St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1887-10-22 [p 11] · Mrs. F. "W. Paine and other leading...

MINNESOTA. Duluth. Miss Quillard, Duluth's well-known contralto, who is now in Minneapolis, is expected back in time to take part in the coming ortaorio ofthe "Holy City." The Ladies' Literature class met with "Mrs. Dr. Collins. Tuesday night. Mrs. Pardee is instructing them hi the Swift and De Foe course. Mrs. F. "W. Paine and other leading society ladies are organizing a Ladies' Musical society under the direction of Prof. D'Enyer. Mrs. James A. Boggs, a newly made bride, formerly of St. Paul, arrived with her husband from their wedding trip Tuesday. Mrs. Murdock and her daughter Mary have returned to Wabasha, after a pleasant stay with Mrs. Frank Burke. Mrs. Stanley Higgins is now "at home" to friends at the corner of Fifth avenue and Last Third street. Miss Belle Hendricks,of Fargo, will be in Duluth next Tuesday. She will be the guest of Mrs. J. B. Root. Mrs. Smith, daughter of Secretary Phelps, formerly of Winona, has taken up her residence in Duluth. Mrs. M. L. Cormany scored a decided success at the musk-ale at Mrs. Col. Graves' Friday night. Miss Lucy Cullyford, niece of Col. Cullyford, is expected to resume her old place in musical circles. Mrs. Estebrook, of Bismarck. Dak., will spend the winter here, the guest of Mrs. Wallace Warner. Mrs. C. C. Brown and son returned from a lengthy visit to Clearwater Sun- day morning. Mrs. M. J. McCrary and Mrs. F. D. Watoos spent several days in Ashland last week. Mrs. Capt. De Witt has been in Red Wing with relatives during the week. Miss Grace Collins sailed for Europe from New York Wednesday. Mrs. J. R. Myers is spending a few- days in Minneapolis. Mrs. D. K. Hurlburt and son are back from Grand Rapids. Mrs. A. W. Bradley has returned from Minneapolis. Miss Carrie Schupp has returned to Saginaw. Mich. Lake City. Mrs. J. T. Seeley and her guests, Mr. and Mrs. W. Barton. Elmira, N. ' V., were in St. Paul and Minneapolis for several days last week. Mrs. M. M. Rogers, of Wyoming county. New York, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Ed Warren, for the winter. Mrs. J. C. Adams is in Philadelphia, the guest of relatives and friends, and will be absent until after the holicays. Mrs. Schafer, of Minneapolis, was sojourning with Mrs. I. S. Richardson for several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Megroth enter- tained their friends at 6 o'clock tea Tuesday and Thursday. Mrs. John Philips and daughter, De Ette, were entertained by Mineapolis friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, of Columbus, Wis., are the guests of their daughter, Mrs. C. F. Harris. Mrs. C. S. Lelley is receiving a visit from her mother, Mrs. Mary Hobbs, of Eau Claire. Miss Vogle, of Columbus, Wis., is so- journing with her sister, Mrs. Fred Reuckert. Rev. and Mrs. William Gardam are in the city, the guests of Mrs. W. E. Per- kins. Mrs. A. D. Cowden, of St. Paul, is visiting her father, James McDermont. Mrs. Hathaway entertained Miss Exlns Fuller, of Minneapolis, last week. Mrs. I). H. Buck left Saturday- to visit her daughter, Mrs. Plumley, Litchfield. Mrs. Mary A. Webster leaves for Washington, D. C, Sunday. Miss May Watson has returned from Merriam Park. Miss Annie O'Laughlin left Tuesday for Colorado. Mrs. J. G. Moore has returned from Pepin, Wis. Anoka. Mr. and Mrs. Granville S. Pease en- tertained about 150 guests on the twen- tieth anniversary of their marriage Monday evening. Mr. Pease is the editor of the Anoka Union. Among the guests from abroad were Mr. and Mrs. Ed M. Van Dnzee and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van Dnzee, of St. Paul; Mr. and Mrs. Moses Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Pease, of Minneapolis; Mr. and Mrs. J.P.Wilcox, of Richfield. Minn., and Fred Van Duzee, of the Star-News, Minneapolis, and Miss Maud Rose, of Hamline. Mr. and Mrs. C. Foster were very pleasantly surprised Monday evening by about fifty acquaintances, the oc- casion of their fiith marriage anni- versary. Mrs. Dr. Prehn and Miss Hattie Stin- son, of Portlend, Or., are guests of Mrs. Albert Stinson and will remain during the winter. Miss Carrie E. Parker, of Cedar Hill seminary at Port Deposit, Md., has re- turned to her home in this city after a four years' course. Mrs. F. L. Chadbourne and her daughter. Miss Rose, started Monday for Bradford, Me. Mrs. W. Page, ofPrinceton,- stopped in the city over Sunday with Mrs. A. Richardson. Mrs. I. A. Harthorn, of Ramsey, held a dime social at her home Friday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Peters will spend the Sabbath with friends in St. Paul. Mrs. Harriet King entertained the Methodist sociable Friday evening. Mrs. George Wethern is entertaining Mrs. M. J. Vest, of Oakland, Cal. Mes. S. E. Abbott has gone to Con- cord, N. 11., to spend the winter. Crookston. The Sons of Veterans gave the first of a series of hops at their halL Friday \u25a0 evening. The ladies present were Mes- dames Rockwood, Dawley, Nix, Jen- nings, Fontaine, Brown, Peirce, Stev- ens, Alexander, Buckman, Misses Fon- taine, Hattie and Cora Birins, Lola . Box, Carrie Mix and Emma McKenzie. Mrs. Wilkenson entertained about eighty couples at whist on Wednesday and Thursday evenings of last week. Mrs. S. F. Markham entertained at tea and cards Monday and Wednesday evenings. ' '\u25a0;-;\u25a0 Mrs. Ed Walsh entertained her friends at cards Friday evening. Mrs. Dr. Dampier returned from St. Paul Tuesday. Fergus Falls. . Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Frank ' G. Durable had a gathering of friends. The invited ladies were Mesdames _ Niies, Wall work. Boyuton, . Fames, Everts, Baker, Hingeiey, Earl, Wood- ward, John 11. Allen, .William Straub and M. V. Austin. ' Mr. and Mrs. M. V.Austin entertained friends at tea Thursday evening. . The following ladies were present: Mes- dames Dumble, Earl, Hingeley, John H. Allen, J. T. Wilson, William Straub, C. Stanford, Misses Ada Allen and , Effie Straub. Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Baker entertained friends at tea. The ladies present were Mesdames Earl, llingsley, Dumble, J. H. Allen, Hall and niton. Misses Etta Wood- worth and Edith Daggett. Mrs. Fred Riley, of St. Paul, was a guest this week "of Mrs. Georgie L. Nichols. Miss Gertie Boynton is spending the winter with Miss Nina Cox at Red Wing. Miss Mary Gates, of Freeborn county, is visiting her sister; Mrs. W. C. Lin- coln. Miss Fannie Phillips has been elected primary teacher of the first ward school. Miss Irene Johnson, of Pelican Rap- ids, has returned from Fort Ridgely. Red Wing. The most pleasant social event of the season was the celebration of the eighty-first birthday of Hon. C. C. Gra- ham, which took place at his residence. His own immediate family was joined by Mrs. Mayor Robert A. Smith, Miss Mina Smith, Mrs. William Smith, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. White, of St, Paul; Mrs. J. S. Coughlin. Miss Agnes Sullivan, of Minneapolis; Mrs. Margaret Huds- peth, ofEvansville, lnd.; William Gra- ham, Washington, D. C.; Mrs. Gilbert Com stock, ofKeokuk, 10., and Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Davis, of this city. Mrs. M. F. Johnson has returned home to Minneapolis after a pleasant visit with Mrs. N. Lovgren. Rev, Aaron Turner and family are home from a pleasant ten days' stay at Minneapolis. Mrs. E. J. Hodgson and family, of St. Paul, are guests of Hon. and Mrs. B. B. Herbert. Miss Kate Truttman is home from a visit to St. Paul with the Misses Da- vern. Mrs. Wellner has gone to Wabasha on a visit with her son, Dr. G. C. Wellner. Miss Annie Katzenberg, of Prescott, is the guest of the Misses Clements. Miss Louisa Call, of Northfield, passed Sunday at her former home her,'. Mrs. W. E. Hale, of Minneapolis, is visiting with friends in this city. Miss Stella Holland, of Zumbrota, is visiting with Mrs. Dr. Allen.. ,;.': Mr. and Mrs. A. McKinnon have re- moved to St. Paul Park. Miss Kate Lyons is visiting with friends at St. Paul. .:>'.-;: Winona. Miss Tearse gave a Newmarket party at her residence on Main street Wednes- day evening. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. George M. Brush, Mr. and Mis. John W. Booth, Mr. and Mrs. A. Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Horton, Mr. and Mrs. H.C.Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Webber,Dr. and Mrs. Theo McDavitt, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Garlock, Mr. and Mrs. William Tearse, Mrs. Don- ovan, Mr. and Mrs. H. McKinney, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Gregory, Misses Sloan, Bonn McCutchen, Moody, Pett, Grow, Maxfield. Lamberton, Strayer, Horton, Stevens, Goss, Staples. -Mrs. B. V. Simpson entertained a few friends at cards Saturday evening, in honor of Miss Belle Geaves, of Lexing- ton, Mo. Miss Geaves departed Monday for her home. Miss Mary Matthews entertained a number of friends Saturday evening in honor of Mrs. E. S.Smith, who departed this week for Tacoma, W. T. Mr. and Mrs. George Drew, of Ham- line, were in attendance at the Drew- Stowers wedding on Wednesday even- ing. Mrs. Alex McNie has issued invita- tion-, tor a ladies* lunch party for this afternoon at 2 o'clock. M.G. Norton. Jr., and Miss Mary Norton have gone to Chicago for a few days. Miss Morrison, of Chicago, is the guest of her uncle, Col. F. M. Cockrell. Mrs. W. D. Chandler has returned from Chicago. Mrs. A. Merchant has returned from Chicago. Miss Ella Tucker has gone to Chicago Albert Lea. Misses Frankie and Allie Earl, of Fairmont, were the guests of Miss Pearl Day this week. They were on their way to their old home in Paxton, 111., to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Jacobus enter- tained a party of friends Wednesday evening in honor of their marriage an- niversary. \u25a0/_..' Miss Mary Slocum has resigned her position in the public school and Mrs. Palmer, of Glenville, has taken her place. ' '\u25a0\u25a0'--. \u25a0'\u25a0]". The ladies of the mission guild gave a dime social at the home of Mrs. George Gardner Thursday evening. Miss Nora Gulbrandson entertained a large party of her little friends last Sat- urday afternoon. Mrs. William Boothe, of Springfield, Wis., is making her many friends here a visit. Mrs. L. J. Thomas was the guest of friends in Wells several days last week. Mrs. Wilkins, of Milwaukee, has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. M. Todd. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Bennett have taken possession of their town house. Mrs. F. A. Blackmer . and her son Rae visited in St. Paul last week. Mrs. C. M. Wilkinson is entertaining Miss Munson, of Cresco, 10. Miss Hattie Homer is spending sev- eral months in Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Willson visited in Keister last week. Mrs. O. N. Oldberg started Saturday for Chicago. Mankato. Miss May Dennis, who has been ab- sent from the city all summer, has re- turned and will resume her studies at the Normal school. The many friends of Miss Blanche Foulke will be pleased to learn' that she has reached her European destination in safety. Mrs. Wingate, who has been visiting at the home John A. Willard for several months, left for Chicago Tuesday morn- ing. Mrs. George M. Ray was in Stillwater last Saturday as a delegate to the Foreign Missionary society's meeting. The Ladies' Relief society met at the home of Mrs. W. B. Craig last Tuesday and was largely attended. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Talmadge, of Min- neapolis, spent the week visiting at the home of Dr. Dornberg. Mrs. J. L. Washburn entertained the ladies of the Congregational Church-so- ciety last Friday. Mr. U. Cummins, of Buffalo, N. V., is being entertained by Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Merrill, Mrs. Stewart has gone to Sparta, Wis., to spend the winter with relatives and friends. Mrs. A. B. Hanson and daughter left last Sunday for a -visit with St. Paul friends. Miss Allie Williams gave a very pleas- ant party to her little friends Monday evening. Miss Louise Lidgerwood has gone to Detroit, Mich., to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Hammar are in the city. . Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Halfhill are in Ohio. W __»_- Fairmont. The following ladies took part in the entertainment given by Prof Muke Tuesday evening: Mesdames St. John . and Hyatt and Misses Gould, Sperry and Grant. Mrs. Burt Day, of Hutchinson, is spending a couple of weeks in town, the guest of her mother, Mrs. R. M. Ward. Mrs. Henry, of Tenhassen, has been n town the past week attending the iconcerts and visiting numerous friends. Mrs. Frank Webster went to Winne- bago City the first of the week, where she will reside in the future. Misses Frankie and Allie Earl spent a TO^-WrVf Willi Oftr-- ' "^_. _ -"-."' few days in Albert Lea last week, the guests of Miss Pearl Day. Mrs. McKenzie has been enjoying a brief visit from her daughter, of Edger- ton. Mrs. William Viesselraan entertained the Congregational ladies Friday after- noon. cv Mrs. F. L.Graves and children started for Washington territory Thursday to reside. The Methodist ladles met with* Mrs. E. Grant Friday afternoon. Waseca. Mrs. Emma Gatzman, teacher in the Austin high school,spent Sunday at her home in this city. Mr. and Mrs. William Davidson, of Freedom, were visiting in this city the past week., Mrs. Burkes mother and sister, of Minneapolis, are visiting with her this week.Yi^Ba . '-r.'irAr The Episcopal Ladies' society meet with Mrs. E. W. Fisk Thursday after- noon. -' Mrs. S. E. Eckenbeck is expected home from Buffalo, N. V.,"this week. Mr. and Mrs. James Erwin were visit- ing in Medford the past week. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Shaw have re- turned from Minneapolis. Mrs. N.Jacobs is visiting friends at Saint Lawrence, Dak. TCH Mrs. Charles Carloss has returned from Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Green have gone to California. Mrs. Dr. McLubick returned to Chi- cago Monday. Mrs. Plummet has returned from Owatonna. Mrs. S. F. Wyman is visiting in Red- wood Falls. Miss Healy is visiting in Shakopee. Rochester. Mrs. Lillie Sweeney and little daughter, of Merrill, Wis., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Coon. Mrs. C. H. Chadbourn and daughter, Etta, returned home Tuesday from Co- lumbus, Wis. Mrs. C. C. Willson and daughter, Emily, are spending a few days in Min- neapolis. Mrs. C. M. Allen entertains the Epis- copal society next Thursday evening. Misses Mary and Bena Willson are visiting in St. Paul and Minneapolis. Miss Anna Singleton, of Chatfield, is visiting with Miss Clara Thurber. Miss Smith, of Plainview, is the. guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Zumn. Mrs. A. Harrington has returned from her trip to the East. Mrs. C. M. Allen was in Pine Island the first of the week. Mrs. A. T. Stebbins has returned from Minnetonka. Mrs. J. D. Ameigh has returned from Chicago. Miss Mamie Piatt is visiting friends in this city. BMB Mrs. John Edgar has returned from Maine. Mrs. F. Reed has returned from La Crosse. Miss Bird has returned to her home in Illinois. Pipestone. Miss N. J. Cumstock, of Milwaukee, was, the fore part of the week, the guest of the families of Elwin and Arthur Smith. Mrs. C. Emery, who went to Girard, Kansas, last spring with Mrs. Riley Frendi, returned home the first of the week. Mrs. Jones entertained the Baptist Mite society Tuesday evening. She was assisted by the Misses Uopp and Wise. Mrs. L. L. Jones, of Brookings, Dak., who was the guest of Mrs. E. Millie Hamilton, has returned home. Mrs. 11. A. Wentworth, of Frankford, Dak., is visiting at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Cad Williams. Mrs. L. Owens, who has been visiting Mrs. William Frost, has returned to Chicago. '.'MI . Mrs. M. M. Ketchum and daughter, Miss Zadia, has returned from Chicago. Mrs. P. J. Hess and daughter. Miss Gertie, left Monday for Delaware, io. Mrs. August Johnson left on Monday for an all winter's visit in Norway. Miss Nancy Stuart is expected home from Northfield to-day. Sliakopee. Mrs. M. K. Marrinan. Grafton, Dak., is visiting her parents, Congressman and Mrs. MacDonald. Mrs. Normal and Miss Kittie Normal departed for their Chicago home during the week. Mis. Michael Berens returned Tues- day from a visit to St. Louis and Salem, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bonn, Racine, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Yost. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Buchanan left Tuesday for a visit to Port Arthur, Ont. Mrs. Charles 11. Gruffenstadt visited the Twin Cities during the week. Mrs. Thomas A. Thayer spent a few days in St. Paul during the week. Mrs. Byron Woodard, of Ottawa, spent Tuesday in this city. Mrs. S. S. Titus, Grand Forks, is the guest of Mrs. J. L. Titus. Mrs. C. D. Lord returned to Park River, Dak., Saturday.; Mrs. Hubert Marx spent a day in St. Paul during the week. Miss Minnie Lazerus was the guest of Mrs. S. Pope Tuesday. Miss Emma Buchanan has returned from Glencoe. Miss Tina Poetz lias returned from St. Cloud. Chatfield. Mr. and Mrs. John Moore have gone to Oak Park, 111., where they will re- main a few weeks with their children, Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Moore. Mrs. Charles Thurber is in Rochester this week, the guest of Mrs. C. E. and Miss Carrie Thurber. Mr. and Mrs. George Moore have gone to Freemont. Neb., to spend a few weeks with relatives. Miss Eva Braithwait, of Lakeside, will spend the winter with friends at this place. Mrs. A. T. Snell is visiting friends at her old home in Rushford this week. Mr. aiKPMrs. W. L. King are in Min- neapolis attending the conference. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bandle have gone to Fulda on a hunting excursion. Mr. and Mrs. L. Bauer are visiting relatives at St. Charles, Minn. Mrs. N. Kingsley, of Austin, is the guest of Mrs. A. 11. O'Farrel. Mr. and Mrs. William Foster have re- turned from England. Mrs. J. Sawyer is visiting friends at Madison, Dak. . : > \u25a0 Sauk Center. Miss Grace Madison returned the first of the week from Minneapolis, where she has been visiting Miss E. Bissell. Mrs. W. O. P. Hillsdale and sister, Miss Anna Nordenhuz, spent a week in Minneapolis, returning Monday. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union society met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Harrison Rice. Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Drew, of West St. Paul, were the guests of Mrs. J. M. Apfeld last week. Mrs. Charles Bennett and children are in Chippewa Falls, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Barnum have re- turned from St. Paul. Miss Mattie Buss, of Long Prairie,has been visiting in town. Mr. and Mrs. Henry . Keller have re- turned from St. Paul. HBSBI Mrs. A. Moore spent last week in Minneapolis. Miss Lulu Harmon is sojourning in Minneapolis. :>".v-^ -- : Mr. and Mrs. R. Woods are home from New York. Glencoe. Mrs.n Milo Chamberlain, of Aurora, Minn., daughter ofJudge Edson, started for her new home near Spokane Falls tills week. Miss Birdie Hall, who has been the guest of Mrs. W. J. White, of Minneap- olis, the past week; has returned home. Miss Alice "ffro^st, who is attending THE SAINT; PAUL^I^ GLOBE: SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 22, 1887. school at Hamline "university, is 'at home for a while.. - Mrs. A. G. Wilson enjoyed a couple of days at the Methodist conference in Minneapolis. Miss Celia Brechet returned from Minneapolis Monday. - :^ Mrs. Joseph Richardson went to Ham- line Wednesday. Janesville. A surprise party, comprisingl the, elite of Janesville's young people, held at the resilience of Mrs. Peabody Thursday evening last in honor of"Miss' Mary Jones, of Northfield. ;*£\u25a0 * | Miss.Cora Carpenter came up from Waseca and spent Sunday with, -< her.- parents. .'.''.- 'P""' .{ Mrs. R. M. Redfield went to Minne- apolis Monday to meet her daughter Edith. \u25a0'\u25a0 '\u0084. 9 Mrs. R. Ayresand Mrs. H. M. 'Dover-"-' eaux visited in Eagle Lake the past J week. -Xa '--a Mrs. W. H. Allyn and Mrs. Georgei Allen visited Waseca the past week. > ' The singing club met Saturday eve- ning last with Miss Myrtle Chandler.: * Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson returned. from Stillwater Tuesday evening. i> 4 < Mrs. F. A. Sealover and Miss' ( A. Coy spent Saturday in Mankato.. -.\>V ' ?.- Mr. and Mrs. John Church visited: in Minneapolis the past week. Northfield. . \u25a0 Vv^ Mrs. Henry Miller and daughter, Mrs. Alba Henderson, of Spring Valley, were the guests of Mrs. B. F. Miller this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Webster, of Min- neapolis, spent Tuesday in Northfield with Mrs. G. N. Coon. Mrs. H. M. Holister, of Morriston, was in the city as a delegate to the W. C. T. U. Mrs. E. M. Dennison. of Topeka, Kan., will spend some time with Mrs. H. L. Coon. . Mrs. Dr. Deerine, of New York city, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jefts. Mrs. Dr. Thompson has gone to Still- water. Mrc. C. n. Lewis is in Hudson this week. Miss Mortino is in Faribault. Hutchinson. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Peppard, of Min- neapolis, were the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Sargent, over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Hutchinson enter- tained friends at progressive euchre Thursday evening of last week. The Ladies' Aid society of the Con- gregational church gave a New England supper Wednesday evening. Mrs. T. B. Sumner and Misses Emily and Abby Sumner visited the Exposition last week. .v..-- Mrs. 1). W. Cassedy and daughter, Marian, returned Monday from Minne- apolis. <:....;-:- Mrs. S. Pateell left for her home in Glencoe Thursday. Mrs. George M. Nelson returned to Glencoe Friday. \'..v.-. Mrs. 11. Travers is visiting friends in Waterville. Redwood Falls. Mrs. E. A. Chandler will leave next week for California, where she will spend the winter. -.„•;-; Miss Lottie Schmabl has returned from an extended visit to St. Paul and Minneapolis friends. Mrs. L. M. Corrall, of Sleepy Eye, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and "Mrs. J. Mcllreavie. ; ! Mrs. J. H. C Flynn left last week for Rochester, where she will spend the winter. .--';>{* 7-- Mrs. Fred Warner left Monday for a month's visit to friends in Minneapolis". Miss Mamie Houck will spend the winter with relatives in Colorado.: Mrs. S. W. Hays will spend the winter in California. '-'• *.'\u25a0\u25a0- '-M- Austin. Miss Annie Dunkelman entertained a small company at her home Tuesday evening in honor of Misses Fricks and Limbach. ! Miss Laura Crane entertained about sixty at her home last Friday. ;. ..t Mrs. John Shelby left Thursday for her new home in Monona, 10. Mrs. Dewarl, of St. Paul, is visiting her brother, Rev. Dewarl. Mrs. Oscar Miller, of Northfield, is the guest of Mrs. G. Schleuder. Mrs. Nancy Hill and daughter are visiting in the city. ........ Mrs. E. 1). Hoag has returned from Minneapolis. Miss Ida Smith is teaching for Miss Alexander. Mrs. D. 11. Stimson is in Minneapolis. Miss Josie Tasker is in the city. Pine Island. -... - Mrs. M. Penney and daughter, Mrs. L. M. MacManus, of Rochester, are spending a few days with 11. C. Penney and family. Mrs. J. R. Rust and Mrs. J. C. En- glish, of Zumbrota, were the guests of Mrs. S. Dickey Friday last. -Miss May Newton returned Monday from her visit with Miss Jennie Thom- son at St. Paul. . . Mrs. Jennie Murphy spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. Mary Schofield, at Zumbrota. Miss Salome Bickford visited with Mrs. Louise Winchester at Rochester Saturday. i&vfeV*^- Mrs. Feigal, ofBoonville, N. V., is the guest of her son, M. Feigal, at this place. W£& Preston. Miss Mary Cressey has resigned her position in the postoffice, and the va- cancy is filled by Miss Mamie Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Tibbetts spent a few days last week with his parents, on their way to Armour, Dak. Mrs. J. P. Tibbetts has gone to Woon- socket. Dak., to visit her daughter, Mrs. L. L. Stevens. ;.;.' -. p -\- -.:\u25a0 Mrs. J. B. Frasier, Mrs. F. A. Burton, and Miss Cora Bigelow are in Cresco,lo. Mrs. C. P. Walters spent a few days last week with friends in La Crosse. Mrs. J. Wells and son start for their home in Independence, 10., to-day. Mrs. E. V. Farrington is visiting friends in Chicago.- Little Falls. Rev. S. W. Vainer and wife, of Mel- rose, who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. W. Stone, have gone to Rich Prairie. Hon. and Mrs. J. C. Elynn attended the private reception given President and Mrs. Cleveland at St. Paul last Mrs. S. P. Fuller entertained the Ladies' Working club, of the Congrega- tional church, this week. . . " Mr. and Mrs. Trebby and family have gone to Binghamton, N. V., to reside. Mrs. B. Sherman, of Detroit, is _the guest of her sister Mrs. It. Carr. Miss Lucy Littemore, of Detroit, is visiting friends here. St. Charles. Mrs. A. J. Tiskink and children de- parted Wednesday for FarwelJ, their future home. j Mrs. A. S. Olds left for Arlington, Dak., Tuesday night to join her hus- band. .. •-•,;.-,-;\u25a0 '". Mrs. John T. > Blair, of Worth, started for Plattsmouth, Neb., Tuesday. Miss Emma Frye returned to her home in Winona Saturday. Mrs. I. C. Slade visited Mrs. A. O. Adams Wednesday. Mrs. G. H. Gardner is visiting in Lewiston. . Mrs. WilliamLuke has returned from Winona.' - ..- --\u25a0 Miss M. Speilman lias returned from St. Paul. .;--;,-- Miss M. White has returned from Chicago. >\u25a0-"':, Moorbead. Mr. and Mrs. Cnrfman, recently married, were given a surprise party by their musical friends this week. Miss Mary Wright "has returned from a visit to friends in the eastern part of the state. \u25a0 . Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Dahl entertained' the Nora choir in hospitable style this week. MftiliW^ :-. Miss Lulu Merritt has gone to Mc- Cauleyville to spend the winter. Mrs. A. A. White entertained the Rector's guild Thursday. Miss Hattie Noyes has returned to St. Cloud. Kasson. :.- Mrs. Charles Ingham, of Dodge Cen- ter, spent Saturday, in town, the guest of Mrs. J. Leuthold, Jr. Mrs. F. Barr will entertain the Bap- tist Ladies' Aid society Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Hayden and son, Barlow, re-' turned to their home in Illinois Thurs- day. ;\u25a0:,.:.-;-. - ... •;\u25a0 -.-.-. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bunker have re- turned from their western trip. '\u25a0 Miss Carrie Jones is up from Winona for a few weeks' visit. '\u25a0«.•- r Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Garrison visited Minneapolis Thursday. /. , Rcsemount.- \. '-'.'. _ Miss Stella Briggs, of Owatonna, and Miss Jesse Vine, of St. Paul, were the. guests of Mrs. E. Hyland Monday. Miss Julia Cadzo has gone to St. Paul to spend the winter with her grand- mother. Mrs. New. '\u25a0'__ Mrs. P. Moran is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Gibbons, of Empire. ,"- Miss Marcella Devitt, of St. Paul, is the guest of Mrs. John Moran. Miss Mamie Gibbons has gone to St. Paul to reside permanently. Mrs. Ferris has gone to Eau Claire. Mantorville. C. E. Severance and family have taken their departure for their new home at Minneapolis. Miss Rhoda Martin is visiting rela- tives at Arlington, Dak. .>;.,". Miss Nellie Wells, of Northfield, spent Sunday in Mantorville. Mrs. H. Brad well has taken a trip to De Smet, Dak. - ... Luverne. A social entertainment was held at the house of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Hinds Tuesday evening in honor of Mrs. Ed McKenzie. Mrs. W. O. Crawford will start Tues- day for Pasadena, Cal.,to visit her sister, Mrs. P. J. Kniss. Mrs. P. E. Brown returned Sunday from Blanchard, 10. Excelsior. Mrs. M. Ball, accompanied by her son Leslie and Miss Nettie Boley, of Pekin, 111., left on Tuesday evening for Illi- nois, where they will spend a few weeks visiting friends before preceding to their winter home at Natchez, Miss. Mrs. John Seameus joined her hus- band in Excelsior Thursday.- - ; r- DAKOTA. Sioux Falls. Mrs. D. Allen and daughter Caddie, who have been residents of Denver, Col., for the past two years, have re- turned to again make their home here. Mrs. Sheridan, sister of Mrs. H. M. Avery, who has been in our town for a couple of weeks, has returned to her home in Madison. Mrs. William Mann, who has been at the home of her sister, Mrs. C. S. Knowles, has returned to her home in Danville, 111. Miss Jennie Coller, of Kansas, arrived and will spend the winter with her sis- ter, Mrs. Will Hollister. Mrs. C. M. Spaulding, of Burlington, Vt., is being entertained by Judge Palmer's family. Mrs. and Miss Cashel, mother and sister of Mrs. J. S. Hunter, are here for a short visit. Miss Rena Ranny, of Austin, Minn., is at the home of her aunt, Mrs. O. S. Swenson. Mrs. M. J. Wright, of Burlington, 10., is visiting her son, Hon. E. G. Wright. . Miss Minnie Bassett, of State Center, 10., is the guest of Mrs. A. L. Goddard. Miss Mat Barnes is in from Montrose, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Beat. Mrs. 11. S. Hollister entertained a few lady friends Saturday night.: Miss Mary Davis gave an afternoon party Wednesday. Mrs. J. B. Dennis, of Yankton, is vis- iting in the city. Mrs. E. A. Caldwell and Miss Claudie are in Omaha. Miss .Laura Wright has returned from Kansas City. '_.':;- Miss Gertie Kent has returned to Sioux City. „Mrs. fl. J. Hatch is sojourning at Elk Point. Mrs. H. L. Green is back from Illi- nois. Watertown. C. A. Youmans and family, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Kemp, have returned to their home in Neillsville, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Rowe entertained Hon. Sterling Pomeroy, of Illinois, last week. Mrs. Rowe is a niece of Mr. Pomeroy. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Colburn are enter- taining Charles G. Colburn and daughter, of Jamestown, N. Y. The Ladies' Aid society of the Con- gregational church met with Mrs. E. R. Patch Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Whistler are en- tertaining Mrs. Whistler's father, N. W. Huntley, of Sparta, Wis. Mrs. N. J. Carleton, of Carthage, 111., is the guest of her son, Will Carleton, at the Kampeska house." Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mulholland are en- tertaining Mr. R. Mulholland, a brother •from Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Williams enter- tained Mr. Morris, of Madison, Wis., last week. Mrs. I. M. Westfall is entertaining her niece, Miss Stella Marsh, of Musca- tine, 10. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Osgood are enter- taining Mr. and Mrs. Rynders, of New lork. The social at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Gorrie Friday evening was a suc- cess. - - Mrs. F. P. Hopkins is entertaining her sister, Mrs. J. M. McCoy, of Cresco, 10. Mrs. W. R. Thomas is entertaining her mother, Mrs. Peterson, of Henry. Mrs. John Kemp returned Friday from a visit with friends at Sparta, Wis. Mrs. E. A. Simpson entertained Mrs. D. Boucher, of Clark, last week. Mrs. Melcher, of Clark, was the guest of Mrs. E. Van Liew last week. J. G. Carson and Miss Carson, of Bos- ton, are Watertown visitors. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ainsworth were in the city this week. Miss Hattie Johnson has returned from Wisconsin. Mrs. D. A. Raymond has returned from the East. . .vs""".; Webster. Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith and Miss J. Alley have gone on a short visit to Min- neapolis, St. Paul and ether eastern points. Mr. and Mrs. E. Stephenson, of Bris- tol, spent Monday among friends at this place. '/\u25a0":'\u25a0-'-; i Miss Georgia Ross left for Millard, Dak., Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Smail have re- turned from the East. \u25a0_; \u0084.> Mrs_J. F. Pike entertained at tea Tuesday night. Mrs. A. Smail is visiting friends at Huron, Dak. Fargo. The most interesting social event of the week was the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Coman Ames. The ladies of the Woman's club presented Mrs. Ames an elegant dinner set of 120 pieces. Among the ladies present were: [esdames Thlemens, J. M. Fisher,, and Miss McKinnon, of Chicago; Mesdames R. A. Board, Moore, E. H. Dickson, Ball, George D. Ellis, R. W. Bliss, Strong, Mosley, Newman, Wallin, V. S. Stone, J. H. Forsythe, Geary, and Miss Farlee. Mrs. S. E. Divan : and daughter are 11 spending a few weeks at Bismarck as guests of Miss Delia Halloran. -\u25a0Dr. and Mrs. Bradley, of Evanston, 111., are guests of the White mansion on Thirteenth street. Miss Fannie Plumley is home after a month at the Twin Cities and Litch- field. Miss May Darrow has returned from a visit to her grandmother in Wisconsin. m Mrs. J. W. Burbank, of Oconto, Wis., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dr. Darrow. Mrs. Houghton has gone to Waupun, VV is., to visit her relatives a few weeks. Mrs. Harry Richards has gone to El Paso, Texas, to spend the winter. \u25a0 Mrs. Dr. Burns has returned from Griggs county. Col. and Mrs. Morton have gone to Decatur, Ala. Mrs. T. C. Parton has returned from the East. Mrs. E. A. Webb has returned from St. Paul. Jamestown. Mrs. John Clark and daughter. Miss Lillian, who have been visiting with Mrs. Charles Hensel and Mrs. John Frey, have returned to Fountain City. Wis., accompanied by Miss Lulu Hensel. :"-*.^';V'- Mr. John Ford and Mrs. Davis, who have been spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Flint, have returned to Vermont. Mr. and. Mrs. Searles, of Boscobel, Wis., have arrived in the city and are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Dur- stine. .;. \ Mr. and Mrs. John Waugh have re- moved in from the country and are oc- cupying the Blood house on Fourth av- enue. \- :>:: Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Purcey, of Fili- gree, have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Hills for a few days. Mrs. W. E. Mansfield and child have left for Casselton, after a week's visit with Mrs. Hermann Gieseler. Mrs.John Waugh and Miss Edna.have been spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson at the Gladstone. Mrs. L. F. Menzesheimer, of Bis- marck, has been the guest of Mrs. David Goodman for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newton have moved into town from the farm to spend the winter. Mrs. Lawrence, one of the students of the college, is visiting at her home in Eckleson. Mrs. ' W. E. Dodge and child, of Fargo, have returned, after a week's stay in the city. :'-\u25a0.';'"-; Mrs. J. C. Hunter and daughter, of Casselton, were at the Gladstone this week. Mrs. David Cooper ofBellevue, Mich., is visiting her son Mr. D. W. Ringer. Mrs. Dr. Archibald and Miss Puss have returned from Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Shoenburg and child have gone to Chicago. Bismarck. Last week Mrs. Auditor Ward gave a lunch party, The following ladies were present: Mesdames L. R. Church, Cornelius, H. R. Porter, A. T. Hughes, W. S. Moorhouse, F. V. Barnes, W. H. Francis, H. C. Watson, W. B. Watson, E. H. Wilson, D. Eisenberg, D. W. Hutchinson and Misses Cora Barnes and Fisher. ;" - >.; Mrs. Dr. Williamson and Mrs. Flor- ence Huntley have gone East. Mrs. Huntley will visit in Jamestown and St. Paul, while Mrs. Williamson goes to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cook left Satur- day for Grand Rapids. Mrs. Cook will visit Mrs. J. C. Wade and Mrs. Alfred Dickey, in Jamestown, before returning. Judge T. J. Mackey and niece, Mrs. W'itherbee, of Chester, S. C, are guests at the Sheridan. '< Miss Casselman, of Williamsport, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. McGinnis. Mrs. Dr. Stark, of Milon, 0., is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Ens. Mrs. George Hanscom, of Dickinson, is the guest of Mrs. W. H. Jewell. Mrs. A. Esterbrook left Saturday for Duluth to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. M. Jewell have re- turned from Minneapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Frank La Wall spent last Sabbath in Mandan. Mr. and Mrs. L. Menzerheimer have returned from Chicago. The W. C. T. U. met Friday afternoon with Mrs. Judge Gray. Mr. and Mrs. D. F.Barry have re- turned from St. Paul. Mrs. C. E. Draper, of Mandan, visited Bismarck Monday. Mrs. D. O. Preston: left Thursday for Billings, Mont. :; Mr. and Mrs. H." Brandt have returned from St. Paul. Huron. Mrs. O. S. Clark has returned to her home in Battle Creek,Mich., after a visit of a couple of. weeks here with her sis- ter, Mrs. Americus B. Melville. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hollistter are en- joying a visit with their son's wife, Mrs. Charles Hollister, or Evansville, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Thorn have their daughter, Mrs. E. P. Ames, of Chey- enne, with them for a few weeks' visit. Mrs. Charles Mitchell, of Altoona, vis- ited Mrs. A. Sherman on her way home from Minneapolis this week. The Ladies' Guild met with Mrs. F. F. Smith; gentlemen called and tea was served in the evening. Mrs. J. S. Oliver and Mrs. Lawrence Chamberlain spent a portion of the week in Scotland. Mrs. Robert Donthett, of Chicago, is spending a few days here with her daughters. Mis. F. I. Washburn came from St. Lawrence to visit her friend, Mrs. C. C. Huff. Mrs. D. S. McCaslin has returned from a stay of three weeks in Pullman, 111. Mrs. Lowenthall and son Harry ar- rived from Chicago a few days since. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Sterling and daughter are at home from St. Paul. Miss Irene Evans, of lowa City, is the guest of Miss Flora Gans. Mrs. H. A. Maxfield is visiting friends in Rochester, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Ketchum have returned to Fremont, Neb. Mrs. Judge Edwards visited friends in Altoona. -;<§-;*;\C Grand Forks. Thursday evening the members of the Ladies' Aid society were entertained by Mrs. F. W. hidings. Mrs.William Mcßride entertained the members of - the Chautauqua circle Tuesday evening. Thursday afternoon Mrs. Tracy Bangs entertained the ladies of St. Paul's church guild. Mrs. John Birkholz and Mrs. 1. P. Armstrong returned from Minneapolis Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mosette and their daughter Tessie will spend the winter in California. .Mrs. W. H. Higham entertained about forty ladies at 5 o'clock tea Thursday last. Mrs. John Cummings and children have gone to their old home in Lindsay, Out. " <• ":. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Shubert returned to Arvilla after a week's stay in the city. .^r Miss Nina Otley is spending a few days with friends at Osatkis, Minn. Rev. and Mrs. Doran have taken up their residence in Minneapolis. Mrs. Willis A. Joy entertained a few friends Thursday evening. Miss Herriman . entertained . a few friends Tuesday evening. Mrs. John Kelly, of St. Paul, is the guest of Mrs. M. Rueth. Mrs. J. M. Bain, of Fisher, is visiting friends in the city, Mrs. Judge Cochrane has returned from Larimore. Mrs. Dr. Herriman is spending a few days at Ojata. ... ; ; Miss Monser returned to lukster last ".Monday.-,".'; ,- Miss Mabel Story has returned from Lakota. ; Columbia. Miss Sarah Bell was given an elegant reception Wednesday evening prior to her departure for Minneapolis. ... . Mr. and Mrs. Charles S.Smith.of Aus- tin, Minn., are guests of Sheriff and Mrs. Menditto. - . ."_ \u25a0 Mrs. M.R. Baldwin has returned to Duluth. Yankton. Judge and Mrs. L. Congleton have re- turned from a long visit with their granddaughter, Mrs. R. Y. Baxter, of Chicago. Miss Georgie Burke, of Mitchell, has been sojourning with friends in Yank- ton for two or three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. C. Morrison cele- brated their forty-fifth wedding anni- versary Tuesday evening. John Tackett "and sister, and Miss Shelton, of Santee agency, are visiting Bishop Marty. B. Glasgow and family, of England, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Pierce. Miss Linda Sargeant, of Albion, Neb., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sar- gent. Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Sears, of St. Paul, are the guests of F. J. Kahn and wife. Mrs. W. J. Underbuyer, of Savannah, Mo., has arrived to remain in Yankton. Mrs. P. K. Faulk has arrived home after a visit of some weeks in Baltimore. Gen. and Mrs. Campbell, of Scotland, are visiting Mrs. P. K. Faulk. Mrs. G. G. Barber, of La Crosse, is visiting friends in Yankton. J. H. Balm and family go to Sioux City very soon to remain. Mrs. M. L. Branch will reside in Yankton in the future. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kingsbury have returned to Wisconsin. Mrs. John Brunner and son are visit- ing in Sioux City. Mrs. C. C. Stewart, of Mitchell, is at the Merchants. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sanborn are home from Chicago. : :.:.;-,;.-' ;;; Mrs. M. J. Walker has returned from a trip East. Aberdeen. Mrs. John R. Casson, of Viroqua,Wis., who has been the guest of her daughter. Mrs. A. W. Campbell, has returned home. Mrs. C. M. Cannon, of Watertown, spent a few hours with friends in the city, on her way home from St. Paul. Mrs. J. W. P. Jordan, of Wessington Springs, Dak., is spending a few days in the city. The Misses Ella, Dora and Mac Churchill, of Huff ton, were in Aberdeen Tuesday. Mrs. Charles Hutchinson, of Fari- bault, Minn., left for her home Tues- day. Miss Mary Evans, ofRandolph, Wis., is spending a few days with relatives here. Mrs. John Norton, of Webster, accom- panies her husband to conference in this city. -:-~; A pleasant euchre party was given by Miss Lulu Dana Tuesday evening. Mrs. George H. Monroe, of Joliet, 111., is visiting with Mrs. John H. Perry. Mrs. W. W. Shafer, of Columbia, was in the city a few days this week. Mrs. G. Perry, of Columbia, spent a few days in Aberdeen this week. The Ladies' Aid society met with Mrs. W. M. Morrow Wednesday. Miss Minnie Perry, of Cambria, Wis., is visiting with friends. .: Miss Viola Miller, of Princeton, 111., is visiting relatives here. Mrs. Rev. Mcßride left Wednesday evening for St. Paul. Mrs. W. J. Walsh, of St. Paul, is vis- iting in the city. :: -' Miss Neen'ah Steams has returned from Milbank. Mrs. M. E. Burgett left Wednesday Paul Grafton. Mrs. n. H. McDougall, Mrs. J. R. Hocg, Mrs. Burgar and other members of the Woman's Mission circle will give an entertainment in the Baptist church Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Tom Grace returned to Grafton last Saturday. Mrs. Grace visited in Grand Forks, St. Paul and Minneapolis while away. --;-;;: -;;'-. Mrs. McLellan, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Driscoll, left for Duluth last Friday to join her husband. Editor and Mrs. Bates arrived from Park River the first of the week, and will reside in the Thompson house. .:-;-• Mrs. Hogg, who has spent several weeks visiting in Grafton, returned to her home in Drayton last Monday. Miss; Lina Upham. of Grand Forks, visited with her friends and relatives the first of the week. At the last meeting of the W. C. T. U. Mrs. Hamilton was elected superintend- ent of literature. Mrs. Tom McHugh is entertaining Mrs. John McHugh and daughter, of Cresco, 10. . Miss Treuman, who has been visiting friends in Bathgate, returned to Grafton Saturday. lv.;' ; .Ellendale. Saturday evening the La Moure Dra- matic club rendered the drama "Ten Nights in a Bar Room" in the Court House hall. Among the ladies present were Mesdames E. D. Lee, B. S. Meachem. H. L. Rood, E. Thomas, WV E. Duncan, W. Woods and A. Cronk- hite and Misses Jennie McMillan, Katie Austin, Minnie Horton, Etta Denio, Nora de La Hunt, Mary Crabtree, I Grace Hazen, Nettie Parks, Ada Rob- bins, Grace Moore, Saidie Halsey, Dena Larson, Blanche Davis, Clara Prentice, Dora John, Emma Arnold. The young ladies of Ellendale met at the residence of Miss Beth Parkes, Fri- day evening, and organized a reading club, having Miss Kitty Austin as presi- dent and Miss Kittie Denio as secretary. Mrs. B. F. Ingalls, a sister of Mrs. F. G. Horton, of Bay City. Mich., is visit- ing in Ellendale for a few weeks. It is announced that the marriage of Miss Blanche Davisjto T. M. Evans will take place the coming winter. Miss Minnie Shattuck has accepted a position as clerk in the register of deeds' office. Miss Ada Robbins, of Guelph, was in' town over Sunday. Ipswich. Mesdames. Dr. Powers, H. S. Cottrill, 11. Bobbins and Mrs. Alvin Clark, of lowa, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. 11. Cranmer, have returned to their homes. Mrs. D. P. Wazne and sister, Miss Jessie Smith, are making preparations to spend the winter at Elgin. 111. Mrs. S. G. Berry, who has been the guest of Mrs. G. J. Barker, has returned to her home in Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hubbard, of Illi- nois, are the guests of their son, T. C. Hubbard. Mrs. McGinn and son, of Wisconsin, are sojourning with Mrs. P. E. Cox. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Brodie, of Chicago, are the guests of Mrs. A. Nathan. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ruggles have returned from their wedding trip. The Ladies' Aid society met with Mrs. A. F. Stowe Tuesday. "*"Miss"Mr__r\Vright is making prepara- tious to go East. Mrs. R. L. Walker has returned from the East. Buffalo. Cards are out for the wedding of our postmaster. Will Storey, and Miss Lillle Easton on the 26th, at the suburban res- idence of H. D. Court. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Andrews are now in town for the winter. Mrs. O. A. Willard has gone to Chi- cago for the winter. Tower City. Dr. and Mrs. Howard have returned from their wedding trip. F. W. Mixand family go to Ohio next week for the winter. . . Miss Florence Ellsbury is home from Fargo. - WISCONSIN. Prescott. Mrs. G. L. Bowman returned Tuesday from Diamond Bluff, where she has been spending a month with her pa- rents; Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Mero. Mrs. W. R. ': Gate's has returned to Stillwater after a week's visit to her daughter, Mrs. W. F. Redmon. Miss Annie O'Brien, of Minneapolis, who has been stopping in the city a few days, returned Wednesday. Mrs. George Barnard and child, of Oregon, are in the city, the guests of Mrs. Jane Hoyt. Misses Maud Field and Mamie Beards- ley visited Mrs. Dr. Gould at River Falls, Tuesday. ..',;•;•;;- Mrs. C. P. Sargent and daughter Jes- sie, of Herman, Minn., are in the city for the winter. Miss Jennie Oleson, of River Falls, is spending the week with Miss Eva Miller. - *.*-•; Misses May Meacham and Gertie Ives went to St. Paul Wednesday. Mrs. T. A. Fisher has returned from Hudson. . . Chippewa Falls. Mrs. Andrew Gregg, of California, is expected to be in the city, shortly to visit her daughter, Mrs. Charles Cole- man. •;.-\u25a0.\u25a0.•\u25a0•- \u25a0:•', Mrs. Daniel Thompson,' Miss Rittie Thompson and Mrs. G. A. Henry spent a few days in Eau Claire this week. The ladies of the Episcopal society met at the residence of Mrs. EdStam- berry, Wednesday afternoon. - Mrs Dorland, of Minneapolis, will be the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Miles for some months. Mrs. Kate Smith, of Chicago, who has been visiting in the city some months, has returned home. Mrs. Clark, of Weverhauser, who has been the guest of the Misses Clanin, has returned home. Mrs. Duccomun entertained her father, Mr. F. Pelequin, of Detroit, Mich., last week. The Mission society, of the Baptist church, will meet with Mrs. Charles Post, next week. Miss Devitt, of Chicago, will be the guest of Mrs. Kate McKenna for some time. Mrs. Ambrose Hoffman entertained her friends at cards Friday evening. Mrs. H. H. lltad is entertaining her mother, Mrs. Robinson, of Neenah. Mrs. Lorenzo Hips, of Cadott, was visiting friends a day or two. Miss Clara Sumner has returned from a short visit in Oshkosh. Miss Lorena Stanley is visiting at Bismarck, Dak. Mrs. W. F. Behind has been visiting in-St. Paul. - ; , Mrs. H. H. Rowe has returned from Chicago. Mrs. D. J McDonald left this week for Ashland. Neillsville. Mrs. A. J. Kinney, of Hudson, and her mother, Mrs. O. A. Kusco, of Mer- rlllan Junction, are cuests of Depot- master Kimball's family. Mrs. Charley Grow has returned from Colby, accompanied by her sister, Miss Carrie Wicker, who will remain here several weeks. Mrs. A. C. Vaughan is enjoying a week's visit from her sister, Mrs. A. W. Ayers, and daughters, Maud and Grace. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Crocker and chil- dren spent several days the fore part of the week at Greenwood. Mrs. Dr. S. H. Esch is enjoying an ex- tended visit from her sister, Miss Nettie Baldwin, of Sparta. Mrs. J. S. Lookabauch, of Sterling, 0., is a guest of her niece, Mrs. John D. Stanard, this city. Mrs. K. W. King and daughter have returned from a pleasant trip through Minnesota. V ~.:. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Durgin have re- turned from their trip through Northern Wisconsin. Mrs. James Greggor. of Mason City, - 10., is calling on relatives and friends." The W. R. C. sociable is held at Mrs. Eva Dixon's this afternoon. Miss Josie Ives goes to La Crosse to- day to spend several weeks. IOWA. Mason City. Two large parties were given Tuesday and Wednesday by Mr. and Mrs. Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. Clark and Mr.- and Mrs. Ensign at the residence of Mr. Clark. The Bryant Chautauqua circle agree- ably surprised their president, Mrs. Rigby, Monday evening and presented her a silver tea set.- Mrs. Kate Mallory and Mrs. Bate en- tertained a number of friends last Fri- day evening. Mrs. D. N. Pope, who has been visit- ing Mrs. Poisal, has returned to Clarks- ville. Mrs. Moffett. of New York, was the guest of Mrs. W. W. Knapp last week. Mrs. M. Crawford left Monday for a visit in Mt. Vernon, Dak. Mrs. A. J. Miller has rehired from Allamakee county. Mrs. Frank Bush and daughter Bessie are in the city. Miss May Long has returned from Minneapolis. Miss Mary Perrett is the guest of Miss Lou Smith. Miss Belle Johnson was in the city this week. Miss Ida Brooks has returned from Goodell. Mrs. John Burgess is entertaining rela- tives. Miss Mary Tubbs is visiting at Sioux City. Marshalltown. Harry Osman and sister. Miss May Osman, attended a reception at Grin- nell, 10., last week. Friday evening, given by Mrs. R. H. Hawkins. Mrs. C. S. Bridge.nee Nellie Birchard, of Norfolk, Neb., is the guest of her mother, Mrs. A. T. Birchard. Mrs. C. Brown, nee Lizzie Baxter, of this city, returned home to Sac City, 10., Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Arnold left Mon- day for a winter's sojourn in California. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Plough were at Eddyville, 10.. the first of the week. Miss Nellie Brenneck is visiting Miss LillieLaub at Dcnison, 10. Mrs. S. 11. Porter and Miss Lillie left Thursday for Pasadena. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Shaver returned Monday from St. Paul. Dr. and Mrs. N. M. Wilson have re- turned from the Fast. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mallory are at Os- kaloosa. Miss Myrtie Miller spent Sunday at Eldora. Long Prairie, Minn,: .'. Hanson Sarff ami Miss Jennie Buckingham. Will J. Sarff and Miss La\ini i S. Bond. Sioux Falls, Dak.: Oliver S. Pendar and Miss M. Jeannette Howard. Mankato, Minn.: Thomas W. Hart and Miss Stella M. Palmer. Hastings. Minn.: William Bushman and Miss Elizabeth Schmitz. Decorah, lo.: Owen D. Tibbetts and Miss Fannie M. Ferren. ".:'..-:. Ipswich, Dak.: Joseph W. Parmley and Miss Lissie Baker. Montrose. Dak.: Frank Mulloy and Miss Maggie Mulloy. Brainerd, Minn.: Henry Robson and Miss Florence Cutler. Marshalltown.lo.: Will Stone and Miss Ella Woicott. &'-£?-?\u25a0': . Prescott, Wis.: J. W. March and Miss Anna Hoff. .... ._.,;. Yankton, Dak.: Mr. Afford and Miss Sackett.; * if .._t. . '__. _. t"*lve* d"c "Wants a boom," MUtUmn Still they, come and still .: ..„\u25a0•-.. there's room. Af///' _ _ x read the "Wants" each Week, millions **Always finding what thej :,-..--.•--- .. v seek, -

Transcript of St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1887-10-22 [p 11] · Mrs. F. "W. Paine and other leading...

Page 1: St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1887-10-22 [p 11] · Mrs. F. "W. Paine and other leading society ladies are organizing a Ladies' Musical society under the direction of Prof.


Miss Quillard, Duluth's well-knowncontralto, who is now in Minneapolis, isexpected back in time to take part inthe coming ortaorio ofthe "Holy City."

The Ladies' Literature class met with"Mrs. Dr. Collins. Tuesday night. Mrs.Pardee is instructing them hi the Swiftand De Foe course.

Mrs. F. "W. Paine and other leadingsociety ladies are organizing a Ladies'Musical society under the direction ofProf. D'Enyer.

Mrs. James A. Boggs, a newly madebride, formerly of St. Paul, arrivedwith her husband from their weddingtrip Tuesday.

Mrs. Murdock and her daughterMary have returned to Wabasha, aftera pleasant stay with Mrs. Frank Burke.

Mrs. Stanley Higgins is now "athome" to friends at the corner of Fifthavenue and Last Third street.

Miss Belle Hendricks,of Fargo, willbe in Duluth next Tuesday. She willbe the guest ofMrs. J. B. Root.

Mrs. Smith, daughter of SecretaryPhelps, formerly of Winona, has takenup her residence in Duluth.

Mrs. M. L.Cormany scored a decidedsuccess at the musk-ale at Mrs. Col.Graves' Friday night.

Miss Lucy Cullyford, niece of Col.Cullyford, is expected toresume her oldplace in musical circles.

Mrs. Estebrook, of Bismarck. Dak.,will spend the winter here, the guest ofMrs. Wallace Warner.

Mrs. C. C. Brown and son returnedfrom a lengthy visit to Clearwater Sun-day morning.

Mrs. M. J. McCrary and Mrs. F. D.Watoos spent several days in Ashlandlast week.

Mrs. Capt. De Witt has been in RedWing with relatives during the week.

Miss Grace Collins sailed for Europefrom New York Wednesday.

Mrs. J. R. Myers is spending a few-days in Minneapolis.

Mrs. D. K. Hurlburt and son are backfrom Grand Rapids.

Mrs. A. W. Bradley has returned fromMinneapolis.

Miss Carrie Schupp has returned toSaginaw. Mich.

Lake City.Mrs. J. T. Seeley and her guests, Mr.

and Mrs. W. Barton. Elmira, N. ' V.,were in St. Paul and Minneapolis forseveral days last week.

Mrs. M. M. Rogers, of Wyomingcounty. New York, is the guest of herdaughter, Mrs. Ed Warren, for thewinter.

Mrs. J. C. Adams is in Philadelphia,the guest of relatives and friends, andwillbe absent until after the holicays.

Mrs. Schafer, of Minneapolis, wassojourning with Mrs. I. S. Richardsonfor several days last week.

Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Megroth enter-tained their friends at 6 o'clock teaTuesday and Thursday.

Mrs. John Philips and daughter, DeEtte, were entertained by Mineapolisfriends last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, of Columbus,Wis., are the guests of their daughter,Mrs. C. F. Harris.

Mrs. C. S. Lelley is receiving a visitfrom her mother, Mrs. Mary Hobbs, ofEau Claire.

Miss Vogle, of Columbus, Wis., is so-journing with her sister, Mrs. FredReuckert.

Rev. and Mrs. William Gardam are inthe city, the guests of Mrs. W. E. Per-kins.

Mrs. A. D. Cowden, of St. Paul, isvisiting her father, James McDermont.

Mrs. Hathaway entertained MissExlns Fuller, of Minneapolis, last week.

Mrs. I). H. Buck left Saturday- to visither daughter, Mrs. Plumley, Litchfield.

Mrs. Mary A. Webster leaves forWashington, D. C, Sunday.

Miss May Watson has returned fromMerriam Park.

Miss Annie O'Laughlin left Tuesdayfor Colorado.

Mrs. J. G. Moore has returned fromPepin, Wis.

Anoka.Mr. and Mrs. Granville S. Pease en-

tertained about 150 guests on the twen-tieth anniversary of their marriageMonday evening. Mr. Pease is theeditor of the AnokaUnion. Among theguests from abroad were Mr. and Mrs.Ed M. Van Dnzee and Mr. and Mrs.Charles Van Dnzee, of St. Paul; Mr.and Mrs. Moses Hayes, Mr. and Mrs.R. S. Pease, of Minneapolis; Mr. andMrs. J.P.Wilcox, of Richfield. Minn.,and Fred Van Duzee, of the Star-News,Minneapolis, and Miss Maud Rose, ofHamline.

Mr. and Mrs. C. Foster were verypleasantly surprised Monday eveningby about fifty acquaintances, the oc-casion of their fiith marriage anni-versary.

Mrs. Dr. Prehn and Miss Hattie Stin-son, of Portlend, Or., are guests ofMrs. Albert Stinson and will remainduring the winter.

Miss Carrie E. Parker, of Cedar Hillseminary at Port Deposit, Md., has re-turned to her home in this city after afour years' course.

Mrs. F. L. Chadbourne and herdaughter. Miss Rose, started Mondayfor Bradford, Me.

Mrs. W. Page, ofPrinceton,- stoppedin the city over Sunday with Mrs. A.Richardson.

Mrs. I. A. Harthorn, of Ramsey, helda dime social at her home Friday even-ing.

Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Peters will spendthe Sabbath with friends in St. Paul.

Mrs. Harriet King entertained theMethodist sociable Friday evening.

Mrs. George Wethern is entertainingMrs. M. J. Vest, of Oakland, Cal.

Mes. S. E. Abbott has gone to Con-cord, N. 11., to spend the winter.

Crookston.The Sons of Veterans gave the first

of a series of hops at their halL Friday\u25a0 evening. The ladies present were Mes-dames Rockwood, Dawley, Nix, Jen-nings, Fontaine, Brown, Peirce, Stev-ens, Alexander, Buckman, Misses Fon-taine, Hattie and Cora Birins, Lola. Box, Carrie Mix and Emma McKenzie.

Mrs. Wilkenson entertained abouteighty couples at whist on Wednesdayand Thursday evenings of last week.

Mrs. S. F. Markham entertained attea and cards Monday and Wednesdayevenings. ' '\u25a0;-;\u25a0

Mrs. Ed Walsh entertained her friendsat cards Friday evening.

Mrs. Dr. Dampier returned from St.Paul Tuesday.

Fergus Falls.. Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Frank

' G. Durable had a gathering of friends.The invited ladies were Mesdames_ Niies, Wall work. Boyuton, . Fames,Everts, Baker, Hingeiey, Earl, Wood-

ward, John 11. Allen, .William Strauband M. V. Austin.'Mr. and Mrs. M. V.Austin entertained

friends at tea Thursday evening. . Thefollowing ladies were present: Mes-dames Dumble, Earl, Hingeley, John H.Allen, J. T. Wilson, William Straub, C.Stanford, Misses Ada Allen and , EffieStraub.

Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. C.D. Baker entertained friends at tea.The ladies present were MesdamesEarl, llingsley, Dumble, J. H. Allen,Hall and niton. Misses Etta Wood-worth and Edith Daggett.

Mrs. Fred Riley, of St. Paul, was aguest this week "of Mrs. Georgie L.Nichols.

Miss Gertie Boynton is spending thewinter with Miss Nina Cox at RedWing.

Miss Mary Gates, of Freeborn county,is visiting her sister; Mrs. W. C. Lin-coln.

Miss Fannie Phillips has been electedprimary teacher of the first ward school.

Miss Irene Johnson, of Pelican Rap-ids, has returned from Fort Ridgely.

Red Wing.The most pleasant social event of the

season was the celebration of theeighty-first birthday of Hon. C. C. Gra-ham, which took place at his residence.His own immediate family was joinedby Mrs. Mayor Robert A. Smith, MissMina Smith, Mrs. William Smith, Mr.and Mrs. E. W. White, of St, Paul; Mrs.J. S. Coughlin. Miss Agnes Sullivan,of Minneapolis; Mrs. Margaret Huds-peth, ofEvansville, lnd.; William Gra-ham, Washington, D. C.; Mrs. GilbertCom stock, ofKeokuk, 10., and Mr. andMrs. Charles L.Davis, of this city.

Mrs. M. F. Johnson has returnedhome to Minneapolis after a pleasantvisit with Mrs. N.Lovgren.

Rev, Aaron Turner and family arehome from a pleasant ten days' stay atMinneapolis.

Mrs. E. J. Hodgson and family, of St.Paul, are guests of Hon. and Mrs. B.B. Herbert.

Miss Kate Truttman is home from avisit to St. Paul with the Misses Da-vern.

Mrs. Wellner has gone to Wabasha ona visit with her son, Dr. G. C. Wellner.

Miss Annie Katzenberg, of Prescott,is the guest of the Misses Clements.

Miss Louisa Call, ofNorthfield, passedSunday at her former home her,'.

Mrs. W. E. Hale, of Minneapolis, isvisiting with friends in this city.

Miss Stella Holland, of Zumbrota, isvisiting with Mrs. Dr. Allen.. ,;.':

Mr. and Mrs. A. McKinnon have re-moved to St. Paul Park.

Miss Kate Lyons is visiting withfriends at St. Paul. .:>'.-;:

Winona.Miss Tearse gave a Newmarket party

at her residence on Main street Wednes-day evening. Among those presentwere Mr. and Mrs. George M.Brush,Mr. and Mis. John W. Booth, Mr. andMrs. A. Porter, Mr. and Mrs. RoscoeHorton, Mr. and Mrs. H.C.Stevens,Mr. and Mrs. M.B. Webber,Dr. and Mrs.Theo McDavitt, Mr. and Mrs. C. E.Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Garlock,Mr. and Mrs. William Tearse, Mrs. Don-ovan, Mr. and Mrs. H. McKinney, Mr.and Mrs. G. W. Gregory, Misses Sloan,Bonn McCutchen, Moody, Pett, Grow,Maxfield. Lamberton, Strayer, Horton,Stevens, Goss, Staples.

-Mrs. B. V. Simpson entertained a fewfriends at cards Saturday evening, inhonor of Miss Belle Geaves, of Lexing-ton, Mo. Miss Geaves departed Mondayfor her home.

Miss Mary Matthews entertained anumber of friends Saturday evening inhonor ofMrs. E. S.Smith, who departedthis week for Tacoma, W. T.

Mr. and Mrs. George Drew, of Ham-line, were in attendance at the Drew-Stowers wedding on Wednesday even-ing.•

Mrs. Alex McNie has issued invita-tion-, tor a ladies* lunch party for thisafternoon at 2 o'clock.

M.G. Norton. Jr., and Miss MaryNorton have gone to Chicago for a fewdays.

Miss Morrison, of Chicago, is theguest of her uncle, Col. F. M. Cockrell.

Mrs. W. D. Chandler has returnedfrom Chicago.

Mrs. A. Merchant has returned fromChicago.

Miss Ella Tucker has gone to Chicago

Albert Lea.Misses Frankie and Allie Earl, of

Fairmont, were the guests ofMiss PearlDay this week. They were on theirway to their old home in Paxton, 111., tospend the winter.

Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Jacobus enter-tained a party of friends Wednesdayevening in honor of their marriage an-niversary. \u25a0/_..'

Miss Mary Slocum has resigned herposition in the public school and Mrs.Palmer, of Glenville, has taken herplace. ' '\u25a0\u25a0'--. \u25a0'\u25a0]".

The ladies of the mission guild gavea dime social at the home of Mrs.George Gardner Thursday evening.

Miss Nora Gulbrandson entertained alarge party of her little friends last Sat-urday afternoon.

Mrs. William Boothe, of Springfield,Wis., is making her many friends herea visit.

Mrs. L. J. Thomas was the guest offriends in Wells several days lastweek.

Mrs. Wilkins, ofMilwaukee, has beenthe guest of her sister, Mrs. R. M. Todd.

Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Bennett havetaken possession of their town house.

Mrs. F. A. Blackmer . and her sonRae visited in St. Paul last week.

Mrs. C. M. Wilkinson is entertainingMiss Munson, of Cresco, 10.

Miss Hattie Homer is spending sev-eral months in Wisconsin.

Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Willson visited inKeister last week.

Mrs. O. N. Oldberg started Saturdayfor Chicago.

Mankato.Miss May Dennis, who has been ab-

sent from the city all summer, has re-turned and will resume her studies atthe Normal school.

The many friends of Miss BlancheFoulke will be pleased to learn' that shehas reached her European destinationin safety.

Mrs. Wingate, who has been visitingat the home John A. Willard forseveralmonths, left for Chicago Tuesday morn-ing.

Mrs. George M. Ray was in Stillwaterlast Saturday as a delegate to theForeign Missionary society's meeting.

The Ladies' Relief society met at thehome of Mrs. W. B. Craig last Tuesdayand was largely attended.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Talmadge, of Min-neapolis, spent the week visiting at thehome of Dr. Dornberg.

Mrs. J. L. Washburn entertained theladies of the Congregational Church-so-ciety last Friday.

Mr. U. Cummins, of Buffalo, N. V.,is being entertained by Mr. and Mrs. F.N. Merrill,

Mrs. Stewart has gone to Sparta, Wis.,to spend the winter with relatives andfriends.

Mrs. A. B. Hanson and daughter leftlast Sunday for a -visit with St. Paulfriends.

Miss AllieWilliams gave a verypleas-ant party to her littlefriends Mondayevening.

Miss Louise Lidgerwood has gone toDetroit, Mich., to spend the winter.

Mr. and Mrs. George F. Hammar arein the city. .

Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Halfhill are inOhio. W __»_-

Fairmont.The following ladies took part in the

entertainment given by Prof MukeTuesday evening: • Mesdames St. John

. and Hyatt and Misses Gould, Sperryand Grant.

Mrs. Burt Day, of Hutchinson, isspending a couple ofweeks in town, theguest of her mother, Mrs. R. M. Ward.

Mrs. Henry, of Tenhassen, has beenn town the past week attending the

iconcerts and visiting numerous friends.Mrs. Frank Webster went to Winne-

bago City the first of the week, whereshe will reside in the future.

Misses Frankie and AllieEarl spent aTO^-WrVf WilliOftr-- '



few days in Albert Lea last week, theguests of Miss Pearl Day.

Mrs. McKenzie has been enjoying abrief visit from her daughter, of Edger-ton.

Mrs. William Viesselraan entertainedthe Congregational ladies Friday after-noon. cv •

Mrs. F. L.Graves and children startedfor Washington territory Thursday toreside.

The Methodist ladles met with*Mrs.E. Grant Friday afternoon.

Waseca.Mrs. Emma Gatzman, teacher in the

Austin high school,spent Sunday at herhome in this city.

Mr. and Mrs. William Davidson, ofFreedom, were visiting in this city thepast week.,

Mrs. Burkes mother and sister, ofMinneapolis, are visiting with her thisweek.Yi^Ba . '-r.'irAr

The Episcopal Ladies' society meetwith Mrs. E. W. Fisk Thursday after-noon. -'

Mrs. S. E. Eckenbeck is expectedhome from Buffalo, N. V.,"this week.

Mr. and Mrs. James Erwin were visit-ing inMedford the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Shaw have re-turned from Minneapolis.

Mrs. N.Jacobs is visiting friends atSaint Lawrence, Dak. TCH

Mrs. Charles Carloss has returnedfrom Wisconsin.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Green have goneto California.

Mrs. Dr. McLubick returned to Chi-cago Monday.

Mrs. Plummet has returned fromOwatonna.

Mrs. S. F. Wyman is visiting in Red-wood Falls.

Miss Healy is visiting in Shakopee.

Rochester.Mrs. Lillie Sweeney and little

daughter, of Merrill, Wis., are theguests of Mr. and Mrs. E. M.Coon.

Mrs. C. H. Chadbourn and daughter,Etta, returned home Tuesday from Co-lumbus, Wis.

Mrs. C. C. Willson and daughter,Emily, are spending a few days in Min-neapolis.

Mrs. C. M. Allen entertains the Epis-copal society next Thursday evening.

Misses Mary and Bena Willson arevisiting in St. Paul and Minneapolis.

Miss Anna Singleton, of Chatfield, isvisiting with Miss Clara Thurber.

Miss Smith, of Plainview, is the. guestof Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Zumn.

Mrs. A. Harrington has returned fromher trip to the East.

Mrs. C. M. Allen was in Pine Islandthe first of the week.

Mrs. A. T. Stebbins has returnedfrom Minnetonka.

Mrs. J. D. Ameigh has returned fromChicago.

Miss Mamie Piatt is visiting friends inthis city. BMB

Mrs. John Edgar has returned fromMaine.

Mrs. F. Reed has returned from LaCrosse.

Miss Bird has returned to her home inIllinois.

Pipestone.Miss N. J. Cumstock, of Milwaukee,

was, the fore part of the week, the guestof the families of Elwin and ArthurSmith.

Mrs. C. Emery, who went to Girard,Kansas, last spring with Mrs. RileyFrendi, returned home the first of theweek.

Mrs. Jones entertained the BaptistMite society Tuesday evening. Shewas assisted by the Misses Uopp andWise.

Mrs. L. L. Jones, of Brookings, Dak.,who was the guest of Mrs. E. MillieHamilton, has returned home.

Mrs. 11. A. Wentworth, of Frankford,Dak., is visiting at the residence of Mr.and Mrs. Cad Williams.

Mrs. L. Owens, who has been visitingMrs. William Frost, has returned toChicago. '.'MI. Mrs. M. M. Ketchum and daughter,Miss Zadia, has returned from Chicago.

Mrs. P. J. Hess and daughter. MissGertie, left Monday for Delaware, io.

Mrs. August Johnson lefton Mondayfor an all winter's visit in Norway.

Miss Nancy Stuart is expected homefrom Northfield to-day.

• Sliakopee.Mrs. M. K. Marrinan. Grafton, Dak.,

is visiting her parents, Congressmanand Mrs. MacDonald.

Mrs. Normal and Miss Kittie Normaldeparted for their Chicago home duringthe week.

Mis. Michael Berens returned Tues-day from a visit to St. Louis and Salem,111.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bonn, Racine, arethe guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Yost.

Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Buchanan leftTuesday for a visit to Port Arthur, Ont.

Mrs. Charles 11. Gruffenstadt visitedthe Twin Cities during the week.

Mrs. Thomas A. Thayer spent a fewdays in St. Paul during the week.

Mrs. Byron Woodard, of Ottawa,spent Tuesday in this city.

Mrs. S. S. Titus, Grand Forks, is theguest of Mrs. J. L. Titus.

Mrs. C. D. Lord returned to ParkRiver, Dak., Saturday.;

Mrs. Hubert Marx spent a day in St.Paul during the week.

Miss Minnie Lazerus was the guest ofMrs. S. Pope Tuesday.

Miss Emma Buchanan has returnedfrom Glencoe.

Miss Tina Poetz lias returned fromSt. Cloud.

Chatfield.Mr. and Mrs. John Moore have gone

to Oak Park, 111., where they willre-main a few weeks with their children,Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Moore.

Mrs. Charles Thurber is in Rochesterthis week, the guest of Mrs. C. E. andMiss Carrie Thurber.

Mr. and Mrs. George Moore have goneto Freemont. Neb., to spend a fewweekswith relatives.

Miss Eva Braithwait, of Lakeside,will spend the winter with friends atthis place.

Mrs. A. T. Snell is visiting friends ather old home in Rushford this week.

Mr. aiKPMrs. W. L. King are in Min-neapolis attending the conference.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bandle have goneto Fulda on a hunting excursion.

Mr. and Mrs. L. Bauer are visitingrelatives at St. Charles, Minn.

Mrs. N. Kingsley, of Austin, is theguest of Mrs. A. 11. O'Farrel.

Mr. and Mrs. William Foster have re-turned from England.

Mrs. J. Sawyer is visiting friends atMadison, Dak. . : > \u25a0

Sauk Center.Miss Grace Madison returned the first

ofthe week from Minneapolis, whereshe has been visiting Miss E. Bissell.

Mrs. W. O. P. Hillsdale and sister,Miss Anna Nordenhuz, spent a week inMinneapolis, returning Monday.

The Woman's Christian TemperanceUnion society met Tuesday afternoonwith Mrs. Harrison Rice.

Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Drew, of WestSt. Paul, were the guests of Mrs. J. M.Apfeld last week.

Mrs. Charles Bennett and children arein Chippewa Falls, Wis.

Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Barnum have re-turned from St. Paul.

Miss Mattie Buss, of Long Prairie,hasbeen visiting in town.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry . Keller have re-turned from St. Paul. HBSBI

Mrs. A. Moore spent last week inMinneapolis.

Miss Lulu Harmon is sojourning inMinneapolis. :>".v-^ --:

Mr. and Mrs. R. Woods are home fromNew York.

Glencoe.Mrs.n Milo Chamberlain, of Aurora,

Minn., daughter ofJudge Edson, startedforher new home near Spokane Fallstills week.

Miss Birdie Hall, who has been theguest of Mrs. W. J. White, of Minneap-olis, the past week; has returned home.

Miss Alice "ffro^st,who is attending


school at Hamline "university, is 'athome for a while.. -

Mrs. A. G. Wilson enjoyed a couple ofdays at the Methodist conference inMinneapolis.

Miss Celia Brechet returned fromMinneapolis Monday. - :^

• Mrs. Joseph Richardson went to Ham-line Wednesday.

Janesville.A surprise party, comprisingl the,

elite of Janesville's young people,held at the resilience of Mrs. PeabodyThursday evening last in honor of"Miss'Mary Jones, of Northfield. ;*£\u25a0 * |

Miss.Cora Carpenter came up fromWaseca and spent Sunday with, -< her.-parents. .'.''.- 'P""' .{

Mrs. R. M. Redfield went to Minne-apolis Monday to meet her daughterEdith. \u25a0'\u25a0 '\u0084. 9

Mrs. R. Ayresand Mrs. H. M.'Dover-"-'eaux visited in Eagle Lake the past J

week. -Xa '--aMrs. W. H. Allyn and Mrs. Georgei

Allen visited Waseca the past week. >' The singing club met Saturday eve-

ning last with Miss Myrtle Chandler.: *Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson returned.

from Stillwater Tuesday evening. i> 4 <

Mrs. F. A. Sealover and Miss'( A.Coy spent Saturday in Mankato.. -.\>V ' ?.-

Mr. and Mrs. John Church visited: inMinneapolis the past week.

Northfield. . \u25a0 Vv^Mrs. Henry Miller and daughter, Mrs.

Alba Henderson, of Spring Valley,were the guests of Mrs. B. F. Millerthis week.

Mr. and Mrs. George Webster, ofMin-neapolis, spent Tuesday in Northfieldwith Mrs. G. N. Coon.

Mrs. H. M. Holister, of Morriston,was in the city as a delegate to the W.C. T. U.

Mrs. E. M.Dennison. ofTopeka, Kan.,will spend some time with Mrs. H. L.Coon.. Mrs. Dr. Deerine, of New Yorkcity,is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jefts.

Mrs. Dr. Thompson has gone to Still-water.

Mrc. C. n. Lewis is in Hudson thisweek.

Miss Mortino is in Faribault.

Hutchinson.Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Peppard, of Min-

neapolis, were the guests of theirparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Sargent,over Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Hutchinson enter-tained friends at progressive euchreThursday evening oflast week.

The Ladies' Aid society of the Con-gregational church gave a New Englandsupper Wednesday evening.

Mrs. T. B. Sumner and Misses Emilyand Abby Sumner visited the Expositionlast week. .v..--

Mrs. 1). W. Cassedy and daughter,Marian, returned Monday from Minne-apolis. <:....;-:-

Mrs. S. Pateell left for her home inGlencoe Thursday.

Mrs. George M. Nelson returned toGlencoe Friday. \'..v.-.

Mrs. 11. Travers is visiting friends inWaterville.

Redwood Falls.Mrs. E. A. Chandler will leave next

week for California, where she willspend the winter. -.„•;-;

Miss Lottie Schmabl has returnedfrom an extended visit to St. Paul andMinneapolis friends.

Mrs. L. M. Corrall, of Sleepy Eye, isthe guest of her parents, Mr. and "Mrs.J. Mcllreavie. ;


Mrs. J. H. C Flynn left last week forRochester, where she will spend thewinter. .--';>{*7--

Mrs. Fred Warner left Monday for amonth's visit to friends in Minneapolis".

Miss Mamie Houck will spend thewinter with relatives in Colorado.:

Mrs. S. W. Hays will spend the winterin California. '-'• *.'\u25a0\u25a0- '-M-

Austin.Miss Annie Dunkelman entertained a

small company at her home Tuesdayevening in honor of Misses Fricks andLimbach. !

Miss Laura Crane entertained • aboutsixty at her home last Friday. ;. ..t

Mrs. John Shelby left Thursday forher new home in Monona, 10.

Mrs. Dewarl, of St. Paul, is visitingher brother, Rev. Dewarl.

Mrs. Oscar Miller, ofNorthfield, is theguest of Mrs. G. Schleuder.

Mrs. Nancy Hill and daughter arevisiting in the city. ........

Mrs. E. 1). Hoag has returned fromMinneapolis.

Miss Ida Smith is teaching for MissAlexander.

Mrs. D. 11. Stimson is in Minneapolis.Miss Josie Tasker is in the city.

Pine Island. -... -Mrs. M. Penney and daughter, Mrs.L. M. MacManus, of Rochester, arespending a few days with 11. C. Penneyand family.

Mrs. J. R. Rust and Mrs. J. C. En-glish, of Zumbrota, were the guests ofMrs. S. Dickey Friday last.

-Miss May Newton returned Mondayfrom her visit with Miss Jennie Thom-son at St. Paul. . .

Mrs. Jennie Murphy spent Mondaywith her sister, Mrs. Mary Schofield, atZumbrota.

Miss Salome Bickford visited withMrs. Louise Winchester at RochesterSaturday. • i&vfeV*^-

Mrs. Feigal, ofBoonville, N. V., is theguest of her son, M. Feigal, at thisplace. W£&


Miss Mary Cressey has resigned herposition in the postoffice, and the va-cancy is filledby Miss Mamie Shaw.

Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Tibbetts spent afew days last week with his parents, ontheir way to Armour, Dak.

Mrs. J. P. Tibbetts has gone to Woon-socket. Dak., to visit her daughter, Mrs.L. L. Stevens. ;.;.' -.p -\- -.:\u25a0

Mrs. J. B. Frasier, Mrs. F. A. Burton,and Miss Cora Bigelow are in Cresco,lo.

Mrs. C. P. Walters spent a few dayslast week with friends in La Crosse.

Mrs. J. Wells and son start for theirhome in Independence, 10., to-day.

Mrs. E. V. Farrington is visitingfriends in Chicago.-

Little Falls.Rev. S. W. Vainer and wife, of Mel-

rose, who have been visiting theirdaughter, Mrs. W. Stone, have gone toRich Prairie.

Hon. and Mrs. J. C. Elynn attendedthe private reception given Presidentand Mrs. Cleveland at St. Paul last

Mrs. S. P. Fuller entertained theLadies' Working club, of the Congrega-tional church, this week. . ." Mr. and Mrs. Trebby and family havegone to Binghamton, N. V., to reside.

Mrs. B. Sherman, of Detroit, is _theguest of her sister Mrs. It. Carr.

Miss Lucy Littemore, of Detroit, isvisiting friends here.

St. Charles.Mrs. A. J. Tiskink and children de-

parted Wednesday for FarwelJ, theirfuture home. • j

Mrs. A. S. Olds left for Arlington,Dak., Tuesday night to join her hus-band. .. •-•,;.-,-;\u25a0 '".Mrs. John T.

>Blair, of Worth, started

for Plattsmouth, Neb., Tuesday.Miss Emma Frye returned to her

home in Winona Saturday.Mrs. I. C. Slade visited Mrs. A. O.

Adams Wednesday.Mrs. G. H. Gardner is visiting in

Lewiston. .Mrs. WilliamLuke has returned from

Winona.' - ..---\u25a0 Miss M. Speilman lias returned fromSt. Paul. .;--;,-- •

Miss M. White has returned fromChicago. >\u25a0-"':,

Moorbead.Mr. and Mrs. Cnrfman, recently

married, were given a surprise party bytheir musical friends this week.Miss Mary Wright "has returned froma visit to friends in the eastern part of

the state. \u25a0 .Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Dahl entertained'

the Nora choir in hospitable style thisweek. MftiliW^:-. Miss Lulu Merritt has gone to Mc-Cauleyville to spend the winter.

Mrs. A. A. White entertained theRector's guild Thursday.Miss Hattie Noyes has returned to St.


:.- Mrs. Charles Ingham, of Dodge Cen-ter, spent Saturday, in town, the guestof Mrs. J. Leuthold, Jr.

Mrs. F. Barr will entertain the Bap-tist Ladies' Aid society Wednesdayafternoon.

Mrs. Hayden and son, Barlow, re-'turned to theirhome in Illinois Thurs-day. ;\u25a0:,.:.-;-. - ... •;\u25a0 -.-.-.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bunker have re-turned from their western trip.

'\u25a0 Miss Carrie Jones is up from Winonafora few weeks' visit. '\u25a0«.•-r Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Garrison visitedMinneapolis Thursday. /. ,

Rcsemount.- \. '-'.'._ Miss Stella Briggs, of Owatonna, andMiss Jesse Vine, of St. Paul, were the.guests of Mrs. E. Hyland Monday.

Miss Julia Cadzo has gone to St. Paulto spend the winter with her grand-mother. Mrs. New. '\u25a0'__

Mrs. P. Moran is spending a few dayswith her daughter, Mrs. Gibbons, ofEmpire. ,"-

Miss Marcella Devitt, of St. Paul, isthe guest of Mrs. John Moran.

Miss Mamie Gibbons has gone to St.Paul to reside permanently.

Mrs. Ferris has gone to Eau Claire.

Mantorville.C. E. Severance and family have

taken their departure for their newhome at Minneapolis.Miss Rhoda Martin is visiting rela-

tives at Arlington, Dak. .>;.,".Miss Nellie Wells, of Northfield, spent

Sunday in Mantorville.Mrs. H. Brad well has taken a trip to

De Smet, Dak. - ...Luverne.

A social entertainment was held atthe house of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. HindsTuesday evening in honor of Mrs. EdMcKenzie.

Mrs. W. O. Crawford will start Tues-day for Pasadena, Cal.,to visit her sister,Mrs. P. J. Kniss.

Mrs. P. E. Brown returned Sundayfrom Blanchard, 10.

Excelsior.Mrs. M. Ball, accompanied by her sonLeslie and Miss Nettie Boley, ofPekin,

111., left on Tuesday evening for Illi-nois, where they will spend a few weeksvisiting friends before preceding totheir winter home at Natchez, Miss.

Mrs. John Seameus joined her hus-band in Excelsior Thursday.- - ; r-

DAKOTA.Sioux Falls.

Mrs. D. Allen and daughter Caddie,who have been residents of Denver,Col., for the past two years, have re-turned to again make their home here.

Mrs. Sheridan, sister of Mrs. H. M.Avery, who has been in our town for acouple of weeks, has returned to herhome in Madison.

Mrs. William Mann, who has been atthe home of her sister, Mrs. C. S.Knowles, has returned to her home inDanville, 111.

Miss Jennie Coller, ofKansas, arrivedand will spend the winter with her sis-ter, Mrs. Will Hollister.

Mrs. C. M. Spaulding, of Burlington,Vt., is being entertained by JudgePalmer's family.

Mrs. and Miss Cashel, mother andsister ofMrs. J. S. Hunter, are here fora short visit.

Miss Rena Ranny, of Austin, Minn.,is at the home of her aunt, Mrs. O. S.Swenson.

Mrs. M. J. Wright, of Burlington,10., is visiting her son, Hon. E. G.Wright. .

Miss Minnie Bassett, of State Center,10., is the guest of Mrs. A. L. Goddard.Miss Mat Barnes is in from Montrose,

the guest of her sister, Mrs. Beat.Mrs. 11. S. Hollister entertained a few

lady friends Saturday night.:Miss Mary Davis gave an afternoon

party Wednesday.Mrs. J. B. Dennis, of Yankton, is vis-

iting in the city.Mrs. E. A. Caldwell and Miss Claudieare in Omaha.Miss .Laura Wright has returned from

Kansas City. '_.':;-Miss Gertie Kent has returned to

Sioux City.„Mrs. fl. J. Hatch is sojourning at ElkPoint.

Mrs. H. L. Green is back from Illi-nois.

Watertown.C. A. Youmans and family, who have

been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. P.Kemp, have returned to their home inNeillsville, Wis.

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Rowe entertainedHon. Sterling Pomeroy, of Illinois, lastweek. Mrs. Rowe is a niece of Mr.Pomeroy.

Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Colburn are enter-taining Charles G. Colburn anddaughter, of Jamestown, N. Y.

The Ladies' Aid society of the Con-gregational church met with Mrs. E. R.Patch Thursday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Whistler are en-tertaining Mrs. Whistler's father, N. W.Huntley, of Sparta, Wis.

Mrs. N. J. Carleton, of Carthage, 111.,is the guest of her son, Will Carleton, atthe Kampeska house."

Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mulholland are en-tertaining Mr. R. Mulholland, a brother•from Ohio.

Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Williams enter-tained Mr. Morris, of Madison, Wis.,last week.

Mrs. I. M. Westfall is entertainingher niece, Miss Stella Marsh, of Musca-tine, 10.

Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Osgood are enter-taining Mr. and Mrs. Rynders, of Newlork.

The social at the residence ofMr. andMrs. Gorrie Friday evening was a suc-cess. - -Mrs. F. P. Hopkins is entertainingher sister, Mrs. J. M. McCoy, of Cresco,10.

Mrs. W. R. Thomas is entertainingher mother, Mrs. Peterson, of Henry.

Mrs. John Kemp returned Friday froma visit with friends at Sparta, Wis.

Mrs. E. A. Simpson entertained Mrs.D. Boucher, of Clark, last week.

Mrs. Melcher, of Clark, was the guestofMrs. E. Van Liew last week.

J. G. Carson and Miss Carson, of Bos-ton, are Watertown visitors.

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ainsworth werein the city this week.

Miss Hattie Johnson has returnedfrom Wisconsin.

Mrs. D. A. Raymond has returnedfrom the East. . .vs""".;

Webster.Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith and Miss J.

Alleyhave gone on a short visit to Min-neapolis, St. Paul and ether easternpoints.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Stephenson, of Bris-tol, spent Monday among friends at thisplace. '/\u25a0":'\u25a0-'-;i Miss Georgia Ross left for Millard,Dak., Tuesday night.

Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Smail have re-turned from the East. \u25a0_; \u0084.>

Mrs_J. F. Pike entertained at teaTuesday night.

Mrs. A. Smail is visiting friends atHuron, Dak.

Fargo.The most interesting social event of

the week was the celebration of thetwentieth anniversary of the marriageof Mr. and Mrs. Coman Ames. Theladies ofthe Woman's club presentedMrs. Ames an elegant dinner set of 120pieces. Among the ladies present were:[esdames Thlemens, J. M. Fisher,, andMiss McKinnon, of Chicago; MesdamesR. A. Board, Moore, E. H. Dickson,Ball, George D. Ellis, R. W. Bliss,Strong, Mosley, Newman, Wallin, V. S.Stone, J. H. Forsythe, Geary, and MissFarlee.

Mrs. S. E. Divan : and daughter are

11spending a few weeks at Bismarck asguests ofMiss Delia Halloran.-\u25a0Dr. and Mrs. Bradley, of Evanston,111., are guests ofthe White mansion onThirteenth street.

Miss Fannie Plumley is home after amonth at the Twin Cities and Litch-field.

Miss May Darrow has returned from avisit to her grandmother in Wisconsin.m

Mrs. J. W. Burbank, of Oconto, Wis.,is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dr. Darrow.

Mrs. Houghton has gone to Waupun,VV is., to visit her relatives a few weeks.

Mrs. Harry Richards has gone to ElPaso, Texas, to spend the winter.

\u25a0 Mrs. Dr. Burns has returned fromGriggs county.

Col. and Mrs. Morton have gone toDecatur, Ala.

Mrs. T. C. Parton has returned fromthe East.„ Mrs. E. A. Webb has returned fromSt. Paul.

Jamestown.Mrs. John Clark and daughter. Miss

Lillian, who have been visiting withMrs. Charles Hensel and Mrs. JohnFrey, have returned to Fountain City.Wis., accompanied by Miss LuluHensel. :"-*.^';V'-

Mr. John Ford and Mrs. Davis, whohave been spending a fewweeks withMr. and Mrs. J. J. Flint, have returnedto Vermont.

Mr. and. Mrs. Searles, of Boscobel,Wis., have arrived in the city and arevisiting with Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Dur-stine. .;. \

Mr. and Mrs. John Waugh have re-moved in from the country and are oc-cupying the Blood house on Fourth av-enue. \-:>::

Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Purcey, of Fili-gree, have been visiting with Mr. andMrs. Charles T. Hills for a few days.

Mrs. W. E. Mansfield and childhave left for Casselton, after a week'svisit with Mrs. Hermann Gieseler.

Mrs.John Waugh and Miss Edna.havebeen spending a few days with Mr. andMrs. Dickinson at the Gladstone.

Mrs. L. F. Menzesheimer, of Bis-marck, has been the guest of Mrs. DavidGoodman for a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newton havemoved into town from the farm to spendthe winter.

Mrs. Lawrence, one ofthe students ofthe college, is visiting at her home inEckleson.

Mrs. ' W. E. Dodge and child, of Fargo,have returned, after a week's stay inthe city. :'-\u25a0.';'"-;

Mrs. J. C. Hunter and daughter, ofCasselton, were at the Gladstone thisweek.

Mrs. David Cooper ofBellevue, Mich.,is visiting her son Mr. D. W. Ringer.

Mrs. Dr. Archibald and Miss Pusshave returned from Nebraska.

Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Shoenburg andchild have gone to Chicago.

Bismarck.Last week Mrs. Auditor Ward gave a

lunch party, The following ladieswere present: Mesdames L. R. Church,Cornelius, H. R. Porter, A. T. Hughes,W. S. Moorhouse, F. V. Barnes, W. H.Francis, H. C. Watson, W. B. Watson,E. H. Wilson, D. Eisenberg, D. W.Hutchinson and Misses Cora Barnes andFisher. ;" - >.;

Mrs. Dr. Williamson and Mrs. Flor-ence Huntley have gone East. Mrs.Huntley willvisit in Jamestown and St.Paul, while Mrs. Williamson goes toChicago.

Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cook left Satur-day for Grand Rapids. Mrs. Cook willvisit Mrs. J. C. Wade and Mrs. AlfredDickey, in Jamestown, before returning.

Judge T. J. Mackey and niece, Mrs.W'itherbee, of Chester, S. C, are guestsat the Sheridan. '<

Miss Casselman, of Williamsport, isthe guest ofher sister, Mrs. McGinnis.

Mrs. Dr. Stark, of Milon, 0., is visit-ing her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Ens.

Mrs. George Hanscom, of Dickinson,is the guest of Mrs. W. H. Jewell.

Mrs. A. Esterbrook left Saturday forDuluth to spend the winter.

Mr. and Mrs. M. Jewell have re-turned from Minneapolis.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank La Wall spentlast Sabbath in Mandan.

Mr. and Mrs. L. Menzerheimer havereturned from Chicago.

The W. C. T. U. met Friday afternoonwith Mrs. Judge Gray.

Mr. and Mrs. D. F.Barry have re-turned from St. Paul.

Mrs. C. E. Draper, of Mandan, visitedBismarck Monday.

Mrs. D. O. Preston: left Thursday forBillings, Mont. :;

Mr. and Mrs. H." Brandt have returnedfrom St. Paul.

Huron.Mrs. O. S. Clark has returned to her

home in Battle Creek,Mich., after a visitof a couple of. weeks here with her sis-ter, Mrs. Americus B. Melville.

Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hollistter are en-joying a visit with their son's wife, Mrs.Charles Hollister, or Evansville, Wis.

Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Thorn have theirdaughter, Mrs. E. P. Ames, of Chey-enne, with them for a few weeks' visit.

Mrs. Charles Mitchell, of Altoona, vis-ited Mrs. A. Sherman on her way homefrom Minneapolis this week.

The Ladies' Guild met with Mrs. F.F. Smith; gentlemen called and tea wasserved in the evening.

Mrs. J. S. Oliver and Mrs. LawrenceChamberlain spent a portion of theweek in Scotland.

Mrs. Robert Donthett, of Chicago, isspending a few days here with herdaughters.

Mis. F. I. Washburn came from St.Lawrence to visit her friend, Mrs. C. C.Huff.

Mrs. D. S. McCaslin has returnedfrom a stay of three weeks in Pullman,111.

Mrs. Lowenthall and son Harry ar-rived from Chicago a few days since.

Mr. and Mrs. George W. Sterling anddaughter are at home from St. Paul.

Miss Irene Evans, of lowa City, is theguest of Miss Flora Gans.

Mrs. H. A. Maxfield is visiting friendsin Rochester, Minn.

Mr. and Mrs. Ketchum have returnedto Fremont, Neb.

Mrs. Judge Edwards visited friends inAltoona. -;<§-;*;\C

Grand Forks.Thursday evening the members of the

Ladies' Aid society were entertained byMrs. F. W. hidings.

Mrs.William Mcßride entertained themembers of - the Chautauqua circleTuesday evening.

Thursday afternoon Mrs. Tracy Bangsentertained the ladies of St. Paul'schurch guild.

Mrs. John Birkholz and Mrs. 1. P.Armstrong returned from MinneapolisMonday last.

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mosette and theirdaughter Tessie will spend the winterin California.

.Mrs. W. H. Higham entertained aboutforty ladies at 5 o'clock tea Thursdaylast.

Mrs. John Cummings and childrenhave gone to their old home in Lindsay,Out. " <• ":.

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Shubert returnedto Arvilla after a week's stay in thecity. .^r

Miss Nina Otley is spending a fewdays with friends at Osatkis, Minn.

Rev. and Mrs. Doran have taken uptheir residence in Minneapolis.

Mrs. Willis A. Joy entertained a fewfriends Thursday evening.

Miss Herriman . entertained . a fewfriends Tuesday evening.

Mrs. John Kelly, of St. Paul, is theguest of Mrs. M. Rueth.

Mrs. J. M. Bain, of Fisher, is visitingfriends in the city,

Mrs. Judge Cochrane has returnedfrom Larimore.

Mrs. Dr. Herriman is spending a fewdays at Ojata. ... ; ;

Miss Monser returned to lukster last".Monday.-,".'; ,-

Miss Mabel Story has returned fromLakota.

; Columbia.Miss Sarah Bell was given an elegant

reception Wednesday evening prior toher departure for Minneapolis. ... .

Mr. and Mrs. Charles S.Smith.of Aus-tin, Minn., are guests of Sheriff andMrs. Menditto. - . ."_ \u25a0

Mrs. M.R. Baldwin has returned toDuluth.

Yankton.Judge and Mrs. L. Congleton have re-

turned from a long visit with theirgranddaughter, Mrs. R. Y. Baxter, ofChicago.

Miss Georgie Burke, of Mitchell, hasbeen sojourning with friends in Yank-ton fortwo or three weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. C. Morrison cele-brated their forty-fifth wedding anni-versary Tuesday evening.

John Tackett "and sister, and MissShelton, of Santee agency, are visitingBishop Marty.

B. Glasgow and family, of England,are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M.Pierce.

Miss Linda Sargeant, ofAlbion, Neb.,is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sar-gent.

Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Sears, of St. Paul,are the guests of F. J. Kahn and wife.

Mrs. W. J. Underbuyer, of Savannah,Mo., has arrived to remain in Yankton.

Mrs. P. K. Faulk has arrived homeafter a visit of some weeks in Baltimore.

Gen. and Mrs. Campbell, of Scotland,are visiting Mrs. P. K. Faulk.

Mrs. G. G. Barber, of La Crosse, isvisiting friends in Yankton.

J. H. Balm and family go to SiouxCity very soon to remain.

Mrs. M. L. Branch will reside inYankton in the future.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kingsbury havereturned to Wisconsin.

Mrs. John Brunner and son are visit-ing in Sioux City.

Mrs. C. C. Stewart, of Mitchell, is atthe Merchants.

Mr.and Mrs. J. R. Sanborn are homefrom Chicago. : :.:.;-,;.-' ;;;

Mrs. M. J. Walker has returned froma tripEast.

Aberdeen.Mrs. John R. Casson, ofViroqua,Wis.,

who has been the guest ofher daughter.Mrs. A. W. Campbell, has returnedhome.

Mrs. C. M. Cannon, of Watertown,spent a few hours with friends in thecity, on her way home from St. Paul.

Mrs. J. W. P. Jordan, of WessingtonSprings, Dak., is spending a few days inthe city.

The Misses Ella, Dora and MacChurchill, ofHuffton, were in AberdeenTuesday.

Mrs. Charles Hutchinson, of Fari-bault, Minn., left for her home Tues-day.

Miss Mary Evans, ofRandolph, Wis.,is spending a few days with relativeshere.

Mrs. John Norton, ofWebster, accom-panies her husband to conference in thiscity. -:-~;

A pleasant euchre party was given byMiss Lulu Dana Tuesday evening.

Mrs. George H. Monroe, of Joliet, 111.,is visiting with Mrs. John H. Perry.

Mrs. W. W. Shafer, of Columbia, wasin the city a few days this week.

Mrs. G. Perry, of Columbia, spent afew days in Aberdeen this week.

The Ladies' Aidsociety met with Mrs.W. M. Morrow Wednesday.

Miss MinniePerry, ofCambria, Wis.,is visiting with friends.

.: Miss ViolaMiller, of Princeton, 111.,is visiting relatives here.

Mrs. Rev. Mcßride left Wednesdayevening forSt. Paul.

Mrs. W. J. Walsh, of St. Paul, is vis-iting in the city. :: • -'

Miss Neen'ah Steams has returnedfrom Milbank.

Mrs. M. E. Burgett left WednesdayPaul

Grafton.Mrs. n. H. McDougall, Mrs. J. R.

Hocg, Mrs. Burgar and other membersof the Woman's Mission circle will givean entertainment in the Baptist churchSunday afternoon.

Mrs. Tom Grace returned to Graftonlast Saturday. Mrs. Grace visited inGrand Forks, St. Paul and Minneapoliswhile away. --;-;;: -;;'-.

Mrs. McLellan, who has been theguest of Mr. and Mrs. Driscoll, left forDuluth last Friday to join her husband.

Editor and Mrs. Bates arrived fromPark River the first of the week, andwillreside in the Thompson house. .:-;-•

Mrs. Hogg, who has spent severalweeks visiting in Grafton, returned toher home in Drayton last Monday.

Miss; Lina Upham. of Grand Forks,visited with her friends and relativesthe first of the week.

At the last meeting ofthe W. C. T. U.Mrs. Hamilton was elected superintend-ent of literature.

Mrs. Tom McHugh is entertainingMrs. John McHugh and daughter, ofCresco, 10. .

Miss Treuman, who has been visitingfriends in Bathgate, returned to GraftonSaturday. lv.;';

.Ellendale.Saturday evening the La Moure Dra-

matic club rendered the drama "TenNights in a Bar Room" in the CourtHouse hall. Among the ladies presentwere Mesdames E. D. Lee, B. S.Meachem. H. L. Rood, E. Thomas, WVE. Duncan, W. Woods and A. Cronk-hite and Misses Jennie McMillan,KatieAustin, Minnie Horton, Etta Denio,Nora de La Hunt, Mary Crabtree, IGrace Hazen, Nettie Parks, Ada Rob-bins, Grace Moore, Saidie Halsey, DenaLarson, Blanche Davis, Clara Prentice,Dora John, Emma Arnold.

The young ladies of Ellendale met atthe residence of Miss Beth Parkes, Fri-day evening, and organized a readingclub, having Miss Kitty Austin as presi-dent and Miss Kittie Denio as secretary.

Mrs. B. F. Ingalls, a sister of Mrs. F.G. Horton, of Bay City. Mich., is visit-ing in Ellendale for a few weeks.

Itis announced that the marriage ofMiss Blanche Davisjto T. M. Evans willtake place the coming winter.

Miss Minnie Shattuck has accepted aposition as clerk in the register ofdeeds'office.

Miss Ada Robbins, of Guelph, was in'town over Sunday.

Ipswich.Mesdames. Dr. Powers, H. S. Cottrill,

11. Bobbins and Mrs. Alvin Clark, oflowa, who have been the guests of Mr.and Mrs. S. 11. Cranmer, have returnedto their homes.

Mrs. D. P. Wazne and sister, MissJessie Smith, are making preparationsto spend the winter at Elgin. 111.

Mrs. S. G. Berry, who has been theguest ofMrs. G. J. Barker, has returnedto her home in Minnesota.

Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hubbard, of Illi-nois, are the guests of their son, T. C.Hubbard.

Mrs. McGinn and son, of Wisconsin,are sojourning with Mrs. P. E. Cox.

Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Brodie, ofChicago,are the guests of Mrs. A. Nathan.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ruggles havereturned from their wedding trip.

The Ladies' Aid society met withMrs. A. F. Stowe Tuesday."*"Miss"Mr__r\Vright is making prepara-tious to go East.

Mrs. R. L. Walker has returned fromthe East.

Buffalo.Cards are out for the wedding of our

postmaster. Will Storey, and Miss LillleEaston on the 26th, at the suburban res-idence ofH. D. Court.

Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Andrews are nowin town for the winter.

Mrs. O. A. Willard has gone to Chi-cago forthe winter.

Tower City.Dr. and Mrs. Howard have returned

from their wedding trip.F. W. Mixand family go to Ohio next

week forthe winter. . .Miss Florence Ellsbury is home from


Prescott.Mrs. G. L. Bowman returned Tuesday

from Diamond Bluff, where she has

been spending a month with her pa-rents; Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Mero.

Mrs. W. R. ': Gate's has returned toStillwater after a week's visit to herdaughter, Mrs. W. F. Redmon.

Miss Annie O'Brien, of Minneapolis,who has been stopping in the city a fewdays, returned Wednesday.

Mrs. George Barnard and child, ofOregon, are in the city, the guests ofMrs. Jane Hoyt.

Misses Maud Field and Mamie Beards-ley visited Mrs. Dr. Gould at RiverFalls, Tuesday. ..',;•;•;;-

Mrs. C. P. Sargent and daughter Jes-sie, ofHerman, Minn., are in the cityfor the winter.

Miss Jennie Oleson, of River Falls, isspending the week with Miss EvaMiller. - *.*-•;

Misses May Meacham and Gertie Iveswent to St. Paul Wednesday.

Mrs. T. A. Fisher has returned fromHudson. . .Chippewa Falls.

Mrs. Andrew Gregg, of California, isexpected to be in the city, shortly tovisit her daughter, Mrs. Charles Cole-man. •;.-\u25a0. \u25a0.•\u25a0•- \u25a0:•',

Mrs. Daniel Thompson,' Miss RittieThompson and Mrs. G. A. Henry spenta few days in Eau Claire this week.

The ladies of the Episcopal societymet at the residence of Mrs. EdStam-berry, Wednesday afternoon. -Mrs Dorland, of Minneapolis, will bethe guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. C.Miles for some months.

Mrs. Kate Smith, ofChicago, who hasbeen visiting in the city some months,has returned home.

Mrs. Clark, of Weverhauser, who hasbeen the guest of the Misses Clanin,has returned home.

Mrs. Duccomun entertained herfather, Mr. F. Pelequin, of Detroit,Mich., last week.

The Mission society, of the Baptistchurch, willmeet with Mrs. CharlesPost, next week.

Miss Devitt, of Chicago, willbe theguest ofMrs. Kate McKenna for sometime.

Mrs. Ambrose Hoffman entertainedher friends at cards Friday evening.

Mrs. H. H. lltad is entertaining hermother, Mrs. Robinson, of Neenah.

Mrs. Lorenzo Hips, ofCadott, wasvisiting friends a day or two.

Miss Clara Sumner has returned froma short visit in Oshkosh.

Miss Lorena Stanley is visiting atBismarck, Dak.

Mrs. W. F. Behind has been visitingin-St. Paul. - ; ,

Mrs. H. H. Rowe has returned fromChicago.

Mrs. D. J McDonald left this week forAshland.

Neillsville.Mrs. A. J. Kinney, of Hudson, and

her mother, Mrs. O. A. Kusco, of Mer-rlllan Junction, are cuests of Depot-master Kimball's family.

Mrs. Charley Grow has returned fromColby, accompanied by her sister, MissCarrie Wicker, who will remain hereseveral weeks.

Mrs. A. C. Vaughan is enjoying aweek's visit from her sister, Mrs. A. W.Ayers, and daughters, Maud and Grace.

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Crocker and chil-dren spent several days the fore part ofthe week at Greenwood.

Mrs. Dr. S. H. Esch is enjoying an ex-tended visit from her sister, Miss NettieBaldwin, of Sparta.

Mrs. J. S. Lookabauch, of Sterling,0., is a guest ofher niece, Mrs. John D.Stanard, this city.

Mrs. K. W. King and daughter havereturned from a pleasant trip throughMinnesota. V ~.:.

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Durgin have re-turned from their trip through NorthernWisconsin.

Mrs. James Greggor. of Mason City, -10., is calling on relatives and friends."The W. R. C. sociable is held at Mrs.

Eva Dixon's this afternoon.Miss Josie Ives goes to La Crosse to-

day to spend several weeks.


Mason City.Two large parties were given Tuesday

and Wednesday by Mr. and Mrs. Kirk,Mr. and Mrs. Clark and Mr.- and Mrs.Ensign at the residence of Mr. Clark.

The Bryant Chautauqua circle agree-ably surprised their president, Mrs.Rigby, Monday evening and presentedher a silver tea set.-

Mrs. Kate Mallory and Mrs. Bate en-tertained a number of friends last Fri-day evening.

Mrs. D. N. Pope, who has been visit-ing Mrs. Poisal, has returned to Clarks-ville.

Mrs. Moffett. of New York, was theguest of Mrs. W. W. Knapp last week.

Mrs. M. Crawford left Monday for avisit in Mt. Vernon, Dak.

Mrs. A. J. Miller has rehired fromAllamakee county.

Mrs. Frank Bush and daughter Bessieare in the city.

Miss May Long has returned fromMinneapolis.

Miss Mary Perrett is the guest of MissLou Smith.

Miss Belle Johnson was in the citythis week.

Miss Ida Brooks has returned fromGoodell.

Mrs. John Burgess isentertaining rela-tives.

Miss Mary Tubbs is visiting at SiouxCity.

Marshalltown.Harry Osman and sister. Miss May

Osman, attended a reception at Grin-nell, 10., last week. Friday evening,given by Mrs. R. H. Hawkins.

Mrs. C. S. Bridge.nee Nellie Birchard,ofNorfolk, Neb., is the guest of hermother, Mrs. A. T. Birchard.

Mrs. C. Brown, nee Lizzie Baxter, ofthis city, returned home to Sac City, 10.,Tuesday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Arnold left Mon-day for a winter's sojourn in California.

Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Plough were atEddyville, 10.. the first of the week.

Miss Nellie Brenneck is visiting MissLillieLaub at Dcnison, 10.

Mrs. S. 11. Porter and Miss Lillie leftThursday for Pasadena.

Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Shaver returnedMonday from St. Paul.

Dr. and Mrs. N. M. Wilson have re-turned from the Fast.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Malloryare at Os-kaloosa.

Miss Myrtie Miller spent Sunday atEldora.

Long Prairie, Minn,: .'. HansonSarff ami Miss Jennie Buckingham.WillJ. Sarff and Miss La\ini i S. Bond.

Sioux Falls, Dak.: Oliver S. Pendarand Miss M. Jeannette Howard.

Mankato, Minn.: Thomas W. Hartand Miss Stella M. Palmer.

Hastings. Minn.: William Bushmanand Miss Elizabeth Schmitz.

Decorah, lo.: Owen D. Tibbetts andMiss Fannie M. Ferren. ".:'..-:.

Ipswich, Dak.: Joseph W. Parmleyand Miss Lissie Baker.

Montrose. Dak.: Frank Mulloy andMiss Maggie Mulloy.

Brainerd, Minn.: Henry Robson andMiss Florence Cutler.

• Marshalltown.lo.: Will Stone andMiss Ella Woicott. &'-£?-?\u25a0':. Prescott, Wis.: J. W. March andMiss Anna Hoff. .... ._.,;.

Yankton, Dak.: Mr. Afford and MissSackett.; *

if.._t. .'__. _. t"*lve*d"c "Wants a boom,"MUtUmn Still they, come and still

.: ..„\u25a0•-.. there's room. •

Af///'_ _

x read the "Wants" each Week,millions **Always finding what thej:,-..--.•--- .. v seek, -