. His proved there can be no real econom ic running mat~ the other forward, was r ecovery. Shukes, who should easily develop in- Fr. Maguire Speak& to real Varsity material ln a very Twice within tbe las t month large

To date, Laffey and Nolan are un-defeated in the Indoor league, each having won two gam es. But compe­tition is close, and it is too early to make and predictions as to who wU1 wear the crown when tile les t game has been p layed.

Talk concerning an inte r-class track meet and field day Is dying out. H ere's hoping that the original p lans for this ' event proposed by Father Har­bauer will be carried out. W e are an..--dous to determine the fastest m en

short time. Maguire and Sullivan !ig- numbers of farmer s from the sur­ured in many of the victories dur- rounding countr y have gathered in the ing the season, and Kelly and Turner auditorium of Roy Hall to discuss did well holding down guard posi tions. the presidential measures. Each t ime Joe Bomba played a t center position the Very Rev. J. W. R. Maguire, C. most of the year and did c r edi table S. V., Pres ident of the . Coll ege, has work there. McNally playing the led the dlscussion. His experience pivot gave some fine exhibitions in derived from many years of working over-hand and over-head shots. Joe for the betterment of the laboring; Farrell playing at forward scored conditions, together with th e experi­heavily during the season, and made ence obtained from his association points when most needed. All in all with the legislatures of various stat es on the campus (on the fi e ld, not in this year's squad was one of the seeking favorable labor legislation, the parlour)· Ther e will be some finest aggregations of its kind ever and his work as a t eacher of econorn - fast competition ln the 100 yard dash, turned out here at Via to r s ies have given Fr. Maguire a breadth with Karr, Westray and Fuchs among

The Church Tourna ment of vision that places him among th e the outstanding · runners. In their first game in the tourna- leading economists o! the country.

ment at the Y. M. C. A. the lndees Suppor ts Relief found themselves up against a s trong Always inte rested in cooperative Chebanse quintet. But after the movements B.mong farmer s , w hich game bad gone three quarters, the he believes to be the only means of

The s tyle of tbe I ndees basketball team was somewhat cramped in that miniature gym at the Y . M. C. A . The sffiall size of the floor accounts

locals took the lead and held it to securing their economic s trength, Fr. for the large scores established in the fini sh. The final score read : Maguir e is giving his whole-hearted the tournament games there . The Roy Hall 38, Chebo.nse 32. The out- support to this present movement and Roy Hall boys didn't do so badly standing players in this g ame were the measures w hich the President has themselves, ringing up 38 points in Captain Nolan, Shukes and Ralph ins tituted as the f irst s t ep toward their first game, and coming back Karr, who was r ecruited !rom the agricultural improvement. For though with 31 markers in their second Varsity for tournament play. Nolan these ro~ures are fraught with tourney contest. Nolan and Shukes led the scoring with 13 points and doubt as to thelr s uccess ,their 1m- did most of the scoring in both games. Sbukes was close behind him with porto.nce lies in the fac t tbat they 10 markers.' Karr's defensive play constitute a trail blazer. The Prest-was flawless. dent, if he sees them ineffectual, will

The second opponent to be dealt certainly improve them immediate ly. with was a fighting group !rom H er-scher, who boasted an outstanding At present, plans a r e belng made center or great height, Sauer, and for the presentation of The Mikado a "hot-shot" forward In the person o.t the Kanko.l<ee High School Audi­o! F. Bower. The burden o! this torium the week of May 21. Tbe battle therefore, lay upon Bomba and worl< Is progressing rapidly with full Karr . But they could not complete- rehearsals everr day.

After the Easter holidays the "ten­nis bugs" wUl be seen ~erving 'em up on the outdoor court. Some of the more amibitous ones have already undertaken to level off the court. All youse guys looking for fast com­peti Uon w1U find it in the person o! J . Burke Monahan. If you're look ­ing for a set-up, see his roomie, Ralph Hoover.


With the comin g of spring Rev. Richard J. French, C. S. V., Dean, supervises the spring planting on the grounds or the College. Fr. French,

of the vacancies.

The backfield composed of Fuchs at quarter, Bernard at full back and Westray and H arding at the halves

whose keen inter es t in gardening is seems to be the regulars, but those evidenced by the care taken of the familiar with Corcoran's plan of no campus, is noted fo r his ability as a man considering himself a r egular, landscape gardener. It is to him conside r the second backfield equally that the classic beauty of the drive as strong. Here we have Abney at and its environs is largely due. quarterback, Corcoran at full, and

The center of interest in the land- Murgatroydt and Flynn at the halves. scaping Is the geometrically perfect I Cor coran, alternated at full and half­composition of walks and flower beds\ back last year. These backfielders that is directly opposite Marsile HalL are expected to give plenty of worry Last year this was impro ved by the to opposing lines .fn their games n ext planting of fi r trees that con trast season.

beautifully in their norther n s taunch- There has been no real hard wor k so ness wi th the softness of the weeping far in the spring session. It has willows and the groups of f lower s. consisted mostly of calisthenics and

The many flowering shrubs that two or three laps around the field, blossom at clit'ferent times during the, followed b y signal practice. Line season are most charm1ng, and when Coach Anderson spends some time the lilacs, with all their fragran ce every day teaching his line to charge and quaintness are in bloom, the cam· u.nd in showing the newcomers that pus assumes the appearance of the he really knows the system the team old world. The other most attr ac- uses. The line under his capable tive feature of the planting is the tutelage last year showed promise unusually beautiful g r oup of iris that of being the strongest in the confer­borders the open lawn lecding to the ence, and this year they should be refrectory. The colors of these the main contenders tor that honor. "!leur-de-lis" are sufficiently varied The "Green Wave" is expected to and rich against a background of go places ' next fall and if the en­green to form a lovely picture. thusiasm and pep the boys are show­

ing in their spring training means The Senior Class will hold a meet- anything, th.,e expectations will be

lng April 20 to decide on the a ll Im­portant matter of having photos tak­en for the final issue of the VIA TOR­IAN. Th·ey will be to.l<en the week of ApMl 23 and copies provided Im­mediately for the purpose of ha vlng cuts made.


The Glee Club will appear in a pro· g ram lasting half an hour, before a m1·:eting of the Rotary Club of Kan­ka kee to be held o.t the College r e­fc-: tory, May 16.

Page 6: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1933-04-15

YAOf: 1X

'roo of mental c'"ation is lhe idea h• employed lhem without lhe sll,;ht- YL-\TORLL - JOL"\"-ld~aa o! o r own can be found and es et!ort ContJ.z:u.:ed from e O::le l developed by t.he OL-nple procesa o1 Tbompson &ttnbutes thi3 rare gift BOOK REVIEWS bPing o r Ivett, not poci.Dg o r actmg to the fact Shelley wu alwa~ cil. in to the • bear arms a part tn life that belo!lfr• to olhers. a child. In his yout.hful Ye&r.! he phras of lhe Bro"-n Dally Herald

The A r t Of Thinking we must learn to mal<e t.he best use sun:ered many sorrows which he en- p<UUon. The CounCll Is usin,1< \.lle of our own faculties ,to find ourselves dured by himseH. He foresook the fonner terminology m order to m-


1 ~...-

and to 1pea1< and Q;'lile in our ov.-71 companionship of his fellov.-s and elude the v.""Omen's coUeg .s ..,;thin its The SL \"lator C 11tge Ch,,,r Whh:h vetn. strove to forget these sorrows tn the I scope. In this ca.s . to "pa.rtlctp.ate year " a veT)· lf U\ '~

Aftcr ri!aiJing "'TI'lf· Art of Think~ Ernest Dtmnet, but alter readtng land In this way he passed hts alent to '"To bear arms· or actJveJy nanL C ..,_ \ d1re tN b) Bl'\"~lh'-~r 1 am not famjUa.r wttb the lile of I only way kn09o"'ll to children-Dream- m war'' mu t be taken as eqwv- izalion fortlk""\1~ by Rev F.~~t' Supre-

lng" by Jo;me~~t Dimn,.t, 1 feel for the this book. I can !mY w1lbout a know- youthful years. so that when he had to support the Government on the &rnanl :Mulvaney with Brolh('r John Ct.NJL tim~ In my Rhort exatatence on ledge of other htera.ry works be ha.a entered manhood be was stllJ essen- battlefleld or elsewhere in the des- I t~on:l ~ on:am~t 1 \p!ll ~ lntrt the earth that I undN'&tand th e pur- produced that he ts a writer of merit. tially a child. From this fact Tbomp- truction of Ule enemy Il must be obh'-ion t the bc~nnllll=" of this )~tu. Pf.JPI" of life and the happtneaa and a phtlosopher, a lover of art and a son concludes that we will never have understood that the pledge is blndin~ for Brother Muh'aney and Brotht:-r con r.:ntmt·nt It holds {or me If I but linguist of ability The ease v.ith another Shelley for it Is hardly prob-


upon the individual s tudent o~ly to Staffoni h~\d ~ont lC\ \\~ ~h\~ton proVt· willing to d,..v,.lop my mJnd. whJch he ~::~peaks of AristoUe. Voltaire, able that we will have another man so far as he wishes to make tt so; o_ C., to conUnuf' their studt~s l the f;;vPn th,. moat ordinary person can- Chesterton, Dickens, Spinoza and who Is so completely a child at heart. if he continues his refusal to bea.r Catholic Univt'rsity The St. Bernard nQt hPip but rPa.lt7--e that truP happt- other great men of Thought, Philo- "Know you what it is to be a child? I arms at the time of declaration of Hall choir ha!'; rurmsht•d tht:- ~i~tn~ n .. .. ~,. o..nd surr:I"P '" po!'slbiP only sophy, Art and Letters evidences the It is to be something different from war. he subjects himseU to whatever for Hit:"h ~(a...._"S each Sunday through thfJught. l unhesltantly I deep culture that ts his. But in his the man of today. It is to have a I penalties the Government may choose "'1\ t~,, Oqrnni1ntlon plsJ.N· thla bo(Jk In a. t'"lass by Itself writing Dlmnet proves that he has spirit yet streaming from the waters to inflict. His signature on this The se rvt "S of Holy \Veek rcqulr­for It ho .. q r·nab!Nl mt• to und rstand put Into practice the wisdom that he ot Baptism; It is to believe in love,! petition. in the form of a warning to ed particular work on the part of the

~~~~~~~:i. oJ0{~~~::~:~~~ian"a£~ ~~:c:~·~~~~~~~~.larly In the realm and ;~:l;:~~~£5::~~~:s~~er:Ev:~: ~e~~~:~:~~~~~~~~;~:~niu:~1;::!~: :~1;;t!~lh~re ~~=-~111~;:crg~:~~::; ~~;~1%o~t~~~ ~Lu~p~0nsth: n::'1~~.~~ hl;"t~o:~~to\~ ~:~~~ago: :::;e~:~:~ ~~:~h~s 1:,~ ~: ~~~m~~:s, ~~::. th:l ·~~ldpo~~~il~~yrt:~r se~~lc;•i:ar,; ~~i::~:·~; ~~:n~:~hs~~;~~l!Ul H~ ':~:

1 and simple as well as ganist. The r suits w<'n' so ~ucc~s!:'-a road that Jr·ad H to mrnlal power I once c ear ness into Joftllness, and nothing into international police force under the ~:tnd fu.t.thtfactlon by twggcBllng ways magnetic is his chief c laim to notice. everything, for each child bas his League of Nations is not Involved in fuJ that plans are b(.'lng rnndl' for o( throwing off mental lethargy. AR lie stimulates the mind and holds fairy-god-mother in its own soul; it either form of the pledge. As many the revival of at one of th Ahbr Dlmnrt RuggcsLct. he ha.<t writt<>n t.he Interest. Using the words of is to live in a nutshell and count v;ho take the pacifistic stand be- four Masses s ung la$t year to w~e for this bool{ to hf'lp lhc reader to the writer his expression s are like yourself the king of infinite space: !J'eve firmly in the necessity for an lh£- r emn.inder of the semester. F"or

fl " d lh 'd c t 'ned in this purpose tile "Stella Malullna" think hiR beHt n.nd thereby live his I" owers an e 1 eas on at To see a world in a grain of sand, f t main-noblf'Hl. It Is particularly appro- them are " rare thoughts". After And heaven in a wild flower, international police orce

0 Mass of will probably be

prlntf' n-adlng for the F'reshmcn In n•acUng "The Art of Thinking", I Hold infinity in the palm tain order in the world communi ty, chosen. It Is a particularly bcnuU-C'o llf•gp It •wrvf'R to provide him fc.el that I may learn to live my life of your they are not to consider the present ful composition and one well suited

With " " lc"r ancl cleflnlle purpose Jn on a higher plane. I recommend it ho.nd pE:tition as referring to any military to the new choi r . \Vhile it will bt~ tlw fh·lrl of intf'llec tunhty to be at- to all Freshmen as a kind of mental It is to know not that you are under at forces of the United States. impossible to replace either Brother

" ' " I And ete rnity In an hour: service other than the present nation-

lf.tlm•d In the roursf' of hlfi coll eg-iate housecleaning _and. intelle~tual a- sentence of life ,nor petition that it Strafford and Broth ~r Mulvaney, both rarcpr, ornment. It Wlll g1vc a defmlte pur- be commuted to death". Charges of "Communism" and of whom were accomplished s ingers .

The ohjc•ct of tniR lnloreRllng vol- pose to s tudy, and with a c learly de- Thompson points out wherein Shel- "Socialism" are already being hurled or Brother Emmet Walsh. C. S. V.,

urnt· IH liH' rrocluclion of thought. fined end to be attain ed the process ley is a child : at the Brown Daily Herald for its the new choir retain~ many of lhe When Wt' have learned to lhink we of education Is, if not half completed, action in launching thi s non-parlici- members of last year, a.~ well as some hUV(' lf•tu·npd

110w lo rnal<f' our life certain ly well begun. "He has the child's faculty of make- palion petitiO!l. and arc certain to be new voices of merit, ~o that It will

____ _ believe raised to the nth power.. He r epeated against the Intercollegiate not want for talent thu~ ensu ring IL" bcnutlful and wwful If every Amcr- i:; still at play s ave only lhat his pla:,· Di-armam :1t Council. I need not s uccess. tcnn c·o Jit•g-c youth would xp~nd scv - T h ' E S 0 k d t t . point out that such effo rts to appeal era! Wt't•l<s r('tu-ling- and Ub!-lor l:ing the ompSOil s s ay ll is such as man in stops 0 ::h~~ to popular pn.:judicc are g rossly un-\(Jl()\1.-'ll'dgc and Information contained Shelley and his playthings are tho.3e The fair and mr.varranted. So far as I in thi s tn•t:. liRe on lhought, I am sure CYRIL OEO .. PECKHAM the gods give thdr childre:l. am familiar with the Communist doc-he would under~ta.nd that the purpos'.! universe is a box of toys"

01 our ('XIslt•nct' 1 ~ to scrk l<nowledge Lil<e the mus ical babbling of a " H e plays tru~ t from earth , slips trine, I believe that it does not wel-


l through the wickset of fancy into C::) me pacifism, certainly not in rc-

and cu lturf'. He would forget th~ brook in Lhis manner does the heaven' s meadow. a nd goes gathering gard to class war. Whateve r may pany in an..;wcr to th(' call of spring­mnlt•r·lall.~ llc· :-~ lch' of life and g ive more Thompson d esc ription of She ll ey come stars". be the personal inclinations and af- for renewed activity ha.~ undertaken

Unw to the "nrt or thinking". to our ears The style of Thomp- I"rancis Thompson says that one of filiations of the office rs of either the the task of reconslructmg the trackH "Th<' Art of Thinking" Is divided in- . ~on was distinctively his own. It the chief faults of our present poets Brown Dail:· Herald or the Intercol- of the spur which runs from the main

The Illinois Central Railroad Com·

Thinlting" . Il polnls out the cri ter- s tars'' as did Shelley's. H e has been i ~ that they search too much for the line a mile east anti over which coal Lo four parts. The first is "On I came from his "tumbling amidst the legiate Disarmament Council, neith-

!o for CHtimatin P" thought and shows desc ribed as the Catholic Shelley. best word and this "frequently re- cr organization is in any way official - is brought to the power plant of the lh<' lnflucncC' o; though t upon the There are many similarities common suits in loss of spontaneity and still ly related to the Socialist Party. W e ins titution. world. Abbe D imncL proves that to both men, and this essay shows the v:orse the habit of taking the most hope that American undergraduates Trudition has it that once an cn­grt.' Al lhlnl<(' rs have imagination. per- dt-ep sympathy that Thompson felt ornate word, the one mos t removed will be permitted to vote freely upon gine was derai led while on a vlslt to

!-!Ontllily and stand ou l in a crowd. for his fe llow poet. H e possessed from the common language". Again, ~~~ :~t~n~~ss~e~;~~:t~~n~h:gc:i:::~~:~ the College . The need for sturdy Fl.Jrther· on lhe author s tates that someU1ing that was lacking to She!- hf' advises poets to be prose wri t ers sponsors. tracks is strongly felt. Thls explains

vt~lon and devotion to lrulh are ley U1e truth. He was guided in :~so ~lest alclo~tinual~yth:~~~0~0~:s The second part of either pledge is ~~e:sp;::~n~~=e 0~en~~~t!r~~~:r 0~e~:~

~omc of tht~ charr:c teri s ti cs of a think- his poetry by the same power that had · ey ose race 0 - essential to its validity, for support er .. given to Dante defini teness because gauge. The fault with our modern of every effort to provide a stable

"Obstacles To Thought" is Lhe title of his certainty in revelation. but then ?oet.s is."the predominance of .. art ~.ver and peaceful society in the positive

I msp•rat10n or body over soul . An FRESH"'' AN FROLIC of lhc second part of this volume. Shelley had g r eater power of lan- . ' . d b'ld side of non-participation in war. The lU -

It cove l'S Ule causes of infe riority g uage and cou ld express his great ~e th~t 1S ceasmg to pro uce a Schi i r espons ibilities of the pledge "to work (Continued from Page One) . . . hke ch1ld ren cannot produce a e - r • I

complexes and obsessions. how men- thoughts m language c lear as hmp1d ! ley. For both as poe t and man he was r actively for the organization of the tal pRrn..s ltcs nrc produ ced and ls a waters on a summer day that reveal J essentially a child". world on a peace basis", are even Cou ntry Club criticism of educational methods and the colored stones and golden hued I heavier than refusal to bear arms, for , It was the desire of the class that systems.. A good portion of this fishes at the bottom of a pool lying But Shelley is no more. While row - the prevention of war is the primary the dance be held a t the Country Club section is devoted to a c riticism of open to the sun. The thought of ing upon the placid waters of a lake and most arduous task of the peace- of Kankakee. However, the pro­American mcth ds of education. The Thompson soared to such heights that in Italy, the land where he went in maker. posed date of May fifth was taken, so o.uU1or believes U1at the Americans human language was unable to ex- his endless sear ch fe-r peace and con- I trust that students on eve ry col- the following Friday, May twelfth, devote too mu ch lime to athletics press them, and this accounts for the tentment-never the lot of great gen- lege~ and university campu~ in the has been chosen as the time. Nothing and lhc study of subjects that \vill obscurity in some of the most exalted ius, his poetic soul transfixed by the United States will support the Brown is more lovely than a night In May cm:ble the student to be materially passages in his poetry. But in this beauty of nature ,he did not heed the Daily H erald and the Intercollegiate for a dance, especially when It Is successful in U1~ commercial and in- essay on Sh!!lley his language has the mumblings of an angry tempest loom- Disarma.ment Council in securing this given at the very romantic and beauti-dustrinl world .. "Mere play is tak- easy flowing movement of a country ing upon the horizon. As the beauty unparalleled expr ession of undergrad - ful Country Club. en too s~rlously in the United Stales" brook in the summer time. As one of nature fed and nourished him from uate attitude toward participation in Fr. Oimnet claims, "at Ute cost of could sit on the bank of a stream and the c radle-so now the violence of war. Orches tra

mcnta.l and cultural sdva.ncement". listen to the rippling of its waters so nature claimed him as her own in The orchestra has not been defin-

Pn.rt three treats of "Helps On one can sit at the feet of Thompson recompense for the lavish gifts be- ALUMNI WRITING itely engaged as yet, but it is under-Thought". The \Vritcr shows the read- and listen to his stirring description stowed upon him. stood that Barney Faletti wilJ be

er the worth of solitude, both exter- of Shelley: The essay of Thompson is one of I FOR COMMO~WE~L ~:~~ c::soei:er d~~:~n~' t:~ tor and mterior, as an aid to thought. "He dabbles his fingers in the day- th t b tiful t 'b t in lan- ~ F r . Lynch And Dr. Ellis Contribute 1 . In u1ese pag~s many ideas are given fall.. H e is gold-dusty \vitb tumbling e mas ea~ n u es . Artlcles the mus1c will be of the best avail~ on Uh. value. of good reading. The amidst the stars. He makes bright guage ever giVen a man. It lS a able. At the present time, indica-a.nthor advises the ~sder to study mischief with the moon. The meteo rs living thing breathing with the love Two Alumni former member s of tions are that the Freshmen Frolic

1 b b h book muzzle their noses in his hand. He and the genius of the author and the th s v c 1 h will be the only class dance ot the nne n sor t ose s that give the subjecL It is English prose at its e faculty of t. iat.or ol ege ave most pleasure. Tho importance of teases into gTO\Vling the kennelled most inspiring and beautiful-prose r ecently had articles of their's ap-Ulc nily newspaper as current his- thunder and laughs at the shaking of that only one with the soul of a poet pear in The Commonweal, Catholic tory and bow to read forms one of bi~ fiery chain. He stands in the could write. magazine of current political and the enjoy-able discussions of this sec- lap of n ture, and twines h er youth- cultural thought. They are the tio.o_ lt""r. Dimnet strongly urges ful tresses after a hundred wilful former dean, who left St. Viator last

spring, so ever y student should make every effort to attend what m ust be

the best dance of lhe year .

that \vbenever we read \Ye should fashions, to see hO\\' she ·will look 'The Freshman class, April eleventh. year to study at the Catholic Uni~ Rev. ~lichael O'Connor , C. S. V ., take notes as a means of retaining nices t in his song". held a solemn meeting for Lhe pur- versity of America in Washington, D. formerly not a citizen though tl1~ koowle<ige we gather from good A ccording to Francis Thompson po~e of forming plans for the an- C ., Rev. T. J . Lynch, and J ohn Tracey for some time a r esident in the books. Shelley could use imageries, mytholo- nual Freshman Frolic that features Ellis, P h. D., last year head of the United States has now r eceived his

c-reath-e thought is the final dhi- gi.cs.l terms. similes and all such em- each post-Easter calendar of social History Department and now teach- full naturalization papers. The VIA-s.ion of this exceptional piece of liter- bellishments so artfully and skillful- acthity. Their industry and o rigin- ing at St. T e r esa's College in Wen- TORIA."\'" cong-ratulates Bro. O'Con-s ry work. H ere ''--e fin th t the ly tha t in his ordinary conversation ality promise a very successful dance. ona, ~linnesota. nor.