St. Patrick Catholic Church · by volunteer Knights who will help with resume and profile writing,...

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Transcript of St. Patrick Catholic Church · by volunteer Knights who will help with resume and profile writing,...

Page 1: St. Patrick Catholic Church · by volunteer Knights who will help with resume and profile writing, networking advice & support. Contact Mike McGinn- 847-651-5148; or

Parish Staff

Rev. T. Christopher Redcay, Pastor

Rev. Andrew Labatorio C.I.C.M., In Residence

Rev. Mark Cavara, In Residence

Rev. Dennis O’Donnell, Sunday Assistant

Deacon Louis Libbi, Permanent Deacon

Deacon David Buffum, Transitional Deacon

Ms. Patricia O’Donnell, Principal

Sister Eileen Tiernan, IHM, DRE

Mr. William Norman, Liturgical Music Director

Mr. Daniel Milani, Director of Adult Faith Formation

Contact Information

Office: 610-647-2345

Fax: 610-647-4997

School: 610-644-5797

PREP: 610-296-8899

Music Ministry: [email protected]

Liturgy Schedule

Daily 6:30AM & 9:00AM

Saturday Vigil: 5:00PM

Sunday: 7:30AM, 9:00AM, 10:30AM, 12:00 Noon


Monday: 9:30AM - 6:00PM



Monday - Thursday 8:00AM - 4:30PM

Friday - 8:00AM - 3:30PM

St. Patrick Catholic Church

131 Channing Avenue

Malvern, PA 19355

Page 2: St. Patrick Catholic Church · by volunteer Knights who will help with resume and profile writing, networking advice & support. Contact Mike McGinn- 847-651-5148; or

SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2019

7:30 a.m. Benjamin DeFlaviis

9:00 a.m. Lou DeStefano

10:30 a.m. Charles A. Frederico, Sr.

12:00 p.m. Kelly Geiger

MONDAY, APRIL 15, 2019

6:30 a.m. For the Parish

9:00 a.m. John Rocks

7:00 p.m. Parish Penance Service

TUESDAY, April 16, 2019

6:30 a.m. Intentions of the Watson Children

9:00 a.m. Bernadette Martin

7:00 p.m. Tenebrae Service


6:30 a.m. Pete Powers

9:00 a.m. Gary Kammerer


No Morning Masses

7:00 p.m. Mass of the Lord’s Supper


No Morning Masses

3:00 p.m. Passion & Communion Service


No Morning Mass - No Confessions

8:00 p.m. Easter Vigil Mass


7:30 a.m. Maren Jane Kaniewski

9:00 a.m. Tom Six

10:30 a.m. Rita & Albert Mancini

10:45 p.m. For the Parish

12:00 p.m. Gene Marino

St. Mary of the Lake University�

Week of April 14, 2019

The Sanctuary Candle burns

for the intentions of


Blessed Mother Candle burns

for the intentions of

Cindy Bower

The St. Joseph Candle burns

in memory of

Joseph Phillips

Opening of 2020 Mass Book &

Remaining Mass Intentions for 2019

Only a handful of 6:30AM Masses are le� for 2019. Memorial

candles are s#ll available. The 2020 Mass Book is open as of

Tuesday, April 9



Children’s Liturgy of the Word �

There will be no Children’s Liturgy of the Word

on Palm Sunday (April 14) or

Easter Sunday (April 21).

We will resume at the 9:00 Mass on April 28



� We begin the Holy Week celebra�on with

palms in our hands. We are reliv-

ing Jesus’ triumphant entry into

Jerusalem. He was welcomed as a

hero…like the long�awaited

Messiah. People lined up in the

streets singing songs of hosanna

and proclaiming, “Long live the

king”! �

� Yet, Jesus was not an

ordinary king; he was a servant king. He was not inter-

ested in gold and wealth. He was not about preserving

the status quo. Rather, Jesus preached about repent-

ance, forgiveness and trea�ng each other equally as

brothers and sisters. He is a king, but he did not offer

them temporal favors instead, He asked them to be

selfless givers and be servants to one another. Such

things did not resonate well to the people, so their

shouts of hosanna turned into shouts of crucify Him!�

� During this Holy Week, let us be more re-

flec�ve. This is the �me for spiritual renewal. Our wor-

ship must not remain just lip service. As we welcome

Him with palms in our hands, let us also truly listen to

His words. Let us relive the events in Jesus’ life this

week. In our own in�mate and personal way, let us make

ourselves present in those important events. As we im-

merse ourselves into the Paschal Mystery, let us exam-

ine our lives, our a5tudes towards others and ensure

that our hosannas have not turned into a cry of crucify

Him. Our lifestyles should not betray Jesus Christ. He

already suffered for us all, so we need not inflict

sufferings on others.�

Let us challenge ourselves not to miss a7ending the litur-

gical celebra�ons for the Easter Triduum �

Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Vigil � Easter

Sunday. Let us keep our minds and hearts focused on

them and on Him as we aim to renew and revitalize our

spirit. �

Father Andrew �

Page 3: St. Patrick Catholic Church · by volunteer Knights who will help with resume and profile writing, networking advice & support. Contact Mike McGinn- 847-651-5148; or


Parish Penance Service

Monday, April 15th ~ 7PM

Following a brief prayer service

there will be ten priests available for


Holy Week and Easter Schedule

Palm Sunday

Sunday, April 14

Masses 5:00PM Vigil

7:30AM, 9:00AM, 10:30AM, 12:00 noon

Parish Penance Service

Monday, April 15 ~ 7:00PM

Tenebrae Service of Darkness

Tuesday, April 16 ~ 7:00PM

Mass of the Lord’s Supper

Thursday, April 18 ~ 7:00PM

(church will remain open until 11:00PM)

Celebration of the Lord’s Passion

Friday, April 19 ~ 3:00PM

Easter Vigil

Saturday, April 20 ~ 8:00PM�

Holy Week Parish Office Hours

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

April 15, 16, 17 ~ 8:00AM - 4:00PM

Holy Thursday ~ April 18

8:00AM - 12:00 noon

Offices Closed

Good Friday ~ April 19

Easter Monday ~ April 22

The Offices will reopen

Tuesday, April 23 at 8:00AM

Parish Celebrations….

First Holy Communion

The children of our parish will celebrate their

First Holy Communion at our scheduled

Sunday Masses. These young people are

supported by and nourished by our entire

community, so it is fitting that we celebrate

this great gift of faith with them.

Pews will be reserved for our First Communicants and

their families: Saturday, May 4th - 5 PM

Sunday, May 5th - 10:30 AM,

Sunday, May 12th - 10:30 AM. and 12:00 PM Masses

Let us pray for our young parishioners and their families

as they prepare to receive the gift of the Eucharist at St.

Patrick Parish.

Tenebrae Service of Darkness

Tuesday, April 16 ~ 7:00PM

Tenebrae is an evening worship service of

darkness. We experience a small portion

of Christ’s pain and suffering the day of

His crucifixion. One notable feature of the

service is the gradual extinguishing of the

candles until only a single candle, consid-

ered a symbol of our Lord, remains. At the

end of the service the Christ candle is hid-

den, typifying the apparent victory of the forces of evil

over good.

We will be collecting contributions in your

Lenten ATM (Alms to Mission) boxes the

weekend of Palm Sunday, as well as during

Holy Week. If you haven't picked up an ATM

yet, there are a handful left in

the back of church.

Donations will be passed on our

sister parish in Norris-

town. Thank you for your

Lenten Sacrifice.

Amigos de Jesus

The 2nd Collection on Easter Sunday

will benefit the

children of Amigos de Jesus.

Thank you for your continued generosity!!

Page 4: St. Patrick Catholic Church · by volunteer Knights who will help with resume and profile writing, networking advice & support. Contact Mike McGinn- 847-651-5148; or


Adoration begins

immediately following

the 9:00 Mass on

Monday, April 15

Benediction 4:00PM.


Our next gathering will be on Wednesday,

April 24 at 7PM in the school library

All are invited to join us as we call upon the

gentle intercession of Our Lady.

For information or to request prayers,

please contact: Anne 610-513-6529 or

Kathy 610-716-7097.

My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord!


Sunday, April 7, 2019— $39,351. Thank

you for your generosity to our parish.

St. Patrick Parish offers a convenient way for individ-

ual parishioners to provide much-needed, consistent

donations to the parish. We offer online giving as a

way to automate your regular weekly offering. Visit

our website, go to

“Resources” on the home page, choose “Parish forms” to

download an electronic donation form. You may email your

form to [email protected]., return to the Parish

Office or drop in the collection basket. Thank you. �


The St. John Hospice casserole should be returned the

weekend April 6/7. This outreach ministry serves &

assists the poor and homeless in the community. The

casserole containers should be re-

turned to the freezer on the 2nd

floor of the church. When returning

the containers, please use the

elevator to go to the 2nd floor.

Thank you for your generosity.

Do you love to sing? Are you looking for a way to

deepen your prayer life? St. Patrick Music Ministry is looking

to grow our choirs and would love to have your talent. We

have a Youth Choir (ages 8 and older), an Adult Choir and a

Resurrec#on Choir that serves the funeral Masses of the par-

ish. All involved seek to celebrate the Liturgy in a manner that

promotes the par#cipa#on by all with exulta#on

and reverence.�Weekly rehearsals are on Tuesday

evenings. Please contact Bill Norman at

[email protected]�if interested.�

Building and Appeal Update….

It has been awhile

since we’ve updated


on our progress….

We have been going

through the process

of receiving all of the

approvals to move

forward with phase 2

and 3 of our project.

Those phases are the creation of a new playground for our chil-

dren and the building of a new Early Child Education Center for

our PreK 3, PreK 4, Kindergarten and PREP classes. On January

15th our Land Development application was approved by Mal-

vern Borough and we will begin the bidding process of both

phases. The architectural drawings for our playground have

been reviewed and approved. There will be an area for our

young children, with playground equipment and a safe surface

for the children. In the next few months we will have contrac-

tors approved and work will begin on the playground. The com-

pletion of the playground will take a few months.

The construction of the new Early Childhood Education Center

will follow the completion of the playground.

We will keep you updated as we progress.

Thank you for your continued generosity and financial support.

St. Patrick & St. Norbert Parish

Bereavement Ministry�

When someone deeply loved passes out of our

lives the pain can be difficult to bear alone. We share a be-

reavement ministry with St. Patrick � St. Norbert Compassion-

ate Circle of Support: “GRIEVE NOT ALONE”, to help us with

grieving and healing. The Spring Bereavement Group will be

mee#ng for six weeks on the following Tuesday evenings from

7�8:30 PM at St. Norbert’s Parish: April 9,16,23,30, May 7 &

14. Limited space available. For reserva#ons contact Pat at

610�647�8280 or Sharon at 301�775�5709.�



Any family registered in our parish whose children attend

public or non-Catholic private schools are reminded to reg-

ister their children in our Parish Religious Education Pro-

gram. If your children have already been attending our

PREP classes, the re-registration forms have been mailed

to you. New families to our program may access the

new student registration forms from the PREP page on

our parish website. Children who are entering 1


grade in

public school need to enroll also in our 1


grade PREP for

this coming school year. http:/

-> Faith Formation -> Religious Education/Sacraments

-> For Parents. Sessions for the 2019-20 school year will

be for Levels 1 to 6 on Sunday mornings from 9:15 to

10:20 (followed by 10:30 mass) and for Levels 1 to 6 on

Mondays from 4:45 to 6:00 and 6:30 to 7:45. If you have

any questions please call our office at 610-296-8899.

(Please note: Our 7


Level PREP is only for those chil-

dren who are being confirmed in October.) Thank you!

Page 5: St. Patrick Catholic Church · by volunteer Knights who will help with resume and profile writing, networking advice & support. Contact Mike McGinn- 847-651-5148; or


In an ongoing effort to help our parish & community the

St. Patrick’s Knights of Columbus would like to offer aid to

support the adult members of our parish who are

seeking employment. The program is conducted

by volunteer Knights who will help with resume

and profile writing, networking advice & support.

Contact Mike McGinn- 847-651-5148; or

[email protected].

Moms R.O.C.K!

(Raising our Catholic Kids)

Join us to connect with other mothers in our St.

Patrick Parish community who like to share

faith, joys & the challenges of motherhood with

other moms in our parish! For more information contact

Hillary at [email protected].

Be sure to visit our parish website

Volunteers from St. Patrick Parish will be serving the meal at St. Teresa’s Soup Kitchen in Norristown on

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Volunteers will leave our church parking lot at 8AM and return to Malvern by 11:30 AM.

Thank you for your continued support.


To Everything there is a Season....

“a time to be born” May God Bless all our parents and their children especially Zachary Martin-Rosa Anderson and Lillian

Marie Reiley who were baptized here at St. Patrick Parish on April 6/7, 2019..

“ a time to be loved” God bless all engaged couples preparing for the Sacrament of Matrimony.

“a time to be healed Bobby Yablunsky, Dick Ewing and Karen, Diane Blaum, Bella Grace Cook (child), Quinn Llewellyn

(child), Isabella Rambo (child), Sean Ritter (child), Nate and Matt Daly, Charlie Deegan (child), Gavin Duffy, (child), Colin Dwyer

(child) Penelope Marlowe (child), Teagan McDonnell (child), Eric Alessandroni, Gussie Benedict, Carman Bevilacqua, Chrissy

Brown, Erin Beatty, Carole Bergen, Rich Beston, Luke Birkhead, Jessica Bonkoski, Cindy Bower, Margaret Brown, Richard

Brown, Ann Burke, Gina Butcher, Andrew Butler, Edith Callahan, Thomas Callahan, Matthew Campione, Dottie Cappelli, Sue

Castaldi, Dolores Christmas, Audrey Clarke, Bill Coffey, Tom Connors, Christine Corsi, Michael Cox, Paul Cox, Kenneth Davis,

Alicia Dellario, Eve DelSoldo, Frances Desilets, Anthony Diels, Rana Catherine Dillon, Nerisa Eachus, Lois Egan, Regina Eggles,

Stephanie Elko, Bill Feathers, Mary Fogerty, Larry Fogerty, Allie Fusco, Joseph Gallagher, Catherine Gannon, Stephanie

Gemmell, Michael Golas, Linda Graham, Kara Marie Granger, Cara Grim, Dave Guilin, Cassidy Hendee, John Hendricks, Amy

Herkins, Josh Heron, Colleen Horan, Mary Huhtenan, Sr. Immaculata, IHM, Elizabeth Kelly, Patricia Kundert, Steven Leiden,

Jeannine Lenhart, Naomi Llewellyn, Tyler Llewellyn, Traves Mattingly, Wayne Mazzie, Joan McGarrigle, Liam McGuire, Melissa

Michels, Richard Mott, Bob Myers, Dennis O’Brien, Aaron O’Laughlin, Tim O’Laughlin, Riley Palmer, Laurann Elizabeth Paquier,

Josephine Pellicano, Jim Pettine, Pat Pettine, Priscilla Pfizenmayer, Charles Pollack, Olga Pollack, Matthew Emerson Rice,

James Rizzo, Michael Sands, Gina Schiavo, Susan Schirg, Ethan Joshua Schwartz, Liam Shields, Jocelyn Sichort, Claire

Sieracki Clardy, Ed Siwula, George Smith, Roberta Smith, Joseph Stimmler, Aya Rock Stryker, Linda Thorbahn, Christopher

Thorpe, Diane Tyson, Chris Valvano, Walter Wagner, Lily Walker, Karen Walsh, Patricia Warren, Donna Weininger, Lisa Wilson,

Rita Yeost, Ann Zillitto, Barry Zimnoch.

a time to die� Please remember in your prayers all our deceased benefactors, parishioners especially William O’Brien.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.

Sick List Information: Please call the parish office 610-647-2345 if you would like to add or remove someone’s name from

our parish prayer list. Thank you.

Men's Gospel Reflection

Every Thursday 7:00 AM sharp, please

Parish Office Conference Room

(Across the street from the church)

Gather each Thursday for discussion &

fellowship as we look at the upcoming

Sunday readings. Here is the link to

get to the gospel for the upcoming

Sunday. It is under gospel reflection



Call Tony Celentano for details: 610-613-1188

Confirma#on 2019�

Any St. Patrick parishioner who is currently in



grade in a Catholic private academy, needs

to be included in our 2019 Confirma#on this

October. Please contact the Religious Educa#on Office

at 610�296�8899 or email Monica Bartoldson at

[email protected] if you have not

yet made contact with us. Thank you!�

Page 6: St. Patrick Catholic Church · by volunteer Knights who will help with resume and profile writing, networking advice & support. Contact Mike McGinn- 847-651-5148; or


TV MASS FOR THE HOMEBOUND - WDPN channel 2 at 7:00 a.m. & WMCN channel 44 at 8:30 a.m. �

Is someone you love unable to join us at church during this holy time of Lent and Easter? For the

faithful at home or in healthcare settings, the Heart of the Nation Sunday TV Mass brings spiritual

comfort and the blessings of joy-filled hope in our Risen Savior. Please invite anyone you know who

cannot get out to church to tune in Catholic Mass on TV or watch online anytime on Sundays at (For those who can get to church, the TV or online liturgy does not fulfill

the Sunday Mass obligation)�

Join us on June 21, 2019 for Catholic Charities Night at

Citizens Bank Park to watch the Phillies versus the Mi-

ami Marlins and celebrate our faith! If 500 tickets are sold,

members of the Archdiocesan community will be able to

represent the Church in throwing out the First Pitch and

performing the National Anthem! June 21 is also

Toyota Chase Utley Retirement Night. Be sure to arrive

to the ballpark early for this very special pre-game cere-

mony celebrating the career of 2008 World Champion

Chase Utley, as he officially retires as a Phillie. All fans

will receive a Chase Utley Bobble Head

Figurine Giveaway. Proceeds from each

ticket sold will directly benefit the Catholic

Charities Appeal. For 2019 Season ticket

information or Group ticket information,

please visit call the

Sales Office at 215-463-5000. �

Women in the Old Testament:

“Our Mothers in Faith” (two-day presentation)

Tuesday, April 23 and April 30, 2019

10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Presenter: Sister Marie Gipprich, IHM

Stipend: $20 each session (includes lunch)

Many women of the Old Testament stories are our

Mothers in faith. Their lives were intertwined with

the life of the Israelite people and they are an im-

portant part of our salvation history. We will look at

such women as Sarah (and Hagar), Miriam, Ruth (and

Naomi), and Hannah.

Kindly register by calling 610-581-0120 or

email Sister Marie at

[email protected]

Rediscover the Love in Your Marriage!

Tens of thousands of couples have healed their Marriag-

es through Retrouvaille (Retro-VIE). If you know of any-

one who could benefit from this program please pass it

on. Couples learn to build communication skills and re-

discover intimacy. Retrouvaille provides help for mar-

riage problems, difficulties or crises. The next program

in your area begins on the weekend of April 26 at the

Family Life Center in Malvern, PA. Another weekend

will be held in August. For more information, or to reg-

ister for one of our weekends, visit our web site

at: or call 215-766-3944 or

800-470-2230. All inquiries are strictly confidential.

Holy Week Quiet Retreat -

Monday, April 15 to Easter Sunday

Directed by Fr. James McGuinn, Rector. A silent retreat

during Holy Week for Men and Women. The theme is:

Divine Transformation: Becoming the Person

You Really Want to Be!

Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday: 7am-12pm; afternoon

reflection is optional.

Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday: special

talks throughout the day.

Easter Sunday morning –no cost. 7:30 am morning

prayer, 8:00 am continental breakfast, 10:00 Mass. More

details are available online at


Register by calling Joanne Bouvier at 484-321-2535 or

[email protected] One may choose the en-

tire week or other options. The choice is yours!

Job Opportunity:

Rectory Cook, Part-Time

St. Joseph Parish is looking for a part time cook to pre-

pare dinners for the priests at the rectory. We are looking

for someone who likes to cook, has culinary experience,

or is a cooking professional interested in some additional

hours. This position is part-time, approximately three

hours on Monday to Thursday evenings

(during dinner hours), and approximately 3

hours on Monday afternoon for shopping.

Email Allan Anderson, Business Manager, at

[email protected] if interested.

V�������� � C !"�� H �� � S�##�� �$ S��%"&��

Camilla Hall Nursing Home in Immaculata

welcomes volunteers, age 14 through adult,

to assist the Sisters with their Evening

Meal. Come early to enjoy your evening meal

as our guest and then assist in any one of

the three dining rooms for the next hour.

If you are interested and available weekly,

bi-weekly or monthly, please contact Sister

Maryanne Graham, IHM at 610-386-2153.

Page 7: St. Patrick Catholic Church · by volunteer Knights who will help with resume and profile writing, networking advice & support. Contact Mike McGinn- 847-651-5148; or

Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 • St. Patrick, Malvern, PA 04-0764

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Free Estimates 234 Lancaster Ave., Malvern 610-296-2336

Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 • St. Patrick, Malvern, PA 04-0764

CTS Electric, LLC Residential & Commercial Services

Carl ScheuermannMaster Electrician, Licensed and Insured

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Home Remodeling and ImprovementsBruce M. Bartling, Parishioner

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Home Improvement Contractor # PA063361

D’Anjolell Memorial Homes and Crematory Broomall • Frazer 610-356-4200 • Funeral Pre-Planning Available

Dan Kennedy Contracting Interior/Exterior Painting • Pressure Washing Deck Staining • Handyman Services • Commercial & Residential Fully Licensed & Insured • HIC #PA101639 Daniel M. Kennedy • 215-279-3252 • 164 Valley View Dr. • Exton

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PETE’S AUTO SERVICE202 E. King Street, Malvern, PA

610-296-3655 | Fax: 610-296-9660 Mechanical & Autobody Repairs State Inspection Emissions New & Used Car Sales Pete Foster, Owner

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Office: (610) 644-1693 • Shop: (610) 644-8722P.O. Box 434, Devault, PA 19432


24 Monument Avenue • Malvern, PA 19355610-644-2240

Francis X. Givnish, Sr. Francis X. Givnish, Jr. Supervisor and Parishioner Funeral Director

Danielle Kennedy REALTOR®

431 West Lancaster Ave Devon, PA 19333 610-651-2700 office 484-888-4112 cell [email protected] A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC

The Children send their prayers to you in thanks for all the gifts you send to them.

Kevin Brooks, Parishioner Insurance and Financial Services Agent 270 Lancaster Ave., Suite C2, Malvern, PA 19355 Tel 484.329.7942 • Fax 484.329.7945 [email protected] Registered Representative, Farmers Financial Solutions, LLC.

30801 Agoura Road, Bldg. 1, Agoura Hills, CA 91301-2054 Tel 818.584.0200 Member FINRA & SIPC

Crawford Diamond Flynn LLCWILLS • ESTATES • TRUSTS


Parishioner of St. Patrick ChurchThomas W. Flynn IIIEsquire

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