St. Patrick Catholic Church · present time should supply their want, so that their abundance may...

Mass Schedule: Reconciliaon: Eucharisc Adoraon: Saturday 4:30 pm Saturday 3:00 pm Monday, Noon—5:00 pm Sunday 7:30 am, 9:30 am, 11:30 am or by appointment Wednesday, Noon—7:00 pm & Weekdays: Tuesday 6:00 pm 9:00 pm-12:00 am Wednesday 7:30 am Parish Office Hours Thursday 9:30 am Mon.-Fri.: 8:00 am-4:30 pm Friday 7:30 am Closed 12:30 pm-1:00 pm for lunch Wed. evening: 6:00 pm-9:00 pm “The Mission of St. Patrick Parish is: To celebrate the Eucharist, To proclaim the Good News, To encourage Stewardship as a way of life and To grow in Faith, Justice, Love and Service to all.” St. Patrick Catholic Church 140 Church St., Portland, MI 48875 Phone: 517-647-6505 Fax: 517-647-7807 Parishof[email protected] Rev. Larry J. King, Pastor Dcn. Don Sobolewski, Pastoral Associate June 28, 2015

Transcript of St. Patrick Catholic Church · present time should supply their want, so that their abundance may...

Mass Schedule: Reconciliation: Eucharistic Adoration: Saturday 4:30 pm Saturday 3:00 pm Monday, Noon—5:00 pm Sunday 7:30 am, 9:30 am, 11:30 am or by appointment Wednesday, Noon—7:00 pm & Weekdays: Tuesday 6:00 pm 9:00 pm-12:00 am Wednesday 7:30 am Parish Office Hours Thursday 9:30 am Mon.-Fri.: 8:00 am-4:30 pm Friday 7:30 am Closed 12:30 pm-1:00 pm for lunch Wed. evening: 6:00 pm-9:00 pm

“The Mission of St. Patrick Parish is: † To celebrate the Eucharist, † To proclaim the Good News, † To encourage Stewardship as a way of life and † To grow in Faith, Justice, Love and Service to all.”

St. Patrick Catholic Church 140 Church St., Portland, MI 48875

Phone: 517-647-6505 Fax: 517-647-7807

[email protected]

Rev. Larry J. King, Pastor Dcn. Don Sobolewski, Pastoral Associate

June 28, 2015


Sponsor of the Week: Please add Walnut Grove Adult Foster Care as sponsor of the week

THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH… June 28, 2015-July 5, 2015

Eucharistic Adoration Neither theological knowledge nor social action alone is enough to keep us in love with Christ unless both are proceeded by a personal encounter with Him in Adoration

Bishop Fulton Sheen

If you or someone you know is interested in going to Eu-charistic Adoration on Mondays or Wednesdays but doesn’t drive, let us know and rides can be ar-ranged. Call Mike Cook at 517-242-1352.


“…as a matter of equality your abundance at the present time should supply their want, so that their abundance may supply your want, that there may

be equality.” 2 Corinthians 8:14

Not only are we responsible for our own lives, but we are responsible for the lives of those around us. Not only is it important that we grow, nurture and share our gifts, but we should teach our children this same lesson and encourage others to do the same.

That we grow, nurture and share the gifts we have been given and teach our children this same lesson.

Masses for the Week of June 28, 2015

Mon. 6/29 Saints Peter & Paul, Apostles Acts 12:1- 11; Ps 34; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19


Family Perspective By Bud Ozar

The healing of the woman and the child in today’s Gospel is a reminder we are all wounded. We retreat to those we love - looking for acceptance, listening, understanding and sup-port. Families must be healing communities where Jesus is present in our care for one another.

Bulletin deadline is 10:00 AM Monday for inclusion in Sunday’s


Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 3 June 28, 2015

Strapped for Cash 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15

Every pastor eventually asks for contributions, and Saint Paul was no exception. He had lived several years in Cor-inth, a city with an advantageous location, right on the isth-mus that joined the upper and lower parts of Greece. There Paul founded a Christian community. Later, he sent letters to help the people grow in faith. He criticized the factions that were forming. He explained how to celebrate the eu-charist. And he asked for money. Other Christian communities were not as well off as the Corinthians. It wasn’t fair. The first Christians shared what they owned within these small com-munities. Paul saw a bigger picture. Just as people cared for one another within these groups, they should share among the groups as well. “As a matter of equality,” Paul appealed to the Corinthians, “your abundance at the present time should supply their needs.” Paul had them imagine the tables reversed: “Their abundance may also supply your needs.” Paul envisions a Church where those who had much “did not have more,” and those who had little “did not have less.” From time to time we are asked to support the needy in other places. They may be within our own diocese, the na-tion, or the world. When we have the opportunity to share from our abundance, we are fulfilling a command that goes all the way back to Paul. “As you excel in every respect, may you excel in this gracious act also.”

Financial Activities


This is the 4th of an 8 week series highlighting crite-ria to become a vital parish according to diocesan standards. There are 35 total criteria and the 4th category, Pastoral Care, includes criteria 14 -16. Pastoral Care as a category centers around the availability and quality of our ministries for people in need. The Pastoral Council responded positively to the criteria in this category with all 3 being rated into the upper tier. Here is a summary of some of the things that we are doing well that fall into this category: We provide ministry and support to parishioners

in hospitals, nursing homes, and other care fa-cilities.

We provide ministry and support to parishioners

that are homebound and elderly. We provide ministry and support to parishioners

who are grieving, separated, or divorced. We maintain a parish prayer list for all those

who are in need of prayer support. Clearly, this is an area of strength for our parish! We have a lot of support programs available to eve-ryone who is in need. The main thing that I think we could do better in this regard is to make sure that these ministries are being used whenever possible. Let's not be shy about requesting support for any-one in the situations mentioned above. These sup-port systems are in place to aid our parishioners in a time of need - it is never a burden to these minis-tries to offer help. As far as long term vision, ideally we would have a staff member to focus on coordinating all of these ministries and it would be collaborated upon with our cluster parish, St. Joseph, in Pewamo. Next week you'll get to hear about how we are do-ing in the area of Faith Formation and Catholic Edu-cation. Have a blessed week! Fr. Larry

Farewell Celebration for Tom Jandernoa Join us in the Parish Hall following the Masses on July 4th & 5th to say

Thank You to Tom Jandernoa –Adult Formation Coordinator for his years of service to St. Patrick Parish.


Youth Corner

Junior High - This summer we will meet on Thursdays, Thursdays, Thursdays – did I say Thursdays? from 2:30pm until 4:00 pm, except for holiday weekends and my vacation in August. Come for some outdoor fun and faith building. The gatherings are open to those who just com-pleted 7th and 8th grade. (We will invite new grades once school starts) See you at CIA headquarters. High School - Unlike the past several years we will meet regularly during the summer. The next meeting is July 12 at 6:00 pm in CIA headquarters. We will start with a water balloon dodge ball war and then spend some time explor-ing our faith. This is open to all youth who completed the 9-12th grades this past school year. Come for fun, fellowship and service. DYMO campers, DYMO was awesome, right!!?? Well let’s keep the fire burning by becoming in-volved with this faith based, service oriented group. In Christ’s Peace Mr. George

Knights of Columbus News

Effective July 1, 2015 Bill Vallier will take over as our Grand Knight. Please support him, our council and our council officers. Bill will receive email at the [email protected] address and therefore the email contact information will remain the same The Knights of Columbus will have our July Business Meet-ing on Monday, July 6. If you are interested in joining the Knights of Columbus, Portland Council will be hosting a First Degree on Monday July 20th at 7:00 PM prior to our Social Meeting. As previously mentioned you will be able to see our news-letter and calendar on the parish websites under steward-ship

Faith Formation New News

Summer Office Hours Thursdays 9 AM-3 PM, except for July 2nd and 23rd. I will have access to email and phone, If you need assistance please contact me at 517-204-0363.

New Sacramental Preparation Preparation for the Sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation will last two years beginning the fall of 2015. With this in mind, if your child is of age to receive these Sacraments, they should attend Faith Formation classes in first and second grade for First Communion and attend sev-enth and eighth grade for Confirmation.

Any questions about this new requirement, contact Lori Thelen at 517-647-6505 x 419 or [email protected]

New Service Project READ A BOOK – DONATE A BOOK

Help children learn to read and keep reading all year long. Start collecting new/used books for the Ionia County Literacy Council. This Council provides children with books to read during the summer to keep from falling behind in their reading skills. It also provides various services and events throughout the year. Learn more at [email protected].

There is a collection basket in the gathering area of the church for your donations.

If you are a Monday Night Faith Formation student, put your name and grade on the books you donate. The grade with the most donations will be rewarded. There will be three collection times; for the months of Oct./Feb./May.

If you have any questions regarding this project, contact Lori Thelen at 517-647-6505 x 419 or [email protected]

24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration Tuesday June 30—Wednesday, July 1

St. Patrick Parish will have 24 hour Eucharistic Adoration beginning after 6:00 PM Mass, Tuesday, June 30, until 7:00 PM, Wednesday, July 1. This will be in unity with the U.S. Bishops’ Fortnight For Freedom from June 21 to July 4. Please come and commit to an hour of prayer in Jesus’ real presence for the preservation of religious freedom and sanctity of marriage and human life. Let’s come together in unity with Catholics from across the country to ask for God’s mercy on our nation and world.

Women’s Faith Sharing Group GREAT NEWS! A Women’s Faith Sharing Group is coming to St. Patrick Parish. There will be a meeting July 11th in the Parish Hall from 9:00 AM—10:30 AM. For more information please contact either: Sandy Steed 517-647-0085, Carol Kahn 517-647-7959, Gloria Hensley 517-647-2875 or Mary Herblet 517-743-1099.

Thank You!! Thank you for Shirley spending every day with me at Detroit and Lansing hospitals, transported by family. Also, thank you to everyone for the food, cards, and most of all Pray-ers.

Dick Lawless

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 5 June 28, 2015

St. Patrick Preschool Experiences Changing of the Guard

With the end of the 2014 – 15 school year came the retire-ment of our long time preschool teacher Mrs. Carol Kahn and our preschool aide Mrs. Joyce Pline. Having said our goodbyes to Carol and Joyce and wishing them both the best in retirement, it was time to continue to move forward with our planning and staff for the preschool for the upcom-ing school year.

We are excited to announce that Mrs. Stacy Russman, an elementary teacher at St. Patrick School since 1998 will take over as the new preschool teacher. She will be assist-ed by Mr. Aaron Thelen who worked in our daycare for many years and who worked this year as an administrative assistant.

Stacy and Aaron are excited to be working together to con-tinue operating our preschool program. “I think Stacy and I have many of the same personality traits,” said Aaron. “We’ll be a great team.” Stacy agreed, “I can’t wait to work with Aaron. Among other things, he will be in charge of set-ting up our new Facebook page and keeping it up-to-date so that parents can see what we’re doing in our classroom on a regular basis.”

They are excited to work in our facility which was new this school year, and plan to continue using much of what Mrs. Carol has in place but will implement new ideas as well. The preschool classroom will add a Smartboard and mount-ed multimedia projector, which will be incorporated into many areas of learning. Mrs. Russman and Mr. Aaron also plan to schedule gym time for the preschool students. Final-ly, one of the things Mr. Aaron enjoys doing is bringing his guitar and playing for the students.

Stacy offered this philosophy: “I teach from the heart and I am very passionate about my teaching. Your child will feel loved every day and Christ will be the center of our class-room. I believe that each child is unique and I will do my best to nurture the gifts that each one brings and shares with us.” Stacy also stated that “she is excited for the op-portunity to work with both three and four year olds and that St. Patrick School offers a variety of opportunities to fit each students needs with a two day, three day, and five day op-tion for preschool (openings are still available in all clas-ses).”

Aaron said, “After working in the school office for the past year, I am very happy for the opportunity to be returning to the classroom. This has been my goal, so I can’t wait for fall to arrive.

Final thoughts from Mrs. Carol: "Next year students will be in very experienced and capable hands. It’s difficult to say goodbye to the best job in the world, but it’s time for us to graduate to other pursuits, in retirement. Joyce and I are very grateful for the time we were able to spend with the hundreds of students at St. Patrick School (and Miss Laura’s before 2007). It was a privilege to guide and teach so many precious children."

Randy Hodge-School Administrator

Protecting God’s Children Awareness Session

Sunday August 2nd – 2:00pm to 5:00pm

St. Patrick Parish will be hosting a Diocesan “Protecting God’s Children” Awareness Session from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Sunday, August 2

nd, 2015 in the Parish Hall. Comple-

tion/attendance at an Awareness Session is required for all parish and school staff and for is also required for all volun-teers working with children and for chaperones accompany-ing children on field trips. If you have not already attended a session, here is your opportunity. Note: ALL Registra-tions MUST be completed over the Internet on line. Pre-registration is required in order to insure that enough mate-rials will be shipped to the parish for attendees. In order to register, go to

On the left side of the page, in the green column, click on the word “Registration” in yellow font.

Click on “View a list of sessions”.

Click in the box stating “Select your organization”. * Scroll down to “Grand Rapids. MI (Diocese)” and click on it.

Click “Select”.

Scroll down the page to see the locations.

Go to top of page and click the ‘Start Registration” box.

Complete each step for the registration. You will be asked to create a username and password and to fill out additional information.

NOTE: The national organization prints certificates exactly the way you register your first and last name. Please regis-ter by the end of the day, Wednesday July 29, 2015. If you have any questions or have any difficulties registering, please Contact Lori Thelen at 517-647-6505 x419. VERY IMPORTANT: Because of the seriousness and im-portance of the video part of the session, there will be no admittance after the video portion has begun. Please arrive early.

News from the Parish Office

The Parish Office Will be closed at noon on Tuesday, June 30th.

Fr. Larry will be out of town the week of July 6th—10th. There will be no weekday Masses or Adoration. The maintenance staff will be cleaning the Church so the Church will be closed.


News from Neighboring Parishes St. Mary Parish Festival in Westphalia

July 3rd & 4th, 2015. Volleyball Tournament– Outdoor on Grass, 4 on 4 co-ed, ages high school and above. Starts at 8:00 AM Saturday, July 4th. Register by July 2nd by contacting Amber Feldpausch at [email protected] or 517-282-2371. 3 on 3 Basketball tournament-Starts at 8:00 AM Saturday, July 4th. Fee for the tournament is $60.00 per team and is open to anyone 8 years or older with a team of 4 players. Forms are available at and are due no later than June 29th. For more information call Rich & Amy Thelen at 989-587-0074. Run/Walk-Entry fees $10.00 walk only; $15.00 with t-shirt; $15.00 Run only, $20.00 with t-shirt. Day of event registration from 6:30—7:40 AM inside St. Mary Gym (209 N Westphalia St) for more information contact Barb Thelen at 989-640-2009. 4th of July Parade-The theme is “Roarin’ 20’s”. Prizes of $100, $75, and $50 will be awarded. Line up begins at 10:30 am with the parade beginning at noon after the flag raising. For more information or to register, please contact the chairpersons: Maria Willard at 989-587-4175 or Amy Cook at 989-640-1208 Inflatable ride wristbands are now on sale- Pre-sale price is $10.00, on the 4th they will be $12.00 a wristband or ride tickets can be purchased that day for $2/ride.


“I am grateful to the Holy Father for challenging us to act faithfully as good stewards of God’s creation. The encycli-cal Laudato Si addresses the interrelatedness of our economy, our environment and our moral call to care for each other. It focuses on the value proper to each creature and the human meaning of ecology while seeking a forthright and honest de-bate. I look forward to studying this document and discussing how its teachings can be applied in the Diocese of Grand Rap-ids. In West Michigan we are fortunate to have a strong tradition of cooperation among local government and business to foster a commitment to sustainability of our natural resources. Through the issuance of this important document, Pope Fran-cis builds upon the teaching tradition of the Church as he echoes the concerns and insights of his predecessors.” The statement is also available on the diocesan website:

Catholic Charities West Michigan If you struggle with depression, anxiety and a constant feel-ing of being over stressed in your life, help is available for you. We encourage you to call the Behavioral Health De-partment of Catholic Charities West Michigan to gather more information about our counseling services or to make an appointment with one of our highly qualified counselors at 1-877-359-6523. CCWM will provide you with a safe and confidential opportunity to address your pain to find hope and healing.



Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 9 June 28, 2015

Parish Staff (517) 647-6505

School Website:
